The Huron Expositor, 1921-12-16, Page 57 COMER 16, 1921. ruz HURON EZPO$ITOa snAFORT$ MARSH.. , di;( Searforth, Deceanber id, 1921. HFo@e per Owe., i ^4. r die u0.0o cgs, ;,Jsu'ccer, per m Potatoes, per bag .i -Wheat, per bushel Barley, per bulihet 'Flour, per cwt Bran, per :ton,., Shorts, per ton •.•11.26 $1.20 hoc 80100 80.00 CHISEI.HURBT Notre The Sabbath School of the ;Methodist Church is busy training the children fora concert to be given on .'Thursday evening, the 22nd. • MANLEY Notes. -Mr. W. 'Marley wears a f4,, •amino since the 10th inst.. wham' kis �t wifs presented: him with a baby gwl. -Mr. C. Eckert is at present so- journing amongst us. -Miss Mary � �fo� as been in - oar m ttthiwe McKILLOP Christmas Entertainment to be bald le 8. 8. No. 4, MOKUIop, on Tusday. December 20th. Saab Claw and a Chrbtm. tree. aim a good programme. Everyone invited to bring gifto for the tree. Admiwlon 25 c and 16e. 28174 Christmas Entertainment. -An en- tertainment will be held in S. S. No. 4.'MeKillop, school house on Tuesday, December 20th. Santa Claris, Christ- mas tree and an excellent programme are some of the things to look for- ward to.' Everyone invited to bring gifts for the tree. Everybody wel- come. LONDESBOR(l Notes. -Mr. and Mrs, Albert Knox are home from the West and intend making their home here in the fu- ture. -Mrs George Brodgen does not improve very rapidly -Everything is ' going alum.; fine in connection with the new hall. A new piano was pur- chased last week for the hall, and :the opening will be on Friday even- ing, December 1Lith. Supper will be served from 6 to 8, after which a grand programme will be given. -- The Sunday st-houls are busy prlrtis- ilg fur the Christmas Tire. -.Mr's. Eraithewaite is on the sick list at present. -Miss I,. Brigham, who was a delegate tp the London Convention, (;ave a splendid report at the meet -- mg of the W. J. last Thursday. The meeting was well attended. HAY School Report.--tl,e. •fell'eitiag is the report of School- Section No. 14, Hay, for the month of November; names are in order of merit: Sr. Fourth -Frances Pearce and Olive Petty equal. Sr. Third -Hazel Thom- son, Charles Pearce, Florence Thom- son and Clarence Smillie equal, Nor- man Alexander, Andrew Bell, Marie Dick. Jr. Third -Isabel 'Alexander, Marjorie Pearce, Olga Bell. Jr, I'I.- Dorothy Thomson, Mildred Smillie, Jean Bell, Earl Dick and Gordon Troyer equal. First Class, Sr. - Willie Dodson. First Class, Jr. - Alex. Mc1Murtrie, Eva Pearce, Dor- othy Dodson, The best spellers in the monthly spelling matches were as follows: Fourth, Fiances Pearce; Sr. Third, Hazel Thomson; Jr. Third, Isabel Alexander; Jr. Second, Doro- thy Thomson. -Margaret M. Jarrott, Teacher. BAYFIELD For Christmas Citia see what we have in book. and toys, fancy boxes of chocolates, scarfs, fancy tiny braces, fancy handker- chiefs, oweaten, hone, fancy blouses and umorouo gouda suitable, at moderate prices. F. A. Edwards. 2818-1 Breezes. -Mr. M. Kerr, who has been our efficient constable and also was caretaker for the town hall and Trinity church, left last week for Whitby, Where he has 'accepted a posi- tion as orderly in a large institution there. -Remember the school concert at the town hall on Friday evening of this week, the 16th, with songs, fancy drills, a good play, a panto mine "Wanted, a Wife," a darky drill, and a good time generally. Be sure and come. -Rev. Mr. Hallowell, of Clinton, was a visitor at the rec- tory this week. -The annual election of officers of L. O. L. No. 24, was held at the lodge rounds last week, when the following were appointed: Master, George Castle; Deputy Mas- ter, Harold Stinson; recording secre- tary, J. W. McLeod; chaplain, A. E. Erwin; ,treasurer, J. W. Tippet. Af- ter the election lunch was served and a social time was spent. GRA* MARKET. 'bion... Dedwpbar 16.-diasaoha wbea*- No. 1 Northam. 4L16 No. 2 Nordista /1.2134, • Ne. 6. 61,16%. 