HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-10-07, Page 5` N 'RAINL G'OF CRL They S ori}' Moi. La, ►+$cokeni , but .Educlited. ii Stare Them Weatdpg, ,menu pock Biedl. -. Then Hitch and Gtr. 1 I4ight. Work at Myst - Methods 0K4tiep43lg Cow $eoor1s. (Contributed br Ontario Department bt Aarioulture, Toronto.) The too common practice ot. allowing colts to go "unbroken" um tit aueb time es they are • xfe-' qulred to perform the functions of a 111rse In the spring, le irrational, and 7a unfair to the animal. Colts should not be "broken"; they, should be taught or educated. In the unhandled, or unbroken colt, the muscular, respiratory and nervous system (the organs whose functions are taxed in the performance of the ordinary functions of.. a horse) are weak and undeveloped from lack of function. Hence, when the unpre- pared animal is asked to perfofm ordinary horse labor, be has neither any knowledge of what he is required to do, nor the muscular nor reeptr- story tone that is necessary for tta .rl,u satisfactory performance; therefore, untees very carefully handled, and very little work done, for the Brat . '% two or. three weeks, trouble of var- toue natures that will probably ne- cessitate complete rest for a vari- able time le very liable to result. Hencer a',geteblar course` of prepara- tion durtn6lhelate winter and early *print nfont1 e;" -whin the tame of both rata an0'bprse is not v,ry ra1u- abhShen f , order :'to" havepreuch condition when time becomes valuable, that they w ll be able to perform ,a reasonable amount of wdrk with satisfaction to the driver and eafdty to themselves. This course should be commenced at POW nix weeks before regular work Is expected to commence. • viii! ', HOODHAlkaHN Notes.--uk b1q; *wee -Wit 1i held In thq Brodliegenleall On Wettleetitir eveniagNeyre Praia - :Ara wtbl' luraish' tbd music. Brod, ha'gen' for a good tiuys.-0�iF. John Riehl, of Shia town, who OM ;been sick for the pant few week",'ilt re,. 'covering after *pending 3y reek's treatment. in Stnatflord.•-,A'member from here motored to Stretford to spend the week end. -Awing to the rain last week web the cause of bold- ing over the Mr at & 8. No. 4, Mc - hp, it being held 'memo', gotober 4th, 411 present report a good time. RILLS GREEN AAnhrer*ary.--Anniversary eery -tees in connection with HEW ,Greet, church will, be beld on Sunday, October nth, waren Rev. F. H. Larkin, DJD., of Seaforth, will preach. at, both morn - Mg and evening aervicee, . at the hears of 11 a.m. and 7 pan. epeeial music will be .given by; a union choir of Kippen and Mlle Green. • Du the Tuesday evening follbng 8 'high- class entertainment_ willbe 'held; when Mies Pearl Niewton, of Toronto, a humorous elocui,ioadat, Mini other local talent, ,'trill .provide the pra- gTen le. STANLEY . School Report -The following is the report of School Section 14o. 14, Stanley, for September: Sr, IV -E. Anderson 62, *J, ,Muetald 40, *A. An- derson 36, W. Rosa 30, *G. 'Harvey. Sr. III. --J. Anderson 66 W. Mc- Lachlan 56, "D. Grasaiek 31, R. Me- Clyenont 32. J6'. HI. -J. McIJacl;ltan 81, M. McDonald 711, P. c z e 63. Sr. II. -.B. Mustard, ''Edward yde. Jr. IT. -IB. Murdoch, T,. Knight, W. Murdoch, R. Mcgie zle. 'trimer. --Q... Workman, G. Harvey, L. Anderson, A. IMvrdoch, ')!L. Forrest. Those marked a missed one or ,more exams. Number on roll, 26; average" attend- ance, 21.55.