HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-12-02, Page 3DECEMBER 21, 1921.
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Open a Joint Account
TWO distinct advantages are gained when a joint account
1s opened, patrticularly in the case of man and wife.
Both can make deposits independently and, if desired,in
the absence of either party the other is spared any inconveni-
ence, being able to make withdrawals on his or her signator.
Yon are Invited to open a joint account at our nearest branch.
3&AFORTH BRANCH, - R. M. JONES, Manager.
THE HURON EXPOSITOR the spot, except that if the bull found
is a pure bred dairy bull the owner
must be notified and of he fails to take
his bull away within 24 hours after
DISTRICT MATTERS being notified, castration may be per-
formed. It is hoped that this law will
accomplish immediately, that which
all educational forces in the country
have failed to. do—the use of only
AND AT HOME pure-bred sires.
•"Heaven is not a dumping ground
for all the undesirables of earth who
are not bad enough to. -be tortured
eternally in an orthodox hell," so
said J. B. Williams, of Edmonton, in j
his lecture ip the town hull, Seaforth,
on Friday night, on the subject of "Is
there Hope for the Non -Christian
Dead?" "Neither are the millions of ,
heathen in foreign and so-called
Christian lands to be foreyer lost for
the sin of never entering the Narrow '
Way, which due to ignorance they I
cannot find. -They, according to Jesus
are in the broad way to destruction,
death, the tomb, the Bible hell. But I
they are not to stay there, for the
Bible teaches a resurrection of the 1
dead and a hope for all, since "All is
Adam die, so in Christ shall all be
made alive." The teaching of the
heathen doctrine of immortality of
the soul, and of the fiery hell fur all
Who do not join the church in the I
present life, led to the invention of
purgatory in the 5th century and i
both Protestants and Catholics have 1
lowered the Bible standards of al
Christian, to let the world into the j
church, to escape from the wrath of '
God, whom opr creeds have pictured
as torturing all who do sot find the
narrow way. As a result millions
are called Christians to -day who are
not Christians according to the Bible
Specific hope for others besides
Christians, is offered in the case of
righteous people who lived before,
Jesus' day. The great salvation by
which Christians are being saved ac-
cording to Paul (Hob. 2-3) "Began
to be preached by our Lord" --not be-
fore. According to Jesus, the least
in the kingdom of Heaven will be
greater than even the greatest he-
fore His day, for the reason tha,.
"The Law and the Prophets were un-
til John, since then the Kingdom of
Heaven is preached."
Farther, those righteous men, ac-
cording to Jesus, have not gone to
heaven, which is only promised to
the Christian. Are they iost? Far
from it. The Scriptures mention
many of them by a name in Hebrew
II, saying they are to receive a bet-
ter resurrection than others of man-
kind. Because of their loyalty they
are to be made princes of the land.
(Psa. 46:16) in the times of restitu-
tion, and they will constitute the
earthly phase of Christ's kingdom.
Through them, on the earth, and
the Saints in the Kingdom of Heaven,
together all the families of the earth
are to be blessed.
The time of trouble through which
the world is now passing is the end
of ,the order presided over by Satan.
The time 'has arrived for Christ to
begin his work on earth to bless the
world of men far whom he died. Not
only millions now living, bat millions
in the grave who have never heard
of Jesus, are to be brought forth and
enlightened with the knowledge of
tke truth and all who will receive
life on God's terms may then live
forever. The resurrection is not
merely the bringing of people back
to life but rather the process of rais-
ing them up to perfection when 1♦hey
come back. As Jesus said "All in
their graves shall come forth to a
resurrection. John 5:29). The great
thousand year day , of judgment or
time of restitution of all things when
Satan is bound for a thousand years
and Christ reigns instead, which is
already at the door, will accomplish
the great work. As Isaiah declared
"Re made the earth not in vain, he
made it to be inherited," hence we
pray as Jesus taught: "Thy will be
done on earth even as it is done in
Heaven" this prayer will be answer-
To encourage the men to keep their
exhibits in good condition, their quar-
ters clean and well decorated and in
general to improve the attractiveness
of their display, as well as to show
their animals to advantage in the
ring or on parade, the management
of the International Belgian Horse
Show at Waterloo, Iowa, will conduct
a "groom's contest" this year in
which prizes will be offered to those
scoring the highest number of points.
Points are to be awarded according
to the efficiency shown by the grooms
along the lines mentioned. A contest
such as this does much to improve
the appearance of the live stock dis-
play at an exhibition and deserves
the careful attention of any show
The State of Montana has passed a
new herd bull law. It provides that
ally person using public or national
forest range muat turn out one pure-
bred bull of recognized beef type for
80 head of female breeding cattle.
Tt is further provided that anyone
finding a bull rynning at large in
violation of law /bay castrate him on
At the present time there are 60
incorporated associations in Saskatcht.
ewan shipping their live stock co-op-
eratively, states the Saskatchewan
Department of Agriculture, and in
addition to these there are a number
of Grain Growers' Associations from
whom no records are received. It is
being strongly urged that all the
local shipping associations be linked
up into a Provincial Live Stock Ship-
ping Association to deal with accom-
modation for stock in transit, repairs
and alterations to local yards, im-
provement in methods of handling
at terminals the adjustment of com-
mission rates, methods of handling
stock, clearing of cars and such
Farmers in the Brockville district,
Ont., state that men in that section
will not winter more than 50 per
cent. of their present herds, due to
the failure of the hay crop this year.
