HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1922-01-13, Page 6i`4' X�; ,, AalYR;SIi
!�. FOiS�
;e ,Mese 4x4 Tbseat
fit CiadielµI ,'University p
s9 ietast New :York Oplthal
,4i�tillai:i tftpJtey MQarefield'
�da<i I $yuato Throat Hos
,�emdb'a -Vn,g. At office in Soot
over, lUmbach's Drug Store
,' third 'Wednesday in each
from 11 a.m. 3 p.m, 5
nano . FStreot Soir Stratford
1,, 1 :847, ,Stratford.
17I. _. - _
¢.v'111 I' Iige4eaN8Peoctorq& RedferENGINEERS
IL )l11. Procter, B.A..Sc., Manager
. ,- a Toronto fit.. Toronto. Cas
' 67; .a.. pavammb, waterworlo. se•ra�
*as tlyatame, taolaerata, Bch..".
r Wis.
ftl*aaoa�' Fe t ales Arbt
"'i' our ravel—Usually Paid ut o!
. • - tea warier wa ease aur cuenb
Bplsdalists in Health and Accident
Policies liberal and unrestricted.
over $1,000,000 paid in losses.
Ilii emtional opportunities for local
i E78-50 Toronto, Ont,
.ip.- T •n>u ..�.,. ,tti .•� �,,... y ?.`': ;an�wa,,. F;7tnly ! �.: }�a .,•, 9,+r y r t,.., m� ..p n5ry i' PYr',1:6'n
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actiaRVlt,to elkaud ieiizr1 an s1I :;F, afgN,ardod rrzavl t Bio artxil� d l
� 1 , They CAst Older OatarJo at toast ► .:: .,_ , . a0ll , �: arcus ev; ; p � .,"
pj pat) 1 rAS A 8 AIiA ,.. tF 4a� tilt':mea8r itgo• a t}fa• baYtt :.irl ru ae f14 a 4 tr. te_. , , F..... � ' +� U :, . b>+> l ;i to olr� c: •.�$uIkn rienee, t'
' o SZ$,QOU,QIIU,Aao}tally: coriaspandoxlt,Tiibuya Ipwa.Rd, tri�)ttlltal v1" 8:#ypn Int r ,ria S� �v131 .- Oracle licca risk so 1p . F>, <.-. :p i o eiY: Pr ate
G . �w., v,.,o, �o,,w ww wwka"a'et 9+� w» •.. _ TI►o Tasmtalk� IF. t:!aVil, whieii : orrlvy l in Cha- hlstofi Tui Yq world °; " b A. s , � c {�l s„r. , >apn .ilk,- a
The Are Heavy of Til ury wi'tll * oollection of other r ll digiti galeh' kha'.:ipvialble curretat .. aout@$. .�vingits,.
2. Auskralia's tlimiuutive but terribly Y Y ftedticers of t.e t lbunal tits t4 a ; 'be eu t ' , elett ' ity. Meir employed in iQ *`, Ah
t ;';pugnacious and aggressive Premier timate Crop Yieids-More Alter Medic w =n th3t:`,QPktite &tar linen pmt' f°r"wrbi r0tioti, bub for judgspolat.. buaingas of glee 44.1. Production and ` sa°Olt <i>]adti4cl'itllt 1lM w6 ,,,}.
ggr was #a;41�nof. resentment. It possesses at Genova Its bwul oi: lis ributibn o!Fton'Y9'. Ito apply a• d:.;".', ,id...Golgra;.,aud 0ivi
and foremost statesman, the Right Harvest Tillage to Needed-.- Nor did fig -.Pail to voice�Jt, He fices for the registration of treaties, � l lt•,;l�:tbhe 00or haul.
^^�^' I-lon. William Morrie Hug4es. recent- Dandelion Control , Why a liar advantage0�in emotional expraN• all the fifty,ome States whish .are �s 'to ascertain if'wires or equip- ditlg �,,,Xbich have been . d
yif1,0o0 Ball Was Bold for W. atom that are.d0aded to other animals. rent are alodtrioaitg alive or dead, color wit,
ly just escaped defeat, and the over- metnbnrs of the 1ea$ue nom gess• eo 'It.'lagically follows that 'greater care -de -" `dyr ntorda t "
. thro of his Commonwealth Admin- (Contributed by Ontario Department of !H'e can growl )ilcq. a.dog and spit inks do ttr6aatIes concluded by other net�oas. is required,,,in ,connection with else- ,andlintoat�'% . 0'. o' s aa�td
tetra ion by a single vote In the Fed- Agriculture. Tgroa%) a cat, and ho ;chit do the two things also The Germanai for instance, laical .ha2'arcls t1;eaa wh Pistols bluing."I 11rk l'&.'I' t
f at once. 11is tetter is atrocious, and have registered all Choir treaties abuxces of danger. w -,,
eral House of Representatives at A superficial survey of Southern 41q seems to havd quarrelled with the since the Peace of Versailles at: the "Too little attention is given by -^ -'--' ;► , 1;�
•Ieibourne. Ontario shows very clearly that the entire world-.*� furry, insubordinate offices of the league, eI n t r
ecbrieal workers to the subject of
* He has been in office as maaterfdl weed plants-- have gained so much 'bundle of rags aril nerves. Nur are these all-ieemdportant things unsafe clothing, and by unsafe cloth- FACTS ABOUT CANAi,4.
