HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-10-07, Page 8onderful
ose who like
Wf>lard's Cbocolatee, just arriv-
At the very lowest price.
wall mina this Bargain?
1�iilaird'a C ocoimtee-'the name is
6661 iciedt. Wie guarantee them.
This Bargain for
Get them. See our Window.
The Olympia
Saturday rt— Candy
All our Candies at Special
Prices. See our Window
The Olympia
Restaurant and Ice Creams Parlor
Local Briefs. -The Lathes' Aid of
the Prestbyterian church are holding
a tea in the church from Ave to
seven o'clock this Friday afternoon.
Mrs. J. 0. Rose, of Guelph, with
lels daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Brwlrton,
and two children, of Guelph, were
guests this week at the homes of Mr,
and Mrs. John Beattie and MD;- C.
R. Van Egntund -Mr. and Mrs.
John Dodds, of London, were visiting
friends in town during the week end.
--The Ladies' Auxiliary of the G. W.
V. A. are having a euchre onWe
evelay, October l9th, at 8 p•to
aneatbers are invited. --Miss Marion
Watson is visiting at Brantingham
Lake, New York.----SMr. ani Mrs.
Mtterse,nlery Davis, of Stafla, and
Sil'. and Mrs. Thomas Wheeler and
daughter, of Brucetield, left on Mon-
day on :t motor .trip to Owen Sound,
where they will take the brat for
Manitoulin Island on a visit to Dr.
Davis. --Mr. Angus Kennedy has com-
pleted his course in Toronto at the
Meier Barber College, and has re-
ceived his diploma. --Mr. llugh Me -
Ka) visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jame, McKay, in Egnrernet\ille, over
the week end.- Mrs. Harry Bremner,
of Ethel, spent Sunday at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. I).
C. 11;u -n. -:M r. Joseph Murray, of
Hamilton, is visiting at the hu me of
hi, uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
Alex. Fenneriy.-Mr. and Mrs. W..1.
Shannon. of Ua,derwood, spent Satur-
day at the hone of the tatter's mo-
ther, Mrs. D. Dorranee . Mr and
Mrs. Knechtel and sun spent the week
end at the home of Mr. and M rs.
William Knee htel in Egmondville.-
gmondville-Miss Simpson, of Walton, was visit-
ing with friends ie town this week.
__Sir. and Mrs. Sydney Deem have
moral to the residence Mr. Deeni re-
cently purchased on East William
Street. -Miss Beth Willis has return-
ed .from a visit with relatives at De-
troit. -Miss J. Grainger, of Bruce -
held, was the guest of her sister,
Mrs. W. Wright, James street, last
week.-Tur'kersmith and Kinburu will
play the final game this season for
the ('rareferd Cup on the Recreation
Gr rounds, Seaforth, on Saturday af-
t -ancon at four o'clock: --•Mrs. Wal-
ter Cole and daughter, Doris, sof To-
ronto. are guests at the home of Mrs.
John Sclater. -Miss Hazel Thompson
was in Toronto on Wednesday attend-
ing the wedding of her cousin, Miss
Eva Bundy --Mrs. J. Pinkney has
leased the residence fbrmerly occu-
pied by Mr. Harry Carnn,han.-Miss
Marjorie Brown is visiting at the
home of her sister, Mrs, (Dr,) Liv-
ingstone, in Toronto. -Mr. Langford
Chapman, wife and family, of (:ode -
rich, were guests at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Chap-
man, this week -'Mr. and Mrs. Arn-
old Westcott returned on Friday from
their wedding trip. -Mr, and Mrs.
John G. Grieve, of McKillop, returned
on Thursday last from a visit of sev-
eral weeks with friends at Graven -
burst and Toronto. -Mr. and Mrs. R.
E. Glares have returned frrem a visit
with friends in Toronto. -The annual
Field Day in connection with the Col-
legiate Institute will be held this,
Friday, afternoon, Clinton Collegiate
will be represented by baseball and
basket ball teams. -Mrs. Kinney, of
Guelph, is the guest of her sister,
Mrs- W. McMichael. - Mr. Amos
Smithers, who was visiting his niece,
Mrs. .Sohn Sclater, returned to his
home in California on Thursday last,
-Miss Edith Davidson and her sister,
Mrs. Stewart, arcs moving into their
new bungalow on West Street. -'Mrs,
C. A. Finch, of Vancouver, and Mrs.
R. Gowman, of Brantford, are guests
at the home of their aunt, Mrs. Jessie
Brown. -Mrs. 3. Vrooman, of Gode-
rich, was the guest of her sister, Mrs.
