The Huron Expositor, 1921-12-16, Page 1P end Ley fts get. ves MN* a,ke ,wn $2 • MU'TY-FIFTH YEAR WHOLE NUMB( R 281, SEAFORTE, FRIDAY; DECEMBER 16, 1921. $LA0 A Year in Advance McLean fano., Pnbitahere Look at :These Prices For Xmas Shopping At Our Great Sale. • 11111 lilt 11111111• iBeauttiful Neckwear 50c Gloves 98c Mufflers $L00 to $1.50 Sox, fancy 50c to $1.00 Braces 50c to $1.00 Shirts $1.25 to $4.00 Fancy Coat Sweaters ..$3.00 to $5.00 Boys' Coat Sweaters $1.75 to $2.50 Boys' Suits $5.00 to $9.50 . Caps $1.00 to $2.00 Boys' Pullover Sw'eaters..$1.25 to $2 Furs in Stole & Muff5.00 to $20.00 err .Coats $25.00 to $30.00 Fur Collared Goat $35.00 to $45.00 Beautiful Selection of Women's Ooats $15,00 to $25.00 And Hundreds of other Real Bargains The Greig Clothing Co. THE COUNTY COUNCIL The Council met on Wednesday, De- cember 7th, pursuant to the call of the Warden, at 3 p.m. The Warden occupied the chair. The roll call showed all -the members present ex- cept Mr. Coates and Mr. Davis. The Warden briefly addressed the council with' reference to the work of the meeting. The following communications were read and Marred to the sevard c,m- mitteeo sf council: Agreement with Wellington County re portion of boundary roto `r be maintained by each county.—Filed. By-law and other papers re confirm- ing by-law No. 15, 1921, of Ashfield closing and selling a road allowance. —Filed. A communication from the secre- taries of Lucknow Continuation school and other schools, re Huron's share of maintenance and 'other matters.— Referred to Education Committee. A claim of Thomas Pritchard for damages re auto accident. A claim of G. F. Clark for dam- ages re auto accident. A. letter from Mr. J. H. Shannon, Barrister of Harriston, re claim of John Harfleld, of Howick, for dam- ages, re taking out gravel. Clai of N. G. McKenzie for brok- en axle in auto accident. Claim of John B. Mustard, re auto accident. Claim of John Swann, of Usborne, re auto accident. •The above claims were referred to the Good Roads Commission. Notice from the Department of Highways, dated July 22nd, that the Lake Road from Grand Bend to Amberley had been designated a Pro- vincial County road.—Filed. Notice from the same advising of the approval of By-law No. 3, 1921, granting $15.000 to the town of Wing - ham for street construction.—Filed. Reply of 'the Premier of Ontario, Hon. E. C. Drury, to the recommend. ation of this council to group coun- ties for jail purposes.—Referred to Special Committee. Letter frcin Provincial Secretary, Hon. H. C. Nixon, regarding the ex- tension of the right of voting at municipal elections to women, and asking the opinion of this council thereon.—Referred to Special Corm-' tnittee. From the Clerk of Oxford County in closing a resolutime of the County of Oxford re establishing some central place for the safe -guarding of pris- oners and for the carrying out of *e death penalty. — Referred to Special Committee. Claim of J. N. Kernighan for $50, damages to Telephone System of Colborne due to earth being remov- ed from pales in road construction. --Referred-to Good Roads Commie - Letter from Mr, Robertson, re the Children's Shelter, and asking a grant —llte of $500.fer'red tb theFYecetlre Committee. Letter from Mr. T. G. Bhillirglaw, re Trustees' Association and asking a grant.—Referred to Executive Com- mittee. A petition was presented to the council by residents of Grand Bend re the annexation of additional property tet the police village of Grand Bend.—Referred to the Special Committee. The Jailer's Repent was presented and referred to bhe County Property Committee. Messrs. G. M. Elliott and Sheriff Reynolds addressed the council re- garding the work of the Children's Shelter during the year, and request- ing -an additional grant at this meet- ing. Under the head of "Enquiries," the County Treasurer was requested to furnish each member of the council with a financial statement as nearly up-to-date as possible to be sent out before Nomination Day. Moved by Messrs. McQuaid and Elston that the agreement entered into by the Good Roads Commissions of Huron and Wellington, re county boundary roads, be ratified by this council.—Carried. Moved by Messrs. Tipling and Beavers that a further grant of $500 be made to the Children's Aid So- ciety of Huron.—Referred to Execu- tive Committee. On motion of Messrs. Armstrong and Dr. Milne the council adjourned to meet on Thursday morning. Thursday. Dr. J. M. Field, Public School In- spector of East Huron, was present and addressed the council regarding the Trustees' Association of Huron. Mr. H. Irwin, Engineer, represent- ing the Highways Department, ad- dressed the council, dealing with the construction and maintenance of both township and county roads, and answered many questions relating thereto. Mr. S. B. 