HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-10-14, Page 5OturOBEI 14 4821. 8R',swamp Seder*, October 18, 19`411. .uoga, per o'+alt -8925 • =per dozen 42 480 Potatoes per hag 26 Whist, per bushel 81.20 Barley, per bushel 60c Hair, per cwt .86 Bran, per ton 00 Shorts, per ton 0.00 4. suivocuposnos- ,oar;. e, .r DUBLIN K'rtaualwpd--Napier.--tAt St. Colum- -ban church on Tuesday, Miss Agnes Napier became the bride of Mr. Nidholae Krauskopf, of McKillop. Rev. Father White, P.P., (performed the • sna'mfl'age ceremony. Fallowing the church services Mr. and Mrs. Kraua- b6pd breakfasted at the home of. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Canning, of Mc. Killop, the foster parents of the bride. 'The happy young couple will reside on the groom's farm in McKillop. Nates. --Our villagers are fortunate in having Mr. Charles M4sIaid pure chase the stand lately occupied by Mr. W. J. Fortune. We are pleased to know that a baker has decided to settle here.' -Mr. James Sullivan had four valuable Southdown 'lambs killed by dogs last week, -;Phe recent rains have put a atop to all farm work. - 11r. Kennedy, of Seaferth, has pur- chased the barber business of Mr. James McCormack, who vacates on The 1st. LIVE STOCK MARKETS Union Stock Yards. Toronto. October 11. -- 'Demand for cattle to -day wo, oo poor that clew to 1.000 of n 6,000, head run were left over at the close of the ,harket. Consider- ing the 11g -ht receipt- teat'. eek, thio indi- cates a refrl ted outlet, and es a natter .af tact, buying to -day wax confined to pack- nnd email butchers with merely Iord re- qulremnrle in view. Even atoeker and feeder boom no woe very quiet, and with demand, for cattle for these purposes lacking, the lower grades sold very slow and. lower, he common stuff as low ao 24j cento in epobt, and medium killers around 4 cents. The re- ceipt wee 1.700 head heavier than lent Mon- day, but, under normal conditions of con aomption, would have been disposed of quite readily. Choice heavy steers .old in small Iola up to 764 verge and a few choice heifer. at 6% cents, but on the whole, good killers were easier. The unusuel price of 11 ens me paid for one baby beef, fed by William Hamilton, Cromarty, and nob! by the United Farmers' Cooperative Co, to F. Hun. Mott, otand daootone keep, buyer paid 6!4 cent.. for a load m but these oaoat.away above the market.• Quotation: Choio. heavy steer. 16,00 to 17.25; butcher ethers, choice. 95.75 to 06.50 do. Koed, 00.00 0. 05.50: do., method/. 14.25 to 05.00 butchers' heifer., choice„ 35.50 to 55 do. medium, $3.00 to $4.00: butcher,; cow, choice, $4.50 to $5.00: do. medium, 92.60 to -34.00: canners and cutters, 51.00 to 12.00: 'butchers' bull, food, $3.50 to $4-00; do., common, 62.00 to $2.75; feeder., 900 pounds, 05.50 to 16.00; do., fair, $4.00 to 14.50 : milker., 170 to $95: springers 180 to 3100; relves, choice, $11 to $12; do.. medium. 09.00 to $10.00; do., common, $8.00 to 85.00 ; Iambs. good, $6.00 to 18.00 ; do., aommon. 95 to $5.50; ,heap. choice. $3.00 to $4.00 do., good 8270-6 to 83.50 ; do., heavy and bucks, $1.00 to $2.00; hogs, fed and watered, $9.75 to 110: do. off. 310 to 110.20; do. f.o.b., 89. to 19.25: do country points. 18.75 to 10. BIRTHS Matthew, -In Seaforth, on October 9th, to Mr. and Mr Joseph Matthews, a daughter. Plum. eln Brussels. cm September 13th, to Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Plum, a daughter. MARRIAGES Kra okopf-Napier.