HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-09-16, Page 2J#
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to Cities The
11. How to Riostore
�nd Strength, tic
Ift T7`-'h:`.e""" ank,
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V�' 41 wheni
u need1t.
Question still 0 tous OCRs
is" Brought Nor
(C.ntrlb%�erdl by as out on
0 tar 0"RAMPLA114 ST,,X0VT4zAIU "v-%rvvF, on Trle VXOWOJ
a 'Ile Defoartment of
cultv q, rell t "For ll' two e gaferr ox surer W
wee -ag% Mr. Bristol mad you -i I By of' iop
r. IS
Mrs. I sultlered constantly a shoo, an Va. A
from JudheyDisew
S X11 . question will - be- diactissed a and Livel Troubl% 44dress as hog� iind eis� 49pourit., "Thl. .0 Qns
under 13Ur heads: Climate. 'Soil. was la;iempted.
MY hQth *AS ru iserable and nothing The do -
a 01' and Trantmortation. a. 0 '. al"b34-Old Tories TV BY nor a 10-daY1
To set more -milk, in the way 4 ordinary medicine did Who attendeA the 0 g'u
0whe Factor of clilt"Ate. excursion wIf6 hay.0
Imm your eows me any good, r been inter�iewed All exprease I d. bitter
-so far as cljmatc Is concerned Then I started to use "Fruit-a.tifts" disappoin I RANCUBS 'IN THM - ItISTRICT
th Creonold be, Xi;Dt
FOOTBALLS tment that th0h� h�d,
olf.C=I�d app been free CfCars, at 1paxL . I
St. Xarg.*§,
Iva Van be gl'jwll C�malmercially.in - "d thW' Why, in ce elef
objecuona to Him i T Ij,
I . Offect %vits reinarkable.'All thb old da a, the free diri k
then stand more quietly and yield for school play, Number 5 ;`y Vtrt Ot Old OnLarilli tsontli (if a tit
saomoirlk. regular. Extra value lille dr.�Ivn Irr'lu Parry Sound to o PRITS, I H.��elaellvs, Ifidigestion But it BKO*s the point�f view. atop, Reasill, Zurich.
1118.0..0 - and Constil Li,ii cl;,relieved and Even at
Mvid in titableri, hams. bea
,if. PS. the well known.'Herb Len
"W p., V1(-rt3 are ��aiuier once more I wa:� nox picnics
8 ptno tq act lid of m- $4.00 ottaw,
the advertising poste'r
clitl fruit at a All whosufl',� ;-m such troubles very carefully stipulate ,no poll
col :,i J ties.
thi.l. I In the. old parties there has to'be —M!
ne *a of f
L 1� if think ra"� I ake, the sceue'is not
Half gal. size, 90c. fmt,�,r north iIhould tatie "F a iiv,,,, something no oil .
size, $1.50 -%�; polSy: In these f P ties. their homes,
0 Madam a ners icnics n& ?Joe I one to be
-e nothing frL P , t -only orgotten. The other picture has a 1
milder 500 a box, 6 f 'J, I I ial Size 25c. Is thei �ej but politic
a ar By having -her pre-war dresses alt -
i, -vill- ;.j;d to tjie At dealers. o� stIlaid by flaunted. e 'map of the World as it Centre hil i ered, Queen Mary of Prigland is able
is W"l-th will be a big electiora 'e
around it sailing. upon it blUl'-,P t0ok-p her Clothes bill down to about
f appit's Suitable for commercial der way very shortly.
Tin Boilers with copper b owned a 44a�ian Nriiintents, t
twelve weellcm. Meetings will be 'un- Merchant Marineo the * Government.
1111phasidn' t.,:! -A tiv$ in are the steamers of the Can ism
BOILERS $1,500 a year.
Ot- Cut It will be in- ervice of over 6o vessels oi- The SC4nd he
d ews of the kind of men turn out to them in the l Ail_ Dutch parlia-me- nta , the N erw
lure fit every eoolltylr:�l Old On- teresting to see how many and what Crated by theCanadiin N ti
ioms, Number 9, at pre-war tar o. Tire winter liar U- F- 0. PICNIC A, SERIOUS PAY- A, On, R European parliamentS 11 Central
many, -va-ieties grow,, throughout . cities. The old parties fire said to be ways.. Brous Women meni". a 'have num-
AT TEIE-GATE AFFAIR The eAibit in the second eiroular Women Of* fashion in China have
prices. Each Ontar 0 WIDOW very well established. dead.
