HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-12-30, Page 7MBER 30, 3,31r .7* $y IteltbYpelleriati Vey. And I *ever !mowed her wrong in aught else, eo I'aa dy to hive in a she wee reet shout' Good las. site was, good lase." }e bad fallen Int. * contented and rly comfortable dere la his chid Ann oat down to read her gran hee's letter. The old woman Lyys wrote at length, giving many iL said recording vtliege even f ' with aired realistic too i Throughout tltpir journeying., had been followed by a record of estate and neighborhood of Tempi Barhelm which had lacked nothing atmosphere. Ole had (known what the new lord of the manor did, wha people said, what the attitude tri gentry had become; that the visit of the Countess of Mallow* and draw daughter bad extended itself curiosity and amusement had ceased, to comment, and passively awai . result*. She had heard of Miss Alicia and her reincarnation, and knew nine • of the story of the Duke of Ston whose reputation as a "dommed cls er owd chap" had earned for 'him sort of awed popularity. There h been man "ladies,." The new Tem pie Bai'hol had boldly sought them out and faced them in .their strong ho)de with the `manner of one who would confront the worst and wli revealed no tendency to flinch. Th i one at Stone Hover with. the "prett color" and the one with the dimple had appeared frequently upon th e scene. Then there ,had been Lad Joan Feyre, who had lived at his el bow, sitbing at his table, driving i An send f ass boa Rhine part,.. roam of 'Cruacb'a world -rias, pprroµ. amtbnforI p�Uep�n _ „d efts— is r n,wr. rsessrV +urns...'auf,m sr irom a1,.wt... d• rNv.ol er;islac$$$$$ ,r wow oo.mrq n tentig ea4CGlka 1 fery:te ▪ M y ti:..lanut 79 eon, te chis. 1eronte—Wliilade Briggs. the iily,4 edoei taut mem to say tie be - 9f "It's not often yon can believe what you don't know," she answered. t "I dont know anything about it. the There's just ono thing j believe, be- ef I know it. I believe What grandmother dole. Read that" urrt11 She ,banded dtim the anal sheet of old M'r's. Hutehinson's letter. It was ted written with very black ink and in an satontehingly bold and clear band. It h was easy to read the sentences with e, which ire' ended. v- 'There's a lot said. There* always a snore saying than doing! Brat it's ad right -down funny to see how the lad has made hard and fast 'friends just going about in his queer way, and no one knowing law he did it. I like frim myself. Hes one of 'diose you o needn't ask questions about.. If e there's anything said that iep't to itis y ! credit, it's not true. There's no ifs, s ' hues, or anis about that, Ann. e I TAttle Ann herself read the words y as her father rend them. - "That's the thing I believe, 'because n I know it,' was all she &aid. "It's the thing I'd awear to my- self," her father answered bluffly. "Bu t, by Judd—" 1 She gave him a little push and spoke to 'him in 'homely Lancashire f phrasing, and with some soft unatead- iness of voice. "Sit thee clown Father love," she said, "and int me sit on thy knee." 1fe sat down with emotional reedi- 1 ,'ws, and she eat on his stout knee like a child. It w.i• a thing she did to tendo or troubled moments as ninth in theie d.;ys as she had done when shewas :six or seven. Her !itt!e li:a+, so and soft young ways made it the most natural thing in -the world, as well as the prettiest. She had always sat on -his knee in the hours when he had been most discouraged over the invention. She had known it made him feel as' though he were taking care of her, and as though she depended utterly on him to steady the foundatidns of her world. What could such a 'little bit of a lass do without "a father"? "It'•s upset thee, lase," the said. "It's upset thee." He saw her slim hands curl them- selves into small, firm fists as they rested on her lap. "I oan't bear to think that ill can be said of him, even by a wastrel like Captain Palliser," she said. "He' mine," It made him fumble caressingly at her big knot of soft red hair. "Thine, is he?" he said. "Thine! Eh, but tha did say that just like thy mother would ha' said it; the brings the heart i' my throat now and again. That c'hap's i' luck, I can tell him—same as I was once." "Iris,- twine --now, whatever---"y,i,p. pens," she went on, with a firmness which no skeptic would have squand- ered time in th�foily of hoping to shake. "He's done what I told aim to do, and it's me he wants. He's found out for 'himself, and so have I. He can have me the minute he wants me --the very 'minute." "He can?" said Hutchinson. "That settles it. I believe tha'd rather take him when be was i' trouble than when he was -out of it. Same as tha'd ratter take him i' a flat in Harlem on fifteen dollar a week than on fifteen hundred." 