-At St. Columban, on Oomber 11th, by Rev, Father White, P.P., Mies Agnes Napier, to Mr. Nicholas Joseph Kmuakopf, both of McKillop. Egmeadvflia on Millar. --la FikherC�p. doasbtor .K Sr. glla.w rear and 10 moat*. la VIS t' OlUwnie,-In McKellar, Pie. of C 40.111. :' Alms Mid 15 10•20; Donald J001nano . 96 year end 6 s tat. Henry J • .. ... In septe•lber 2765. E180150 tr O0W ager. wife of I ew' John- aton, aged 71 yaan.'1 moatlhf ltd 21 Mara IMPORTANT N illI FOR SAIJR--(7'W2 0 11EGIH .•iIi OLYDEB- Iliesnorm old . plenty of Mee and g quality. - 1 show stuff. ROBERT It. `WA5T7 i-�. R lr RIYfh. ilei . I 2709.2 ••• OR BALE. A YO17Jj$HIRE QW •WiTH litter, also a'•46r of Sows due% to farrow .mon. Good stock, and price. ream - noble. Apply,i{p $Tpj$ ' .GIBBINGB, R. R. No. 4, Clinton; phone --14')616, Clinton. 1108-2 m.rne 7eNn.iaaap6 CES 0168 FOR 0A'f.E.y41i0R' BALE 60 YOUNG Pigs about 44polt;7id, Wean. Apply en Lot 10, Concemlon 8, Stanley,' or phone 19 on 86, Hen•all. W. AD ROBS, 28064 1, SCOTCH SHORTHORNS.HEADF.O b7 Royal Remade¢ =1280 - 'Mereare Mian., Roan Lady, Y Rmmod ns, Orwith Buds, Fanny 11'6, and May- flower'., cows, heifer and bolt. 001,,1 for gale. Cali or write.' • 006. •*lt0WBTER, Seaforth, R. R. No,21.1. , 2800.4 NOTICE. -STRAYED ONTO [ he undersigned, June 00 Lot 6, Conceseioo 8, Yearling etoer. Owner can be, proving property and paying Me BEATIH, !Clown, Ont- Pho,i Heneall. MILK •It( UI On and after November lot Prepared to deliver milk to tornenu . Dr heel hap been tu u and ode a guaall germs. ;lad.1ppl Kerms. PRF..1 f- metime in nley, one roue by ALEX. 81, P 250955 E �will be f r cos- tar milk tf.r • ilk J. R. ARCHIBALD mg 11 ils ER ON Fresh Sausage Picnic Har' Shoulders, etc. I We are again h4,ndling those celebrated Sausages and Cured Meats that every one desire's. Pure Pork Sausage, 1'b. , .23c Picnic Hams;' 4 'to -7 Ms ..22c 10 bars''Goldor Comfort ��,''++ lel', nl:. Y.Q, fO4Str e.wl•...k,. a. .. 70c Watch this pa' e'every week SPROAT & SPROAT Phone 8.' AUCTION SALES. AUCMON 8AL4 OF 7h41(, FARM STOCK and 1043ea.sii . Mr.. 'nag. Brows 5t• ba.o fntcueted to 14 by politic auetiap On Me dam. ow. mile wept of 1;moldv0le, on Road. on Wednesday, October 19eb. T4 a'dook p m., the fo1l0wh. ; 75 m. - he farm is well iodated in is good farmtat-' looalk6'. being Concession 4, Lot 14. Phare -.. is noon it a solid brick house wltb atone foundation, ale frame bank barn. drive shed, hay shed and hen holies. She farm eenbelna 638 acres of *bleb 5 serer is bush land The loll is chole. pas, loam. Bora., draft hone rising 4 years old, 2 general p ANNOUNCEMENT ekes poem*este, Goll 166. Y opus Swilissawsweln, patine or te n a *warora whole. for W. J. ■VCUANAN, laamtaor 191111ee 47. lex 19 Gd■Jeh, Oat, FARMS FOR SALE rjAYYB 1QH.BALK. - 1 /JAWS SOSO r` I of U4010 a acid ]for , ul. 1 well bnyrn'tr 100 tbs. Redpath Sugar I bmproyd, en pmt tersy of wy■ant. TBOMAG Pure Lard, per lb SATURDAY Specials: $4.76 1.85 1.00 8.50 9,00 11 eat .15 8 1be. Black Tres ' .80 10 Barn Sunlight, Surprise, Com- - fort and P. do G. Soap .75 Heavy Rubber Boot. Mena Over Rubbers A Wonnen's Over Rubbers 90 lbs. Rolled Oats P.m hors. 2 year old, 2 general Parpuse e. CAMERON, Easter. Out. • 266i3t1 Kellogg.. Dorn Flakes xo. Shredded Whole 'Wb case No. 107282 Supposed to be 1n calf; hones riling one Year old. driver doing Year old, al. 6 young pig., 1 sow. Catti -Ona cal hailer r005100d, Milton Ruby 149041 ; roan mow regf.terd, Waterloo Prio- F, ARM FOR GALE. -IA•r 16, CONCESSION 51toI4. Stanley, as 98 acre. About 66 acres ceder aultIvadan, belaooe 8x.