'Manitoba oat* -No, 2 C.W., Six,1 No. d JW., 61o; extra No. 1 O,W., 62e; No. 4 O.W., 61ot metre No. 1 feed, 51e. Manitoba 4atrler--16ominal. Ail the above tea* Bay *orb. Amer4ean tom - No. 2 ynlow ale. lay pees. Ou*n4✓ost. white. -die, -2 hlte, nornipnf. Ontario wheat - Nominal. 9arle -No, 3. - emus, Reef 47 ibis. er better, 47 to OQo, awarding to freights outride. Buokwbwt-No. 2, 72 to 740. Rye --No. 2 .86e to $0e. Manitoba Flour -First 'stale% 17.40; second patent., $6,00. Tome - to Ontario flour -.O0 for rent. potent. balk sea board, per barred, 44.80. l/ulfeeed-4).- ,lver*d. Montreal Might, bags included; bran per ton, 426; shade, Por dun. $27; good feed dour. 01.70 to 01.60. Bided bay-JCraek To- tems., pea •tor, No,, 1, $21.60 to 11211; mixed, UL Straw --Car Iota, per ton. 112. LIVE STOCK MARKER'S alo, December ill -Cattle reeelpte, 3,- 1606 dull. Butcher., 16 to 26 cents off ; taaoy, strong. Shipping eters, 07.76 to $1; few f ancy, $10; butote., 97.50 to 118.26; Year- lings, H to $11.76; heifers. 44.50 tet$7.60; cows, .2 to $6.76; few, $6; bulk. 46.26 to 6,26; stockers eid feeders: 16.66 to 46.66; fresh rows sad epiegea, 40. to $1.26.. Cabs-Remipb, 2.260; *low. 18 to gill. Hop -.*.**pian 17.600; 10 to 26' wage low- er; heavy. 37.76; mixed, $7.75 M MI' yendt- .rs, 46 to Old; light 'erten, .o,4 pip, $6,46 W 18.10; roughs, 06 be $4.26; step. 44 to 46.00. Sheep -and lamb---,Reoelpte, 16,000; now. lower; Lamb, $5 to $1226; yearling., 46 to $10; wether., 46 to$6.50;; as, 02 to 36.60: mixed ehewp, 45.60 to 46. Montreal, December 18. -Cattle receipts, 1,613. All clemee of butcher.' cattle were la good demand. There were a few lute of good Quality heilere and eters which brought 66.76 or about 76 cents higher than previa. markets. The top was $7 paid for three Picked *teem, averaging 1,000 pounds. One baby beef heifer, weighing 835 pound,. brought 48.50, and nine good fat cowe were ▪ Id for 95.26, which price was paid for four broody bulb, averaging 1,476 pounds. A Pair of real fait oxen, weighing together 3.760 Pounds, brought $6. The majority of the cattle offered were of only medium to 000000 quality. and were weighed between 04.25 and in in moat canes. Common and cutter otoek was unehungel. Quotations: -- Butcher etre , choice, 66,70 W 37: good. 80 to 110.751 -medium, $5 to 55.76; common. $4.25 to 55; but•her heifers. choice, $6 to 16,75; medium. $1.70 to $5.3,0; common, 53 to 4,60; butcher co *ws, choice, 5 to $5.25; medium, $3 to 54.50;rannene, $1.75 to $2: cutters. 82.50 In .$2.75 ; butcher bulla, good, $4.50 w 55.25; common. 82.50 to 18.60. Calf rereipto. 630. There wan not much clmntrc in price. .lh,irly gond veal up to' 510. Gruaeereo fly around 34. Quota - tate. Goodvied. $10 medium, 58 to $9; oleos, 53 to 34. Sher, receipt,, 1.1,10. 5lerket much strong- er; limbs u1+ to I11 nd sheep ' hi•ek us $6. (;uotetiotu: Dies, $3 to $6; lamb.. good, 310.0 to 311 ; o ,moon, 08.50 .to $10. Hog r ant,, 2,176. General ,e,atorion : SII: odd v,I.„ w bo tellers short of I. u111111111/. 011.00. A f, w m w. es high lei 0:r. Quote - Olt r. r weights, ,o'leet,, $II to $11.50; • 57 to $9. Huron St,,,-', Yards, Toronto, December 13. I or the 51„mtoy following the annual live stork .union the supply of cattle to -day was heavy, 1 thou;., not out of lbs way compared with recent, this _ ,.w, Trude was tt trifle .low ,n opening. • ,,, fur m any but the good end choice mad.were concerned, but by 110011 w everything oelliug t,rinkly and a 0004 0leen-up w effected by three odo_k. Buyer: were keen fur choice stub for th,• Christmas bade, of which there was a very fair proportion in the total offering. One load of choice heavies brought 36.40 per 1 cwt. at the top, and Corbett MA Hall hal eix eh, :tee noting over 1.500 n,e ' ,hipped hy rJ. aC rover. Wards vil lc, that brought $6.20 err met. Baby beef was In good demand, the bent price being 13 ,eats per pound. paid for two head averaging 850 pnon,lo, ahippef by John Smith, Nettleton, to Rice and Whaley. 