HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-12-02, Page 8eesemeteesterseee7reeeere
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Art From Califon*?
st the
Wednesday Evening
• Miss Annie Govenlock's cleats of
.:;",.•.lertng ladies will present the one act
etbCentedy Drama --"Our Aunt from
'-‘01difornia," at the Strand Theatre,
Woodnesaday Evening, December lth.
The regular programme of pictures
will also besh'
own making
an even-
ing'e entertainmentyou cannot afford
to miss.
There will be a small advance in
the price of admission, with the pro-
ceeds to go in aid of work carried on
by the Loyalty Class of the First
Presbyterian Church.
Kill two birds with the one stone!
-- Help on the Good Work, and treat
yourself to an enjoyable evening.
Adults 26s
8 p.m. Children 15c
of - be the heed,
Aihsedqtor MM.
learner is s y with
all Mingo bureau. y and deftly
th the art that conceals art did be
frame up what Isis eyes had seal thci
hie ears heard into verbal pi:straits,
or cartoons, that was one delight af-
ter another. Along with brainy, etre
Duenuor. kATI
You cannot give family
or friends a more ac-
ceptable Gift than your
Photograph. Make the
appointment now.
northern of Dilleers.,-*At,, the 'moo -
lar meetivic 'ocE Idiewelas 1..odge of
Reeeeeee No; Iv, held tn the Odd- tonnage. and 04
fellows Hee on Monday evoking hot there was a refined drollery of the
the following officers were elected for peculiarly British type. Seldom in -
the coming' teem; W. etok Sadie deed dote one 41ear such power of
Thompson; V. G.
Miss Annie Stew. mimicry as this lecturer paillasses,
art; Recording Secretary, Mips Rookie not cheap, vulgar mimicry, but of the
Elder; Treasure, Mrs. A. Mcdavin; kind that took the hearer alongside
Financial Secretary, Miss Lii,bie Free_ 01 amusing people and amusing scenes
man. The' lodge has a very large in their most amusing self-revealinga.
Tho Scot in his 'greatest canniness,
the London Cockney, the baseball fan
with his on-going tide of derision and
satirical comment, not to speak of
other ages, were all photographed to
the interested audience with en ef-'
feotiveness and vividness that :narks
Mr. Evans as an artist as well as a
thinker and instructor. The whole.
'lecture was +charmingly democratic
in that it kept the hearer in fellow-
ship. with human beings of manifold
type, in manifeld situations and with
manifold problems, gay and grave.'
In the realization df brotherhood he
found the secret of the world's well-
membership inSeaiorth.
Swishier .ftlis,sion Band. -The Sun-
shine Mission Band of First Presby-
terian dOtturch held their annual
Thank-oftering meeting on Monday
afternoon. Mrs. F. H. Larkin gave a
most interesting anti helpful Thane -
offering talk. The membership of the
Band was well represented, and'those
taking part in the programme did so
in a most pleasing 'manner. The of-
fering amounted to twenty-four dol-
lars. Owing to the illnese of the
President, Mies Bell Smith, the meet-
ing was conducted by Miss Annie
Govenlock, the vice president.
A 3,000 Mile Telephone Call. -Rev,
H. C. Dunsmore, D.D., of Indepen-
dence Oregon, who has been visiting
his sister, Mrs. Carnochan, and other
friends in Isuckersmith, has estab-
lished a new record for long distance
telephoning for Western Ontario.
While in Sarnia a week ago he asked
the city exchange if he could put a
call through to his daughter in Ore-
gon and was told that they would
try, although no call of such a dis-
tance had ever been put through be-
fore. That was about nine o'clock in
the evening and an hour later he was
told the call had gone through as far
as Ohicago, and at twelve o'clock he
had his daughter on the phone, and
carried on a seven -minute conversa-
tion with her over the intervening
3,000 miles, which could be heard as
distinctly as if she had been in the
neljoing block. The call cost the doc-
'tor $3.25, but he said the sound of
a home voice was worth five times
the price.
Special Sale
Ladies' Shopping Bags, medium
size, each $1.40
Large size, each $1.75
Boys' Haversack School Bags....75c
Ladies' and Gent's Lined or Unlined
Auto Genntlets at less than whole-
sale peice.