*.n wow:. land. Abundant water supply. Good b.nk i barn and frame dwelling- Price rero>MNe, A. T. SCOTT, Brum/cid. 4 now 4 Y.. old, 6 roan cows, 2 black cowa. 4 heifers rising 2 year old.' stem one year old. 6 Salva, Implemon..-McCprmkk Moder, International aide delivery -.rake, Io- terrational bay loader, Magnet gasoline en- gine, mower, sugar beet scaler, Mamma Harris cultivator, M0gey-Herrie wed drill, cutting bon, 2 farm wagons, .et bob sleigh., double riding plow, .Ingle riding plow, walk - Ing plow, .ot harrowu, International steel roller, hay rack, Cochebntt spreader, grain crusher, fanning mill, circular paw, M4a.ey. Herrin cream separator capacity 700 Ib.., with clutch pulley, 12 -barrel galvanlaedl tank, 40 -gallon 011 tank, 21 cedar poets, boxer, set double herr..., 14 benches ,z.., shingles, 100 feet hay fork rope. quantity of plank and loather, hay fork, CAA and pulleys, alien tity of hay and grain, ho., forks, and num erns other .41,1.. Terms.- -All num. of 810 and under, ceyh; over that amount 1 months' credit on approved joints, noteor dlemount f 6 per t. off for h on credl amounts. 'fH0MAS G. LANE, Proprietor Thos. Brown, Auctione.r, 2809-1 FI ARMS H FO ' GALE, --10'18 le AND r7, • Comedies L H. R. H„ containing two t hondrd ser.; eighty acres of eholoa pea - tare land with lob of running water, the I remainder is in a high .tate of cultivation. • Two brick bogy., one 6raboe barn on ground, one large beim on foundation with large cement alto and Utter carrier, water in stable and other eopvenlenr.v. Apply FLETCHER 'r. TOWNSEND, R. R. 3, Seaforth, Ont-, phone 3 on 614, Chubut 2809.4 FARM FOR BALE. -250 ACRES. MORE r lest, Ooneesslon 4 and 5, Shull. 2 Township, about 41' mil. from Clinton. Well improved, good clay loam, 16 acre. hardwood and cedar bitch, practically all fenced with new wire fencing. Fink -clam ' house and barn; telephone, rural mall de - 1 ,In cry. Will 041 on S axnnabie terms. Apply • premises to ADAMB'1'EWART, R. R. Nu. 5, Clinton. 27864,1 CLEARING AUCTION SALE -of- Farm Stock and Implements. W. J. Thompson and Jem. Jones, a. - Donee., have received irotructor. from Wolter D. Perry, to sell by public auction at "Meadowside Farm" Lot 4, Con. 1, Township of Hibbert Two wiles otest of Mitchell on Huron Road. on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21st, 1921 the following: HORSES- Team agricultural show mar. 8 yearn old, team agricultural Percheron mar. 7 yearo old. agricultural nary 9 year. old, agricultural filly two years old, ngricultural gelding 1 rear old, agri- cultural colt. drWirm home OATTI LE -• Fresh calved cow, 13 COWS t, calve during ' January and Manch, 10 yearlings, 0 calves, pure bred Shorthorn bull milking strain. HOGS -4 pure brod Y:rkehirrw 3; ✓ bred Yorkshire pig. about two months old. FOWL 200 pure broil single comb Rhode Island Red hens. IMPLEMENTS -5 foot Deering mower 6 foot Maxney-Harries mower, as vide delivery Msey-llarrio rake, hayloader Frost & Wood new wagon, twu trucks, 2 flat racks, wagon box, combination stock rack, 2 gravel box., 2 bolaleighe, 8 foot Deering binder.planter, core cultivator, corn binder, corn blower with in- side and outside pipes. Fordoon tractor, double du.c, tractor plow, 2 walking plows, 2 -furrow riding plow. drag harrows, db4 harrow, 1 -horse cultivator, I5-tliac drill. tee' miler. wood roller, circular Bow, pulper, grinder, 2 buguy,utter., double