HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-12-09, Page 4eaal, 4 , ree, N*W ADTzwrisimpangs' Gieto-atewart Bro.,-4, llata 4.1..43reia gloriosa... Mow1ws--.+1 vioh-ea auguotwo Thee . -PM 8 Chrinteuei Stinosee-- Wit no -4 t More 'Werke. er, v.ese--4 Lyceum Canwert--. Danner eta pupae i. te.'a'.-I Ciorletrome mitt, ewe nook ate -4 apecials-Doegutow ,, 5 are a.Io-John ter5 Wanted -Marry lairrase s Wentaa-Mase -John 'relied,- 8 Paw, Braroearenswora e saroar, ea In the early pioneer days, whim the country was almost a wildernees, she proved herself a faitVni and devoted wife and helpmate. e•W by the lashed work of husband and wife they made for themselves a comfortable home along with their family. Sirs. Stew- art was of a quiet, retiring disposi- tion, one of the very best wives and mothers, a gralid and noble woman, always ready with a helping hand. Many a stranger and needy one re- ceived help and shelter at her 'home and hand. She was in the hab- it of speaking to ail strangers, with I. a smile and kind word to those she THE HURON EXPOSITOR met on life's way. She and her fath- er and mother were direct descend- ents of the late Johh Brown of Priest Hill, Scotland, one of the 'BEAFORTIL Friday, Dee. poi, 1921. martyred saints. The subject of this notice took suddenly • ill on Thanks- giving Day while coming to the din ner table, and she called out with a pain in her back, which Was to se- vere for her heart, passing away on Friday morning, trusting in her Savious, knowing that he doeth all things well. The funeral was con- ducted by her pastor, Rev. Mr. Ken- nedy, a recent successor to Rev. 1). B. McRae, who was for 40 years the deceased's pastor. All honor to those noble pioneers- whose familiar faces were mostly to be seen in God's house on the Sabbath day. Mrs. of Mrs. I'. E. Bean to leave Dublin Stewart's memory will be lung caer- and reside north iif Toronto, where ished by her family and friends. Mr. 130111 Iltanager of a bank. -r The pallbearers were Louis Steiss, Mr. William Gurniley was a visitor here on Tuesdaya son-in-law; three nephews, Alex. . The Liberal party Steiss, John Wilson, Thomas Lear - is indebted to him for his support wont, and James Houston. Peter and sympathy. Mr. Gormley reports Kelly, an aged courrin, and Miss times good at Hamilton, where he Kelly, a Tuckersniith, attended the aaa' has oreeed a business as funeral di - funeral of the deceased. rectoi.--Nearly all of the ladies came out to vute he sure would be a very wise guesser eh" can predict election returns this year. Mr. Berry. Progressive eendidate in South Perth (lid nobly in Ilibbert. Hud Blapeliard done likewise Mr. Berry was sure of election. Hibbert gave Mr. Berry a majority of 245. DUBLIN De not 1111113 the titled Lyceum Conroe Coo- . *Wt. Strand 11 tre. Wedumday evening. - December 141.11. Ari. t. all high Notes.--51iss Annie Redmond is slightly indispasA - Mr. Geo. How- ard is still on the sick list. -Word e was received fiery last week that Mr. J. Shea, of Duluth, Minn., had passed to his reward. lie was a brother-in- law of Mr. Philip Kenny, of McKillop. We regret te, hear of the intention convenience* and advantages that the present generation have over tha sturdy pioneers, who, however, not only made good, but laid the foileda. tioi well for the coming generation, a he have indeed entered into their labors.'The success of the bazaar showa -what can be done where a congregation work with might and will and the people of St. Paul's church feel much indebted for the co-operation and amistance given in the way of patronage by the sister churches and the village and rural districts within bounds. Briefs. -Mrs. IL G. Malloy spent the week with friends -here, returning to her hones in Stratford the fire of this week. -Mr, and Mrs. Norman E. Cook are- very comfortably settled in their new house on King Street. - Quite a number from -here attended the concert given by Harry Lauder and troupe on Friday last.