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The Huron Expositor, 1921-10-07, Page 2
tigittfi l[ Loes Not Pay to `Raise i Id •. Sell Than Chickens.- CAN A RANGE 4 is the range of •1• ality. No part the material in its construction has been chang- ed. It remains the heaviest, hon- est, best baker on the market at a GREATLY REDUCED PRICE. Wynndoltes, Reds and Rocks Beat for Fattening --deed a Mixture of Ground Barley, Oorn Meal, .'Ground Buckwheat and Shorts, Mixed With Sour Milk—Winter Rhubarb Growing. (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) The marketing of thin chickens is not conserving our meat supply. nor is it the moat profitable method to the producers. Present prices of market poultry admits of the liberal use of feeds and the marketing of welbtleseed birds. In most localities there is con- siderable variation in the prices paid fur thin and finished cbickeus. The s,tr.>ad In prices varies from two to live cents per pound: In some In- stances much more. It can readily t!e seen that the producers' gain in price on the original weight of the bird Should make a profit, above the cost of finishing, on the gain in weight. Fatten the Heavier Breeds. The best birds to flesh or fatten are those of the heavier breeds. such as Wyandottes, Reds and Rocks. The light breeds, such as Leghorns, seldom pay to fatten unless they are very thin in flesh. The birds intended for fattening should be confined tc a small pen or slatted coop. The process Is not difficult if you will but pay atten- tion to a few points that are essential. Do not feed the birds for the first day they are shut up. You should give them something to drink, but it is best to give no feed. Then feed very lightly for two or three days, and gradually increase the ration, being very careful not to overfeed. We usually start chickens on very finely ground grains at the rate of three-quarters of an ounce of grain per feed to 'each bird, feeding twice daily. This can be increased gradu- ally to two or three times this amount. Generally the most profit- able gains are made during the first fourteen to sixteen days' feeding. Such birds will not be excessively fat, but should be fat enough to 'cook and eat well. Some markets demand a fatter bird. The most profitable gains are made on birds weighing from three and one-half to four and one-half pounds when put up to fatten. Feed the Grain Finely Ground. The grains fed should be finely ground, and, if at all possible, should be mixed with sour milk. Mix the feed to a consistency of a pancake batter. The more milk the chicken will take the better bird you will have in the end, Milk appears to have no good substitute for fattening chickens. If you cannot get milk then add ten to fifteen per cent. of meat meal to the ration and mix with water. The addition of a little green food daily will help matters. Many people' get better results by feeding a little salt. About one-half pound to one hundred pounds of dry grain is sufficient. This mixes best by being dissolved in water and add- ing a little at each feed. Be careful not to use too much. The best grains available now are a mixture of ground barley, corn- meal, finely ground buckwheat, and shorts. Oats are good if part of the hull is sifted out, as are also ground brewers' grains. We have used with good results a mixture of two parts of ground barley, two parts corn- meal, and two parts shorts, mixed with twice the amount of sour milk. In general feed about one-third shorts and then whatever finely ground grains you may have about the farm. Six Points Worth Remembering. The birds mist be healthy. The coop should be clean and free from vermin. Do not feed the first day. Feed lightly the first few days. Never leave feed before the birds for more than fifteen minutes. If it is not all consumed remove what is left. If at all possible mix the ground grains with- sour milk.