3 "Yes, Father, I would. It'd give me more to do for him." "Eh, eh," he grunted tenderly, "thy (Continued from last' week) "The chap's a count, lass," he Bald t"I'hat'u'd go back- to Manchester unless." '.I've heard -they're nearly all counts; irl these countries," commended Ann And' there's countesset that. have to :ado their own washing, in a manner � f epi king. You send him to me .:,'.her."' When the young man came, and ompared the fine little nose of Miss I-lutohinson with the large and ban/ st"uctare dominating the countenance of the German 'heiress he had Moat also when he ,gazed into the clew nese of the infantile' blue eyes, his spirits arose. He felt -himself en valine; 'he was equal to attacking th situation. He felt that he approach- ed it with alluring and chivalric del- icacy. He •almost believed all that he said. But the pellucid bhrenees of the gaze that met his was confusingly unstirred by any shade of suitable timidity or emotion. There- was' something in the lovely, sedate little creature, something so undisturbed `"_.,matter of fact that it frighten- ' 'aecause he suddenly •felt like y folly had been found do.vnright silly," remark- s ed ,�,..le Ann, not allowing him to escape fro her glance, which un- hesiiatinglalsummed up him and his situation. "And you know it is. Yoe don't know anything about me, and you wouldn't like me if you did. Aril I shouldn't like you. We're too different. Please go away, and don't sa • anything 3 Y g more about it. I -v..::. �,--deft a ,;adduce to talk it .er.' "Father," she said that eight, "if ere-' 1 get married at all, there's only one person I'm going to marry. You know that." And she would say no mole. By the time they returned to Eng- land, the placing of the invention in diver= its had been arranged in' a manner which gave assurance of a fortune i r its owners on a founda- tion nut likely:to have established it- self in more adverse circumstances. Mr. Hutchinson had really driven some admirable bargains, and had se- cured advantages which to his last hour he world relieve could have been achieved on'y by Lancashire ahrewd- neas and Lancashire ability to "see as far through a mile -stone as most chaos -are a hit. farbherl' The way !rnwitefi Se liad• never allowed him - j self to be "done" caused him at times to chuckle himself almost purple with self-congratulation. "They got to know what they was dealing with, them chaps. They was sharp, but Joe was a bit sharper," he would say. They found letters waiting for they. when they reached London. "There's one fro' thy -grandmother," Ilutchinson said, in dealing out. the Q paclrage. "She's written to thea p •sett steady for an old nn." This was true. Letters from ker 'aid followed them from one place to another. This was a thick one in an 1 It envelop of good size. "Aren't tha going to read It?" he asked. 'Not till you've had your dinner, Father. You've .had a long day o'f it with that channel at the end. I want to see you comfortable with your pipe." . -. ilhe hotel was a good one, and the dinner' was good. Joseph Hutckinson enjoyed it with the appetite of a ro- bust man who has had time to get over e not too pleasant crossing. When he had settled down into a aceta easy -chair with the pipe. he .drew a long and comfortable breath • as he looked about the room. " ETh, Ann, Jassy' he said, i'thy mother'd be fine an' set up if she could see ale this. Us having the beat that's to be had, an' knowin' we can have it to the end of our lives, that's what it's come to, tha knows. t t I No more third-class railway -carriages for you and me. No more 'commer- t dal' an' 'temperance' hotele. Th' first lecut's what we can have—th' upper cut. Eh, eh, but it's a good day for a man when. he's begun to be ap- preciated as he should be." "It's a good day for those that love hi* carriages with the air of cold aloofness which the cottager* "could no abide en' had no patience wi'.' She 'had sometimes sat and wonderer and wondered about things, and some tunes h::d flushed daisy -red insRad o d..isv-„ink; •rod sometimes she hsd turned rather pale and closed her soft month firmly. But, though she had wrth.1'o +•.-ler a '.ve-k to her grand mother, she had recorded principally !! e s'r"'•c.'