and It is Possible to select varieties Can the Political pulmotors. Mont is designed to represent -th adopted' the Wiestern skirt and bigh-
$1.95 Whert the TJnited Farmers of On_ bring them back? Or are they mere- industrial and operating ��Jd of the
which Will be hardy for any district. ta io give a political picnic, you have ly heeled shoes, and some have even gone
r in need of interment? e
— Late arid Early F'rosts. to Pay to get Into it. Perhaps ons of the old parties will Canadian National Railway&.' A new as far as to
bob their hair.
feature - in this room is a section de- costihg the
PUMPS Tire most scrio4s climatic diffl- There is no free njusic free enter- try the experiment of charging ad- signed to depict the operation of the former Mrs' W
It is claimed that it ii
�10 culty In the Province of Ontario is tainment, free cigars or"f;ee drinks. mission to Its meetings. 6 If free elevator systerm 0 illlaffi11: "Leeds more
the occurrence of late frost in spring, Youbring Your lunch basket, travel drinks and free excursions and the f Port Arthur and than $1,000,600 ear for her Greek
Specially low priced open Port Wqlli4m. In the foreground is title of Prince at
and early frost in fail. Other diffi- at your own expense, and pay at the glad hand have nearly killed the old a model of the VAyn ASIA.
culties of a climatic nature can be gRtO- parties, Canadian National By carrying off every athletic honorr-
Perhaps a Gmall charge and Rail -ways elevator the original of
top well PUMP, constructed largely overcome by the selection or . And at that, You will find yourself the frozen face of the;prophet will which has a Capacity- 0 at the University of California, Wigs
Suitable varieties. or by careful dis- me of a crowd of from 4,000 to 15,- work a miracle, bushel f ten million Iskah Thrall becomes
for service. Anti -freezing critoination with regard to soil, ele- 000. A --the largest in the world. athlete in the staie. the greaterst girl
vatfOu- aspect. etc. It may be point- If there is any more significant in- ---------- 41— At this elevator a vessel is in the
ed act of being -loaded While, in order
and fitted complete with cyl- out, however, that frost, are dication, Other than the election of a NATIONAL RAILWAYS AT to increase the real? in of the scene
more common and niore severe over farmer government of the rising of Is
large areas Of flat country than the armer to the problems of the day, THE FAIR. trains and steamers, by a mechanical
inder threaded for 11/� inch where the topography to rolling or it is hard tq find. device, are kept in motion. Another
hilly. Large area* of Settle of the These U. F. 0. picnics are occurr- ection 'has elaborate displayis in
If there is any single exhibit at auge glass jars
pipe. Each southern counties of Ontario- are, Ing every :fevr days in all parts of this year's Canadian Canadian fruits of a full rang.' of
therefore, more or less unsuited 'to the Province. At Rond hibition that will prove while hanging in the
National Ex -
eau Park, dawn to be a background are'trantparent scenes of
$M50 commercial apple orcharding because on Lake Erie, 15.000 farmers turne Mecca to visitors, it is that of the
of their flat character. A more roll- d Canadian National Grand various ph &Beg\ Of Canadian life.
out Crowds of three thousand and ak Across the
Ing country is much to be preferred, over fire attending picnics up and Railways Both from the standpoint room,from this display is
Larger siz6s f or stock so that orchards can be made safer down the counin-side. of interes* a large section devoted to exhibits A
t that it *Ili excite and the of Canadian wild animals of
from frost by Life better air drainage wide knowledge it
afforded. And they drJ political, in ever5- Will diBseminate prac-
purposes also on hand. sense. There are athletic games and the exhibit is of outstanding im t'cally all kinds, while in the back-
-Port- ground is a If
A Suitable SoU in Every County, sPorts,',modest programmes. But ance. i0ture of heroic size of
the famous Algonquin. provi' metal
So far as soils are concerend, It in y the big events arc- the speeches b The exhibit occupi;S two of the Park and game reserve. On the
be stated that there Is an abundanc' Premier Drury, Y large circular rooms in the Railway
e e his ministers, 'and western wall, covered 4o
of land in every country suitaill for the farmer leaders of the district. Building. As the display in each
Geo. A*' sills sonk apple growing. Well drained land is U. F. 0. headquarters Mont is fundamentally di
by 18 feet
of space, is a topical map of Canada
essential for successful goes about fferent, each from coast
orcharding its picnics in a very practical man has, of course, its only bhe to coast, and showing not
and there is plenty of soil of thi� ner. It selects the district, sets - feature. own particular main and branch lines of Clean to handle. Sold by 4.
