HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-09-23, Page 1rA',17177.71^,-
WOO A Yeti Advands
*Less Er0e., Pabliatirel
Big Display of New
Coats for Women.
-NI 2
Extra Special Bargains
This Week
We want every woman to see our wonderful coats
whether to buy or not to buy -come in.
At $20 to $30
We show a range of very attractive coats in pure wool
cloth of Velour, Duveteen, Burberry Tweed.
At $35 to $45
We offer the Finest Plushes and Fur Trimmed Coats
Girls' Coats in all the New Cloths
$12.00 to $16.00
Men's and Women's Raincoats
$7.00 to $15.00
Absolutely Waterproof
The Greig Clothing Co.
West Side Main Street
EXETER FALL FAIR cabbage, jam" "riell; ix*
The enamel fall fair of the Exeter = col. veg les, Robert Sanders, Miss -
Agricultural Society was held on their =
= ee Hogarth; red pepper special, Jas.
eaforth Fair E OSBrien.
Judges -Amos Douse, Wm. Bob-
= inson.
E Apples, fall, C. Truemner, Jetties
gSaltartphtotkasNcjirerkez. Spixes, S. Lull;
eptember - 22 and 23 E Mrs. 'Tames Anders"; Bakiwins-
= James Jeckell; Snows C. Truentner,
spacious grounds on Monday and =
Tuesday of this week, and in aorta Of E.
threatening and unfavenable weather
on Tuesday, the big day, it proved h
distinct Iruccess. It is estimated that =
there were over 5,000 people on the = '
grounds on Tuesday and the greate,THURSDAY and FRIDAY.t g
of interest WWI manifested in the E s
exhibitas ,in the various departments. -
As well as in the hpecial attractions ;-
and seem The indoor department =
this year was the beet in several E
seasons, the only department show-
ing any shortagei being the fruit. -
There was a beautiful display of
dowers, a fine display of ladies' work
and a large and fine showing of roots
and vegetables, while the displays
made by some half dozen or ntore
merchants of the town added mater-
ially to the appearance of the hall.
On Tuesday the exhibits of stock,
aside from the poultry, were fewer in
number than are usually seen at this
fair, but there was nothing the mat-
ter with the quality and in Ghe horse
classe,s, particularly some very tine
animals were shown, while the poul-
try exhibit was by far the largest
and best Exeter has ever had. The
gate receipts amounted to something
over $650, which was a little short
of last year, but considering the day
it was a very satisfactory showing.
The following is the list of the suc-
cessful prize winners:
TE aOtu3r IbusstlfyorcesllebisrantoedloBnlgaecrk pos-
sible. 2 lbs. for 75c is now the
price, and in view of the fact that this tea is now
22% higher in the wholesale market, our advance
of only 12%% is a sacrifice on our part so that we
can still give our customers the best value in tea
we know of. Of the first half ton we sold of this
tea, only one package was returned as unsatisfac-
tory -a wonderful record for any tea. We invite
visitors to Seaforth Fair to stock up with this tea
as it is a wonder for value and is likely to advance
again in price, so we are advised.
Grapes Get your big supply this week,
which seems the most favorable
time, and our prices are right.
HoneyAmple quantity, good quality, low
_ _ , price. Special prices for quantities
We are buyers of LIVE Poultry
every TUESDAY forenoon until
further notice.
F. D. HUTCHISON, The Cash Grocer
General Purpose -Brood mare •ac-
companied by foal, B. Williams, A.
Hooper; foal, foaled in 1921, B. Wil-
liams, A. Hooper; filly on geld-
ing three years old, W. Decker and
second; filly or gelding two
years old, E. LIMA; team, W. Decker,
C. Truemner; diploma for best ani-
mal, any age, W. Decker.
Carriage -Brood mare, accompan-
ied by foal, J. Decker, Jr.; foal foaled
in 1921, J. Decker, Jr.; filly or
gelding three years old, Manson
and Son; filly or gelding
2 years old, J. Decker, Jr., F. In-
gram; filly or gelding, 1 year old, J.
