HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-10-21, Page 8sturdy Shoes are made to nd roost any sort of service. Pliable, Black or Tan Leath- , Full double eath,;;Fu'il'double sole through to the Waterproofed. With or with - 'A; toe cape. 'Meese Shoes embody every feature ,strong shoemaking, They're put ether for keeps! „Let us sell you your Work Shoes. he0 for ler nAeasi'bYe myy ,.j' qrd o hioul leda ever: opt 1te€ore. thorn in gees 'precept sad exam 1e Tt, V* her faithful .teaebting fever the ()+. 1�,.• ` Bok of Books that 'leaks made their lives well worth, While on the 'honor - Second Growth ^the able side of the intellectual. and toad- sm on i positor was given a • t of 'very. MRS worlds. Mrle Atkinson wits an nice potatoes this weals hi Mrs, Weis a Off Pl'aTY wife and mother. She was Cameron, which were g'ro'wn in their vise of whom the children and grand - garden on North maw 'street, . These .children will "rise up and oa11 her potatoes were a second growth crop blessed." She was in arch 1;055a881,°9,planted on July 28th, and were taken of het faculties until t o years ago up On October 18th. They were a- as to be able to hold the Presidency nice size, well formed and a good of the Ladies' Aid of the church of cooking 'po'tatoe, the first crop Of the which She was many years a anember. same having taken first prize at the About Christmas, 1919, shehad a Seaforth Fall Fair this year. slight stroke. On April 9th, 1920, y,. -Apposite Expositor Office-- Premier Meighen In Aeaforth.—Rt. Hon. Arthur Meighen, Prince Min- ister of Canada, was in Seaforth far a few minutes on Wednesday morn - rig un his way to Clinton and Gode- rich. He arrived un the 11 o'clock train from the east to which his car was attached, and spent a few min- utes on the statiun platform greeting his frienda.esnd supporters. A num- ber from Seaforth attended the Premier's meeting in Clinton that efterne un. Mission Workers.—The Little Help- ers' :yjssion Band of the leginondviile church field its Thankoffering meet- ing last Saturday aftcrn•un, and was well attended. Mrs. (Dr.) Larkin wee present and addressed the Band in her usual interexting and practical manner. A splendid programnte was rendered by the members of the Band, and Miss Margaret Finlayson, of Kippers, pleased the audience with her solo. Choruses were given by thirty voices and a delightful pro- griennie was brought to a (+lose ani a social hour spent when lunch was served. The offering amounted to al- most ten dollars. SEE WINDOW The Olympia Restaurant and Ice Cream Parlor IN'T THROW YOUR D CARPETS AWAY They make new reversible "Velvetex" Rugs Send for Velvetex Folder 29. CANADA RUG COMPANY, LONDON, ONT. STRATFORD, ONT. The leading Commercial School of Western Ontario, a school where you can get thorough courses under competent in- structors in Commercial, Short- hand and Telegraphy Depart- ments. Students get individual instruction and may register at any time. Graduates are as- sisted to positions. Get our free catalogue. G. W. V. A. Notes.—The club pur- pose holding a mask dance for Hal- lowe'en on Thursday, October 27th, invitations will nut be sent the club members; others must bring their in- vitations for identification purposes. The club has secured the Wingh'am she had a more serious one which left her helpless, and from' which she - Lapeene, of Saginaw. and Mr. and never recovered. She spent a quiet the Collegiate staff, spent tete week M. George Atcheson, of Stratford, day, and had just been retired for the end at her hxine in Granton. --414.m. were here attending the funeral of, night by her faithful she • un , Miss Sarah ,Sutheltl'end, who was visiting her the late J. J. .Ryan, -411r. Thomas Moeloy, when parents here, has returned to her Steet, of Meaford, was visiting his quietly and peacefully slipped otodly, away, home in Owen Sound. She was ac- mother in IEgrnondville this week.