HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-12-02, Page 6•
the roytnM dd.
as of a vend�g!
of Toronto, Late Di*
Office, lllLititaf7 Mari*.
n, Only Mkt hours at
tt,,, Monday, Wednesday,
Saturday, from one to
liar, Nese std Throat
In Medicine, University at
LI O Assistant New York Opbthal.
aSid Aural Institute, Moorefleld's
rand Golden Square Throat Hos-
London, Eng. At Mr. J. Ran-
Seaforth, third Wedges -
in each month from 11 a.m. to
p.m. 53 'Waterloo Street, South,
ord. Phone 267, Stratford.
James, Proctor & Redfern. Ltd.
a M. Proctor, B.A..Sc., Manager
26 Toronto St., Toronto, Can.
!Ridge.. Pavemen ...cintt arw rk , sewer-
age 9,.t®..
Takne Hell., Hou.h.g., Faotorts. arbi-
traNer. Lttgatioa.
Oar Fem.—Usually paid not of
tin money .. save aur alien ..
Specialists in Health and Accident
Policies liberal and unrestricted.
Over $1.000,UUu paid in losses.
Exceptional opportunities for local
2778-50 Toronto, Ont.
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer and
Notary Public. Solicitor for the Do-
minion Bank. Office in rear of the Do-
minion Bank, Seaforth. Money to
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer
and Notary Public. Office upstairs
SMT Walker's Furniture Store. Main
S treet. Seaforth
Barristers, F elicitors, Notaries Pub-
lic etc. Money to lend. In Seaforth
en Monday of each week. Office in
Kidd Block. W Proudfoot, H.C., J.
L. loran, B. E. Holmes.
Honor graduate of Ontario Veterin-
ary College, and honorary member of
the Medical Association of the Ontario
Veterinary College. Treats diseases of
all domestic animals by the most mod-
ern erincinles: Dentistry and Milk
Fever a specialty. Office opposite
Dick's Hotel, Main Street. Seaforth.
All orders left at the hotel will re-
esive prompt attention. Night calls
received at the oMce
Honor graduate of Ontario Veterin-
ary College. All diseases of domestic
animals treated. Calla promptly at-
tended to and charges moderate. Vet-
erinary Dentistry a specialty. Office
and residence on Goderich street, one
door east of Dr. Scott's office, Sea -
Osteophatic Physician of Goderich.
Specialist in Women's and Children's
diseases, reheumatism, acute, chronic
and nervous disorders; eye, ear, nose
and throat. Consulation free. Office
above Umback's Drug store, Seaforth,
Tuesdays and Fridays, 8 a.m. till 1 p.m
C. J. W. HARN, M.D.C.M.
425 Richmond Street, London, Ont.,
S pecialist, Surgery and Genio-Urin-
ary diseases of men and women.
Graduate of Faculty of Medicine
McGill University, Montreal; member
of College of Physicians and Surgeons
of Ontario; Licentiate of Medical Conn-
ell of Canada; Post -Graduate Member
of Resident Medical staff of General
Hospital, Montreal, 1914-15; Office, 2
doors east of Post Office. Phone 56.
Mensal', Ontario.
Office and residence, Goderich street
east of the Methodist church, Seaforth
Phone 46. Coroner for the County of
C. Mackay honor graduate of Trin-
ity University, and gold medallist of
Trinity Medical College; member of
the College of Physicians and Sur-
geons of Ontario.
Graduate of University of Toronto
Faculty of Medicine, member of Col-
lege of Physicians and Surgeons of
Ontario; pass graduate courses in
Chicago Clinical School of Chicago;
Royal Ophthalmic Hospital, London,
England; University Hospital, Lon-
don, England. Office—Back of Do -
Minion Bank, Seaforth. Phone No. 5,
Night calls answered from residence,
lietoris street, Seaforth.
Licensed auctioneer for the counties
Of Huron and Perth. Correspondence
octan ents for sale dates can be'
Made bi calling up phone 97, Seaforth
eeThe ExPositor . Charges mod -
rate and satisfaction guarantee&
to tined auctioneer for the to
Strom Sales attended to to ail
of the, eoenty. Seven years' err
i. in Manitoba and _years'
reasonable. Phoebe No.
