HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-09-16, Page 5of W ,.M,qx from -.,V Wfo- ITAN'sr"Aw till '00. I 'Iof teal top. qualil4r, allo, 71' yg' I p,y�ouue lig gresibly, from"i Pillaen trerlild''biA limle" 4nd''Ir "yance., waieth.l 0 ROBERTII&X" 34 4 1 14, queMo." A tie poesiblis th". 11 v -im?n were UTOUX Ing ftm LqA04 ioll, 9c lamr) axis slow on is 11 A*vwg Q%aypnt 1. A . i'x� Thomas yqwa� 44, -LOTS 26 ARD, dent o0uMmed.,.. big: A mploweam--mr. Thomas Brqwu F94'. $4 100fl od M9* "a _"'Alasixtiated 0 oil by Dublin as4on. a _'06 Al jis. 0., wn'talpiag MAW wAA114-14'm the, 41 ler the, the top of, t1lb Al, CiMosim-lba 12, McKillop, on Toss iWa ree a a a a X wl ruanjing w r_ RRIffibboy;'Vere, VW01117 at a f W Seth, all one- Volrick, p.m.4 -ture. land, air.. T4S` $bors wore so. za tkas I all yel* rental" I A" n k fall I Two Person rising Ta mtr 1. te, th s wb $ hard tiii,imove,� V I a lien '11A machine. roe rising tune roan 141. lza brick barn oul jfA I I gn;44ra an Into tbe 411 pal 2-11: foot cro� .4 - '_o 'though ''Da eWriji "me -ti in U41ted fence kind for b.thAT purpores, ineved, 8' prspy' I steel rmU. 110 - olltical 45 laffer, -will To , R307, *t Around 6,12 emu a a I . wid.. I - his taste. A limlte4 do . e� seed drilh I top b nearly am. 00 da, Ven on in th 11 bii r ltMturped over in a� fleldt The Re toined Tax, situation at =84 f r Is -46r, ewpw IF. jP3 a Beef r If fit; day, Se r 29th, f, ' Thu, 6 of dry�aqft imaid. of '11110 W" wrooked and. the men Uarrawly over that ouqt 12 phum. 3 ou!414, Nigiht Powft. Reg - ed senevelly at the vack. T quo- Is, 401110,411104 A b '00ho !Lali p,m for the pupose �01! Sel -2 Flannelette Apj -,;Dpmvi* joint notes. or a in of P, 4 *eppened ajapx jWon after,-t4e a0cl. two: was talk 41%; lod ,"441,47f,R An 41100"t or 67, off for\ cash on r..r t VAjtM Ca .Ular #0. for .............. 6R 260 ACRES. MO atmiivio�iied help and removed ��e Be men to their homes here, where : war� 4,076, cattle. 471� out l2heb�� 8,474 �bbeap and Imints" vesi Asia W Praprielar:1 Thomas Brown, Awtiumssr_' 118944 Can 1191 or 4 and 5, Stool TO ro ut 4 Clinton. Wall a"y 01 An -go r- It. appol ga Ill he in h oil. $1A0 no meme. Terms of Sale: Chdt� tels.-All same of $10 and under, cash: over UCTION SALE OF FA RM, FARM STOick, A ne,y wepe given medicall attention. quatablonp: 'Ohoice liwayi, Ateeze. s _ b TA . 0 bubsber stears, choice, sq a so to; P. d a I W, Ulu 0 Tuesday eve Sept, i. All ' al TO In sprinygZ4,.$unday'.next,:,tb#, 18t And Henry M.Ivor, forms that will be made known on day of ..-i'llNo bones were broken. .00; da. good, $Us to 06.50;,do.". $446 bufthm, helf I .146.155q; ars, hoke, $0.00 tp '�=�MAP Usum-fon has received Joe an by pub =Von$ 1, -a he me I d very. Will = Apply 0 path'y' the prilaCiples S44 licles in .0 HAYFIELD do. medluni. $4.90 to $6.Q0; bivlcheml� cown ThUltdAY. September 22nd, at a) -one al ook p.m the following; . a 0, twe, a a T, V. No. p elaunciated the 1W the United Farmers frame table. 