The Huron Expositor, 1921-12-09, Page 8't•
, . 4
e':•,si see' e'' • -
at weeseersei aos
thrill*, laughs; teare--.-love
litraraire,Beerything .that maims ail,
gteel7f4Ilifteci.y ardltel 710
:lovs: dog,
-attfleloey," win through all kinds of
event: iiricttourel,,t,appiness you'll say -
-Also Showing -
Adults 15e 8.15 p.m. Children 10c
Saturday 8 p.m.
Nete.--At the request of a great
num* of OUT patrons, our show
"IQ -Mart at 8.15 every evening
eiteseting Saturday, when it will
start at 8 p.m.
is the time to send a Greeting .
Card • to the Friends Overseas.
We carry a complete line of
Christmas Cards, Tags, Seals,
Story Books, Etc.
• Scott's
Opposite Expositor Office - Phone 62
Any quantity of Live or Dressed Fowl de-
livered at the Royal Hotel Stables. every
Wednesday forenoon. Hichent cash price.
280544 J. G. MeMICHAEL.
Darem iskrtigas ; • :
•The Patricia Trio
Third Lyceum
Course Concert
You cannot give family
or friends a more ac-
ceptable Gift than your
Photograph. Make the
appointment now.
Special Sale
Ladies' Shopping Bags, medium
size, each 11.40
Large size, each • 11.75
Boys' Haversack School Bags....75c
Ladies' and Gent's Lined or Unlined
Auto Gauntlets at less than whole-
sale price.
25 per cent. off all Men's Mitts and
Gloves -25 per cent.
--Shoe Repairing a Specialty -
The leading Commercial School
of Western Ontario,
a school
Where you can getthorough
courses under competent in -
erectors ii Commercial, Short-
hand and Telegraphy Depart-
ments. Students get individual
inetructioil and Iraq register at
any time. Graduates are as-
sisted to positlems. Get our
free catalogue.
ibh Oast of bee skeet, Mrs. it
returned '10 her hense In Seithville
tikitli weelt-,Mee. Oi.iqubmin. ef 'Wte
nipag, Its a guest at the home of bar
brother, MT* W. R Kerrsiskers,
Nation, of Toronto, is a guest et the
home of Meter and Mra. R. 8, Hem
-Mrs. J. C. Greig spent the week
end with her mother in Goderlele-
Mr. F. S. Savauge was confined to bis
home through illnees this week. -Mr,
and Mea. Hopper, of Winghaus, spent
Sunday at the :home of their son, Mr.
W. Hopper. -Miss Anna Bell spent
the week end with Clinton friends. -
Mr. G. Phaleri and Mns. De Lorne, of
Hamilton, were guests this week at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Daly.
ec. ' -
spent the week end at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Geed -
Kiss Gertrude Cardno, of Milverton
no. -Mrs. J. W. Walker is recovering
from an operation on tier throat. -
Mrs. KneMel, of Fermendville has
returned from a visit with friends in
• DO NOT MISS THIS Orillia.---Reeves Grieve, of Seafurth,
MoQuaid, of McKillop, McNaughton,
The local committee have been as- of 7'uckersmith and Armstrong, of
sured that the; will be one of the Mullett are in Goderich this week at -
best musical evenings ever given in tending the December session of the
Seaforth, the ,Artists all being of County Council. -The many friends
high order. We, therefore, can prom- ' of ,Miss Marion Gray, of Egmondville,
Lei the lovers of good music a real I will be pleased to learn that she is
treat- Secsre Year sesta early as we • recovering from her very 8060118 El -
expect a crowded house. ness.--ildiaa Ethel Grieve, sof Toronto,
Plan opens at 1Jmbach's Drug Store is visiting at the beetle of her father,
Saturday Noon, ' December 10th. See Dr. Grieve. -The Alumni a the Sea -
window display add. forth Collegiate Institute have had
. I a number ef the photos of scholars,
Reserved Seats 75, who have won scholarships, framed
General Admission 50c and will have them hung in the coi-
1 legiate.-The Loyalty Class of First
Irish Hails, Vocal, Violin, Elocution, ; Presbyterian church gave the play,
etc., under the auspices of the Can- "Our Aunt from California," to a
adian Red Cross Society, large audience in the Strand Theatre
on Wednesday evening. -"The Iron
Those who missed the lecture by i Man" will be Rev. Dr. Nelson'ti sub -
F. Walyn Evans at the last concert jest at the Seaforth Presbyterian:
missed something good. I church next Sunday evenimg.
