HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-09-23, Page 2at can't be beat at a price that em all, 70c per can. ` A bar- ain when you need it. c� , To get more milk, from' yoktr."cows • ini'rty them buy with Creonold be. tQtQ.milkingg�.Tbe odor of Creonoid ie ;then nble to siva The cows ill t• then stand more gstc0y. and yickl Mae milk. Uac Creonoid in stables, barna; baa douses end hes aha act tt4 ol_ip. eat Pats.. Half gal. size, 90c. One gal. size, $1.50 FOOTBALLS for school play, Number 5 regular. Extra value $4.00 iii BOILERS Tin Boilers with copper bot- toms, Number 9, at pre-war prices. Each $1.95 PUMPS Specially low priced open top well pump, constructed for service. Anti -freezing and fitted complete with cyl- inder threaded for 11 inch ;;pipe. Each $11.50 Larger sizes for stock purposes also on hand. • Geo. A. Sells & Sons SeventyYears' rience 1n Pipe or One -Register (PIPELESS) A warm home in Canada's winter is a comfort and a joy. A cold home means discomfort, discon- tent, and, frequently, sickness. A good furnace; properly installed, means a warm house and the genial comfort of a home well ventilated and properly humidi- fied, healthful, dustless, balmy air. A poor furnace, or even a good one poorly installed, is an endless source of annoyance, discomfort, and sometimes, of sickness in the family. A furnace is either a blessing or an afflic- tion in the home. The Sunshine Furnace (Pipe or One -Register) is built by McClary's, the largest furnace and stove concern in the British Empire, The Sunshine Furnace is right -it is the result of seventy years' experience. It is the product of one of the finest industrial plants in Canada. It is guaranteed in its construction, installation and performance. Consult a McClary's dealer, or write for a de- scriptive booklet to any branch. c Iay's London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver. St. John, N.B., Hamilton, Calgary, Saskatoon, Edmonton. McClary's-Makers of those "good stoves and cooking utensils". For Sale by thron & Drysdale, Hensall, Ont. 3 Wants and STORIA Yoh Ilan A1ral$ Bought In France when a woman marries sire accepts and is accepted by her husband's family. Cigarette smolciag .has become So popular in London that British so- ciety women now shun them. Twenty-four hour time Is shown by a London railway station clock hav- ing Roman numerals for the hours up to noon and Arabic for tke others. Aigricuit!TataL- iBr+dod 'mare, ;;raving raised a foal in 192I,.. trgh tL ,acrd, Ja!wldSpair, T. Roger;l!wise colt L. E. 'Cardld', Jawes Moses; mare colt -Hugh Lamont, H. Speir, Jahn Bolger; 8 year old gelding or filly - James Brigham and 2nd; two, year old gelding Hugh Lamont; one year old filly -Thomas Bolger; one year old gelding, Walter Yuill; span of agri- cultural horses. James Brigham, R. J, Sanderson, M. Helland; sweep- stakes -R. J. Sanderson. Heavy Draught - Brood mare, Oanadian bred, having raised foal in 1921 - Harold Speir, D. Brewer; registered brood mare having rained foal in 1921-J. G. Speir; horse colt -J. G. Speir; mare colt -Harold Speir, D. Brewer; two year old gelding -R. L. McDonald; yearling filly -Harold Speir; yearling gelding -J. G. Speir; heavy draught team -{Dickson Bros. and Ind; sweep- stakes -Dickson Bros. Judge -Roy Brothers. Roadsters -Brood