HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-12-30, Page 3J
'N T? .lin of eloplta4o0e0 sad atilt rapsat- w+ltleh
VON to Oros 'boa *slay he' Ml. banks Morel thste
Worth all eta wort ; itt aioaalhpltl the say.
logs. \It' if ra iia i rlesg to * growing b the.
*ash willeekable most the ssoor`efCito as wall
'OPPOrtienitisit, of ern• �' ,
ll4M an Invited tpbfiao s aarla�l Rea f oar ashcan$
to Strengthen
MaEmpi ts. ,
"Ko man hsa done a this
cenU ri to keep Canada a Cthe
British Empire,"
That was a tribute
yearn ago, to
General of
writes *emu-
'1'MIt.Wee Oro!),
•dpggy..;il+it the Prince
Isee ohne_been here and
{sis le that. Lord Byng of
,Vinay w be able to convince the
cehapiatn-(ieneral and Mr. Fria of
error. ':Bet Mr. Fyte continues.
lnlereaUugly:. ,
:#a knew how the Canadian sol--;
diets admired and trusted their
commander, and he knew .how thM
trust and admiring respect led them
le think better of ail Englishmen
it, tq the revisklg of the opinion
d fl by JAI
ht JONO4
Dmior-Baxio.F9* Nor,
F3 HURON EXP08 Pa tali with one'yonud of wi-
one pound of cu ta, failed'
and one ire lemon; loci one 'level
DI1411:1fGT riATT W
'MEd and pulp of one a orange
tobleepeon Oi sit grated natured, 1
teagpAop level each of mace, clove,
two teaspoons cinnamon, one Quart
Mori O ie t two pounds sugar; boil
evtrf�thing but the meat and cram „
berrrries half alt hour; stir them in, let
stand without boiling, half an 'hour
longer. Mixed nate, finely chopped,]
may be used in this; also prunes in
place of cranberries and grape juice
or. jellies melted with water histead
of. cider.
It was pleaded the other day, writes
a eorreepondent, that as we mark the
houses in which great men and wo-
men lived, BO we might toner orfs
great ones of fiction. _Rut London is
a}ree�y very generous to her -shadowy
inumorbkle. ,Nannette Street, Soho,
baa been referred to, and there are,
.appropriately enough, a Sawyer St.,
a Dorrit Street, and a Olennan Street
in the borough and a district known in
the Officials Street list as "Little Dor-
rit'e Playground." Quilp Street, in
the Marshalsea Road, Southwark, is
not suoh a happy naming, for that
,unpleasant dwarf lived on Tower
Hill. In Stepney is Drood Yard and
Mile End has a Copperfield ;'toad.
Rotherhithe has an Oliver Twist
Court, only a few yards from where
Dickens did Bill Skies to death, and
Dulwich boaats a . Pickwick Road.
Peppermint Candy.
Ingredients: Two cups granulated
sugar, three-quarters cup boiling wa-
ter, one tableepoon butter, one table-
spoon vinegar, one quarterteaspoon
soda, one-quarter teaspoon pepper -
mine extract. Method: Stir a' in-
gredients except extrant, let boil until
it cracks when dropped in cold water.
Add erptruot and, beat until creamy.
Pour kine a buttered tin, cut into
Golden Marmalade.
And did not the There's genial pout retire to
Dulwiohv an Ivanhoe •Road Ingredients: One orange, one Imo -
in Camberwell, and the name ;Waver- on, two pounds of augar.or more, one e
o him.,
motion came
ley occurs aeveral times in London grape fruit. Method: Cut the fruit was given because prothe Third Ato, and Ile
thoroughfares. Shakespeare is not into fine stripes, removing seeds• months later his name ringing
forgotten. Falstaff Yard exists in Meseure, add three timee the measure round lworld. •whet was did not
Southwark, a Bardolph Road and of water, and allow to stand for 24 wind theeat vi at Cambrai di not
Parolles Road are to be found in 'hours. Boil. until tender, raeasura, not his fault. • "When the whole
Islington,, and Clapham has en Or- add an equal amount cif sugar, 'and truth 1s known, Lord •Synge military
boil until it jellies. This will fill s- reputation will stand even higher
thah it does to -day," ' says Fyfe.
When Parliament voted tifm a sum,.
of money he spent it on a big club-
house for men who had been in the
war, near Thorpe-le-Soken, In Essex,
where he lived before coming to
"It is because he is so much more '
than a soldier that the Dominion
has welcomed him so heartily, and
is confident that he will 'hold down
his job' with success. When he was
head of the United Services Fund,
which disposed of the huge profits
on the canteens during the war
years, he worked with most unsel-
dier-like simplicity, did things him-
self, had no staff to speak of, no
regiment of typists, would open the
door upon occasions to soldiers seek-
ing advice." •
forme at
set m
yr t that,
had, honga name w r that cpm oq, .
they would hate spread it air through
Canada. What tbey did spilled was
. praise of Gen. Prig, end the warning
that "you can't judge stl English-
men till you know them tt
Englishmen of the Julien Bypg
type, products of old families; state-
ly homes, Eton, Sandhurst, of fash-
ionable cavalry regiments, hide their
talents in napkins. If they have
ability they do their beet to conceal
it, says Hamilton Fyfe. Only a
crisis proves their mettle. Byng met
a criers On taking over the com-
mand of a bunch of irregular cavalry
in South Africa. He made them ad-
mire even bis monocle. Instead. of
"scrap -ups" they tiecame a fine
mounted column, hard=riding and
well-diecipllnedl He went to Fran
to command a cavalry division. Tly
good work at the Suvia Bay retire-
ment from the Dardanelles he won
command of the Canadian corps.
