HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-12-30, Page 10
.. IN
• IS£.0o A lfaor in Advan"e
Uy yma_ publisbots
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Year .1%
1W-- W:WW„v �------'- _ _ - .
lied that the agree- Earl Peterson $19, Lillian rrgwo
e _ en s estimate 4hey will George Kyte, D. D. MAICkenmie, Doc- he smilingly req 01sr".e
gym aMrts au'tamatically. The an Hydtro gi�r would be announced 81 Louie Jackson 818.'
electrical have to pay. ter Ch3aholm, all alb -timer'"' as the vypat bis r' Sit, `Eudw B-� 306; Jack
itial cosh of the power and "On•our road pstrCfioa)lq -tel t vrw H" of ' commons, Bald with a. first to meat and l►e Ar.bibeid 306, i,Foay btewart 308,
. - . apparatus, anclgrd¢ng an electric iron. Mount blue ho ago up to gat three to spAnkling of neN men to )-uvea the word. of aver "Tho 41oba" a dy e M4rner Clarence Trott
A was $160 exclusive of wiring the yd Parliament got 2gg, +ASibe Walker 268, '(evil KniSlrt
e w1311"'YQu, One and All, li .. !CLa lams plant would cost the tulle and a. oma them lira lump a little bit. Is it buy tausaman m` pissed fairly said Mr, Ftbld �� +�IarSarat Seattle 2M, Glsllu
conas�iderabip. mate ta.tiay. The on, quite, a diatsnce 'from the r the a,rondesmerrt that the liflbk gTSY us raxt of the pact before the news
,A- pans i~ oy luted as rinse gall of oast to them would lIo eorrd w is uo-&7° which of course made `The f3nri'th 214, 'Annie Hulley ilia.
R �Ia al�d Prosperous tit We eve, .well aatlanea w9 Bear his blushing honasa thick Globe". Those marked +. csisaea one ormover
Happy.and gas0lnea areelcbringingthefuelooata the plant: The On1Y advanit- upon him Globes vert angry but delighted' the 9x8"Anaao�� W, Maokmy
at prcae¢rt to app iY $B6 � war iaN eves . rt fs ie • • • scubas. for Tory Papers. AV, �'R HL
�] nu Y. rPka same engine operates ago Hydro Pa
New Year the 'mklkingg .machine, a ry wheel, tiro use of larges' moi:oc. for use to Mr. PieldinQ�g in
a rssPesttht d httting done ire called pon Mwanted r. Field Torr}, 680 HOS
anna, 48G' Peer, S�-
11 :', churn, washer and PnrnPe water �os..the barn." ]-situ I[r. K Y Nettle Aberhart 4?b +Plonentte "
{en Our agri°uiburak Oallegee have not tW L he started his career' as a .ing.'' This was pattficulnnl noticeable s
-. - hobs, anti stock. "In rrearIY invesbigg ri farm ldghting plaint costa newspaper man. H" •is one to day. in the ►rsrstorytirrenkal debakea for Spain 424, ytosaoe3 (half 415;. 5.lia►r
rs, we have lead little or no tau- ot, netormatipn As far (rack as 1864, long before the the old obief knew nothing about bets, Mo"Lean 410, Bessie Marriott
' Also we wish to thank you for your patronage during w with the plate , writes Mr. Lobb. to an'y extent• ilia ' y Fu Ruby ieroldrey 890,.
the p t year. We have, tried to please you and we ,.With good .are, the batteries wall Srom this source that I have found prime minister -elect saw the light of figures, milidom were the same to Fukher 381, Herald Cummings 317,_
comes from Michigan• At thud col- day, Mr. Fielding entered the employ nm as huirdreda, and he used is s get Thomas Govenloek $67,'
I -1lope you am- as well satisfied with your every transac e� seI� to yeaus rs and evei" lege,'Mr. F. E. Fogld gave nine diL oP the Halifax Daily Chronicle then, muddied a bit when financial state- quhar W5, Lcidie Batema B ,
fi , fylrli at this store Ila wears. For the year 1922 We Al the provinciaL :Plowing Match ferent planta experimental runs and as now, s beacon light of Liberalism mends had to be presented to the Joaeldnne Edge 858, George
nt] s stoehetterthin s are in store for all. )yo at Woodat k the writer had a chat foundhtha varied troll e>Y. to 14 eta. eominglo- and rmarragivgked his aeditor• Hey to the p -'+nae watching with
orr the sltightestysilip ace Poster
ss 349, Frank 'Lavwnt 849, E7velgln
ORUflde y things arit}i twa,r�ers of individual planets, Grieve 832, "Jim Pinder .824, "
} leve'# et we have turned the corner Of the Shllnp Mr.