Oftkilla P. 0, 11.
len Iturs
I(ot hu4iS• ago the people of Peru
set' aside.* week for the celebration
of•tbeir centenary of independence.
At the same time at Tfollo, a little
hamiYt In the Andes' and the site of
the highest railroad station In the
world: there was a flag -raising cere-
mony lu honor of one Henry Melggs.
Outside of Peru hardly anybody has
heard of Henry Meiggs, except rail-
way Mindere and engineers. These
exper.a regard him as one of the
.host brilliant of their brotherhood.
Ile built the highest railroad In the
:,,,rid, in the. course of which be
haul to perform some amazing feats
..f engineering, and to -day he is re-
vered by the Peruvians almost as
teeiteli he were a saint. .Meiggs did
'444t 11,4- .0 see the railway which he
.1 planned brought to completion.
•1i• liv.•d long -.110/.11,141 to know that
groatest obstacles had been sur-
❑cented, and that he had paid la
rt, at least, the debt he owed to
Meiggs was an American
al,t n.tw service tie an engineer in
Civil War. Later on he went
Califuruia, but he wee not in
,ekes way and cause near to desti-
'utiuu. Then one day he got a jab
cl,•rit in a bank in San Francisco.
:I,, handled afore gold in au hour
!ban lie had ever earned in all his
'rte. He was teinteed and he fell.
the day he disappeared and slntul-
lauen�sly a shortage was discovered
his accounts. The bank searched
r,ig and far ter Meiggs, for it is a
gleet Ole with banks that those who
,vend le shall be punished, not more
their awn crimes, but as an ex-
inl,i, to others who may also be
• :r;,ted. Bu'. the bank's detectives
snail nu trace of Meiggs. He had
n::d.• his escape by ship, and one day
in feel he limned up at the Peru-
' len ;eel of ('. Mao. From there he
1, ; •:.,p to Lirua, where he
••.1 d ,we to a quiet lite In a
ll • seemed to be a man of
1. Cay of means and complete
.s.irt-, bit: he used to spend many
1.44s traveling in the mountains.
t turning he would draw plana
el make notes. Nearly a year pass -
•d in these explorations, and then
, day, accompanied by the Amer-
' i Consul. he appeared before a
•,,eih;•r of the Peruvian Governutent
nd unfolded his plan for a railway
ehieh should stake accessible the
,1.141 en riches of the Andes, tap iso-
'Iry{valleys and bring the people of
Ile interior country closer to the
eta. The idea was not a- new one.
Various Peruvian engineers had been
Ilde to surmount even on paper the
_e:ueudous physical difficulties in
!teswrvy. The Peruvian Government
h•w:;ht at first that Meiggs was
tun•ly another visionary, but a
'e refel examination of his plans
;armed that he had conquered
.bstach s that had bathed others.
A preliminary surv,-: „ ..,Ade
nd confirmed Meiggs' - Ind
years after arriving in the
country he was given the contract
o build tie railway. It is known
tow as the Peruvian Central, and
e, only 247 miles long, but to-
.vhere else In the world is there
such another 247 miles of railway.
It passes over forty-one bridges,
threads its way through sixty-five
tunnels and makes twenty-one zig-
2ags in its climb toward the top of
lie mountain. Front Callao, which
's at sea level, the road—climbs to
I'wfio. which is 15,855 feet above
1, and the trip Is made in nine hours
ind a half, which is good going when
use considers the grade, the turns
.nd other obstacles to swift travel -
lig. Iu the early stage of the con-
-ruction a force of 10,000 men was
engaged, hundreds of whom were
:cit led as the steel was carried up the
mountain side or thrown across the
.Peep gorges.