mare having raised foal in 1921, R. L. McDonald, Plums Livery, A. G. Bishop; horse or mare colt, A. G. Bishop, L. Engler, R. L. McDonald; 2 year old filly or geld- ing, R. L. McDonald, 11, Jacklin; 1 yr. old filly or gelding --R. L. McDon- ald, R. Jacklin, Plums Livery; buggy horse, 151/2 hands -high and over - W, J. Roberts, Roy Hastings, G. T. Dale & Sons; buggy horse under 151/2 hands high -F. Bender, W. Coulter, T. J. McMichael; sweepstakes --,F. Bender. Carriage -Two year old filly or gelding -T. J. McMichael; carriage span 16 hands high, James Connell, single carriage horse -J. Hearst, W. Taylor, C. V. Dale; sweepstakes -J. Hearst. Judge -H. J. Colwill, Arthur. PURE BRFID CATTLE Shorthorns -.Bull 3 years and over --0. Turnbull & Son; bull, two years old- J. G. Speir, A. McLachlan; bull tine year old, Junior -A.. Smith and Family; milch cow, 4 years or over -J. G. Speir, W. Yuill, 0. Turnbull & Sons; milch cow, under 4 years - A. Smith & Family; 0. Turnbull & Sons; J, C. Speir; two year old heifer - A. Smith & Family, 0. Turnbull & Sons, and 3rd; one year old heifer - A. Smith & Family and second; one year old heifer, Jr. -J. G. Speir, 0. Turnbull Son n & rind third; bull calf, Senior -O. Turnbull & So; bull calf Junior, 0. Turnbull & Son, T. Pierce, J. S. Armstrong; heifer calf, Senior -T. Pierce; heifer calf, Junior -A, McLachlin; herd of Shorthorns, one male and four females -0. Turnbull & Sons, A. Smith & Family, J. G. Spee best female, any age, -A. Smith & Family; best male, any age - 0. Turnbull & Sons. Jersey -Milch cow -N. Hamilton and second. GRADE CATTLE Grade Cattle -Milch cow, dairy train -J. S. Armstrong, A. Lamont; :itch cow, beef strain -J. G. Speir, Lamont, W. Yuill; two year old rifer --W. Yuill, A. McLachlin, J. Armstrong; one year old heifer, enior-J. S. Armstrong, E. R. neeht, A. Lamont; one year old eifer, ,Junior -J. M. Knight & Sons, . S. Armstrang, A. Lamont; one ear old steer, Senior -J. S. Arm - rang, W. Yuill, A. Lamorvt; one ear old steer, Junior -J. M. Knight Sons and 2nd, Hugh Lamont; steer If, Senior -A. McLachlin, J. S. rmstrong; steer calf, Junior -A. cLachlin; heifer calf, Senior -Jas. uses, E. R. Knight, W. Yuill; heifer, If, Junior -J. S. Armstrong, J. G. peir, R. Jacklin; fat cow or heifer er two years, butcher purpose -J. Armstrong; fat steer -J. M. ight & Sons and 2nd and 3rd. Judge -Thomas Russell, St. Marys. SHEEP Leicesters-R. J. Snowden took all e prizes in this class. Downs -Aged ram ---W. G. Ross, nes Connell and 3rd; shearling m -James Connell, Knox Bros, W. Ross; ram lame -James Connell d 3rd, W. G., Ross; ewe, two shear 1 over -James Connell and 2nd, G. Ross; shearling ewe -W. G. ss, James Connell and 3rd; ewe tbs-James Connell and 3rd, W. Ross; pen -.James Connell and 3rd, G. Ross. e udge--Thomas Russell. 0 A S S K h J y st y ea A M M ca S Ov S. Kn th .Jai ra G. an an W. Ro lan G. W. J PIGS Berkshire -J. S. Gowan took all the prizes in this class. Yorkshire -.Boar, under 1 year and ever 6 months 7. S. Cowan; boar, under six months -J. G. Speir and 2nd; sow, 1 year and over -J. S. Cowan; sow, under 1 year and over 6 months-. Speir; sow, under six months -J. G. Speir and 2nd. Judge -Thomas Russell. POULTRY Barred Rocks, (c) Ronnenburg Bros. Mrs. J. Grant; (h), Mrs. J. Grant, Brown Bros; (er), J. Speir and 2nd; (p), J. Speir, Mrs, J. Grant; Rocks, any other variety, (c) Rounenburg Bros. and 2nd; white Wyandottes, (cr. and p), Ronneuaburg Boos) Wyan- dottes, any other variety -(c, h, cr and p), Ronnenburg Bros and 2nd; Rhode Island Reds- (c), L. Thuell, J. G. Speir; (h), Knox Bros, L. Thuell; (cr), Knox Bros. Mrs. J. Grant; (p), S. Wilton, Knox Bros;. Leghorns_ (c and h), Ronnenburg Bros, J. G. Speir; (h) (er), Ronnen- burg Bros. and 2nd; (p), Ronnen- burg Bros, J. G. Speir; Leghorns, brown.