9.83, ... gravel home. 7 room And kitchen. ciinezit floom in cellar. HOME. Horse Races at Sonforth Fair, Septenkliser choice, $4.60 to $6.00; 0. inedl m' so 1`6 4.00; canners And utters, $k.,196 to,"S2�oo;, -Two good yomig mijob cow I cow duo on December let, 2 belfers I s, Cljatpp� of MUM and the Canadian Council of Akdaultuie e' Plan 0. S. size W11iiii nelette in pine Qual P. y4i, F610 6AX FARM MILE SOV7,111 And Zgrd. Br.eezes,--WoSt butehem' bulb, good, $8.60 to $.4 conamem, 1940 to 38.50; feeders, Vo� old 80 sure bred Plymou. .0 hen# And pulliz denial household furniture Including I wrought and willing to the United support Gown. kegular'$2.50, for. good styl. low of. the summer via- itors have returned to their ho e Te ain to enjoy the beautiful, Pound., 5.60 to 6.00; do., fpir. $4.00 to mukers, iiii.lio; $75 to 49S; spring 'Apiqs, Iran range, .1 ewirig, machine. good c -aft, -sanitr. pulper, light wagon, buggy, cor, cutler, sing A harness, cow lifill tabs. at'grucefield, ];,* it1l), Conewal lQ8' PAN.. on 11 bank t, -.� 1 -int. Cecil at house, ArAw Partners party are cordi ally invited to attend. . $1.95 K. , I ; Se#tex=r Weather. - Several cot- to siflo . choice, Ill to $1 do.*, medium, $0.00 to $10.40; do_'�o $800. A 6 '�xrda of ..via 1 wood and other articles too to shed. a good,fmine hqm-. 3 good mrv�-f.il- ling wells, windmill on ... 71. is I. rmm.fl W. BLACK, GBO. LA YTON, President. Lot No. 8, Concessinn 3, Stanley Township, containing lot rm forthe apply on the prem. m, LdP­&rticu1Rh1R. No. 1, Senforth. REAL HEAVY tagers ..ret;rned for the week end, them Mr. Mrs. Ff. Man- to $5.00 ; lambs, good, $6.00, to ot. �. common. ., 46 to $6.50 - she ap. chat-. $3.00 to alionarmu, raccitdori. A fr barn 60 by 30. fook an Lot 21, Co.- a.. -W. 18. Hit. bart; part half will. fenced and well d-ined. nor. and beat I Thl, phone is, on. of the fa - . Secretary, 2804-3 q XUST RECEIV4 among and ness, Mr. and Mrs. C. Chapman and 0 $4.00; do.. good to $8.50: do., heavy .6- and bucks. $1.00 to *2.00; hogs, fed and is fflbhrt�f weat of let 20 . containing one acre on which in the township, jpd. will be cold on reasonable tefts as ernkn gives In No- ' cGrevor,offer for sale Lot 16, 6.th I.P. C'""`1k`%d. ........ I. ftslate Sept. L _ tilt tMaily, MT. and Mrs. Shannon, Lon- "red. $10; do. ff cars, 810,25; dol f...b., $9.25; do. country Points. $9. tj� s' good frame house, stable, drive bed, hen ad bag hmwa�; Alan the cast 25 ,inbc,. Far fO;th;;, Particulate apply to DREW SWAN, Brogfiald Ont 2792-tf White Bed 9proads. Regular jw " ,,, A large assortment of ow I - �'Ir ":Blyth ............... Sept. 22-25 don.- era, Robinsop apd MaFpq�o,s- land. Abundant water atipply. Good bank barn and fj�ame dwelling. Price. reasonable. A- T. SCO7`T, B-cafteld. M04-9 cares of Lot 22, Caucasian 13. Hibbart. Positively We I $ 69; NO;' 2 Ncrith.fri. 1. I t mer sold- !f6arly ifll 4, if� TH no meme. Terms of Sale: Chdt� tels.-All same of $10 and under, cash: over F ARM FOR SjkLM�FOR SALE LOT, 20. OU Wr SurY&Y' and eXpqct.% Un- cotiaglois 6r more -,.'built next� W-tivIr-In Tue plift_cm Seplainber S�h, t hut amount 6 snonth.' credit on furnishing approved Joint noteii. Real EAtuts.-IFasy Concussion 6. AcKillop. containing 100 acres, all cleared eseW 4 Arras of hardwood sprinygZ4,.$unday'.next,:,tb#, 18t And Henry M.Ivor, forms that will be made known on day of bush. 'Mere am an the preatbee a bank her Madmwa­lui Gta].Ah, an Septenabin! 