HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-09-23, Page 56' N�.W43xe w li r Allo fp ebt ivery v'; hell of,` , Tho hank IWere age 1 1 ainnlinbed to $147,-.f.N4a inMY drier vp4 Mils.'`MtKlaig will -be sorry lip l+ that she is confined to the &muse; f thraugki oldness. -A large acrem p hoe been aown to fall wheat in thi$`. on,--7Phe farmers are NOW 'biley, ling their silos, the crop be- ing a exceptionally 'good one. • BEECHWQOD NOtQL--[Lev. T, ¥alone, of Dun - des, visited at the home of ids bro- ther,Mr. John Malone, last week.- C11z. .TO9 Moylan, of the Stratford * omnal, spent the week end at his home, here. --.A number from our burg took in. the London Fair Last week and report a wonderful time. -,Mr. and Mrs. W. Fortune and family re- turned to Detroit last week after a pleasant visit at the home of her mother, Mrs. M. Lyftch.-D'irs. Jas. L. Dorsey, of Duluth, who has been a visitor at the parental home of 3&r, and MTs. G.` K. Holland, returned '1lome'this week.•-0111sa Agnes O'Reilly of Hibbert, spent a few days this week with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. D. J. OSReilly.-.Mr. Sutton, 41f Luean; spent Sunday with his family here.. -Miss Laura Sloan is visiting her sister, •Mrs. Joseph Jor- dan, of Hibbert. BRUSSELS The Fall Fair. --The decision of the directors of the Fast Huron Ag- ricultural Society to hold their an- nual fair at Brussels some weeks earlier titan in former years, was amply justified by the beautiful wen,- ther they had on Friday last, the second day of their fair. Brussel:; always has a good show, but this year's- was perhaps a little better than the average, both in the inside and outside departments. The large ball was filled with exhibits, and there was not a shortage in any ilc- partment, with the possible exception of fruit, and even it was a good show. On Friday the display of live stock was excelient both as to qual- ity and numbers. The cattle slow -was the best ire the history of the society, and will hardly be equalled 'by any flair in the county this year, the competition being so keen that it was well after five o'clock before the judging was complete]. There was also a fine poultry display, but the horse classes were not as large as is usually seen at Brussels. The gate receipts on Fridley afternoon were $625. A list of the successful -prize winners will be found on page two of this issue. SEAFORTH MARKETS Seaforth, September 22, 1921. -Hogs, per cwt $9.00 Eggs, per dozen 36 to 38c New Potatoes, per bag $1.60 Butter, per lb 30 to 35e Wheat, per bushel $1.20 .20 Barley, per bushel Flour, per cwt $5.35 Bran,; per ton $30.00 Shorts, per ton $30.00 0 eholae 14.90 to ♦l6.ObrF J�P to iihlr 260 14.001 eannete sod oattem QJ ba q0.i .bgtpheila " bUl1a goad, 15 D0 1 49) dA., ;W t.2,0A to !a t. , {Into 08: $4.5 , 05,60 W 80.00 r1 k400 00 #4.66' tpflkere, 576 to -$86; 9po1iiUera.. 180 to 8f100; calves. chelee, $11 to 8121 de mows, sees to 119.00; do.. common, $8.00 0°,66,00; mutts, good, $5.09 to $8.00; do., common, 56 to 55,60; sheep, choice 58.00 to 54.00 do.. good, 521@ to 5020; do., heavy and woke, $1.00 to 82,00; bobs. foo and natured. *0.05 to 610; do, off tont, 010 to 110.21; do. f.o.b., 50,00 to $026; do. oouatrY Points. $8.76 to $0.00. BEAN MARKET Toronto, September 20, -Neon. -Canadian hand-picked. bushel, 54.00 to $4.25 ; Dr corn, 12.50 to 03.76. BIRTHS TMeI.