pleasure oleigh, double Burgy, 2 hair sling:, breaking art, 2000 ID 1 power tipping uchine. o t mower, turnip sower, fanning Meer,mW, Meer,Meer,cubat,r, broader house: wheel har- w. Hinuman milking machine, oil bar- rels, cam separator, r angel, cider prexs, n et doolde mounted brans show harness. set bretvhen harr,.x, two «eta work harms , 2 cels single harm., 2 milk cans, anvil, Krinelotone, grain bag.., extension ladder, emery whorl, 2 churn., 2 X.aws, forks, heaxr, pick,, apede , «hovels,r rowlmro, and other ertnisi too numerous to mention; 2,000 bus. stn k n• 00 first h 1000 and well hred 5 tone hard he machinery is all new,being purelmeed with- in the course of two years. Sale to commence at 10 a.m. Sharp: Lunch served at 12 o'clock, Terata. --All n of $10 and under. cash; grain and hay, caash: over that amount II months' credit will be given n furnishing aopfojoint not.. 5 per cent off fur cash tes on credit amounts. No r d ,. the pro- prietor has sold the farm.Wm. J. Thom.- ..on and Jam . . .l on. Auctioneer.. WALTER D. PERRY, Proprietor.. FARM FOR BALE. -'s MILE SOUTH of Bmeelfeld, Lot 12. Concession 1, Btmlep, 100 rts. There are on the premise. one good - sank barn, inwlonerrt house, straw bed, good frame h,u.o, 8 good never-fail- Ia nwell,, wlndmIIl o one Me farm well b fenced end well drained. Rural mall and phone- This ieueof the best farms in the township, ' and will be field on reasonable term.. Paw.dou given in Nei- vrnaber. For further particulars apply to DREW SWAN. Brucelleld, Ont. 2792-tt Ff ARM FOR BALE. - POR SALE LOT 20, Cone.aion 6, McKillopcontaining 180 all cleared except 8 arr. of hardwood hush. There are on ,he pre -mixes a bank barn with atone and re ,int foundation, 46,82, with moment floors; driving xhod, 14x88; frame abl kit hent, large gravel house, 7 rooma rs In de are. ;lard and soft water ,ne1kitchen ; two of orchard- The farm is all wire e fenced and tile drained. Well at barn and also well at the bush. Th.- is a good farm -one of the beat to McX i II„o. It . situated 5 miles from the Town „f Seaforth and one mile from school and church. Rural mail and phone. Wilt be xold on reasonable tern.. For further pnr}kularo ripply on the prem- iss. or addrea R. K-. Nu. 1, Seaforth. ROBERT A. HOGG. 2801-tf THE EXECUTORS OF THE LATE ARCH1. bald McGregpr nlT,•r for sale Lot 15, 6th Coner,•sion, McKilien, 108 acres of first c lase farm lands. The land r in a first cline state of cultrvntior, and there are erected on the premie.., a good frame dwel- ling 'house, with kitchen attached; frame barn 76.04 with stone foundation, stabling underneath and cement tboev and water throughout, driving house, 1410 pea and hen house. Also aboht ten acres of good hard wend bush. The property is well fenced and well drained and convenient to good market., church. endepools. For further particular. apply to M1S5 LILLY .I. McGREGOR, on the prorate., or to E. 0. RAYS, Solicitor, Sea- fortth, Ont- ;1 • 2795-tf FI ARM FOR BALE.- FARM OF TWO HUN - dyed acres cdloioinu the Town of Sea- I forth, conveniently eitaated to all chnrche. ' hook end Collogdatr. There is a comfort. bable arick cottage. with a ceng ment kitchen; I barn eath for 66 horses, 7., head stone t of cattle and 0m hogs I with steel stanchions and water before all stock ; litter carrier and feed carrier and two cement silos ; driving eked and plat- I form ecales. Watered by e rock well and windmill. The farm is well drained and in ; e 'high state of cultivation- The crop is all in the ground -,voice clay loam. Immedi- ate p.n.