Decker, Jr.; Single carriage horse
nut less than 15.2 hands high, F.
Anderson, C. Prouty; lady driver,
James Green. '
Agricultural -Brood mare accom-
panied by foal, R. Northeott, J. Alli-
ston, J. Ratcliffe; foal, fouled in 1921
A. Campbell, J. Ratcliffe, J. Alliston;
filly or gelding 3 years old, J. A.
Manson & Son; filly or gelding 2 yrs.
old, J, Rowcliffe, B. Williams; filly or
gelding 1 year old, W. McAllister &
Sons, B. Williams; team, W. Brock,
Harvey Bros.; diploma for best ani-
mal, any age, W. Brock.
-Heavy Draught -Brood mare, ae-
companied by foal, W. Pullen, J. Rat-
cliffe, W. McAllister & Son; foal,
foaled in 1921, McAllister & Son, W.
Pullen, J. Ratcliffe; filly or gelding 2
years old, Dr. Moir, J. Rowcliffe, Mc-
Allister & Son; filly or gelding 1 yr.
old, Dr. Moir, W. Pullen; team, Ark-
sey Bros., L. ii. Rader; diploma for
best animal, any age, Arksey Bros.
Roadsters -Brood mare, accom-
panied by foal, 3, Decker, Jr.; foal,
fouled in 1921, J. Decker, Jr.; filly
or gelding 3 years old, W. Decker;
filly or gelding 2 years old, J. Decker,
W. Decker; filly or gelding 1 year
old, W. Decker, J. Alliston, pair
roadsters in harness and buggy, Jas.
Green; single roadster in harness and
buggy. II. Copeland, Arksey Bros., C.
Judge -C. M. McCall.
2.25 Pace, nurse . El
2.15 Pace, purse $150.00 i
Rural and Urban School Children's Parade E_
from Victoria Park at 1.30 p.m., headed by
, Seaforth Band.
Prizes for Drills, Best Appearing School =1 coGrapesNiagara, T. Smale; Con -
rd, T. Sande; Deleware, T. Salute;
Prizes for Best Represented School = Rogers No. 9, T. Snrale; any other
=I variety, Mrs. (Dr.) Sweet; best col -
Children in Parade admitted FREE. F.. lection of grapes, Mrs. McPherson.
Baby Contest under 6 months old
Baby Contest over 6 months & under 18 months F.
Boys 18 years and under judging Horses. i
Autos, etc., 25c. ?...--
J. Fishers Colverts, Jrarnes Shapton,
King of Tompkins, T. Stnale; Cana, . ties a vegetables grownby a, child,
dian Red, C. Truenmer; Wiagnere, C.I competing in School Obildrens'
Truemner; James Shapton; Maiden ' lribit, Charles Acheson. ,
Blush -J. Fisher; Golden Russet, C. Judges -Wm. Coates, Co W. Rob--
Truesnner; Jamess Jeckell; Ontario ingots.
William Dearing.
Anjouline, Mr.
4 winter varieties, Mrs. Mc- Half dozen hemmed handkerchiefs.; •
Pherson; Duchess of s. Mrs. John McDonald; sofa pillow,
Howey, Mrs. T. Brock; Beers Clair- mounted, L. D. Vincent; centerpiece
geau, Mrs. MePhersen; Bell Lucrative in white, L. D. Vincent, Mts. Me-
, Mrs. T. Donald; centrepiece in color, Hermon
Mrs. T. Brock; Sheldon .
Brock; East Beurre, Mrs. T. BVincent, Mrs. McDonatid
rock; Gower; pair hand -worked towels, L. •
Louis Bonne de Jersey, Mrs. T. D. !il
apron, L. Vincent, Mrs. • Mellen -
Brock; Bureau de Anjou, Verne Roul- ald; fancy pin cushion, Mrs. Ida/Mi-
st:in, Mrs. McPherson. ald, L. D. Vincent; crochet work, L.
