HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-09-09, Page 8fH Y�• fir I; Dania r fi ti�aro Wading ih ,ttat the Church,on A` S V. SEPTEMBER 9th tom 3 tt„m. till 7 p.m. There will be home-made se tgin,aandfancy fruit plain vegetables for sale - Tea will be served in the basement from 4 p.m. till 7 p.m. There will be an ice cream booth. EVERYBODY COME THE Salvation Army DIBTKlr 'F-' Ail' A Good Appointment. --David Wil. liana ll- liam Harvey, son of Alex. Harvey,of has s beett`..appointed assist- ant manager of the United Toronto RailWaye under the transportation commission, Mr. Harvey has been superintendent and engineer of• the civic lines for some time past. He is a graduate in science of Toronto University: Mr, Harvey is a brother of Mrs. F. J. Burrows, of Seaforth. on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13th, 1921 at 8 p.m. STAFF CAPTAIN and MRS. LEWIS after twenty years in India (will lecture on "INDIA, ITS YR PEOPLE AND ITS They will dress in the uniform of. that Country, sing in its language, and display curios. ADMISSION: Collection at Door to Pay Expenses Do Not Fail To Hear Them f Missionary Meeting ---The semi- annual conference of the Woinen''s Missionary Society will be held in Knox Church, Goderich, on Tuesday, September lath, with afternoon and evening sessions and an executive meeting at one p.m. will be held. Miss Agnes I. Dickson, of South China, and Rev. B. Smillie, of India, and Mrs, McGillray will give addresses. Tea will be served at six o'clock. i Fresh Raspberries. — Mr. John Haigh brought us in a sample of beautiful ripe raspberries on Satur- day last, picked from his garden that afternoon. The berries are large and ripe and he says there are numbers of them, while other bushes are out in. 'bbissom. Raspberries are not, as a rale, any too plentiful in Septem- ber, and if Mr. Haigh can keep his coming he will be in luck. JAMES W4TSON Main Street - Seaforth Agent for Singer Sewing Machines, and General In- surance Agent. pinker. yl ` Yb had beep up, and ahnitt Own -A usual until about two *peke 'ago, when an unusually Severe 'attack followed by pneumonia proved too much -amt he graduallyl sank until the Mid came on Tuesday morning.'' Mr. Johns was born in the township of'Tuckersmith, being a son, of the late Robert Johns, West End, and the greater part of his life was spent in that township Where farmed until about seventeen years ago when he moved to Seaforth, where he has since resided. He was a man of quiet disposition but was popular among neighbors and friends alike, and in hie passing the town loses one of its best citizens. He was a consistent member and regular at- tendant of First Presbyterian church. Mr. Johns was twice married, his first wife being Jane Carnochan, daugh- ter of the late Robert Carnochan, of Tuckersmit'h. His second wife was Mrs. Perry, of Hamilton, who sur- vives him together with two sisters and one brother, Miss Johns, of Clin- ton; Mrs. Andrews, of Manitoba, and Mr. Hiram Johns, of the West. The funeral was held from his late home Thursday afternoon, interment be- ing made in the Maitlandbank ceme- tery. Watch 'for the Epworth League tea room on Fair Day. 2500-tf For Sale. For sale cow and calf. Apply to Fred Robber° . or phone 20 on 120. Sea - forth. If you want oil wheat flour get n hundred of our last shipment. Phone No. 6. 25U W. N. Kerslake. Salt.—We have joss unloaded n our of fine salt. Special prise, for the next ten day.. Phone No. 6. W. E. Kerolake. 2504-I We hove just received n wonderful oil - lecithin f wider color pulnldngs. See them this week ut 'Moues Munk and Art Store. Pafy No School Fees.—The Schon Law Amendment, 1921, reads in parts I thea -r —"No fees shall be payable by pup Tire Hale. --soars, a>miuiun Gron.