25 per cent. off all Men's Mitts and
Gloves -25 per cent.
-Shoe Repairing a Specialty -
The Double Track
Unexcelled Dining Car Service.
Sleeping cars on Night Trains
and Parlor Cars on principal Day
Dour Obristaisekillhowleint
vordlY ye. Not oody *ill •
You re otkafort la chose'
Ing your , but the lines win
be more .'llompleobe.
Our CalligiSTMAS GOODS me
now on 'play and there 1. no
advantage in *eying your buy-
ing. Weruall put away any goods
Pureitmed until *ailed for.
Bomar)* - manna
ibe the winter
dellik+sr. Mth. M • z,
MIL Jalleie,_eat
der, and Mlle Key *oaf/foot left on-
Tbursas7 rearng to visit fr14i in
Meanithn•-"WInning Qut" be
'ebb **WA of Rev. V . M Istritinh ger,
mos ilk Rind Presbyterian ChurchOP
spoopy onotippi-Ms. eiti siotoop
and eon. A -dew, are
in Torento.---Xr. W. Brie
orient SundaY et hie hoose.here,-11)r,
VeId,Peldie-Schaol. Inspeotor, 434,4.11.
rich, paid an official idait theltea.,
forth public school 011 wee4-4fht
Bazaar and supper held in thePeril*
Hall, of st. Thomas' church on Wed-
neaday afternoon and evening 'weir.
great success, nearly $500 being reed.
F; C. Jackson left for Mont -
afternoon tea. In the evening Mrs. real on Monday. -Mr. E. W. Edward*
Carscallen; a returned Missionary hes returned from Toronte.---ifir.Nott,
from Chinte, gave a moot interesting who recently Purchased the . Leitch
address on the conditions in that property in Egniondville, has 'toyed
country. -Me. Robert Archibald arid his family here from Stratford. -Mr.
Mr, calvinlehlen are in Bay City this W. Bateman and family have moved
week attealleg the funeral of an aunt. from Goderioh Street to the residence
The WildlOsit Basket Ball team were of Mrs. W. Cole, on High Street.-
entertaineksi the home of Miss Fer- Mrs. Modeiand le seriously ill at her
gas McKay on Thursday evening last. home in Egroondville.--Miss Foreman,
-At the meg Oily meeting of the Cath- of the Collegiate etaff, who spent a
olic Warned. League held on Novem- week at her home in Granton„ owing
ber 27th, Mrs. W. Bullard and Mrs. to illness, _returned on Tuesday. Her
Louis Detractor gave infante/nig' re- place at the Collegiate was taken by
ports of t1 Diocean Convention of the Miss Margaret Falge.--Bev. Mr. Car -
League held in London recently. -Bev. soalien, a returned miesionary from
Dr. and Mr. Perri., of Wingham, West China, occupied the pulpit in the
were gueet.imat the hermit of Mr. W. N. Methodist church on Sunfty last, and
Kneehtel, Egmondtelle, for a few gave two most,interesting addresses.
days this uteek.-Mr„ William r,ruse, Dan Munro, of Brucefield, has
of Egmondvl le, received a fine large taken over the butcher business in
deer lard Week Which was shot by his Egmondville formerly carried on by
son, Harry, )n the Parry Sound dis- IMurray Bros. -Mr. James Berry has
trict.-Mr. Edward Hunt, .of MoKil- sold his farm adjoining Egmondville
lop, is'eiatting frier* in Guelph and to Mr. Coulter, of Wheatley. -Mr. R.
Toruntex.r. C. Jolueth'n, of Sarnia, Baird, of Moose Jaw, was a guest at
who visited Miss Taylor during the the home of Mrs. .1. IL Broadfoot,
week, returned to her home on Mon- this week. --Messrs. Sam and Andrew
day last.-ddiss Jessie Gillespie left Little were in Ayr on Tuesdayat-
on Tuesday for Rochester, Minnesota. tending the funeral of their brother-
-,Mre. W. &Later has returned from in-law, the late Robert Richardson. -
Auburn, where she was visiting her Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bell were To -
daughter, airs. Lawson. -Mies Effie ronto visitors last week. -Miss 'Ruth
Colbert, of London, is visiting her Jarrett and Jack Walker, of the pub -
grandmother, Mrs. D. Clark, in Eg- lic school, were the winners of the
mondvillea-Mr. and Mrs. Brenner, of medals given by the Fire Prevention
Ethel, spent 'the week end at the home League for the beet essays on the
of Ber.-andiMrs. G. D. C. Harn.--llirs. subject of Fire Prevention. - Miss
Marjorie Troyer, of Magnetawan, who
was spending the summer here with
her grandmother, Mrs. James E.