At the famous Chaupichaca Bridge
't runaway engine struck a derrick car
ind a dozen Americans were hurled
,ver the abyss. To this day part of
the wreckage may be seen from tlfe
car windows. Many workmen `died of
some mysterious malady In the dis-
trict surrounding the Ver. ugas
Bridge, one of the loftiest in the
world. It is impossible for human
beings even now to live in this re -
cion, although persons passing
through it are immune from the at-
tacks, which tbe`• Peruvlan doctors
have been unable to 'explain. At one
place on the line Meiggs had to eon-
s ruct a tunnel beneath a river in
order to avoid constant washouts. At
another place a tunnel was bored
through a mountain in order to di-
vert a river, whose bed was requir-
ed for the railway. Whether Meiggs
ever paid off his debt to the Cali-
fornia bank we do not know, but
Peru valued his services so greatly
that rather than surrender the fugi-
tive she would have gone to war.
Peculiar Facts and Figures.
China holds the world's record for
legal executions, twelve thousand of
which are estimated to take place
The population of Scotland
(4,882,288) is three times what It
was in 1801. The number of women
exceeds that of men by 185,482.
The whale has the thickest hide of
any creature in the animal or reptile
world. In some places the skin of the
larger specimens is two feet thick.
In the Channel Islands sunshine is
enjoyed during 39.9 per cent. of the
time during which the sun is above
the horizon in the course of a year.
A Large Spider.
The in spider largest sthe
g p world
was discovered at Sumatra; Its body
was nine inches in circumference,
and It bad lege seventeen inches in
• Aldershot, England, has a school
for training steeplejacks.
Now Modern Science 1844•ttl. `Milos
of IJghtntng•
Though the moat ;mprassite and
one of the most common of meteoro-
logical - sounds, thunder Is ouch
It la clearly due in some.. way to
lightning and Dr. W. J. Humphreys
nxplalus that sudden and intense
heating and molecular dlmoclatton
along the path of the discharge -pro-
duce abrupt expansion, simulating a
violent explosion, and this sets up a
compression wave traveling outwards
like any other sound wave. The
sound Is prolouged chiefly by the
length of 'the discharge path away
from the observer --occasionally flue
uile8 with a thunder duratton,of 24
seconds—though echo may have
much effect.
The great variations in the rum-
bling are very largely due to the
.crookedness of the path which starts
many interfering sounds sltuultan-
eously from many equally distant
points, but interference may also re-
sult from a rapid suecesalon of dis-
charges, and sometimes (rum reties -
.ion by mountains and other objects.
Thunder is widow heard more
than 15 tulles. Cannon firing is of-
ten heard farther, but the sound hi
more concentrated, and the air is
stiller and denser.
The uaturee of lightning is also
equally misunderstood, In school
tneny of us were taught to believe
that lightning is caused by one cloud
striking against another. In other
words, the suggestion that lightning
is a form of frictional electricity was
firstly Implanted.
This Is a far-fetched truth. The
eleuien' of truth resides in the fact
that lightning is the result of an
accumulation of static electricity sud-
denly discharging, and frictional
electricity is also a form of static
Lightning occurs not only between
various objects on the earth, such as
trees and a cloud, but also between
two clouds of different potential.
Discharges occur, too, from a lower
to a higher stratum; and often rain
will discharge a cloud silently; in
such cases the lightning ceases with
the rain.
In all cases, however, thick, dense
clouds serve as conductors of elec-
tricity. And as we know that dry air
is a poor electrical conductor a dis-
charge cannot take place unless there
is a ladder of moist air between the
earth and a charged cloud or between
two clouds.
Fropr the layman's point of view,
there lee two main kinds of light-
ning, forked lightning and sheet
lightning. Forked or chain -lightning
may be a mile or more in length,
and usually descends in a zig-zag
course. Sheet lightning is but the
reflection on the sky of distant elec-
trical discharges.
Sir Oliver Lodge distinguishes
lightning foto two distinct types
which he named the A and the B
flashes. The A flash occurs, accord-
ing to Sir Oliver Lodge, when an
electrically charged cloud approaches
the earth without an intermediate
cloud intervening. In this condition,
the discharge takes place directly be-
tween the cloud and the earth.