'Stothers, Agricultural. Representative /gave the council a very full account of the work done by his department, dwelling particu- larly on the_ educational work done along. agricultural lines in the im- provement of stock; the work done by school fairs, and the short courses of instruction taken up under the management and control of his o'flce. Mr. Stothers made an appeal to help the boys in the judging contest. The Clerk, Mr. G. W. Holman, in reply- to a question by Mr. Arm- strong, gave an account of the Mothers' Allowance expenditure and the work done during the past year. Under the 'head of "Enquiries," Mr. Neeb aaked the Treasurer for the (�,d expenses of the Roads Com- mission this year. ---,The, treasurer promisedsto prepare the statement. An account presented by Reeve Smith, of Renea'll, re expenditure on Hensel] streets, was read and re- ferrM to the Good Roads Commis- sion. Inspector Tom distributed a basket of fine pears among the eonnty eonn- eillors, which were much itppreci bed Carried. The County Eegineer'e:3uport' was 7.—We beg to repeat our former presented int' read by the Clerk, and on motion of /Messrs. Clark and .Mc- Quaid was.received and ordered to be printed in the minutes. The Treasurer reported the Good Roads Commission expenditure to be $725.80 for expenses. In answer to e question from Mr. Neel, regarding delay in sending out certain school greats, the Treasurer said that he had not Yet received a statement or warrant from the Edu- 1 cation Department as to the amount due each school. The Good Roads Commission's re- port was presented and the council went into committee of the whole with Mr. Jamieson in the chair. On mo- tion of Meters. Neeb and Webb the report was adopted, and a by-law ordered to be passed carrying out the provisions recommended therein. Mr. William Elston, having recently been marfjed, was called to the front and in a few Well-chosen words oY congratulation, the Warden present- ed him with a beautiful carving set, the gift of hie fellow councillors as] a token of respect and good wishoodd to his. bride. Mr. Elston made a feel- ing reply, thanking the givers for their beautiful gift. Councillors Young and Neeb, on be- half of the council. presented (the Warden with a gold -headed cane, as a testimony of good feeling and the appreciation of the Warden's year of leader/hip. The Warden replied feel- ingly, thanking the council for the kindly expressions of good will and appreciation of his services. The Executive Committee reported and the Council went into committee of the whole, with Dr. Grieve in the chair. The report as presented was adopted. The Education Committee's report was presented and taken up in com- mittee, with Mr. Porter in the chair. The report was adopted. The Special Committee reported and the report was taken up in committee with Mr, McQuaid in the chair. The report was adopted with the excep- tion of clause 2, dealing with the ex- tension of the municipal franchise to women. This clause was referred to the incoming council of 1922. The Road and Bridge Com•mibtee reported and their report was taken up in committee, with Mr. Spotten in the chair. --The report was adopted as read. The County Property Committee's report was taken up with Mr. Pur - don in the chair. -'The report *as adopted as read. The Finance Committee's report was taken up, with Mr. Webb in the chair.—The report was .adopted. On motion, of Messrs. Erwin and Spotten the council adjourned until Friday morning. Friday. A communication from Mr. T. G. Shillinglaw was read, re the Trustees' Association and inclosing a bill of expenses of the meeting in Goderich, was read and ordered -filed. Reports of the receipts and expen- ditures at the County Home and other matters pertaining to that Institution were laid on the table. The report of the County Home Committee was taken up with Mr. Elston in the chair.—The report was adopted. Moved by Messrs. Spotten and Currie that Mr. S. B. Stothers, Dis- trict Representative, be ,paid $90, ex- penses of the judging team to To- ronto and Guelph. Moved by Messrs. Davis and Elliott that a new typewriter be procured for the Sheriff's office, and that the old one be disposed of to apply on the coat of the new one. The rules were suspended by un- animous consent and the above two motions were adopted. Moved by -• Messrs. Davis and Beavers that this council recommend that the different county councils in the Province be asked to discontinue the name House of Refuge and adopt the name County Home instead.