— like the shadows in the deepening twilight. Mother is gone. All who conrpanied by her mother, Mrs. J. Mr. Sydney Py'per, of Hamilton,is a M. — fson•-third. Percy Legg and guest at the 'home of his uncle, Mr. knew her loved her, and will mise her, eon, of Goderich, are the guests of , J. W Beattie. --Mies Celia Hora i, of the unspoken word, the secret desire, eternity will reveal the effect Mr. and Mrs". Mex. MoGavin.—Mr, Winghaan, spent the week end at her theand M114. Andrew Archibald and fan- home here.—Mrs. G. T. Turnbull was the upward longing, the noble aspir- ily, of London, spent the week end visiting friends- in Stratford last anon, the tender devotions of a Pure at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. week.—The Barbara Kirkman Mission upright heart. Her epitaph is written B d f First PresbBterian Church, in her deeds. Her surviving children are her monument, She needs no cold stone to tell her story. Her re- ward is with Him who will judge us all according to the light we have received, and who will reward each of us according to the deeds done through the body. In her decease many will feel the loss of a true friend. She was a friend indeed to ell in need. Many, when down and out, who called at her door, received a sumptuous portion, and they can never forget the wholeeheaited, lib- eral giver. Mr. Atkinson, though in his 79th year, survives her. For him how still the house, how lonely will be the passing hours, how empty the life that once she filled. May the God of all comfort fill and satisfy the aching void. We extend our heart- felt sympathies to him and all the bereaved.—One who knew her. For Salo. --.Realer canaries. Apply to Mix. William Piper. 2810x2 For Sale. Stove, self feeder. Apply to C. pruhestra, which comes highly ra E. Alexander, John Street. 2609-H commended. Lunch will be served by Far cafe.—For ,ale ono and calf. Apply he Ladies' Auxiliary, and the prices to Fred Robinson. or phone 20 on 160, Sea - ill be $1.50 for gentleman and lady, forth2907a1-tf cents for extra lady. —The Ladies' Auxiliary of the 'Sub held a very successful euchre n the club roonvs on Wednesday vening, whist 152 members enjoyed very pleasant evening's entertain- ent. The winners of the ladies' size was Miss L. Neilands, and the entlerrran's prize was won by Mr. rank Devereux. 4 � Sunshine Mission 1{and.—The regu- ar monthly meeting of the Sunshine ission Band was held on Monday fternoon last, when a most inter - sting programme was given by the ire Guides. Miss Margaret Grieve ad a very complete paper on "The ndia of To -day," and this was fol - owed by a prayer for India by Miss Jean Lowery. Miss Jean Stewart ead a splendid paper on "The China f To -day," and Miss Irene Patter - on took the Scripture lesson. Very retty choruses were rendered by wo patrols and Miss Mildred Tum- uli very ably sang a sweet and suit- ble solo. A most interesting fea- ure took place when after a short address by Mrs. Larkin, a certificate .f life membership in the Women's issionary Society was presented to rs. Brodie by Miss Margaret Stew- art on behalf of the Mission Band. he :meeting then eloseci with the -inging of the Girl Guides' prayer. CroBER 91st ,:: Trile hp apt Abe n41C oORATION±S and ikI'r6.114VPAntesS od.>�l ¢* ,reoeah guest• l the , ! DonaeY, viathria Street; -I Is' 'c11 ►e Rankin,- of Exeter, apdnt Sandfly , nt his }lone 'here.— (Mr . Ryerson Mar told, of London, ,spent, Sunday at the Monro of his father, Mr. Wins, H,artry.-41r's. Allen and two daughters, Of Saelcnt- ohewan, are guests et the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. M4Laren.--lMr. and Mas. R. H. Modelsnd are visit- ing at the home of their daughtey', Mrs., R. Henderlson, in St. M'aryyd.