'lath ' low were sold .to the Herrin Abattoir Co. 'Taken ns a whole the choice heavy ,Calle today brought SOc Per cwt. higher then last Monday. 1'he top fur hendyweight hutrher cattle was with several lulls at 6yc. or u Quarter bet- ter. than a week ago. Mostof the lurcher rattle mold at from 513, to 66, cents. Butcher news were mteady, with tops . high as fie, while butcher bulb of choice Quality were a bit stronger than a work ago at : 1-• rents for tom. Conners generally were steady at 21/4 crate, only a few of the extra poor nam going as low an 2 cent.. was There n light run of calve-., 00,1 the quality of the hulk w shove average. Choice veals brought 11 to 12ir. cent:, with one only making the top, namely. 13 cents per pound.The price pool for Iambs today was ex- uetly even with that ad n year ago this week, namely, 12 t, 1221, cr to for choice, with a few at 13c per pound. Hogs opened strbng at 9 1-2 to 9:0 rents per pound, f.o.b., er from 310.1 to $10.40 fed and watered. a few making 10 1-2 cents fel and watered before the close. Receipts to -day were 4,907 cattle, 50 calve., 2,907 hogs and 2.886 sheep and lambs. Quotation.: Chniee heavy steers 36.00 to 58.50; butcher steres, choice, $5.75 to 10.60: do, gond. $5.00 to 35.75; do. medium, 34.50 to 85.00; dn. common, $3.00 to $4.00; but- chers' mochem' heifers, choice, $5.75 to $6.50: butches' • (dance, 94.50 tto 15,50; do., medium, 13 t. 84.00; canners '64 cutters. $222.25 to $2.75: butchers' bulks, good, 33.50 to 84.50: common. 122.50 to 33.00; (ecdes, 900 pound., $5.00 to 35.50- do. fair, 34.50 to . 85.00: milkers], 380 t%3100; springers, $90 to 0110; calves. choice, 911 to 312.50; do., medium, 88.00 to 310.00: do., common, 53.00 to 36.00; Iomhs, gond, $12.00 to 812.50; do., common, 55,.FO to $6.00! sheep. choice, $5.00 to 15.20 ; do., good. 33.00 to 53.50; do., heavy and bucks, $1.00 to $2.00; hogs, fed and watered, $10.15 to $10.40; do. f.o.b., 59.50 to 59.76: do.. country point., $9.25 to $0.50. BRUCEFIELD Kelly Oircle.-The Kelly Circle held its closing meeting for the year on Tuesday of this week. 'Phe meeting was taken by Mrs. J. A.' McEwen and Mrs. Gilmour. The following officers were elected for 'the new year: - Ron. Pres., Mrs. W. D. McIntosh; hat vice pros., Mrs. J. A. McEwen; 2nd vice pres., Miss Aggie Beattie; secretary, 'Miss M. R. Aikenhead; treasurer, Mrs. Jas. Thompson; mes- senger secy., Miss Alice Rattenbury; press secy., Mrs. A. McQueen. The bazaar, under the auspices of the Cir- cle, was a decided success, moat of the articles offered for sale being sold. The proceeds amounted to near- ly $125, and the Mission Band booth realized $15. Notes. -- Rev. W. D. McIntosh preached an excellent sermon on Sun- day evening from the text, "Cast thy burdens upon Mile Lord and He shall sustain thee." 'He spoke of unneces- sary worry, :and 'having -more trust in God. -'Mss. Haugh left this week for Toronto, where she was a delegate for the U. F. W. O. convention. She is president of the Women's U.F.O. of this division and will, no doubt, bring back 'a good report. -Mr. Merritt, station agent, will be mar--- vied on the lath in' Brantford. He will return to Brucefield after Christ- rasa,-1Wi1•lism.. Aikenhead 'has been elected president of the U. F. O. and Scott Davidltyn, secretary treasurer. -Mrs. Wheeler is visiting relatives in Detroit -144r. and Mrs. Addison deft fide week to attend the funeral ifor Addison's mother, near Londes- IN M MORU.* '/*tie -•Miss sada laic Leal .U9 5.met a � Carle ed N. elate eCle vo..04 14 M fee *edit additional veer., Furry. -1n pr.olewe and tender me e1 my dear wife /Lary Elisabeth Mollie wise died is Kindersley lios*ital, atter- • month'. inners of '11r3thetdranent 0C0M, Dee (:ember 17th, 1020, oar, year Cao today. Cod caned my loving wife away. Yet 1 will not repine For Jaw in hie bosom wear. . Th. "Flower" that ono* As mina Sadly mired by eorrowlay Hu.band and little Daughter, Dorothy, In ever .ad and loving mamvey or ear dearly beloved daughter and -Aster. Mary Eilaabath Heli. Furry, who died ala lar oDeceatbet 17th. 1920, She 'le gone, but not forgotten, And . dawns another year • In dor lonely hour of thinking Thoughts of her are *lwayr ere. Th. Golden Oats were opened. A gentle voles said Com.." And with farewells un.p.haa 8he.