•e 7: have a high school which they „g, 514A0; Nobhi 'i'rsma. 517.50. G. C - have a right to attend under the pro- seen, Overland Deafer. Phone 207• 2000 would ds d this act." Tclause For Sale. -One auto knitting machine, near- would indicate that pupils within the clrnew. The xvowiw� ofn�r information -10V municipality will not pay fees, while I.. R. steel Hoek bought: darns +n .t°r'"a county Pupils as the amended section n d Honda. sense y, c:omvany. on_ata°n reads: "Shall pay such fees as the Bldg., 'r,, a to. ° county council may prescribe but the Boarder. Wanted. --Comfortable homer with fees must be uniform for all high > .rsxf' rooms men preferred. Apply 2804x1 schools of the country." F cal° A stared tared bueuv for ante. ---�—'--- mthle. AVV Y w r r • ,Lean, 4tailtOr t4 I i s Oleireb, Marion, ;have • 1@i�r• where they efite last 4tigndnt a'; Mrs. Mary Jo`hns'on, uf,: Lucian , is visiting at the h i k x 44,1 11*,, er, Mrs. G. D. Haigh- of fix, mid *rs.,Will'auu VWallace and Mies iollbre, of Comber, have been visiting at the: former's home • do •'Eg•;pondvllle.-- MIs ' Frances Reynolds has resumed (large of her school at Beechwood: —Miss Diary Quigley, who has been" the guest of Miss Dolly Carlin, lies returned to her home in Detroit.— Mr. and Mrs. Shannon, of Under- wood, spent/ the week end at the home of Mrs. D, Dorrance.- 'Mr. M.. R. Shiels, of Belleville, was a week erd guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Storey.—Mr. and Mrs. e _ John Case and Mr. Garnet - Case, of Toronto, visited at the hoine of Mrs. nd Mrs. Alex. Kennedy, North Main Nora Carlin and family this week.— and Mdse Agnes Nolen, Who wast Mr. and Mrs. George Steet of Sagi- a guest at the home of Mrs. Adam naw, are visiting Mr. Stoat's mother Dickson, has. returned to Toronto.— Cassidy and familyin Egmondville. aMr. and Mrs A. P. M�tar Bertice and Orton Logan, motored here of Teeswater, have returned from Detroit and spent a few days home after visiting a few weeks with with Mr. and Mrs; William Devereux' Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Haigh.—Mr. Fred and other friends.—Rev. S. McLean Faulkner, of, Windsor, spent the boli- 'Will deliver his sermon on "The Duty do t of Faultfinding" Sunda evening in - EX3al tQ Ct(00IGS, WIT .BOOKS, S FOOL'SpA+P PADS, CRAYONS;; ATE1tCOIAIRs, PEN- HOLDERIpt' 2. PENCIS,S, ERASERS, RULER$: EIRIOOL BAGS, INS, PENCIL ' BOXES, OiEMPAi9SEr9' DRAWER ,$ITS, SLATES, SLATE P8}N.•CILS, CHALK, TT mpson's BOOKSTORE,• - - SEAFORTH a Jeweler a n d Optician. Issuer Marriage Licenses SEAFORTH - ONT. WELLS DRILLED Any parties in need of water should see the undersigned, who has an up- to-date drilling outfit. Gas power. Terms Reasonable. Satisfaction Guaranteed. W. D. HOPPER North Main Street - - Seaforth 2797-tf n,,>or ] '' 1< D,Jry L504a irh Golfers Win At Goderich: A very streo4. r pre"h enjoyable game of golf was played roll tted. , (with our pf home refer - over the Maitland links at Goderich for Canato dian Fier ural Guarantee, and ex- Palmerston, spent Lalwr Day at her between twelve men from the Sea- pea,. para. Canadian rarmer, oronto. t home in McKi;n,p.—Miss Mary forth Club and twelve vi the nolds has returned to her school in fRey- GoderichthGolf, resulting in a victory - For sale. rt mei house ro collo g who spent the iat her home for the Seaforth Club. The follow- ha l and .arc water "na tnth. Goad rediae: Niagara Falls. -Miss Edith Govher home f knit pall as res donde, nck il kinds fruit in Winthrop, bas returned to Toronto. —Mr. Percy Hoag has returned to Hageraville to, resume his duties as principal of the school at that place. -Bliss Florreim Thompson returned to Toronto on Monday. Mr. Jack Hinchley returned to Galt on Monday. —Miss Kate Cowan is visiting friends in Ailsa Craic.--Mrs. L. C. Jackson •• returned home after familyhave and spending the <ununer at their cottage at Bruce Bea,•it.--Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Kruse and son returned to their home it Galt on Monday after spending a day at the home of his pa town,—Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eyre, of Sarnia, were week end guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bristow. -Miss Minnie Merrier left on Monday to resume her studies at the Toronto Conservator;' of Music. --Mr. George Stewart, of Lon- don spent the holiday a' Egnsondville church,—Mies Caldwell, who has been spending a few weeks with her sister, Mns. R. H. Sproat, has returned to Regina.