-M. MeNain, Teacher. SEAFORTH MARKErt4 Seaforth, OiStober 6, 1921. Hogs, per cwt -They Should Be Harnessed and Eggs, per dozen 40 to 40 2 Bridled Early. Butter, per lb 35c . The colt or colts should first be Potatoes, per bag $1.25 taught to wear harness and bridle try Wheat, per bushel $1.20 being allowed to run fret fora few Barley, per bushel 60e hours dally in a box stall or pad- Flour, per cwt $5.35 dock with the hareeea on. It is then Bran, per ton $30.00 good practice to match each with a Shorts, per ton • $30.00 bandy, smart and 'good-natured horse, or 1f necessary a pair of colts together, and teach them to drive, . obey the words of • command, stand When asked to, etc. When they have become reason- . ably handy without being bitched, they should be hitched to a sleigh or wagon. Care should be- taken to see that the harness fits properly. This applies especially to collars. The collars in which they are expected to work later 0.0 should be worn. Each should have his own, and It should, fit properly, not being too wide. so as to allow a rolling motion, nor yet sufficiently narrow to pinch at any point. The bearing surface should conform thoroughly to the surfaces of the neck and shoulder with which it comes In contact, except at the bottom, u wh r s e a fficient racers a t space c to apody the introduction of a man's' fingers should exist. Exercise or Light Work a Benefit. The colt or pair.ehould be given daily exercise or light work. Com- mencing with an hour or two the first day and gradually increasing the amount, until they will' be able to perform a full day's reasonable exer- tion without showing signs of weari- nese. The amount of grain given should also be gradually increased in proportion to the work or exercise given. By. such usage the muscu- lar, respiratory and nervous systema gradually gain tone, the muscles with wbichthe harness, especially the collar, comes in contact, gradual- ly become hardened and increased in power of resistance, hence become much less liable to soreness. In many oaaes, on account of the hardening of the muscles, they lose bulk; hence a collar that may have fitted per- fectly at first, may new be too large. Thin should be attended to either by providing fresh collars or filling the extra space of the old ones with sweat pada. While we prefer collars without sweat pads, the latter is much better than vacant space.- ' J. H. Reed, V.S., 0. A. College, Guelph. BEAN MARKET Toronto, October 4th.--Beans-Canadian. hand-ekked, bushel, $4,25 to $4,50; primes, $3.75 to 34.00. POULTRY MARKET Toronto, October 4th. --Dressed Poultry - Spring chicken., 34 to 38c;r 000tem, 20e; fowl, 28 to 32c: ducking., 33e;turkeys, 60c. Live Poultry ---Spring chickens, 20 to 28e; rooatere, 16e: fowl, 20 ter 27e ; ducklings. 25c; turkeys. 60o. DAIRY MARKET Toronto, October 4.-- Chooe, new large, 20 to 21e ; twine. 20y, to 21 5tc : triplets, 221;,. to 23c. Old large, 27 to 280 twins, 2714 to 290: triplet., 29 to 29,o_o; Stitoros, new, 33 to 86r_ Butter-Fre,h dairy, choice, 83 W 85c; brearbery printe, fresh, No. 1, 41 to 42,, ; No. 2, 38 to 40c: cooking, 22 to 24e. Margarine -22 to 24o. Eggs -No. 1 44 to 45c; selects. 50 2o 52c; cartons, 62 to 64c. LIVE STOCK MARKETS Buffalo, October 4.- Cattle receipts. 3,000": slow; shipping steers, 25 to 40c lower; others, 25 to 50e lower; shipping steers, 37.75 to 39; butchers, 37.50 to 38.25; year- lings, 19 to 110: heifers. 34.75 to $7.25; 31.50 to 55.25; bulls, 3 to 35.25 ; stockers and feeders. 35 to 15.50 fre lob cows nod springer. 145 to 1135. Calves -Receipts. 