— Carried. On motion of Messrs. McQuaid and Armstrong, the council adjourned to meet as per statute in January, 1922. Only One Week More Then Christmas AND SANTA CLAVE WILL CATCH YOU IF YOU DON'T WATCH OUT. And all the preparation for .this great event must be finished in that chert time. Now, as all .i,relry is pre-eminently of a .gift nature, we submit that there in no batter place to make a real Christmas Gift selection than •sd onr Jewelry Store. Then, too, the fact that our Jewelry is of the "Gifts that Last" Quality, en- hances the value 'qui preebige of the gift. We Would Suggest: ii FOR HIM. FOR HER. Solid Gold Calf Links25 up Gold filled Po Knife .$3 up Solid Gold Scarf Pin..$1.60.up Waidimar Watch Chain $2 JP Ivory Shaving Het $6.00 Gold-filled Watel ...$16 up Waterman Pon t Pen $2.60 up Eversharp Lend encil..81 up Solid Gold Signet Ring, .$'6 up Silver Mounted Umbrella $5 up Military Brushes ' $6 up 14k Pearl Levalier $8 on Diamond Ring $20 up Diamond Necklets 815 UP 14k Pearl Brooch ....$7.50 up Pearl Ring, 14k $5 up Signet Ring $2.50 up Ideal Gold Pen, Waterman $2.5O up Gold Eversharp Pencil $6 up Ivory Brooch or Mirror $4.50 up Ivory .Manicure Set ....$4 up Pearl Beads, indestructible $6 up With better good n larger stock, and LOWER PRICES we of- fer to you for your -Christmas Shopping "GIFTS THAT LAST" and are absolutely guaranteed. You can boy the best of goods and yet save money by doing your Christmas Shopping at this store. All gifts beautifully oaaed. Fred S. Savauge JEWELER AND OPTICIAN Phone 194. Residence 10. We 'have a C.d.-odor for each Customer at this Store. recommendation regarding the col- lecting of interest of 390 per year due one Lantheslager, at present an innate of the House of Refuge and ask that this money be paid over to the County.—Carried. 8. --We have always found the con- ditions at the House of Rofuge very satisfactory, both as to the manage- ment of the farm',_, sd the House,. everything being in li-tit class order. 9. --The archway ordered to be built has not yet been done, and we recom- mend that this be done the coming year, and that instead of an arch that two 'handsome posts, one on each side of the roadway, be built, the same to be connected with the fences by cobble stone walls or some .such construction's -Carried. Amos Tip - REPORT OF COMMITTEES: House of Refuge. The House of Refuge Committee reported as follows: 1.—The committee has met twice since last meeting of council and audited the several accounts present- ed to us by the Inspector. 2.—At our last meeting, the 6th inst., we received tenders for bread, groceries and meat. The tenders of R. S. O'Neil for bread was accepted at 4c per pound for white bread, and 3ysc per pound for brown. Alan Mr.. O'Neils tender for groceries was ac- cepted. The tender of R. Fitzsim mons for meat at 11c per pound for' fore quarters was accepted,—Carried. 3. We realize the inadequate ar- rangements for fire protection at the Home, where so many old and infirm inmates are confined, and we recom- mend that four fire extinguishers be purchased and placed in the House of Refuge at $18 each.—Carried. 4.—We recommend that a balance of $86.50, to the credit of Gertrude He s, be paid over to the .heirs tht .h Fred Kalbfleisch —Carried. 5. Since our last meeting of coun- cil, Rev. S. E. MacKegney, Chaplain, has removed from Clinton, and we recommend C. S. Hawke receive ap- pointment for the House in his place, at the same salary. --Carried. 6.—We recommend that a .balance tof $98.20 to the credit of Margaret 'Howard, a deceased inmate of - the House, be paid over bi her heirs, through Reeve Erwin, of Bayfield.— the Act was amended June 3rd, 1921. The amount due is 3428.46. B. W. F. Beavers, chairman. Finance Committee. The Finance Committee reported as follows: With reference to items, $15.50 for dental bill of 'prisoners at jail and the High.Conatable's telephone bill of 3109.82, we deem these excessive and would recommend that in future more economy be exercised. With reference to the account of the Alexandra Industrial School, a- mounting to 3340.30, we recommend that this account be paid less the sum of 3103.80, already paid. We find that this county's share of the Mothers' allowance paid to date hog, Chairman. to be 34350, and on Provincial High - 1 ways $916.81. The report of the Executive Con- rStar printing account be referred to nrittee was as follows: the County Clerk and Tresaurer to Regarding the communication from be compared with tender; before being Mr. Shillinglaw for a grant to the Trustees' and Ratepayers' Associa- tion we recommend no action as we Executive Committee. We recomrnend that the Goderich think each school section should as- sume the responsibility. Regarding the motionofA. Tipling and B. W. F. Beavers, to give a fur- ther grant of 3500 to the Children's Aid Society, we recommend that this grant be made.