The pastures throughout the entire
summer it is said, have barely furn-
ished enough feed for grazing, and
the lessened milk supply resulted in
n diminished quantity of cheese being
made and correspondingly smaller re-
turns to the farmer, who now faces
the fall and winter with little or no
hay and not sufficient funds to buy
fodder for the long keeping -over peri-
od. Hence the depletion of the stock,
which, for the greater part, it is
thought, will find its way to the
Meat prices in Holland have ex-
perienced a considerable decline dur-
ing recent months, according to re-
ports reaching the Bureau of Markets
and Crop Estimates. This decline is
'attributed to the fact that the public
is gradually learning to appreciate
frozen meats and larger quantities
are entering into consumption. An-
other significant feature of the meat
situation in Holland is the fact that
the long drought has encouraged
Dutch farmers to dispose of their
cattle even on an overloaded market.
The Dutch farmer realizes that it is
to his interest to fatten a smaller
number in view of a probable hay
Iowa's co-operative livestock ship-
ping associations in 1920 handled
50,000 cars of cattle, hogs and sheep.
That is an average of practically 77
cars per year for each of the 047 as-
sociations which were doing business
that year. Generally these associa-
tions are formed to eliminate unnec-
essary expense in shipping livestock,
particularly the profits taken by priv-
ate shippers. While many private
shippers take only a fair margin for
their work. some associations esti-
mate that through co-operative ship-
ping they save as much as 75 cents
or a dollar a hundred on shipments.
At the horse show, which was held
recently at Cobourg, Ont., the. Con-
naught Cup, given by H. R. H. the
Duke of Connaught for 'the best Can-
adian -bred horse not exceeding eight
years, suitable for cavalry purposes,
shown under saddle, was won by Peter
Cordon, owned by G. W. Beardmore,
Toronto. The Devonshire Cup, pre-
sented by the Duke of Devonshire
for thebest officer's charger shown
under saddle, was won by The Wasp,
owned by Crowe and Murray, To-
I have wandered back again, dear Lord
To the church of my childhood days,
Where oft I knelt without a stain
To mar my words of praise.
And while I kneel in this blest place,
My head on the altar rail,
Oh, bless me with Thy strength and
And love that can not fail.
I have wandered far away, dear Lord,
From the path my mother trod;
But now worn aut with wandering,
My soul turns toward my God.
My childhood days return to me,
Without one scar or stain;
And, 0 dear Lord, I wish to be
As good and pure again.
I have wandered back again, dear Lord;
I care no more to stray.
My heart cries out in prayer to Thee,
Lest Thou shouidet turn away.
All near and dear are dead or gone,
And strangers kneel beside;
But I'll be never more alone,
With Thhg to guard and guide.
—James £i. Power in the Typographi-
cal Journal.
Children Ory
The Four Great Reasons why so many
people deal here. The Four Corner
Stones on which our Business
was built and still stands.
Down in Price
You will be agreeably surprised
when you see the big reductions that
have been made in Underwear since
last season. -
As soon as a reduction is made by
the manufacturer, immediately a
corresponding reduction takes place
in our store. We will save you
money on your Underwear.
Red Label ; was $3.25; now $2.00
Blue Label; was $3.75; now $2.50
Black Label; was $4.50; now$3.00
Tiger Brand.
Heavy Ribbed; was $2.75;
now $1.75
Black Scotia.
Heavy Ribbed; was $2; now. .$1.25
Fleece Lined.
Penman's was $1.25; now ....79c
Tiger Brand, heavy was $1.50;
now 87c
Fleece Lined was 85c, now 65c
Wool, fine, reduced average of _251/4
For months this Store has been dil-
igently searching the markets for the
very newest and novel in Christmas
Gifts with a view of having the
greatest display we have ever shown.
The result of this labor finds ex-
pression in the wonderful variety of
sensible and useful Christmas Gifts
Dow being displryod in our store.
In all our buyin,,, economy has
keen our watchword, to the end that
we have the goods and at the right
We would, therefore, whisper to
early shoppers, to those who have
distant friends, to remember you
will find here an array of Christmas
remembrances greater in variety,
better in quality, more reasonable in
price than we have shown for years.
Big Sale of Men's $35 to
$45 Overcoats
for $25
The number of Overcoats we have sold since this
Special Sale started would seem almost incredible. Any
man requiring an overcoat, who cannot find what will
suit him in this big assortment, would indeed be hard
to please. Every style is represented from the dressy
street coat to the big, warm, high collared Ulster so use-
ful in Canadian winters. Comfortable coats substan-
tially made of high grade materials which sold for $35.00
to $45.00 can be bought during this sale for
And Now The -
Clearing Sale.
of Millinery
25 to 33 1-3 off
This is a very tempting offer in as
much as it includes every woman's
Hat in our Millinery Department.
There are many wonderfully at-
tractive Hats on our display, tabled,
which can now be bought at great
We are deterri ill.tl tc char out
every Hat. We are marking them
at reduced prices that will surely sell
them all. -
Extra Special
Blue and Black Serge at
$1.75 a yard.
These are not a hard wirelike
Serge. They have that soft kindly
feel so peculiar to botany yarns, the
twill is very fine, the weight good,
the color guaranteed and the price
$L75 a yard
Prettier than you have ever seen.
Better than you had ever hoped for.
Less than you expected to pay.
You will never regret the purchase of a Coat at this
Store. This store's policy of buying only from well-
established and responsible manufacturers is your guar-
antee against making a mistake. Cheap coats are easy
to get; but high grade coats at the reasonable price we
are selling them will he found in few stores. Come here
with confidence. You will see the hest coats that are to
be had—there will he no regrets and we will save you
money, too. Prices
$20 to $55