the Canadian National System b t
the The large circular room at the the principal cities and towns. ' Thu.
type to be had in almost every date issues the announcements and Druggists, Grocers and
district then' notifies Premier Drury that -he northwest angle of the buildifig is letters sho G�neral Stores
Summing up soil and Qllmate it is to speak. t�n.g the pri
devoted to one particular purpose: are autom:i I . ncipal towns
May be said that no Province or V'ate It somids high-handed; notifying the conveying to visitors a concep- relief by ly br ght into bold
BV Forehanded In North America has so large an the prime minister of an ingenious telectric device.
a g at prov;- tion of the extent and importanoe of
area so favorable in soil and climate !nee to be r4? Canada's "Great
p ent. But I is no se wa National High
for apilde growing as has the Pro- r�s t OTHER JABLET NOT
cret that it is the way Y," with' its 22 , 3 0
with a vince of Ont I it is done. 75 miles f steel
ar o. if this statement 'Premier Drury is the head of a far- rail -a, and an ocular demOnIstration of ACTIVI I TIES OF WOMEN
Is true it becomes obvious that the mers' governmelit. The organized the vastness of the country and the
Present distribution of apple orch- farmers are conscious of their stake rich resources ASPIRIN AT ALL
[F C1 Ards In, Ontario Peculiar to each of Women Outnumber men in New
other fa tors. Is dependent on in him. So' unless he happens to the nine Provinces of the Dominion. York State by more than io,00ll.
have a Pre;�ous enicagement. of suf- The provision made for attaining this
Most 1rofitable Near vitle& is bo In Fast India a -Oman of high OnlY Tablets with "'Bayer Cross-
ficient Weight, Premier Drury lea es two -fold c*-bject th unique and cast leads the life of a recluse
Transportation is the a v elaborate.
�ost import- his desk and motors, at outrageous Scotland -has '2 348,861 females as are Genuine Aspirin
ant factor having to do with the hours of the night and morni . ng to Skirting in Circular form Arbout compared with 2,�48,296 males, '
distribution of coinmerci I apple and from these picnic. of which bc is two-thirds of the room is a -painting Canadian women sit in the Canad-
orchards in Ontario. In other words, the head -liner. nearly a hundred feetein width by !art parliament the same as the men.
I he commercial apple ore hards are How many city folk or town folk nearly twenty feet in h ight. On the Great RTItain has 9q7,850 widows A
located within reach of transports- - old pay to get into a political Pie- As the visitor 'i�hildro, dependents of
t left, or eastern side and orphan PAY Km
ion facilities, arid the better these n 'C or political meeting, even if the enters, is depicted a' section of the the World War
facilities[ have been with relation to prime minister were to spe-k? And o&ci c coa t exte Ing fror Lady Gregoiy
large cities and to fi n South the famous
tile I developing even if the money werd to pay for f P6rtland, Ore., to north of Prine dramatist, wrote' Irian
a a her first play--W.hen
ce markets of the Prairies the more the rent of the grounds or assembly l(upert, while its view inland ex. he was 52 �ears
rapid ha I
8 een the development f hall? tends well in 0 age.
to the prairie country Of the 6,000 students in attendance If You don't see the "Bayer Cross -
Pipe or One -Register commercial orcharding. A locatLoon It is I the comparison between the Within this area are shown - at the University of Berlin, in Ger- On tile biblets, you
fear a large city olay be desirable, farmers picnics and the political cf- location of the principal cit the many, 1,300 are women. Aspirin --only an Reid
but if better soil and I. lea. The iare not getting
Climate are to forts of the old parties that brings ivers, lakes and that vast range Twelve policewomen will imitation.
be utiliz. "Bayer Cross" IF; your only v�ay
(PIPELESS) be found at a distance the most dis- out the significance It removes what of mountains e hing eastward ed Ili patroling LinmIn Park of knowing that you are getting genums,
tant location is lIk,I ' he old party man some 400 miles.
The best time of the year to instal a fur- Provided transportation facilities are could get out of in heavy str te 80 shown cago's most farm'011s Pleasure 'ground Physicians for
y to be Preferred, little consolation t ' There is .1 Chi Aspirin, prescribed by
nace is when it is not needed to work. good. farmers, . . the idea that the red lines the various. Women appoint ,,r nineteen Years and proved safe b
government was an accident routes of the Canadian British ed to Posts in th'e
Some dis-,ricts III Ontario Possess When the farmers, Railway ave the same y
Na iona.] Civil service h millions for Headache, Neuralgia, Colds,
excellent conditloos Of soils arid ell Picnics and Mr System olferatin int status and authority as men.