D. Vincent, Mrs. McDonald; celiac- !
tion fancy articles, L. D. Vincent, ' •
-Mrs. McDonald; button hales, L. D..
Vincent. painting, any object, L. D.
Vincent; pillow cases, L. D. Vincent.,
Judge -Mrs. E. Douglas.
Embroidered tray cloths, Mrs. G.
Passmore, Miss Livingston'Mr. How.:
ey; table linen, Miss Livingston;
lunch cloth, Miss Darling; luncheon.
set, Miss Livingstoh, Miss Darliogs,
lunch cloth, Miss Darling, Mrs. Peas -
more; centre piece, C. Prouty, Miss.
Darling, Miss Livingston; coronation
braid, Miss Darling, Miss Livingston; !
Roman or cut work, Miss Livingston, •
Mrs. Passmore; eyelet, Miss Living- • •.
ston, Mrs. Passmore•, French and eye-
let, Mrs. Huston, Miss Livingston;
punch work, Miss Livingston, Mises
Darling; Wallachia Miss Livingston,
Mrs. Passmore; towels, -Miss Living-
ston, ldiss Darling; sheet and pillow
cases, Miss Livingston, Mrs. Huston;
pillow eases, Mrs. Huston, Miss Darl-
ing; day slips, Mrs. Huston; tea cosy,
-Miss Darling, Mrs. McDonald; hard-.
anger, Mrs. Reynolds, Mrs. McDonald;
Bulgarian Montmellick, Huckaback,
Miss Livingston; modern cross, Milts
Darling, Miss LiVingstOn ; counter-
pane, H. Roweliffe, Mrs. Passmore;
conventional, also table runner, MiS11
Darling; pin cushion. Miss Darling,
Miss Livingston; nightgown, Miss.
Livingston, Mrs. McDonald; lace net-. •
ting, Miss Livingston, Miss Darling;;
tatting, Miss Livingston, Miss Tom,:
Mrs. Passnvire; Battenburg, Mrs:
McDonald, Miss Livingston; Honi-
ton, Miss Livingston, Miss 'Darling; •
Maltese, Miss Tom; crochet tray.
cloth; luncheon set, lunch cloth., ..1.
centerpiece, Miss Darling; pillosr
cs, Miss Darling, Mrs. -Passmore;
covers, Mrs. II. Ford, Miss Living-
ston; towels, Macrame, Miss Living -
tan; yoke, Miss Livingston, Miss J..
Moir; fillet, also Irish, Miss Living-
stone, Miss Darling.; table mats, Miss
Darling,. Mrs. Sweet; centerpiece,
Miss Darling., A. Dougall; serviettes.
Miss Livingston, 'Miss Darling; cor-
set cover, C. Prouty. Miss Darling;
nielltgown, Miss Darling, C. Prouty;
fan.w bag-, also ladies' underwear,
MiSS ',MHO:MOO; infants' jacket,Mrs.
Iteid. Miss 1,0ingAton; bonnet, Miss,
I nekston, Mrs. Passmore, Mrs. H.
Ford; boot Ms. Miss Livingstone;
dress, Miss Livingston, Mrs. Reid;
thread work, Mis, Livingston, C.
Prouty; hankerchiefs, Miss Living -
Mrs. Sweet; collar and cuff set,
Miss Livingston, Mrs. Reid; fancy-
, Mrs. H. Ford, Mrs. Sweet;
If didior cap. Miss Tom, Miss Darling;
camisole. Mrs. Dore, Miss Darling;
fancy bag, MiSS Livingston, Miss •
Toni; laundry bag, Miss Darling,
Miss Livingstone; bead work, Mrs. -
Dere, Mrs. Sweet; child's dress, Mist
Livingston, Mrs. Reid; table runner,
Mrs. Passniare, TT. R.)vicliffe; pillow,
mounted, Mrs. Reynolds, Miss Darl-
ise; washable, Miss Darlind Mrs.