-In Bay '1'owpehl6, on September 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. timer Mel. e. daughter. Melee. -,At Bronson Line,. Harr, on Septem- ber 6th. to Mr. and Mm. P41111p Masse, a 500. Belerling.-In Hay Towushtp, on September 9th. to Mr. and Mrs. Wdlliam Belerliog, El 0080. Passmore. -In Henault, on September 841, to Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore a son. Sangster. -In Henault, oo September 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sangster. • a hon. POULTRY MARKET Toronto, September 20. -Dressed poultry - 'Spring chickens, 85 to 400; roosters. 20c: fowl. 800 ; ducklings, 25c; turkeys. 60c. Live poultry -Spring 0hicken0, 20 to 25c: roosters, 16c; fowl. 16 to 20e; ducklings. 26c; turkey°, 50a MARRIAGES MamRton-ideNab.-At Ouelpb, on September 8rd, 1921, by the Rev. H. Z. Abraham. Miss Aamle MoNab, of Seaforth, Oat., to Andrew Hamilton, of Toronto. Butoher-Konyon.-2n Knox church, /lode. rich. on September 18th, by Rev. R. C. McDermd, Mats Olga Madeline, only daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Kenyon. of Goderioh, to Alexander 1. Butcher, of Peter - Om ho -Beacom. -AC North Street Methodist Pdreonage, Coder -Leh, on September 14th, by Rev. H. D. Moyer, Mine Sara Helen Bascom, of Goderich, to Mr. Samuel Gel - oho, of Zurtd. Wilson -Devine. -On Tuesday, September 18, by Rev. A. A. Trumper, Mise Sarah De- vtno to Mr. David Wilson. both of Grand Bend. DAIRY MARKET Toronto, Sept. 20. -Chea e new large. 21 to 211c; twins, 211/2 to 22c; triplets. 28 29 to 221e; old. targe, 28 to 290; twlnn, o 291: triplets, 291/2, to 20c; Stilton, new, 24 to 26c. 88 to 86c: Butter -,-Fresh dairy, choice, .Ireamery prints, fresh. No. 1, 41 to 42c; No. 2, 88 to 40c ; cooking, 22 to 24c. Margarine -22 to 24e. Eggs -No. 1, 48 to 44c; selects 60 to 510: cartons, 52 to 64c. DEATHS McDougal. -In Royalton, Minnesota,. Martha Craig Gibson, relict of the late Peter Mc- Dougall and beloved slater f Mre, . Elisa- beth Murray, of ,Tank 8th, 500130 rly,. of y Stanley. ages 80-mre� Menthe. 1y. Onsh.-In Toronto, n•e1 qday Selrtom�oF. 1900, Mailmret Smith, reltot of the late Edward Caa'l,, formerly os' 1190209th, °god 78 yearn. Kell. -At Goderich, on September 11th,Jarfif Clark, wife of Mr. George ]fell, in her 4910 year. Kennedy. -At Benmlller Parsonage. oa Sep- tember 9th, Roy Dobglaa Kennedy. beloved eon of Rev. and Mrs. H. F. Kennedy. Cole -At Russekiele, an Sept- 1100, beloved Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cole, aged 2 months. Elliott. -In Mitchell, on Sept. 12, Rebecca Clark, widow of the late Henry Elliott, aged 72 years, 10 moots and 27 days. McArter. ---In. Brusoela, on September lot, James McArtor, aged 76 years and 11 months. Tuck. -In Grey township on September 3rd, Benjamin Tuck. aged 78 year» and 8 months. LIVE STOCK MARKETS Buffalo, September 20:-Cattle--Reccipte, 2,400: good butchers strong; shipping steers ducted $8 to $9.50, but $9.00 was top, qual- ity being poor. Butchers, 97.75 to $9.00; Yearlings, 59 to $10.25; heifers; 05 to $8; 91,50 stockers and fbulls. $ feeders, $6 to 96:6 ; fresh cows and springers, 45 to $195. Hogs -Receipts, 16.000; 9005 26c higher: healight y do.. 70 to $8. 6 W $ mixed and 75; roughs. 