The B flash, however, occurs when
another cloud intervenes between the
cloud carrying the primary charge
and the earth. The two clouds then
form a condenser; and the discharge
from the first takes place into the
second. Now the free charge on the
earth side of the lower cloud is sud-
denly relieved, and a discharge from
the latter to the earth follows.
But it takes such an erratic course
that no known lightning conductors
are an adequate .protection agklnst
A Levelled World.
If all the hills on the earth were
used to fill in all the valleys, we
should have a world as smooth as a
billiard ball, completely covered with
an ocean 8,700 feet deep. That depth
is called the "mean sphere level."
The Atlantic ocean has an average
depth that differs little from that
level, for, comparea with the other
great oceans, it has an unusually
large area of comparatively shallow
water. First comes the shelf-like
"continental slopes"; then follows,
at much lower level, a vast plain. of
a uniform, dull -grayish -buff color„
flat and featureless as the desert, un-
marked except by an occasional rock
or wreck, or a recently laid cable.
This. plain .continues with hardly a
break until It reaches the great mid-
Atlantic ridge that extends from
Iceland as far south as 63 degrees
south latitude and that roughly bi-
sects the ocean. The ridge runs al-
most parallel with the eastern con-
tour of Europe and Africa. Occa-
sionally the ridge rises above the sur-
face. The Azores, St. Paul's Rocks,
Ascenslcgt island, the Island of Tris-
tan da Cunha, and the Gough islands
are all parts of it.—Christian Science
Degamning of Ramie.
In a recent issue of the Indian
Textile Journal the invention of a
new process for degumming ramie
fibre is reported. The process is
past the experimental stage, as 1,000
pounds of ramie can be treated at
one operation, producing from all
qualities of grass a strong, durable,
and thoroughly degummed fibre,
which has been satisfactorily dyed
and spun. Ramie is reputed to be
lite strongestt of all textile fibres and
especially suited for all purposes de-
manding endurance of hard work,
such as sail canvas, fishing lines and
nets, boot laces, and shlkarl cloth.
The ramie plant grows wild In moat
parts of India.
Camel's Breath Is Strong.
The breath of the Monogolian
camel is so strong that it affects the
health of the camel drivers and these
men are said to be invariably short,
lived for this reason. With a -kick
the camel will overturn an automo-
bile, and its bite generally,results in
poisoning its victim. When its teeth
take hold of its victim -the animal
gives - its lower jaw a twist which --
tears awaythe flesh and introduces
a poison Into the wound.
C A1/1110111tiA
ill :' ITR
OU QO its .... .:
Clovers,. Pepe sod Vetches -i4"'R rip
Nttrolati`t Froth the Ain-diood
• Bacteria 'Win Woa'k for Yqs--
Determining the Nead aF- opal;
seal ieeeylzers.
,contrtbute4 Or Ontario tlepartmant. of
Aviculture. Tomato.)
Nitrogen conte money when pur-
chased through the medium of the
chemical t,'tllizer dealer, usually
about twenty cents a pound. Sots
of our farm9,9 are spending from ten
to forty dollars per acre a Year for
nitrogen to increase crop-produption.
With live million pounds of nitrogen
floating as a gas over every acre of
laud such expenditure may not al-
ways be juetitied. That altrogen is
highly vatuabie as a plant food is
appreciated by comparatively few of
dug farmers. if those who do appre-
cia:e its value are willing to pay
twenty cents a pound for it, and these
ere the men working on email areas
with intenelve culture crops, why
don't those larger area farmers who
have a few billion pounds of nitrogen
doatlug above their farms wake up
and get at least ;4 small quantity into
the soil of the.r fields?
The Fertilizing Value of 'Legumes.
Legume plat.ts such as the clovers,`
peas and vetches, together with the
bacteria that are parasitic on the
roots of thin r'ass of plants. forts a
link between 12,e nitrogen of the air
and the plant food nitrogen of the
soil. This link is an implement al-
ways available to the farmer. A ton
of alfalfa or clef er or vetch hay may
eontain as muvh as fifty pounds of
nitrogen. The roots that go with the
alfalfa plants covering an acre may
euutalu as nether as three hundred
pounds of nitr'cen. The roots of the
red clover or tetch plants that cover
an acre may contain as much as one
hundred and filly pounds. The roots
from wheat, cern or oat plants cover -
Ing an acre nI l contain twenty-five
pounds of nitr,gen.