—The Wo- men's Missionary Society will conduct the morning, and evening services in First Presbyterian church on Sunday, September 18th,—Mr. Macdonald, here.—,Miss Helen Dickson returned manager -of the Dominion Bank, spent to 'Toronto on Mo,n,lay. --Mr, and M.M. the week end in Orillia. — Mr. R. M. Jones weer up from Guelph for Carl Pinkney, of Stratford, spent the week end. --Miss Jessie Wilson, of the ,week end with with his grand - Owen Sound, seem the holiday at the parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Clark. home of her ',moots, Mr. and Mrs. He was accompanied home .by his bro- ther and sister, Glen and Ruth, who the Sank of t'• ntmerce, Brantford, is spent their holidays here—Mr. Frank spending his holidays at the home of Carlin spent the holiday in Stratford. his -parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wil- —Mrs. Gibson has returned from "son.�Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Scott were Stratford, where she spent the sum - visiting with Hamilton and Toronto mer.—'Mrs. (Dr.) Mulligan, who has friends this st,•ek,—Mrs. Finlayson, been visiting her mother, Mrs. T. Mc - Sr., and her daughter, Mrs. A. For- Quaid, Goderich street west, returned syth, of Tuck,rsmith, returned Ion to her home in Grand Forks, N. D., Friday frpm an extended trip through on Monday.—Mr. and Mrs. Ralph'El- the West- 'IlE- Alma Dalton, of liott are visiting with friends in Windsor.--lMrs. Russel Sproat spent a few days in Toronto last week.— Miss Verna Jarrett, of Hamilton, is spending her holidays at her home here—'Mrs. Parkes Ansell, Mrs. W. Holt and. Miss Harriet Wilson, of Oakville, spent the week end at the home of their aunt, Mrs. A. Young. —Mr. Joe Eckert made a business trip to Hamilton on Tuesday.—Miss Marjorie Nolan has gone to Rostock where she has accepted a school.— Mr. and Mrs, James A. Laidlaw, of Sacramento, California, are visiting at the home of his mother in Egmond- cKil- Robert Hogg, of MeKil- lop, gg, lop, spent the past week at the home of her sister, Mrs. Johnston, at Port Burwell.—Miss Grace Weir is visit- ing friends in Toronto and Niagara Full,:—.Miss McNichol, of the Brus- sels Post staff was visiting friends in town this week,—Mrs. J. J. McQuade and Master Hubert have returned to their home in Detroit after holiday- ing with friends here.—Mr. T. Steph- ens, Sr., is in Toronto this week.— Mrs. J. A. Jackson, who was the guest of Miss Jackson in Egmondville, has Victory, Govern- ment and Muni- cipal Bonds Sold at current rates and deliver- ed free of expense. R. S. HAYS, SEAFORTH, ONT. 2778 -ti ing is the score: Seaforth. Goderich. Campion ..0 R. E. Cresswell 1 3. Williams 0 W.E. Southgate 1 F. Chapman1 F. Savauge 0 C. Garrow.......1 J. C. Greig T. Mitchell, .0 G. McTaggart...1 an ail t sear• W Sanders 0 P Calder i Canadian peas our ' barn and rhea house tae"µ, email fruit; me ` cement s.r and pump in ,,are.. s. • int 0,1 1:" throughout Apply n r pre,nea'. en Iof rOS .f Market Street to W �� W. Cowan. Miss 'Annie G. G0veodork. gn,duate Teachers. coo,ne. (iodowOky Method, (ton- ndian Arudemy of Music. onnouncea the im- mediate -o fi nim: of her classes in piano. organ a l'ltpnW ill he prepared an ors for .an decoy of Toronto. Conner, E. Donaldson. ... W. W. Robinson 1 ,eery or Mask examinations. Studio North 2xo4-� ai„ street. Pham. lea. •e.....0 M odic ...0 J. G. prettyConnie n . h Killoran L.horror a J.piled , R. Lloyd 1 H. Edge 0 1+orrnr n b 1 read the new ypapere Med d the scullery girl, l.'tv.1[ardey...; .I W. B. Macdonald 11 acid discovered Char. she had been used w Kev. McDermid. 