---(cr and p), Mrs. J. Grant; Leghorns, any other variety-(c)- Ronnenburg Bros. and 2nd; (h, c, p), Ronnenburg Bros., T. Miller; Min- orcas-(c and h), Ronnenburg Bros; Alt ire . •-(c h, cr. and p) -D. Dav- id :•a'•'-' d 2nd; Orpingtons-(c, h and or)eltRonnenburg Bros. and 2nd; Bantams, (c and h)-4Ronnenlburg ! Bros; geese, old geese--Bonnenburg ' Bros. and 2nd; young geese-Ron- nenburg Bros., Mrs. J. Grant; ducks,' old-Ronnenburg Bros, J.- G. Speir; young-¢tonnenburg Bros., L. Thuell; pair of pigeons --F. M. Davis, Fret] Hunter; collection of pigeons -Fred STION Thousands Made Miserable By TMs Trouble . "FRUIT-A-TtVES" Relieves It What is Indigestion and what causes It? As yeti know, solid food must be changed.into a liquid by the stomach before it eau be taken up as nourishment by the blood. - The stomach acts as a churn It is covered by a etrong, muscular coat and lined with a soft, delicate membrane which Secretes the Gastric Juice which digests or dissolves solid .food. When food enters the stomach, the muscular coat squeezes and presses the food from end to end, or churns it, with the gastric juice to dissolve or digest it. But -if the stomach muscles are weak -or if the dissolving florid is poororinsufficieet-thou food cannot be digested properly and you have Indigestion, "FRUIT -A -TIDES" is the most wonder- ful medicine is the world for strengthening the stomach muscles and providing an abundance of pure, fall' strength dissolving fluid to completely digest every meal. "F It IT -A -TI VES" dues this because it keeps the kidneysactive, the bowels regular and the blood pure, which insures pure Gastric Juice. "FRUIT-A-TIVES" will correct your Indigestion or Dyspepsia and enable you to enjoy every meal. Try it. 50e. a box, 6 for $2.b0, trial size 25c. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit -a -Lives Limited, Ottawa. bushel white fall wheat -Knox Bros.; bushel red fall wheat, Walter Yuill; bushel barley, 6 -rowed -Knox Bros.; bushel white ate oats -I{. J. Hoover, Knox Bros.; bushel small peas. --JJ. G. Speir. Judge -Alf. Baeker. FRUIT Baldwins -J. G. Speir, J. S. Arm- strong; Famuese-E. hoover, J. G. Speir; King of Tompkins Co. -J• G. Speir, A. G. Bishop; Mann -J. G. Speir, J. S. Armstrong; Northern Spies -J. S. Armstrong, Grace Stew- art; Golden Russets. M. Ferguson, J. G. Speir; Blenheim Pippins (fall) -J. G. Speir, Mrs. F. Nichol; Tolman Sweets -J. G. Speir, J. S. Arm- strong; Ontario -J. G. Speir; Wealthy -J. S. Armstrong, A. G. Bishop; Alexander -J. S. Arm-treng, D. Mc- Kinnon; Ribston Pippins -W. Yuill; Colverts-.,J. G. Speir, L. Thuell; Can- ada Reds -J. G. Speir; Gravensteins -,J. G. Speir, Rev. J. 1'. McLeod; Maiden's Blush -Mrs. 1-'. Nichol, A. G. Bishop; Peewaukees-D. McKin- non, Rev. J. P. McLeod; Ben Davis - J. S. Armstrong, W. R. Broadfoot; Wagners--Mrs. A. Yuill, A. G. Bishop; crabs -J. Burgess, H. Speir; winter apples, any named variety - J. G. Speir, L. Thuell; fall apples, any named variety -J. G, Speir, C. Thuell; 6 varieties of winter apples, J. G. Speir; 6 varieties of fall apples --J. G. Speir; Fall Pears -Mrs. D. Robb; Winter Pears -L. Thuell, J. Armstrong; 3 clusters of Grapes - Knox Bros. Judge-Alex,Stewart. ROOTS AND HOED CROP. Bushel Early potatoes, G. A. Best; bushel late potatoes, named, E. Hoov- er, Mrs. A. Yuill; collection of potat- oes, Mrs. J. Grant; 5 Swede turnips, J. Bolger, E. Hoover; turnips, any other variety, E. Hoover, J. G. Speir; White field carrots, L. Thuell, R. J. Hoover; long red carrots, Mrs. J. D. Warwick, F. Samis; early horn car- rots, W. McInnis, Isabel Strachan; scarlet nan•tes, J. G. Speir, W. Mc- Innis; long blood beets, W. McInnis; blood turnip beets, J. S. Armstrong, A. G. Bishop; parsnips, Mrs. J. D. Warwick, E. R. Knight; winter rad- ishes, L. Thuell; sugar mangolds, D. McKinnon, J. Bolger; mangold wnrr- zels, long red, J. G. Speir, R. J. Hoov- er; long yellow mangolds, E. Hoover, P. Stewart; yellow globe mangolds, J. G. Speir, E. R, Knight; red globe mangolds, R. J. Hoover. VEGETABLES. Onions from seed,- red, Mrs. J. D. Warwick; onions from seed, yellow, J. M. Knight & Sons, Mrs. J. D. Warwick; onions from Dutch setts, J. M. Knight & Sons; Quart Dutch setts, J. Bolger, J. M. Knight & Sons,- quart potato onions, Knox Bros., T. Miller; 6 ears of corn, yellow, E. Hoover; e ears of corn, Yellow Dent, 0. Turn- bull & Sons, T. M. Knight & Sons; 6 stalks of fdder corn, W.' J. Roberts, J. M. Knight & Sons; `6 . ears table corn, E. Hoover, 0. Turnbull & Sons; collection of corn, J. Burgess, D. Davidson; 3 heads winter cabbage, W. Armstrong, D. McKinnon; 2 heads cauliflower, Mrs. W. Alderson, W. Armstrong; pumpkin, yellow field, 3. Oliver, M. Ferguson; pumpkin, mam- moth, C. Thuell, M. Ferguson; squash, MAN GIVES. WIFE GLYCERINE: MIXTURE ,She had stomach trouble for years. After giving her simple backthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Ad- ler-i-ka, her husband days; "Ay wife feels fine now and' has gained Weight. It is wonderful ,stomach medicine." Adler-i-ka acts on BOTH nipper am lower bowel, removing foul matter which poisoned stomach and which you never thougiit was in your system EXCELLENT far gas on .,,{.liOri rhe oea, large, A.. IRathent, J Surgesa; pluu) rir ee!t3T togniflOMi, � l atala, J. Bu gees' "quart hnhter bean8,' black, A. Lam nt, C. ThUell;' quart white beails, Jeyge, Mrs, W. Aderson, $. Speirs, quart butter beans any other varlet , J. G. Speir T. Miller; quart white . s, small; *Ga'ace Stewart, P. Stewar ; quart any other variety of beans, Mra. 3. P. Warwdok, Mrs. D. Robb; citrons, round striped, Mrs. J, Gran?;, J. S. Armstrong; watermelons, L. Thuell; muskmelons, O. Turnbull & Sons, Mrs. J. D. Warwick; cucumbers, J. Moses, Mrs. J. Grant; 8 heads of sunflower, F. Samis,..1, Burgess; col- lection of garden produce, Mrs. F. Nichol, L. Thuell. Judges -F. S. Scott, R. W. Living- stone. DAIRY PRODUCTS 25 lbs. tub butter, home made, W. McInnis; 5 lbs. table butter, D. Me Kinnon, W. McInnis, P. Stewart; 10 lbs. butter, D. McKinnon, W. McInnis, Mrs. W. Alderson. Judge -+W. G. Neal. DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES Crochet quilt, Mrs. J. D. Warwick; knitted quilt, H. Gilmour and 2nd; patchwork quilt, H. Gilmour; fancy quilt, Mrs. A. Yuill, M. Livingstone; knotted and tufted quilt, W. Arm- strong, M•rs..3. D. Warwdck; counter - !eine, A. Menzies; hooked mat, W. McInnis, Mrs. D. Robb; pair woolen mitts, Mrs. W. Alderson, A. Menzies; man's working pants, Mrs• A. Yuill; man'a working shirt, home made, Mrs. W. H. Anderson, M. Livingstone; man's pair of socks, wool, hand- made, fine, A. Menzies; man's pair of socks, wool, handmade, coarse, Mrs. G. Muldon, A. McDonald; one quart maple syrup, L. Thuell, E. R. Knight; quart bottle grape wine, Mrs. W. H. Anderson, Mrs. J. D. War- wick; quart bottle rhubarb wine, D. McKinnon, Mrs. J. D. Warwick; quart bottle respberry wine, Mra. F. Nichol, Mrs. D. Robb; quart bottle elder- berry wine, Mrs. W. H. Anderson, D, McKinnon; quart bottle tomato catsup, Ruby Plum, J. Burgess; quart sweet cucumber pickles, Mrs. R. J. McLauchlin, F. Samis; quart mustard pickles, Mrs. W. Alderson, Mrs. A. Yuill; quart chili sauce, Mrs. 3. D. Wanwick, A. McDonald; pint jar orange marmalade, Mrs. A. Yuill, Mts. J. D. Warwick; "pint apple jelly, W. McInnis, D. Davidson; pint grape jelly, Mrs. A. Yuill; pint raspberry jelly, Isabel Strachan Mrs. A. Yuill; collection of canned fruits in glass jars, Mrs. A. Yuill, W. McInnis; hard soap, home-made, Thuell, Mrs. J. D. Warwick; best articles of food, suitable for a working man's supper, cream, sugar and tea to count as one article and bread and Jbutter to count as one, Mrs. A, Yuill, I,. Thuell, Mrs. F. Nichol. Judges -Mrs. James Archibald and Mrs. James Kerr. BAKING Loaf hone -made bread, white, D. Davidson, Mrs. G. Muldoon; loaf home-made bread, brown, W. McIn- nis, Mrs. N. McCauley; loaf home- made bread, currant, Mrs. G. E. Mc- Call, W. McInnis; half dozen buns. Mrs. G. Muldoon, T. Pierce; half dozen .biscuits, Mrs. E. McCall, Mrs. J. D. Warwick; dark fruit cake, with- out icing, W. Armstrong, Mrs. A. Yuill; white fruit cake without icing, W. Armstrong; layer cake, light, D, McKinnon, W. R. Broadfoot; layer cake, dark, Mrs, 'A. Yuill, Ruby Plum; oatmeal cakes, any kind, Mrs. A. Yuill, A. Lamont; half dozen cookies, sty kind, Knox B s., Ruby Plum; doughnuts, Mrs. W. Alderson, ,F,. R. Knight; 2 scones, A. Lamont, Mrs. J. D. Warwick; 6 cookies, 3 va?ieties, Ruby Plum, E. R. Knight; 6 graham gems, D. Speir, Ruby Plum; short bread, Ruby Plum, Mrs. A. Yuill; one apple pie, J. G. Speir, Mrs. G. Mul- doon; pumpkin pie, Mrs. Muldoon, Mrs. A. Yuill; lemon pie, D. McKin- non, Mrs. W. lderson; tart pie, Mrs. D. Robb, D. McKinnon; candy, maple cueam, Fe R. Knight, Ruby Plum; collection of candy, Ruby Plum, Mrs. J. D. Warwick; best variety of baking front one batch of dough, Mrs. F. Nichol; best variety of baking from cake batch, Mrs. A. Yuill, Mrs. W. Alderson. Judge -W, E. Willis. LADIES' WORK Best collection ladies' fancy work, 6 to 12 pieces, M. Livingstone, H. Gilmour, L. Thuell; embroidered five o'clock cloth in cotton, Mrs. G. E. Mc- Call, H. Gilmour; filet crochet lunch cloth, Mrs, G. Muldoon, Cora Bell; battcnburg cloth, M. Livingstone, Mrs. Muldoon; drawnwork cloth, M. Livingstone; embroidered tray cloth in cotton, I. Strachan, .Mrs. W. H. Alderson; embroidered centre piece in silk, M. Livingstone, Cora