HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-10-14, Page 2kf
is the range ,•of,
quality. ,No part
of the material in
-, its construction
has been chang-
ed. It remains
the heaviest, hon-
est, best baker on
the market at a
tom. .
Special Wood Heaters for sale, each $4.50
From our stock of
furnaces we have a
few bargains remain-
ing. If you contem-
plate a furnace, bring
in the size of your
house and we will tell
you what an installa-
tion is worth. We
maintain an efficient
staff of workmen, none
better. We take no
jobs that cannot be
guaranteed in either
pipe or pipeless furn-
aces. Regarding re-
pairs,- the foundry con-
ditions warrant early
ordering. Order now.
EIRE Por,..'-.
G. A. Sills & Sons
�� .. eat
lieee, ds aver. oyy, dr Sinn
have far'laen free), ails to Ulna sent
ly tied tom a /friazlint n01`0eate�
Is in ptaogras On the afternoon FI
be 18th of Septegtber, there was es
i.ecially a •very heavy rainf{t11 'as 1
know by personal experience and cons
siderable physical discomnbrt I had
oceasion to go to the dock, where
a the
Steamer Noronic flagship
Northern Navigation Company was
tied up. It was her. last trip Ito
Duluth this season and the return
,trip was due bo commence at 4 p.m.
I expected a party to be aboard,
whom 1 wished' tb see. I was kindly
given permission by, one of the of-
ficials to go all through the boat. I
visited all three of the passenger
decks from end to end but without
success. I waw. that •everything was
splendidly and magnificently equip-
ped, and that those travelling were
in a floating palace, apparently with
all the cgmforts that could be asked
for, and courtesy and.civiltty seemed
hi evidence everywhere. When re-
turning up town and when on. the
viaduct above the railroad tracks I
was caught in a terrific short-lived
gale estimated at forty-five to fifty
miles perhour with the rain driven in
blinding sheets. It was folly to open
an umbrella. For a time it was all
I could do to make any headway and
what 'little reserve strength I had
was nearly exhausted. The Noronic's
departure, I understand, was tempor-
arily delayed as the captain would
not give orders to start out in the
teeth of the terrific gale. Some 20
years ago I would not have minded
much this gale and rain, but all is
different now. Old "Father Time" is
Be' Forehanded
with a
l � i
Pipe or One -Register
The best time of the year to instal a fur-
nace is when it is not needed to work.
Don't leave the installation of your new
furnace till the cold weather is on you.
Every furnace man is busy when the first
cold snap comes, and sometimes delays
with discomfort and annoyance are en-
You can be forehanded by seeing the
McClary's dealer right away. Have him
look over your house. He will tell you
whether a Sunshine, Pipe or One -Register
.(pipeless) will be suitable for your house—
he will know the size required and the pro-
per location in which to place it.
That service costs you nothing. It is part
of the McClary's system of making and sell-
ing Sunshine Furnaces. By that system
McClary's guarantee every Sunshine Fur-
nace, which they instal to warm your house
—every room—satisfactorily.
Write for booklet, or call on the nearest
McClary's dealer'
Speaking of forest fires, they nave
at times set fire to low, boggy ground
which in some instances have smoul-
dered all winter in territory adjacent
to this city and also Swperior, Wis.
If we believe in muskrat action, a s
are due for an early, cold and long
winter. During the hottest weather
they were busy erecting strong and
large homes by nearby streams and
maishes. Often the instinct of birds
and animals put to rout man's reas-
oning powers. The Great Creator
designed it' thus.
Hurd coal is very high and costs
$16.00 per ton and more when de-
livered according to location, and
wood is no cheap article either; so
the coal and wood barons will smile
when Jack Frost takes a hand in the
game. According to what the farm-
er, the honest producer, receives for
his grain, hogs, cattle, wool and other
articles, the bye products of these,
generally speaking, cost the consum-
er a sum too high, plainly showing
profiteering wretches are yet in the
saddle. It is too bad many of these
middlemen, with their profits, could
not be eliminated. The ultimate con-
sumer pays all. Sugar is about the
most sensible article on the list. By
the pound it can be bought for 7
cents and by the hundredweight
n half cent per and less.
about a
P Po
It is claimed that 5,735,000 are out
of employment in this country and
7,000 in this clay, but I think •the
latter number is far too high. But
many here will have to be provided
for this winter with food, fuel, shel-
ter and clothes. These facts may as
well be looked straight in the face.
As yet, Duluth's Cenurious (tent Hogs
show no disposition to keep their
avaricous snouts out of the public's
pocketbooks or take a trip down the
toboggan slide of declining prices.
The common lumber jack will be paid
$26 per month and board, and those
more skilled from $30 to $35 in the
woods this winter. This is a drastic
out from $65 to $80, respectively, as
paid last year.