1,700: steady, 35 to $14; 31.50 lower. Hog, -Receipts, 17.600 ; heavy, $8.25 to $8.60: few $8.65; mixed yorkem, light do. and pigs, 58-60; rovgtw, 86.50: stings. $4 to 14.25. Sheen and lambs-Receiph,, 13,000; gen- trally 25 to 50 cents lower: lambs, 84 to 59; o 55.50: ewers, 31 to 35: mixed sheep, 85 to 5551. N.2ontrial, October 4. -Cottle receipts, 1,402. There was a to the marketthat could sluggish notq be ettrtrend ihutedto any local conditions, such a0 the Jewish holidays ; 11.5ggQqqQ an offered for a selected lot of good ,tee W Aside from these beat lots were sold for 5.50 to $6. Fairly good and good cows brought around 14.25 to 34.50. The bulk a the medium quality and light butcher cattle brought from 34 to 34.50. Bologna bulls and canners remained unchanged. Quotations: Butcher steers, choice, 36 to 36.50: good, 35 to 15.75; medium, 34.25 to 35: common, 33 to $4: butcher heifer choice. 94.50 to $5 : medium, 54 to 4.50; common, $2 to 33.10; butcher cows choice, '34 to 34.60; common, 12 to $3.50 ; butcher cows, choice, $4 to 34.50; medium. 82 10 33.50: nannew. 1 to 31.50; cutters. 31.50 to$2.00: 0' butcher hulls. good, 33.6to $4: common„ 12.25 to 13. Iroteel101L9 P111111.9. Calve,. -Receipt, 1,482, Good real un- changed. Grams calves a little firmer. Quotations: Good veal. $9 to $10; medium 35 to 38; gmen, $2 to $3. Sheep- Receipts. 7.377. Top sales at 37.50; good lamb, w0 re generally quoted at 57.00; mixed Iota, 16to 86.50. Sheep very difficult to dispose of. Quott,000m: Ewen. 12 to 32.75; lambs. Cowl. 37 to 37.50; common, $5 to 36. Hoge -Receipts, 1,889. The general pries was 19.50.' There vow a comp.nratiVely light run and seller, ,n some cane, holding for n higher figure. Quotations: 00 car weights, selects, 30.00 sows. E6 to $7.50. lInion Stock Yards. Toronto October 4 -- Compared with opening. day mnrketa. Of the peat few weeks the receipt of a rte to -day was dreklestly light and consisted chiefly or medium and common grassers, which were a slow sale at etady price. There were- very few export steers on hand, and the!. beet of these sold from o shade to n quarter stronger ,pM,. Obiter hen brit trade ht steers and heifers were' steady, but trade was .,t tit all brisk, even in time, and It wan only the comparative shortage of s ppy that allowed n4 a l+raetical ebnn-up of the total offering. Very little o4 them mon ,tuff woo suited to The Clog Ahnanae. the requirement/, ofmthe stocker buyers and good feeriem a even more scarce. In ' foot, my a x carloads of cattle were purchnoed for1e feeding purposes. An. extra good load of ,hors keeps, shippedby Wm. Nettleton, Strathroy, were sold by Dunn and Levnek to rice for, Whithy, at 36.35 perera cwt. The tnp price choice heavy steers wee 71,4 cents, with the nge at from that figure down fo 6 cents. The Birkenhead, E,*jsnd, cable reported native Onond(An cattle Selling l, eFBg ^almanacs arc the 3C,'tndlnAVla21 t eleven to 60,10. pone,. orsnteady with ra Nike gni3ars, thane ,i wood or 00,0 week. _ sem meg Of, horn or bene, and in- C if edeas to -day 'o re pra.Ctirnlly Mads earl (1 wit ,runic lettt'rs., tweak'„ �le+e. ('rimae vg88 brought .,74;‘,.,..4,..,,,„1.008nt8 rerke t,'., grade, re to ,'. ,y . ��� 1p1 nt, and common ealva, di to 6 cents. Nil Spinsters.den,pn� only Lair, and • trade anpmewf,at h11Yie huhldred and H•ve epineteta `Itf�a�t :1 L,1,ie id barely leant. 'The bulk of out of every 1,000 who have reachedgroe kind brought 8 ante, a. raw 33.16. the ail of 2 le,tdr'-jtegw6; 6li'2 +094 y •n odt tart: ac 014 <ena. The g n M plenty heatvy e� "V'• as indicshd 4ffYYbf "eG'dry 00- ream 66; 119 lw the, r w dra(f wa.m, but not near reach 866 acid rt.: attain, the age of ;ao lyd,y l h were ',.'Bohr. 110 anpply'"•a d e Mole atl'dtder. y '`I'. 'Life` �F]i i no 4 cants: ii'1 i * 4 1' 0 of l.at t > ek Uie .bulk of-tM1Nia- at ti.our.7°,, ^T 9 1. ' ...It frequently happens, that when a cents, ted d teres, main' to tHfi ,y,,p�� �j� els PStlige }19 1./MMy to I tb,' 1I�i "T'IT.