-es and complexities of the i"er re hie, sal lad asked very few ei . ynnq_ Old Mrs, Hutchinson „area I•'I her ell she must know, and her choice of revelation would be 1 made with a far-sightedness which • needed re, stimulus of questioning:' The atteer, she had found awaiting her h:,d bran ions on its way having missed 1'er at point after paint and followed her at last to London. It • looked and felt thick and solid in its envelop. Little Ann opened it, stir- red by the suggestion of quickened pulse -bents with which she had be- come familiar. As she bent over it she honked sweetly flushed and warmed. Jospeh i atchinsv,n's doze had ea- rnest deenencd into sleep When he was awakened by the touch of her band on leis shoulder. She was standing by shim, holding some sheets of her grandmother's letter, and several other sheets were lying on the table. Something had occurred which had -changed her quiet look. "Has aught happened to your andmobher?” fie' asked. "No, Father, but this letter that's been following me from one place to another has got some queer news in it." "Wmatls up, tilts?``Tin leeks as if summit was up." "The thing that's happened has given me a great deal to think of," was her answer. "It's about Mr. Temple 1larhalm sad Mr. Strange- waya." He beeame wide awake at once, sitting uo and turning in his chair in testy anxiety. "Now, now," he exclaimed, "I hope that cracked chap's not gone out an' out mad -an' done some mischief. I towd Temple Barholm it was a fool- ish thing to do, taking all that trou- ble about him. Has he Get fire to trh' 'house or has •he knocked th' poor ad on tit' heads" "No, he hasn't Father. He's dis- appeared, and Mr. Temple Barholm's disappeared, ton," "Disappeared?" Hutchinson almost shouted. "What for, d' the Lord's ' name?" "Nobody knows for certain, awl people are talking wild. The village is' all upset. and all sort of silly things are being saki." "What sort o' things?" "You know whet servants at big houses litre :low .they hear bits of talk and make much of it," she ex- plained. 'They've been curious and • chattering among themselves abort Mr. Strangeways from the first. It was. Burrill that said he believed he , was some relation that was being hid away for some good reason. One ' night Mr. Temple Barholm and Cap- tain Palliser were having a long talk together, and Burrill was about—" Aye, 'he'd be about if 'he thought there was a chance of him hearing summat as was -none of his business'," , jerked out Hnstohinson, irately. "They were talking about Mr: Strangewaye, and Burrill beard Cap- th tain, Palliser getting angry; and as . s he stepped aear the door Rte .heard ' ," said Little Ann. "And I dare mother knows every bit about it." I dare say she does,' admitted tchinson, with tender lenience. e was one o' them as believed LEONARD EAR OIL RRLIEVES DHAIPNES1 and 5 ATOPS HEADMOISES, Simply Rah it Back of the ERIs and Insert in Nostrils. Proof of sac- erea wild be siren by she dreoatet. MADE IN CANADA' ieffWt Min CO, Saes Assiut T Aa. boast sae., afrc., i3 PP Are, IA T , It , bbiater& 1 Pew Ode THE HURON EXPOSITOR 'shskin' end worryin' k like's terrier does a rat. 'It's nature. That lad given 'am lots to talk about ewer educe be score. Re's beepa blesein' to loin. 'If 'he'd been gentry, he'd not heal been nigh air lively. Th' ulnae. lade trier to talk through their noses -like him. Little ,Tummsy Hibb9ebh- traite doai fit i' brand Laacarhlre.'' ,The only facts fairly agthenticatsd were that the mystter'i Erupts'.had been taken away . tete one might, some time before the; inter. view 'between Mr. Temple ''B.rhdlfa and Captain Palliaer, of which Harrill. knew so much because be had i%p.. pened to be about." Wheli a domestle magnate of Durr+l a type "'httpporlh to be about" at a crisis, hj is not un- likely to h a great des j Burrill was sued knew it 'belt march more tbsn 'he deigned oto make piublie. The entire truth was that Captain Palliser himself, in one of his hefty appear- ances In the neighborhood'; of Temple Barholm,,had bestowed a.few words of cold caution on him. "Don't talk too much," be had said. "Proof is required before bilk la safe. The American, watt sharp enough to say that to me hiniaelf,.He was Sharp enough, too, 'to keep his Man bidden. I was the only person that saw him who could have recognized him, and I saw him .by chance. Pafford and Grimby require proof. IWe are lit search of it. 