Troyee, has returned home, acoom-
pa:1W by MTS. Troyer, who intends
to spend the winter there with her
eon, Wilfred. -(The Ladies' of St.
James' Church intend holding a bazaar
in the parish .hall on the afternoon
and evening of Saturday, December
10th.--Itev. Father Goetz has re-
turned from a holiday spent in the
Parry Sound District.
Lod.- A mink rauff with two heeds on
front of it. Finder leave at The Expositor
omsr. 1816x1
Wedded. - Good girl or woman for general
house work. Apply tro Mrs. Richard Kruse,
R. E. No. 8, Seerth. 2815-8
Oar Aunt Is Coming., -"Our Aunt from
California." read about her In the first
column this page. 2.816,1
For 8.I..-Atias Cereal Comm°, mill tied
elevator for sale. Apply to same. 89 Front
St. East, Toronto. 2914-4
Peas Wanted. -At once from este to aye
care good sound Dem Highest cash pries
Rob Roy Mille, Ltd. 2814-81
Meet "Our Aunt from California" at the
Strand Theatre, next Wednesday evening.
She to a grand old 1.42. 2816.1
Try Us so 88.. Repairing. -There is noth-
ing beyond m when it comes to shoe re-
pairing. We repair all kinds of shoes and
de it promptly. Charles Coraigney, Jr.
Musical and LiterMy Entertainment in the
school room of the Sealer& Presbyterian
Church on Monday evening, December 6th, at
8 o'clock. Swum. short cram, piano and
other harmonies, community singing. socia-
bility and no collection. You are Anvil -
ed 2818-1
Election Returna-The official 'election re.
turns from all the Provinom will be en.
nouneed at the Strand Theatre, opposite the
met office, next 'Tuesday evening. Moo pro-
gramme of pictures. Admission 26e. Doors
upgia at 7 p.m. Come early. 2818.1
Attention! -If you wish to purchase dainty
and inexpen. Iva gifts come to St. James'
Parish Hall on Saturday, December 10th.
When --beginning at 2.10 p.m., the India of
St. James' (Numb will offer for ,ale a great
variety of both useful • and fancy articles.
Vieit thew doll and candy booths, and don't
forget to et their poet office for your
Christmas resit. Afternoon tea served till
4.80 p.m. for 15c. Supper from 9 to 8.
Adults, 85c; Children, 25.,. 2818.2
Died In British Columbia. - Mr.
James Robb and Miss Robb received
the sad news this week of the death
of their brother, Mr. Hugh Robb,
which occurred at the home of his
daughter in Chilliwack, B. C., on
Saturday, November 26th. He had
been ill for about three weeks and
the immediate cause of his death was
imeumonia, but the particulars have
not yet been received. Mr. Robb was
the second son of the late Hugh Robb
of Harpurhey, and was born in Scot-
land. coming to this country when a
child. For a number of years he was
employed with Me D. D. Wilson, and
later resided for several years in the
Western States. Returning to Can-
fle he made Seaforth his home while
travelling for a grocery firm and
later opened a grocery store on Main
Street in the premises now occupied
by Mrs. J. E. Willis, which he con-
ducted for several years. Eighteen
years ago he removed to the West
and before going to Vancouver two
years ago had resided in Lloydinin-
ster and Edmonton. In 1882 he was
united in marriage to Miss Sarah
Richardson, daughter of the late Wal-
ter Richardson, of Seaforth, who sur-
vives him, together with one daugh-
ter, Mrs. F. S. White, and one grand -
on, Hugh James White. The funeral
was held on Monday, interment being
made in Vancouver.
. Full information from any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E.
Horning. District Passenger Agt.,
W. R. Plant Agent
The leading Commercial School
of Western Ontario, a school
where you can 'get thorough
courses under competent in-
structors in Commercial, Short-
hand and Telegraphy Depart-
ments. Students get individual
instruction and may register at
any time. - Graduates are as-
sisted to positioris. Get our
free catalogue.