Prime Minister of the entire self- headway on very many forme as to S OnbIm Souefwhoaeoard -the Medic l brougmet ht the Is Lab000le rConferen e,; which nobly
et un- done. in °?e arisen clathing containing me- In 1920 there were In operation fit
ruling contingent of Australia have become the largest prollt-rob- der- the chairmanship start$• No wolaitman'in' h generat-
to Canada -1.044 creameries and 1,888 a : (.
ihroughout the great war, and the collection of animals from Australia P o1 Zorti' Burn- int Plant is saYe.wlldle wearing shoes cheesa factories.
subsequeut three troubled years of 111°g tactor. Thistles, ragweed, roue- bud' New ecimea, Iia took eight ham, Stas doffs remarkable things by with metal nails, ,a bat with wire in _
3 peace, and his defeat, and the down- tard, etc., are crowding out the. 9rundred specimens on board at the regulating child labor in Japan and the brim; :metal finger -rings, watch -
fall of his Cabinet at the present useful food plants, reducing yields beginning of the voyage, but a poll- the conditions under which e,eame7l chain, clothing with metal buttons, The number of patrons (farmers
Juncture would have seriously inter- and making work more diflicplt. tion of them were punt ashore at Dur. work in the mercantile marine. glasses with Instal or flammabl who supply milk and ream, to dairy
tared with all the elaborate plans ban, and have been divided' between Shorty,'no debt, it will abamb frames. @ factories) was 27606 in 1920, em -
agreed upon for the Internal develop- Poo Lilde Far•rn Help and Too Many the zoological ,gardens at Pretoria, other organizations, such as those "Mea who persist in ignoring these pared with 275,0'60 in. 1929. The
merit of Australia, and for her future Dogs. Johannesburg and Bloemfontein. two connected' with the Red moss. 1 things need -urgent admbnition just number of cows, furnishing milk sup- _ ' �.
policies in connection with the Pacifle In the old days when labor was A pair of rose -crowned fruit pig -One could' elaborate these facts and as much as did ,the unwise fisherman. plied to the factories was 1,718,999.
Ocean. Indeed, the retirement at this ,,,are plentiful and gang -ploughs for eons have been, brought for Lord adduce from them that, if man sits In act, they need it !note, because in 1920, and 1,648,442 in 1919.
moment of Premier Hughes• who was Northcliffe, who saw and admired down carefully to consider the differ- i any one could see and appreciate 1
the bete noire of President Wilson at atter harvest tillage were sound in them greatly when he visited the emcee between himself and hie neigh- the folly of the -man carrying the ! The quantity of milk delivered to
the Cougreas of Versailles and a con- use on every farm, clean, weed free Zoological -Gardens at Sydney. These bor, he can find a mode of sALtlement fishing rad. the factories in 1920 was 2,772,280,-
u Ida were to be seen on every hand. -something upon which ke and :his ' 1. ' ted to ! 676 p ZM,-
stent source been
irritation to him, birds are about the size of u starling. neighbor can agree. Shoes worn t y men ai poundls, compared with
would have been felt and regretted F,xrurs that were models of cleaoli- Their plumage is as brilliant as that . elec'trica'l ,hazards ,should have 149,667 poonds In 1919. Cream ie
I 11cess and the pride of their owners of a bird of paradise, and they have +- ----, wooden pegs instead of metal nails, measured at the factories according -
.,re nw lunger Eo The men of the on the head a crown of rose-colored - derby ,hats and cap visois should be. to it -butter fat content. The cream
:,Id school and the condition of feathers. CURRENT WIT AND WISDOM• ( examined for metal parts, and, if they delivered to the factories in 1920 had .