� ,1 of Perth county and with gasoline at ,s ttbe �� also
Be and no them of
tvorkrofe this kkind-] n (fact bewasthe Holmes 318, Kathleen Calder' Slo, '!,'
r _� Mr, Hulas of Oxford county. The gallon. According Evelyn Iiuiser, 303, Audrey Somers
- _11. &Tld tbA ,.without, doubt we are On the Way to better i Maitand use their electric Gland of this ,investigator, the total cost of years of his memberahrp of the one minridter on wham the old chief
a farm plant, allowing 6 per cent. Laurier administration he used to coolly leaned. 301', Bill Taman 287, Sadie Hart 218..
times. •Arid as wryt}d the good cheer born of this COLI for mo. n a dozen different puF- ' ` + Arvin Sharpe 271. ***Olive Walker
victlon we lin thilnk you for the favors of 1921 and poses, including the operation of a interest on inveebusnt, 7 Par ,cent. keeps eery fatherly eye open for his 284 Charlie Sitwrart 268,
again depreciation on the engine and gen Chponicle a d Globe. It may be re When the tidal wave oP 1911 swept Tam Thies
machine," cream separator: 258, Bowline Thiel 260, Ida HuMO, i
month confidence express the?Yviah that 1922 will be a rroot �ypgnnlyppe"tr, p„mp and all rruiruor orator, 10 per cetrt. depreciation 8a marked t news, t ever
qua connected reciprocity
it out parliament 246, Joe Hatt 235, Bernice Joint s
Bright, Happy and Prosperous Year to all.a,r oel,old power uses. The junior batteries, and 2 Per cant• degree : Rnseedl Holmes 204, •'fi,eorge
member of the firm, Mr. h Ballon- tion on wiring, ami with fuel and bel tion" of a newspaper man partietdar- and lifted' Mr. Borden into office, Mr- us 'Clarence H04, " Parka "
SInCeT�lyy, tyne, estimated that $80 yearly would at present :prices, would be at toast ly on the Ottawa assignment, and Fielding went dowthe first time in n the ]Ong chill Waunkle 183, Bessie bluff, not Took -1
cover interest and deprecation and $160 a year and fnoyn 'that up to $200 the Ica Le' onoof that facto Georg not suf- tris career. of F. BTM Curdy opposed ed. -M• B. H•abkink. r
Fred S. �avauge that $i100 would cover all costs, ih- dependingg on the amount o1 current for
was ,another excellent news- him in Queens -Shelburne and won, Room IV.
eluding corsurnption of kerosene and correirmed.sot Honours, 470; Paas, 376. Eos
lubricating oils He also esbinumtea The PnrPOBe 91 kh18 ufbe7ectn. Grshammat th publicity end Sir Wil- whoshas had hisSp i'ticalbcand �x den Mennen 541, Elinor Burrows
- JEWSLER AND OPTICIAN- that the paved by electrically to Th
r of the use 7• y 589, Tom Oluff 523, Margaret Cud-
Hesidence 15. driven :apparatus is worth $850 a Thousands oY fasrrien are already art ]rid knew that all was well. The tingaished, Por the time being at any
.1 this modern convenience and Borden government suffered rate, bYhretbe el
HOuaeectors of ofc°Com- more 520, Gladys Arnold 511, E� _
Phone 19f; year. The batteries, he thanks, wrl )OYang would do with- there was not a man in rt w 0 ew of Co c er.