46: stogy. $8.60 to 54.50. Montreal, September 20. -Cattle roceipts, 1,746. The market was active at Prices es- timated to be 50 to 75 cents higher than f - thesis light others kn andago. common Common eo thin 80(000 weighed up together for 3.76 and up. Ono load of•thin young heifers and steers, aver- aging 636 pounds. brought 94. Good but- chers' steers brought from $6 to 88.75. ir- respective of weights. The latter figure wail paid for a load averaging 1,130 ib. Seven dollars was refused for the top load. Buyers stated that cattle were being brought to auply the local fresh meat trade, and that a -heavy increase in receipts would bring about a cut in prices. Canner. were a abode lighter, and common light bulls about steady at $2.25 to 92.76 per cwt Quota- tio08--Butoher's steers -Codd, $6 to 7; med- ium, $5.25 to $6.76; common, 54 to $5. But - 7 eto 55.75;smCommon, 66 $8.50 to 66.75: medium �but- chers' cows-Ohoic06 to $6.50 ; medium, . o 51.50; $2.76 to $4; caromcanners, $1.25 tto $1.50; medium0 $1.50 to cutters, E1.60 60 $2.25 : butchers' bull., common, $2 to 52.00. Union Stock Yards. September 20. -With a normal reeeipt of fair quality, the cattle trade opened brisk at prices steady with Tharsdare advance strongerthMat Monday. Export quality 6teera sod well, choice carload ones bring- ing 8 cents in most oases, while one lot of 12 head brought 81/2 cents, and an odd single as high as 8572 cents. Butchers' steers and helem moved freely at from 6100 7 emirs for choice. with a few tope a0s matte. Come were a light animist, and sold up to as high as 6 cents at the tom with Obits a few small lob at 55/8 cents, and the Wit ofi ere steady at 4'Siy eeulafor paents. Bulls 'v rimes. There was very little, business in stookera and feeders, as nuqulrem were not fornslined t stuff, more piand an 4 tb 41 cent Min butchers outbid those formers who want- ed real geed feeders. With the demand 01d- dhold- NS tttaw/tiff at prices [steady clIdhean-th of the 1ag,*dealem effeoted a good Offering well before closing time of the Ambito the heaviest clay's run 0210*0n, Iambs held Steady iri' prrieee.ond0000 to06lned to be stronger taws eclose e market, - when quite a few of the choice iWtrbe made 89 egret, The balk of the 403oe brought ifu cents. Some 500 f the 7�pbs were bought for export to the United Stites Gond fight sheep sold for 4 cents, choleo yearlings at 6 to 104 Dents. 84910 terdny • wore 4,801 ,o l lambs. �Y1662 6tn. 1,718.hoha. and. 6,659 sheep t Quotations: 000100 ham* stoma, 07.00 to IMPORTANT NOTICES PIGS FOR SALE. -FOR SALE 50 YOUNG pigs about ready to wean. Apply on Lot 10, Concession 3, Stanley. or phone 19 n 86, Hensel!. W. A. ROSS. 2806-4 FOR SALE -ONE 8 -HORSEPOWER GAS - Mine engine in good repair. Only .used two emaons. Apply to RAE CARNOCHAN, R. R. No. 4, Seaforth. Phone 6-168 28054Sea- forth. WANTED TO RENT. -A FARM OF ABOUT 150 or 176 acres. Would rent from two if not over one mile apart Apply to S. GLIDDON, R. R. No. 1, Blyth. 2805-2 BOAR FOR SERVICE. -THE UNDER- etgned will keep for oervice on Lot 24, Concession 1, L.R.S., Tnokeramith, a o pure- bred Yorkshire boar, Torose reasonable. JOBN 14. 2azetwoOD. 2804-a ecce ..,1.7.-v(, ro••.v.-•rrB� . 0' Thdertakiag r131030 • s> Belvue Sleek op,P.4llfts The ; 0 O Expositor OMce. Residence 0 0 Goderich St,, opposite Dr. 0 4., SOWS; O O Flowers furnished on short 0 O notice. 0 0 Phone Night or Day 119 0' 000000000 0004 FOR SALE. -1000 BUSHELS OF MIXED grain. half oats and half barley. Phone 14-236. ALEX. SPARKS, R. R. No.2796-f1 Sea - forth. FARM FOR SALE. -LOT 16, CONCESSION 4, Stanley. of 99 acres. Abut 66 acres under cultivation. balance broken manure land. Abundant water supply. Coed bank barn rind frame dwelling. Price reasonable. A. 