-C,ontri- hulloes were received in our churches last Sabbath for the Bible Society and will also be taken up the coming Sunday, the 111h. -Mrs. Jes. Sangster and children are visiting in Milibrook. -Mr. Win. Fairbairn has moved in- to the dwelling recently accualed by the lube Mrs. a Dew. -Mrs. J. Pope, who has been with relatives in Dash- wood for some weeks, has returned to her home in Hensall.-Miss Olivia Luker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Luker, of the township of Hay, was recently married to Mr. W. J. Hod- gins. The ceremony was performed at the Manse by the Rev, J. A. Mc- Connell, of Carmel Church. - The lantern views given by Rev. Mr. Mea Cannell on Thursday evening of last week at the prayer meeting were ',itch appreciated, and the life and ws of the Rev. Die Patten of the Nue: Hebrides, were a special feature 1itiest interesting, as were also all 0.t•virive giveil on that occasion._ Tm•ealay, i.n Day, passed over lively in tell' village and the n hall, \vliere the voting was done, lee -elate! :t busy appearance through - 1 the day as in addition to aI4 the men voters the women turned out in strong forces, while those unable to ,vnlk to the polls were taken there the commit tees for the three rarties running. Excitement ran high and in the evening when the returns a ere coining in the hall was again scene ef !puce excitement, and the cheering on the winning side, namely that of the Reformers, was loud and long prolonged, as the fay- oreble reports came in, but it was a good natured crowd and much fun and aniusenwnt was coupled with the waiting hours. The summing up of votes for the village gave Mr. Mc- Millan 197, Mr. Black 40 and Mr. Merner 177, being a total of 20 in favor of Mr. MoMillan, the Referm candidate. -There is a Mile sleigh- ing in the village at date of writing and it is being very freely used, but there is hardly enough yet for the 'teaming of heavy loads. -While in London last week Mrs. and Miss Reid attended the Lauder Concert and had the pleasure of a handshake with Sir Harry, es well as a few of hii ex perienees while visiting the birthplace of Mrs. Reid in Scotland. -Mr. Earnie Steacy, a son of Mr. John Steaea, of this village, has purchased the dry goods business uf Messrs. Percy and Aplicet, of Orillia, and has takenover the business this -week. Hexisall-is- always justly proud of her boys who make good, and we predict for Earnie a lenge and profitable business, as he has the qualities that will ,stand for advancement and success in business. -Miss 91. D. Sutherland was in In- gersoll this week attending the fun- eral of her aunt, Mrs. Wm. Carroll, of Beachville, who has been in ill health for some time. -Mrs. Hugh McDonald entertained a. number of friends on Friday evening of Jest week. -Mrs. (Dr.) Peck also enter- tained on Thursday evening. -Master Alvin W.arrener, who recently ander- went an operation for appendicitis, is making rapid recovery at St. Joseph's Hospital, Loridon.