` �r' ',,�,•�y�-� roll 0 Ceae�-rid'"iii friBV.the 7at- rlij�ah.w+i�tlRl ,_ since of the weak. Estimates made in many localities indicate that the average loss of range animals as a result of feeding on poisonous plants is as great as 3 to 5 per cent., while to some range states the percentage is much higher. In Colorado the losses amount to about $1,000,000 annually. while sheep raisers in Wyoming have plac- ed their annual loss as high as '14.0 per cent. of their Hocks. Specialists (;•. of the United States Department of ' Agriculture point out that these losses to a large extent, are of ma- ttre animals. Departmont Bulletin • • 676 tells how to identity many of the plants that have caused thou - i sands of animals to sicken and die. It. also gives methods Of treatment for animals poisoned through eating such plants. The clog almanac, once in com- mon -nee in parte of England. 1s a square stick, on the four edges of which are cut notches to represent the days .of the week and various symbols to indicate different (esti- . vats and holidays.. More ancient than l, natelp0, today wimp 6,660 °Alla, 139 oslus 0610 now sad 1,491 ■heap tad lusts. QuohMOna ( Chaim hien .lean $& l A. 67.¢6• heather .t..m, *one, 16.76 to 11$.WI1'. fb, goad, 46.00 to 16.60; 4.,. emateat, 84.118e 'th 16.00; buteh.e,' heifers, .leolaa,. 60.00 MM: da ,..dims. 04.00 to 04.00; b 0.100 a' cows, 04,10 to 60.00;. da a.d0 , 43.10 la at0h; .asaw and cuttersX1.00 is 62.00; ara0000►. -rand. "'1l. 8.1p N.08j da. Seensapn. 82.00 7v 03,16; fa.d.sa, 006' poumd., 44.611 to M401 :do,( fair. 04.00 to 04.501 milkers, H6 to 0901 •ptdnr re, ,110 10 9100; e.l,,, shote.., 211 to 110; da, nt.dltim. $0.00 to 410.001 do oamosos, 1111.80 to. 50.00; Leda, rood. 66.110 to /6.60; do.. commute. 45 W 16.60; .b.w, choices 42.00 to 64.00; du.. Iliad.. $2.00 to 61,60; do. hogyz ..d boob, 11,00 to 52.00: beer 0.4 ■mal watered, 60,00 to. 00.76; do. oft tare, 69:70 to N0; do. f.o.b.. 60.76 to 601 do. eoutltay points. 86.60 to 88.70. • Towtread.-In .Egoa$ddv118 m , on (tomboy lot. to Be. and Mn. Samuel' Townsend. • daughter, Hoegy,-In' McKillop, on September 17th, to Mr. sad Mrs. ry 5. Hoegy, a daughter, - Reid.rin Varna, on September 22nd, to Hr. and Mn. William ROA. t daughter, (Jana McNaughton). RUty= In Mitchell on September 24th, to Mr, and Mrs. George Riley. • son. Leaks -In Logan, on September 2701:. to Str- and Mn. The. E. Leaks a son. Groves. -ln Wingham, oh Septernbep 23rd, to Mr. end Mrs. Harry Grovs,' • son. Bryane.-In Toronto, on September 11111b, to D. T. end Mn. Bryarw, tannery of Bru.- see, a son. MARRIAGES Farley -McDonald -At the Mame. Toronto, on September 12th, by Rev. W. M. Muir Auld, of 01d ¢t Andrew'. church, Mr. Rufus 0, Farley, Toronto, sun of the tate James and Mrs. Farley. formerly of Markham, Ont., to Jewle Elisabeth, daughter of Mm. McDonald and the late Alexander McDonald of Grey towmhlp. Rlsobrough---Congr nt.-At the how. of the bride's parents, on September 21st, by Rev. C. J. Harris, B.A., B.F., Mr. Roy D. Riacbrough, of Toronto, to Mise Ida 61. Congrarn. only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thom.. C.ongram of Fast Wawanah. DEATHS Dexter. -In H*llett, on [ u October 6, Ellen Stewart, Ixdoved wifeTheodore Dexter, aged 67 year. 'Sand 4 days. Swale. --In Summer Cove, S.skatehewan, op September 28th, Thomas William Swale J r., aged 26 yearn, 6 months and 8 days. Hackney. -In Hibbert on September 22nd, Margaret Bruce, relict of the late John Hackney, aged 83 years, 8 month. and 22 dare. Johnoton.--In Welton, on September 27th. Elisabeth Gallinger, beloved wife of An- drew Johnston, aged 71 years, 1 month end 21 days. Swan. -In Mitchell. On September 27th, Jae. Edgar Swan, Infant don of Mr. and Mrs. Edge, Swan, aged 8 months and 8 days. Salkeld.. -In Goderich, on September 25th. Wilson Salkeld, h. hitt 700 'year. Fowler. -At Goderich,o n September 26th, Mary Jane Thompson.beloved wife of the late J. A. Fowler, in her 55t1, year. Coultn,.