,hundxnt, willing bel., on the farms Among Mr. Le Sauef's collection If there were no tight wads, where contain these,•should not be worn, a total 'butter fat content of 75,684�-
there are kangaroos, wallabies, rat- , g ulaartrtua ro vicars or eye -shields 466
g pounds, compared with 71,351, -
,as gone. The presence of cumPeting ham +aroos, bandicoots, wombats, o ey? the free spenders borrow anon- should be prohibited. To sum it all 328
6 p- ey ?-Alliston Herald. u pounds in 1919.
weeds does not worry the present day possums, flying squirrels, parrots, - P, particular -preCautian should be - -
"In England dish -washing is a pro- taken not to wear an
farmer to a point of action. shortage cuckoos, cassowaries, lizards, carpet lifie cause of insanity." Stack em electricall charged y re& or aPP ut The production of creamery ,butter
wf help, apathy on the part of land- snakes, fish, cranes, swans, birds of v Y rgedl urians or attar_ a 1920 was 111,681,718 pounds, valy-
u,vners, neglect to make noxious paradise, minahs, shining starlings, : .p' dear, and 'go to the ampules. -Orli- stns which- contains any metal or, ed at $63liW.209 compared ha Packet. ,hied with
w-e'I bylaws operative, and the Tasmanian devils and emus. The ; fhould bie part. No meta] triltketa 108,890,707 pounds valued at $5$, -
sheep -killing dog, have been the chief feeding of .this various family was It Anyway, Princess Mary mist be a should be worn." 371,985 in 1919. Theaveragerice
"" aiibuting facto's favoring the aring girl. She goes right Into the g P
no small undertaking. Here are one open with 'her ears uncovered. -Brun- .0• Per pound of batter for the whom
.vlrul,•sale weed development that is of two specimen bills of fare: don Sun. of Canada was 56,96 cents in 1920 .
,w cxp,•rieuc„d by this province. Birds of paradise -Raw bee4, hard BIG WHALE GETS INTO PANAMA and
The Scot who remarked that 3t. 64 cents in 1919. All provinces,
tm'. ai 11"..ea Kon to Millions of 'boiled egg, currants, apples, cake, Andrew's Night was not the same as CANAL AND CAUSES SENSA- except Manitoba and, Alberta, show
D„ilarv. crushed biscuit, hemp, bananas, in the good old times aright have ad- increased' production of butter:
'I'. , ,.L, Mse 111S.1 p, r acre un cut- F)ving squirrels -Condensed milk, . tied that the morning after isn't TiON BEFORE KILLED.
« •.e .I :, d :, ,iir,R laude i, difficult bovril, bananas, bread. , either.-+Petrolea Topic. The quantity of factory cheese pan-
, Vu th • well k, pt farms Ifwiey-eabers _T Condensed milk, I Patience is a virtue which you look 4 whale eighty-eight feet long and diced in 1920 was 149,201,856
r r .. d by th,: tree_ twvr,l, dried flies, hard -bailed egg, ; for in others, but seldom possess big in proportion, gut inside the two Pounds, valued at $39;100,872, com-
.. ' f we,gi., is ou less than two cake. 'ysurself.-Brantford Expositor. braukwatera in front of Co1an through Pared with 166.421,871 mound's valued
s u, t-, a,,r. U1. the farms that CmPared with this the di!•t of the , It doesn't take much figuring to the narrow opening between the two, $44,686,168 in 1919. There was little
1. ,,• b,ou puurly managed for a kang;t, o was very modest. The ani- ! realize that Old age and poverty make which used to be closed with a chain variation in price in the two years, '
ntrnix•r of years the. anuua.1 loss mg
als ave very little trouble during ' a mighty poor combination. -London net in the days of the German stab- the general averages being 26.20 cents -
1 m
;, weeds may bo as high as ten their long voyage. They were hous- I Advertiser. amarine, says a despatch from Pana- per pound in 1920 and 26.79 cents in .
' l Tara per acre. 'faking the lower cd in pens and cages on deck, and 1 A very beautiful home wedding ma. The whale passed ,through the 1919. The only provinces 'showing
.!,ure of two dollars per acre as the there was a sackingcurtain in front took opening and then promptly ,forgot increased r -
place at the residence of sol."T'. production of cheese are
..ir.innun loss, on the Southern On- of each to protect the occupants from Ham and wife, Sunday evening, act 'how be got inside the canal- He Nova Scotia and British Columbia.