i seven or eight years with Ord- few, if any of their a strange crowd, ;Bateman 611, iMargaret C ••
'""' last
use. "Thu only advantage with
that out it, even at a gribeter cost. It will news from the proverbial load of bay. owns was invaded by missing, ,lack Cudm'ore 477, Charlie Dickson
-_.-. I can see for diydrO in that with it b° noticec1 that iD alt the estimates Sir Hobert himself was notorious for, ' n many
of the old faces King reigned n the realmf 456, Fred Huiser• 447, Harry Maleo+f i
-- -- _- _- one can bee an lectric 'range," said made interest on investment: and de- .has habit of keeping to himself mat. II politics, and in the chair of the o 442, Mabel Bateman 429, Margaret
e precIation has been pre '^r. ? kers which if lade pv>=1ic his ulgdo ern- ! Position leader sat he of the white I Crich 421, Harold Henderson and- ,
' A it at a11. The hundreds o1 Mr. Ballantyn Biurna Stephenson 380, Nelson Card-
ELECTBIC SESVICS ICOR THE dptyvata�plants being sold each year When Mr. Hi irigUadded his one were to figure the cyst c1 sur.- amts cad the p ul nes with most of his former col- no 377, Bertha Huiser 376, Russell
would seem to prove abut this ler- od plant, be was assured that it ,could ins the farm car on the same basis nient and no of those about him Allen 372,Charlie Stephenson 866; -
U o ermbed on two gallons of it it would be found that even the had the gift o1 •the right kind o1 pub-rguFe,Jseld7 q t among iat�en alines Andrew elder 366, Jean Frost 361, .
By F. E. Ellis BSA. in I+arm, and vice is we its willgive Satisfactory sena a week but the consumption has cheapest cern can be °peratedibr yeDa dicity at the Proper mometik. Field- more and resumed .his seat at the Mary Archibald 350, Tom Holly 860,.
I)aary liL�hting p1 run from five' to seven gallons. This than eight or ten °eats 'a anis, and ins and 'Graham occupied a chess by ediboriw desk. But most of us whu
aer•vice and in a very iRrge majority includes bale an hour's pumpir{ a coats at least twice as much during themselves in this respect. When the had seen men coma and gO n public Margareti McLelland 337, Anna Ed -
The Canadian farmer and his fear of Oases, lire initial cost of operation day and tiro Operation of the wash- the course of a Year. as would a'farm tariff war whs threatened between monds 332, Herbert 'Peterson 822.
it are anadang r ail the homforts can well be afforded. Farmers 'haVe in amaobdne, iron orad tights. His' IighUln%'plant that would give equal, Canada and the UNited States in the; life year after year knew that Field- Charlie Reeves 317lvin Knigbt 816,
y o errt and coni- early Ipar•t of 1810, air Widinid did ins would come back. He supported Thompson Al,31Ameli4L Cooper
and codwr6ences enjoyed by their found kir¢ money to but automobiles Plant .est him $796 to instal, rrrclud- if not greater, ernj ym 2M, Ona Nicholl 807, Elva Oke 30b, i
sites bretyiren. This statement
should and should, in the same way, inR the whin Although the cost of fort, The autombbi'le, b6cause of the 'not 'hesitate one moment in d'eapabelr twhe Pel � w thout opposition
pees without 'argyrrruerrt. In recent ins to make an investment to ancreax o -ration wags higher than he had condort, satisfaction and convenience ins his two born newspawith Presi- per men toman a
1917. That may have rust 'hi later Harry Workup a si3toph'
years, theInventions that have added "air home comforts• :'It should not P . the leadership Of the Liberal party -user 221,- .
year largely to the contort" of. city til "nssbeilsarY to Proare that electric anh}cipahed, Mr, E;alliker assured mR on ht� ..' Thessam�e�isentrueaof dentTaftt and the negotiate
heir innd but he thought of his own son and Room V.
that tlrelp woirkl rrat think of doing
life, are dependetrt on :'.the' supply of lights are cheaper than kerosene thatwitht" ut the comforts and convenience :the farm lighting plant in every case soon en
astnrywturned 11 told lin a way the sons of thousands of others Over- w
electric current. Efficient home Iampy in order to justify them. Per that eDa Aridty now gives them. where it has been dried' man could under -
the :electric iron, .the eise- Napa the cheapest moay of travelling Salton county that the average seas, and favored conthe la to and Total, 30in Honours, am Pass, 1A0-
lr8l►ting' yaot$ne, the is to ws37c ant mod_t of -+re Vr"fer-'our �• _1? V. uA�ry�t,ey.r a --- -" "'. -tend. '11rat is half the battle. united -Hort Duang rhe latter per- Asterisk 3ndicade exams mv+sed.