0 Th Dodds 1 't Kin hovel theft, and that her in- -' a thief and not a thief? Mow she right- ed 7 ed s matters make absorbing episode ,n the Metro special an picture, ••C.inderellu's Adolescent School Act. ----Forms for Twin," playing of the Stnmd Theatre Mon- day. nimbly and Wednesday with Mon- 2204-1 the administration of the Adolescent poise. averring. Act which came into farce on Sep- tember lot, have been r•t, ':ved and the chief inspector's department is completing arrangements for the is- suing of home and employment per- mits. Under the Act. the parent or guardian of a child between the ages of fourteen and sixteen who desires :;,-,t child to discontinue attending ,cin -'t must make application to the chief attendance officer fur a permit. The application requires a statement from the parent of the reasons why it is Blade. If the child i; needed to work at home, a hnpse permit is is- sued. If, on the other hand, the child is to enter regular' employment away frons home, tine application for his release from school must be ac- companied by a pranlisc of employ- ment from the prospective employer. This letter must give the nature of the work the child will be doing, the number of hours o: work per day ar,d must contain a bona fide assur- ance that the child will actually se- cure a position. If the attendance fficer is satisfied. he then issues an employment certificate. Thos. MAKE MONEY AT HOME $15 to $60 paid weekly for your\ spare time writing showcards for us. No can- vassing. We instruct alld supply you with steady work West -Angus Showcard Ser- vice, Church &- Colborne Sts. Toronto. ac r. mm, a was accused. She m nt Prince Charming � ht FALL TERM FROM SEPT. 6th The largest and best Com- mercial School in Western On- tario. A school where" you can get through courses under ex- perienced instructors in Com- mercial, Shorthand and Tele- graphy departments. Gradu- ates assisted to positions. Home study courses can be arranged. Get our free cata- logue. D. A..McLL�ApCHLAN rnoTuner n For London Fair.—The following stockmen and breeders from this dis- trict will ship stock from Brumfield station on Friday for the Western Fair, London: J. G. McMichael, of Seaforth, will take a Hackney stallion and a Clyde stallion for Mr. C'olqu- h•.un, of Mitchell; D. Fotheringhai , 13rurefielel, his agricultural tears; A. Sinclair, of Kippen, team of Heavy draughts; A. & J. Broadfoot, Tucker - smith, heavy draught broad ;Blare and foal, and year-old Clyde stallion; Joseph Reynolds, Hallett, agricultural team( and Gc:mge Dale, Mullett, Hackney mare and General Purpose team, a New Books.—The following books have been received at the Public Library and have been put in cir- culation: Fiction—Flood Tide, Bas- sett; The Cross Cut, Cooper; Inno- cent Adventures, Bradley; The Brim- ming Cup, Canfield; C.Bestermarke Instinct, Fletcher; Orange Yellow Diamond, Fletcher; Galusha, the Mag- nificent. Lincoln; The Unseen Ear, Livingston; The Mountebank, Locke; In Red and Gold, Mervin; The Feast of Lanterns, M.iln; The Samovar'Gue, Moore; Tales From a Rolltop Desk, Morley; .Jacob's Ladder, Appenheim; Sister Sue, Porter; Alice Adams, Tarkington;, The Daffodil Murder, Wallace; The Mysterious Rider, Grey; Betty Zane, Grey; Main Street, Lewis; Westwind Drift, McCutcheon; Captain Macedoine's Daughter, Mc - Fee; Great Pearl Secret, Williamson: The Parts Men Play, Baxter; Sisters- in-law, Atherton; Potterism, Macaul- .y; Penny Plain, Douglas; The Film Mystery, Reeve; Cherry Isle, Close; Miss Lulu Bett, Gale. Non-Fiction— Labrador, Cabot; Right Royal, Mase- field; The Uses of Diversity, Ches- terton; People of Destiny, Gibbs; Synom ms and Antonyms, Allen; History of English. and Canadian lit- erature to the Confederation; Great Game of Business, Frederick; Compare ative Religion Jordan; God's Country, Curwood; Ballads of a Bohemian, Service; Prince of Wales Books; The People of Mexico, Thompson, Up the Seine to the Battlefields, Dodd, Juvenils—Three Base Benson, Bar- bour; Lightfoot the Deer, Burgess; High Benton Worker, Heyliger; Woodland Tales, Seton; The Annes, Taggart; Gingerbread House, Mac- Arthur; he Head Girl at the Gables, Brazil; Marion Frear's Summer, Ash 'nnnn; Scouts of the Desert, Wilson, .Professional Tuner from the Sx+ elm 1$'acto1will he bore ghost'. t tt C have ‘ hiding ,to" 77. few holidays with friends here.