A. Lowery, on Wednesday last, -Miss
Annie Curtin visited friends in Strat-
ford fast week. -,Miss Grace Weir,
wive spent the summer with her moth-
er, Mrs. George Weir, leaves this
week for Nev York ----Miss Margaret
McLeod is visiting friends in Ilderton
and Landon. ---Many friends will re-
gret to learn of the serious illness of
Miss Jackson, at her home in Eg-
mondville.-Rev. S. McLean; of Eg-
mondville, and Rev. R. C. McDiarniid,
of Goderich, exchanged pulpits on
Sunday last-Mes5ts, A.D.Sutherland
and L. T. Detacey were ott a business
trip to Toronto last week --Rev. F.
H. Larkin, D -D., will conduct anni-
versary services in Hills Green on
Sunday next. -Miss Effie McLeod,
who has been visiting relatives here
returned to Detroit on Friday. -The
Misses Watson, who were the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. 3. R. Archibald, have
returned to their home in Hamilton.
-Messrs. J. Beattie and C. A. Barber
were in St. Thomas on Tuesday, -
Many friends will regret to learn
that Mrs- G. D. Haigh is confined to
herr hcene through illness--'Mra,Smith,
of Chatham and Mao Waugh, of Lon-
don, are greats at the home of Miss
Jackson, in E)pmondville-Mrs. C. A.
Barber entertained thephilat'hea Class
of the Methodist Church at her home
on Monday evening, when a most en-
joyable time Was apente---Mr. Reg.
Sloan, of Toronto, is a guest at the
The leading Curtin -let -vial School
of Western Ontario, a sobool
where you can get thorough
courses under competent in-
structors in Commercial, Short -
'.hand and Telegraphy Depart-
ments. Students get individual
instruction and may register at
any time. Graduates are as-
sisted to positions. Get our
fret catalogue.
Principal, '
Different grades of Fertilizer
to suit different lands at much
lower prices than last season- It
pays to use Fertilizer for Fall
Wheat. Order early s0 8s We
may get it in car lots -
Phone 219.
Main Street - Seaforth
Agent for Singer Sewing
Machines, and General In-
surance Agent.
is a eft the nesse of
thaw, Me. Touag.-Tbe Oth
lee** betit•ga Sport" Committee
Mee leaped the Stroud 'Theatre for
tf,rie .diet show on*14ag evening, itf
ter which a dance wiL be bold 110,
Thomas Broom VOA
called to Dt reit but week owing do
the sedum illness of his son, Mr. Joe
Brown. We aro pleased to learn,
however, that he la recovering. --
9saadsee Wasted.—Apply to .1. W. Free
Teo are tiredf the old stuff --You want
•bomethiag different" sae It at the strand
on .No,ndyr. Tuesday and Wednesday. 8708.1
Fes a.Ms--.A heating .tore with oven ate
taoh.d, In good repair. Aaoly W area.
McKenzie.. Centre Street
Wanted--Gdrl for gonad housework.
Htghrat wags. AWAY at TL. 1!1 ritor
Far 8.1a -A lam. NCClary coal heater
wtWn. Akio a flat top doh. Apo W
nus Dat 8e.fonth.
Per sat., -For sak one/ and ca:f. Apply
to Fred Robinson, or phone 20 00110 ,1 Sea.
Fat sola -A tut at good young ergs and a
gaud milk cow. L. G. Van Edmond, Sea -
forth, Ont 1708x1
rorttaad Gwent. Carload Sunt arrived.
Get your supply before cold weather eete in.
Geo. A. Sine a Son. Se.forth, 2007-2
All memhera of Fidelity Ledge 1- O. O. 8'.
,o requested to be anemia at the meeting
of the lodge un Wednesday, October 12th,
at 7.00 p.m.
Two Showa at the Strand Friday evening.