Reid; library set, Miss Darling; !
• rving. tray, Miss Darling; man's
rislo. shirt. MIS. Reid; man's work.
• Miss Living -stone, Miss Darl-
ing; kitchen apron. Mini; Livingstone,.
Mrs. Sweet.: rochet, wool, sweater,
Miss Darling; scarf. Mrs. MePhers
son; slippers, Miss Tom, Mrs. Reid;•
underskirt, Miss Darling, Miss Tom;
knitted sweater. Mks Livingstone, C.
Prod y; scarf, T.. D. Vincent; nap, • L.
D. VOICOtii: Slipp,,rs. Miss Living-
s -Ions. Hector RowdifTe; underskirt„,
-Ws, Livingstone, Miss Tom; knit -
0.3 ladies' mitts. Miss Tom, MiSE,
Darling; men's mitts, Miss Tom, Miss
()aiding; socks, Miss Darling, Miss
Moir; stocking,, Mins Moir; hooked
rilg. C. Trii--riner. Mrs. McDonald; ti
pair window curtains, Miss Tom.,Mias...
Livingstone; slumber rug, Miss I:WI- -
ing, Mrs. Reynolds; down or wool
comforter, Mrs. McDonald, Mrs. 3..
Reid; quilt, patched, cotton, Mrs. A.
Coxworth, Miss Darling.; quilt, patch-
ed, silk, Miss Tom, Miss Darling;•-:'
quilt. knitted, Miss Tom, Miss Darl-
ing; woven mat, Mrs. H. Ford.
Madeline Dewing, John Morgan; gob
den glow, Obas: Acheson; zins
Laing Bros., John Morgan; shed
barley ---. John Morgan; sheaf oats,
John Morgan; apples, snows, •John
Morgan; spies, John Morgan; Kings,
John Morgan; Greening', Jobe Mor-
gan; Talamn Sweet, John florlIn0b,
pears, John Morgan- "
Best display of vegetables grow*
by school children open to tar
school, John Morgan, Huroodale,
eter school, Chas. Acheson.
Special, J. Senior; best ten varies .
Ladies' Hitching Contest, Etc., Etc.
Special Exhibit of the Great Central Experi-
mental Farm of Grain, Sheafs, and Eggs.
Children, 15c
Treasurer. Secretary.
Adults, 25c -
GEO. McKee
cr. an
red P
C. St
0. V.
p), J
& So
(cr a
2 fl
d p), McCullough & Son; Bar- Dearing, Mrs. Reynolds; Floral de-
lymouth Rocks, (c, h, cr and p) sign, J. Ferd 1st and 2nd; Bride's
atham, McCullough & Son; A. bouquet, W. Abbott, J. Ford; novelty
Plymouth Rocks, (c, h, cr and cut flowers, Mrs. Reynolds, W. Thar -
McCullough & Son and 2nd; ing; Marigolds (special) Miss Ilynd-
e Wyandottes, tc) McCullough man. ,
n, E. Horney, (h) E. Horney, Judge --Dr. Sweet.
llough & Son; (cr and pi F. FINE ARTS •
e, McCullough & Son; S. Cs Painting, landscape, Miss Living -
e Island Rel', c, h, cr and p), ston, Mrs. Dore; painting figure; Mrs.
llough &. Son• any other var- Dore Miss Livingston; painting fruit
Wyandottes tc) Staham and 2nd, , iswess Miss Livingston, Mrs,
nd pp, E. 'Homey -and 2nd; Buff
John McDonald; watercolor, Pand-
orns (c), C. Statham, J. Jewell,
scape, Mrs. Dore ls-t and 2nci; figure,
J. Jewell, C. Statham, (cr, and p)
Mrs. Dore 1st and 2m1; fruit or
Heywood and 2n,1; White Leg -
flowers, Miss Livingston; Sepia
s, (h, er mid p 1 , (:. Heywood and painting, Mrs. Dore 1st and 12nd;
A. 0. V. Leghorns (c, h, er
sketch Huron county, J. Senior 1st
p), 0. Heywood, J. W. Hearn; and 2nd crayon, Miss LivingSton,
n Legli,s (c, h, er and pi, W.