j(rjG*�1j••iwiven wislown6" fruit glower, insi lW his Plant when i • • ' iod of the war he amt on the govern Dorothy Wilts- 28e Helen Bruer '
wienum olsamr-•all of these sets' db- �a'utomobilet• In recent weeks we the dirst oost was only $385, In the THE LITTLE GRAY MAN In the „cabirnot of all the talenka" Win, side but was always a candid 277, Margaret Drover and Billy Bruer--
perrdent On 'electric power. Haw oar have been endeavoring to get some four .soy since them, repairs 'have A distinctive feature of the recent forme(3 by Sir Wilfrid in 1696 Mr. friend and did not hesitate to point 272, Muriel Beattie 267, s 253, lark
these electro¢ conveniences mg1>b ritsda
definite information as to just what ami � � $20 I ga,�ine and lu- generat elections was the develop- Fielding was by fAr• the most indus- out weaknesses when he found them. ranee 261, Pearl Reeves 263, Sack
available Mier
it will cost to instal and operabe an bricatUig oil .}'ave cost about $20 a ovines
'Dine farmer can obtain theca con- individual plant. One manufacturer meat of the "bloc" habit by pr triyus member. Prior to coming to After rhe armistice he returned to Mai Kay 247, E:izaVbIadelil}ioth�
es 'n tint two ways• HQ must vnhoae Granas are in use all aver Carr Year. with coal oil at as average other •than Quebec. It was eoruceded Ottawa he had long been connected his one
only love , the Liberal Mary Marga 221x.
eerier. } rues of 20c a ,gallon. Leat w rtes genara'11y thak the Meighen govern- with the public life of his province Party, and there he is to d2y, right 2'l(1, Margaret McRellar 204, Many
either get central station service, such ada, estimates
sYspe if ulogsplant, the original small batteries were re- ment's chances in Quebec were not of i and was premier at the time the call .up in the front line. with fifteen Reid 1.95, Verna Ferguson 194, George
as is furnished by the Hydro electric „Aim with storage battery, can placed with large batteries at an ad- a rosy hue, and Bose who spoke ;carne io the lar}^er field. To him 1 b,=nehmen from his native province Crii•h 183, Ruth Workman 182, Jack
Com oidssion in Ontario, Or put in a comp glibly of ten or ffltean seats were was given the leading portfolio, that I to wage the battle of Liberalism. The Jarrott 170, **Charlac Pinder 188,
plant of finis own. The only other al- be purchased�tsht�n �lmesr� ef$340. $25 gin n -g Iasi good s itisfaetion asawhen not aware a conditions in that pmv- � of Finance, and he threw himself in- ,,, Icy enemy the little gTav man from Hazel Hulley 16,7, '**Evelyn Goldin$
rorvuabive firs to girt along without the By adding it was new. frac-. The solid Quobec "bloc" was . to the work with an energy which Nt,va Scatra has is Old Father Time. 154, GtMrge IrayF lfi1, Edna Stoney11
safely, comfort anti: conveniences and 'Over' taking to the plant engine Mr. W. C. Barrie, Waterloo Co., anticipated, but the same cannot be caused his more free -and -easy and 11,, is in his seventy-fourth veer but 125, *'*Irene Cluffo I 1`21, Violet Bever
which electricity brings. portion chargee Time has dealt gently with him, and 113, John Cardno 111. ,ell 94, B TMY
tering heavy se'r'vice for free years, said for Nova Scotia and Prince Ed- nappy -go -lucky colleagues such as - ,,Gra,re W(itc'hell 94, Barney
In deciding which of these asrvicea wild see there is investment of $466. out.. 'has a plant that has neem rami- ward Island which sleeted Liberals Wi'.(iam Paterson and Mr. Mnlock to he is to day fit and ready fur any von 106,
will be taken 'advantage of, the first This does not include the wiring, the lighting and supplying power to both for all the seats -twenty in ull- esponsibilitiOs which the immediate Cooper 84, Lila a 73, Walker
gaze upon him wonderingly. Pater -
is Whether the central cost of which will Mr the same, v- his own home and that of his father down by the sad sea waves... 'Mr. son and Fielding were the desk mates future has in store for him. He has asst Rasps 72, 1.--G."Donald Walker 48, 11.11
station service is available stall and, practically the same, for either Priv- on the opposite Oide of the farm Crerar and his merry men nearly sue- of Sir Wilfrid- the former sat on the long since proved his mettle. *Grace Hulley, 3t. G. G. Rosa.