-qulotly entered home. "Until Abe day breaks and the shadows alas away." Dewily mourned by lather, Brothers and S Wan, CARD OF THANKS - Mt.. Andrew'P. Joynt with.. to flank the Seaforth Firemen, andelm the neighbors end friends in turning out and doing Duch grand work .t We are at her barn on 8at- orday morning, December 10th. Please ac- cept my sincere thanks one and a11. 2818-1 - Mn.. Andrew P. Joynt. 50 MEN WANTED 86-412 Per Day. Being [raid to our eucce..lul students. Learn autotractor mechanic.. Bee an auto expert oa Ignkion, lighting, starting: learn all eland 'overhauling. repairing, driving rooters, gun fracture; big weec., steady work. Write for beautiful free cutulogue. The big Hemphill School at Terunto is the largest and best equipped achoul in E,storn Canada. IIEMPHILL'S BIG AUTO GAS TRACTOR SCHOOL. 163 King St. Wmt, Toronto. 2810-1 NOMINATION MEETING The :u,e u,el meeti,rg of the electors of the Town.hipo[ Tudor„niti, for the nomination of e:, didutr, for the offices of Reeve und Counvillers for tire year 1922, will lie held at Welke r'n Ilull, Brumfield. „n Monday, D- ,mhe 2hhl, 1021, et t o,, .au eepull lie ,.'h noll ,.hall he ,open,.-,lon Mon- thly, Junu',ry 2nd. 1922, at the following plac,w used hy the following ullicrrx: No. 1 --(tills' Carr bete Shop, W. (2. Doo.,e. lock, n.1(0., 'John ficin'„•, 1'. C. Nu. 2 School Nu. 0, Samuel M,Ceoc h. D. It. O., it M. Chesney. P. C.: No. 3, School Iiou. No. 1, (1. N. se ,. Tor r, I,. 11. 0.. G, g+e Layton. P. C. No. 4- SchoolHuu,v No. 3. William UerrY. D. 11. O., J. W. McIntosh, P. C.: No. 0-, School House No. 1, Robert 'I'raquair, D.lt.0.. Duncan Woo., P. C.; Nu. 6 -School House No. 9, William Sinclair. D. R. 0.; Alexander Sinclair, P. C. Poll open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. D. F, Mtrning R. 2.018-2 Returning o0icer. IMPORTANT NOTICES BIRTHS Dinnin: --In Hihhert n December 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Dinnin, a 41augh- ter--Laura Grace. • Prouty,' -'In Hay, on December 200. to Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Prouty, a White.-ln Wroxeter, on November 2fith, to Mr. and Mm. Clarence White, n daughter. Harrison.'• In Goderich, on November 23rd, to Mr. and Ms. John Harrison, a son. McPhee: -At Graml Bend, on November 26th. to Mr. and Ms. James McPhee, a daugh- ter. Faster. -1n }lemma, on' November 29th, to Mr. end Mrs. A. Prater. a eon, Mousseau.-1n Hay, on November 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. A. Mous.oxu, n son. Wilford. -In Chengtu, West China, on No- vember 16th, to Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Wilford. formerly of Blyth, a son. MARRIAGES Lamport --Gould.-• At the Dundas Centre Methodist • Parsonage. on December 1st, Miss Merle 0. Gould. to Mr. Wesley Lam- port. both of Exeter. Love- Stle,- At the Manse, Kippen, on Tuesday. November 29th, by Rev. R. A. Lundy, Mr. Gordon Love. to Mies Maud Mary Stelck, of Hills Green. Quirie- ,Miner.- in Clinton, on December 2. by the Rev. S. Anderson, Alberta M'lase i Miner tin Alexander Beaddie Quirt of London. tApe Weiland --Rosa. In Toronto, on Th day, December Ad', by the Rev. David Wren, paotor of Elm Street Methodist Church, Toronto. Alma Jean, only daughter of Mrs. Susan Ross, formerly of McKillop, to Mr. Harry Weiland, of Toronto, formerly of F.cmondvMlle. DEATHS Carter.-' At Belgreve, on December 5th, Sam- son Certcr, in his 7fith your. Lesehinger.-At Elmira, on December 3rd, Solomon I.occhinger, brother to Mm. J. T. Wood, Brothel*, in his 74th year. Westlake. -In Stanley township, on Novem- ber 25th, Mand Nicholson, wife of Alfred Wasdlake, aged 37 yons• Jordan.