Don't leave the installation'of your ne Edmund Bristolli moonligh ' part of a 9 that Rh011ulatism. Lumbago, Neuritis,
t excurs- the country. Mr Frank B. Gilbreth of Mont- Vain generally. M
ion are compared, it makes the old At the other or western, end of C has 'been made' an honor- Ran(, ade in Canada.
w mate, but are lacking in transporEa and for
furnace ti'll the cold weather is on you. tion facilities, and until facilities are lair, y tin boxes of 12 tablets—also
party fear that the farmers- the picture is liepicted ai�y
available little development can take govermalneann US ri I packages can be
the Atlantic larger sived ,BRye
Every furnace man is busy when the first memeber of the Ind t a En- ,,) r
Place in commercial orchardl t may bide yet a while. coast from South of New York to gineers. had at rl�u.g res.
3119. The Conservatives' moonlight ex- Labrador, . Hudson's Bay, with its 'Miss Maud West chief of a London in Aspirin I's the trade mark (re I gistered
Canada), Of Bayer Manufacture of
cold snap comes, and sometimes delays The Labor Situation. cursion on the -lake a few days ago YaTiOus feeding streams, stands out detective agency, is one of the best Monoaceticacidesty � cylleacid.
th discomfort and annoyance are en- The labor situatlon for some years �yas by invitation only. That is, in bold relief. So, in a modified criminal investigation
tailed. has been acute, but has become more tickets were handed ai�ound arm ngst way, do the Great Lakes and experts in of Sall
normal diii-ing the Present year. For the Tory henchm c the England. While it is wel known that Aspirin
en of three of the Sti Lawrence and other important In Kansas City Kan near] means Bayer mt�nufacture, to assist the
commercial orchard operations on a Central wards of rivers Y one in Rublic againsi imitations
Picture. the d g`irls more than Bayer Conipany, LtcL, will, be sta
You can be forehanded by seeing the sizable basis, TO of 'the area eveiy four a the Tablets of
t�remtc,keand these covered by
it to necessary to be in turn distributed C ts 9 Standing out in bold relief, ten years of age I.,, ped
of I )orary supply anion in red, are the gridiron of railwais employed outaide with their
McClary's dealer right a -way. Have him within reach of a terf)r the lesser grades of Tories. general trade markmthe
look"over your house. He will tell you abor for appip Picking. Other- The excursion, of course was free. owned and operated in Eastern and "Bayer Cross.,,
whether'a Sunshine, Pipe or One -Register wise, it becomes necessary to build MT. Bristol. member of 'Parliamen t A .1iddle 'Canada by the Canadian Na -
I dw4ilings for men and their families for Centre 'Toronto, and Con- tional Railw,)tys—the largest single
(PiPeless) will be suitable for your house so that a SI1PPIY of labor may be servative organizer for Ontario, is system whose lines run Wholly
always available.
through the Dominion from coast to
he will know the size required and the pro- The difficulties Of.the labor situ- Coast. The location of the 'principal
ation at picking kime can be lessened cities % also shown.
per location in which to place it. considerably by the Planting of varie- Appropriately grouped in the
ties which ripen in succession, and
That service costs you nothing. It is part by taking ca to got the right pro- Centre of the picture between the
of the McClary's system of making and sell- Portion of eareh - A 1_�rge area of one IM scenes depicting the. Pacific and At -
ling Sunshine F Variety ripening aX one time is ex LETTER FROM lantic Coasts are large paintings re
urnaces. By that system tren difficult to handle.�i. W. presenting each of the nine Provinces
0 0 A. CoUege, Guelph. ISELIN A forest of giant trees depicts th�
lumbering resources Of British Qolum-
nacb, which they instal to warm your house How to Restore Damaged Pastures. bia. A vast herd of sheep grazing -4
McClary's guarantee every Sunshine Fur- Cr Wly. am' R S WAR 161
very room—satisfactorily. Andrew BOB$, veteran farm man Upon the prairies is emblematical of 4
ager with the Minnesota Experiment. Telts'Remarkable Story 0 Alberta. Standin-g sheaves of wheat,
Wriielo--r booklet, or call on the nearest Station, f with fields and elevators in the back.