If not, if it can be forecasted with ate plant or central stations. In or- lane The plant is Rocated in the r girt o4 Lhe old chief. Budget da s Room VI.
any reasonable probability, when it der
-to be very liberal in our figures, garage between the two 'houses. Per seeded in making Saskatchewan a y At the time ht writing Mr. King
nice little "bloc" of their own, one wore red letter ones in the Fielding is .grappling with his problem of cab -
will be available in the future. The he are. plain battery the depreciation
ti can baps I cannot do better than give y inet coruA .tinn, and man
writer has visited farmers is Ontario t engine Per Mr. Barrios letter in full. He writes: lone Liberal, Mr. Motherwell,' being calendar. He alwa s was accorded y are hop- Primer. Total, 150; Honour", moi
the compliment of a crowded house Pass, 90. Mary Barbar 135 Betake
who have. been waiting. for seven years end, on the rest of the plant, 10 oho „Iso are only too Pleased to give the rued, farmers ithoar gobbling up rhe Others and well filled galleries in the old I Christmas the
will phave some nice Edgar 133, Ian McLean 132, Helen.
'or more for a power line to come out cenk. Allowing 8 P the information, as we have had Aiberta is in the name class if One building, and would bustle in at the liltie gift on it for them. it as con- M -site 121 Aileen Chapman 1d1a
to their concession and the power as investment you will find that the you
satisfaction with our iplant, and may use that term, and ,Manitoba, door behind the Speaker's chair right cededi that if Mr. Fielding wishes to l CLesker Archibald 114, Helen Ranirin
not yet available. In some oases, yearly charge $8 this basis is $98.40+ would not like to. be without it. We with its almost solid agrarian phalanx, after prayers with an arm full of return to his old department of Fin 111'w, Kathleen Stewart 112, Miarg-
these men; when rebuilding, had war- or Practically $8 a month. boa ht our plant five years ago and snce the door is mold: Open, Canada arcttx McLeod 103, Grace Free 102,
dvrdn'g that time have ,never been is not far behind. Nova Scotia stands I blue books and a wicker basket corn never had a bettor Minister of Fin- Peggy Alexander 95, Edith Render-
ed their housea in the hope of -getting "As regards cost of operation, an R oak conspicuously for the reason that raining the more inti cute portions of
electrical connections in :the near fu- rrdinary 1 H.P. engine will operate without the use of the electric light. the result was due in a very large the speech. When ,his turn came he ante and no one knows more surely I son 90, Helen :Sclater 90, Billie Cade
Lure and that in •es'tmarit has been s eight lours on one gallon of gasoline, It is used to light two houses, a $ark degree to tiro personal popularity of bounced up and plunged at once` into i than Mr. Fielding that the times and more 9o, Eliaabebh Stevenson 80.
katal lass to date. We can confident- which. at 40c a gal Will cost 6c .a. a and worksbop, 49 lights in all, occasion" are such that a strong hand I Rvt.h Ciiattenden 75, Florence Knigltt
ly figure that it will be a generation per H -P. hour. Taking care of the and to supply power for an electric the man who led the Liberal forces the meat of his deliverance withavt t needed on the rudder. Mr, Field- 1 7g Milenda Elm and Gordon Hci ab-
iron, o supply
cleaner, power washer, there, the little gray fighter, for fif- wasting any time on preliminaries.