For the first time women are serv-
ing for grand and petit jurors here
and seem to get along all right and
mere man serves along with them.
The Street Railway Company here
were allowed permission h•; the Min-
nesote Railroad and Wareaeuse Com,
leis: ion to collect, com�m'eseing Sep-
tember 1st, a six -cent street car fare;
previously they were getting five
cents, but in the .,maritime Duluth's
city- attorney has managed to secure
a restraining• order allowed by three
judges. So at midnight, September
iiith, the 5 -cent i..: -c returned and
the situation will now be "hreshed
cut in the Courts. By the voters of
this city,in June and September,. 1920,
the company's request for a 6 -cent
fare was twice turned down. Then
by some high-handed wdrk it was
brought before the Minnesota Legi-
slature and an emergency rate of
7 -cent fare was asked, and they in
return gave permission to the Min-
nesota warehouse and Railroad Com-
mission the authority to decide, thus
arbitarily taking the decision to do
so out of the voter's' hands. With so
many out of employment and declin-
ing wages, this is no time to ask for
higher Bares. It is the working clas-
ses and those of moderate means who
pay the largest percentage of fares,
not those with their autos, limosenes
and flivers. So I hope the. company
will net be allowed any increase.
A terrible tragedy occured recently
at Hibbing, Minn., when Jack Webb.
trapper, law violator, bad man and
dead shot and a widower living in a
shack near by with his children, in-
stantly shot to death Hibbing's Chief
of Police and two other officers who
went to serve a warrant upon him,
the charge against him being sworn
to by a son and young daughter.
After the shooting he fled. Armed
posses searched the woods for several
days. bloodhounds were brought into
requisition, but could not follow the
scent. A posse of five heavily armed
police at last by his tracks located
him in a lonely cabin. As they
neared a shot rang out and as they
rushed in they found the desperado
had taken his own life with the game
rifle as he had killed the officer, part
of his head being blown off. He had
Re1leIc1y++'' ++�IF.raaultnpa-tiYO.S"
I '4 'MedIV.illN
Indigo 1, Weak Digeatton /or
partial atton of 'food, is one of
the ru"wS, erious of present-day
eompla•%m " :-because it is responsible
for many sei ous troubles.
Those who suffer with Indigestion,
almost hivvp'iably are' troubled with,
Rheumatiwn, Palpitation of the Heart,
Sleeplesse*ss and excessive Nervousness,
"Fruits-ttves" will always relieve •
Indigestion.; because' these tablets
strengthen the stomach muscles,
increase, the flow of the digestive
juices and `egrrectCoast' patton,which
usually accompanies •Indigestion.
50o a box, 6 for $'2.f0, -trial size 25o.
At dealers or sent postpaid"by.
Fruit-a-tivesLimited, Ottawa.
London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver,
St. John, N.B., Hamilton, Calgary,
Saskatoon, Edmonton.
McClary's—Makers of those "good stoves and
cooking utensils". - 2
F'or Sale by
Bonthron & Drysdale, Hensall, Ont.
> nteaunt children.
di le , - 411u�' l� r' et.
Yuloan, trete e. ip �
But ! tete o�ef ATGrttt
Alliances. the Rat, til
covery Will e, lth$ eSt a bar; n
thexnpopolinm, where 'various drink
'were served out to . the _ parched
Pampeiana. There .. were unpriY
terra' .cotta �amphorae found—and
an amphora, gerrtle' reader, ie a sort
of glorified "eehooner,'A At :the
body will be buried at the county's
expense, wad charitable institutions
will •look after the younger children.
Previous to the awful tragedy, the
murderer tied been drinking heavily
of moonshine, a terrible substitute
for whiskey, and this probably had
him crazy, arid the arwful tragedy and
results that followed ought to be a
terrible warning to many others. As
rewards had been! offered 'for the
murderer, dead or alive, each of the
five officers who found him in the
cabin will receive several hundred
dollars each. This cabin was about
three and a quarter miles from Hib-
bing, and the latter is not so very far
from Duluth. As 1 ponder over the
distant past 1 often think of that
"Old Pine free" that stood for so
many years as a sentry between the
8th and 9th concessions of McKillop,
end of the bar was a small fur-
nace and a cauldron with a 'lid far
mixing what , • Mr. Dooley termed
"hot wane." Within the ,cauldron
the -i exeavatore ,found the resales
oi: sons,e of thliquid used. But
the most delightfully modern human
touches' about the Pompeian bar
were the election manifestoes whish
adorned its walls. One of the
candiddtes who made fervent ap-
peals for votes was one, Lolling,
who eloquently reminded the public
that he was a duumvir, who, looked
after the streets and sacred build-
ings. ;Lollies' policy was doubt-
less Good Roads, Public Works and
A Full Dinner Pail, and one sant
easlly imagine the • grave and
reverend seignors,, and the young
bloods of Pompeii dropping' into
the thermopolium• for a modest
quencher and incidentally making
caustic comments as to the condition
of the roads and their chariot wheels
and speculating as to how much Lol-
lius was making out of the highways
and temples.