-The Rev. Canon Doherty, formerly of St. Paul's Church, Hensall, but now of London, preached with very much acceptance in liensall on Sunday -morning and evening last and in Staffs, the sister congregation, in the afternoon. e He was accompanied by Mrs. Dolteray, and daughter, Miss Eleanor, who spent severe(' days here with their relatives and many friends. Departing Citizen Banquetted by Colleagues in Business. -The follow- ing item, from the Indian Head 'News refers to a brother of Mrs. H. J. McDonald and Mrs. J. Leeper, of this village: "The s-pacious dining room of the Imperial Hotel made a splen- did banquet hall on Monday evening when well over fifty business men of our town gathered to do honor to Mr. E. J. .Carlisle, ere he left our town and his associates in busines circles. Mr. Carlisle has been one of our leading general merchants for the past fourteen years, and it was quite fitting, that honor should be bestowed upon him at a, time when he leaves our midst -and steps across the threshold of matrimony. One long dining table was very - pleasingly arranged by Mine Hos- tess, Mrs. Rogers, who, it may he added, knows just to a "7' how ;to de the honor on such occasions. Mayor Dickson occupied the farbher's arm chair at the head of the table, HENSALL • while on his right Wag placed the Successful Bazaar. -The bazaar held guest of the occasion. Of the eats, in the town hall on Saturday last un- well they were certainly of banquet der the auspices of St. Paul's Angli, variety -fine, tasty dishes in each can church, was a great success as course. At the close of the dinner the receipts of over $600 amply show. the Mayor briefly spoke of the pur- The ladies at the congregation assist- pose of the' gathering and called upon ed by their husbands, sons and the guest to listen to a farewell ad - brothers, worked with a will dad dress expressive .of the regard Of everything went merrily as n mar- those 'assembled. this Mr.' Godfrey rage bell. All afternoon and even- read, following Which Mr. Carlisle ing thelsPacious hall was well filled was presented With a handsome set with purchasers for the many fine ef ailverware-n silver service set - articles prepared by the ladies and beautiful articles in a suitable case. donated :also by friends, while the The recipient replied feelingly with tempting viands served in cafeteria expressions of gratitude for the kind. - form found ready patrons, who much ly remarks berate/wed upon him. This enjoyed the Sine cooking for which was followed with the passing of the ladies of St. Paul's church are ao cigars and everyone lounged around juatly noted. A new feature of this free and easy to enjoy a little social bazaar was the curiosity room which intercourse. Musical numbers end was well filled with ancient and moat impromptu addresses were all in the interceding 'relics and articles as u nature •Suprogsive of sincere friend4 by our great grandfathers isa » ship:arid good wishes, the evening early.Hfe of the ceuntry and w elelfing-abent 11 O'clock with the affordriVa dotting (manna._ oft. a a 3. KIPPEN Santa Claus has eminis.1 to he prevent at the Chri,tman Tree al ni ihoi Social to be Judd 0 No. 1 School Tucker, milli. 11. u n,dny e, ening, Vecentber 22nd. A vood programme by the eehool, ansi, fed hy local 1.7.1e0t. 0. kx,n ,r,-partA.aol .0 -hould be out to greet the jtdly e:.! el 1. A ant h., ion 15 cent: and 10 cent,. w It home,. froc. 21? -2 Notes. --Friday night, December 16th, is to be .Mission Band night in Si. Andrew's church. The Band c‘eel- ially invites all the parents and f r n to their open meeting that eiglet. Th y have been busy praetie- ire fer several Saturday and will give, in addition to their regular programme, recitations,sone's, 1' XVI,- r I 1, 1-5 and a pageant on India. En- courage the Band by attending their meeting. -The bazaar this Friday