—W. R. Gra- ham, O. A. College, 'Guelph. iTl ook "FR`IIT-A.Tl(VES" eon Well Ever Shies Special Wood Heaters for sale, each $4.50 Furnaces. FfEAVY FLANGED FIFE POT DEEP ASH PIT From our stock of furnaces we have , a few bargains remain- ing, If you contem- plate a furnace, bring in the size of your house and we will tell you what an installa- tion is worth. We maintain an efficient staff of workmen, none better. We take no jobs that cannot be guaranteed in either pipe or pipeless furn- aces. Regarding re pairs, the foundry con- ditions warrant early ordering. Order now. G. A. Sills & Sons Guarantee When you instal a McClary's Sunshine Furnace, Pipe or One -Register (pipeless)— your heating problem is properly solved. From McClary's factory to your base- ment, and until the furnace is in complete affd successful - operation ,in your home, warming every room in it, McClary's guar- antee stands behind it. McClary's build it with their guarantee. Through their dealers McClary's recommend the type of Sunshine Furnace best suited to your home. Again through their dealer ,they guarantee the correct installation of the furnace. And then they guarantee that it will warm every room in your house and properly humidify the air provided you keep the water pan supplied with water. - McClary's local dealer will show you that The Sunshine Furnace is simplicity itself in operation, and substantial in construction. Pipe or One - Register (PIPELESS) mostarmaxams Write for descriptive booklet to any branch. London, Torontn, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vanconver, St. John, N.B., Hamilton, Calgary, Saskatoon, Edmonton. McClary's--Makers of those "good stoves and cooking. ntensils". For Sale by Bonthron tic Drysdale, Hensall, Ont, R1A DON'T THROW YOUR OLD CARPETS AWAY They make new reversible "Vettetex" Rugs Send for Yelvebew Folder 29. CANADA WO COMPANY, How Winter Rhubarb Is Produced. In making a permanent business of rhubarb forcing, it ts neeessary, each year, to set out a new bed, as plants once forced are of no -further value. In the spring large roots should be dug, split in one bud sec- tions and replaced in rich moist ground. During the growing season they are' kept cultivated and free from weeds. In the fall they are covered with manure. Next spring a second bed is planted as before. That fall a large part of the first bed is taken up. leaving sufficient to replant another bed the next sPring. The roots are taken up the last thing in the fall before the hard freezing weather comes and are placed In piles in a shed where they can easily be got at during the winter but will remain frozen. About December lst take in a sufficient number of roots, place these bud side up on the door of a warm cellar—about 68° or 70° —and cover vtith an inch of sand. Be sure to in all interspaces. Keep this sand motet. About a week later the buds will begin to swell and in from four to six weeks, de- . pending upon the heat of the room— the cooler the place the slower growth starts—you should have rhu- barb ready for market. After these roots ate exhausted throw them away and pat in more. If a constant sup- ply is required make a new bed every twi, or three weeks during the winter. Be sure to keep all light dimmed. Put berlap or brown paper over the windows U. get 'the bright pink Color so much deslred.—A. H. MacLennan, ontario Vegetable Spe- Cialist, Toronto. acnes atwAT Paxrn JUNCTION, N.B., Jan.22nd, 1920 "For many )oats, I was a great sufferer from indigestion, Constipation and Rheumatism. My Stomach was weak and gave me cuustaut distress, while Rheumatlont in my joints made me almost a cripple. was treated by two different deters but their medi- cine did me no geed. Then 1 tried "Fluit.a-tives" and at once that fruit medicine helped me. Soon the Constipation and Indiges. tion werexelieved and the Rheuma- tism began to go away; sad in a few mouths entirely disappeared. For twelve years now, my health has been first class, and I attribute it to the use of "Fruit-a-tives" which I take regu larly". Mn. CLARA SLOAT, 50o a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25o. At dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit- a•tives Limited, Ottawa. SOME OF THE WORLD'S FAMOUS IMPOSTERS. Never since the beginning of his- tory has the world been free from the pretences of its mountebanks, its charlatans, its necromancers and its imposters. The latest of these was Louis Lem Laf„rge, the self-styled King of a mythical Transcaricasia Vitanvalia, imposture was exposed some time ago, But it is not given to many im- posters to have their names handed down through posterity and for the word derived from -it to find a place in the language of at least two of the' leading nations of the world. Such, however was the distinction achieved by Frederic -Antoine Mesmer, father