The Bacteria Work for Notting.
The point 1'- a great quantity of
nitrogen is collected by the bacteria
which alone work on the clm-ars,
peas, vetches and other legume
plants. With one million dollars'
worth of nitr'gen over every acre
of land would it not be good policy
to make sufficient use of legume
crops and their parasitic soil bac-
teria to at le:,st provide the needs
of the farm in crop production. The
nitrogen accumulated by growing
legume crop° is taken largely from
the air, while the small quantity
accumulated by corn, oat@ or wheat
roots Is gathered from the °oil.
All Gain and No Loss.
There is no loss of nitrogen in
growing legumes but considerable
gain. There is a distinct loss with
all other classes of farm crops. Plan
to use clovers, peas and -vetches and
thereby tap the fertility supply now
resting above your land for future
use in the sot; e[ your fields. If you
can figure out a rotation to suit your
own special needs and have legume
crops growing two years out of tour
there will be little used to worry
about the nitrogen supply.—L. Stev-
enson, Secretary Department of Agri-
-culture, Toronto.
Ueterrnining the Need of Chemical
The appearance of the growing
leaves and tissues can frequently be
taken as an Indicator for the pres-
ence or absence of nitrogen to suffi-
cient quantity to satisfy the maxi-
mum demands of plants. A yellowish
'Inge or a dull green is an Indicator
of abundant nitrogen. Drouth and
excessive moisture may also cause
the yellowing or weakening in the
coloration of foliage. Failure of
clover on lagds that at one time pro-
duced .good yields may be taken as
an indication of a shortage of lime
and phosphorous. A decline in the
wheat grade after years of wheat pro-
duction can generally be attributed
to a shortage or failure in the phos-
phorous supply.
How to Make Experimental Plots.
However, these generally observed
conditions are not sufficiently accur-
ate to be a definite guide, and shpuld
he supplemented by a miniature field
teat, - using square rod areas with
various chemical mixture applica-
tions. This {a accomplished by' sim-
ply staking off a representative area
one rod wide and six rods long, and
dividing it into six plots. This done
apply before seeding on plot •one,
nitrogen; on plot two. phosphorous;
on plot three, potash; on plot four,
nitrogen and potash; on plot five,
nitrogen, potash and phosphorous;
plot six, potash and phosphorous.
The adjoining soil will : serve as a
check plot for all areas. By watching
the plots during the crop season and
the following two years, a fairly defi-
nite conclusion relative to the needs
of the field can be secured.
Every soil area should be studied
by Itself, since the requlremente of
one field may differ from the re-
quirements of the field adjolnipg,—
L. Stevenson, Secretary Department
of Agriculture, Toronto.
Gestation Period of the Cow.
The gestation period of the cow is
nine apd one-third months, or two
hundred and eighty days. Sometimes
a breeder figures It as nine months
to the day, and then worries because
it seems to run over a couple of
weeks and the calf is not born when
supposedly due. For example, cow
bred on January 1 would be due
about October 7 and not. October 1.
A cow bred -on February 1 would be
due about November 8, not on Nov-
ember 1. The date of calving lr found
by counting forward the two hun-
dred and eighty days from the data
of service.
116 Gomfc rt and Conv� Neese*
for .the Falr,Wer's-W1 .
Wtiteb Indoors Pwn$ed. Fran Out.
door )Vela.—Row to Do the Job
..ilp- ate Pomp. gave Te
asld ERgy on •
(Contributed by Ontsrto Department of
Agriculture, Toronto.)
The writer recently described. In
these columns how to safeguard the
farm water supply against contamin-
ation. All will agree that thfe mat-
ter should receive foremost attention.
La this and subsequent articles var-
ious means for getting the water.
whether well, spring or or cistern
water on tap in the- fy(rm home will
be described. In' the first place I
desire to emphasise the tact that It
is frequently a very common thing -
for the farmers' wives to carry the,
water from the pump over the well
to the house, where the -pump could
be located inside the house. attd all
the, labor of carrying water avoided
and without very little more labor
expended in pumping.