-- Mrs, Thomas Ryan, Dublin; %lies JAMES WATSON Main Street - Seaforth Agent for Singer Sewing Machines, and General In- surance Agent. J o F • DAL Y Jeieler a n d Optician. Issuer Marriage Licenses SEAFORTH - ONT. Victory, Govern- ment and Muni- cipal Bonds Bold at current rates and deliver- . ed free of expense. Re 8. HAYS, SEAFORTH, ONT. 1178-tf Thanksgiving Dinner.—The ladies of the Methodist Ohurch will held their annual Thanksgiving dinner on the evening of Thanksgiving Day, November 7th. 2810-1 House For Sale.—An 8 -room frame house, with electric lights, good cellar. good garden. Reasonable terms. Apply to Mrs. John Sclater, High Street. - 280902 Matinee at the Strand Saturday at 3.30 p.m. Let every child in Seaforth from 6 to 60, see the wonder picture, "Black Beauty.•' Price, for the matinee --Adults, 150, children toe. 2810x1 Furniture repairerd or upholstered. Fall sump!. showing Tapestry 50 inches wide from 02.50 a yard up. Re -setting ,lpringa in couches;, chairs, etc., our specialty. Chas. Holme.. 2708-4 Death of Mrs. Joseph Atkinson.— The sun had set; the shadows ,had aded away in the darkness of the telt, Sunday, October 16th, the day rs. Joseph Atkinson, of Fgntond- ille, quietly and peacefudyy passed out of the gloaming of life's eventful .ay, into the glories of the light be- ond; well ripened, in her 80th year. r. Joseph Atkinson and Mrs. Isa- ella Atkinson are well known citizens f Huron, Wentworth and Ontario ,,ounties. They celebrated their gold - n wedding some years ago. Their ater years were spent in the town - hip of Tuckersmith, Huron,. County, ash year they sold their farm and oved to Egmondeille. Mrs. Atkin - .on was the mother of seven children. ive survive her. The eldest, William, s a graduate of Chicago School of uctioneering. He is now one of the eading auctioneers arnbng farmers of he Chilliwack Valley, B.C., and is very highly esteemed by the Hindu as well as the Canadian farmers. James olds the degree of B.B.A. Was the old medalist of his class; a graduate of the Guelph Agricultural College. or some years be was Professor of Agronomy in the Iowa State College, ater he was one of the active editors of the Iowa Homestead, of which for some years he was Editor and Chief. wring the war he was a Government evert inspector of army horses. He s now a resident of Los Angeles, Cal., nd engaged in contracting, building nd house furnishing. Elizabeth is he wife of Rev. J. Thomas Wilhide. She has been actively engaged, with her husband, in Mission and Rescue ork hi Australia and New Zealand for the past twenty yeasts. They are now on their way to Palestine and India, but will winker in 'Toronto. Rhoda is the wife of Mr. Andrew Mc- Lellan, a well known and highly re- spected farmer of Perth County. At - red Is a gradute of Guelph Agricul- tural College, He is now the Presi- dent of the Montana State College. He was food controller during the war, under Mr. Hoover; for Montana State.Margaret, deceased, was the red wife of John Met/alien, a well farmer of the 8th concession of . Tuokertm>.ith.. He is one of the elders of the Presbyterian church in Egnlondvilic. John deceased, con- ducted a enccess!fei 'bakery business in Chicago for some years,, though otpaisuffering front the serious .handicap tie t111indnese i'a:acing over the st the dhs are* n (+find they' U�gyiiid� ^ m r haloes - i• rkhei `Elm upon , tetltrlis of 1ler children, 9 'th M 1 Mrs. Lawson and an 0 with Mrs. W. Mater vpmber.—Mrs. E. J. Box has returned ml eras r, and r . intend holding a Bazaar early in,No- . C t'ar, daughter and Miss ter, of Auburn t Sunday spec un ay —,Mies Sparks was in Toronto on from a visit with relatives in Port . • Monday.—tMr. and M rs. R. H. Sproat spent. Sunday with friends in Mit- chell.