Bell; linen centre with cr, chet border, Mrs. Muldoon, M. Livingstone; embroider- ed centre piece in cotton, A. Menzies, Isabel Strachan; embroidered centre, piece in dark linen, Hugh Gilmour, Mrs. A. Yuill, embroidered table set, centre tray and two doilies, A. Men- zies; cloth and six serviettes, A. Menzies, Isabel Strachan; single piece fancy needle work not otherwise list- ed and nut previously exhibited, A. Menzies, M. Livingstone; knitted sweater coat, hand -made, Mrs. R. J. McLachlan, M. Livingstone; embroid- ered Mount Mellick work, M. Liv- ingstone; embroidered Roman, M. Livingstone; embroidered Hardanger, Mrs. R. J. McLachlan; embroidered Wallachain, Mrs. R. J. McLachlan, M. Livingstone; embroidered French beading, A. Menzies, Mrs. G. E. Mc- Call; embroidered shadow, M. Liv- ingstone; embroidered cross stitch', M. Livingstone; embroidered punch, M. Livingstone, Mrs. G. E. McCall; embroidered French or solid, Isabel Strachan, Hugh Gilmour; coronation braidwork, A. Menzies, Mrs. G. E. McCall: Italian cut work, Mrs. Mul- doon; Irish crochet, M. Livingstone; fancy knitting in cotton, M. Living- stone; crochet work in cotton, M. Livingstone, H. Gilmour; crochet work in wool, M. Livingstone; crochet work in silk, Me Livingstone, H. Gilmour; lace, Honiton or Point, M. Living - e; lace, Teneriffe, Mrs. J. D. arwick, Mo. Muldoon; fancy shirt , M. LTvingetone, Isabel Stra- ti; child's fancy dress; M. Living- s; lady's fancy apron, Isabel Hunter, F. M. Davis. I the stomach or chronic eonsti ston Judge -..Walter Rose. Guards against wn' W i a Tr appendicitis. Tllre waist GRAIN impurities it brings out will surprise chi Bushel Spring wheat -Knox Bros.; you. E. TTMBA.CH, Druggist. ston ---7:1111111---_-111Z--_LAMA � TNCORPQ TED 3F$0 Capita! and Reserve $e,000;000 Over 180 Blragches The- Molrsons Bank The Maisons Bank wants every farmer to feel that he has a real friend in the Manager, that he will receive a hearty welcome and can safely discuss with ]rim money needs. BRANCHES IN THIS DISTRICT; - Brucefield, St. Marys, Kirkton Exeter, Clinton, Hensall, Zurich. Strachan, Mre, W. H. Anderson; tatting, M. Livingstone, H. Gilmour; hand -made handkerchiefs, Mrs. R. J. McLachlan, Isabel Strachan; fa underwaist, Mrs. Muldoon, M. L ingstone; beat idea of kitchen ap H. Gilmour, A. Menzies; laundry ba M. Livingstone, H. Gilmour; embro ered tea cosy in eyelet, A. Menzi Mrs, A. Yuill; tea edsy, Mrs. M doon, M. Livingstone; sofa pillo Battenburg, M. Livingstone; so pillow, shadow embroidery, Mrs. Yuill, M. Livingstone; sofa pillo hand painted, Ruby Plum and 2nd; sofa pillow, embroidered in dark lin- en, H. Gilmour, M. Livingstone; sofa pillow in eyelet, Mrs. J. D. Warwick, Mrs. Muldoon; aster and Bsldur em- broidery, Mrs. A. Yuill; table run- ner, in dark linen, H. Gilmour, A. Menzies; half dozen table napkins, initial, Grace Stewart, 14I- Living- stone; fancy work bag, Isabel Stra- chan,- M. Livingstone; crochet table mats, Mgrs, A. Yuill; fancy pin cushion, A. Menzies, M. Livingstone; hand -made baby bonnet, M. Livin stone; bedroom slippers, Mrs. Alderson, M. Livingstone; pair of fancy towels, M. Livingstone, Mrs. R. J. McLachlan; pair of pillow cases, Mrs. R. J. McLachlan, M. Living- stone; set of underwear, M. Living- stone, A. Menzies; night dress with crochet yoke, A. Menzies, Mrs. R. J. McLachlan; bed set of pillow cases and sheets, ce A. Menzies, M. Livin stone.