'Servants will talk; but if you don't want to run the risk of getting yourself into trouble, don't make absolute statements." This had been a disappointment to Burrill, wheq had seen himself develop- ing in magrtitudc; but he was a timid rnan, and therefore felt it wise to convey his knowledge merely through the conviction carried by -a dignified silence after his first indiscreet revel- ation of having "-happened 'to be a- bout" had been made. It would hpve been some solace to him to intimate to 'Miss Alicia by his bearing and the manner of his servicas that she had been discovered, so Lo speak, in the hxracter of', a sort of a'e, 1pliee- hatt her position was s periliusly un- cerbain one, which would probably end utter downfall, leaving •her in -her Id and proper -place as an elderly, neignificante, and unattractive poor elation, without a feature to reco,n- rend her. But being, as before re - narked, a timid man, and recalling liein interview .view between himself and his mployer held outside the dining -room cora and having also a disturbing memory of the sharp, cool, boyish ye and the tone of the casual re- mark that -he had "a head on his boulders" .and that it was "up to m to mete the others. understand•" t seemed as well o r >: rad . ':i; at - !Mations until the ,:.c:," 1'aa. i.l rimby require vas forthcoming. It was perhaps the moderate and reoautionary attitude of Pulford & rimby, during their first somewhat artled though reserved -interview with Captain -Palliser, which had pre- ented the daguely wild rumors from eing regarded as more than vie gars' exaggerated talk among them - lees. 'Phe "gentry," indeed, knew uch less of the cobtagers than the tbagers knew of the gentry; con- quently events furnishing much ex- ,tomert among the viltage-people not nfroquently remained unheard of by ore in the class above them. A tory less incredible might have been are considered; but the highly col - red reasons given for the absence the owner of Temple Barholm ould, if heard of have been more an likely to be eeceived and passed er with a smite. The manner of .Mr. Pulford and so of Mr. Grimby during the de- erate!y unmelodramatic and crue- lly connected relation of Captain Miser's singular story, was that of efessienal gentlemen who for rea- ps of good breeding were engaged restraining outward expression of nvietion that they were listening to ter nonsense. Palliser himself was aware of this, and upon tke ole did not wonder at it in entirely 'maginative persons of extremely ber lives. In feet, he had begun giving them some warning as to at they might expect in the way unusualness. - 'You will, no doubt, think what I about to tell you absurd and in - c nn n d hr p C st h la se m co lee ' th ro 0 of th 05 al ib fu Pa pr so in co mother again. I used to tell her.as 1 -ft the only thing she had igen me was that I never got •i' jail so she could wh get me out an' stand up for me after um it. There's only one thing worries so me a bit: I wish the lad hadn't gone by away." wh I've thought that out, though I've of Trot .had much time to reason about things," said Little Ann. "'If Ihe's am gone away, his gone to get some- c thing; and whatever it 'happens to be, re he'll be likely to bring it back with wh him, Father." ed. .edible," he had prefaced lis state- ents. "I thought the same myself en my first suspicions were aroue- I was, in fact, inclined to laugh my own idea until one link con - CHAPTER XXXVII f OId Mrs. Hutohineoa•'s letter had con supplied much detail, but when her an son and grand-ldaughter arrived in res the village of Temple Barholm they di heard much more, the greater part be of it.not in the least to be relied up- bo on_ w "The most of it's lies, as folks est- did joys theiraele pretendin' to believe," ; sf, e grandmother commented. "It's w'' ervanta'-hall talk and cottage gossip te • plenty made itself up out o' beer the runk m tk' tap -room at th' Wool we Park. In a place where naught cas much happens, people get into th' cue way 'o .pringia' on a bit o' news, and the I at neeted itself with another." Neither Mr. Grimby nor Mr. Pal - rd was inclined to laugh. On tke trary, they were extremely grave, d continued to find it necessary to train their united tendency to in- ateefacially that the tiring must nonsense. It transcended all unds, es it were. The delicacy with Bich they managed to convey thio them muck credit. This delicacy as equaled by the moderation with hioh Captain Palliser drew their at- ention to the fact that it eves not thing likely -to -,happen on which re founded the celebrated criminal es of legal history; it was the in- dible and almost impossible events, ordinarily unbelievable