Mrs. Dore; pencil sketch, Mrs. Dore.
'Mg; 1.11,!.; Minorcas, (e, h, cr mis, Livingston; „01. photos, J.
pl J. S. e • on and 20,1; A ndalus-
Senior, 11-1. Senior; photos, J. Senior
(c, h. cr, W. Dearing; Anemias
tst and 2nd• amateur photos. M.
r. Hsu's, J. Hearn, (h) .1.
rn, P. 11,-.,-n, (cr and p)„I. Pol-
and '2ffl, S. S. liamburgs, C.
ham 2 li, -%s and one second; Mc-
ough & S m 2 firsts and three
nds; Can.mnes, silver, IVIe . 1-
h & Si-, .1 first and 2nd; B. B. of stamps, Verne Roulston, Mis. 514' -
(lam". Acheson, 2 first and 2 Pherson...
nds; A. ii V. Game, C. Statham,
rats and 2 seconds; Bantams, MANUFACTURES & IMPLEMENTS
e, S. Sii, ders 1st and 2n3, C. Domestic cloth, W. W. Taman, W.
esen 104 ,A and; A. 0. V. Bant- E. Darling; wool flannel, Tdrs. Dar! -
w. Bo, len, 4 first..1 and 1 sec- ing; wool blankets, Southcott Bros.;
, E. J. 11.•:'vey, 3 seconds; Houd- 1 wool yarn, Miss Tom, Miss Darling;
, C. Slat:, :in (c, h, cr and p) and rag carpet, Miss Tom; sewing ma-
; Red ra•,,, FL Rowcliffe (e, h, cr chines, pianos, S. Martin & Son;
pi, W. B.,wden; Sumatra Game. I stuffed birds, Mrs. Sweet 1st and 2ini;
h, er 4,' . 15). 11. Roweliffe and I tailored suit, W. W. Taman, South-
; Chante• -ar, (c and 11) H. Row- 1 cott Bros.; general goods. Southcott
e and 2e.7. While Rocks, (c, h, cr) Bros.; furnishings, W. W. Taman,
Rowcliffe ,nd 2nd. I Southeott Bros.; col, boots and shoes,
urkeys Bronze Turkeys, (c, II, I Southeott Bros.; -factory tweeds, as-
, W. 130, :en and 2nd. I Sortment of tweeds, W. W. Taman;
Geese ----Te ,:eouse geese, (e. and h), i ladies' and gent's boots, Southcott
Bowden ..nd 2nd. Bros.
Ducks -Re ien ducks, (c and h), C. 1 Specials -Wall paper, Southentt
IIOM1101'. W Bowden; Belgian Rab- 1 BtOs.; phonograph, W. Powell, 1st
s C Ael.-son; any other variety and 20,1. parlor soite and dining suite,
-M. E. Gardiner; separator, B. S. Phil-
Peaches -Crawford, T. Smale; any
other variety, James Jeckeil, C.
Judge -H. E. Houston.
Miscellaneous --Best collection can-
ned fruit, Mrs. McPherson; best. col.
of -honey, E. Haberer; honey in comb,
E. Haberer; honey in jar, E. Haberer;
bottled pickles, George Etherington,
Mrs. McPherson; col. canned vege-
tables, Mrs. McPherson; horne-made
buns, Mrs. J. Anderson, Misses Ho-
g,arth; home-made bread, Mrs. An-
derson, Gar1ie10 Thomson; col. of
eakes, 0. Thomson; cured ham, Wm.
Dearing; assortment of cured meats,
Wm. Dearing.
Judges -1.. M. Jeckell, L. J. El-
Five lbs. butter, Misses Hogarth,
Mrs. 11. C. Ford; ten lbs. butter, Mrs.