'r. ,SCOTT, Brucefleld. 2804-8 • 0000:0000.00000 O O 0 O a O CARD OF THANKS W.. T. BOX&CO. 0 Embalmer and . 0 Funeral Directors H. C. BUS 0 Holder of Government 0 Diploma and License O Chargee moderate O 0 Flowers furnished on short 0 O notice. .0 0 Night Calls Day Calls 0 0 Phone 176 Phone 48 0 000000000 0000 0000 00'000000 W. S.GORMLEY O O Embalmer and Funeral O Director 0 Undertaking Parlors Above O M. 'Williams' Grocery Store. 0 Main Street, Seaforth. 0 Flowers furnished on abort O notice. O Chargee Moderate 1 wish to express my sincere sppreciati0n and thanks for the sympathy and many acts of kindness extended to me daring the illness and subsequent death of my wife. W. D. BRIGHT. Jr. O O O O O O O O O rgain Store Army Wool ilankets, juit a small quan. $3040 tity left, size.76xs4 inches Justt four left; Aviation Sheep Skin ' $29.00 Coats at each.. 7 Real Large Scarfs, fine, all wool, reg- $5.00 ular 110 for .. sv Men's Combination Overalls, in Khaki $4.50 and Blue, selling at ............... Men's all -wool Pullovers, regular prioe $3.00 $6.00 for........ ,.. Army Sweater Coats, - a real good $3.48 wearer to clear at Misses' Raincoats in good style and .00 quality selling at $5 $5 Army Paint, 'gal. $3.50 Star Varnish $4.50 Pbone-Night or Day -1.92 0 000000000 0000 FOUL WANTED Any quantity of Live Fowl delivered at the Royal Hotel Stables, every Wednesday foren0nn. Highest cash J rices. G. eMICRAEL. 2805-tf Seaforth FALL FAIRS B ay:field .. ..ecce Winghani Kirkton Listowel Dungannon AUCTION SALES Sept. 22-23 Sept. 27-28 Sept. 27-28 Oct. 6-7 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, 1M - elements and Floueehold Effects. -Mr. Thomas Brown has 'been instructed to sell by public auction on the farm, one-half mile south of Egraondviile, on the Kipper Road, on Thursday, October 6th. at 1 o'clock p.m., the following: $orgies --Gelding 4 yearn old exceptionally good. 1 brown horse 12 years old, one aged horse, good worker. Cattle - 2 milk cows loth bred, 2 dry 00w1, 3 steers two years old, 6 heifers 2 yearn old, steer coming one year old, one oalt. Implementa- 1 Kemp manure spreader, 2 single • furrow riding plows, walking plow, corn seedier, set 4 -section harrows, 10 foot hay rake, top buggy nearly new, Portland cutter new, set 2000 Iba. Renfrew seal., set sleigh., No. 12 De Laval cream separator, barrel churn, 6 -foot cot mower, et -sling ropes. 16 -foot lad- der, set lifting pulleys, crow bar. forks, shovels, lawn mower, 2 -furrow gang plow. set team brechen harness,_ set plow harness, 2 seta single harness. Ho.ehold Effedte-1 kitchen cabinet kitchen table, dining chairs, up- holstered rocker, rattan rocker, small tables, namelled beds, 2 mattresses, 2 sets springs. dresser and stand, davenport, couch. Colum- bia phonograph with 29 records, odd dishes and a lot of small article.. Terms. - All sums of 510.00 and under, cosh: over that mount 12 months' credit on approved joint notes, or 6 discount of 6% off for cash on credit amounts. No reserve m the farm is .old. JOHN McCAA, Proprietor; Thoma. Brown. Auctioneer. 