At once he dropped the manner-
isms of the cavalry officer. He
showed vigor, decision, disregard of '
social prejudice. He left the corps
iando Road. In West Hampstead is
a cluster of classical names—Ajax
, Road, Achilles Road, Pandora Road,
etc., and the Knights of the Round
Table are likewise honored, for there
is Lancelot Place in the Brompton
Read, Gareth Place, Bermondsey, and
an Elain Grove in Gospel Oak.
Rich Fruit Pudding.
Melt half a cupful of shortening
and combine with one cupful of sweet
milk alightly warm. Stir one tea-
spoonful -of baking soda into 'half a
cupful of dark molasses, combine with MINCE PIES PROHIBITED.
the mill[ and add one teaspoonful of
'cinnamon, a quarter of a teaspoonful
of ginger, half a teaspoonful each of
cloves and mace, a quarter of a tea-
spoonful of grated nutmeg half a
cupful of brown sugar, 'half a tea-
spoonful of salt and three cupfuls of
flour sifted with two teaspoonfuls of
baking powder. Sprinkle an addi-
tional .half cupful of flour over half
a cupful each of chopped dates and
candied lemon peel, 'and one cupful
each of chopped, seeded" raisins, figs
and blanched almonds. Stir the fruit
and nuts iro't6"the pudding. Pour
into greased pu$ding moulds (two)
and steam for four hours.
Quickly Made Mincemeat.
bout ten jelly glasses.
Rick Cranberry Sauce.
Use equal measure of berries and
sugar.. Wash, drain and put the ber-
ries in a porcelain kettle, with cold
water, just enough to show when the
berries are pressed down in the pan;
boil; add a quarter of the sugar.
Sprinkle over the berries without
stir,ring. Let .it boil a minute, add
quarter by quarter until all the sugar
is used. Boil slowly and do not stir.
Turn into molds.
One cupful of any beef on 'hand
(boiled" beef, roast or remnants)
chopped finely, three cupsful of chop-
ped apples, one -'half cupful of chop-
ped suet, one and one-half cupsful
of brawn sugar, one cupful of seed-
less raisins, a very little sliced citron,
-one and one-half .teaspoonful each of
salt and cinnamon, one-quarter tea -
,spoonful each of cloves, mace and
nutmeg, juice and gratings of one
lemon, two or three tableapoonsful of
remnants of jelly and enough grape
juice or orange juice, and sweet
pickle vinegar or halt of each added
to same amount of meat broth to
moisten. Simmer one hour. Instead
of a41 brown sugar, one-half cupful
of it may be omitted and one-fourth•
cupful of molasses added, if the
flavor of molasses is preferred.
The mince pie has had many en-
nemies, The Puritans would have -
none of it, and even in the eighteenth
century it. was 'a forbidden delicacy
to a large number of clergymen. Dur-
ing the Commonwealth the holding of
Christmas festivals was forbidden. In
1644 Parliament passed an Act or-
dering all citizens to observe Christ-
mas Day as a solemn fast, to be
spent in silent atonement for prev-
ious festivals tilat had passed in riot-
ous living and merry -making. This
order remained in force for twelve
years. The authorities in several
towns tried to reduce Christmas Day
to the level of other days. In
Cantelbury, by order of the mayor, it
was proclaimed that "Christmas day
and all other superstitious festivals
should be put down." People who
attended service in the cathedral
were mobbed. The inhabitants form-
ed themselves into 'two parties and
feeling in the matter frequently re-
sulted in the exchange of blows. In
1652 it .was proclaimed that "no ob-
servation shall be had of the Live and
twentieth day of D'eeember, common-
ly called Christmas Day, nor any
solemnity used or exercised in
churches." This order was enforced
by soldiers. Ovens and larders were
searched, and where seasonable dain-
ties or decorations were found they
were carried off and destroyed. A
changed attitude towards the Puritan
hatred of Christmas came with the
restoration of King Charles.-
Fruit Gingerbread.
Ingredients: l?alf pac'kage of
mincemeat, half a cup molasses or
syrup, half cup sugar, one cup rais-
ins, one-third cup melted fat, half a
cup sour milk, half cup hot• coffee,
one teaspoon ginger, one-third tea-
spoon cloves, one egg, three cups
flour, one-quarter teaspoon salt
Method: Rimmer the mincemeat in
one cup of water for twenty Minutes.