-Ih East Watson/rah, tot September 22nd. Martha Scott, relict of the late Root. Coultas, sired 91 years and 11 months, ' Miller -In Stalfa, on September 29th, Alma Miller. in her 20th year. AUCTION SALES CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FARM Stock and Implements. Jame. Jones. . (inneer, hoe received inatructio. from the undersigned to sell by publicuction on l.ot 12, Concession 0, Township of Hibbert, on Thursday, October 138,5. 1921, the fol- lowing: Monies -Team of mann good work- ers, driving horse quiet lady can drove him. Cattle -Cow due in Febnoary: cow due Morsb. w due 'n April, springer 6 yearo old due to salve about time of sole. cow due in May. 4 steers and 2 heifers one year and half old calf 8 months old, 2 calves 2 months and half old, Hogs, etc. --Aon due in October, sow due in November, sow not bred, 9 pigs8 weSibm Old. Implements.--Massey-Harris bin- der,l Deering mower pew, McCormick ,culti- ater. Nixon ,s Seed drill combined, hoe' rake, di harrow- get iron harrow., steel -holler, Fleury plow, root acnOler, root pulper, set bob oleigho, Hain wagon, new; hay rack, hog rack. set team harms,, Net home blankets, 16 foot. ladder, logging chain. cutter. set nlinge ad trip chain, gravel box, 2 oak bar. refs, set whilfletrcen, neckyoke. forks, shovels and other small things. Sale comunencea at one o'clock p.m.. sharp. Terms --Ail sums of 010.00 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months' credit will he 0i0011 on furnish- ing. approved joint notes. Five per cent. al- lowed off for rush on • credit amounts. No reserve ns 0e proprietor iv 111. No outside stock allowed on premises for sale. FRANK BYRNE, Proprietor; Joe. Jones, Auctioneer. 2708-1 FOWL WANTED Any quantity of Live Fowl delivered at the Royal Hotel Stahl., every Wednesday forenoon. Highest cash prices. 280547 J. G. MCMICHAEL. Take along - plenty ty ofinion Wn have Kodak film in the complete assort- ment, autographic and non -autographic - and all of it is ready for results. One feature of our Kodak department is that through helpful criticism and friendly advice we help you make good pictures better. Come to our store and learn about service from us. "If it isn't, Eastman Film, it isn't Kodak Film." Insist on the film in the yellow box. Er UMBACH. filar. B. SeaGirth and Bayfield. libeirrEXPokatiOs •LADIES We have a nice assortment of Flow- ering Bulbs on hand. Get yours now GENTLEM EN We a're' expect'in'g a car of No. 1 Feed Oat, and $ ear of 'Feed Corn - Leave us your order at once. W. M. STEWART Flour, Feed and Grocery Storm Phan 77. IDIPORTAL<IT NOTICES Fos SALE. -TWO 'REGISTERED CLYDES- dale allies 2 yeah with pleats of .nae std good quality. Real show .tuff. ROBERT R. WAIT, R. R. No. 1, Btytb. 2700.2 All ood Buys. All, 8ba*--10 8eKs..t..... 5 lbs. Salads Tat. ,.,'., X2.10 Pure Laid, Per ib 20e Redpllth. Sugar 98.00 'Roil Oats, per 90 lbs 18,60 High Grade Manitoba Plour$4.9O 24 Iba. Pastry flour . ;1.06 Hartley Blend Meek lila- • - 3 pounds for 90c SPOT CASH. W. J. Finnigan Phone No. 72. • Buildings For Sale For ..1e one shop 06.18tfi Til. building hr two stories and le lathed and pleatered and could wily be converted 060'. house. Abu one lean to 10s26'4; one drive abed 84.17: one garage 14.22 and . abed 103,4 12. These buildings are all in the 1.,.4 of repair. with good timbers and will be wia on very reasonable terms. For further par - Bemire apply on the meaniees or oddrees S.afurtb Post O11ee. pox SALE. --A 11'ORKSlII1LE SOW WITH FRANK ARNOLD. utter. also • numbrr of .ow. due to soon. on. Good stock, urn prices rem unable. Apply to BERT GIBBINGS, R. R. No. 4, Clinton; phone 146 6, Clinton. 