evening, under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church, is giving great promise of success, and the ladies are sparing no pains to make the occasion an evening of much interest. There will be many useful articles for sale. ---Miss Etta Jarrett was visiting with friends in Toronto this weeks -The little son of Mr. and Mrs. William Workman, of the loth concession, of Ttickersteith, was operated on for appendicitis re- cently. The operation was perforin - ed at the home of his parents, and we are pleased to note that good re- sults have followed and that the young patient is now on a fair way to a complete recovery. The little • fellow has had more than his share of sickness, as he was just recover- ing after ;nany wee!. _7 s when he was taken by a - tack. - Mention was Made in one other local papers that Mr. J. C. Clauson had returned to his home in •Saskat- ch.ewan. The editor, however, had been misinformed, as Mr. Clauson is still busy in the harness business here with Mr. McKenzie. He is a master mechanic and we could not afford to lose bim. - Considerable grain is finding its way to our grain house. Mr, Isaac Jarrott, who is tak- ing charge of the warehouse in the absence of Mr. 'Moffatt, who far the past 35 years has beeri at thehgrsin house, is giving it the best of:atten- tion.-Many of our citizens wet lli sue - prised to hear of the .bad ricer -dent, which befell Mr. W. M. Doig -and which will be the means of keeping him to the -house for scone weeks. Mr. Doig and his son were coming home from Port Huron and had reach- ed Kippen station safely when the accident occurred. The ground was very slippery with ice, and Mr. Doig suddenly last his footing and receiv- ed a bad fall, one leg being fractured. However a few weeks rest in his, comfortable home in Tuckersinith will do him good, after his active life in the busy city. -A meeting of the shareholders of the Tuckersmith beef ring will be held in No. 2 school on Monday evening, December 12th, when a good attendance is requested. -The Young 'People's Club met at the home of Mr. Meals on Friday evening last and although the even- ing was one of the most disagree- able of the season, there was a gond attendance and a most etajayable time spent. Mr. T.• N. Forsyth had charge of the first part of the pro- gramme and gave several readings from the Canadian author, Paulin Johnston's works. Mr. Forsyth has few equals as .a reader and his selec- tions were -thoroughly enjoyed by all. These meetings during the winter months will have a tendency to bring the young people together and afford an excellent opportunity to improve and broaden the minds of the :mem- bers. ST. COLUMBAN i,ot robs the third Lyceum Coerce Con- cert. Strand numatre. Wednesday evening. December 14th. Artiste, all high clam. Catholic Women's League --At largely attended meeting of the Cath- olic Wo 10:55 League November tth, Mrs. William Dorsey and Miss Teresa Lynch gave an account of the recent Diocesan meeting held in Lon - lion. The next meeting of the C. W. L wjtl be held in the parish hall on Sunday, December 111h after the last mass. Ladies who have net joined the League and who wish to become mem- bers will kindly hand in their names on or before the second Sunday in January, 1922, to any of the follow- ing officers: Mrs. W. Dorsey, Mrs. J. Malone, Mrs. J. Canning, Mrs. 1'. V. McGrath, Mrs. T. Melady, Mrs. W, Cleary, Miss T.. Lynch. School Report. -The followiag is tire report of School Section •No. 3, McKillop, for the month of Novem- ber. Names are in order of merit, and those marked * were absent on one or more examinations: Sr. IV. - Annie McQuaid, D. Melady, J. Flan- nery, F. McGrath, A. Downey.. Jr. IV -Edith Miles, M. Flannery-, M. Cronin, Irene O'Sullivan, D. Downey, *Mark Miles:- Sr. 11L -F. Feeneya -Wee McQuaid, E. Melady, °Mary Joseph Hart; G. Downey, F. McQu-aid, Joseph Downey, M. O'Sullivan. Jr. III. -A. Feeney, C. McQuaid, Albert Cronin, George Hol- land; F. Hart. Second.. -Viola Feeney, Agnes McGrath, Charles Miles, Jos. O'Sullivan, N. Miles, L. O'Sullivan, N. McQuaid. Part n, -John Miles, A. Cronin; L. O'Sullivan, A. Flan- nery, El. Melady. Primer. -N. Mc- Quaid and Rose Melady equal, Denis Feeney, John Flannery and Katie Flannery equal, E. Carlin, Mary Hart, James O'Sullivan, John Hart. -S. Queeuan, Teacher. a N uposrro TOE VOTE OINDETAIL, Liberal 'Claldids* ALGOMA. EAST -Dr. COirrUtImrtli majority 100. MANWO G. Raymond, majc:rity BRUCE, NORSSI-J. Malcolm, m&j, 160. BRUCE, SOUTH -R. Truax, maj. 300. ESSEX, NOB --W. C. Kennedy, ESSEX, SOUTH -Hon. George P. Graham, majority 450. majority 5,000. KENT -A. B. licCoig, maj. 8,000. . NIPISSING-E. A. Ispierre, 770. OTTAWA . (two members) -H, ide- Givern, Maj. 3,000; E. R. Chevrier, 3,800. OXFORD, SOUTII-Dr. D. J. Sin- clair, plurality 170. PARRY SOUND -Dr. Mason, maj. GREY Death af Mrs. Alexander Stewart. - A loved and respected resident of the 16th concession of Grey township has answered the roll calla the spirit of Mrs. Alexander Stewart joined her loved ones when her Saviour said to his loved one "come up higher." Her spirit took its flight on Friday morn- ing, Novem-ber llth, just seven years from the funeral day of her youngest son, Matthew, who died November 9th, 1914, :and five months later, her hus- band, the late Alexander Stewart, was called home. Alexander Stewart and Rachel Brown were united in marriage in Haraurhey, by the Rev. Mr. Gra- ham, and their union was blessed by two sans and two daughters. One son passed away as ebove stated. The family resided continuously on Lot 13, Concession 16, except for a short while, they lived north of Brus- sels, where Mr. ,Stewartt taught school. The surviving members are: Alexander R. Stewart, in the West; he and the family were making pre- parations to spend Christmas with las aged mother, when the sad news reached them she had passed away. He decided to come but found he could not arrive in time for the funeral, The two daughters are: Mrs. David G. Clark and Mrs. Louis Steiss, both of Grey townehip, who faithfully and tenderly nursed their mother until the end. Mrs. Stew- art's maiden name was Rachel Brown and was born in Sanquir, Wigtown - shire, Scotland, and was the last of her father's and mother's family, the. I ate James and Margaret Brown of that place, but later of Grey tovmship. Corning to Canada, David ad- Archibald Brown located near Nov Westminster, B.C., and John ati'Fort Dodge, Iowa. A young bro- ther James dying in childhood, and E O sisters, Agnes, (Mrs. John Stew- art), lath concession of Grey, and Mary, (Mrs. John Stewart) 15th commaion, are alt deceamed, her younger brother, Archie, passing a - easy on August 28th last, aged 80 !ars., Mira. Stewart was 82 yearswas. age. site a faithful member ; the Presbyterian church, having *bled in Scotland in her youthful Of late years, owing to old and -inemities, ehe was unable,to public worship. Mrs. Stewart Ikatrajdavuerit sufferer 112 [, 7, 0,75f1-7,757 • - ..• y..Yeeir" DECEMBER 9,1921 3/44, ,A40100*, 173. PERTH, NORM -Dr: J. P: Rankin, majority 1200. . PERTH,' SOUTH -Wm. Forrester, majority 800. PETERBORO, WEST -G. H. GOY, don, majority 800. RENFRF1W,' NORTH -Dr, N. Mc- Kay, 1,200 majority. RENFREW, 3013TH -T. A. Low, majority 1,664. RUSSELL, --Hon. C Murphy, 2,099. 