- TO Hibbert, 00 December 8th, Wil- liam Albert. son of Peter Jordan. aged 31 years. Best --In Seaford,. on December 11th, AdeHno Maxwell Harris. hellved wife of J. M. Beet TENDERS FOR WOOD Tenders will be received by the undersign- ed ray . to Saturday, December Slat, for 12 o11 5A.& w� soba denvireds i EgmRohd- vll boodd�� Mile church on or CApr, l-• nett. JAMI4i CAMERON, - 2818-2 . Chairman board .fel Matrgens. FOR SALE. FIVE YOUNG SOWS (;ARRY- ing 'their second litter. coming in February lot; also have about 8 bushels of alfalfa seed. Apply to W. A. ROSS. R. R. No. 3, Kipprn. 281802 700D FOR SALE. -THE UNDERSIGN - 'rd has on hand a Quantity of hard maple wool. both dry and green, all body worn'. Price, rnamonable. Delivered in large mall Quantities no required. Phone 14ou or 0 n 133. S(orth. THOS. SHILLINGLAW on FOR SALE.- LOT 30, CONCESSION 2. ; three-maartere of an acre of land. On.' the premises there is an 8 room brick hoe, good cellar. hot air furnace us hard and soft' water inside, telephone and rural mail de- livery; also stable, buggy house and hen- hou6e; etrawberrie:, rm,pberriem, plum, pear. tint' cherry tree.. 215 milers from Seaforth. Apply to JOHN McMILLAN, R. R. No. 1. Seaforth- Phone 20-236. 2818-tf VOR SALE. -HOUSE AND FOUR ACRES of land. good .table, room for nix cows, silo 8x20 feet. full of means.: also four tons of hay, four good cows, all milking, and milk rim be readily disposed of. Nine room- ed hone with furnace, electric lights, hard and soft water and has recently been re- modelled. Handy t, all factories: an ideal spot for a retired farmer. Will be sold es going concern. Apply to D. H. STEWART. Bux 211, Seaforth, Ont. 2816-tf , lrt OREST HOME STOCK YORKSHIRES.- We have been breeding the name strain for 29 yeas and have 15 young sows to litter. in January and February, bred from Meadow Brook Hem, our senior herd sire. 1st at London in 1920 and bred to Vineland Duke. off prion* sow et Toronto. A numbed of White Wyandotte cockerels from good laying strain. One of the pen they are from laid 79 eggs in 79 consecutilve days in winter of 20-21. JOHN IIAY. 2817x2 pole SALE: --100 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, 4 mile north of Seaforth. Lot 24, Con- cession 6, all cleared except about 6 acres t,ueh. There is a bank barn 50x70, with cement floors, also driving abed and chicken house. Brick house with frame kitchen. and good orchard. There is 20 acres of end plough- ed end remainder of land seeded down. It I Also has right of way .to ever -running water track of farm. this is a good farm. Reason for selling -I am living in town and ' unable to work it. For particulars apply to ' JOHN H. WEBSTER. Centre Street. Sea - forth. 2817.3 NOMINATION MEETING A ne.sdng for InM-Ing a' Soew and lour Oo ncliloa for $he Muablp.Hy of 'the Townehti of M4K4IM/', for the )922• In aceordenoe with. dm Ontario at.(ata,, 1914. Obegtor let &petioles as to 69, i3 Y smarted by the Carona of the Township el McEntee 1 - (1) That Candidates for a Reeve and four Councillors be nominated on Monday, the 29th day of Deomah r, 1921. at School Howe No. 4. MoKiilop, eat the boar of one o'clock pen. 121 In the event of more persons being nominated than are fe0ulred to 01l the *r- end ofacen, an eleetiun will be bid on Monday the and dog of January, 1922, et the following named pisco. Poring Diviefoa No. 1-O. K. Holknd'e house. Lot 10. Oonaerion 5, Jansen Evens, MILO., Thom. Moyle, P.O. Polling DivWon No, 2 --Jews 21111ee'. Howe, Lot 26, Oonc.slun 4, Jahn McDowell, D.H.O., Jams Milled, P.0. Polllpg Dtvieton H6, 6-3s, Smith'. home, Lot 10. Concession 111, John Leeming, D.H.O., John Murray, P.C. P01890 Division 1650. 