—W..Trewartha, Chair- man. Dunlop Burial Plot. The report of the Committee, re the Dunlop Burial Plot, was as fol- lows: In accordance with your instruc- tions at the December meeting last year, the burial plot of the late Dr. Dunlop and the wall enclosing the plot has been put in a respectable , and presentable condition. We have had the plot made level and covered with a cement floor into which has been set the large flat tombstone, which bears the memorial inscription of a number of the mem- bers of this noted family, whose mortal remains were laid to rest in this historic place. It is with much satisfaction and a consciousness of a sacred duty per- formed that your committee report that the place which stands as a great permanent landmark, connecting as it does the .historic association of the Huron District of the past and its pioneer life with our present 'life and modern conditions, has received the attention it merits at the hands of this council.—Gordon Young, Chair- man. Education Committee. The report of the Education Com- mittee was as follows: Re request of Parkhill Board of Education for cost of educating Huron County pupils, we recommend no grant until sufficient information be given in which to estimate the a- mount. No cost of running school is given, and that the Clerk communi- cate with the Secretary of Parkhill Board of Education asking for same. Re request from Lucknow Munici- pality: This request is not made out, in accordance with the act and we would ask the School Board to make same according to act and then pre- sent account for payment. Aggre- gate days' teaching most be given for past three years, also aggregate attendance of Huron County pupils for past three years. Re request of Clifford Continuation School Board for payment of cost of Huron County pupils. We recommend that 86 per cent. of cost be paid, as the 80 per cent. does not•apply until COME ANi) LOOK OVER OUR Xmas Candies Special Boxes of all kinds, and prices from 25c up Our Special Sale of Crystalized Cream at 25 cents per. lb. SEE OUR WINDOW. WATCH FOR NEXT WEEK'S AD. The Olympia Restaurant and Ice Cream Parlor To Our Customers A Very Merry Christmas and A Floppy New Year. paid: -IW. 'J. Currie, Chairman. County Property. The County Property Committee reporlsd as .follows: At the jail we .find condition. .finonditions good, generally. There are at present three prisoners in this institution. The re- pairs to the jell wall which were ord.. eted to be done at the June meeting have been executed. We also find that .;eonsiderable calsornining has been done to the interior walls, and repairs to the plastering has been done on the authority of (the Inspec- tor et Jaile and Prisons. We recommend the purchase of ten cords of wood for the jail. At the Registry Office the repairs ordered by the eounpil have been made and conditions there ate apparently satisfactory. At the Court House the repairs to the save troughs and conduits apd the painting of • tbe cupalo over the Court House clock, also the painting of the outside Woodwork, all of which was authorized at the June meeting, have been effected. The repairer to the Court House bailer have also been made in ac- cordance with the recommendations of the Boiler Inspector. At the Children's Shelter we find at the present time twelve children be- ing cared for. Nine of them are at- tending school, and all are bright and happy. The painting and papering which was ordered to be done at this place has been carried out very satis- factorily and altogether the place is in first class order. It is certainly a great pleasure to visit this splendidly kept and efikiently managed insti- tution.