8114100E EAST --Manley Chew, 1,700 majority. SIMOOE, NORTH -T. E. Ross, me jority 600. WATERLOO NORTH -W. D. Euler majority 8,000. WELLAND-Gemnan, majority 300 WELLINGTON,. NORTH - John Pritchard, majority 500. - Government Candidates Elected. ALGOMA, WailffT' -T; E. Simpson, NORFOLK -W. Sutton, maj. 100. plurality 710. CARLETON-4W, F. Garland, maj. 400. DURHAM -F. W. Bowen, major- ity 500. ELGIN, EAST.- J. L. Stamen, maj. 178. ELGJIN, WEST -11- T. McKillop, majority 237. FORT WILLIAM -RAINY RIVER -Hon. R. J. Manien, mai 1,500. FRONTENAC- les J. W. Edwards, majority 100. GRENVITAsE-a B. Castleman, majority, 600. GREY, NORTH -.M. R., Duncan, majority 800. HALDEVEAND- al ark Lenn, maj. 1,000. HALTON-Dr. Anderson, maj. 150. HAMILTON, EAST -S. C. Mew. - burn, maj, 750. HAMILTON WEST -T. J. Stewart, majority 400. HASTINGS -a. Gus Porter, maj 400 KINGSTON---Cen. A. E. Ross, maj. '200. LAMBTON, WEST- -D. V. Lesener, majority 350. LAMBTON, EAST --J. C. Arm.- atrung, majority 200. LANARK -Hon J. A.. Stewart, majority 539. LEEDS -H. Stewart, maj. 500. LENNOX-ADON NGTON - A. B, Carscalleh, majoray 50. LINCOLN -J: D. Chaplin, major. NORTHUMBERLAND -15i: E. May - bee, 'majority 1,600. ONTARIO, SOUTH -W, Smith, plurality 250. OXFORD, SOUTH -D. Sutherland, majority 800. PARKDALE-D. Spence, plurality 5,295. PARRY SOUND -T. 11, Thompson, majority 1,500. PEEL -Sam. Charters, 'maj. 1,400. PORT ARTHUR-KENORA-e:T. 11. Keefer. majority 600. PRINCE EDWARD -J. Hubbs, plurality 500. SIMI( a),E, SOUT.H-W. A. Boyer, majority 400. • TORONTO EAST -E. B. Ryckman, plurality 1,389. TORONTO NORTH -T. L. -Church, majority 4,036. TORONTO SOUTH -Dr. Sheard, majority 524. TORONTO WEST -LH. C. Hocken, plurality 2,012. TORONTO CENTRE -- Edmund Bristol, majority 921.. VICTORIA-HALIBURTON-T. H. Stinson, majority 800. WELLINGTON SOUTH - Hon. Hugh Guthrie, majority 900., WENTWORTH - Gordon Wilson, majority 500. 'YORK EAST -Jos. Harris, plurality 61241. YORK SOUTH -W. F. Maclean, plurality 1,590. ity, 1,600. YORK WEST -Sir Henry Drayton, LONDON --J. 13. White, maj. 1,802. plurality, 660. Progressive Candidates Elected. BRANT -W. T. Good, maj. 200. majority 60Q. . DT.IFFERIN.-41. J, Woods, major- 'MIDDLESEX WEST -J. D. Drum- ity 290. , . mond, majority 240. DUNDAS-P,, Elliott, majority 61. 1MUSKOKAL-W. HAMMIL. GLENGARRY-STORMONT--J. W. ONTARIO NORTH -R. 11. Halbert, Kennedy, majority 200. Majority 140. GREY -Miss A. C. McPhail, maj. PETERBORO EAST -O. A. Breth- 2,500. i en, plurality 206;• • HURON, NtarRTH-J. W; King, PRESCOTT-J. Binette, plur. 800. plurality 900.,„; TIM1SKAMIN43-A. McDonald, mei HURON, SOUTH -W. Black, maj. jority 250. 85. WATERLOO SOUTHe-Wm. Elliott • lvTh4cz8EA., Hedgi44' 11111911tr 100* " QUEBEC Liberal Candidates Elected. ARGENT EU IL -F. R. McGibbon, ity, 4,000. majority 200. I IVFASKINON.GE-L. Deroches, maj. BAGOT--J. E Marcil, inaj. 750. 2,500. MEGANTIC-L. T. Pacaud, .major- ity, 5,000. .MISSISQUOI-W. F. Kay, maj. 500 MONTMAGNY-A. M. Dechene, majority 900, NICOLET-M. Trahan, maj. 2,000. PONTIAC-F. S. Cahill, maj. 5,200. PORTN'EUF-M. S. de Lisle, major- ity .2,000. QUEBEC COUNTY - H. E. Lavigueur, majority, 1,000. QUEBE6 EAST -Lapointe, major- ity 400. QUEBEC SOUTH -C. G. Pomas, majority 1,600. QUEBEC WEST -Geo. Parent, mei. 300. RICHELIEU -P. J. Cardin, major- ity 3,000. MICIEVIOND WOLF -E, W. Tobin, majority 5,000. RIMOUSKI4-J, E. D'Anjen, major- ity 5,000. ST. ANN'S -J. C. Walsh, maj. 3,000 ST. ANTOINE --Hon. W. G. Mit- chell, majority 2,600. ST. DENIS-Dr. A. Dennis,, major- ity 5. • ST. HYACINTHE-ROUV'E - B. Marin, majority 3,800. ST. JAMES -F. Rinfret, maj. 1,000 ST. JOHN-IBERVILLE-M. J. De- niers. ST. ,LAWBENCE-H. M. - ,Marter, majority 2,500. ST..MARYS-H. Dealuriers, major- ity 8,000. SHEFFORD-G. Bowin, maj. 2,000'. ignagtiBRGOKE---.F. M. McRae, majority 2,000. STANSTIDAD-W. E. .Baldwin, majority 2,500. TEIVESCOUATA-C, Gavereau, inkloritY- 750. • TERREBONNE-J. E. Prevost, majority 5,000. THREE RIVERS -ST. M. -Hon. J. Bureau, majority 1,100. VAUDREUIL-SOUL - G. Boyer, majority, 1400. WESTMOUNT4ST. 11-P. Mercier, LOTBINIERE-T. Vien, maj. 2,956. majority 10,000. MAilSONNE'UVE-4C. Robelard; -VV1tIGHT--51. N. Gendron, major - majority 6,000. • - ity, 1,500. MATANE-aF. .1, Pelletier, major- YAMASKA-A, Boucherianai.-1700 NOVA SCOTIA Liberal Candidates Electtd. National Anthem." ' • BEAUCE-Dr. Beland, mai 7,000. BEACIIARNOIS-L. J. Papineau, tnajority 1,200. BEILECHASSE-C, A. Fournier, majority 1,000. a. Gervais,-inaj. 2,500 BONAVENTURE-Hon. C. Marcil, 3,000. _ • BROME-A. R. McMaster, major- ity 2,200. ,CHAM1BLY-VERCHERS-J. Arch- ambault, ,maj. 2,200. CHAMPLAIN - A. Desaulniers, majority 750 CHARLEVOIX-MONT-P. P. Cas - pain, maj. 5,000. OHATEAUGUAY-HUNT - J. A. Robb, Majority 400. • '01-110OUTIMI-SAGUENAY - W. -SaVard, majority 10,000. COMPTON-A. B. Hunt, maj. 2,000 DORCHESTER -C. Cannon, mai. 4,200. DRUMMOND-ARTHAB-N. K. La- flainme, majority 700. • ityGA5S0P00E--,. Hon. R. Lemieux, m.ajor- GEORGE ETIENNE CAR'TIER-S. W. Jacobs, majority 1,400. HOCHELAGA-a,E. C. St. Clare, majority, 700. HULL -J. E. Fontaine, maj: 4500. JACGUES CARTIER---B. A. Lafor- tune, plurality 7,000. ityJO2L,5LoolETTE--J. J. Dennis,- major- KAMOURASICA-A. Stein, major- ity, 2,500. i.tyLA1B,813)00LL. E -H. A. Fortier, major- ,LAPRAIRIE-NAPPER-R. Lanctot, maj. 1,100. L'ASSOMPTION-MONT - P. A. Sequin, mai. 500. IAURIER-OUTREMONT - Sir Lamer Gouin, majority 8,500. LAVAL -TWO MOUNTAINS -J. A. Ethier, majority 1,700.• LEVI5-51. B. Houma,* onaj. 3,000 LISLET-J. Fafard, maj. 4,700. 1Slippers just pounde you boveset Yet made up your mind as to rto give this Christmas. ow 515 10 suggest SLIPPERS • -the Most practical of all gifts. Everybody appreciates a pair of Slippers at Christanaa for the reason that they are 60 use- ful and aervicealte. You can find here just what you are , looking for in the Slipper line. Every member of the family may be suitably remembered from our stock and at reason- ' able prices, too. Women's black felt slippers with felt soles, leather covered, for 31.60 Women's black felt flippers with felt soles at $1.00 to $L75 WOMen's Kosy felt -Slippers, ribbon trimmed, eolors-black, red, brown, grey and wine for 31.30 a.pair Wcunen's Kozy Fielt Slippera, ribbon trimmed, rubber heels, colors wine and brown at a pair Women's Felt Juliets, fur tritained, flexible leather -soles,' colors, red, black, brown and grey at a pair 12.25 Women's Boudoir Slippers in fine kid leather, black, red, mauve for a pair 31.90 to $2.50 Men's black felt slippers with felt soles, for 31.50 & $1.75 a pair. Men's black felt slippers with flexible leather soles fora pair 32.00 Men's plaid felt slippers with leather soles for 31.50 to 32 a pair Men's Brown felt Kozy Slippers with elk soles for a pair..31.50 !Misses' Red Felt Slippers with ankle straps for a pair. • • .11.25 Misses' Red Felt Kozy Slippers, ribbon trimmed for a pr....3125 'Misses' Fancy Felt Slippers with ankle straps for a pair 75c Children's RedFeltSlippers with ankle Straps for $1.00 a pair • Children's Red Felt Kozy Slippers, ribbon trimmed for a pair . 