Ford, George Etherington; niost neat-
ly arranged plate of butter for table
use, Misses Hogarth, Mrs. Ford.
Judge -W. 0. Medd.
Mangolds, yellow, Garfield Thomp-
son, Laing Bross white mangolds,
Andrew Dougall, Wm. Ford; globe
mangolds, Robert Gardiner, long red
mangolds, John Morgan; turnips, An-
drew Dougall, John Morgan; water
'melon, Wm. Ford; pumpkins, John
Morgan, Wm, Fraser, Garfield
Thompson; pie pumpkins, Males
Aoheson, Thos. Collingwood; toma-
toes, Wm. Ford, Laing Bros., Wil-
liam Fraser; onion sets, Laing Bros.,
Madeline Dearing, Wm. Fraser;
onions, R. Gardiner, R. Gardiner;
whBe beans, Laing, Bros., Edgar
Rundle, Wm. Fraser; beans in pod --
Madeline nearing, Wm. Fraser, T.
Collingwoorl; cucumbers, John Mor-
fotti C Acheson, Robt. Gardindr;
Senior, W. Andrew; col. photo views
• ' nokk he -
3. Senioi
r, M. Senior; pen anti nmelons, Wm. Ford. Ac
k son; citrons, Chas. Acheson, (1711sketch, G. Heywood 1t and 2nd;
Morfran• table squash Charles Ache -
paint ing on china, Mrs. A. Merher- „1 end. 11',,b1,„,1 h
son both realistic and conventional;
Chas. Acheson 1st' and 2ral; summer
sluash, C. Acheson 1st and 'bid;
,,l 0! of coins, Mrs. McPherson; eel.
den Bantam corn. 1' id Stewart, Her-
man Gower, C. Acheson; white corn,
Madeline Dearing, John Morgan.
Chas. Acheson; pep corn, T. Coiling -
wood; beets, Win. Fraser, C. Ache-
son. Robert Gardiner; carrots, T. Col-
lingwood, IlertMin Gower, Charles
Acheson; lettuce, Mrs. W. Ilewey.
Charles :),cheson.
Honey display -Honey \cam --W.
Abbott ; 111 lbs. honey -W. Abbott.;
col. honey- -W. Abbott; honey in
comb -.W. Abbott.
Son Flowers, Robert Gardiner,
PelVt•IRobert Gardiner; po-
tatoes: Irish Cobbler. Edgar Rundle,
Ilerman Gower. John Morgan ;
Green Mountail, - T. Co i ngwood.
lloaring, Wm. Fraser,
cellery, Madeline Dearing; hammer
handle, Herman GOWCY, (;111114.1.1
T7011111tiOn;'Aerop1ane, Hermon Gower;
red onions, 1"ri.S1 Stewart, John MOT -
gar), Fred Stewart; peppers, Mrs. W.
llowey lot and 2n3; parsnips, Robert
Go -liner; yellow (14fgs - Andrew
Ca Edgar Rundle, Garfield
Thompson; white egp..s, Garfield
'fhompson. Folfrai• Rundle, William
Bowden; .i.ar preserves -John Mor-
gan. Mmleline Dearing; bread, 0.
Thompson, John Morgan; collect ion
w vol, Garfield Thompson; collection
of ifnives-Wilfred Allan, Grant, San-
ders, 0. S. Howard; writing, Robert
(ardiner, R. 1). Hunter, Chas. Ach,,-
apple pie, John Morgan; school
lunch. John Morgan 1st. and 20d; host
dressed cioll, Madeline Dearing, .1.
'Morgan, G. S. Howard; plain hand
sewing, patch work, R. D. Hunter,
Fred Stewart; crochet. hand hag, R.