The people of twenty centuries
ago wrangled over the same political
and social problems that exercise
us to -day, Party ,politics ran high,
too, and "the campaign speeches of
1921 seam crude and tame when
compared with the exquisitely -
chiselled denunciations and the seri
personalities of such immortals as
Cicero or Demosthenes. The latter
complained that public men no longer
felt ashamed of charges of bribery
and corruption—that they held prin-
They matte new reversible
"Velvetez" Rugs
i ' Send for Velvetex Folder 29.
�i N ON, GAY. . __. -
and close to the Tyer}nan gate in the clples by which Greece was rumec
"days o f old." In fnemory's maim- and diseased. "What are they? Env;
choly fancy I yet hear the breezes when a man gets a bribe; laughte
sighing through its dark green foli-
age. How many of the former boy
pupils of No. 0, who in their day
climbed to the topmost branches or
played and sat under its beautiful
shade, and how many of our dear
school mate girls who also sat and
played around that old pine tree when
the school was on the north east
corner of our old homestead can an -
ewer earth's roll call to -day? and the
rest, peace to them, may they be in
a brighter and happier land to -day. I
oftdn think what a beautiful and sad
reminder it would have been of the
long ago past, if photos of that pine
tree could have been taken when it
was clothed in beautiful foliage and
with different groups of former boy
and girl pupils of No. 6, with the
teacher, all standing by or under its
shady branches. These photos for
those living would be melancholy re-
minders Auld
"Days Lang
the I
minders of YS
Syne," and would be interesting for
future generations. The memory of
yon "Old Pine Tree is by me the
most revered of all old Huron's an-
cient trees.
Duluth, September 16, 1921.
'Puree -score years after the birth
of Christ the busy and beautiful lit-
tle city of Pompeii, overlooking the
Bay of Naples, with its 20,000 inhab-
itants, was dramatically blotted out
of existence by an eruption of the
long -dormant Vesuvius, and for 17
centuries lay unknobrn beneath is
thick shroud of volcanic refuse. A-
bout the middle of the 18th century
the grave of the dead city was acci-
dentally discovered, and subsequent
excavations have slowly revealed the
rare treasures of a departed civiliza-
tion. New excavations were begun
in 1911, but with the Great War of
1914, the world 'had something more
important to think about than
Pompeii. Nevertheless, the anti-
quarians continued quietly digging
and discovering fresh wonders. A
Removed by: Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound.
Meaford, Ont.— took Lydia E.
Pinkham'e Vegetable Compound for
IIIIIH baokache, and I also
had a female weal:-
�iflll, tI ness. I felt dizzy
vt and nervous and
was without el..
s -s•
*`r•.iEr s.}�.✓..A:. Ihad tofc . .•1.
to do my vr,.:'
was aatwry1.1.
Saw a Pitc-:`.s: --
vertisement .v:::•
induced me to
the Vegetable Com-
pound, and my back
gradually stopped
aching and 1 felt lighter in spirits. I
am recommending the Vegetable Corm
pound with pleasilre to ail 1 meet who
complain as I did."—MILDRED BR000.
Meaford, Ont.
Woman's Precious Gift
The one which. she should most zeal-
ously guard is her health, but she often
neglects to do so in season until some
ailment peculiar to her sex has fastened
itself upon her. .When so affected
women may rely upon Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound, a remedy
that has been wonderfully successful int
restoring health.to suffering women.
If you have the slightest doubt that
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com -
if he confesses it; -mercy tote con
victed; hatred of those who denounc
the crime—all the usual accompani
ments of corruption." One of th
most fascinating sketches of fashion
able social life in ancient days i
presented in the fifteenth idyll o
Theocritus; the scene, Alexandria
the date, 280 B. C. Two ladies o
the smart set—Gorgo and Praxino
arrange to go to an entertainmen
in the King's palace. Gorgo call
for her friend, and, after a ]ittl
gush and conventional talk, con
plains of the long walk and says
My dear child, you really live to
far off!" To which Praxinoe replie
tartly that it is all the fault of the
insane husband of hers, who has spite
fully selected this hole at the end
of the earth just to keep the tw
wives apart.
Gorge warns her friend not to tal.
of her husband so before her ligtl
who naturally son,Zopyrio, rio Y
eats open. Praxinoe spiffily rayls
"That pretty 'tpapa of his the othe
day (though I told him beforehand
mind what he was about) when
sent him to shop to buy soap an
rouge, brought me home salt instea
—the stupid, great, big •interminabl
animal!" (Papa had perchance drop
sed for a few minutes into the ther
mopolium for a few minutes and Iha
grown careless.) Gorgo adds s
pathizingly, "Mine is just the fello
to him. . . But get on your thing
and let us be off. . . I hear th
Queen's decorations are splendid.