DON'T MISS THIS. I Loat.-Seble collie dog with tag 15, Rut.
. lett. Apply at /Depositor Office.
Wanted. -A good girl for general house -
Death of Charles Consigney.-The work. Good wages and no weahing. Apply
death occurred at the Stratford city to Id"' linr",.. „sSt",,,art''„C*nt" St., 58,1::
Con -
hospital on Monday of Charles Con- z: Tttrar ,Fh'e •••••;-• .F4d-umdry-r-*,..1.,-,
signey, sr., a well known resident of Dertmber 14th. Artists, all Mich elms.
this town. Mr. Consigney had ben , Peas Wanted. -At once tr.. one to eve
in poor health for the past three or ' wee geed sound pea. Biginet es113t
four months, and had been in the hoe. I ggb R" min"' Ltd.
pital for some weeks. He had resided ; -;'tidc rorRreourableehreedb'elAn"deh"reoo'fireil ire':
in Seaforth for many years and Car- for n disublewided 124nels record. B!Daly's
tied on successfully a shoe repair Jreelee atom St.f.rth-
Shen/. The remains were inte"rred in i Kodabs...-Well 1 guess you couldn't find a
Mitchell cemetery. 1 more suitable present for Christman A
1 full stock on hand. Prices from $2.50 up.
Christmas Decorations. -The Can- ! Wd.
te-eTwo gt7:. forS.'of:the].
adian Fire Underwriters' Association to go to Superior, Wisconsin. Good waged
issue a timely warning of the danger V." ta.,IT'' "4°12 tilad73;shnFor pill:
to life and property from Christmas 1Vorth Main Street. &Worth.
decorations, which are universally Pit -Iroise.- The master talking mal4
made at this time of year. The use rssweessi by expecte as the best. We will
of greens, :harvest specimens and r„,,a1,1'...""ed, reS47 Ti'l"prtrig 7:,,,
other inflammable materials such as 1155. Dews jewelry Store. Seafortb.
draperies, scenery, cotton to repre- Kindly bear in mind that our Jewelry
sent snow, and the like, especially More is stocked with a full line of Xmas
in connection with electric and other Trri'L,:t',It aorii,'''etla'ertewia 11,r, 'esys,°,,u; el.',E,
lighting systems, is decidedly an in- required. Shop early. Daly's Jewelry Stor,.
crease of risk and as such is liable seenerte.
to void an insurance policy in case a Winter Overhauling of automobiles and
fire arises from such causes. In addi- Ir".ta"te, Ltaayoutar' wl=„Ilenraielgood
o th`
tion to the danger from fire, there is order and have then ready for spring.
else the dhnger to life in crowded Special prices on winter overhauling. Call
stores or places of meeting, by reae- i" and oaa aa Dale° Garaaa•
on of a panic occasioned by fire, even ..ti50411:7;tastw.atrase,„-;'W,:' 000. Ole -
50 it be small and easily CO- give then expert attentlay. We repair and
trolled. overhaul any make of Brattery. Reasonable
..... charges and satisfaction guaranteed. Day's
G e Segiforbb.
Egmondville School Report. -The
Attentiont-If you wish to purchase dainty
following is the report of Egmond- and inexpensive gifto come to Mr. George
ville school for the month of Novem- sine sues 00 Saturday. December 10th,
ber; names are in order of merit, bas- rt..a7,-;tetraglarachatwi?itlr:;%the.0, of
ed on daily work: 171,eee :narked (0) variety of both useful and' fancy arttlea.
have missed several days on account yea their dolt and semis booths. and don't
of illness. Sr. IV --Roy Weiland, tiLei,e1,..t° %Let Attgrrnrt. ten for ,,, /75
John Strong, Charles Sherwood, 4.5P p.m'''. for Ifie. , Supper from 6 to 8..
Miller, Evalena Nott, Laura McMil- ,
*Gordon McGortigle. Sr. III -Gladys Adults, 28,; Children, 25e. 2816-2
Ian, Ford Spriggs and Lloyd Dinnen G. W. V. A. Notes. -The .Ladies'
equal, Winnifred Kruse, Alex Finni- Auxiliary of the G. W. V. A. held
gam Sr. IL -Clifford Riley, Jeannette
Finnigan, Leona Dupee, Frank Kling.