of the science" of mesmer- ism. It was during the career at the Uni- versity of Vienna that Mesmer made his first investigations into the sub- ject of "animal magnetism," the theory with which he was later to astonish the world. At the begin- ning of his career he was undoubtedly in earnest, believing firmly in the efficacy of his methods and feeling certain that he was benefiting man- kind with his discoveries. But it was not long before he came to the part- ing of the ways between the practice of medicine and that of charlatanism. He invented a "magic tub" or species of covered bath, around which his patients were arranged in tiers. To the tub was attached a number of tubes, touching the bodies of the patients and Mesmer, dressed in a fantastic costume symbolic of extreme mystery, walking about among his clients, touching them with his magic wand. He also held private seances, giving many exhibitions of his un- usual power of hypnotism. When the commission of the faculty of medicine commenced to investigate Mesmer's practices, the "scientist" refused to appear' before the board, and his reply was a demand that he be pensioned by the State on account of his great service to humanity. This being refused, Mesmer turned his back on Parris and moved his headquarters to Spa, where he ar- ranged for the sale of his powers at figures that brought him in an in- come of one million francs a year. Satisfied with this, he returned $o his native country of Swabia, where he lived until his death at 81 years old. On January 1; 1644, Michob Ader, calling himself the "Wandering Jew," appeared at Paris and created an ex- traordinary sensation among persons of all ranks. 'Acer said he had lived sixteen hundred years, having been original- ly an usher at the court of judgment in Jerusalem, where all, criminal eases were tried, and that, because be had thrust Jesus out of the hall, saying, "Go; why tarriest thou? the Messiah answered, "I go, but tarry thou until I come" thereby sentenc- ing him to live until the day of judg- ment. He pretended to have been in. Rome when it was burned by Nero; to have witnessed the return of Sal- adin after his eastern conquests; to have been in Constantinople when Salimen built the royal mosque; to have known. Tamerlane the Scythian, and Scander Beg, prince of Epirus; The black sheep of the family is usually made the gottt.,---KIngstost More Men Than Women Have Appendicitis Medical reports shown men are more subject to apnendicitis although many sudden cases occur among wo- men. It can be guarded against by preventing intestinal infection. The intestinal antiseptie, Adler-i-ka, "acts on BOTH 'upper and lower bowel, re- moving all foul, decaying matter Whieh might cause infection. It brings out matter you never thought was in your system and whictt may awe been poisonin yo or months. Adler-i-ka is EX DENT for gits-on ' the stomach. E. anbach, Druggist. On' ° he act at rhe lead uatr i ego'od the oat Jeraa'alenn dee . l l g' ftht4 he then in Rome at'the '+teurt of pan, The pretentiona of the 'WttndeirIng Jew were supppowted by many UM- sons ,arsons who claimed to have seen, shim in.. various peaces throughout, the world. IIMloreaver, contemporary his- tory bears out his contention by stat- ing that he was tested by a number of learned men of the city and that "it was not possible to address him in any language with whiohh.. he was unfamiliar." After obtaining a vast amount of notoriety Ader finally dis- appeared, apparently without having made any attempt to capita ize his strange experiences and .almost uni- versal learning. 10* 3400 cash and 'feserve .$0,000,99a. Over 1$b >9R thhee 1 Wo-n=©=®-=r=r=■=■-■=r= e IVIolsons Ba There is no safer or surer way of , safeguarding your •surplus money than •placing it in a savings account with The Moleona Banks,• Why not begin to -day? BRANCRES IN THIS DISTRICT: Brucefleld St. Marys, Eirkton Exeter, ton, Hensall, Zurich. styled"Count .bagliostio," tunas Carlyle wrote "Be is the quack of Outwits, the most perfeot scoundrel that in these latter ages has nark- ed the history of the world." This notorious imposture was the son of Pietro Balsamo, a poor shop- keeper of Palermo, who commenced his unusual career by selling prints which had been .touched up. with ink as original sketches. After- marry ing Lorenzo Feliciana, the daughter of a girdle