4, School Hoo. No. 7, Lot 24, Cone.mto$' 12, Alden Ma0atria D,R.O., Wm. 8omar,WL P.C. SOPN M.NAT. 2a18-3 0 MORTGAGE SALE Of Farm Lands . in Town- ship of Hay. Under and by vfrtoe of the Powers 09h - twined In a certain mortgage, which will be Produced at the time of sole, Were will be offered for sale by public auction on Friday. the Thirtieth day of December, 1921, at the h r f t o ' Ives in the afternoon, at the Commercial Hotel In th., Village of Heneall ten Thum. namely: auctioneer, lot Number Twenty (20 'property,anthe n Y; Low in We Seventh (70V Concession(60! of of fuwtehip of Hay and the East Had( of Lot Twenty (20), Concession Eight (0) of the said 'rownehip. This • property is well im. proved by (arnt buildiees orad well /.acrd end drained. Teens.- -'ren per ern,. of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sate: ludnner to he paid oil he Twentieth day of January A. D., 1922,' . the office of the Mortga,. ' Solicitors atItvn.+ull. For further particula.: ,uul conditienn of sale apuly to (MADMAN & ST,SNBI/RY, Solicitors for thr Mortgagee Hyman and .teeter. Retell ,,tiiensull the l"tl, day of Deuern- ber, A. D., 1921. 2818 2 Nuts,Candy, Etc. We have them :,l!, fresh and well selected; y'' cannot find any better ass.r:nlerlt than these: Special Mixed C. -!Ay, lb...20e Japanese Buttons ('andy,Ib25c Bulls Eyes, lb 25c GUM Drops, very nice, ib20c Chocolate Dates, very special, per pound 30c Creams, Chocolate Drops, Rob Roy Kisses, Humbugs, Boston Beans . 10c Boxed Chocolates from 30e to $3.00 Mixed Nuts, all new, 1b..2.5c Oranges, Cranberries, Grape- fruit, Lemons, Bananas, Etc. Fancy Cakes from 20c to 50c 1 Fancy Balloon free with purchase of $2.00 SPROAT & SPROAT 'Phone 8. FARMS FOR SALE ie t s Beattie's' Be ' E at FOR SAUL - 1 SAVE ROUX mole* fare. for sale is the Towaabap td U.borp. sad 111bbert, a, wall built sad tmpreesd, oeilies tar. of 9.yes.at. THOMA8 CAMERON, Exeter, Ont. 3656-41 Thum FOR 8A,12..---8A,12..---LOTL.---L0T 4, C0110E98ioN • 4, 8tenley. 100 mom mew or tee.; 60 acres under bunk •rad broken land, flue re- mainder lerleared tend, reedy for spring work. Well drained and weld fenced; ono lfand book barn, 62 good Meths ender it, hen hoose and pig peso 20.47. drive how. 20.40; good two.tdry frame how. For further partieutata apply to JOHN D. Mo0Plrll, R. R, No. 1, Varna. Phone 14.81, Newel. a FARM POR, BALE --666 APSES, MORE or Js., Cemeteries 4 and 6, Stanley Township. about 44 lanes from Clinton. Weil improved, good oto loom, 16 sera, hardwood end cedar bah, practically all fantod with new wire fencing. First -.new house -and baro; telephone, rural mall de- livery. Will .ell on reawnabl. tar.. Apply on premiss to ADAM STEWART. la. a Na 6, Clinton. • 1711.41 TI ARI/ FOR BALE. -POR SALE LOT 220q, Concerlon 6. McKillop, containing 1N acne, aU cleared mond 8 acres of hardwood bah.. There .e en the premises • bank barn with stone and cementf, foundation, 44x82, (with cement noon; drieing hod, 14.26; rams .table. 28,81, large gravel boom. 7 rooms and kitchen, cement Boon in cellar. Hard and soft water In kitchen; two scree of orchard. The farm t• all wire fenced and the drained. Well at barn and also wen at the bush. This is a good farm -one of the beet In McMillen. 1t la situated 6 mils from the Town of Seaforth and one mile from school and church.- Rural mall and phone. Will be sold en re..onable teen.. For further particular. .0317 on the prem- iers ur addreee R. R. No. ' 1. 8eeford'. ROBERT A. HOGG. 28014tf '.FTE EXECUTORS OF THE LATE ARCHI- bald McGregor offer fur pale Lot 16, 6th Concession, MeiCillop, 100 three of fist elsms farm lands. The lend is in a flat elmse attar of cutter -akin and there ere erected on the orrmfe., a good frame dwel- ling hone, with kitchen attached; frame ban, 76,04 with .tone foundation, stabling Underneath and cement floor. and water throughout, driving house, pig pen and hen house. Aloe about ten ucr,' of good hard wood bush. The property b well fenced and well drum,) and convenient to good markets, cburchm and schools. For further particular, apply tu M125 LILLY J. MoGREGOR, on the premiuea, or to R. S. HAYS, Solicitor, Sea - (omit, Ont. 2795-tf FARM FOR SALE. -FARM OF TWO HUN- - deed • er m r training the Town of Sea- forth,Attu/ariles ve,dently Attusl to oil church, schools and Collegiate. 