ri, farms that have an aggregate wet and wind. six o'clock, when King Bone and Miss wandered at first investigatingiy over
, cI 14,000,0ou cleared acres we in the Australian Eight there was Mattie Hant were married.-Arkan- 'toward the submarine base act 'Coco The total value of capital invested
, a loss of $28,000.000 per year. a severe storm. Sea -sickness broke gas Record. Solo, skirted the beach of the aviation in dairy factories in 1920 was $33,
PREMIER: HIIGIHES, ., we,d incmase which has been so out in the floating zoo, and three , A Los Angeles resident has had to field, found the water getting too 345305, allocated as follows; Land
not alone in London, but also at the :'I during th,• past ten years will, bandicoots died from it. Later, when i Pay 'five thousand dollars for calling shallow on that side, ' and :then and buildings $12374,711; machinery
Disarmament Conference at Wash- chcckcd, cause. n direct Toes the Medic was coming through the a neighbor an "old hen." Allowing meandered over toward Toro ,Point, and tools, ' 11,786,269; products and -
n,• Ontcuio farmers of $100,000,- for the state of the exchange, we where the 'big guns are. supplies on hand, $6,920.563• and
ington. irrrpirs, one of the wombats fainted
I"•r anuunr. think he could have Finding himself still barred from ,ash and o
When Prime Minister Hughes thus and waa put out on deck to recover. I got better value exit, he started u the canal toward Derating accounts, $3,863, -
saved his Ministerial bacon the other ., I t;m Plough and the narrow Be It did this. with extreme alacrityl, his money in this country.—Punch. P 762.
day by one vote in the Federal Par- ,:rpt (:wing. „ and turned half a dozen somersaults When the small pony starts early Gatun Dam.
liament he will undoubtedly have re before beim captured and put back for the pantry at Christmas time, it What would have happened if he
living noxious v:cetl robbery that . P P had taken into his .head to charge
called how President Wilson's agree- - into its en. isn't to avoid, the jam.—St. Thomas The total value of the lair to -
helot, perpetrated un the Ontario P our of the lock ,gates at Gatun must Y P
rent with the great Powers a the In the En 1' Times -+Journal.
rm„r from April to October such glen Channel, when the be left to the imagination, but a et of
the factories in 1920 was
Entente on the subject of the lis- 'ear, just because he is willing to be weather was cold and foggy, nlany Many a man who used to live by valiant sea tics g 146.836,491, comprising butter, $63;
Position of Shantung had been de- .,bbed were stopped, money for of the birds insisted on continuing to his wits is now living by the deg of g, in the person of .62b,203; cheese, $39;100,972; con-
feated by one single. vote in the For- his boots. -Manitoba Free Press. Captain Wieshofer, one of the canal
a.".11old comforts, taxes, etc., take their morning bath. This prao- i den sed products, $17.160;111; whole
sign Relations Committee Of the Son- You can say one thing for beer as Plots, revived the 'best traditions of
., Id be more plentiful. After bar- tice was entirely against the best the good old days', enlisted the
help mi
and cream, $20,782,956; ice- -'
ate at Washington, in August, 1919. „st tillage, autumn ploughing and m,edica! advice. No baths were pro- a medicine. You don't find any half of the United States navy with'a ins,cream, $4,151,94.9; and sundry, :6I, -
There have been a number of in- empty bottles' lying about on shelves, y
Cw cleaning up of the fence rows vided, and the birds therefore used chine gun and saved the locks from 515400. The expenditure For the
stances in history in P urs ': .. J ria- -Minneapolis Star,
tional and Internatiou - nave `nd roadsides in good time will help their drinking water. When this was the submarine -attack. operation of the factories during the
hock the advance of weeds. The taken awe the washed in condens- We may not g,et the ri ht an le,
been determined by a single legis- Y Y but it does look as though France After the whale was ,killed, the same period was $140,301,299, inclvd-
lative vote. Thus, according to Gab- ' 9" [tore of no province is so rich ed milk. Then they had to have a problem of how to maintain the tra- ing salaries and wages, $8,968,089;
nat 1, can afford to tolerate a weed believes that a naval holiday is good
eiel Hanotaux the academician, long real bath to wash the milk away. for all the other n'ations.-London ditions of the health department be- amounts paid to patrons, $113,660,-
�:ursance that is coating many mil- Few of then,, exec the Tasman- Advertiser, came a pressing one. Dead whales $1:612;546; supplies and
time Minister of Foreign Atfaire and Pt 718; fuel
celebrated historian, the third Re- lions each year. -L. Stevenson, Sec- ian devil, raised any real objection to A four- do not hold together long in latitude containers, $8,900;122; and miscel.