maker, the pair made their appearance at a number of European capitals under a number of spurious •titles, finally adopting those of the Count Alessandno and Countess Seraphim Cagliostro. Shortly after his arrival in Lon- don the "count" permitted it to be- come kuown that he owned certain manuscripts explaining the original system of Egyptian Free Masonary as instituted by Enoch and Elijah adding that it was his mission to restore the sacred brotiherhood to its ancient glory. The success of the hoax appears to be almost inchedible. The "count" and "countess" travel. led over 'all of Europe, posing as the grand Coptha and the grand priest- ess of the revived faith and finally, when they settled in Strasbourg, they had collected. sufficent funds to enable them to live in princely style. While at the height of their power they were induced to ac- company Ordinal de Rohan to Paris and, with ,flim, they became involved in a famous diamond necklace scandal. After nine months' im- prisonment in the Bastille, the pair were liberated and fled to England, .ut they were forced to leave the country under suspicion and were unfortunate enough to select Rome as their -next point of attack. Here the Holy Inquisition seized them, burned the manuscript relating to Masonary and ordered that the im- posters be imprisoned for life. self- SLEEP Ohl what a wonderful word that is I Can you do it? That is, drop off into a good sound refreshing sleep? If you are unable to, there is something wrong with your nerv- ous system. It is a danger signal. Nervous prostration, melancholia, nervous dyspepsia are only a few of the serious maladies that are liable to develop. DR. MILES' NERVINE—$I.20 will soothe the irritated and over- strained nerves. Just one or two doses helps 'Nature to restore them to their normal functions. Guaran- teed Safe and Sure. Sold in Seaforth by • Where there is a to to E. UMBACH, Phm., B. onetipodno, y will land keeping the a ,vol 9elfeetive In keeping the bowels open. The star of the feminine athletes of France is Mlle. Brevard of the Femina Sport, Paris. She is only. eighteen years of age, but already holds all the distant records of France. Miss Blanche J. Greenbar, a new York domestic science expert, taught American style home canning to the French girls of the Ainse district, as demonstrators for the American 'Committee for Devastated France. ITALY MOURNS A POET. Years of Hardship and Misery Killed F,rcolo Illorselll. In the death of Ercole lic.rsc}li, who, like Kea.s, died young front the effects of his daily stru!le -to live, Italy lost one of her grs.test Potts. Although lllorselli hau s•..cceedrd in producing only two scale Ur..:..o he became famous. but too sae, :a his health had been und,rn.tsn: ti `+y thirteen years of misery ane : re- ship. ,Ercole Mo:selli was a journalist and he only realized when I;:trd Imes came that 1•,etrt. v.ondori;.lty like the .ancten. 1,1' r, epics, up:L+..l- ed to him nicre. \Vith the enthus- iasm of youth h:• t.h t. ught that t:m weriewould welcome him, and while publishers Calle for poetry of the d'Annunzian type, he insisted on ,vriting poems of love and ruuncia.- non. His frionds often' told him that he was. writing too far behind the Ames, to which he would reply: "1 am writing for posterity." In his odd moments he worked on his masterpiece, "Glauco," a tale of love triumphant, even to the roitun- ci^.t.iun of power and kichcs and worldly ghr;. Moraelll's 1 octr;, was neither . like that of Ca.rdacci n a d'Annun-zio, but simple and harmon- ious likzt I'uscoli. Although it was .hes very simplicity which appealed to those who heard the play last year,. strangely enough publishers and managers always had objected to it. The public, they innisted� would consider any play written thus as dull and old-fashioned. He -wrote it after he. had left a sanitarium where a doctor friend had placed Notice how cool and sweet? It's the sun -cured Virginia leaf that's in 'ern. Nothing to make 'em burn or parch. One P.M. satisfies you—but twenty couldn't burn your tongue—no! not a bit. P.M.'s a man's cigarette. P _ILIP NAVY CUT M CIGARETTES 10 for 25 for 55 , mi SMOKING ASON BIG PLUG ne ;its THE man stho smokes I Master 'Mason KNOWS - the flavor elf good tobacco. He demands the big Master Mason plug, because to the last pipeful it gives him the best' for the least money. 34, •