-don. Apply to M. REATON, R. R. 2, Seaforth, Ont. 2787-tf W. J. Finnigan Phone No. 72. FOWL WANTED Any quantity of Live Fowl delivered at the Royal Hotel Stable, every Wedmday forenoon. 014rh.t ca.h prices. 28054f J. G. McMICI7AEL- NOTICE A needing of the Trustee. of McKillop. Thokelamith, Hullett. and Seaforttr will be held in Carnegie Hall, Seaforth, on Satur- day, October 15th, At 8 p.m., to dbeuas edu- cational matter. in preparation for the Palmerston Convention. F. T. FOWLER. 2809-1 Buildings For Sale For Bale one shop 36x181'. Mb building hes two stories and Is lathed and plastered and be converted Also could oneasily e leant, 10x26/ ondrito ve h veshed 34017: one garage 14,22 and a abed 10%, 12. 'clove buildings are all In the bet of repotr, with good timber.. and will be gold cry reanooable terms. For further par- ' Dewar. apply on the prem.. or address Seaforth Post Office. FRANK ARNOLD. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S. T. HOLMES 0 O Funeral Director and O O Licensed Embalmer O 0 Undertaking Parlors in 0 0 Beattie Block, opposite The O 0 Expositor Ofce, Residence O O Goderich St., opposite Dr. 0 ' 0 Scott's. 0 0 Flowers furnished on short 0 0 notice. 0 0 Phone Night or Day 119 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 000000000 W. T. BOX & CO. 0 0 Embalmer and 0 0 Funeral Directors , 0 0 H. C. BOX O 0 Holder of Government 0 0 Diploma and License O O Charges moderate O 0 Flowers furnished on short 0 0 notice. O O Night Calle Day Calle O O Phone 1741 Phone 43 0 000000000 00001 'l I ti If the Way Ie Long ,car the Time Short eO �bask*, caul be lops by weii it reiootforyouisco e to0111' TI-IE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL a 15,OOO 1, I RESERVE FUND 05.000,1 SEAFORTH BRANCH, 1, G. Mullen, Mipgger.'' ig Clearing of Summer Har. C�'war Your opportunity to purchase` Screen Doors, Ham- mocks, Las n Mowery, Oil Stoves and Ovens at Cost SCREEN Regular $3.85 $3,25 , $4.00 52.90 $4.90 64.25 Regular $6.75 $7.50 $6.25 $11.00 $10.00 DOORS Clearing Price $2.75 $2.46 53.00 $2.30 $4.00 $3.50 HAMMOCKS Clearing Price $4.50 $5.00 $4.25 88.00 $7.50 Wires 6 7 Hog Fence 9 Barb Wire at Brace Wire at LAWN MOWERS Regular Clearing Prim $18.00 $16.50 512.00 PERFECTION OIL STOV. Two -Burner Regular $25.50 $31.00 $40.00 Three -Burner Four -Burner $19SPecisr. 524.00 $82.00 Genuine Perfection Ovens, raga,. lar $9.26' for 56.50 Frost Fence Height stays 40 inches 9 40 inches 9 36 inches 12 6c. Ib. tb. at 46 cents per rod. at 51 cents per rod. at 66 cents per rod. Black annealed wire at 6c Ib. FROST STEEL GATES (Electric Welded) Not black iron Height Reg. Price 4 feet $13.50 4 feet 513.00 4 feet 56.00 4 foot $6.00 Length 14 feet 13 feet 3% feet 3 feet gates. Special Prise $1060 *IL ss $L25 ' The Big Hardware H. EDGE - - - - - Seaforth o To TheGrocer; You are Positively Authorized to Guarantee i6 MirAcle Unconditionally. We will make good to you for any bottle of "MirAcle" Washing Cream returned by any house- wife who is not satisfied with it, "MirAcle" Washing Crean; is something edt#lrely new, brought out fur just one purpose, that of enabling the housewife to do her washing easier, quic)cer and better than she has ever done it before. "MirAcle" Washing Cream is like notching th ,Vel has ever gone before. It less to any clothes, no matter how delieatei"It is iso 'harmless you could clean It could be used to wash n baby's