Jr II A-Winnifred Riley, Myrtle
Dupee. Jr. II B. -William Miller,
Gordon Block, *Raymond Nott. Sr.
Strand Theatre
Be yedr
end you
BOOK8,41111bles; HYrion New mum
STATIONBRY--Faney Boxed Note
Pal & C,orreepondence Garde
s, Wallets, Music Rolle,
(fo Bags, Cud Cases, Whit-
ing Piertfollos, Key Kisses;
CHINA isad CUT GLASS -Sugar and
Cros, Cup and Saucer, Mugs,
P1oers, Kates, Bowls/ Vases,
ART BRO*E--Figures, Candlesticks
.,s$00K ENDS
PICTURBS-Fancy, Novelty, Water
• Colors, Sepia, French and Eng -
150h '
DOLLS -At Sizes and Trice*,
Waterman„Fountain Pens, 12.50 .up
Christmas en° klets from 5c each up
Seals, Tags, Cord, Gummed Labels,
Bells, Decorations.
riotous Stapping. beat;
. ,
vemo trouble th Went.
their annual meeting on December let.
The following officers were elected:
President, Mrs, IL Edge; Tat vice-
president, Mrs. Jas. F. Reid; 2;nd vice
president, Mrs. Finlayson; secretary -
I -Roy McGonigle, Margaret Strong, , treasurer, Mrs. Joseph Keabmg; coln-
Evelyn Riley:, Dupee, aMaryl mittee, Mrs. T. Scott, Odra. Jolua
Kling. Sr. Primer -Glen Hays, Hee- I Beattie, Mrs. L. C. Jaclesen,
old Finnigan, Irene Strong, *Elva Sclater, Mrs. Fred Beattie, Mrs. Gov --
Kruse. Average attendance, 26.-A. enlock, Mrs. Earl Bell.
M. Knechtel, Teacher. Tile Christmas dance will be held
in the club rooms on Monday, Decem-
ber 26th. We are very pleased to
announce Krug's six -piece orchestra
for this ;holiday attraction. Members
will kindly accept this notice 'as their
levitation. Our invitation list is
limited to our accommodation, so we
ask the members, to notify the Secre-
tary, Charles Holmes, of any they
wish sent. Christmas visitors will be
welcome as usual and we hope to have
ones of the beet dances in our career.
-The Bowling has a large entry,
nearly eighty are taking part, and
the second round is nearly complete.
Ice will make the draw and start on
the third round. Thureclay. v
Local Briefs: ---Mr. and Mrs. Ed-
mund Baker, M Stratford, and Mr.
G. H. Stedman, of Brantford, spent
the week end with Mr. and Mrs. John
Beattie. --Mr. Earl Wanless, of Vir-
oqua, Wieconsin, has been visiting his
sister, Mrs. G. T. Turnbull. He is ex-
tensively engaged in 1` using black and
silver gray foxes, and says he finds
a better market in the &babes than in
Canada. --Miss Mary Kling, who has
had a bad attack of rheumatism, is
slowly recovering although still con-
fined to her room. - Mr. Melville
Spain, who has spent the past year
in Washington and California, is 'vis-
iting at his home here. -The Eamon&
ville Sabbath School will hold their
annual Christmas entertainment and
Chrfatmas tree on Wednesday even-
ing, December 14th. -- Mr. Harry
Hinchley, of the Guelph Agricultural
College, a,pent the week end at his
home here. -Miss Edith Scott, of To-
ronto University, spent a few days at
hex home here. --Mr. R.. T. McIntosh,
of Sarnia, was visiting friends in town
this week. -Mee. Therms Wheeler and
son, Austin, of Brucefiefld, are visiting
friends in Detroit this week. --The
many friends of Mrs. John Klein will
be pleased rto learn that she is able to
be about again after her serious ill-
j.A. Wilson was in Platte-
ville last week attending the funeral
of an uncle. -Mr. J. Woodley has re-
turned from the West where be spent
the past few yearz-Miss Violet Pyp-
er underwent another operation in
the Stratford hospital this week. -Mr.
and Mrs. J. R. McNab and son Jack,
returned to their home in Dungannon
this week, -Mr. C. E. Naphtati, of
Manciteeter, England, is the guest of
Mr. R.M. Jones. --Mrs. P. M. Chesney,
of Ttickerentith, returned on Friday
from a vett with friends in Rochester.