at ;least before all aural homes will doss converting from one form of teen years the close counsellor of air One knew instinctively when hts was ins may deride that he oar serve sent.. I
iigve electrical energy available from energy to another, it will be determ-. churn, and power for pressure water Wilfrid in office and his friend in leading up t0 his surplus announce- more acceptably in the ranks; be that j Gradk B. 'standing by merit. --e
a central service station -if, indeed, �watt-t -hour t s averageto 5� when �� system Cost is $475 but the defeat, the Honorable William meet for there was always a surplus �5 .it may 'his return to the govern- , Iic, garth, Billie Jack m, ' "l
that time ever cornea. l2cOur Pia Fielding, who returns •to Ottawa for in every Fielding budget. He would ment side will give the King admin-', Do rice, Corinne .Iotham, vvtvar
wlhere power from a er;rnt.ral ler- directly from the gernrator 'amt after same plant 'is ,coiling today around R, istra'tion added weight with the pee- Venus, Jack Wright,. Mattie Edgalt:7 � • '
vice station is available, at is the most passing through aha storage tartest -erns-Shelburne at the head o4 fi1Y approach his be surplus very ole And in the first flush of his ; Beatrice Brewe-, Blanche Wilts-;
beon,.in Although
use for about five teen other Liberal stalwarts from careful] and finally produce it with Fera Mble, Lulu ]fart, Jean Pinder_
reliable source of electric energy and the mgt Wirt vary frvrrn 16c to 20c a $800. Although our batteries have tar, rola- nose" province. Quebec has an air of triumph like a conjurer victory the young prime m5naster-
furnishes more power than can be figure o hour. Taking the highest ars, they show very little sign of elect may be forgiven .if he Pops his I _M,n, Bessie Mitchell.
generated by the. individual plaint. figure of all, .that as, 20c a kilowatt depreciabaon and electricians who no Patent on the "bloc .idea.", Little bringing a rabbit out o4 a hat. Then head Out of his bedroom window at 74
Slice-4kom a power line also der hour are fair Coat, it will be noticed have trxamined them say they are Nova iScotia and smaller Prince Ed- he would wait for the Liberal cheers m'idnighk on Chriskmas eve, and---------"-`'
valves less labor do oaring for elec- that a 20 watt lamp will coat 2-5 Of good for three or four }rears yet. The, ward Island have demonstrated that to subside, all the while glancing
A over at the oppysition benches where thinks he hears the wsits singing a I LONDESiIORO
tricral apparatus ,and actually furn- one cent an lour. Allowing the farm' g On the* r Mr. Foster sat waiting to Pour the new version of an old carol:
isires power at less coat than does load the daily est for operationhts for four hours careothey receive, such keeping fact. Hark the herald angels sing No
new Community $slit
the individual plaint, In no case, day, the begs covered with the acid, by Nova Scotia has even a better acid of his sarcasm over the whole
y, u will agree P>s "bloc" record than Quebec for while tMng. Mr. Holding was always a w.i'lliam Lyon Mackenzie King. was Opened Friday night, D°eembe
however, can the rural dweller ex- be Toe, a da I think you ,,The Mace" in Saturday Night. 116th. The proceeds amounted to
pent to get electrical energy- as cheap with us that the average farmer can always having distilled water on the big province has not, until this very rap d speaker but he had the - _
and to keep than up to their firs]] strength, time, senit a solid representation o1 nawsnaner trick of c mdensation _��_ $275 The P-re9bytRrian Suftlday
ly as it is supplied in town. On most afford' Joe a day to give his family hand, arra m trequ he over charging R P SEAFORTH PUBLIC SCHOO[. school hid their Chniabmas eru0er
ly the rural lines, in Ontario at least, all the advankagea of electricity, ]rave known a self of batteries, the once political stripe to Ottawa, he yrhiah made him One of the easiest