public of France owes its existence to
., tury Dept. of Agriculture, Toronto. making a sea tri and some of the Power agreement is all right 9 two locomotives and n 7b -ton !aneous items, $7,369,824. For 1919
p• if the four powers will as
one solitary fluke vote, cast by an cranes are reported to have introduced ianapolis News. crane were pressed into service in the product was valued at $135,196,-
UANDE:LH)S CONTROL. We notice in the news that certain
obscure Deputy of the name o¢ Wal- a thoroughly nautical roll into their .the attempt to land the, monster on 60?-, and the expenses totalled' $1"l8;
Ion, in the division which took place -- gait- Pier 6 at Cristobal, but the equip- 556,744.
after the war of 1870, to determine Four or Five Sprayings With Iron gentlemen of the Saskatchewan leg -
P Some of the most amusing spell- islature have been a meat of the canal was not equal to
whether France would make perman- Sulphate Will Do the Trick. mens are the minahs, whi h look like ppO1�' sit the occasion. The whale did not
p c le a standing fine languttee.age.-Ma
The Eng>- ,budge. Thousands of people thronged For the twelve months ended De -
the provisional republic or re- Kittle attention was Paid to the 'Chinese idols. The cuckoos area'bout leash she's a fine language.=Mani- to see it. A lady fell into the sea
store the monarchy. dandelion as a weed thirty years ago, as big as a pheasant, and have -none toba Free Press. cember 31, 1920, the uantit of 'but -
but with the clearing up of lands and of the tendencies toward domestic ir- Nobody can see a ,man who is all during the excitement 'acrd ryas ter exported was 13361,020y pounds;
When Jenny Lind Won Wellington, "el
of obstacles to the spread of regularity of the British variety. wrapped up in himself- -Kin promptly rescued by Vincent Simone, P
The flying sou mon Cris'tobal's- champion of cheese, 142,767,645 pounds; of milk
In his recently -published book of the weed great inc-ease of the nuis- Y g 1 tarsi is a nFght ani- Standard. p on swimmer, as- and cream
reminiscences, Arthur Coleridge, a :,rice is seen in grass land every- mal, which lives only in the tree to "How did a„ listed by a soldier, both of wham prepared, 52,035,783
Ps• your novel come out. Pounds; of milk fresh, 1,689,377 gal -
great nephew of the famous poet, where. The dandelion cannot succeed He is rarely seen, even in Australia. "Wel1J" replied the self-confident jumped into -the -harbor to effect the Ions; and of cream fresh, 1,276,.792
gives a most Interesting account of nn laud that is well cultivated, but • The carpet snakes are. not proved beyond all doubt 'rescue.
g p poison- author, ' it Canal activities assumed a holiday gallons. For the twelve months end-
Jenny Lind. He was her intimate :teas of grass, whether pasture ,Sus, and measure six feet to seven that it isn't one of those trashy best- £caro for a while, until the port ed March 31, 1920, the 'quantities i
friend for twenty years. He tells Gelds, roadways or lawns, are usual- feet in length. In Australia they are sellers." -Boston Transcript. were: Butter, Q7,612
the following story of the prima !y heavily infested. Large areae earl. ; much used tp clear farm buildings of Lord Anderson, in captain issued peremptory orders to )605' pounds•
8 passing sentence get .the derelict out of the harbor, cheese, 126,396,777 pounds; milk and
donna and the Duke of Wellington: not well be treated unless the use of rats, on a drunken taxi-driver, who had Whereupon the tug Portobello was cream, .prepared, 54,247,498 pounds;
"In four months after her arrival the land is such as to permit heavy Mr. Le Souef said that the collet- run over a woman, advised him, when WherCommiuponet to tow the leviathan -milk fresh, 1:986,123 gallons; and
In Londou the old warrior had be- expenditures. Small areas,. such as - tion is composed solely of animals he came out of prison, to consider 12 ,missiles out to sea, where the car- cream fresh, 796,780 pounds. The
come a capttve to the enchantress. fawns and portions of golf courses, that have been specially caught for changing his occupation. Oh, learned total values of ex
He courted the lady so ostentatiously may under proper management be :distribution among various zoologi- judge! A bungler might have coon- cess was bombed by a naval sin porta of dairy pre
lane, and' left to the mere of the duets were $68346,022 for the twelve
as to rouse the jealousy of the Itall kept free of dandelions. cal societies in Africa, Europe and soled signing the pledge. --London sharks, which came in from the
Ian faction; hie enthusiasm was Spraying with iron sulphate, Pour 1 the United States. They were un,- Opinion, months ended December 31, 1920, and
rather awkward at times to the ob or live applications during one sea- ;loaded and taken to Regent's Park, Dtaeaees' Are not the only thitlgs Caribbean in shoals. $56,398,083 for the fiscal period ended
ject of his' homage. I have her own . on, will generally free a grass area that are conte Thus ended' the latest attempt at March 31, 1920.