—(Gordon Young, Chairman. Road and Bridge. . The Road and Bridge Committee reported as follows: Re building a 20 foot bridge at Henfryn. This bridge has been built. Re building a 12 foot bridge at Lot 35, Concession 3, between Grey and Elma, this bridge was also built. Re repairing abutments on Menzie's bridge, also widening approach on north end, this has also been done. Re bridge at Chiselhurst, repairing abutments, reflooring bridge and widening approaches, this has also been completed. Re building bridge on boundary be- tween Stephen and McGillivray, this was also built. Re bridge on boundary between Stanley and Goderich townships on concession 2, this bridge has been re - floored, the approach on eouth side widened, and hill graded and grave- led. Also old plank off floor has been sold. --Morton Elliott, Chairman. Good Roads Commission: The Good Roads Commission re- ported as follows: Re deputation from Grand Bend in June asking for a grant to assist iri building a concrete road from Bren- nerSt hotel west to the lake shore: the committee, with the Engineer. met at Grand Bend and examined the road and decided to give no grant for this work. --Carried. The Committee and Engineer met the council of East Wawanosh at a gravel pit about ,four and a half miles north of Birth. This pit was the property of the township and contains about an acre of land. An agree- ment was made and the pit purchased for the county. ---Carried. We also met Jelin McGavin at his gravel pit en the 13th concession of McKillop, about a quarter of mile east of Road 12, and bought his pit containing about three acres.—Car- ried. I more liberal, and an interpretation is. We also met Win. Moodie, 5th con- being given to sub -section 7, of see - cession of Usborne, and bought two tion 5, of the Highways Improve - acres of a gravel pit from him.= n.ent Act, which gives the county op Carried_ portunity to assist with all connecting 1 our committee and Engineer met , links through towns as well as evil- the Committee of Wellington County lagosand it is expected that this at Clifford as the boundary between ruling will be placed in definiteform' Huron and Wellington, which is on as. an amendment to the Act at the the Good Roads System, had not been ; next session of the Legislature. divided. An agreement was made' Impr.:ved methods of maintaining whereby Huron County looks after the I the gravel roads are being put into - south part and Wellington the north i effect and the results- will be better part, each county- to share equally in as the men in charge become more the total 'xpendiritre.--Carried. I experienced. The bridge 'and culvert Re communiration from Colborne work carried out has been' generally Telephone System, asking damages, I good, and the prices have been react - your committee examined the poles unable. Prices for cement have not and road and decided to take no ac- I been lowered materially, but there is- tion.—Carried. I reason to believe that substantial re - Re claim of T. Pritchard for auto duction glee place before neat. accident between Carlow and Nile: a season begins, and we will be able to your committee examined the road' undertake the reconstruction of a and found it on top to be seventeen ; large number of otir culverts which_ -. feet wide and decided to take no ac has been deferred from time to time tion. --Carried. on account of high costs. Other costa Re resolution from Council of Ren- generally are lower appreciably, Frew County, we raroounend no ac- especially labor and teaming coats, tion. --Carried. which constitute 75 per cent. of our. Re claims of N. C. MacKenzie for I expenditure. It has been our belief, damages to car on Read No. 23, Ash- however, in connection with the low- field, amounting to 310, we recom-' ering of costs that the primary con - mend no action. --Carried. 1. sideration is to see that the organiza- Rc claim of .1. B. Mustard for dam- tine is a. efficient as possible, that is-. ages, we recommend no action.—Car- to see that the right work Is done at. fled hie righ' time, and that every man Re claim of G. F. Clark, Colhorne and team employed is working to qa- township, for damages to car, we , parity for ivory hour on the work; recommend no action. Carried. ; then, if ennditions warrant, the rates Re letter from .1. H. Shannon, bar-' of pay shoeld he reduced in accord- rister of Harriston, ro elnim of John I once with their values. Horfield, Howick: this matter was( The traffic on the roads during the left in the hands of the Reeve and Deputy Reeve of Howick for settle- ment. --Carried. • Re claim of John Swan, we recom- mend this matter be left in hands of the Engineer and Mr. Beavers for settlement—Carried. We recommend the following addi- tions to County Roads System: In Relieve yourself of all worry by making this a "Chocolate Christmas." We can be of valuable assistance to you in delivering or mailing your