tof t has been difficult to get mune than can also afford the investment tree- l little maritime sister under the lead- men in the House to report. He tainment Thursdciy night and the
same -as ours to ership of the, Mr. Fielding elect- never used two word's where. one EXAMINATIONS Methodist on Christman night. Both
an average of three usereito ; �, es�nth dOthis aft manvfacturer who baa R Year through neglect 1n less duan The following are the result: of the were held .in the new hall. They
whreas in down one lacing lighting planta on the "We have kept no aatuaN account ed eighteen Liberals for 'her eighteen would, do. FIs was however the des Christmas Public School examine- : ro
aileron cants non 'serve several been ,p _for a were well attended and good p ;
hundred homes. markets for 10 years, " gave us the of "the bit have rating for whole
two RI Transcontinental election and Sir wars in, fohrm ands we l set owing to lions: ,grammes given. -Mr. Bohn RadYord
Recently I anvesti -sted the.costs of following information: year, delivery. Room F. i has purchased .the o]il township vhall .j
Hyaro war on a Projected' line in ,,We estimate thatt depreciation on months in the winter and two months fi lir' bloc ea The solidi Nova Scats: hes speedy ' Total marks, 700; Honours, 525; and is fitting it up for a garage• -
power y Nomination Dat
Western iOntari0.'"The engdrteer in our small sized farm lighting plank, in the "ulov ee and eo oar give 90 anliamenk as F. A. Laurence of Coln could }Mid Iris temper in rein better Pass, 420. Mar .Tacksyn 578. Ruth was on MondaB
charge est -twrid that the minimum including interest on .the investment, a fairly erase oatim'Rte of the cast for pd not last for the whole of that No man 1s the train re benches Jarrott 567, Cliff Toward 586, Car- Those nominated fur Reeve are Watt
flied charge; which would cover .the should nut exceed' X100 Per annum. a Year'" oporatirrg:r 00 chaster (the riding which s9panked than Mr. Fielding. Whatever degree roan Ferguson 562, Nellie Cook 560, and Armstrong; for councillors; usi
lost of constructing the Hue and Pro- This includes depreciation on the 80 Coal oil for fuel' Mr. Met ands quite severely a few of irascibility he Possessed he kept Clifford Lowery f,FiO, Edward Rank Ewen, Adams, Clark, Barr and Hoes
which we Earn Lubricating oil 8.00 was put on the tenet a»d very earefully out of sight, and that P ton. -The WOmrn's Institute are hold -
vide for interest and depreciation, Ampere hour ba'tterry, 8.00 days ago) 569, Arnold virkins 553, Gordan Rol h
•ppvvorrld be $BO a $arm. Were the fish with the Plaint.
is, gasoline and oil, Repairs arest •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 28.76 a red her by-election preoipitabed is say ng 1 great dell in view o1 the 552, DomUhy Webster 647, Alvin Sil- ins a social evening in the Comasun.
fasmer to dfrabal a three louse Perones ring .oaks. the , g "tion g,40 which reauilted in John Stansfield, a , fact that Mr. Foster was the opPosi- lery 649. Jeanette Archibald 641, its Hall Monday, January 2nd. '1*irare y
Tory, "urrahrinkable" coming to Ot- tiyn fin-, al critic and was wont to Sadie Mc1N,nald 537, Dark Walker 534, will be a Pmgra:nane and hnnehr-' 9
motor, sn electric range, and use the �h a� eli�rl anis dot eiidven machi1.60 it nery Depne°1 taws as the one woolly kamb o1 the I stoop down vulture-like on Anything Y Amon those who are n �
ordinary am,ovrrt of electlic lighting, $68.76 Andrew Mel . an, 632, FIrO Brown- g sPernii g
fila tory anioion f -leas would e'- in ne'e. Th n agar] rd we can onlq "New batteries for our plant will Conservatives. That was the election which did not anPear be be just spirt. b31, Margaret Stewart 630, Irene Christmas holidays at their lrossralt
auount to not lest than $40 ora total repair here, we notice, Mireea Della sad
04 100 yearly. Bertha Grieve 526, Gerald Snowdon Sadie McCool, Toronto; Miss MsUs