Add to this the other ingredients in
the order given, remembering to
sprinkle a little flour over the rais-
ins first, and to dissolve the soda in
tie warm coffee. The egg can be
beaten without separating. ,Blake this
in a moderate oven for an hour if the
quantity is divided into two loaves;
if baked in one 'loaf then give a much
longer time. The addition of one
cup of citron will make this more
nearly resemble fruit cake. ,
Raisin and Date Steamed Pudding.
Ingredients: One and a quarter
cups pastry dour, half a teaapeon
soda, a quarter teaspoon atilt, .half
cup suet chopped 'tine, a quarter tea-
epoon cloves, a Treater cupful dates,
a quarter cup rehab*, half cup tour
milk, .half cup molasses, hall teaspoon
cinnamon. Method': Mix and sift
d-' ingredients. Addmolasses and
mill to suet. ;Combine with dry in-
gredients. Fill well -greased moulds
twnithdrdb full and steam. Serve hot
wit% hard sauce or a bot liquid corn -
Starch sauce to which currant or
grape jelly or Moe bee been added
to give a fruity savor.
Mince Pie Without Apples,
Mince one pound each,sboiled bear
pound rinixed ctt� orange amd� fern -
Sudden hysterical laughter is one
of the symptoms of sleeping sickness
according to Professors Netter :and
Sicard who recently addressed the
Paris Medical Society on the subject.
After studying scores of cases of
sleeping sickness ,they have discover-
ed the lethargy is followed by un-
controllable spells of laughter, dna
suggesting that the bacilli are still war progressing, he found the Indian
active. Some cases Of this illness asleep under a tree.
have been succeeded by fits of sobbing, "Ht, you!" be said. "I thought
hiccoughs and sighs, but the moat you never got tired. Wake up!"
typical symptom of the last stages "I don't ever get tired," said the
of the malady is incessant hilarity. Indian, yawning, "but I should if I
Inasmuch as the malady is contagious didn't rest a good deal."
it certainly is safer not to approach
anyone whois laughing too heartily.
Lord Morton has revived olid tra-
ditions of. Scotish chieftainship,
writes. a correspondent, by ,his prac-
tical and patriarchal gift of a flock
of Sheep to his son on his marriage.
Such wedding gifts must have been
colorise/1 enough when the Douglas
chiefs ruled with a high hand in ter-
ritories where there was little actual
money. llhe ancester of Lord Mar -
The Building Trade.
Canada has been hearing much of
the reconstruction measures a4opted
in British industry, but little of defi-
nite result. R. C. Feld, in ;the New
York Times, tells of actual develop-
ments In the building industry. Near-
ly three years ago the Building
Trades Parliament for the nation was
ergauized. How has it functioned?
In the first place, practically all
the workers have been brought into
the unions and the unldns into the
council. A similar unanimity 1n as-
sociation has been obtained on the
side of the employers. This means
that the forces inside the Parliament
can provide• the management, capital
and labor to undertake any building
program. -
_"There are towns in England, to-
day, for instance, which give their
building contracla directly to the
council instead of hawking them
around to the lowest bidder," says
Mr. Feld. "It so happens that tie
local centralized and highly organiz-
ed committee proves the lowest bid-
der. This has been no small incen-
tive to the speeding up of building
in England."
For the present the council is
turning toward measures to end un-
employment. • The guild socialists are
trying to break up the council and
substitute control by labor for Joint
control, but their success is problem-
atical; to much has been accomplish-
ed under council auspices in secur- !
Ing harmony and progress.
May the happiness of the
New Year be with you
and those whose happi-
ness depends upon you,
and may each day of the
Year bring you your
share of ever increasing
Joy and Prosperity.
Never Got Tired.
A big Indian asked a'farmer to
give'him work.
"But you Indiana always get tir-
ed," said the farmer.
'I never get tired. I'm not like
the rest," was the answer.
So the farmer set him to work. On
coming round later to see how he
ton- was second chief of the Douglas
clan, and the greatness of this fam-
iiy began with the acquisition of
wide lands .in the fourteenth century,
culminatingin the fourth earl, the
great Regent of Scotland, too great
for safety, far he was attained and
executed. But the Morton ears soon
recovered from this blow end, fifty
years ;later, the Seventh earl wee Nine
of the richest and most powerful men I Women unable to read or write Ire
9n the kingdom. prohibited from voting in Hungary,
Manitoba's Rhodes Scholar,
Graham Spry, aged 21, son of
Lieut: Col. D. W. B. Spry, O,B.>a.,
A.A.G., Q.M.O., Military ,District No.
18, has been selected Manitoba
Rhodes Scholar from the University
of Manitoba for 1922. Mr, Spry was
born in St. Thomas, Ont., and served
overseas in the Canadian Field Ar-
tillery. For the past two years he
has been a member of the Manitoba
Free Press staff. \
Trade With Mexico.
! C. Noel Wilde and E. D. Leniline,
Canadian Trade Commissioners, are
now in Mexico City to plan the In-
auguration of steamship lines from
Canada to Mexico.
The Great Western Railway (Eng-
land) 1e an amalgamation of 187
' bompantw,