Death of TwAPormer Residents. -
The remains of the late Jahn Fowler,
who died at Souris, Manitoba, of heart
failure, arrived here on Thursday last
accompanied by his wife and young-
est daughter, and were taken to the
home of his brother, Mr. Herbert
Fowler, Huron Road, from where the
funeral was held on Saturday to the
Mattlandbank cemetery. Mr. Fowler
was a son of the late Frank Fowler,
and resided on Goderich street west,
for a number of years, and was wide-
ly known in this district as a horse
buyer. About twenty years ago he
removed to the West, where he had
extensive real estate holdings. He
was sinty-seven years of age, and is
survived by his wife and three dough -
tees, all of whom reside in the West.,
-Mr. Robert Richardson died at the
'home of his son, near Battleford,
Sask., on November 20th, in his 78t1s
year. Be was well known here, hav-
ing been an employee of Mr. D. D.
Wilson for a number of years. Fifty
years ago Mr. Richardson was united
in marriage to Miss Christina Little,
sister of Messrs. Samuel and Andrew
Little, of this town, -and tweety-five
years ago the family removed to
Walkerton. After a short time spent
in Walkerton they moved to Toronto
where they resided until two years
ago, 'hen Mr. Richardson went to
reside with his son in the West. He
is survived by his wife, one sort and
two daughters, Walter and Mrs. Jahn
Piercy, at Battleford, and Misi Belle
Richardson on the sbaff of the To-
ronto Normal School. The remains
were brought east for interment, the
funeral taking' place at Ayr on Tues-
Delayed Mail -the Cause and the
Remedy. ---Whenever delay to or mis-
delivery of a letter occurs, the sender
or the addressee is prone to adverse-
ly criticize the post offices. .Frequent-
ly, however. the delay or misdelivery
is due to [the carelessness of the
public in failing to properly address
their mail. During three days this
month 128,300 pieces of incorrectly
and insufficiently addressed mail anat.-
ter were handled at fifty-five. of the
larger post offices. •ffhis is a daily
average of 42,800 for the fifty-five
offices, or at the rate of 16,000,000 a
year. Think pf the number of postal
clerks engaged in handling this mis-
directed mail and who could, if the
general public were more careful, be
used to give better service in other
lines of post office work. Much trou-
ble is due to careless vrribing, to the
use of a pencil in writing the address
and failure to give the peeper street
address. With the Christmas season
at band, bringing immense quantities
of mail to be dealt with, it will be
necessary that the public adopt more
careful methods in the preparation
of its mail matter if the daily aver-
age of misdirected mail is not to
mount to an overwhelming figure. In
this connection the following points
are to be observed. Prepay postage
fully; address plainly andlully; place
name and address of sender on all
mail matter; carefully pack and wrap
all 'articles sent by parcel post, but
do not seal the parcel, as sealed par-
cels go at letter rate; mall Christmas
parcels early; insure all valuable
Jeweler a n d Optician.
Issuer Marriage Licenses
szArowrn ONT.
Lyceum Concert. --The people who
heard Mt. F. Welwyn lecture on
"Democracy as it Appears to Me," in
the Strand Theatre on Monday even-
tng last, carried away with them
more pictures and food far further
thought than ie usual on such occaer
ions. It was an hour and a half most
delightfully and profitably spent, for
Mr. Evans combines in himself the
gifts end qualities of entertainer,
comoltan, artist, .publis?a 0!ewe and
educationalist As a din y Intel-
lectosh fireworlas, the ;octavo was
wenderfnl. let celerity of movement
from note eseae or theme to anodises
was a wave of *natal dexterity.
44 *um*
at elm
the man of
•MliBeie *boar
Saturday Only
Filbert Clusters
40c per pound
liOn't Miss This
--The Olympia :
Restairrilit- and Ice Cream Parlor
Now Showing
pLos Weber's
-A :Paramointt Picture -
The "weaker sex"I earth's oldest joke!
And the devil, lounging in life's bald
head et row
While eac1x ehlasned "lard of &cation"
Slaves or Steaks or 's 1 a ye ,
Or rises ite the heigl-
This Store ha* been trans- ,
formed into an Immense
Holiday Bar:mart filled to
overflowing with Gift
Things for all.