2806,2 .Sept. 27-28 Oct. 6-7 DON'T THROW YOUR OLD CARPET$ AWAY They make new reversible "Velvetex" Rugs Send for Velvetex Folder 29. CANADA RUG COMPANY, LONDON, ONT. ri ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF. Farm, Farm Stock and Implements. Estate of Wesley D. Harvey, deceased On Tuesday, October 4th, 1921, at 10.10 o'clock a.m., there will be offered for sale at public auotion at the premises: Lot No. 8. Concession 9, Stanley Township. containing 100 acres more or leis. The farm to well located in one of the beat farming portions of the County of Huron 'fs mile from school, 25, miles from Kiopen and Brucefleld. There h upon it a commodious solid brick house with stone foundation and slate roof and with fuel shed and etore- hopae attached; a frame bank barn with two wings 46x60 and 80,65 with stone founds tions and stabling underneath, well furnished with cement floors and B. T. furnishings, a drive shed 20x40a d an implement shed, about 8 acres have been sown In fall wheat and about 42 acres have been fail ploughed. There is a bush of about 15 acre, an orchard of about 2 acres, and the balance of the farm, all of which 0. arable, is sealed down in hay and pasture land.. The soil is clay loam. Terme of Sale. -Ten per cent. of purchase price at time of sale, balance on or before April lot, 1922. Sale subject to reserve hid. At the same time and place will be offered the following Implements, Machinery, Farm Stock and Chattels: Implements. -1 Gray -Dort toning oar 1 Overland touring car model 83, 1 Forelson tractor, tractor plows. 1 hay tree., 1 six - horsepower gasoline engine, 1 John Deere hay loader, 1 Massey -Harris binder 8 foot cat and forecarriage, 1 7 -foot Deering mower. 1 Massey -Harris bean scalier, 1 top cutter. 1 Massey -Harris cultivator and seed box," one power home clipper, 2 farm wagons, 1 light wagon, 1 skeleton wagon, 1 top baggy, 1 light buggy, 1 cutter, 2 horse carts, 1 set bob sleighs, 1 2 -furrowed riding plough, one walking plough, 1 set 5 -section diamond harrows, • 1 steel land roller, 1 Monsey -Harris side rake 2 hay racks, 1 Maple Leaf 10 inch plate grain grinder, 1 Clinton fanning m111, 1 set scales, 1 forge, 1 anvil, 1 vice, 1 cir- cular saw. 1 cream separator. 1 power wash- er and wringer, 1 engine and pump jack, 1 water trough. 1 26 -gallon gas tank, 3 barrels and n quantity of oil 2 feed box., 2 robes, 1 15 -rod roll pig wire, 20-25 rods woven wire fence, 26 grain bags, 16 cedar poets, 13 bunches of shingles, about 60 cedar rail poets, 1 seta double harness with collars. 2 sets single harness, 1 saddle, 66 OSP polls, 1 long ladder, 1 step . ladder, 1 bag truck. gravel box, about 259 feet 2 inch rope, a quantity of lumber and plank, and a large quantity of thole and sundry articles. Cattle. -1 Red Durham cow, supposed to be in calf, Reg. Strawberry of Cromarty No. 188867: 1 Iran Durham cow, Reg. Beatrice 12th, • 110. 196461, supposed to be in calf, ; 1 roan Durham heifer rising 2 years. Reg. Mary. Beatrice, No. 169282: 1 roan Durham cow 3 years old with calf at foot can be registered; 1 roan Durham heifer rising 2 years. regtatcred Dopers coming: 5 area Dur. hem heifer 10 months old, can be registered: 1 grade Hereford 00w 9 years old, supposed to be in calf; 1 grade Hereford cow, 9> years, supposed to be in calf; 1 grade Hereford cow, aged, supposed to be in cal; 1 white cow, 6 scars, supposed to be in calf ; one black cow, 4 years, with calf at foot: 1 heifer, 2 years, supposed to be in calf, 2 heifers rising 2 years; 8 steers 1 yearn old; 5 0oives. Horsee.