-t&isniverry Services will be bald
in j?4 .15rterbn &web on *TA;
Dab, *en Rev. Biagi& Neterla at
nl o0*
Notes. -Winston, the young son of
Mr. and Mrs. William Wlorkman was
operated on for appendicitis et his
own home on Wednesday, and at the
time of writing is doing as well as
can be expeceed.
a anyatery as no one had been near
the barn for some time. Fortunately
with the add of neighbors, Mr. Souter
was able to get his stock and imple-
ments out, but ebout 20 tom of hay,
25 tons of straw. and a large amoun.t
of grairisbut thiwas revented e destroyed. For a time
s p
It • Was g -ht the house would also
be desire ,
by the hard work of neighbors and
others, wise had been drawn to the
farm by 'the blaze, the reflection of
which coudd be seen for miles. Mr.
Souter had considerable insurance on
the barn and contents, but he will
still be a heavy loser.
Topped the Market Again.-Messre.
Eckert and &Ott, the U.V.O. shipper's
from Dublin, shipped h carload of
choice cattle on Saturday to Toronto,
market. Two baby beeves, fed by Mr.
William Hamilton, Cromerty, sold
for $10.10 per cwt, weighing 1630.
Others worthy of mention were two
fed by Mr. Patrick Feeney, Dublin;
one by Mr. William Drover, Seaforth,
end one by My. EU Rapien, Walton.
Do riot miss the thltd Lyne® Cowes Oda -
cert. Strand /both% Wednesdar eeelther.
December 14th. Artleta. all lithh elms.
West End Notes.--Odessos, A. Elcoat
and Melvin Crich shipped a air load
of baby beeves and Iambi to the Fat
Stock Show at Toronto this week. -
Mr. Robert 'White and sone, Jack and
Bert, who went Weld on the har-
veeters' excursion, returned last week.
Percy -Orieb returned bane
41141Ple- Oa from Sesk., hid week.
an ett- Earn .-A very *Moue Bre
the„ otigtural et farm of Mr. Ala.
MIll ' Saturday ease -
Wail" tZi ;het 001011140•16.
give Wait
stibbr, but *Ow ift,02,004.1.
Notes. --Mr. and 'Mrs. Sutton and
family have moved to Mount Carmel,
where trey intend residing for the
future. -14r. Frank Evans hu re-
turned from La Crosse, Wis.-The
many friends of Mrs. M. Lynch are
glad to know she has recovered from
her recent illness. --Miss Hannah
Tully US 'moved to Dublin to spend
the winter.- -Mr. Frank hfcQuaid, our
genial mail carrier, who has been on
the sick 11o, is able M be around as
usual, Saar are glad to ease -Mrs. M.
White and family have moved to
their new home in Seaforth.
tb, 'vet sb,'"ooltir
Trinity chuvoll Ul hold theIr albleto
tairratent on Dualities' 18th. -.0. Dent
week we ;miltted theta> two ulnas
in ea ecommt et the maistmerede,
William lidetcnide, ludas; and Mem
_Swat Woods, ileiVea.rt These two
playa were give% "A Dark•Y Melt"
"At Pantomime, Wanted, as Wife."
Thames; Road Notee.-The W. M.S.
of Bethany will hold an interesting
meeting at the home of the President,
Mrs. Garpot Passmore on Thursday
afternoon, this week. Mrs. (Rev.)
McAllister. of Exeter will give an
addrese.r., Wesley Johns was in
Guelph during the past week attesid-
rue the Fat Stock Show. -Quite a
large number from this vicinity at-
tended the anniversary services at
James Street, Exeter, on Sunday
and Monday. -Mrs. Thomas Passmore
is recovering after being confined to
her bed for a week recently. -Rev.
James, a Woodham, will occupy the
pulpit in Bethany next Sunday after-
noon. This will Se Mr. James' first
appearance at this church. It is 'hop-
ed a good crowd will be present to
hear ;him.
Christmas teelidatient to be l,ed in 8.
S. Na 4, XeSU14i, on Tustas. December
gOtb. Meer and • rbttuae Das
also e goad pro.. NverTone Invited to
brute Ott farthetree. Atinclation
end lk.- 58114
•Noteseeddr. Adis. Gardiner has Te-
ti/5150 from the Weit.-Quite a num-
ber are taking in the Guelph Fat Stock
Show. --flies Lyle McLeod was Visit-
ing her ,parents for a few days. --Mr.