Praxinoe summons her maid to aid i
dressing and scolds her for h
clumsiness. Gorgo says, "Praxino
you can't think how well that dreg
made full as you have it, suits yo
Tell me, how much did it cost?
"Don't talk of it, Gorgo—more th
eight guineas of good hard move
And about the work on it, I ha
almost worn my life out!" Just he
little Zopyrio howls lustily to go wi
his mother. Praxinoe, however, w
imeane to enjoy herself, flatly
fuses, and springs the hoary whee
about there being a bogy on hoc
back outside which bites. "Nn
take the little one and amuse, hi
.call the dog in and shut the stre
And away go the two ladies
foot, with their maids. As th
walk along they pour forth a t
rent of small talk about the pee
they pass and the sights thea
Finally they reach the entrance
the palace and protest shrilly
they are jostled in the crush, Buri
which Praxiifoe gets hef scarf .to
During the performance they k
vp a running comment on it a
the performers 'until sharply
proved by the audience near
At last Gorge says, "Now, Praxin
we inusit see about getting he
My husband has not 'had his din
That man is all vinegar and no
ing else, and if you keep him w
ing for his dinner he's dange
to go near!" Substitute En'gl
names for the Greek and this li
sketch might. have been written
1921 A. D., instead of 280 B.
Pompeii and Alexandria had th
Main streets too!
beep travelling ticrouglr the woods, -poa�nd will hetp you, write OA Lydia E.
••hia clothes were wet, tris --hands were Pinlcham MedtcmEr Co. ,(condentfai)i
'blue with cold, hie Pegs and ankles Lvnn Maes., for viae: Your letter
Vie opened, read answered „Tar
swollen his
When his children woman, and held in strict confidence.
heard of his end thee seemed_ relieved,
as they lived in, fele o2 litm.
Tl '''d lseryf ffik Wan Intli .fia0 filar a fuel
tit ;hof V14e,a real enci, int the' onager,- hat he
will: receive a !Marry welcome .and can •safely ..
distil pa with ]lits his -Money needs
1111111 }It,ice old gi,' Marys, Sirkton
Exeter, Clinton, ..Bewail,. Zurich.
-la- r_ IE - -- P'
T '.Set weel iwa.11..
For Erni :;•x 1,.••i, .•as ar d P1as`Ci
pp LL 3 x
Fior Bare-hw -s For HC+aist.l.
F".. r PaCaCtriib' i
A t ou.g , c.- Et. La aper. Co ai.ed;, V1
both Sides w i th. D asphaltic. cornpourie
g Co: rrt, t:!:
Br`ail _ Gra ICoorm.s-13.:
Head Office.and F_c cry, Brantford. Can,
For Sale by Henry Edge
and N. Cluff. & Sons. I
017 can't do justice to Yourself in business, social or home life if
you suffer from headache, backache, neuralgia, monthly pains,
or any of the thousand and one pains with which all of us are
afflicted at one time or another.
These pains indicate a very real physical danger.er. But there
are very few pains of any nature that are not promptly relieved by
Dr. Miles' Anti -Pain, Pills.
Get them in
handy boxes at
our drustore. A
box is insurance
against head- '
eche, oar sickness
neuralgia and
pain of almost
rs �
A N T 1
•, •
P,arn: Pill S.
any nature.
There are no disagreeable after effects. Dr. Miles' Anti-
Pain Pills
without upset digestion, drowsiness, buzzing in the head, or danger
of forming a drug habit. Guaranteed Safe and Sure.
et '
to �.
re- -thef {v� }
by.6�l f 1 l 1 0`
th- sweet le s`l
ishtie Roll that fragrant smoke across
your tongue—close your eyes.
in D'yer get that flavor of real
eir sun -Cured tobacco =the right
The former Senorita Delgado, who
has just obtained'a divorce from the
Maharajah of Kupurthala, is reputed
to be the third richest woman in the'
world. •
The distinction of being the first
woman house surgeon in England' goes
to Dr. Florence R. Clulow, recently
appointed to that position in the Ring
Edward VII. hospital. •
The annval,convention of the New
Jersey Postmasters, association held
in Atlantic City', was presidedover
by a woman, the first time in the
history of the organization.
With the exception of the school of
mines, every school connected with
the Pennsylvania . StageCollege, Is
giving degrees to women for the first
time in the history of the college. ,
It's ripened into every strand
of the golden leaf by the sun
of of Virginny
P. M.'s a man's smoke.
10 for 15+ 25 for S 5V
No: 12