Distance of House Pump from Well.
Note this questio,p,. When can the
pump be located to •one side of the
well, and how far away? if the water
supply is no mare than 150 or 200
feet from the house, and the level
of the water at the supply, say the
well is never more than 20 or 22
feet below the level of the ground
level at the house, the pump may he
put inside the house, and the water
drawn In quite satisfactorily. It
would not cost very much to make
this change In the pump arrange-
ment, and consider what a great sav-
ing of labor and time. inconvenience,
and exposure to bad weather would
be effected by merely moving the
pump inside. Perhaps you have never
thought of this matter. How about
1t? Then, too, the well can be more
securely guarded from surface con-
tamination than when the pump Is
directly over it.
The Majority of Wells Are Shallow.
In many districts of our -;ountry
the majority of the wells are shallow
and within a short distance of the
house, and readily lend themselves
to the pumping system described
above. It is the nearest approach to
water on tap, and the, system should
be far more common in the rural
districts than It is. If In the future
some time an up-to-date water sys-
tem should be installed in the home,
the water line from the louse to
the well would be already Installed,
and no changes in it would be
Hints on Installation.
Before passing on, a few features
concerning installation of the water
pipe to the well or supply should be
emphasized. These are: The best
quality of galvanized pipe should be
used, the joints in the line should be
{ absolutely air -tight, the pipe line
should be deep enough to be always
sate from frost, the pipe should slope
slightly towards the well, and thtr?e
should be a check -valve and strainer
on the bottom of the pipe in the wall
in order to maintain the pipe line
full of water up to the pump itself
' and to kgep back sticks, stones, etc.,
that might clog the pump valves. The
sloe of the pipe (inside diameter)
should be at least one -halt the dia-
meter of the pump cylinder, the
greater the horizontal distance water
is drawn the larger the pipe. The
type of pump used may vary con-
siderably. The ordinary out-of-doors
pump may be used. In this case the
pump would be located in the wood-
shed, for Instance, and installed over
a dry well. This consists of a shal-
low pit cribbed up securely in which
the pump cylinder Is located, and it
has a tight top like an ordinary well.
It would be a much easier matter to
repair the pump cylinder than when
pump is over the well, and much
easter to protect the pump from
frost In severe winter weather. A
Bingle or double acting low down
force pump similar to the type used
on threshers' water tanks might be
used. It might be located fa the cel-
lar or any convenient place inside;
no dry well would be necessary in
this case.
Have a Good Quality of Pump.
Even the kitchen pump would
serve the purpose very well if it were
somewhat heavier in construction
and better designed than the cheaper
ones of this class. Another type
would be the semi -rotary pump
which is fastened securely to the
wall of the kitchen or pantry at one
side of sink. It 1s operated by a
short handle moved back and forth
in a semi -circular manner. The same
pump at the kitchen sink may be
used also for pumping up the water
from the cistern by having a three-
way valve installed in the pipe line
at a point just below the sink. When
the valve is set one way, the well
water can be pumped Into the house,
when opposite the cistern or soft
water can be pumped.
In this short article an endeavor
has been made to explain a few
simple and inexpensive means of re-
ducing the labor of getting the water
into the farm home, in others to fol-
low more 'up-to-date systems will be
dealt with. Our Department ,at. the
College solicits inquiries regarding
the problems of equipping the farm
home with water uyktems, plumbing,
sewage disposal, lighting Systeme,
etc. Write for a copy of Bulletin No.
267; It is free.—R.- R. Graham,
O. A. College, Guelph.
Aunt Ada's Axioms: Someone bas
said that a farm is a business with
a home attached; but the best farms
are homes with a
bueluess 4ttached.
Rim, maple, or even nut trees and
fruit trees are good t6 plant along
highways. The objection to fruit and
nut trees is that they may be broken
down by over-sealous collectors of
frult. Thiel 15 not apt to happen If
they are common on the highway.