• Judge -M. Start. FINE ARTS Oil Painting -.Landscape, M. Li ingstone, J. G. Speir; marine, W Brigham, M. Livingstone; flowers, Brigham, M. Livingstone; fruit, IVl Livingstone, I,. Brigham; animal lif M. Livingstone, Ruby Plum; portrai M. Livingstone, Ruby Plum. Water Color -Landscape, L. Bri ham, M. Livingstone; marine, Livingstone, L. Brigham, flowers, Livingstone, L. Brigham; fruit, L Brigham, M. Livingstone; animal lif M. Livingstone; portrait, L. Brigham M. Livingstone; crayon drawing blac and white, L. Brigham, M. Living stone; pen and ink sketch, M. Liv ingstone; pencil skeach, M. Living stone, L. Brigham; collection amateu photos, Isabel Strachan; collection o hand painted china, L. Brigham, Mrs. J. H. Galbraith; hand painted tea set, Mrs. Galbraith, L. Brigham; pastel, Mrs. Galbraith, L. Brigham; single piece hand painted china, realistic, L. Brigham, 11. Spier; single piece hand painted china, conventional, Mrs. J. H. Galbraith, Mrs. G. E. Mc- Call. Judges -;Miss Pearl M. Taylor and Miss D. Geddes. FLOWERS AND PLANTS Table bouquet, F. Samis, A. C. Balker; hand bouquet, I, Strachan, Grace Stewart; collection of cut flow- ers, Grace Stewart, Mrs, Warwick; pansies, Isabel Strachan, Mrs. W. Alderson; phlox drummondi, Mrs. Warwick; asters, Mrs. Warwick, A. C. Baeker; stocks, Mrs. Warwick; petunias, 0. 'Turnbull & Sons, Mrs. Warwick; dianthus, Mrs. W. Alderson, 0. Turnbull & Sons; balsams, Mrs. Warwick, T. Miller; gladiolus spikes, B. Cardiff, Cora Bell; Verbenas, 0. Turnbull & Sons, Grace Stewart; Perennial Phlox, Mrs. Warwick; Cockscombs, Mrs. Warwick; collec- tion of sweet peas, Mrs. R. 3, Mc- Lachlan; collection -of Nasturtiums, .Jack Oliver, Grace Stewart; collec- tion of roses, Mrs. R. J. McLachlan, A. C. Baeker; best floral novelty, Grace Stewart Jack Oliver; Geran- ium in pot, red, C. Thuell, Mrs. Warwick; collection Zinnias, Mrs. Warwick, F. Samis; Snapdragon col- lection, Mrs. Warwick; Geranium in pot, white, Grace Stewart, Mrs. War- wick; Geranium, any other, C. Thuell, Mrs. Warwick; Tuberous Be- ; genie, Mrs. R. J. McLachlan, Mra. Warwick; collection of Dahliasy Annie Menzies, Mrs. Warwick; best collection foliage plants (Begonnias and Coleus), Grace Stewart, Mrs.I Warwick; best collection of ferns, ' Mrs. Warwick; best collection potted 4 plants, not less than 6 nor more than. 12, Grace Stewart, Mrs. Warwick;. Fuschia in bloom, Mrs. .Warwick; ncy collection of Geraniums, not leas than iv- 4, potted, Mrs. Warwick; hanging - on, - ron, basket, Mrs. Warwick; Horticultural g, Society prize for best collection of" Id- flowers and plants by one exhibitor. es, Mrs. Warwick; Princess Feather, J- ul- Oliver. w, Judge --W. Hartry. fa CHILDREN'S COMPETITTION A• Boys under 12, bird houses not w, g - w. g - more than 12x18 inches, Jack Oliver, 0. Turnbull & Sons, D. Warwick; best collection of weeds mounted on card- board with common and botanical names, D. Warwick; best collection •of seeds of common weeds, D. War- wick, Lester Thuell; school exhibits, collection to consist of Pansies, As- ters, Sweet Peas, carrots, onions (Dutch Sets), Parsnips, potatoes and white beets, O. Turnbull & Son. SPECIAL PRIZES The Bank of Nova Scotia offers $10. divided -1st, $6; 