D. Hunter; crochet work, R. D. limi-
ter, 0. S. Howard; school, collection
pickles, John Morgan; school cake,
John Morgan; hemstitching (n
Ilandkerehief, G. S. 1-Rowarri; plain
hand sewing, G. S. Howard, 1s1, 2nd.
f3rd; col. stamps. 0. S. Howard; col.
of 63 varieties of wcrod grown in
Huron County. 0. S. Howard; insects,
G. S. Howard; asters, C. Acheson,
Beaver Bros.. Mndeline Dearing;
phlox, Madeline Dearing; sweat peas,
.Madeline nearing; nasturtiums. Laing
Bros., John Morgan, Madeline Dear-
ing; geranium, Madeline Dearing;
balsams, Beaver Bros., Madeline Dear-
ing, John Morgan; dahlias, William
Fraser. and 2n3, Madeline Dearing;
cabbage, John Morgan; corn stalk,
John Mergan; hest box, John !Morgan;
wood mallet, John Morgan; gladioli,
Shorthorn -Aged cow, H. Smith &
2nd; one-year..old heifer, II. Smith
and 2nd; heifer calf, 11. Smith and
2nd; bull calf, H. Smith and 2nd,
John Pringle & Son; bull, two years
and over, H. Smibh; diploma for best
animal, any age, 11. Smith.
Herefords- Aged cow, William
Ford; bull calf, William Ford; di-
ploma for best animal, any age, Wm.
Holsteins --Aged cow, S. J. Hog-
garth; diploma for best animal, any
age, S. J. Hoggarth.
Grades -Aged cow, Wm. Ford, W.
Abbott; heifer calf,, George Brock,
William Essery, G. Fenhale; Isteer
calf, Coates, Wm. Esssry
and 3rd; Diploma for best animal,
any age, William Coates.
Judge -William Charters.
Dorset Horned -Aged ram, shearling
ram, ram lambs, W. C. Pierce took
all 'the prizes in this class.
Shropshiredowns-J. A. Manson &
Son took all the prizes in this class.
Oxfords -John Pringle took all the
prizes in this class.
Lincolns -G. Penhale took all the
prizes in this class.
Leicester -Wm. McAll.ister & Sons
took all the prizes in this class.
One pen of long wool sheep to con-
sist of 1 ram, 1 year or over; 1 ewe,
1 shearling ewe, 1 ewe lambs, G.
Judge -Robert Bell.
Moving Sale
Sept. 15 to 24
Ordered Suits and Overcoats
Imported Serges, Indigo Blue $28.00
Imported Tweeds . . . . . .$20.00
Imported Overcoatings $28.00
10 per cent. Discount during Sale.
'...aaer..1.....tagr;aela.s.i,i-Idt• •
rabbits, C Acheson; collection of
Pigeons, C. Heywood, E. Ilaist.
Fall who , Con. Trucinner, Gar-
field Thom, n; 6-rotved barley. C.
Truemner; ..f. hite oats, C. Truenmer;
Merchant's 'lour, Harvey Bros., 1st ! T. Collingwoocl; C. Truemner; Green
and 2nd; e ite beans, C. Truemner; • Mountain -Mrs. L.. Reynolds, C. True.
clover seel C. Truemncr; ensilage inner; Early Rose, Mrs. 1.. Reynolds,
corn, Janie-, A.hapton; pop corn, (spe- 1 Mrs. McPherson; any other variety
ctal), Thoo ,s Houlden; small peas, potatoes, William Fraser, (7. Tnicin-
C. Truenim .. ner; three varieties of potatoes, J.
Blood Beets -J. II. Grieve; globe
.Hegonias tuberous, Wm. Dearing; bee,ts S. J. Hogarth, E. Ilaberer;
Begonias. :\ Dougall; -Ferns„T. Ford, cog's; beets lames Shapton William
Dearing; s-ii,g.ar beet mango'his, Wm.