-'tMrs. J. FI. McFatnl, who has been the guest of 11 es. L. L. McFaul, let on Satur y fur Detroit. -,Miss Florence 'Few r is visiting her bro- ther, Mr. Henry' Fowler, in London. —Mr. Fred Larkin, ef Windsor, spent the week end with his parents at the Manse.—iMr. R. H. Archiibald, principal of the 1,istowel Collegiate, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Archiibald on Saturday. -=,The Misses Bertha and Nettie Chesney, of 'Puck- ersmith, are spending the week end with friends in Toronto.—The annual Thankoffeeing meeting of the Wo- men's Missionary Society of First Presbyterian church, will be held on Tuesday afternoon, October 25th, at three o'clock, and will be addressed by Mrs, R. A. Lundy, of Kippen.— Mr. and Mets. F. I,. Creighton, of Sarnia, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Creighton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirk, in Tuckerernith. —Mr. and Mrs. W. Stoddart spent Sunday with friend, in Zurich—Mrs. A. F. Cluff and daughter, Miss Ruth, and son, Jimmie, spent the week end at Mrs. Cluff's Koine in Woodstock. .—Mr. Harry !Martin is making ex- tensive improvements to the residence of the late Mrs. Mallett, south of the track.—Mr. LA'alie Marshall, of Hamilton, is visiting at .the home of Mr. J. S. Welsh.—In our report of the McKillop Fair last week the name of Mrs. Jan 's Kerr was omit- ted from the lint of judges,—Mr. and Mrs, G. C. Kerley, of Brighton, motored up and spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Crich and other friends: 'Miss Mabel Hiuser spent the week end with Clinton and Goderich friends, — For Armistice Stop! Look! Listen! The Barbara Kirk- man intend holding a monster nezaar and supper. When? Next month, November. They have just what you are wanting. Watch for further notice. 2810-1 Accounts Due. Having renderel our ac- counts, we will expect a prompt seiilement as we require allour funds this m•rith. You will kindly let us have amount either note or cath. Respectfully yours. ieorve A. Sill: & Son, Seaforth. 2800-2 How about cattle salt? Let us book your orders now. We also carry a full line of flesh up-to-date grocerim and our prices are rip ht. Your order will be appreciated. W. M. Stewart, Flour, Feed, Groceries and Fro• 2810-1 to Feathers.—The Dominion Feather and Mat- tress Co. are in Clinton and making your old feather bed into the ten roll sanitary mattress or down comforter, They also buy old or new feathers. Drop a card to Clin- Buren.—The Dominion Stores Ltd., who have a chain of grocery stores throughout Canada, have opened a attire in the Campbell Bookk on Main street.—Mr. and Mrs. G. F. S. Garden are visiting with friends in Toronto. —Miss Margaret Pinkney and Miss Colson, of Stratford, spent Sunday with friends in town.—Mrs. Benerose, who has been the guest of her sister, Mns. W. E. Southgate, Sr., for same weeks, left on Friday last for her home in Toronto. ---There was a par- tial eclipse of the moon on Sunday evening last, which was visible until after eight o'clock.—The Seaforth Collegiate basketball team defeated Clinton at the annual games of the latter institute on Friday last by a score of 8-7. The baseball team also defeated Clinton by a score of 14-5. In the evening the Seaforth students were entertained et an "at home" in the Clinton town halal.—The annual convention of the Epworth League of the Goderich District, will be held in the Ontario Street Methodist church, Clinton, on Wednesday next, October 26th. There willbe three and sessions, morning, afternoon evening.—!Miss Julian Kenny, of Dublin, is at present visiting her sister, Mrs. C. Eckart.