4th. al. GEORQE MARTIN, Proprietor: Thou. burn with stone and-odacat foundation, 46%82, it, �ervice.will,be held I, the fternfron the Engltsh tsxr- And ; W: G.'Maclivaas, A daugh- ter. Cameron. Auction- 2804-2 with cement =� jilrMal shed, 14x36: a in Ob t-Gosben Live, On the following 8 711.91-1n Hay Township, .1, September 5th. frame table. 9.83, ... gravel home. 7 room And kitchen. ciinezit floom in cellar. ADMINISTRA. TOWS SALE OF day, the 2,6th, in the morning ati t Mr. and Tit.. Elmer Thiel, A daughter. Dervemy.-At Bauble LIve, on September 2. . Farm, Farm Stock and Implements. Hard and soft water -In kitchen; two Acres of 9 -hard. The farm is all wire fenced BaYfield, and in the evening a to Mr- ad Mrs. Lawrence D.nmy, 1p2l. a ten-m-th-ld heifer calf. Color- And til. drinrd� Well at ban .;,it alSo V4LYna-Mrs. Calderlwood, of Ottawa daughter, . Estate of Wesley D. Harvey, deceased well at the bush. nt. I, a good fP--.c t kas been visiting her brothers; Thos' Humilton.-At Graml Ben an September fird, to Mr. And Mrs. H. it Ifisernitt.., ,curding to freighfa outside. Buckwheat— of the beat in McKfi.p. It I. Ituutcd 5 I and George King. . ... Musiss'-At B --..f Lips. Hay, an September On Tuaday. October 4th, 1921, at 10.80 o'clock a.m., then will be offered far -1 miles from the Towm Of Se, forth and One 'Ile from �dhoql ag !h.reh. Rural mail --&,-t Patents. $10,50; second patents, $10. 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Marais, . an. Philip At public Auction at the P-mies: I and Phone. Will bd Id on reasonable terms. FALL FAIRS Gelin -On GO-tben Line. a September 54h, to Mr. And Mrs, Jea, G.lism, a daughter. Lot No. 8, Concessinn 3, Stanley Township, containing lot rm forthe apply on the prem. m, LdP­&rticu1Rh1R. No. 1, Senforth. ISeafforth ............... Se(lyt- 22-23 'nor - 26th al -At Goderich, .. Agwt - to Per- or.: or lues. Th. farm I. well ]-fed 1. he of the best f.,.i.. ROBERT A. HOGG. 2901-tt Bruseed-s ............... SeVt. 15-116 R ev. H. E. and Mrs. Thor.loe, St, Thomas, . daughter. portidne of the County of Humn -/, il fro. school, 21,L, .11. in. KIPP- - --CT-- --gf- - TE ARCHI- ? TORS T'�r LA THEbj`ddX`E,( Ixoi�. Sept. 19-2,10 Futheringhson., At Brantford, on August 8% to Rev. Canon and Mrs. J.' B. Pothering- ..do Brucefield. Them is upon it a a,moscalimi, ' cGrevor,offer for sale Lot 16, 6.th I.P. C'""`1k`%d. ........ I. ftslate Sept. houn. formerly of Goiderich a son. solid brick how. with -tape foundation And roof And with fuel Aed and store. e 100 A.- of fint A lead AA . in 1. � a 1. 1. . first ayfield .. ............... 27-2$ ".'Wingliant ............... Se p1t. 27-28 e house attached; a rmme bank barn with t*u wina� 45x6O and S0x65 with stone foundt. class state Of A -mi -n and th- mas created on the p9emises a goexi Ironic dwel� ":Blyth ............... Sept. 22-25 MARRIALGE9: tiops and stabling underneath, well furniflival 'is g ' home. wIt4 kilchen Attached; frame ................ Sept. 20-21 ftovmld-Hea�­ At St� Patek's Lutheran with cement "oore and B. T. furnishings, a b en 76x54 With starts foundation. atablinK th 'Kirkton Oct. 6-7 Chweh, Zurich. an August 24th. Celia daughter late. Frede'rick Hess drive shed 20x4O and an implement had, 8 tied And' eauint floo. And water th--.gh....t, driving famme. hen ................... Listowel ................ Sept. 27-28 of the and Mrs. H-. to the Rev. F. L. Howald, of Abdut acres have been own in fall wheat and about 42 cles have bes. fall ploughed. Pig Pan and house, Also About " acres of gopd hard '�:Dungannon ................ Oct. 6-7 New Dundee. There Is a 'bwh of about 15 Acres, an urchar,l wood Inah. The,profl6rty 6 well fenced and drained Robertson -Ford --At the home of the brides parents In Godericb, on Sept. lst� by Rev. of about 2 Acres, and the balance of the farm, all ad fi,i well and torivgnient to good markets, h.rches and ..hpala. further P-H.W.. SEAFORTH MARKETS J., E 1-%rd.Haasiiated by Rev. W. J. Scott 'Rev. whi,h arable, is se4dd down In bay and Pasture land. The oil Is apply .4F.r be buss X.J�I,Xt_ M.GREGOR, .. the or to S.* AYS. Solicitor, Sea- Seaforth, September 16, 1921, and . D. Moyer. Jessie Mari., younger daughter of Rev. J. E. Frj And .1% loam. - of Sale. -Ten per cent. of Purchase fortth, Opt. 2795-tf Eggs, per dozen ........... 35 to 37C Mrs. Ford, to J. Howard Robertson, RUo of Goderich. Price at time of sale, balance on or before April ist, 1922. Sale object to reserve bid. FARM FOR SALE. -FARM OF TWO HXjN. 1-10gs, per owt ................. $9.50 At the .�usa time ad place ivill be Offered e forth. th following Implements, Machinery, dred acrea al , the Town of SeA_ in Butter, per lb ............ So to 35c DEATHS Farm Stock and Oh.ttel.: schools e6nvertierity aluated all churches, and Collegistei: There is a comfort - :Potatoes, per bag .............. $2.00 Hay. -In lGoderich, on September Sod, Jane Gray -Dort touring car I able brick cottage wt1h R cement kitchen; Wheat, per bushel ............. $1.20 L. Pralk. widow of the ]at. David Hay. Oirnpluentii.-I , I er an touring car model 88, 1 For&.n barn I(axiiii with stotit stabling underneath Barley, pei' bushel .............. 60c aged 85 years 8 month.. trActor,' tractor plows, I hay pres,ij, I six- for 6 ban.. 75 head Of cattle and 40 begs Flour, per cwt ................ $5.35 tend -Ylor'-In Was Wawanosh, on September 6th, John Taylor, aged 69 horsepower Moline engine, I John Deere hay Imider, I Mes-y-Harria birider 8 feet stock; with steel stonablOna'And water before All litter carrier -end feed carrier and Bran, per ton ............... $30.00 years. cut and forecarriugs. I 7 -foot Deming ..war. two cement Ailos; dAlving.shed and plat� Shorts, per ton $30.00 1 Masury-flarris Wan actiffier, I top ­tter. I farm W-tomd.,,by rock well and The farm .............. IMPORTANT NOTICE M"W-H.fti. cultivator And seed box, one Power home clipper. 2 farm -9.-. 1 light w on, 1 skeleton wagon, I top buggy, 1 windmill. 1A, well dnined and In . high state of ultiviotl... The Amp to .11 1. the ground-hoiaq, day. I— I_.dj_ BEAN MARKET Toronto, 87.=M.00 tht, buggy, I e-14. 1 Aef, cutter, 2 home late Mgt., p-Assion. Apply to X. BEATON. 3L 2 Scall-th Out.— 137874f FOR SALE--��NE "-HORSEPOWES� GAS- -d-piaked to -25; prim-, I 2-furr-ed riding Plough. he walking' plough, I set 5-sectiiin diamond 118.50 to $3:75. engine in good repair. Only used harrows. I steel land roller, I Massely-Rarris t...Iine reasons. Apply to RAE CARNOCHAN, R. R. N.. 4, Sent-th. Phone 6.133 See, side rake 2 hay rucks. I Maple I,eaf 10 inch <> <> <> <> e> <> 0 POULTRY MARKAT Taranto, September forth. 