1st and 21:I; Foliage, .TN.Hunter, J. '
Ford; Geramums, J. Ford; hanging Dearing. C. Trnemner; long man -
basket, .1. Yard, W. Dearing; collcc- golds, Wm. nearing, globe mangolds,
tion flower:: in pots, .7. Ford; novelty Wm. Dearing; intermediates, G. Pen-
in potted p fnts, A. Dougall, .T. Ford. hale, Laing Bros.; early horn carrots,
1 ITT FLOWERS a S. J. gogarth, B. S. Phillips; Nantes,
Asters, .1 Cottle„L FordrDahlias, S. J. Hogarth, Laing Bros.; long
Berkshiire-,Boar, two years old and J. Cottle, Wm. Fraser; Dahlias, cao- orange or red carrots, James O'Brien,
over -W. C. Pierce; boar under one tus, J. Cotil,, Miss I -lynch -nen; dahlias 1 Cottle• sweet. corn, F. Delbridge,
year, Dawson Bros., W. C. Pierce; bouquet .1 Cottle W. Dearing; Dahl- Wm. Fraser; Indian corn, Laing 13ros.
sow, one year old and under two- ias display. 11. Smith, .7. Decker, .Tr., Mrs. H. Ford; Bantam corn, T. Houl-
W. C. Pierce, Dawson Bros.; sow -Gladiolus, Miss Hyndman; Nasturti- den. Wm. Dearing; water melons, J.
;under one year, Dawson Bros. and ums, Mrs. Huston, Mrs. L. Reynolds; Decker, Jr., W. J. Ford; pumpkins,
2nd. Carnations. W, Dearing, Mrs. L. Rey- B. S. Phillips, (;. Truemner; squash,
Tamworth -Boar under one year, nolds; Priiitlian, Mrs. Reynolds, J. Sid Sanders, A. Dougall; muskmelons,
.T. A. Manson & Son; SOW, two years Cottle, Phlex Drummondi, J. Cottle, Wm. Dearing, Mrs. Wm. Ford; Swede
Old and over, J. A. Manson & Son; W. Dearing-; Coxcombs, Mrs. Rey- turnips, William Ford, C. Truemner;
sow under one year, J. A. Manson & nolds, W. Dearing; Stocks, J. Cottle, insides, William Ford, C. Truemner;
Son and 2n3. Mrs. Reynolds; sweat peas, Mrs. Jas. hale; peck of tomatoes, Wm. Fraser,
Judge-Oharles Harvey. Anderson; Verbenas, J. C.ottle, Mrs, Mrs. Wm. Ford; citrons, round,. Sid
POULTRY Reynolds; Zinnia* J. Ford, J. Cottle; Sanders, Robert Sanders; citrons,
Dark Brahamas„ (c) H. Rowcliffe, beat basket, J. Ford, best arrange- long, James Shapton, C. Truemner;
(h) H. RoWeliffe, (et) J. Yelland, rnent for dinner table, Mrs. Reynolds, persnips,J. Cottle; Hubbard squash,
II Rowcliffe (p) H. Roweliffe, J. Mrs. H. C. Ford; Annuals... e, J. G. Yelland; table squash, .1. G. Yel-
Yelland; Silver Grey Dorkings, (c, Pansies, Mrs. Reynolds; Balsams, Wm land, Mrs. Hogarth, four heads of
Empire State potatoes. S. J. TI' -
earth, .1. 11. Grieve; Rurnl New
Yorkers .1. IL Grieve; Irish Cobblers,
3. J. Millar -$13 for the best foals
from Dandaleith Diamond -J. Rat-,
eliffe, A. Campbell, J. Ratcliffe, J.
Allisten; J. J., Merner, M.P., -45.00'
for the hest. Durlism bull, any age --
IL Smith; W. S. Cole---Mazor, for,
best grade heifer calf -Geo. 13,rocks-
A. Paul --picnic ham, value $8, for,:
best pen of bacon hogs-Davirsois
Bras.; John Taylor -$10 for the best. !
cockerel, any breed -F. Boyle; J. IL
Grieve, $1.50 for the best old Mrd,..
and 51.50 for best 1921 chick, light
breed-Quance and Statham-, baby,
beef competition, Usborne,
Essery and 2n4 and 8rd, and Sweep-.
7-• s ^ ",;•-• s