Frnit show, 7 p.,,,. fur the Collegiate Insti-
tut, aporta Coawittec, and the regular stow
at 11.10 p.m. 2700x2
Thanksgiving Maser. --lbs arranging a Aid of
the Methodist churchare
their l dinner_on Thanksgiving. Mon-
day, November 7th. Keep the date 00x.
Remember the ladies' Aid 25a supper in
the Y,.nbyterion church Nin afternoon lFri-
dayl, trove G to 7 o'oock. Everyone wel-
come. A suer ial invitation es extended w
out of town visitor.. 2700-1
Far Sale- -Seven-roomed house in goad
Jeweler a n d Optician.
Issuer Marriage Licenses
Any parties in need of water should
see the undersigned, who has an up-
to-date drilling outfit.
Gas powetk
Terms Reasonable.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
North Main Street - - Seaforth
Victory, Govern-
ment and Muni-
cipal Bonds
Sold at current rates and deliver-
ed free of expense.
$15 to $60 paid weekly for
your spare time writing
showeards for us. No can-
vassing. - We instruct and
supply you with steady work
West -Angus Showcard Ser-
vice, Church & Colborne Sts.
Toronto -
Piano Tuner
pair. furnace, electric lights, garage and
stably. on North Main Street. Apply
006 4A.
Ole. Seaforth.
Added Extra ---Moving scutum of the
nct.00l children's parade taken in Seaforth
,. Day. will be shown at the Strand
'I!heatre on the Friday and Saturday even-
ven-,nN`. 270810,
F'u rntu re repaired or upholstered- Fall
,mule-, .showing -tapestry 50 inches wide
f,cm 077.50 a yard up. Re -setting springs
.uSo: choirs. etc., our specialty. Chan.
ttolmes. 2701-4
..sWot�enY l¢tt.'1 elzre-
print nal bidding;, The
list e:f l Is largo and they
are *sayer e1 by Popular Au -
tors. t
Pan= {leo EACS
Tho ipson's
vice president, plelvin McPhee; sec. -
treasurer, W. E. Reid; prppeety com-
mittee, Malcolm McLeod; chairman,
Dawson Reid and William Kerr. The,
entire evening was spent in the elec-
tion of °tracers and discussing various
methoda by which our band'might,
improve in its different departments.
All members are of the opinion that
the comfi6g year will be a busy one
for themselves and their newly -elect-
ed officers. A nese class of beginners
will be in action this fall and winter
under the able toatership of the band's
conductor, Mr. William Freeman, so
that with these reinforcements added
and a solid winter's practice, with
new mush, the members should ap-
pear next sur000er, nut alone in their
new kiltie uniforms, but in a band
that will be second to none in this
part of the province.
Feather.. -The Dominion Feeitbrr and Mut-
trrv- Co. ere in Clinton and making your
old feather beef into the ten roll sanitary
at:trues c. down comforter. They
also buy
old new featho o Drp a card
ton anad agent will call. 2006-t
For Sale - 6,000 Tulip bu Stnised) not
auled. price 60, per dozen f.o.b. These
'loupe arc the test in the land. They were
malty tneoel,t in New York from the
I.rg tat bulb ,mto,rtrrs the world direct
(roar Holland. Theya the Single Early
Tulip, the double early Tulip, the Cottage
'tulip. the Old Clutch Breeder Tulip, the
Rembrandt Tulip, the Darw,n Tulip, arae
domr 1'e rennlid plants 10c each. Wm. B.
' McLean, Esmond villa. 2507-01
Teachers' Convention. ---The East
Huron teachers will told their annual
r•e:nvcn tion in Owen Memorial hall,
Clinton, on '1Thursday and Friday, Oc-
tober 13th and 14th, cnnunencirtg at
ten o'clock a.m. on Thursday. The
evening session on Thursday will be
heti in the town hall, when a pro-
,nrammc will be given, one ftoaturc
. f which will be an address by Rev.
(''iron J. B. Fotheringham, of Brant-
ford, on "Nobody's- Dog.'
home of kis aunt, Mrs, R. F. Jolles.