—,Miss Mar- jorie Nolan, who is teaching in Rostock, spent the week end at her home on the Huron Road, east of Seaforth. ton and our agent will call. 2606-0 The young people of the Eirmondville church purpose holding a Halloween Social in the Egmnndville school house, Monday. October 31.at The programme will consist of solos, Cued, quartette, instrumentals and Hal- loween games to commence at 8 o'clock. Lunch will be served. Admission 10 and 15c. 2810-2 For Salo. --6,000 Tulip bulbs (mixed) not graded, price 60c per dozen f.o.b. These Tully' are the best in the land. They were originally brought in New York from the largest bulb importers in the world direct' from Holland. They are the Single Early Tulip, the double early Tulip, the Cottage Tulip. the Old Dutch Breeder Tulip, the Rembrandt Tulip, the Darwin Tulip, also some Perennial plants lie each. Wm. B. McLean, Egmondviile. 2807-tf The Late John J. Hurley. — The death of the late John J. Hurley, a re- spected resident of the town, occurred', at his residence on Chalk Street, on Friday, October 14th inst., after a long illness. The late Mr. Hurley was born in Walpole, Ont., 59 years ago, and moved with his parents, two brothers and one sister to Kansas, where his father took up land. Later he was educated in Washington, where he held a government position for eighteen years.' He then return- ed to Brantford, where his mother now resides, and took cop a position as commercial traveller, which he held until the war broke out. Three years ago he came to Seaforth where he was married to Catherine Barry. The deceased was a devout member of St. James' church, also a member of the Holy Name Society. His funeral took place on Sunday morning, Oe- tober 16th from St. James' church to St. Jaynes' cemetery. He leaves to mourn hie loss his wife, in Sea - forth, and his mother, in Brantford. CONRAD IN QUESTOF HIS YOUTH —A Paramount Picture— from the novel by Leonard Merrick. The first appearanc tin Seaforth of this Great Star. As Captain Conrad, he appears as a British Veteran returning to the old home town, after years of ser- vice, expecting to fit in again with the same old crowd. But who finds—Well! Come and see, why • Tom Meighen is enjoying, in the larger centres, a popularity equalled by few artists on the screen to -day. USUAL PRICES Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday EUGENE O'BRIEN fn' THE WONDERFUL CHANCE CROMARTY Notes—Last Sunday evening while Mr. Roy 'Miller was on his way home from church his car collided with Mr. Elmer Clinefeltt, both cars being damaged a little but the occupants escaped with a few bruises.—Mr. William Wright and family are en- joying the pleasures of a Chevrolet CST. • Beautiful • " Fall & Winter • " Coats • $15 to $50 • * * * 4 * * * * * * The Garments we sell are absolutely correct in Form and Fitting in Beautiful lines andGraceful Curves. i Our Cloth Apparel and Furs are as tasty as timely as taking, as any discrim'f inating woman could justly, desire them to be. LONDESBORO Nates.—Quite a number from here attended the anniversary service at Burns' church last Sunday. — Mrs. Tamlblyn is spending this week with Clinton friends—Miss Chettel, of Guelph, is visiting Miss Esther Lyon. and Mrs. C. Manning and Mr, and Mrs. W. Gray spent Monday in' Goderich,—Mr. and Mrs. W. Ratford, of Fordmich,spent Sunday at the home of M. A. Vodden.—MTs. 1VI. Mains, who has spent the past two months witlh relatives in the West, has returned horse.—Mrs. (Dr.) Young is at present visiting her daughter in Brantford—Mrs, M. Brown and family moved from Wing - ham here last week.—Mr. and Mrs. .D. Geddes have moved from Mrs. Brown's house into Mr. B. Townson's. e. * * y. * * * * * * * Children's * All Wool • Dresses * $8.50 to $15.00 " BRUCEFIELD Dance.—There will be a daneo ;a Walker's Hall. Brumfield, on Friday, November 4th. Music by Forsythe Orchestra. Ladies 8 Uenese provide luncOt. Notes.