Robert Ferguson's health is eimprov-
ing:nieely.--Don't forget the Bazaar
on Wednesday, December 14th, under
the auspices of the Guild of the St.
George church. This one promisee to
be the beet yet.-S:leighs and cutters
were out this week. It looks as • if
there might be some winter. -A great
many people will be able to ae5tle
down to work again after idle election.
Some sisoppoinited ones, no doubt.
Breezes. -Jelin Howard returned
last week from the West where he
Went on the harvesters' excursion. -
The Senior and slender Guilds of
Trinity qhurch .purpose holding e
bazaar 1, tea in the town hall on
Tuesday xt from four ;to eight. -
A public wheel concert will be given
in the town hall on Friday mining,
December 16th. An excellent pro-
gramme is being prepared under the
training of mar teachers, Miss Pinder
and Miss Woods. -The annual Christ-
announces two (originally)
big stage plasm
Thursday. Friday and Saturday
AuqusTus THOMAS .
Old -Timer •
with Mepte .Blue _
as the pioneer softeimaster, directed -
ed by George Wilford.
The man who produced "Behold My
-A Paramount Picture, -
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
A Message From Mara
BERT srrau.
The play ran for shore than a year
on Broadway, featuring a star Of un-
excelled popularity.
- Mendlig taesday, Wednesday
"MO GOLDEN aorir.
- with
vW91'4".. YldetafisidOert'STC431170•'-
' '00340it
, . .
••••;"••• ..-• els
4,, e s "e s,' •
School Report. -The following is
the report of School Section No. 6,
Hibbert, for November; subjects -
Literature, Grammar, History, Writ-
ing: Sr. IV, --Gladys Fulton, 92;
Verna Kleinfeldt, 87; Grace Hough-
ton 79; Nelson Howe, 78; Orval Me -
Laren, 76; Brume. Allen, 65; Ralph
Speare, 60; Sim McLaren, 56. Jr.
IV. -Douglas Ritchie, 75; Hatiel Ful-
ton, 71; Ada Speare, 09; Ruby Mc-
Laren, 64; Anna McLaren, 65; Joe
Aldington, 55; Gladys Houghton, 45.
Sr. Bi --Ray Norris, 66; Mary Alien,
61; Christina McKaig, 57; Filmer
Chappel, 58; Mabel Austin 49. Jr.
Ritchie, 80; Verda Gard-
iner, 78; Jeanne McLaren, 68; Grace
McLachlan 62; Archie Hoggarth 60;
Kenneth ,Kleinfeldt, 42; Winnona
Norris, 40; Harvey Austin, 81. Sec-
ond. -Willie McKaig, Out Walker,
Leonard Houghton, James Austin,
Alma Muxworthy. Number on • roll,
4.3; average attendance, 39. -Susan
E. Kleinfeldt, Teaehed.
Died in Superior, Wisconsin. -Word
was received here last week of the
death of Mr. John Shea. of Superior,
Wis„ which occurred 'Phuraday, De-
cember 1st. Mr, Shea Wan born in
Logan Township, Perth County, but
moved to Wisconsin when a young,
man, where he was engaged in road
and bridge building. Twenty-five
years ago he married Miss Maggie
Kenny, also of Logan township, who
survives hien, and has the sympathy
of her many relatives here.
Nates. -The many friends of Mrs.
Jerry O'Hara are sorry to learn that
she is somewhat under the weather.
-Mrs. Henry Witterson is *till in a
precarious eceidition.-Election day
was carried on with great activity,
and every available vote 'as brought
out and now thitt the battle is over
we hope to have a clean Govenyment
and that their promises may be ful-
filled. The results of the polls show-
ed a change was wanted and'now its
up to those in power to use economy
in this reconstruction period for good
government never was needed worse
in the history of Canada.
Oar Store,
of -
Bright New
Ch-a-rming •
Do not miss•the third Lyceum Coerce Con-
cert, Strand Theatre. • Wednesday evening,
December 14th. Artists. all Sigh elms.