2805-3 Let. grein grinder. I Clinton fanning mill, 1 set scalas. I forge, I anvil. I vice, I cir- I W. T. BOX & CO. To RENT. -A FARM OF ABOUT IS. -Dressed poultry- Spring N.kems. 85 to 40c; rrosters, 20c,; cular saw. creant separator, I power wesh. er and wringer, I engine and jack, I low dheklings, 35c; turlivisa, WANTED 164) I Would from 7o5ne Pump water tmugh.-.1 26 -gallon tank. 3 barrels Embalmer and L� �,,80�; 60c. 20 25c; or -r.. reart two if Apply M and a nuantity of 2 feed boxes. 2 Funeral Direators 0 Poaltry--Spring chickens; to tam. l6c; fowd, 16 to 20c; docklinge. Put .1.1 mile apart. to S. GLIDDON, R. R. No. 1, Blyth. 2805-2 oil rates. 1 15 -rod mil pig wire, 20-25 rods woven wire <> ff. C. :BOX 0 25c; turkeys, 60m fence, 25 grain bam 115) cedar Doets, 13 buaah� of sininglis. about 60 cedar rail double harness, 0 Holder of Government 0 BOAR FOR SERVICE. -THE UNDER. DAIRY MARKET cc Lot 24, iffried Will keep far semi A caosion ao,t%iti ..is with collars. 2 P n Is 9 eta hames.. I ..ddla, 65 e.p pull.. o Ili D' lorns. and License �0 Toronto, Sept 13 -Cheese. new large, 23c; 1. L.R.S.. Tuckers-ith. Co. a Dun- bied Yorkshire bear. Te rans repaorable, long ladder. I atep ladld.r, I bar truck 0 Charges moderate 0 'twi" 2j'Ac; triplets. 24c; old, large. 29 to '29c; twins, 29 to 29V�e; triplets. 291�. to JOHN N. HAZELWOOD. 2804-3 am el box. about 269 feet 2 inch rope, i Inia.'llity of lumber and Plank, and a large 0 Flowers furnished on short 0 20.: Stiltons A , 25. Butte-Freshe"d.iry. chic , 88 to an.; quantity of foal. ..d sundry Articles. Cattle -1 Red Durlinin cow, supposed to 0 notice. 0 <> Night Calls Day Calls 0 FOR SALE -1000 BUSHELS OF MIXED half barley. -cry Print. fresh No. 42. � No. 2. 88 to 4D.; Oaking' 12 "to" 4 . grain =is and half Phone 14-236. ;iLEX. SPARK& R. R. No. 2. Sea- be In caff, Reg. Strawberry of Croinarty No. 118867; 1 man Durham cow, Reg. Beatrice <> Phone 175 Pkefne 43 0 Margarine -22 to 24c. N 1 42 4 - forth. 2795-tf ---- - - 13th. No. 1364.51. auppo�e� to 2be.in.calf.; I roan Durham heifer rising yeam Reg 0 C� 0 0 0 0 0- <> -0 <> <> <> -0 J.", t � \ is Be ; 8 cu. 50 to 5lc4 sartam, 52 to 54.. F ARM FOR SALE. -LOT 15, CONCESSION Mary Beatrice. No. 169282i I roan Durham St.. 4. cu,aloy, at 09 Acres. About 65 sems saw 2 years old with ealf at feet can be under tivation. balance broken pasulare registered; I man Durham heifer rising 2 GRAIN MARKET. September 18-Mainitb. Wit - Pat T­I�arthernr land. Abundant water atipply. Good bank barn and fj�ame dwelling. Price. reasonable. A- T. SCO7`T, B-cafteld. M04-9 Yean, registered paperli wining; I grey Dur - ham heifer 10 apanth.� old, can be registered ; I grade Hereford cow 3 years, old, supposed We I $ 69; NO;' 2 Ncrith.fri. 1. On TLIesday forenoons until further notice, in r mile Hereford cow a years, 'Henf.rd $1 ; No. 8 Northern. $1.5Vh; No 4 wheat FOR SALE. -FOR SALE A PURE - If: I I' Posted to be I,, r.If Ilp, : I grade 111111"0.", Manitoba o.U___NO. 1 2 C.V, 5"; No. 8 C.W.. 64�; e:ktr. No. I feed, 54-1 Mani. BOAR bred Tainworth bear live months old. AO`iv: aged, supposed to be in eAlf: I white tob. bairley-N.. $to, reaninal. All 8 C. W, This is an extra d niens.l. Apply on 'me cow 6 YeArs, supposed to be in =If: one black e.w. 4 yiAm, with calf at foof: 1 vf above in � stem Fort William'. American Let 6. Concossion 5' Rullett, or phone 246. H. CLARK. R. R. N, 2. re m 2 to heifer opposed be in ..If. 2 Corn -So. 2 yet,] -no .w. 7NZ.; wha"' '"' Bay an Seaf-th. 1 2F heifers rising 2 years; 8 &teem I years old; Part.. Ontario t.