'There is a otnfort- nble brick ratu,-n with 0 cement kitchen; born I0'lx56 with :tone stabling underneath for 6 hoses, 75 head of rattle and 40 hogs with nteed etenetdnns and water before all Pluck; litter carrier and feed carrier and two cement silt driving shed end plat- form scale,. Watered by n rock well and windmill. The farm in well drained and In a high state of cultivation. The crop Is ell in the ground -choice clay loam. Immodl- ate possession. Apply to M. BEATON, R. R 2, Seaforth, Ont 2787-tf FOR GOOD HOLIDAY BAKING. try our Five Roses and Purity Fleur, for Pies, Cakes, Pastry, Puddings, Etc. You will find then] the hest. 'lave you tried us with a Grocery Order yet? We have'a full line of Fresh Grncvries in stock now, and a large assortment of Xmas Candy, Oranges and Nuts. W. M. STEWART Flour, Feed and Groceries. SEAFORTH - - ONTARIO. ell -ESTER WHITE HOGS FOR SALE. AL- GC 'r0 an boars for service. -Th, undersigned has for sale some extra fine hags of both Our. H Boars fit for service end noses bred to litter early in the new year. Also a litter just ready to ween. Now is a good time to get nomething extra good of the Moon type end *n hogs that are they kept. These are Dell- ' greed stock. I am going to exhibit this strain at Guelph at the Winter Fnir. My pricy ne reasonable. Come and e them phone 6 en 016. Clinton. ABRAHAM HUOILL, Seaford', Ont. 2812-tf 10000 000000000 10 `O Licensed Embalmer O O Undertaking Parlors in O O Beattie Block, opposite The 0 0 Expositor Office. Residence O 0 Goderich St., opposite Dr. 0 O Scott's. 0 O Flowers furnished on short 0 0 notice. O 0 Phone Night or Day 119 0 000000000 0000 S. T. HOLMES ,0 Funeral Director and O 0000 000000000 W. T.BOX&CO. 0 0 Embalmer and 0 O Funeral Directors 0 O H. C. Box 0 0 Holder of Government O 0 Diploma and License 0 O Charges moderate 0 O Flowers furnished on abort 0 0 Night Calls notic*. Day Calle O 0 Phone 175., Phone 411 O 000000800,'Yb!'710 utchison's FOR Christmas, Supplies Dates, Golden ilallowee 20c New Figs 16c Prunes 1!-c to 20c Currants 19 to 2fic Raisins, Seedless, Seeded and California, Sultanas 27c Genuine Turkish Sultanas 35c Netts, Almonds, Walnuts, Fil- berts or Brazil=, all at 28c Peanuts. fresh and toasted, just right 25c Peels, Lemon, Orange and Citron 37c to 67c Icings, prepared, Chocolate, Al- mond and Rase Pink, special.. 15c Cake Candies, Carraway Candiew and Wintergreen Berries for decorations. Mince Meat of splendid quality, per pound 25e Mixed Candies at 20c, 26e, 30c and 35c Cream Candies 25c Chocolates, pre-war prices, 26c to 40c Hand -painted Japanese China from 50c to $3.00 Dinner Sets, 97 piece hand - painted China, very special..$40.90 F. D. Hutchison . THE CASH GROCER' PHONE 106. The Farmer Candi- date Successful Success also follows the farm er who uses good clay dram tile. Sure they will, if they use good Clay Drain Tile to dry that wet field, and now is the time to do it. If money is scarce, arrange for time, The Tile will pay for themselves that you buy from W. M. SPROAT I'hone 9-136. 1i, R. 4, Seaforth, NCI![.;; We are now in a position to give unex- celled service on Storage Batteries left with • for theWinter. Our motto is as always has been: Satisfactory Work er No Charge is made. Let un keep your battery this Win- ter, it will gave you a lot of trouble and by giving it to us you can rent nsnured that it will be returned in fist elms shape in the Spring. We solicit your trade. E. H. Epps & Son, Varna. 2814-8 JAMES WATSON Main Street - Seaforth Agent for Singer Sewing Machines, and General In- surance Agent. The Double Track Route Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT, and CHICAGO. Unexcelled Dining Car Service. Sleeping cars on Night Trains and Parlor Cars on principal Day Trains. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agt., Toronto. W. R. Plant Agent DON'T THROW YOUR OLD CARPETS AWAY They make new reversible "Velvetex" Ruga Send for Velvetex Folder 29. CANADA RUG COMPANY, LONDON. ONT. Key No, 29 MAKE MONEY AT HOME Value � This Store has always made a,,special of VALUE AND VARIETY Come and see our Wonderful Holiday Dis- 5 play. • Our Value keeps the Variety growing. SEAFORTH'S GREAT . T $lam' WORE Beattie Bros., • Seaforth $15 to $60 paid weekly for your spare time writing showcards for us. No can- vassing. We instruct and supply you with steady work West -Angus Showcard Ser- vice, Church & Colborne Sta. Toronto. 1 Your Pocket - 652 used as a bank has many die• advantages. ' Money carried in ' it is easy to spend on trifles or may be lost - or stolen. - Weekly deposits in our Savings. Bank will accumulate rapidly. Small or large accounts are welcome. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL - - ' $15,000,000' RESERVE FUND - $15,000,000 SEAFORTH BRANCH, J. G. Mullen, Manager. . Did You Get Yours ? . We have already sold a good many (dozen Christmas Cards in the last two weeks. Did You Get Yours? These are exclusive cards and cannot be duplicated. That is the reason you should • sec them while the assortment is complete The Huron Expositor - Seaforth • Dominion Stores, Limited . Seaforth - Specials Until Thursday, Dec. 22 Sugar, 10 lbs R2c 100 pounds $8.00 Currants, per ib 19e Rainsins, per lb Fre Walnuts, per lb 69c Almonds, per ib 69c Rolled Oats, 6 lbs 24c ('ream of Wheat, 4 lbs 25c Peanut Butter 20c Mince Meat 19c Shredded Wheat., 2 pkgs. 27c Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs 33c Comfort Soap, 10 bars 69c Castile Soap, 7 bars 25c Fancy Biscuits 36c Soda Biscuits 18c Toilet Paper, 6 for , . . o 27c Matches, 2 boxes 25c Ammonia, 3 pkgs. 23c Peariine, 3 pkgs. 24c Seeded Raisins 25c Seedless Raisins 27c Peas Asparagus Tips (' oking Apples, per Peck 86e Pure Lard, 2 lbs 36c Choice Figs, 2 lbs 36c Choice Prunes, per ib 19e New Peel, lb 37c Christmas Candies, Ib 22e Cheese, 25c Roll Bacon 22c Shortening, No. 8 500 Pure Lard, No. 3 55e Corn, 2 tins 25e Special Tea 87c Special Coffee 890 Sardines, 2 tins 15c Salmon, 2 tins 25C Lyles Syrup 30e Pure Raspberry Jam, 4 lbs : ,770 Corn Starch - 10e 1 1b Magic Baking Powder 34c Fry's Cocoa, 34, lb De Bulk Cocoa. 1 lb lift (Mince Meat 16c Peanut Butter e, alt. 48e Choice Dairy Butter :. .. . -Sib 'SPECIAL -DELIVERY OF ALL GOODS OVER $2.00 SATURDAY Dominion Stores, Limited, -Senforth 9 Why Not Give Him This Christmas A Set of Chains An Engine Hood Cover • A Spare Tire or Tube An Emergency Kit A Windshield Cleaner or some other useful accessory. If we haven't what you want in stock we can get it before Christmas. JAS. BROUGHTON & SONS Phone 167. Main Street South Dominion Stores, Limited . Seaforth - Specials Until Thursday, Dec. 22 Sugar, 10 lbs R2c 100 pounds $8.00 Currants, per ib 19e Rainsins, per lb Fre Walnuts, per lb 69c Almonds, per ib 69c Rolled Oats, 6 lbs 24c ('ream of Wheat, 4 lbs 25c Peanut Butter 20c Mince Meat 19c Shredded Wheat., 2 pkgs. 27c Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs 33c Comfort Soap, 10 bars 69c Castile Soap, 7 bars 25c Fancy Biscuits 36c Soda Biscuits 18c Toilet Paper, 6 for , . . o 27c Matches, 2 boxes 25c Ammonia, 3 pkgs. 23c Peariine, 3 pkgs. 24c Seeded Raisins 25c Seedless Raisins 27c Peas Asparagus Tips (' oking Apples, per Peck 86e Pure Lard, 2 lbs 36c Choice Figs, 2 lbs 36c Choice Prunes, per ib 19e New Peel, lb 37c Christmas Candies, Ib 22e Cheese, 25c Roll Bacon 22c Shortening, No. 8 500 Pure Lard, No. 3 55e Corn, 2 tins 25e Special Tea 87c Special Coffee 890 Sardines, 2 tins 15c Salmon, 2 tins 25C Lyles Syrup 30e Pure Raspberry Jam, 4 lbs : ,770 Corn Starch - 10e 1 1b Magic Baking Powder 34c Fry's Cocoa, 34, lb De Bulk Cocoa. 1 lb lift (Mince Meat 16c Peanut Butter e, alt. 48e Choice Dairy Butter :. .. . -Sib 'SPECIAL -DELIVERY OF ALL GOODS OVER $2.00 SATURDAY Dominion Stores, Limited, -Senforth 9