The Young People of Bethel Church will
Meant the play. ''The Minister'. Bride," in
Bethel Church on Friday, December Rh. Ad,
entmlow-Adulte 26c, children 15e. 2816-2
School Report -The following is
the report of School Section No. 10,
McKillop, for the month of Novem-
ber. The results .are based on exam-
inations and school work during the
month... Those .marked with an aster-
isk had perfect attendance for ,the
month: jr. W. -Margaret Eaton,
98%. Sr. IN. -Jean Holland 94%;
"'William Hart, 90%; *Herold Hart
64%. Jr. m, -- SteMert Dchnsge,
90%; Annie Broom, 74%; May Rob-
ertson, (absent). Sr. IL -Annie Han-
na,* 96%; Margaret Pethic, 95%;
Jack Montgomere, 90%; Mabel Peth-
ick, 87%. Jr. 11. -*Isabel Eaton,
70%; 'Evelyn Oampbeli, 60%. First
--Wilson Little, 89%; *Wilson Camp-
bell, 65%. Primer.--Margveret Mont-
gomery, 90%; Harold Pethick, Rus-
sell Dolmage (equal), .78%; Willie
Dolmage, 70%; Bo Y Dolmage, 69%;
*Willie Campbell, 62%. • The best
spellers in each class are: Jr. IV. -
Margaret Eaton; Sr. .IE -William
Thert; Jr. DI -Annie Broome; Sr. II
-Margaret Pethick; Jr. fl./Isabel
Eaton. Number on roll 21; average,
attendance, 19. -Edna 'M. Jamieson,
• '
Dan't WW1
Now 1ii.
the Best
to do ism!
S'hopping. -
Start now. •
Christmas Suggestions
An ideal gift that e.arriea
the certainty of satisfaction
to both giver and recipient.. .
We sell beautiful Furs.
NEW COATS (A Woman's Delight) $15 to $35,
GLOVES 20c to $4.00
Practical Gifts that every-
one welcomes. We have -
many kinds of good glovers.
and a complete size range.
Sweater Coats (Comfortable, Serviceable) $2.71.tpjar
Makeas fine a gift as we
could think of. Every wo-
man needs one or more.Fine
ones here at reasonable
50c to $5
Death of an Odd Resident. -The
death took place on Saturday,liovem
ber 26th, at the home of her son-in-
law, Mr. C. Pym, lof -26, concession
5, lisborne, of Arm Wakelin, relict
of the late E. 'Williams,: aged SR
years, one month and, 17 days. Mrs.
Willif0118 - Wag born in Cambrideshire,
England, in 1828, came to Canada ill,
i888, taking nine weeks to make the
voyage in a sailing beat. For some
time she lived in Darlington Town-
ship. She was married in 1848 to
William Horney, and they moved to
the Township of Ueberne. Three chil-
dren were born to Ms t1Didll: Charles
Henry Homey, of Exeter; Mrs. 'nary
Herdman, of • Elittiville, ..e, ,and
Sarah Ferguson, of C....artham. Mr.
Berney was accidentally. killed in -
1858. In 1864 Mrs. Homey was ID&T-
Tied to John Harris. Of this 111Ti011
two children were been. Mrs. Harriet
iff,;14,cietihtleborne, Auld the late Mei.
Blotchier& Mr. Marrla
died in 1804. Mrs. Harris was mar
rded ta:101entrar VISISema
heft. ibiAngeiatlif 1st&
*hi* *Mo't' sot bois,
Mir funeral t
'leaded with elate.
• , ....... •
..... •
PRETTY WAIST (Learn what size) $1.50 to $12
" Handkerchiefs for Christ-
mas would certainly please
you. They likewise would
please many of your friends
5c to $1.25
HEARTH RUG (woad please mother) 75c to $7
Consider Hosiery when se-
lecting Gifts for Her. Fine
cashmere, lisle and silk
hosiery and the popular
heather effects here.
'25c to $3.50
. '
UMBRELLAS (with neat handles) $2.00 to $7.50
NIWWIWIWIWWWWWs ‘ataiieweiaaa**
An interesting displayof
pretty Neckwear, especially,
suitable for inexpensive
•7 25c to $3
BATH TOWELS' (worth while gift) 25c to $1.75
4114.15toility''' •
Chitiiiiiiii*Ith the '-•,'. -::. •
SAIL, -.i ;....T',,,,. --,,i• . Store .
-, •-•:•-,,,,,---,,,:,,, ,
All kinds,.widths, colors and
prices. You can make many
handsome Christmas gifts
with ribbon, and you can get
gretty s'nades and weaves
Display of fancy things that make
acceptable, Gifts for both "Grown
Alpe" mid small children 56 to $2
eie, ,l.