- Its, 42 to 44.. 2 Seaf-th. ots 6 calven. Chlarl. Wh-t-NG. 2 Winter, car lots. $1.22 H, years old. Reg. Earl There Is �rcotad an the promises . 2�tary to $1.27; No. 3 Winter. $1.19 to $1.24: No. 1 STRAYED FROM LOT 6, CONCESSION 7 O-Stnm n7l,stallion.5 n cy. agricultural mare 7 years old -armercial. S, .14 to $1.19; No. 2 Spring, $1.17 Township of T-kcrinnith. September lst� to �upq,C%.d be In foal, I general purpose to $1.2gc No. 3 Spring. $1.14 to $1.19; No. 2 1p2l. a ten-m-th-ld heifer calf. Color- mare 3 years old, supposed to be in feel. I Goes. wheat, iminin.l. P --No. 2 a.- red ad black with white an shoulder and general purpose more 9 years old. suppalsed to trial. Barley-Maliffog, 69 to 72 ecOl., so- rump, and white on face and under neck be in foal, I airricultaral home 4 yesip old ,curding to freighfa outside. Buckwheat— Any information will he thunVully received I d,ivl g me, 5 years old, supposed to b; No. three. norninal. Rye ­No. 2, $1.10, According to freights outside. Manitoba flour by the underaigned, PETER MAOKAY, R. R. No. 4. Seafivirth. Phone 8 a 1.41. in foall PiAA­1 Tharolighlired saw, I s..II pig. I --&,-t Patents. $10,50; second patents, $10. 2806-tf sow with 8 pigs. About 60 hers. About 5 Ontario flour - $6.00, old tow of bay. Between 3 and 4 leads of Out .top, M111tr-gelIv.red - Montreal freight. sheaves I. stack a Let 5, C.n...I.. 4 A bag. i per ton, $28.00 to $30 Stanley. a quantity of buckwheat an Lot 6, h.rta,,P.r ton, $30.00 to $32.00: good feed SALE REGISTER Con-slion 4, Stanley. about 7 acres will he floor 1.70 to $1.86. Baled R.y-Tr.ck To- main, per ton, No. 1, $23; No. 2, $22. mixed, IS September l7th. at one p.m. On krday. Offered for sale on the ground if not her - vested in the meantime. *18.00. on, S�ble Line. south of Drysdale. farm Terms of Sale of Chattela.-All Purrhases - stock implements. Peter L. Danneeny, ad., $10, cashz an -11 Purchases over $10 LIVE STOCK MARKETS �Ard Prep. , T. Brown. Auctioneer. . discount of 81,1 will be Allowed or 6 months' Montreal, September IS. ---Cattle receipts, credit will be given on Approved Joint notes. The Vendom reserve the right to withdraw 900. Prices were stronger. Mcdio. ad fr sale any machinery which may be rinnion grades butchers' eghl. we- ..�d for $8410 and 11-50 P- hundred p.-unds. suZect to lien notes. Lunch will be served at 12.30 o'clock. 'Th. ititv fignm was v� I for half (katen THE CANADA TRUST COMPANY steers one, heffers, ovorafging 810 pounds, A a at m, tie up Ov -o.vm.,n steers, Exeter Fair Administrator. Thos. G.Pdy. W. nrydmi�, ­,gh 0a,e good cow, a few medium to common Auctioncer. Solicitor for Administrator quality h.if.. br.wrnt $4.35, Th-. were 2806.8 .at mAnY top =L',]. .'r -ed. 1, very small number of holes Picked "cur Pr w,er 1025 ei,re fill ; r 13 A I , + the beat steers broaght up to $1,25. Three o EXECUTORS'SALE OF I or four Inutelict, la. 1� were ffli)o to $4.1,0: bell' 82 �p ard fni , b-ar. W]. On TLIesday forenoons until further notice, VALUABLE STORE nd $2,50. ficotationa.