31.00 Infant's fancy felt Slippers for 50 and 60 cents a pair. Why not make your selection now while our sizes ate complete. We'll make any exchanges you desire after Christmas, SEAFORTH OPPOSITE COMMERCIAL HOTEL a•MMINS. NEW BRUNSWICK • Liberal Candidates Elected. GLOUCHESTER-D. Turgeon, ma- RESTIGOUCHEMAD.-?Michaud jority, 300. KENT -A. T. Legere, ,maj. 300. NORTHUMBERLAND -J. Morris- sey, majority 400. Govenunent Candidates Elected. ANIEGONISH-GUYISBORO-C, F. Mchmaci. CAPE*BRETON, N. VICTORIA -D, D. McKenzie. CAPE BRETON S.aRICIIMOND (2 members): -W. F,.907011 upd COLCHESTER -H. Paeans, major- ity .' 1111LAN-41. 3..1jegroa DIGE9Y-AVNAPOLOS-111A, Lovett • HALIFAX (two Motitbers)--Hon. A. ".e-- • SS.a, • K. McLean, and Dr, Blackadder. HANTS -L. H. Martell, maj. 100. INVERNESS -Dr. A. W. Chisholm majority 700. KINGS -W. Robinson. LUNIONBUIRG-effra, Duff. V,ffC7T011-.' M. McDonald, plumd- majority 2.000. WESTMORELAND -A B. • Copp. majority 4,000. CHARLOTTE -R. W. Gummer, ina- ST. JOHN an; AND COUNTIES jority 112. OF ST. JOHN AND ALBER/T (two ROYAL-Geozge Jones. - YORK-SUNBURY-B. B. Hanson, members) -J. A. N. BaXter, major - majority 800. ity 600; Dr. M. McLaren, maj. 700. Progressive CandidaterSjeeted.- , ROYAL -T. W. Caldwell, maj. 300. - MANITOBA, Liberal Candidates Elected. WINNIPEG NORTH -E. J. Mur- (Ind.). ray. BRANDON -R. Parke, 500 mat WINNIPEG SOUTH -A. 11. Hudson DAUPHIN -J. Ward, maj. 140: tirsuo-QuicE248- floni 8. Fielding, natiorit7 U11040LARE-F. L. Pt Progressive Candidates Elected. USG -AR -J. L. Brown, maj. 900, PROVENCHDR-A, L.. SMuhistii, MACIDONALD-W. Lavoie, maj 300 majority 170. !MARQUKTTE--Hon. T. A. Crerar, SELKIRK -L. P. Bancroft. 'majority 2)800. SOURIS-J. IL Steedsman. NEEPArWA-R. /nal 250. SPRINGFIELD -R. A. Howie, mi - NELSON -Rev. T, W. Bird, maj. 150. jerky 400. PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE -H. Lead- WINNIPEG -CENTRE -- J. R. er, majority 65. Woodsworth (Labor). PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND Liberal Candidates Elected. KING'S -J. J. Hughes. GUEEN'S (two members) -J. E. PRINCE -A. E. McLean. I Sinclair and 1), A. McKenzie, SASKATCHEWAN Liberal Candidates Elected. • MOOSE JAW -W. R. Knowles, rita-1 REGINA -W. Motherwell. jority 300. Progressive Candidates Elect -ed. ASSINIBOIA-0, N. Gould. BATTLEFORD-T. Weenies 400. HUMBOLDT-J. Stewart, KINDERSLEY--A. R. Carmichael. LAsfr MOUNTAIN --J. S. Johnson. MACKENZIE-N. M: Campbell, MAPLE CREEK -N. McTaggart. NORTH BATTLEFORD--C. C. Da- vies. PRINCE -ALBERT-Andrew Knott. QU'AFPELLE-J, D. Miller. • ,SALTCOATS-T. Sales, maj. 500. SASICATOGNIrehn Evans maj 300 SWIFT CURRENT -Rev. A. J. Lewis. WEYBURN-John Morrison. ALBERTA • Government Candidates. Elected. 'CALGARY WEST -Hon. R. B. Bennett, 371. Progressive Candidates Elected. BATTLE RIVER --H. E. Spencer. BOW RIVER -E. H. Garland, maj. 665. CALGARY EAST - Wm. Irvine (Labor), 3,000. EDMONTON EAST -J. Kehler, majority 300. EDMONTON WEST -D. M. Ken- nedy. . VICTORIA -Lucas, 800,, BRITISH COLUMBIA Liberal Candidates Elected, WESTMINSTER arerrtacr -- E. I EAST KOOTENAY-B. E. ziesttie Munro. ,SICEENA-A. Stark. Government Candidates Elected. BURRARD--Gen. J. A. Clark. NA,NAIMO-C-11. NEW WESTMINSTER CITY ---W, G. McQuarile, VICTORIA -Hon. S. F. Tolmie, rest- joritY 1000. • LETHBRIDGE-L H.Jeliff, real. 874. .MACLEOD-Geo. Cartel Maj, 398. MEDICINE HAT -'R, Gardner, maj. 380. RED DEER -A. Spealrway, major- ity 1,000.- STRATHCONA-B. W.. Warner, VANCOUVER, CENTRE -Hon.- IL 1/. Stevens., VANCOUVER, SOU1111e-L. Latvia ner. . . • YALE -4. A. mater1'i6, 1600434c..., 2 .. ..--i'rogretsiire Candidates Eleetedi - aNtiktilAZI: Humphrey I - "t,,Tykide, comox-tgI _ • r...• •,k%t .` 30 1 r e •