,charge $ ail In this esti
Sit cost
that we have numbers of Plant cost in the rseighborhood of X250 and in which the spirituous aids b0 right lie used to make Poster extremely
period of several on than 'are mos In not know tom 'tomato sauce." That was the ']Inst bursts of party temper srriouwly. 628 ,Stan Nicholls 525, Mildred brat McCool, Albert C011e�. }IsAilria`
mate flue electric ramps and Vire at work which have cost nothing for I 'havenaat figured in the depreciation voting came into Truro diDgafaed as angry by refusing to take bis Out Patterson 630, Eleanor Harries 52R. villa Mass O}vetta Brighalri,
ytrtitor could not be need at tfie sash- sepayts over a Gerd Johnston 525, Ikvrothq yiobirison 619,
of and It 'was lammed that there seals ^ long they will To if they db not i break in tiro sulfa eighteen• of 1909. Foster we rid thunder away abort the Jack Frost 518, Will Mies. Bertha Bno�Mr4
would be only advised we have to add $30 a Tear m deprerla- mix Teslas fou their• way to parka- m�ent and the inanity of its financial BaTberra517n Rvasel Bonnett 616, .lack 'Ip�obeu; RM,i�ea E3esior ami Jepufe
e some amount re All of. the comparries to vdhiNh are dawt more than eight pears we would Fielding are in the erections of 1908 coloeaall extravRgance of the govern, ,
and Fielding would counter Barb 508, Sean t Bo 608, I -,crura meas, Chicago: Miner Violet ilAlii
work for the rower. 'W'bere a five wrote for anforrnstion le Reeves, Rets Toronto; Miss Fdf'Js §MnV ou
hem¢ poy0er meter is. used, the fatal the best place to Set evidence as to tion which would bsi*i'R the asinval mrart attd in 1911 the Liwith berals and policy, Bmwn absent, Myst lips,
Dealt would be about $160 ytsarly. costs was from farmers who had us- alrlt to aboutd'lw�S,% t e prince e4 c 1 aaob, Tl+elvredietrnbnrtlevenly
n oCOnsef 1914�cut kettleshblack a d chadi dein. s P1PoTM Toronto' Mr- Kirk Lyon oug WO ''
'Phase charges yr►aY seem' Idgh but ed plants for Dame years. Our fleet �Si down the representation of Nova ent for Ms testlriesa. When the 'then I IioBs� , TdrPowl r, Principal. , Mr. and :Mrs. Dewar, �� � �
farmers avarywhese 'are elaaranrint inqufry was addressed to Mr. W. H. nil of the planta themselves grtul Room n. s erg the litra. ys
TM us . comdiig down, the annual co 8aotia to sixteen so k will be Dien finance minister returned from Wash- eon ®241. teen irrother, •i0ra Lyon --Mr. and
for the service and thosema
' woo have Lobb, 8pHuron la�ntt about bDn yman esTa ago. On will be ��what.11eee. We have been with that number of acalpi at his iecipruIrtois with the carefully gext of the t wed�a I Tdtat, 486; Hoirovrs,M983; ipb � E Crawford .are opeadinr 'for
9 o inatatled would not •Llfink Of i� 7<a N rlrrsry t o houw burl, ing talking Hydro in our neigbborbood belt on Safmors. made a clean sweep reciprocity pa
without ft. eleatria and have issd srsectiAgs to Set the of it oras more. no returns to Tar way in lids famous little black bag Elsie Loe►ery`4Q8, � Dreh, with i3bedr dsarhlsr
' Far without
ft. yvlro has any sea- en aid dairy age i}giuted �yY 11D -•Met{ >Bs11 is *#-
sorsahle Ssrpe p est but Mr. ArnOrtrnrrg 561, ]0ihitr+d `I\irnbndl 848. wt Ni 1^a10" bor id"10"r„
Of lr4 Hydro e9ec• its. T%Tee hrmpa "my be Mimed fire .inrsrosrr do sign up, but vary ,few of M Lfers sash asf Nod Macdotiald'Ae the term" olvthe agraerns regaedin8 i BBB. Arthur )9�rwr
the nidrt A11► 7 e. e " tita° ox th9 strait k tbear oars X00 "gn a 50 PWr .fin gwrae Iolatr, Wiifiaar LMe . did not sat a art] 1 ,., 8 y� )11 full ' 414iffiD 846, lag '
1, tru servloe 0n f i►s -bonus- bobor7 'blit W%m a "Iddr 1a a " del }.� iaMl
MreOr oke electrid atNttiy, i< iontih UM is �ssn *8-f- *A" % 'M Nstiba as Maelr a tlra Duff, W. F. Ca*roili of Cape >ardbn. Mtii p°T
nmast duet da tt5ate Bois 911b,' 1Yi9tl -' V r
seat flown who e ,
. y ... .
. _ .;
fleas %at.,.x aA1 , •^' !'; 7niYtsif: a'I'L .lwL.,!