St. Thomas' Church Social Club. -
The entertainment on Tuesday even-
ing last held in the parish hall, un-
der the auspices of the St. Thomas'
Church Social Club, partook of the
form of an old-time school examina-
tion as conducted by the trustees and
school inspector. The schoolmaster,
Mr. J. A. Case, had his pupils rang-
ing from the white -headed toys, who
part their hair in the •middle to the
maiden of school girl complexion, Un-
der complete discipline, and their VaT-
bous side issue atunte were appreci.
ated. The inspector, Rev. T. 13. Brown
read a side splitting candle lecture,
a tumorous Irish reading was given
by Mr. F. G. Neelin and the mirth
provoking reading "Rags is Rags,"
was rendered by J. Archibald. Reci-
tations were given by little Mies
Helen Merner and Master C. Arch-
ibald. Musical selections were given
by Miss Annie Strong, Mrs. Little and
Misses Margaret Case and Greta
Merner. Mr, Jack Archibald, lir.,
Fred Jackson and W. ',Little put
plenty of literary pep into their
speeches and classy anecdotes- The
entertainment concluded with a spell-
ing match captained by MT. F. G.
Neelin and Mr. W. Little, *hi& ended
in a tie between Miss Margaret Cabe
and Miss Eileen Toward. The done -
tion of apples and refreshments by
Mrs. Merrier was appreciated and en-
jored by the parents end pupils or
the selaxd.
A six act Drama of Modern Ameri-
can life.
Legal Briefs. - The Presbyterian
Sunday School will hold their *meal
Christmas Entertainment on ; tioe
evening of •Pueeday, December 20th,
in the school of the elionrehe-
Bat Meolitodist
, under
Whe it rig
pow Immo
ablatit deidere ft* the MU e188.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
Notes. -Rev. Mr. Abrey is in To-
ronto this weeek.-The new Com-
munity Hall is about completed and
will be opened about the 15th of
December -,Mrs. (Dr.) Young has
gone to see her daughter- in Brant-
ford, who is very sick -Mr. William
Brigham sold one of his colts for
the sum of two hundred dollars.
Notes. --The fine weather which has
prevailed during the last two weeks,
has enabled the farmers to get their
work well in hand and ploughing
done. --Mr. William Leitch, a former
resident here, and who now resides
in London, was in these parts last
week end and paid a visit to his many
Church Notes. -The ladies of the
Methodist churoh held their regular
meeting at the home of Mrs. Hugh
Fulton on Tuesday of this week A
large crowd' was present. The after-
noon was spent in sewing for the
box to be sent to Toronto for Christ-
snas.-The ladies of St, George's
Church will hold their annual bazaar
in the Workmen's Hall, on the 14th
of December,
Dted in the West -Mrs. J. Jarrott,
who for a number of years was a
resident of Exeter and is now resid-
ing in Hay Township, has received
word of the death of her daughter,
Mrs. Maggie Hart, of Seattle, Wash.,
tallith took place on November 14th,
1921. The deceased was fifty-four
years of age, end had been a long
sufferer from _cancer.
The Good- tile Bad Girl
The,..0WUty Fat Man
matiusciN FORD
The. Hinds° me Hero
• "0 IplOy, LADY"
One of enjoyable
• 0'
TIE vsal„,v) MYSTERY
laaWits ik4:14/144M. Children 1,0c
A Good Rm
a. -Mr. William Man
who has long been a breeder of good
sheep, this week purchased from Mr.
Humphrey Snell, a Leicester ram
which will head Mr. Rinn's flock took
second prize at the London Pair this
fall, and will be reserved by Mr.
Snell until after the Guelph Winter
Fair. His new owner, who prides
himself aa a judge of sheep, says
this is the finest two year old that
he has ever seen.