-Mils B. Beckett, of Stratliroy, and
pti,leelileeel Hear Lrem the Miss Wriggle. of London, were week
a Walla to 0 the thine 4/$04+a r 4'
aM'isteeitthi *Wedogies line 0:'
Doing ReMgio in. Ohne ego.
v-kilaleMinnie B. 11 $padin, or ilea-
tb, who Chia fall entered the Needy
Bible Institute of Chicago, b Sura111t=
ing in open air services conducted by
the Inetltute in the business section
of Chicago. Mies McSpadden fa a
member of the Winthrop Presbyterian
Business and Property Changes.-
hanges.Mrs. G. F. S. Garden, who has con-
ducted a grocery store in the Whitney
Block on '$fain street for the past
two or three years, has sold out his
business to Mr. W. M. Stewart, who
occupies the corner store in the same
block. Mr. Stewart has had an arch-
way cut between the two stores and
will conduct the grocery business in
connection with his seed and feed
store, which will keep him pretty
-Mr- William Duggan has sold his
residence property on East William
street, to Mr. Gibson, of McKillop
township, who is coning in to town
to live- The property consists of a
good frame house, barn and three
acres of land, and the price paid was
$2,000, Mr. Duggan has since pur-
chased the smaller residence of Mr.
Bible Society, -The annual meet-
ing of the Seaforth branch of the
Bible Society was held during July.
The members present were much
pleasedto know of the succebs of
the past year, the sum of $183,90
being collected which is largely due
to the splendid work of the collec-
ters, The meeting passed a vote of
appreciation of their services and
hope they will continue in the good
work. It is earnestly desired by the
officers that the cnitecting will be
tootnleted during October. -Com.
Gave Programme at Brussels= A
ladies' quintette and a stale quartette
from the choir of F'irst Presbyterian
church provided the musical pro-
gramme at a concert in Brusselson
Monday evening last in connection
with the anniversary services of the
Methodist church in that town. The
quintette was composed of Mrs. J.
G. Mullen, Miss Harriet Murray, Miss
Hazel Reid, Miss Pearl Patterson and
Miss Bessie McMichael, and the male
quartette consisted of Messrs- .1
C. Mullen, J. Beattie, D. F. McGre-
gor and George Israel. Mr. Harry
I,ivens and Mr. L. T. DeLacey acted
as accompanists for the singers. -
Enters Law Firm The Ridgetown
Plaindealer of last week contains the
following news item regarding a
former Egmondville boy: "Mr, Don-
ald Shaw, who passed his examina-
tion in law at Osgoode Hall, Toronto,
and was called to the bar with hon,
ors, has entered into partnership with
M. Hoffman here. Mr. Shaw is a
clever young man and the new firm
should prove an exceptionally strong
one." Mr. Shaw is a son of the late
Rev. Neil Shaw for a number of
years pastor of the Egmondtil'le
church, and he has a host of friends
who will wish him every success in
his career at the bar.
iii, -garter, list be Tun worts
yj M . gHt�rt84=>a. WpaLoaaMrf ma
' who bath insists�hrdettbelr41*%
I.,. 1=14= r tee
announces the One and Only
in his first 3 Part Comedy
Notee.=•Word was received here on
Saturday from London that Mire.
Watters, relict of the late Michael
Watters, of Dublin, bad passed to her
reward. The deceased lady was of
an tmoffenaive, kind dispoeition. Her
hu9band predeceaser her last December
at the age of 96. Mrs. Watters was
in her 82nd year. Burial was at
London. -The recent, rains have made
the roads almost impassable for heavy
teaming. -The mission at St. Colum -
ban, preached by two Redemptorlat
Fathers of London, Ont, closed on
Sunday last. The result should be
very fruitful judging by the attend-
ance for the week.
Thames Road Notes. ---Mrs. Bert
Sherlock and two children, of Van-
couver, have been visiting relatives in
this eomnnmity---,Mt" and Mrs. W.