--1 stallion 5 years old, Reg. Earl O'Sbanley: 1 agricultural mare 7 years old eupptted to be In foal, 1 general Patinae mare 8 years old, ouppoeed to ben general purpose mare 9 years old, supposed to be in foal, agricultural ear. o d horse 1 driving marsupposed to be in foal. Pigs. -1 Thoroughbred cow, 1 small pig, 1 now with 8 Dien. About 60 hens. About 6 tons of hay, a. quantity f buckwheat on t 6, Concession 4, Stanley.about 7 acct. will be voffered atted in for sale meantime. on the ground if not har- Terme . of Sole of Chattel,. -All purchases under 110. cash ; on all purehns. over 510 n discount of 8% will be allowed or 6 months' credit will be given on approved joint notes. The Vendors reserve the right to withdraw from sole any machinery which may be .abject to lien notes. Lunch will be served at 12.80 o'eleek. THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY Administrator. Thos. Gundry, W. Brydnne, Auctioneer. Solicitor for Administrator 98054 ..Yv;aasfl%� FARMS FOR SALE FARM '1'O RENT. -LOT 6. CONCESSION fi, Stanley Township, le olTered for rent. Good stone house and sufRtienl barn accom- modation. Plenty of water cud fuel. Soil gob- tainable. ble.od ayApply7 to W. BRYI'UN01. Clinton, Ont. 28069 pima FOIL SALE. -LOT 31. CONCES- °' cion 19, containing 50 mets. 'there are on the premises a small burn on cement foundation room for 20 heal of cattle and 5 homes, also box stall: small frame house. Two and one-half mike from Walton sta- tion. All grass but about 7 arr. This ie o first-class farm and good land, and will be sold on reasonable terms. A small amount may be paid down and the balance Furemai n ,, on mortgage at 6%. per fur- ther particulars apply to ROBERT 2SBETTS, Walton P. 0. FARMS FOR SALE. -LOTS 26 AND 27, Concession 2, H. R. S., containing two hundred acres: eighty acres of ehnlee Pas- ture land with lots of running water, the remainder Is in a high state of cultivation. Two brick hone.. one frame barn on ground, e large barn on foundation with large cement silo and litter carrier. water in stable and other conveniences. Apply l'LF.TCHE" T. TOWNSEND, R. R. 8, S.01005h, Ont., phone 8 on 614, Clinton. 2110504 FARM FOR SALE. -250 ACRES, MORE or leer, Concession 4 and 0, Stanley Township, about 45¢ miles Prem Clinton. Well - improve!. good clay loam. 15 acres hardwood and cedar bush, practically all fenced with new wire fencing. First-class house and baro ; telephode. rural mail de- livery. Will sell nas hle terms. Apply on premises to ADAM S ART, R.11. iNo. 5, Clinton. U. F. 0. CONVENTION The South Huron United Farmers' Political Association will hold a con- vention in the Hensall Hall on Thurs- day, September 29th, at two o'clock p.nl., for the purpose of selecting a candidate for the Federal House. Meetings for the appointing of dele- gates will be held in each poll in each municipality on Tuesday evening, September 27th. All electors in sympathy with the principles and policies enunciated in the platform of the United Verniers of Ontario and the Canadian Council of Agriculture and willing to support the United Farmers party are cordially invited to attend. A meeting for the purpose of ap- pointing delegates will be held at the -following places, on Tuesday even- ing, September 27th at 8 p.m.: ISeaforth-10arnegle Library Ball. Sub-Di1V, Separate School No. Sub Di 1, Sepa Sub -Divis- ion No. 2, school haute No. 2; No. 3 at Menley's school house; No. 4 at school house No. 7. are appointed Only delegates Whe at these meetings are eligible to vote tat the Convention. W. BLACK, GEO. LAYTON, President. Secretary. 2804-3 FARM FOR SALE.--', MILE SOUTH of Brucefleld, Lot 11. Concession 1. 8mnlee, 100 area. There are ms the premises one good bank barn, implement house: straw shed, a good frame house. 