duplicitiees, moral obliquities and coincidences, him say out loud that he could/Maar in any court of justice that the man he had seen at the west room window —it's a starting thing, Father—was Mr. James Temple Barholm." For the moment her face was pale. Hereupon Hutchinson sprang up. j "Wharf!" Hie second shout was louder than 'his first. "Th' liar! Th' chap's dead, an' he knows it. Pk' ' dommed mischief-m,akin' liar!" Her eyes were clear and speculat- ively thoughtful, notwkhstanding her lack of color; "There have been people that have been thought dead that have come back to their friends alive. It's 'hap- pened many a time," She said. "It wouldn't be eo strange for a man that had no friends to be lost in a wild, far-off place where there was neither law nor order, and where ery man was 'fighting for his own life and .the gold he was mad after. Pa'rticula'rly a men that was :shamed and desperate sad wanted to bide hineelf. And, moot of alt, it would be wayeasy, aif he was id id soettdn'i e'ansensber,a nd had loot 'h3ooeif." As bow father lisleaed, the angry redness of Ma eouwtsnance moderated its hie. ides eyes Dedumil* teA eta lewd' !do spider law Edi A Ms., Ws," ils leeks slat ballk- i --- which made them what they were and attracted the attention of the world. This, Mr. Pafford and his ' partner were obviously obliged to ad- mit. What they did not admit watt that such things never having occur- red in one's own world, they bad been mentally relegated to the world of nevl'spaper and criminal record as things that could not happen to one- self. 1Mr. Pafford cleared his throat iw a seriously cautionary way. 'This is, of course, a matter sug- gesting too minions an accusation not to be approached in the moat cow- servative manner," be remarked. "Most aerioua consequences -have resulted in cases implying libelous assertions which -have been brade rashly," added Mr. Grimby. "As Mr. Temple Bar4tolm intimated to you, a man of almost unlimited motes has commend of,resonrces which it night not be easy td contend with if he 'had reason to feel himself injured" The fact that Captaiw Patter Had in a bitterly freetated merriest el - towed .himself to be goaded into toe- ing Iris temper, and "Owing away" t. Tembarom the discovery oat wrlieb its had felt that ie could rely we a Meer, did not argue that aNbe evolution HORSE AILMENTS of many kinds quickly remedied with DOUGLAS. EGYPTIAN LINIMENT STOPS BLBPDING INSTANTLY. PREVENTS BLOOD POISONING. CURLS THRUSn, FISTULA, SPRAINS AND BRUISES. The bat all around Liniment for the stable lee well .. for hooaehold me. sager IT RANDY. At all Dealers and Druggists. Maaafaetnred enb by DOTGLAI It co, NAPANIm Oat: r 1 1 11111111111 1111 7 1111111111111111111111 would lead him into more dangerous indiscretion, He had always regard- ed 'himself as a careful man who de- fenses were well built about him at st:ch'crises in his ca e'er as rendered entrenchment necessary. There would, of course bo sme'p'easure in follow- ing the matter up and getting more then even wish a man who had been insolent to eine but a more practical feature of the case was that if, through his alert observation and shrewd aid, Jem Temple Barholm was restored to his much -to -be -envied place in the world, .as far from un- natural result would be that be might feel suitable gratitude and indebted- ness to the man, who nut from actual personal liking but from a' mere sense of justice, had rescued him. As for the -fears of Messrs. Palford and Grimby, -he had put himself on record with Berri'I by commanding him to hold his tongue -and stating clearly - that proof was both necessary and lacking. No man could be regarded as taping risks whose attitude was so wholly conservative and non -accus- ing. Servants will gossip. A su- perior who rerroves such gossip holds an unattackable position. In the priv- ate room of Pafford & Grimby, how- ever, -he could confidently express his opinions without risk. The recognition of a man lost sight of for years, and seen only for a moment through a window, -is not substantial evidence," Mr. Grimby had proceeded. "The incident was startling, but not great), to be re- lied upon." "I knew him." Palliser was slight- ly grim in •bis air of finality. "He was a man moot men either liked or 'hated. I didn't like him. I de- tested a trick he had of staring at you under his drooping lids. By the way, do you remember the portrait et—Miles Hugo which was so like shim?" Mr. Pafford remembered having heard that there was a certain por- trait in