—All are cordially invited to attend the anniversary services on Sunday and the fowl supper on Mon- day • evening. See advertisement on page one, and keep the date open. Come and enjoy the treat. Sunday School Convention. — The convention !held on Tuesday, October 18th, .in Baird's school, Stanley, was a complete success. In the afternoon the people were favored with, ad- dresses by Rev. Mr. Wilson, of Exe- ter; Rev. Mr. %Foster, Varna; and W. G. Medd, Exeter, and in the even- ing by` Rev. Mr. Hogg and Rev. Mr. Anderson, of Clinton. The officers wish to thank the ladies for'the ex- cellent supper they provided them, and also the fine programme which consisted of solos and quartettes from the young people of that dis- trict. Local Briefs.—iMrs. J. R. Archibald and Miss Jessie spent the week end at Mrs. Archibald's home in Remit- ton.—Mr, Earl Bell is in Woodstolk this week attending the Tractor and Farm Machinery Dembnstratien.-e- Miss Danby, of Hamilton, is the guest of Mrs, Sidney Johns.—Mrs. Staples, of Ingersoll, is a guest at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Mactavish. --Mr, Joe Fisher, of 'the Toronto Telegram staff, was in town this week.—Mr. and Mrs. P. Scott, of Brussels, are the guests of the Misses Brine.—On Tuesday !Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Allan, Mrs. Latimer and 'Mrs. Hall, members of theGolden Rod Lodge, L. A. G. of R. T., Stratford, came to Seaforth to place a winter wreath on the grave of the late Mrs. W. Twasnley; who was a valved me*�mbett of the Stratford lodge. Mrs. 'West - Cott, Mrs. Twamley's nether, accom- panir'ed; them—Mrs. Hugh Gillespie, vfko was bete attending the funeral Cif the late Mrs, Agnes G9lleepie, re'- 'turned 'ifs week to her - bonne in ikindisaant,; Ssaly-vitas "6eorensais, of AN ALL STAR 'CAST The screen version of Black Beauty is all that the book was—andmore. Every bit of the story has been told, and additional thrills have been in- terpolated. 1"Blshk' Beauty" is a story of human beings, as Well as of horses. j The race scene in d(hich (`$lack Beauty" saves the day Orovidesi one of the greatest screen thrills ever filmed. Those of you who are not regular "Movie Fans" are especially invited to see this picture--iou'11 en- joy it.', —ALSO SHOWING— '6th Chapter df "THE VEILED MYSTERY" 2 Shows' Saturday- .7.45 aturday ' 27.45 p.m. and 9.46 WW1' —LINT'S GO— MATINEE , Saturday—Will P.m. 15c• aril 10ts s • • In every essential Our Furs Are Correct. Style, Value; Service, Quality; Fit. In all these points we guarantee to please our customers. MANLEY Notes. --Air. and Mrs. Henry Jbapien entertained a host of friends and neighbors last Saturday in celebra- tion of their silver wedding. A sumptuous repast was served to which all did justice and after, spent the day''in amusement's. In parting they aB wished their host and hostess twenty-five years more of happiness and prosperity, ,as the past -twenty- five years have been.—Our school board attended a meeting at ;the Carnegie Libraryi in Seaforth 'lastl Saturday to select deilegates to at- tend the convention of boards to be held in Palmerston on a later date. --sir. Con Steurnegle is in a criti- cal condition since last week when he received another paralytic stroke. --A muster of farmers here are do- ing work on the good road system, between here and Dublin. '1t pays better to draw .gravel than to .farm 'under the present conditions.--.lMr. and Mrs. W. Manley spent Sunda. with friends around Seafortis . tMr. Alex. Mann it in the butcher bUsi° MISS Which ''wi'il Mang down of living which we 'hnvapmeti ' forward to for some t 'a, gird 'tt • ' to be 'hoped ti tti' COW.• OURS EASILY LEADS • ' IN STYLE VALUE • Style counts greatly for a big Mil- linery season. And by giving Best Styles at lowest Prices we have al- ready reached a new high record in sales. We are exceedingly busy but' will accept special orders and will guarantee. that nothingg in connection with the Snaking of your halt -will be slighted., and we will endeavor to; turn it out on shortest notice. .. Our aim le to give satisfaction to all persons` at all, times.