2708-2 PIGS FOR SALE.-=FOit SALL 60 YOUNG pigs about ready t, ween . Apply on Lot 10, Concession 0 Strodey, or phone 19 00 86, Her -wall. W. A. R06S, 2806-4 ANNOUNCEMENT The Pavilion Ordlestr,, Godertdm, te open for engagements, pmblir er private. For information and terms 0,,te pr phone W. J. BUCHANAN. Manager Phone 47 Box 18 (;oderich, Ont. Beautiful Weather Splendid r crop. g,.,d root crop. heap. .0 gr.oa ander long 0000 foil nr'diotod. No starvation In sight. Grote] country, fertile nil Keep it so by draining Your fields with good clay tile. Donit wan till next yme expecting lower pri %Why! You thee tie Price of the tile wh-u are waking. Give us a call nod/ t,oloetheroads get muddy. We mac yob • right and we have Plenty of tale in .tock from 3 inch up. It pays to borrow money to buy tile from WILLIAM 9PHt1AT, IL I' R. Nu. 4, Seeforth. Phone 9 on 136. 2807-2 FARMS FOR SALE FARMS FOR BALE. -- I HAVE SOME choice farms for sale in the Townships of Ueborne and Hibbert. all well built and Improved. on easy term+ of payment. THOMAS CAMERON, E$eter, Ont. 2658-4.8 VARA( FOR SALE. -7L01 15. CONCESSION 4, Stanley, of 9 mos. About 65 acres under cultivation bol.uee broken paenre land. Abundant antra supply Good bank barn and frame dwelling. Price teason.ble. A. T. SCOTT, Brune8pid. 2804-8 FARM E FOR SAL. LOT 31. CONCF.S. ion 13. coot/1110,W 50 orris. There n the premis,o n .,rnali bun on cement foundation room for se had of cattle and 5 horst,, also box stall: small frame house. Two and one-half miles from Walton sta- tion. All gra.s but abut 7 mm. This is a first -ethos farm and good lands and will be sold on reasonable terms. A email amount may be paid down and the balance remain on mortgage at 5'per annum. }'or fur- ther particulars, autilt to ROBERT BETTS, Walton P. 0. 280504 FARMS FOR SAI0.--LOTS 26 AND 27, Confession 2, 11. It. S., containing two hundred acres , eights n of choice pm - lure land with i.•a of running water, the remainder is in ,a high ,tate of cultivation. Two Krick house:. on e Toone barn on ground, ce large barn foundation with large ement .silo and litter carrier. water in stable arid other Fonvrn'ieneo.. Apply .FLETCIIER T. TOWNSEND. R. It. 3, Seaforth. Ont., phone 3 tot 614, ('lin,,,0. 2805x4 FARM FOR SAIL' -250 ACRES, MORE or less, Cnn e. n 4 and 5, Stanley Township. nls,ut 1 �• miles from Clinton Well improved. ol clay loam, 15 acres hardwood and cedor huoh, practically all fenced with wire fencing. }'irot-rla<o house and horn tel"phone, rah ail de- livery. Will sell „ ',Mailable terms. Apply n premiOo, to Ali 51 STEWART, R. R. No, 5. Clinton. 2798 t F"RFOIL SA1.0.- a MILE SOUTH of B'r9refferd. Let. 1 ;. Concession 1, Staler, 100 acro. There no on the premises one good bank barn, implement house, straw shed, a good frame t,. ,nae, 3 good never -fail - Ing wells, windmillnone. The farm ill n well fenced d drained. Rurol mall and (0080,. This'neof the hen farms in the township. ,0.iwill he sold on reasonable t Ooo I' session given in No - Smaller. For furl!:,, particulars ,ply to DREW SWAN. Brae, 6e1d, Ont. 2792-tf "WARM FOR SAIF' /` Concession 6. 0. 011 cleared eye, hush. Ther r born with rtnneand e. with cement. Root/ . frame stable. 2,s•,'2. rooms and kitchen, Hard and soft wide. of id - of method. T. f:, - and tile drained. 5+ well at the hush. 1,, of the heat in 31,1 miles from the T. mile from school n, nn d phone. Will I„• For further parrndn ise, or address 1' ROBERT A. HOC,. -FOR SALE LOT 20. 