London, where some of them will re- gious Kindness is con -testing impregnability of the
authority for saying that the duke of the pest. But the treatment must • tagious. Manly inte canathe impre
always arrived early and seated him- be repeated over third year. The aruain, The. Government of Australia grits is contagi- canal defenses. 'The Inc of lis" �"-
y is nationalizing the fauns of the sus. All the positive virtues, with policy
self in his box on a level with the first spraying should be applied just armament won, ,but it was the whale
Cortrmonwealth, and will not allow real red' blood in theii veins, are con- SNOW BIRD ;MOLLY
stage; directly he saw Jenny ,Lind .mfore the first blooming period of ; animals native pis the ell nr t l be to Y Van that was disarmed, It has gone to
he opened fire: 'Good evening, Miss Lhe dandelion and followed by two y gous'Jllenr Dyke. 11J
Lind, how are you to-nl ht? All ,,there at intervals of three weeks. disposed of without a special erntit Lay down, Pup- 1Lay down. That's joint the boats, and the mighty "Snow Bird Molly," the only coke
g p a good doggie. La down, I tell skeleton, now reposes somewhere near sniflling poodle dog on the east side.11
right, I hope.' These well -meant ut- Two further, applications should also : As •a rule they may be exported only Y you.
• ^Mister,' you'll have to sa Lie where lies the bones of 'Sir Francis of -•New York is in the hoosegow to-
terances were a trifle out of place be given during September or Octo- if they are destined for a recognized do, ;Hess a Boston TerrierY -Ex. Drake' in front of the ruins of day. So is its owner, a your
at the particular time, for the Lucia, bor. Spraying should not be done ' zoological institution. Nombre de Dios. g wo-
Amina, or Daughter of the Regi- during the hot, dry period unless _._�_ man who is .charged with peddling
ment was always so absorbed in hbr water can be applied to keep the .. - � .drugs the dog carried in an ingen-
part as to be out of touch with all grass iously constructed collar, Deteetives I ,
growing vigorously. Grass THE DANGERS OF SOME COM- had heard for some time of a ,trick
outside influence." seas that are sprayed usually black- WHAT HAS LEAGUE OF SOME SOAPS KILL DYES IN
eu considerably after each applies- MON THINGS; SHOE NAILS trolls -that was used as a dope car 11
Village That Floats. tion, but this burned appearance dis- NATIONS DONEY CLOTHES rier'by an east side vendor, and that
I In the interior of French Indo- The League of Nations is not what FATAL TO ELECTRICIANS the animan bad to 'have its daily
appears after a few days. Areas Some,.soaps not only remove ,the whiff- of cocaine, Two detectives I
China there is a village whose loca-. that are being sprayed for the eradi- i it should be, says Hannon Swaffer, in Environment may endow 'generally dirt from textiles, but a ,generous were detailed db make a e a
tion to a source of worry to captains ration of dandelion should be well i the Graphic. Like all human insti- harmless articles with higlily danger- share of the color also. Dr. Mar- pedal
of passing steamers. They are never fertilized; and grass seed should be • tutions, it is exploded with the van- ous qualities. C. pB. Scrota, ma search. They saw a well dressed' we- -
apPlled to keep up the required num- y y things, o4 the Chien manager, tin H. Fischer, speak on "Soaps" man with a white poodle in Lexin
certain where they v,ill find it. it of man. Like all earth] thin go Bureau of Safety,tel•ls before ,the Cleveland, Section of ',the p 6^
Its name is Snok-Trow, and its lo- her of grass plants to form a good' i 5t contains the fears of the weakest in The National Safety News ,how in American Chemical Society, ton mail e. Trailing her they ootjc-
cation is somewhere on the Meyong turf. White clover is killed by iron I and the boasts fe the ,most strop an electrical Y, said Pn ed a atran who said something to the
sulphate etre so cannot succeed g• Power plant, fishing,- this phase of the subject, as quoted woman and, according to the detect -
river. The village consists of forty or y• i $vt, with all its faults, it has, since rods, derby hats, shoes or watch- in :Drug and Chemical Markets (Nett/ lues, she called th dog and tdak from
fifty little huts built on rafts and under this method of dandelion con- i its foundation, done many things, he chains may be fatal to the holder York):
lashed together witb rattan ropes. trot The strength of solution to use deelares. or wearer. Writes Mr. Slott; "'The eomm'erofapl its collar a packti a and slipped it to d
Here dwell about two hundred peo- is 1>$ pounds to one gallon of water. -the man. The detectives arrested all
pie, whose chief occupation is fishing. -L. Stevenson, Secretary Dept. of It has removed the immediate poi- "Once upon a time a .man thought- at, the present.tiare nab 9�Inid*tblf-
sibilit of war, and lesal' three. (Powder, believed to be heroin, 1
Agriculture, Toronto. y produced what Y walked• into a ,generating eta- mixtures containing urger oa was found in the do'g's collar.