J. Melagan and Mr- and Mrs, Harvey
McLagan, of Logan, attended the
funeral of the late Miss Alma Miller
on Saturday --Mr, and Mrs. John
Francis, of Lundbn, visited here over
the week end -Rev. James Foster, of
Varna, occupied the pulpit in Beth-
any on Sunday last, -Mr. A. C. Whit-
lock, of St, Thomas, Mrs. Robert Den-
nison and Miss Mabelle McNaughton
of London, were visitors here on Sun-
day- •
iVe Want You to See th
Lloyd is the ane star without a
failure. You'll recall "High and Diz-
zy," "Get Out nand Get Under,"
"Haunted Spooks,"
His plays has nduced the biggest,
heartiest and dost whole-souled
laughter were in fired in this theatre.
In this, first of a -newer, bigger
series, he is assisted by the phen-
omenal child actress, Anna May Bil-
son, whose succes&in creating amuse-
ment ii; second only to the great
comedian himself.
"Now or Never," is credited with
being the greatest,3 part comedy ever
Here for the week end with
A Paramount Picture from the
Saturday Evening Post story "Yan-
cone Yillies," •
Don't Wait. 'Come To -night.
Come Early.
Egmondville School -The follow-
ing is the report of Egmondville pub-
lic school for the month of Septem-
ber. Names are in order of merit
and the grading is based on the daily
work together with exams: Sr. IV -
Charles Sherwood, Roy Weiland, John
Strong, Gordon McGonigle. Sr. III
--Ford Spriggs, Alen Finnigan, Lloyd
Dinnen, Gladys Miller, Winnifred
Kruse, Laura 'McMillan. Sr. II.
—Clifford Riley, Leona Dupee,
Frank Kling, Jeannette Finnigan.
Jr. II (a)-Winnifred Riley, Myrtle
Dupee. Jr. 11 (b) -William Miller,
Gordon Block. Sr. I - Margaret
Strong, Mary Kling, Rby McGonigle,
Evelyn Riley, William Dnpee, Pr. -
Harold Finnigan, Irene Strong, Glen
Hays, Elva Kruse. Number on roll,
27; average attendance 26.-A. M.
Kneeled, Teacher.
'Seaforth Highlanders Hold Annual
Keeting.-The annual meeting of the
Seaforth Higldsnttera was field on
, Tuesday evrsaing, October 4th. The
reports f;oen the officers of the past
year were reed and adopted. These
reports-ALorwrd an entre season
Atilt tiroieaffli the year. The officers
elected for the owning year are as
follows: Dalton L. Reid;
Added Estra-- .Moving pictures of the
school children's parade taken in Seaforth
on Fair Day. will be shown at the Strand
Theatre on this Friday and Saturday even-
ings. 270881
No. 4 School Fair. -The school fair
held on Tuesday was an excellent
success. The exhibits were more
numerous than formerly and of a
better quality. A large crowd of
people attended and all were satisfied
with the results. The show of calves
could not be beaten in this province,
sixteen being lined up for inspection.
Colts numbered nine and all of ex
cellent quwlity. All branches were
filled and the judges had a busy time
indeed. The children were much in-
terested in the owl, black squirrels,
and white rats, aeroplanes and other
novelties. We hope to be able to
publish a list of the succeasful prize
winners in our 'next issue.
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
A Jotyoua Hit
starring that delightful young star
"The Millionaire Kid" had every-
thing in the world but comrade-
ship; Nora MbShane, of Fish
Alley, had everything in the
world but money. See Gladys
Walton in both rdlela. Some
picture! Yeln said it.
Atao 3rd Episode of
Adults 15c. Children 10c.
2 Shows Saturday
7.45 and 9.45 9.m.
"Somethfn$ Different"
Notes. - Miss Blanche Wheatley
spent a few days with Listowel
friends this week. -,Mr. and Mrs.
Finch, of Clinton, were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs, George Wheatley- for
the week end, -The anniversary ser-
vices of Constance Methodist church
will be held op Sundays October 23rd.
Service will be at 2.30 and 7 p.m; to
be conducted by Rev. Mr. Mill5on, of
Auburn. On ,Wedlnesday evening,
October 20th, a fowl supper will be
held and a talented programme will
be secured. Further announcement
will be made later. Keep this date
in mind, -'Mrs. Thomas Dexter died
at her home en the 9th concession on
Wednesday. The sympathy of all is
extended to the bereaved family,
Moving Pictures of the School Ohil-
dree k Parade taken in Sealforth on
Fair Day, will be shown at the Strand
Theatre on this Privily sad Bator -
day sem. • -
Corne in and look around,
see what the newest styles
are and 'learn what really -
good goods can be sold for
little money.