6 iBnP, 00,1ining 100 :•t 8 ,ere, of hnrdwood the premist, a hank .r ant foundation, 46882: driving shed, 14x36 ; Targe grovel house. 7 s•ment floors in cellar. n kitchen : two arreo to rwire a fenced -11 at barn nod also is a good farm -OUP .:lop. It i+ situated 5 o of Seaforth and ne ..I church. Rural maiI on re onnhle form.. apply on the prem - R. No. 1, Seeforth. 2801-tf rrllE EXECUTORS GP THE LATE ARCHl- hold McGregor •'er for sale lot 16, fith Conrnsion. MoFillnp, 100 ncrn of first class farm lands. "Is m•• land 10 in n amt elms %tate of milt's-at/on and there and erected on the m•m'e-. a gon.l frame dwel- ling home. with k.1,'hen %Modred: Prone barn 76,54 with etc a foundation, ,tabling nndernenth and rr mint noire and water thronghoot, drivingteeth. pig nen and hen home. Al.n about t., aorta of good hard wood hush. The pro,•-,ty le well fenced and well drained and con . m lent to grind markets. rhurehte and schools For further particul0rs Apply to MISS 6,11,1.5 J. MrGREGOR, on the premien., or to R S HAW. Solicitor, Sea- fortth, Ont. 2790-tf FARM FOR SALE - :'ARM OF TWO f4ITN- dred risme oath/nit-1r the Town of Sea - forth, coovenieritly situated N all churches, e hnol, and Collegiate There in a comfort- able brick rnttage with • cement kitehen: barn 100x68 with rl, ne stabling underneath for 6 horses, 16 head of cattle and 40 hose with steel ,tanchlonv and seater before all stock; litter starrier and feed carrier and two cement silm . driving shed and Piet - form scale,. Watered by a reek well and windmill. The farm 6 well drained and In a high state of cultivation. The crop to all in the ground +•1•10(0e slay Mom. Immedi- ate ponaeanlon. Apply to M. BEATON. R. R. 2. Seaforth, Ont 2737-tt WANTED AT ONCE TWO HUNDRED MEN Ando -Goa Tnsctor Meehanice,' Tire Vulcan- item, ulcan- : Hotter, Repairing. OxyAretyleae Weld- ing. Moehanirs Turn $5415 per day. Train for thole at our 5,0 modern .shoo;-Lrgest and beet equipped in F urn Canada Big new equipments of all kinds including aero engine,. Actual practical systematic train- ing ; ry beat instructions only few weeks requited. We train you day andvs ning Memos without extra charge. Boardand roomt7 up. Call or write, beautiful free catalogue. Seventeen y.mro' experience, ochoon from coot to coast HEMPHILL'S BIG AUTO -GAS TRACTOR SCHOOL. 168 King Street Wmt, Toronto. 2806-4 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Wesley Duncan Harvey, Deceased. NOTICE c hereby given that all persona having claims 000,150 the estate of Wesley Duncan Harvey, late of the Township of Stanley. ,n the County of Huron, yeoman. deceased. who died on or about the 22nd ug of Aust, 1921, are required to deliver to The Canada Trust Company, the administra- tor of the said estate or iia solicitor n . or before the 17th day of October, 1921. afuil statement of their claim together with par- ticulars thereof, and the nature of the se- uritie,, if any. held by them an duly verified by alldovlt ANI) TAKE NOTICE that after the said last mentioned bite the nand Administrator will proceed to distribute the mntat.e of the ..id ,Ieceaeed amongst the persons entitled thereto havingand only ter such claims it shall have rgreceived due notice and in accordance therewith. NOTICE is hereby further given that all persons indebted to the said Wesley Duncan Harvey et the time of his decease are re- quired to make settlement of the name with the administrator or with W. Brydone, Clin- ton, the Soliq,tor for the Administrator. DATED a2 Clinton this Ltat dar v1 SeD - bomber, A.D., 1921. W. BR 000 the said Ad, Ont, 2805-3 Solicitor for 0c ,aid Adm(nlatretor. l RANDATRUN'1 SYSTW M The Double Track Route Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT, and CHICAGO. Unexcelled Dining Car Service. Sleeping cars on Night Trains and Parlor Cars on principal Day Trains. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agt., Toronto. W. R. Plant Agent 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O S. T. HOLMES O Funeral Director and O Licensed Embalmer 0 Undertaking Parlors in 0 Beattie Block, opposite The O Expositor Office. Residence O Goderich St., opposite Dr. O Scott's. 0 Flowers furnished on short O notice. O Phone Night or Day 119 O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O 0000000000000 W. T.BOX&CO. 0 O Embalmer and O O Funeral Directors O O H. C. BOR O 0 Holder of Government O O Diploma and License O O Chargee moderate 0 0 Flowers furnished on short 0 O notice. 0 0 Night Calls Day Calle O O Phone 175 Phone 48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W. S. GORMLEY 0 Embalmer and Funeral 0 O Director O O Undertaking Parlors Above 0 0 M. Williams' Grocery Store. 0 0 Main Street, Seaforth. O 0 Flowers furnished on short 0 O notice. O O Chargee Moderate O 0 Phone -Night or Day -192 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Notie.to the Public. Raving purchased the grocery business of Mr. G. F. S: 'Garden, adjoining my store on Main Street, I will hereafter conduct the business in .CTI .tion with my Feed and Seed Storey.and assurepublic of continued satisfactory service and valuta in both Groceries aid Seed and Feed. W.STEWART se 77. SEAFORTH. New School Regulation, requiring all children to attend school until 16r years of age, affect your boy or girl? If so, might we suggest that this year would be well spent in taking a Commercial Course. At the end of the year they would be fitted for a well-paid position. Please consider our School care- fully. Examine the teaching qual- ifications of our staff; inquire as to the success of our graduates. We can secure Board and Room from Monday to Friday at $4.00 to $5.00, or Room with privilege of preparing your own meals at $1.00 to $1.50 per week. For our Catalogue and further information, phone Clinton 198, or write to B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts., Principal SCHOOL OF COMMERCE Clinton, Ontario. 311111111111aIn111111111111illllIiIIIIIIIIIIIt111J111111II11111111111Ii1I111i1N11RIMIHU U =cook by Hydro p Chea er than Coal Oil. For full information inquire at HYDRO SHOP. TOWN HALL BUILDING Entrance -Town Clerk's Office. �+ ET PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION OF SEAFORTH 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111BIIlI111111IIIllII11H111111111111111itmi IIJIIt Y ti Big Clearing of Summer Hardware Your opportunity to purchase Screen Doors, Ila•m- mocks, Lavin Mowers, Oil Stoves and Ovens at Cost SCREEN DOORS LAWN MOWERS Regular Clearing Price 00.85 $2.75 $3.25 $2.45 $4.00 $3.00 $2.90 $2.30 $4.90 $4.00 84.25 $3.50 HAMMOCKS Regular HAMMOCKS Price $fi.75 $4.50 $7.00 $6.01) $80.00 $32,00 $6.2b $4.25 $;661...027055 11.00 81.00 Genuine Perteetion Ovens, regu- 1510.00 $7.50 lar $9.26 for $6.50 Frost Fence Wires Height stays 6 40 inches 0 nt 45 cents per rod. 7 40 inches 9 at 51 cents per rod. ling Fence 9 36 inches 12 at 66 cents per rod. ,r Barb Wire at 6c. 1b. Brace Wire at 6c lb. Black annealed wire at tic lb. FROST STEEL, GATES (Electric Welded) Not black iron galea. Length Height Reg.50 Price Sete anal Prise feet 4 feet $13. 1314 feet 4 feet $13,0(1 MI: 3'rfi feet4 feet $6.00 fi.>li 3 feet 4 Soot $6.00 U Regular $18.00 $16.50 Clearing Priee $13.50 $12.00 PERFECTION OIL STOVES Two -Burner Regular Special $25.50 $19.00 Three -Burner $31.00 $24.04 Four -Burner The Big Hardwar H. EDGE - - - - Sewn