The rear of the village is lashed bath parties accept as a permanent tion with a long fishing -rod over his fractions of different soaps '[7de
to half -submerged trees, but the settlement in ,the dispute between shoulder, and, the timely application makes it possible to nae common ---
whole town changes its poo theion from Why a'$a,oJO Bab Was Bold for $ao. ; Finland ,and. Sweden concerning khe of the prone preasue method of toilet and laundrysea
time to time, according to the ,asn a wide
} resuscitation saved his fast ebbing variety of.circtt tanpesyithoU h, of AN INGENIOUS ESCAPE
When a certain farmer a few years { Aaland Islands, which 'lie between
a ea of the river or the whims of � g Y g
its inhabitants. Steamboats ago sold his registered Holstein bull StoekbolIn •and the Finnish coast. life• course, not with economy.' Some of An
passing ; too local butcher no records had It has averted a conflict between "Ever after and- even to this da the llow with
ingenious ma
pe up the river will find it at one spot, i been made by any of the bull's jj Chili and Peru. - Y ye dry soaps 'are faulty; by a convict maimed. $ $e wlnfffrom
and on the return journey discover 1 men about the plank -are telling how in the opinion of ,Dr. Fischef, because
daughters. Within a year eleven of + ,It leas kept the peace between Po- foolish the man, was. It was indeed : when used with Va�rt•y hot ,water they the State Prison in Boston. He wap,
that it nae moved elsewhere. the daughters freshened at the ages land and Lithuania, in the Vilna to. a foolish thing to do, but no more set free rosin and alkali. The rosin however, cal tared in Newton Saitr
of two and three. - Records were Bion, without having settled the ques- foolhardy.
a lhardy.:than some of the eV'ery settles in the clothes and tends to while trying to break into n i ieilse.
A Proudhu Record. +made of tlillk and butter -fat pastime tion of the frontier, ,but •at •any rate Y thoughtless things amany, ex- make the ,fiber of woolen 'mat,' whpide Prison Officials identified 'MWI A; ter
To have one hundred and twenty- , tion, and to the astonishment of maintaining a situation by means of peviemed electricQl workgra do. < A the alkali eats the. clothes. Wobhmo i a change of clothing bad beam placed ` a
nine descendants living is the proud j everybody the average milk produc- which discussion, and, no doubt, a lo'n'g steel •fitshingt-rod is .tio b washed in this way are lilkoly to, be- inside a packing CA-ee=_Iotb,the un8ei-
rebord of Mrs. T. Forster, of Seaham r tion was 14,502 pounds and the settlement, can -take place without conductor of electrU current than a Tome bard and sties 'Blankets and, °vee'. which It � waia s U�tposed to con -
Harbor. The venerable dame; who ie ! average ' butter -fat production was threat of hostilities. wire in a derby, b t ,a concealed nail woolen gantnehU, therefore, should be' tain, Derwin slipped _ini•'puTded tisane
ninety-seven, hada family f eight ' 573 pounds. It has produced •�. settlement in in a shoe: - th# lonrg rod 1s, only wamhed with ,,"soaps, whish do' nqt 1 the cover zM&'Was'carried.away wheat
eons sad daogStere, seven of whom 11 t before 'these records were Upper Silesia, a vection in which more conelft6nfiSly aimible'and easier sufl'eR mnc11";deoom t{otr pod aro the box v�+s8, "faced-bn a •mofur trnek.