A Hindoo girl is oottsidefed an old The Ohio Federation of WoMen's
maid if slte'1e not married before she (nabs has beg= a determined gght
is twenty years of op. , ' against tuwightly billboards.
#aS °crag
WE have r$il,, ortroont of the rat*
•travtlte a, A d; '!Petrie§t Christti O
Cards that you r tad' the chance
of buyinti, Get -Went noW, have your, name
printed, an them, without extra 'cost, put '
themin the envelopes that go with.them,
address them and then they are all ready
to mail a week or a day before Christmas.
No other remembrance is more acceptable
and no other of like value can be purchas-
ed at so little cost. See the samples at
The Huron Expositor Office
A part from the crime incidental to
the illegal selling and smuggling of
whis'cey, there has been no such crim-
inal development in the past few
years as that of silk robberies. In
l4ew York the total value of the silk
stolen in the past half dozen years
has probably been almost as great
as the value of the stolen automo-
biles, and there is the difference
that, whereas nine out of every ten
stolen automobiles are 'filched with-
out the aid of violence, the silk
robbers are veritable bandits,,ki'll-
ing if necessary. to get their loot.
In fact, the condibione that- have
prevailed in and about New York,
since the war sent the price of silk
rocketing, have been much the
same as conditions that used to
menace the merchants in Mesopo-
tamia hundreds of years ago, and
which made Dakota notorious forty
or fifty years ago. The road agent
has now -established himself where
population is densest, not Where it
is most sparse. He operates in New
York City, which claims to be the
lurgest city in the world.
Silk has always been a favorite
booty with the robber. It is valu-
able; it occupies little space, and it
ie easily disposed of and hard to
identify. There are many silk
mills in New Jersey and Pennsyl-
vania towns, and their product is
nearly all sent to New York.
Formerly it was sent by train, but
the robberies were so frequent—
whole cars being looted at one time
—that the insurance became almost
prohibitive, and the Silk Association
decided to transport the valuable
cargoes by .motor truck. The crooks,
who as' receivers or robbers had
been preying on the •industry, knew
when the first truck -load started
out, and for a time the robberies
were more numerous than ever.
Sometimes the truck would •leave
at a point 200 miles from New York
and proceed along country roads.
Obviously there were scores of spots
suitable for a hold-up and hold-ups
became frequent.
Then the merchants sent armed
guards with their trucks. The
bandits responded by shooting the
armed guards before they could fire.
Nowadays the trucks go in a veritable
caravan, a dozen or a score of them
together. I•n front is an armored car
containing guards with rifles or shot-
guns on their knees, and in the rear
is a similar armed car. So far no
successful attempt has been . made to
attack this convoy. But the robber-
ies have not stopped. The bandita
have :merely altered their plan of
campaign. 'Instead of attacking the
trucks on the country roads, they
wait until they have reached New
York City and have separated, con-
fident in the protection of the police.
They sometimes wait at the ferry slip
and when a spotted truck lumbers
aboard, three or fair 'bandits follow it
across the gangplank.
On .several occasions they have
held up, bound , and gagged the
driver, taken possession of his wheel
and driven the captured car off the
boat. In some of these cases there
has been obvious collusion between
the driver and the robbers, but in
other cases they have succeeded by
their boldness, because the drivers
know that these desperadoes would
as soon shoot as not, and that re-
sistance is likely to mean death. In
one case the bandits, vborking on
lonely streets, had women confeder-
ates. As a truck passed along the
street the driver noticed a comely
woman apparently . in difficulties
with her car. Gallantly he stopped
and offered to help. He was warm-
ly thanked, and after he had remedied
the derangement, was proffered a
drink of whiskey from a dainty sil-
ver flask. He accepted, and the next
,moment (lost consciousness. The whis-
key had been drugged,• and when he
was revived his truck and its thous-
ands of dollars' worth of silks ,had
When silk prices dropped, the bandits
turned their attention to other article's
such as leather goods, woollens, auto-
mobile tires and accessories and furs,
all of which are transported by truck
in and about New York, to the extent
of thousands of loads a" day. The
owners of these goods have been ob-
liged to send armed guards with the
drivers,' as though they were. trans-
porting specie from the mint. 1Re-
volver battles in the .streets are not
uncommon. When the robbers make
a haul they have little difficulty in
selling theirIunder. There ore
thousands of dishonest merchants 'in
the market for these goods at a re-
duced price. Trade -masks and other
evidences of identification ars altered.