—Mrs. A. D. Sutheri::,. 1, Miss Anna and Billy returned home on Monday after spending the summer in Saskatche- wan.--mliss Mary Crosbie has accept- ed a position as teacher of a school near St. Catharines and left this week to assume her new duties.—Mrs. IV. E. Kerslake and daughter, Miss Dor- othy, and Moss Belle Smith have re- turned front a visit with friends in Ottawa.—Mist Ray Govenlock left on Monday for St. Catharines after spending the holidays at her home in Egmondville.—Miss Florence Laidlaw returned to Toronto on Monday. -- Miss Pheinia Cowan has returned to resume her duties on the stair of the Pembroke Collegiate Institute.—Mrs. Walter Robinson has returned from a visit with friends in New Hamburg. Letter Of Appreciation- — Mayor Golding received the following letter on Friday last from Hon. W. L. Mac- kenzie King, which speaks for itself: "Ottawa, 1st September. 1921. Dear Mr. Golding:—Permit me to. extend to you and through you to the citizens of Seaforth a word -of very sincere thanks and appreciation for the many courtesies extended to my colleague, Dr. Helena, and myself during our recent visit to your town. Permit me also to congratulate you upon the great success of the meeting over which you so ably presided. It was in every particular a remarkable gathering andi l,tI believe, pre rf thea happy augury Liberal cause in the Hurons in the election which from present indica- tions is at last to be conceded by the Government. With all good wishes, believe me, Yours very sincerely, W. L. Mackenzie King." bur dr, The ',Late. BSdzieS Johns.--Seaforth lost a. en, and _highly re- spected rea'u�, fa son :. Tueadair 11'ast when Mar + Jchla .pe'dtiwo t •M ' nrtnu"orna'k"lentre-s � Y'bf si►r Alllietifth' 4 fro)it td.A`fiettritt a$ the heart for. PRINCESS Now .Playing ENID BENNETT • in SILK HOSIERY She displayed her charms in a temple of Fashion. "Modeled" for gorgeous silken things she never could hope to own. Then a Miracle! And she found herself queefling it over the season's most brilliant ball. The rest is a tingling thrill of romantic adventure. A Paramount Picture Local Briefer—Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. .1. G, Mullen returned on Monday evening from a three weeks' trip down the St. Law- rence and Saguenay Rivers.—Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Best and Mr. McBride, of Toronto, were week end guests at the home of 'Mr. Robert Bell.—Mrs. Ben Johnston left on Saturday for her new home in Toronto. ---Mr. Harry Livens and his mother have returned from a month's visit with friends in Hamilton. Niagara Falls and London. --The Misses Ella and Mabel Turn- bull left on Monday to resume their duties, the former on the high school staff at Newcastle, and Miss Mabel en the staff of Huntsville school—'Miss Hazel Thompson spent the holiday at her home in Listowel, Miss Jones accompaniedher.—Mr. and Mrs. Alf. McGavin, Windsor, spent the week end at the home of his sister,MissRalph Elliott.—Mr. Jack Stewart, of Lon- don, is visiting at the home of his bro- ther, Mr. D. H. Stewart. — Mrs. Hopper has returned from a visit at her/ home in Wingham. --Mr. Harold Ward spent the holiday with Guelph friends.—iMrs. W. E. Southgate, Jr., and two children are spending a few weeks at her house in Manitowaning. —Mr. Reg. Reid returned to Port Colborne on Tuesday.'—,Mr. Wlal'ker Hart returned on Saturday from Miss- konkB where he Spent, the.. summer.— Mr. 'Warren Almost, of Detroit spent the week.. end at his home 'here.— Mhds. James. Murray: returned to Ham - Men on Monday after visiting 'her sisters, Mrs. James "Morrie in Hibbert {b. ,44,4:151.:"7" -w,4:15-ata MON., TUES. & WED. Selznick presents CONSTANCE TALMADGE in UP THE ROAD WITH SALLIE PRINCESS Strand tit' 4'ppeals " .. to\the eye—always. returned to her home in Lethbridge, Alberta.—Mr, R. E. Cresswell arrived home from California on Thursday evening last.