2nd, $4 for the best horse and buggy owned and driven by a farmer or farmers' son being resident of Grey or Morris,RoySast- ings, W. Taylor, D. McKinnon; The Standard Bank offers $10 for the best exhibits of grade cattle divided: 1st, $5; 2nd, $3; 3rd, $2-.J. M. Knight & Sons, W. Yuill, J. D. Armstrong; Grey Township Council offers three prizes of $7, $5 and $3 for the best baby beeves exhibited at fair. Ex- hibits restricted to persons under iD years of age and residents of Grey. v_ Animals mist he raised and fed is the township -.1. Muses, R. Jacklin, w, A. Smith & Family; A. L. Stewart offers 7.10, divided; 1st, 76, 2nd, $8; e 3rd, $2 for best dairy cow, ...open to t, patrons of Brussels Creamery, A. Lamont and 2nd, J. S. Armstrong; Miss Kathleen Wilton offers 75c, 50e and 25c fur best group of bubbles. M Work open to Room II pupils -Grace Kellington, Dorothy McVettie, Viola e Wilson; Miss Flo. Buchanan offers '75c, 50c and 25c for prettiest Nose- . gay arranged by pupils of primary. _ room themselves -N. Thompson, J. McDowell, W. Rutledge; Geo. Thome- _ son offers 50 lbs. Five Roses Flour ✓ for best two loaves of home-made f bread, W. McInnis; Downing Bros. offers $2 for best collection of •poul- try-Ronnenburg Bros.; W. H. Kerr gives The Post for a year for best two loaves of home-made bread -Mrs. N. McCauley; and The Post for a year for best 3 tbs. butter -Mrs. L, Eckmier; Miss Winnifred Morris of- fers prizes of $1, 75c and 25c for writing -M. Alcock, E. Henringway, M. Jowitt; Women's Institute offers prizes $2.25, $1.75 and $1 for best collection of 6 cookies, 6 drop cakes and single layer cake, light, open to girls under 16 years of age-Berva Cardiff, Mrs. L. Eckmier; A. Strachan offers 72 cash for best oollectdon of Asters -A. C. Baeker; Oliver Turn- hnll offers $5 1st prize, R. J. Hoover 72 2nd prize for best beef animal shown in the grade open class, open to new exhibitors --J. M. Knight & Sons and 2nd; James Fox offers a piece of Limoge China valued at $2' for one winning greatest number of first prizes for flowers -Mrs. J. D. Warwick; Society offers $3 as 1st, and $2 as 2nd prize for ladies' driv- ing contest -„J. 13. Hamilton; W. 3. McCracken offers $2.50 as 1st and $1,50 ns 2nd prize for best two loaves orbread made from Royal Household Flour -J. G. Speir, Mrs. L. Eckmier•r Dr, White offers $1 for best Barre. Rock cockerel and pullet -J. G. Speir, A. McLachlan. M ACTIVITIES OF WOMEN Miss Mahy Banta, of Brooklyn, who " has been a missionary in New York's Chinatown for many years, is connect- ed with the Church of All Nations. Mary Yopp has been stewardess and keeper of keys on Hudson River steamboats for 65 years. Most of the time has been spent on night boats. Do you find yourself unable to sleep well? Are you irritated o small troubles look big ty o you?e Do you start at suudden noises? Are you unable to concentrate long on any one thing? if so, there's something wrong with your nervous system. These are danger signals. DR. MILES' NERVINE— $1.20 will soothe the irritated and overstrained nerves. Just one or two doses totheir normail functions.ature toreGua Guarastore nteed Safe and Sure. Sold in Seaforth by K UMBACH, Phm.B. Where there is a tendency to constipation, you will find Da. Mass Liana Pitts effective in keeping rho bowels open.