Some of the bandits have warebouaes
where they can store their plunder
And dispose of it as .market conditions
warrant. The writer of the Jessie
James stories of to -day, hf he wishes
to conform to the probabilities, will,
present his °cense in the streets of
New York City.
The postoffice, pensions and labor
ministry departments in Great Britain
employ 8,000 women.
By running 100 yards in 11 4-6 sec-
onds recently, Miss Elizabeth Linea of
London, England, established a new
record for women runners.
In Abyssinia, a wife has the privil-
ege of abusing her husband and also
the right to divorce him at pleasure.
In three. States, 'Massachusetts,
Rhode Island and New York, and in
the District of Columbia, the white
females outnumbered the white males
it 1920.
The judges of the Cleveland, Ohio,
courts report that they have found
women juries more generally satis-
factory in every kind of case than
Miss Francis Stevenson, private sec-
retary to David George Lloyd, the
British 'Premier, is considered 'one
of the most brainy women in Eng-
The first woman to serve asa mem-
ber of a lunacy commission in New
York State is Miss Helen V. Boswell,
a graduate of Washington College of
Raising chickens covered. with down
instead of feathers is the specialty of
Mrs. C. F. Gregerson, of Oakland,
Cal. The birds are natives of China.
Girl students at Harvard university
were allowed to purchase football tick-
ets this year for the first time in the
history o the institution.
Mrs. Frederick Daliiel, who has re-
cently returned from alai&game hunt-
ing exposition in South Africa, is con-
sidered the premier American woman
Maud Adams, the actress, has given
her home on Long Island to the Ro-
man Cltholic church to be used as a
home for poor and dependent Catholic
For the first time in the history of
trapshooting, the women dovetees of
the sport will be given national rank-
ing this year by the Atnerican Trap-
shooting Association.
At the elections to be held in Canada
on December 6th, women will, for
the first time enjoy the rights of full
citizenship anti will go to the polls on
equal terms with the men.
w n k a
Princess Ka a a o , a lineal de-
scendant of Queen Liliuokalani, of
HawaiiUnited States
now in the
where she will complete her educa-
tion in one of the California uni-
'Miss Thelma Jorgenso, a California
college girl, who raised 350 varieties
of dahlias in her back yard, is the rec-
ord holder, for this kind of flower cul-
Miss Susan Brandeis, daughter of
United States Supreme\ Court Justice
Brandeis, has been appointed a spe-
cial assistant to David L. Powell,.whe
has charge of investigating building
monopolies in the United States.
New in the furniture line is a com-
bined chair and telephone cabinet, the
top of the latter serving as a small
That he has rediscovered the an-
cient Egyptian process for mummi-
fying bodies is the elaim of
a Paris physician.
South African mines yielded more
than 11,400,000 tons of coal last year,
an 'increase from 1919 of more than
1,200,000 tons. -
Price tags for goods to be sold in
stores can be marked at a speed of
3,600 an hour with a new electrically
operated machine.
Motion pictures of highways and
highway building in the United State,
are being used in a good roads cam-
paign in Argentina.
A tiny photograph can be inserted
under tht top of 1 new button for
men's clothing to which it is attach-
ed by ,snap fasteners.
Japan usee about 1,300 tons of pre-
Krum flowers a year in the manu-
fiicture of incense, mosquito externi-
indtora and insectpo wdere.
With a new thermometer for indus-
trial purposes the temperatures can
be read as far as 160 feet away from
the recording bantam.
A light Engl
tomobile has a y- that Boats on
water and can be propelled With
blades fitted to its rear wheels.
The outside of a window cart be
washed by a new lever -operated de-
vice supported by the sill and manip-
ulated from inside a room.