surv[ve. .Besides an intent great, 1 available the bull was dead and his there was acute tilt%renes of stint• to place in contact *ith the eotirce,'seat)ble in ttiater tti bYt jg list too hot, The tlniak, itbr ¢fhg�d the city end
four randcdildren a she has forty- 1 hide had become leather. Because don 'in the supreme goudell and this Of, electricaf "eriArggyy; •We .have . only When the ;garments Are rinsed, thin;. arr%ve'd'Ait'A`�t tght tSrMinai nd
four grandchildren and seventy-seven there wore no recorila; a 15,000 bull settlement is bsiag -corftfi worked heard_ of one 8ii1t9n , p d readily leaves . oma. a., trio 8i$ ecalies of pli
ilreai-ilrandehtldrerl alive. had been, sold for $50. y g-i$t3� irteident fare, sea of.pt}iia kin
V. " bn bot9r ,by 43t+th►lany and Poland Ne jtaoo apl4ao h of fatal thQm : loot, $i�sheY said 9 course tilt, 1?�?rtl�' e?d#Pbye; in it mare a convict's
-c - - IV— 1 t T4s rev4dted -what Migi)t 111ave e1." aaeid+3lrta aaif�d liy the That lath has, been - a Wet%* driver and a air of
9 irmW
Ifil" �# r !beAn h+3tr� 56s ft, ill US sQale atfy • ; V; nail9 ill, the sIll flit . fished' �t Cher" a�iylirt�n r/gy _i�h �' 11�,' i -Derwin had Unfastened .lite
t p1radtrai(Y.abstdt': as td. a am on +►.fool' er-i ae ting t%iba@fgfl f? afRiTff Jstl ''� eaeoAin vi '; ildb7,- N 4rk City, h+)1:' ad in.'the ltri across thn ettY, et-
Acp riltsifiiyillr:3t1 tIUe ittliitiilr, t 9+ont�eEL. », >k $ � d£�fI y t ere ale eb nianq tiblje Oi blte,aon i9 -to sttkd a hlTafigeoi ctoifiing undtsr its
a2d. r:aiW . dtati 1' • tli11 CJD fib : tkleideitlA dab to kl fii4ria; datfisld5 9e �ailef' itse of tli'at lailtt b �avir aril ttroppe8 big the 4- 1, `°
"' R. S. HAYS.
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer and
Notary Public. Solicitor for the Do -
Minion Bank. Office in rear of the Do-
Minton Bank, Seaforth. Money to
-am.._ BEST &BEST
Barristers, Solicitors, Convey-
ancers and Notaries Public, Etc.
Aliice in the Edge Building, opposite
➢he Expositor Office.
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Pub-
lic, etc. Money to lend. In Seaforth
an Monday of each week. Office in
Kidd Block- W. Proudfoot, B.C., J.
1L. Killoran, B. E. Holmes.
11 Honor graduate, of Ontario Veterin.
try College, and honorary member of
the Medical Association of the Ontario
Veterinary College. Treats diseases of
ail domestic animals by the most mod-
ern principles, Dentistry and Milk
lever a specialty. Office opposite
Dick's Hotel, Main Street, Seaforth
A11 orders left at the hotel will re-
esivs prompt attention. Night tail*
tweived at the office
Honor graduate of Ontario Veterin-
ary College. All diseases of domestic
:animals treated. Calls promptly at.
landed to and charges moderate. Vet-
4r1nsry Dentistry a specialty. Office
and residence on Goderich street, one
door east of Dr. Scott's 'office, Sea -
Osteophatle Physician of Goderich.
Apecialist in Women's and Children's
- iieeases, reheumatism, acute, chronic
and nervous disorders; eye, ear, nose
and throat. Consolation free. Office
above Umback's Drug store, Seafortb,
i neadays and Fridays, 8 a.m. till 1 p.m
C. J. W. BARN, M.D.C.M.
425 Richmond Street, London, Ont
lgecialist, Surgery and Genio-Urin-
, erg diseases of men and women.
Graduate of Faculty of Medicine
1. McGill University, Montreal; member
of College of Physicians and -Surgeon
1:®, of Ontario; Licentiate of Medical Cow
AM of Canada; Post -Graduate Member
of Resident Medical staff of General
Hospital, Montreal, 1914-15; Office, 2
doors east of Post Office. Phone 56.
Hinsall, Ontario.
Office and residence, Goderich street
east of the Methodist church, Seaforth
Phone 46. ,Coroner for the County of 1
Huron. I
C. Mackay honor graduate of Trin-
'ity University, and gold medallist of
!trinity„ Medical College; membdr of
e College of Physicians and Sur-
gedbp of Ontario.
Graduate of'University of Toronto
'aaulty":of Medicine, member. of Col-
Iega• of Physicians and Surgeons of
'i ttirioy. pass graduate courses is
bags Clinical School of Chicago;
T opiil Ophtbalmic Hospite], London,
; land; University Hospital, Lon-
giand, Ol$ee-Batik of Do-
ll Bank Seaforth: Phone No. 5,
�rai15 answered from residence,
w for the
- -
. .
:. --__1_,,__ l..--.
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