says such Pastures call be ground, represents Saskatchewan.The
McClary's dealei. saved to some extent by Proper care. Sickness and Recovery. Fort Garry Hotel, , tanding it the
Where the acreage of Pasture is suf- remaining sectio a
ficient arid with a little to spare, Tl of ol Fort
many of the bare or thinner Indicates the growth
a Irylo pots Tnrc-ntn, Ont -111 suffernI magnificent painting anitoba,
S can be top dressed with good Barm- iagara Falls CnLtmmy
Yard manure to advantage. b from vvaaknof�,;, seemea w t)e t:- too
f,li ta indicative of the rescurces of On
dressing, will protect the root The top IT the time, ar.d J.,,j, I I �itllo in nyuro-eleetrie Power A strik'
MCCI' a some- 1. 1 1 hnibitkn to & nn- Ing Picture of the
What, and in the cohree of a mouth Citadel of QuebB6
or 111;jiii .:., ...
London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, two a decided Improvement in ith the river at its feet bofsomea
quantity arid — 1 My rrer-,eq
St. John, N.B., Hamilton quality of grass will baJ shnpe I vessels, represents the Province Chlimminess rolled into a rice -paper
Calgary, be noted. 11' lec- , %�111111 of Quebec. A river, flanked by Tich
T act a P --It r��Vht verdure and cover.
ton. -n
Saskatoon, Edition It Is good practice," says Mr.* and an � I' stream to carrying logs down
the c-1
her industry of New Brunswick. A Men like 'em
5. 'Ao divide the Pasture into two breakdown. I read _rfiills� represents the lum-,
---Makers of those "good stoves and alter -
Mc Clary_ fields, If Possible, and Pasture
of, Lydia E. lli:lc- for their honest -to -
cooking wensils". mate weeks, or for Alternate I ham's Vegetable harbor scene, with vessels moored at goodness tobacco flavor.
onger A
Periods, depending on the quantity of Comptifind in the dock, represents the maritime re -
2 grass find the condition it Is in sources Of Nova Scotia; while a rich
For Sale by- - A j newspapers and sev- Their happy, cheery, friendly, man
�9, P;tl*t Of tile Pasture should be allow� Val of my friends pastoral scene aptly depicts Prince flavor. ly
nt: Pril to make good growth and be Advised me to use 1% E ward Island , the "Garden of the
113ofithron & Drysdale,'Hensall, 0 be d in reserve until the hot weather an it sure.y put new life into Inc. Now G It."
of I am P.M.'s a '-.i
Md -4
if y anu August Comes on. Durt qu c a to uo ail MY Own work Directly in the Centre Of the Pic- 5 ette Witia a conscience.
the fly Season It is difficult emoting And I would strongI7 advise ever�riuF ture is a bright, blank almninum-sur-
to keep stock In good cond I gh fe i
tiol) ever, . ring. woman to(�,Ve Lydia E. ink- faced sheet on which movie p tares
am's vegetable M . pound a trial, I I — ic
w1len they �ro oil good Pastuve,, and Mrs. CHARLE ' Of Canada from coast to coast are
WARELIN, 272 Christie thrown as a lecturer carries visitors
no pains should' fie Spared to ha,,ve St., Toronto� ont.
- In Flfanee when a woman marries at least one or two good.. pastu aer"s the vast Dominion.
fields for this Season.- The makers of dia E.- Pinkham's On the northern wall
she accepts and is accePW by her Ve table CDmpoun hive thousandsof rilorn Are two other important large
JA husband's family. LX of the same
Strawberry Tlt
runners should' 'b '. ters as that she -th%tell the and interestitig pictures, ()me Of thege P I'Llp
ML 10� arette smoking has become so spaced as evenly as Possible to Be e truth, else Oey could note have Ben ob- in natural colors, and about 2o 6y
ined for love or money, This medicine
Re in London that British so- cure an even row that will give the ta NAVY
ciety women now shan tkem most frult. is no stranger 10 feet in give, shows Mount Paboon, C
.. �Irt than forty yea asEtood the test for the highest in the Rookies, reaebing UT
W90-A&WOM TVVd r -four 'hour thrue Is more &
1*15 : as It does an al,
ir- Awwn by If there are taly edtipli -8 y bitude Of 13,069 fee
— - a LoAden rafivouy StWou 0Wk Itar- ou do With Rdbsch oce "REM
More than one-half of the cotton act Understand write to Iqdia upying the centi* A oft
V00100k][61for the &on= up Sp��t in the United States an in htm, Medicine Co. (Omtffi - K Pink' the Picture,and flanked'd eithe . -,
114 ttim
tvg=d ArAble ht tile ot&M tw), Lynn, by sub
gland- mium
foot Of 914-1- hed IT A deep I