John Jr., who'
is on the banking staff Peterboro,
is at present spending his holidays
under tite parental roof of Mr. Jahn
Murray. -Mr. John Murray has ro-
omed home from Minden, Idichigan,
wiere he has been sisiting.-The
Progressive Party had an entlnisia-
ionic meeting Monday evening in the
school hall. Mr. Black, the candid.
date, and Mr. Jaek Scott, were the
speakers.-iOn Tuesday • evening e
large number from here attended a
bumper meeting at Brodbagen, which
Rstle.II!V,1Freullsit 6 Pm. was an old-time dmible-header in the
interests of the Progressive and Lib-
Maerfolos7--415 P,111. oral Parties. Mr, Berry, Mr. Peter
Mama WPM= be. Adults 10c SmithIL
, F.P., Mr. and
others took part for tbe greteives,
*VW an lir. Finns -ter, the l can
28 Fund ordslr'
If perplexed about whet to give tbs-'
following list may help yen to adder
Ladies' ,For... -The Queen of
this. Our t'uratock is heavy
. and our :roods are kguaranteed.•
Beautiful Neckwear - The season's
very nevi* creations at from 26e -
to WOO.
Handkerchiefs - Hundreds and bun- -
tirade of real beauties at from lie
'to liL25.
Neck Scarts-iEntirely new effects.
for Christmas shoppers at 26c to -
Good Gloves -All kinds in vast as-
sortments, Wool Gloves, Kid
Gloves and Silk Gloves, 20c to
Hoaiery--Silk and other serviceable
qualities, 25c to 848.50.
Ladies' Sweaters -Good quality and
good fit are assured, 82.76 to $18.
Ladies' Suits -No better fitting gar-
ments than ours are made. $15.06
to $36.00.
Ladies' Coats -The beat line tee have
ever shown -$15.00 to $36.00.
Misses' Coat's -Lots to choose from
at 87.50 to 816.00._
Ladies' Dresses -To see them is to.
want one -412.00 to 06.00.
Combing Jackets -Very handy, $2.50.
Ladies' Waists -Beautiful Waists in
most pleasing variety. e1.50 to elir
Dress Skirts -Attractive styles and.
excellent qualities, Isa to $15.
Dress Length --Imported goods for
beautiful gowna. Many novelties
are shown.
Waist Lengths -New effects in silk,
in wool, and in fancy designs, at
70c to $2.50 a yard,.
Blankets -AH wool union, and flan-
nelette makes,. with 011ie and blote
borders. $2.50 be $15 a pair.
purnee--iGood values at from 25c to -
the higher priees,
Hand Bags -The market's best at 50e
to $6.00.
Umbrellss-The latest ideas in han-
dles and best qnality covers, $2.06
to $7.60.
- '
Fancy Combs -The latest styles at
20c to $3.50. •
Cushion Tops -Big variety of entire-
ly new things, 15c to $2.50. ,
Ladies' Spencers -With and 'without
sleeves. $2.00 to ;2215.
Bed Spreads -These include beautiful
• Marseilles covers at $2.50 to $7.50.
Batli'Towels--Things that everyone
ieU aike. Many ,are. foamy. 46c
to $1.75 each,
GuestTowelling--.Plain and fancy, in-
cluding all pure linen. 26c to'85C.
GIFT ,T0019s
for '`him," -for the young-
est child; or for' the `-man
who has seen many yule -
tides come and pass.
• -•--
Xmas iry26
Xmas aimPenders 7 77
Xmas GloYeU
$25c,j41114r •
Khaki Hkcrenl=
Fancy locki
Plain and Fancy Heck Towelling -In-
cluding 'beautiful pure linen goods.
, extra valve, 78c and *La /
Hearth lisige-A health rug wiR be
highly ppreeiatd.'!6e to 1710.
Ribbons -All kind, ail widths, all
prices. Plenty of holly ribbon for
Christmas parcels. /
Mewls and Steamer Regs-rimported
goods of quhillay. 8240 `tir $0.2.60.
Fauc Runnera--Anyand Of which
would maim an attractive pres.•
SSC 64.06.
Children's** °midis! and, Ladidadd
Ladies' and Children's Knitted Wool
Quality Linemb-oOdtlire,tways, lamb
258 86.9117:: •
Rashreidered- Voiwil4etW, that
--eeerybody 'Wit
Othe'r Items -Of , lads;
gs, Tow*, Weed Skattlif Sete
Vatg BOV014..Kottl,MF Bags,
ay. it.,4jely Ft-
voyes of
Other ,
acto'fil.:teceiteidohitiLlie -