Christmas Gifts to your friends, either in or out of town. Fancy Gift Boxes of Chocolates tied with pretty Silk and Satin Rib- bons make gifts always acce.ptable to Mother, Sister, Sweetheart and Friend. Then we have a large assortment of Bulk and Bar ^Chocolates for the Kiddies' Stockings. We can help you with Greeting Cards, so that your gift may he de- livered to friends with no inconveni- ence to yourself and carrying with it the real Christmas Spirit. LET US HELP YOU. The road between the township, of Howick and 'Nitric from the north town line'of Howick, southerly to the Provincial county highway at Clifford. The boundary of Turnberry end Culross from the road' between lots 25 and 26 to the road between lots 20 end 21, • In the township of Howick the es- teneion of Comity. Rued No. 2$ souther/ and easterly to the town- ships of Wallace, thence southerly . slung the boundary of the townships of Waliaee to the month town line of Howick. - We recommend a grunt of $786.69 be made to the town of .Clinton ae specie' 'grant,, the same bean nee- " - emery to meet extra cost Of read ' improvement - in that town. --•+Carried. Re request from village of Hemmed' for grant as maintenance in connect ing link, we find it is not within the provisions od the Highway Improve- ment Act, and recommend no grant., Carried. --.M. Armstrong, Chairman. Special Cosamdttee. The Special Committee reported ea follows: Re petition of- Grand Bend village, we recommend that a by -lav be ppaa� ed in conformity with said pmIti,s . —Carried. • Re communication. from Iron. 'H. C-. Nixon, we. recommend that no ergots be taken 1Ze communloation in regard to pro, posal to group certain adjoining nun - ties for Jail purposes; we recommend that each of the "following counties be asked to 'appoint a committee at the January session to meet at Stret- ford at a date to be fixed, 'for the purpose of forming a plan for a cen- tral jail for counties of Huron, Bruce.. Grey, Wellington and Perth, Re com,nunleation from Oxford County as to 'having a place dor . de- guarding prisoners, we recommend te the. Government the carrying out of the same, and that said matter be considered by the committees.=T- Davis, Chairman. County Engineer. TheCounty Engineer reported aa: follows: I am pleased to report that a real improvement has been affected to all county roads during the season of- 1921. The results of other years were - good, but I confidently sty that an advance has been made, though there". is room still for progress. We are' very fortunate in having foremen in charge of the work 'who take an in- tense interest in it, and with few exceptions attend carefully to all de- tails. During the season over ;one hundred and sixty miles of roads - have been re -surfaced with gravel 30 miles of this has been crushed gravel, and 12 miles reconstruction work. Considerable ditching--:abd draining has been done. A large nti'�il her of cniverts have been contracted, five bridges have been built, and 25- steel 6steel bridges have been painted. The county roads through a num- ber of villages have been treated with oil as a preservation and duet pro- ventative, and it is probable that the - practise will become general, Im- provements have been affected to the streets of towns and villages by the - expenditure of the county grants. One-half mile of concrete road has - I been built in Winghani and a section of Macadam in Clinton, while a con - I siderah'e improvement has been made ' in Blyth. It is gratifying to be able te. ,state that the attitude of the High- ways Department towards assistance to towns and villages is becoming summer has been very heavy, the automobile and truck traffic being al- most two and one-half times as great. as it was three years ago. This in- crease of traffic necessitates a great- er amount. of • maintenance and also emphasizes the need tof improving the grades and eliminating dangerous points on the roads, and so it can be the township of Hu1•lett, the road expected that more, rather than lent known as the base line from the work must be done in the future if Maitland bridge at the village of An- the road system is to keep up to the burn, southerly to the northerly darn-'trafft requirement*. it of 'Goderich townAhdp; the r',ad I In connection with our road even - leading from the village of Auburn; ditures it is interesting to note �'to the C.P.R. depot. --+Carried, I during the year 1921 the county milli W. A. Crich The town fine between W,llaee end; hare exppended about $174,800 elf Grey townships. tJoatirnved tut Page t.