9 good never -fail- ing wells, windmill n , one. The farm is well fenced and well drained. Rural mail and phone. This isrof the best farms in the township, andn will be sold on reasonable terms. o, Po,+'ion given in No. ember. For further pnrticulare apply to DREW SWAN, Brucefrh:, Ont27922-tf FARM FOR SALE. F Concession G. M,K, acres, all cleared except bush. There are on 1/•. barn with atone and coot. with cement floors frame stable. 2802, h, rooms and 61tchen, c Hard and soft ,voter ,.n of orchard. The ferns and tile drained. W..7 well at the hush. Thi- ef hrof the best in McKill miles from the Town • mile from school and and phone. Will be sol.! For further particular- ism or address R. .61OBERT A. HOGG. Mt SALE LOT 20, containing 100 - acres of hardwood premises a bank foundation, 46082, . ung shed, 14,36: u gravel house, 7 floors 10 cellar. kitchen: two arres s all wire fenced at barn and also a good farm ---one o 1t is situated 5 ' Seaforth and one -hutch. Rural mail en seasonable terms, • pply on the prem - 1: No. 1, Seaforth. 25801-tf NOTICE The McKillop Council will meet at the Carnegie Library Hail, Seaforth, on Satur- day, September 24th, 1921, at one p. m. FRANK J. McQUAID. Reeve. 2806-1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Wesley Duncan Harvey, NOTICE le hereby given that al) persona having claim. against the estate of Wmley Duncan Harvey, late of the .rownehip of Stanley, ln the County of Huron, yeoman, decearted, who died on or about the 22nd of August, 1921, are required to deliver to The Canada Tr.t Company. the administra- tor of the said eseate or its solicitor on or before the 17.th day of October. 1021. a full statement of their claim together with Par- ticulars thereof, and the nature of the se- verities, if any. held by them. all dale verified by affidavit - AND TAKE NOTICE that after the said I st mentioned Mite the said Administrator will proceed to distribute the estate of the said deceeeed amongst the persona entitled thereto. having regard only to nue c ta it shall have received due notice and in accordance therewith. NOTICE is hereby further given that. all persona indebted to the said Wesley Duncan Harvey et the time of his decease are re- quired to make settlement of the same with the administrator or with W. Brydone, Clin- ton. the Solicitor for the Administrator. I DATED et. Clinton thie 21st day of Sep - 2806 -3 Solicitor for the said Adminietrator. THE EXECUTORS OF Tia LATE ARCHI- .- Initi McGregor od, for sale Lot 15, 6th Conceasion, McK ill, 100 acrm of first claw farm lands. The land is in a flrst clef. atate of cultivitt n and there are erected on the Premito• a good frame dwel- ling "house. with 1.itt 1.. n attadned ; frame barn 767(54 with ototn. foundation, stabling underneath and cermet' floors and water throughout, driving pig pen and hen house. Also about tett -00es of good hard wood bush The proneet. Is well fenced and well ...twined and 0000401. nt to good markets, church. and schoole. 1.'• further particulars apply to MISS 1,11,1,Y McGREGOR. on the Premises. or to R. S. 11 \YS, Solicitor. Sea- fortth. Ont. 2796-10 PARM FOR SALE.-F.t'tM OF TWO 11116.1.. forth. conveniently situntod to MI churchee, achooln and Collegiate. There Is a comfort- able brick cottage wit" a cement kitchen; barn 100,66 with Moo, stabling underneath for 6 horsee. 