tae gallery which Mr. James Temple Barholm had been said to re- semble. He had no distinct recollec- tion of the ancestor it represented. "It was a certain youngster who was a page in the court of Charles tke Second and who died young. Miles Hugo Charles James was iris name. He is my strongest clue. The Ameri- can seemed rather, keen the first time we balked together. He was equally keen about Jem Temple Banholm. He wanted -to know what he looked like, end whether it was true that he was like the portrait." "Indeed!" eexelaimed Pafford and (2sim,by,.stmultaneously. , "Jt struck nae that there was some- thing more than mere curiosity in his manner," Palliser enlarged. "I couldn't make him out then. Later, I began to see that he was remark- ably anxious -to keep every one from Strangeways. It was a sort of Man inh t e Imp Mask affairL. Strange- weys was apparently not only too ex- citable to be looked at or spoken to, but too excitable -to be spoken of,. He. wouldn't talk about him." "That is exceeding curious," re- marked Mr. Palford, but it was not in response to Palliser. A few mom- ents before he had suddenly looked thoughtful. He wore now the aspect of a man trying to recall something as Palliser continued. "One day, after I had been to look at a sunset through a particular win- dow in the wing where Strangeways was kept, I passed the door of kis sitting -room and heard the American arguing with -him. He was evidently telling him he was to be taken else- where, and the poor devil was terri- fied. I heard him beg him for God's sake not to send him away. There was panic in 'his voice. In connec- tion with the fact that he has got - him away secrebly—at m-idnigrht--it's an ugly thing to recall," "111 would, seem to have eignid- cance." Grimby said it uneasily. "It set me thinking and looking in- to things," Palliser went on. "Pear - eon was secretive, but the 'head man, Burrill, made casual enlightening re- marks. I gathered some carious de- tails, which might or might not have meant a good deal. When Strange - ways suddenly appeared at his win- dow one evening a number of things fitted themselves together. My theory is that the American—Tembarom, as he used to cal! himself—may not have been certain of the identity at first, but he wouldn't have brought Strangeways with shim ii he had not had some reason to suspect who ke was. Ile d.aren't lose sight of him, and he wanted time to make sure and to lay his plans. The portrait of Milea Hugo was a clue which alarm- ed him, and no doubt he oras been' • following it. If he found It led to nothing, he could easily turn Strange - ways over to the public charge and let him be put into a lunatic asyluan. If he found it led to a revelation which would make -him a pauper aF gain, it 'would he easy to dispose of him." "Come! Come] Oaptain Palllaerf We mustn't go too far!" ejaculated Mr. Grim -by. alarmedly. It shocked him th ink of the e firm being drag-�gel oto a case dealing with capitat crtin and possible hangmen! That was not its line of the profession. , Captain Palliser's slight laugh con- tained no hint of being shocked by any possibilities whatever. "There are extremely private asylums and so-called sanatoriums where the discipline is strict, and 'ma questions are asked. One sometimes reads in the papers of cases in which mild-mannered keepers in defending themselves against the attacks of violent patients are obliged to eyes force—with disastrous. results. 1# is in such places that our invi'btiga- tions should begun." "Dear me! Dear me!" Mr. Grim - by broke' out. "Isn't that going ra- ther iter? You surely don't think—" - "Mr. Tembarom's chief ohanacter- ietic was that he was a practical and direct person. He would do what he had to do in exactly that business- like manner. The inquiries I have been snaking have been as to the - whereabouts of places in which to superfluous relative might be placed without attracting attention" "That is really astute, but—but-- what ut—but-what do you think, Pafford?". Mr. Grimby turned to his partner, atilt' wearing the shocked and disturbed expression. Continued next week. CASTOR IA IsINYii Alliackurs Met iISTER M!1 PLUG SMOKIRI 714:s. ooc. To.&,cco" YOU pack real enjoyment into year pipe when you fill up with Master Mason. Because the fine flavor that is packed into the Master Mason plug, HOLDS to the last pipeful. There h no better, handier or mare economical way to buy high-grade tobacco, titan in dm big *his of Mask" Meson. • iii �% //•; 4(0101040,A0400000 0N1y1 •