tetfder skin, Bear in mind, Mr. Grocer, that "MirAclle" does NOT take the place of make soap work like magic, and in the rinsing ii brings out ALL the soap, ciean, clear and silky. is positively harm- yo.r teeth with it. soap, but it DOES leaving the fabrics Go as far as you like in recommending housewives to use "MirAcle" -impress upon them the necessity of following carefully the printed instructions on the bottle -'have it tried in your own home -tell the :people that we stand back of 'MirAcle to the fuilest extent -tell them that tens o: thousands of housewives in Canada and the United States are using "MirAcle," Mir Acle Washing Cream Is sold by all good grocers: Yen can get MirAcle atthese stores: SEAFORTH Charles Aherhart, Druggist. Beattie Bros., Department Store R. L. 'Clark, Grocer. W. M. Stewart, Grocer. G. D. Haigh, Grocer. F. D. Hutchison, Grocer. fl, To Seaforth Housewives To Get Your Wash Whiter and Softer with Less Work, Use MirAcle. "MirAcle" Washing Cream has come to show you, the housewives of Seaforth, a new white- ness in the wash. Forgeteverything you ever heard about washing compounds, tablets, fluids or flakes- 'There has never been anything like "MirAcle" Washing Creast before. This soap -aiding wonder -worker is the result of Tong tears• work. experimenting and testing td. find the right product. -'MirAcle" Wlashing Cream if used as per dilations--doublro and trebles the efficiency of reap and furthermore, in the rinsing ''MirAcle" :as the wonderful faculty of making all the soap creme out of the clothes, leaving thorn with a new whiteness that will simply delight you on the very first trial. Notonly that, but in every washing thereafter you will ❑ it ice your clothes coming whiter and whiter, and this is time whether you are washing Feavy. n:ugh things or the finest of linens and dainty fabrics. a One lady, who has been using "MirAcle" for 1:,• I:,;; two or three weeks, said the ether clay; "1 could just laugh for joy when I look out of the whalon and see my beautiful white clothes flapping in the sunshine-" Another laxly reinarked1 "I really- look forward with pleasure to doing the washing since "MirA4le" has shown me how easy it io and what beautiful results I can get." Small 1 c, Large 50c Size... tO Size.... MIRACL( WASH t'NG� /C R E AM MONEY BACK GUARANTEE' Mir-A-cfe WeshIng Cream le guaranteed to be and to do everything, w! represent. It 1. warranted to (4,1511 every claim we mei,. If yore nor it In acedance with the dlrectlon• printed on (Sr bottle and ace.. .dance It other than a. represented, you may return ft re your core, hleh la hereby auhorired to refund your money In foil. r ■ • r • ■ • . ■ • • ■ •• e w ■ ■ ■ w 111■ ■ a • ■'■ • ■ 111■ • ■ 1111• ■• IN MI a ■ • • N.• 1. m a, • • • • • • • . • • a ■ ■ ■ ■ •• ■ • ■ ■ ■ • N'carly- 0000V grocer tp Seaforth ha.; "Mil'- ''. Washing ('ream and every store that sells is is authorized to return money hack to any I:,diy wlho is pot enl.irely satisfied. So little "MirAcle" is required that it: will Best you less than 5c a' wash to get your clothes whiter and Hean00 than you ever• had them{ before. Ask your grocer to send you a bottle of '':11, rAcle" with your next order, and be stare to let it. help you with your next wash. .4small bottle retails -tor 15c. The larger 50e size is more economical to buy ranee you are.eon- v;ncnl that. "MirAcle" Washing Crean; is the best wash day help you ever had, McLennan Chemical Co. Limited Windsor, Canada