75 head o' cattle and 40 hogs with ethel stanchions 11,1 water before all stock: 'litter carrier nn I feed carrier and two cement ail. ; ng shed and plat- form seal.. Watered 1, a rook well end windmill. The farm well drained and in a high. state of cultival.nn. The crop is all in the ground-choire ...lay loam. Immedi- ate pomeselon. Apply to M. BEATON, R. 11, 2, Seaforth, OM- 2787-tt 1,114..011114.61 11, 'GRAND TRUNK Vti7V WANTED AT ONCE TWO HUNDRED MEN Auto -Gas Tractor Mechanics; Tire Vulcan- isers, Battery Repairing, 0 xy-Acetylene Weld- ing. Mechanics earn $5.415 per day. Train for these at our big modern school-larg.t end best equirned in Eastern Canada. Big now equipments of all kinds including aero engin.. Actual practical syetematic train- ing very best instructions ; only few weeks required. We train you day and evening classes without extra charge. Board and room 97 up. Call or write, beautiful free catalogue. Seventeen years' experience, schools from roast to coast. HEMPHILL'S RIG AUTO -GAS TRACTOR SCHOOL. 163 King Street West, Toronto. 2805-4 HASTE MASON PLUG SMOKING 7 TRY a plug and a what reitt p" satisfaction is. 4 remember the billy holds the flavor to last. Master "is good tobacco" the rock -bottom prim. The Double Track Route Between MONTREAL TORONTO and CHICAGO. Unexcelled Dining Car Service. Sleeping cars on Night Trains and Parlor Cars on principal Day Full Information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agt., Cook by H ydroi !Cheaper than Coal Oil. For full information inquire at HYDRO SHOP. TOWN HALL BUILDING Entrance -Town Clerk's Office. E_ PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION OF SEAFORTH 5 Nnaummannammummamummunmumumuummummanmummuni McKillop Children's Fair, September 30 A Prize List of over $300 beside specials, will be given. Tug -of -War -Manley vs. Seaforth Football Match -Dublin Jrs. vs. Seaforth Jrs. Guessing on beef -beast. Seaforth Citizens' Band will supply the music. Lunch Served 011 the grounds. Judging win be finished and school opened at 2.30 p.m. JOHN MURRAY, Pres. - F. T. FOWLER, Sec. Big Clearing of Summer Hardware Let KODAK Sell your Livestock YOU can "talk" convinc- ingly to prospective purchasers of livestock any- where-- by means of the Kodak. For, better than any words -clearer than the most vivid &script ions -the Kodak picture demonstrates the selling points of your stock. Used for both business and pleasure, the Kodak becomes a valuable part of your equipment. Let us show you the various styles and sizes. "If it isn't Eastman Film, it isn't Kodak Insist on the film in the yellow box. E. UMBACH. Plum B. Seaforth and Hayfield. Your opportunity to purchase Screen Doors, Ham- mocks, Lawn Mowers, Oil Stoves and Ovens at 'Cost SCREEN DOORS LAWN MOWERS Regular Clearing Price Regular 33.25 32.45 316.50 34.00 33.00 34.25 33.50 Regular 36.75 37.50 36.25 311.00 510.00 HAMMOCKS ' Clearing Price 34.25 38.00 Wires 6 7 Hog Fence 9 Barb Wisre Brace Wire at Black annealed Length 14 feet 13 feet 3% feet 3 feet Frost Height stays 40 Inches 9 40 inches 9 36 inches 12 6c lb. 6c lb. wire at 6c FROST STEEL GATES Clearing Price 313.50 812.00 PERFECTION OIL STOVES Regular 525.50 319.00 Three -Burner 331.00 $24.00 Special • 332.00 Genuine Perfection Ovens, regu- Fence at at at 45 cents per rod. 51 cents per rod. 66 cents per rod. (Electric Welded) Not black iron Height Reg. Price 4 feet 313.50 4 feet 4 feet 4 foot 813.00 36.00 36.00 gates. Special Price 310.60 34.25 34.25 The Big Hardware