- Good veal. se to iiii; medium 45 to 1111; grace, $8 to $4. Trials of Speed Th. Eseators ril"the astate of A, G. A t. deceased, have lruitrootd Thoinaa Bro'l wo' 'Munday's out in Prices receipts of lambs fall Delivery at Royal Hotel Stables. Auctioneer. to offer for Bale by public An - :off to 8,800 As compared with 8.600 . weak go, Top Innaba to -day brought $8 end cons- 2:19 TROT OR PACE ties. at the Qneans Hotel. Scaforth, on Thursday, the 22mr Sptamber, 192)[. at two xnan grades $5 to $6. Q-6tations;! I. SP I..b.. good. Purse $400.00 ci,tI.Ok I. the Am noon. the following lapdA And Premi"', imusely: The Southerly six - cEw...$2 $1.150 to 48 marn. , $6 to lifi. was steady HOW receipts, 2.272. The market with the undertone a little easier than at 2:50 TROT OR PACE too" (16) feet of Lota Was. seven (?) iind eight (8). And the Nortgerly Four (4) feet of Lot NO. Nine (9). .11 in Gmilril-M. Sq,. the .1- Of last week. The general quats- tiem was $11. A few Purse $160.00 vey Of Part of the Town of Soaforth, In the County Of Haran - sales were recorded at $11.26. There Is �rcotad an the promises . 2�tary Qaof,�-ktlims: Off Our weights, selects. $11 05, ..we $640 to 07.00. to' AtZk itta;&, To nap, Septanihs.rAwl" NAMED RACE brick store, which has been continuously for -any yew ,.,d ""'Op"d As A grocery at.-. T ad cale, and If,- _W 31-cipts.About eq.,.l I. volume gan. Purse $60.40 imr roars. above it. k! go' but amne 1,000h6adjebtr possisoa. be wi-I to the P,,r,h--1 can in ,aw Of the fact , famish a w boak'jli work After the break caps- . w R G. SELbON. Sec. at, any times.after the lAt Octobar, 1921. Term. of I.-T­rty (20) per cort. of ed IsS�. the holding of the C. N. E. trade I- purch- money to be paid cash on the day cattlit to-d.r wAs' deidedly IlAn or ..Is end th� balance without Interest I. ft boo I been far. . fortnight, past. PI", yth 'I ­ the way 61 bondywe thirty (30) days thereafter. Further vartric.lars and tetras of a.]. will V�* n Or; 19; steady with lust"I'lla be made knew. a. the day of -1. day's advance, And even a had. stronger in be had In the meantIme from the under - A HR ed. - Pot.. Thotd,` r no. decided advff., _i; In the of if jp& henvirs, but Ain ng th� an bout OZ4 fall that 9nd 4 sho*qe #, aptivity, the bulk of rED "" Ll;..� _; Deted at 8 forth, OntArI6, this Gth day Of I %,is. HAYS, bidluo- c 1h irokers who Wan ny a it Cowas and '*Wi6d 'iinelf iradv,. the Royal otel Stables. every TV�fi�aadg Was Very I I AL V. 11111[noft. a4l, e Z. ?,08 2-sfw.", w6an. Auedone#r. lio WN, 10 Mii, 'a N,81k '1 704. 7.70""SA, a e. ^ bargarin at ........ Tied Reg. $1.00 veme, ror;....: $3.25 6N GREY FLANNELETTE FINE GREY WOOI# Blanketli, good size at Work Sox, good value at t0c, each.......... ............ for .......... ............ LARGE SIZE .MEN'S AND WOMPft.'' Comforters in many colors, Made with fine Cheritz, selling RUBBERS-' at................ ........ $3.50 'Beat makw4t Reduced yhriem. COME TO THE McKillop Children's.' Fair, September -310,: Have a guess on the weight of the Beef Beast. Football Match -Dublin Srs. vs. Seaforth Trs." Number 8 Section challenges any other section in McKillop to a Tug -of -War. Age limit not over 21. Children's Parade one o'clock sharp. JOHN MURRAY, Pres. - F. T. FOWLER " Sec. Big Clearing of Summer Hardware Your opportunity to purchase Screen Doors, Ham- mocks, Lawn Mowers, Oil Stoves and Ovensat Cost SCREEN DOORS LAWN MOWERS Regular Clearing Price Regular- Clearing Price $3.84 $2.75 $18.00 $13,50 $3.25 $2.45 $16.50 $12.00 $4,00 M.00 $2.90 $2.30 PERFECTION 011, STOVHS.� $4.90 $4.00 Two-Hurner $4.25 $3.50 Regular Special HAMMOCKS $25.50 Three -Burner $19.()0 Regular Clearing Price $,11.00 $24.00 $6.75 $4.50 rour-Burner $7.50 $5.00 $40.00 $82.00 $6.25 $4.25 $11.00 $8.00 GeTmine. Perfection Ovens, regu- $7.50 let $9.25 for ............. $6.50 Frost Fence W;res Height stays 6 40 inehes 1) at 45 �ents per rod. 7 40 inebes 9 fit 61 conts per rod. llog, Fence 9 36 inches 12 at 66 cents per rod. Barb Wire at .............. G c. lb. Brace Wire at .............. fic T11 - BInck annealed wire at ....... 6c lb. FROST ST EEL GATES (Electric WIded) Not black Iron gates. Length Height Reg. Price Special Price 14 feet, 4 feet $12.90 $10-50 13 feet 4 feet $13.0() $10.00 3% feet 4 feet $6.00 $4.25 3 feet 4 foot $6.00 $4.26 The Big, Hardware,_', Live Poultry Wanted On TLIesday forenoons until further notice, we want Live Poultry, for which we shall en- deavor to pay the Highest Market Prices. Delivery at Royal Hotel Stables. SEALER SPECIAL AT $1.50 PER DOZEN .size between Quart and Pint. Cups, Saucers, Plates, Etc., of best English semi-I)oi-celain at Reasonable Prices F. D. HUTCHISON The Cash Grocer a e. ^ bargarin at ........ Tied Reg. $1.00 veme, ror;....: $3.25 6N GREY FLANNELETTE FINE GREY WOOI# Blanketli, good size at Work Sox, good value at t0c, each.......... ............ for .......... ............ LARGE SIZE .MEN'S AND WOMPft.'' Comforters in many colors, Made with fine Cheritz, selling RUBBERS-' at................ ........ $3.50 'Beat makw4t Reduced yhriem. COME TO THE McKillop Children's.' Fair, September -310,: Have a guess on the weight of the Beef Beast. Football Match -Dublin Srs. vs. Seaforth Trs." Number 8 Section challenges any other section in McKillop to a Tug -of -War. Age limit not over 21. Children's Parade one o'clock sharp. JOHN MURRAY, Pres. - F. T. FOWLER " Sec. Big Clearing of Summer Hardware Your opportunity to purchase Screen Doors, Ham- mocks, Lawn Mowers, Oil Stoves and Ovensat Cost SCREEN DOORS LAWN MOWERS Regular Clearing Price Regular- Clearing Price $3.84 $2.75 $18.00 $13,50 $3.25 $2.45 $16.50 $12.00 $4,00 M.00 $2.90 $2.30 PERFECTION 011, STOVHS.� $4.90 $4.00 Two-Hurner $4.25 $3.50 Regular Special HAMMOCKS $25.50 Three -Burner $19.()0 Regular Clearing Price $,11.00 $24.00 $6.75 $4.50 rour-Burner $7.50 $5.00 $40.00 $82.00 $6.25 $4.25 $11.00 $8.00 GeTmine. Perfection Ovens, regu- $7.50 let $9.25 for ............. $6.50 Frost Fence W;res Height stays 6 40 inehes 1) at 45 �ents per rod. 7 40 inebes 9 fit 61 conts per rod. llog, Fence 9 36 inches 12 at 66 cents per rod. Barb Wire at .............. G c. lb. Brace Wire at .............. fic T11 - BInck annealed wire at ....... 6c lb. FROST ST EEL GATES (Electric WIded) Not black Iron gates. Length Height Reg. Price Special Price 14 feet, 4 feet $12.90 $10-50 13 feet 4 feet $13.0() $10.00 3% feet 4 feet $6.00 $4.25 3 feet 4 foot $6.00 $4.26 The Big, Hardware,_',