We cordially invite you to
come and acquaint yourself
with the new fashionth even
though you have no Inten-
tion of buying. '
We're ready with every-
thing that is new and cor-
rect this season hi- omen's
Apparel and Dress Acces-
The new Coats, Suits,
Dresses, Waists, ' Skirts,,
Furs, etc., are handsome
and we are exhibiting the
choicest ones to be found.
All are made according to
this stores high standards
of quality and workmanship
and priced at our usual fair
prices. ,
In a large range of styles Women's Coats
and shades at very attrac- $15 to $ 50
tive prices considering the
excellent qualities! Get your
new Coat right now.
Notes. -Mr. and Mrs. William Barr
and Mr. and Mrs. Steinoff, of Toron-
to, were recent visitors in this neigh-
borhood. -On Sunday evening while
Mr. James Balfour, Jr., was returning
from church on a bicycle, he collided
with an automobile which was being
driven without lights. He was
thrown to the ditch, receiving a brok-
en leg and having a shoulder put
out of joint. --Mr. George Martin,'who
has been a resident of this neighbor-
hood for many years, had a clearing
sale, Mr. Thomas Mahaffy purchas-,
ed his 25 -acre farm on the 13th con-
cession of Hibbert, and Mrs. Esther
McDonald bought the house and gar-
den. -Mr- Martin purposes going to
Calgary to reside. -The many friends
of Mrs. Agnes Gillespie will regret'
to hear of her painful accident at
her home in Seaforth. The lady
opened the cellar door in mistake and
fell to the bottom. No bones were
broken, but she received a severe
shock. The lady is in her ninety-
first year and her condition is consid-
ered critical.
The Council: The regular meeting
of the council of the Township of
Hay was held in the town hall on
Saturday, October 1st, 1921. All the'
-members were present. The minutes
of andhe adopted.
b The follow ng ordng were ers
were paw: E. Campbell, repairing
road No. 1, $5; Aserich Brisson, sheep
injured by dogs, $12; Inspector Prise
ens for C. Rupp Dec- 31, $39; Melick
& Braun, cement and supplies, $;
Zurich School Fair grant, $20; Dash-
wood school grant, $10; Grand Bend
school grant, $5; Art- Weber labor
and teaming gravel road 9, $66.50;
L. Schsranatker, calm. work, road 10,
£i285.30; Newell Geiger, award War
Memorial Scholarship, $22; F. Cor-
bett, con. work, roads 2 and 16, $226;
John ' L. Gerber, repairing culverts
road 9, $24,15; Max: Turnbull, con
work, road 12, $67; G. Thiel, teaming
mad 9, $16; Zurich Agricultural So-
ciety, grant, $26; It. McArthur, coin,
work, road 1, $15.40; M. oo'rriveau,
repairing culverts, road 9,
616.26; M
G. De tz, salaty 're' telephone, eta:,
114-1p sup-
plies, Strombero-Carson Tel.
Go., suppliee, $85.85; Gan. Ind. Tele,
phone90 supplies, $6.80• Mk4c
e etc
Braun, aceoaat re teltome/ 40c; -
P. Ma1saae, salary r etc.,`*489:44;'fit'
Taylor, bahrnoe
$*510. The oomYd
meet again eel 9iMg:-
1, Valet ,
Combine all the important
features of style, fit and ser-
vice possible to get at any
price, yet our prices are very
Silk and Serge
• Dresses
$17.50 to $40
You buy it for less when
you buy it here.
Come and see the Stylish
Hats you can btly here.
Priced from .$3 to $7.50•'•.
Why are we so sure? Skirts
Simply, because• we show
beautiful skirts made from
new plaids and stripes in X10 to$15
pleated effects. We believe
you'll find our skirts the best
fitting ones you've ever
tried on.
that are ' "different" than
you have seen .elsewhere.
Everyone a model of exquis-
ite beauty and rare attrac-
tivesness moderate prices
on all -of them.
You'll like the styles, the
qualities and the prices.
Prices: $1.50 to $12.50