—,Mrs. Benrose, of Tor- onto,guest of her sister, Mrs. i s the vu s W. E. Southgate, Sr.—Miss Mary Curtin left this week for Stratford, where she will resume her duties as teacher in St. John's school.—(Miss Monica Eckert has returned to St. Joseph's Hospital, London, to resume her duties as nurse.—The Sunshine Mission Band and Girl Guides of the Presbyterian church held a very suc- cessful tea on the church lawn on Friday last. The weather was all that could be ,desired and a most en- joyable time was spent, by those in attendance, due very largely to the kindly attention paid to them by those in charge of the tea,—During the summer months Loyalty Class, a senior class of girls in the Sunday school of First Presbyterian church have been busy making garments fo' little children to be sent to St. Chri topher House in Toronto. On Tues day night last the class held a socia evening in the school room at whic was shown the garments for Christopher House. and also the do tions, of fruit for the same in'sti - tion. As several of the members'm'e leaving town this month the even The Finest Photoplays Plus Comfort Thursday, Friday, Saturday --SPECIA L— "THE COURAGE OF MARGE O'DOQNE" By James Oliver Curwood With an all Star Cast also served as a farewell for th Mr. and Mrs. James•Foster, of D s - den, were the guests of Dr. and rs. Harburn this week.—Mrs. M. J. c Quade, of Stratford, spent the art week with friends in this vicinity.— Miss Rae Govenlock, who has been visiting her friend, Miss Nugeut at Lindsay, and also the Misses Carew and Mrs. Stanley Beal et Sturgeon Point, has returned to St. Catharines. Mrs, Gourley, of Stratford, was a guest this week at Hedge Row, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scarlett. ill McKillop.—Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Wegg spent the past week in Toronto and Niagara Falls. -=Miss Mary Gil- lespie has returned to resume her duties on the staff of the Fergus Collegiate Institute. — 'Miss Hazel Winter, who spent the holidays at her hmsie here, has returned to her duties on the staff of the Toronto Conserva- tory of Music—Miss Gertrude Card - no, of Milverton, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Cardno.--+alas - Jean Govenlock g Stylea', - At/7Z( , fr 0 left on Monday to assume her new A graphic story of the Canadian 'duties on the' staff of the Midland Northwest, filled with thrills and Colteg}ate — mr .1. 'Ballantyne, of suspense and staged in a manner that will make it a production long to be remembered. Owing to the d6st of this attrac- tion, we are compelled to advance our admission prices a little. Adults 20c. Children 15c Shows Satntday-7.46 and 9.90 p.m. —COME EARLY— Strand n MillineryAutu�m. OpeningDisplays Are. Friday.a... 16th ,umlalll,Illalllllllllll September (sr lat hI lllilllldaiyli September 17th Galt, is visiting at the home of his father,' Mr, William Ballantyne, in Harpurhey. Miss Grace Scarlett spent the week end at Sprucedale, the home of Mr. Robert Allan, Bradfield, the guest of Miss Anna McDonald.— and Mrs: and Mn and Mrs.evu'is and family, C. of" St Tlf Gle, a this Troyer, of Glerrcoot^'were guests week at the hfima' of Mr:: and Mrs. Robert Jarrat el' era' 22b'°pit " s registered ,et t b ire drtlVt ,C4110 I i'brtu'to' fol.''the halt tglbi oti op$lued $ 'Moo*, la ;, — , il'hie • is the layer Oli-redotld..'.. ; ANNOUNCEMENT OF THIS FALL STYLE EXPOSITION IS MADE WITH UTMOST AS- SURANCE OF ITS SIGNAL SUCCESS. MACTAVISH Hats are so Stylish y That no others are More so.' 401)101: 0oa ooeastwe oeoa„�c!I� 6,4 1. 117 0 0 m r MACTAVISH Millinery Heralds The Fall Styles. Coupled with the Millinery Displays will be, Special Exhibits of Women's Wearing Apparel, Etc, COATS SUITS DRESSES WAISTS FURS . BEAUTIFUL DRESS GOODS SILKS ETC. We welcofne you to our Autumlll Opening. It is Seaforth's foremost exhibit to which everybody is invited to comp and 'look, stay is long as your time permits, ask questions, and be shown. ^f. •il 5'