HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-08-26, Page 87.11164 ore days and then e Dear Old School. a few of the School that we • carry:— se Books, Note Bodies, Loose e Books, Foolscap, encila, Lead Pencils, Pencil Pens, Ink, Rubber, Rulers, and Water Colors. Also a one of Text Books, y early and be sure of being 'ed. Scott's ) posite Expositor Mee Phone 62 WELLS DRILLED Any parties in need of water should nee the undersigned, who has an up- to-date drilling outfit. Gas power. Terms • Reasonable. Satisfaction Guaranteed. W. D. HOPPER North Main Street - - Seaforth !787-tf Victory, Govern- ment and Muni- cipal Bonds Sold at current rates and deliver- ed free of expense. R. S. HAYS, SEAFORTH, ONT. 2778-tf DISTRICT MA'XTERS SCIENTIFIC PALMIST Here Thursday For Week Have your hand read by scientific lady palmist. Has read the hands of hundreds of dietingaliahed people, in- cluding Marconi, Bernhardt and Laur- ier, Here for a week at Queeu'st Hotel. Hours: 10 to 12, 2 to 6, 7 to 9. Terms, $1.00. 2802-2 FootbalL-:Football enthusiasts will have another opportunity of seeing a picked team of Hurons in action on Wednesday evening next, when Strat- ford Seniors play an exhibition game on the Recreation Grounds. Strat- ford have one of the best teams in Ontario football, but those who saw the Hurons in action against Listowel have no fear of the result, and the gatme should be the best of the seas- -on. The kick off will take place a: 5.30. JAMES WATSON Main Street - Seaforth 'Agent for Singer Sewing Machines, and General In- surance Agent. It!ni {�pgtL Ir illi ll dIM hlir.lil!II�IIhL it ll1 I,a111111 t t +lp; , tit 90 rim" tyoau' feed it ORINOCO Good Morning.. Good Afternoon . Good Even- ing. Vs ill welcome a call from you any time. You won't be lonely if you are a customer of ours. W. W., ROBINSON SEAFORTH ear, ter,it5 ;HPI tan 11 lira _ie. i, ,. ,_.;Ilii til II Ih6; Announcements. -- Mr. and Mrs. George B. Dorrance, Seaforth, an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Mabelle, to Mr. Gordon E. Webster, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Webster, Seaforth, the marriage to take place in September. -The engagement of Miss Minnie Carlin, only daughter of the late Patrick Carlin, of St. Colurnban, to Mr. William Cleary, Seaforth, has been announced, the marriage to take place in September. MAKE MONEY AT HOME $15 to $60 paid weekly for your spare time writing showcards for us. No can- vassing. We instruct and supply you with steady work West -Angus Showcard Ser- vice, Church & Colborne Sts. Toronto. ric4 k 'cl was 'Oro s r. and the *eat allayed bg Miss Five tittlth oftr. and MTs. Grieve lest on ,the afternoon train for Seaforth on a honeymoon. trip to eastern cities and on theilhro- turn will reside on the groom's fine farm in McKillop, where the best wishes for a long and happy married life of a hoat of friends will follow them. An Oxford Graduate. --Mr. W. Brenton Kerr, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Kerr, and a former graduate of the Seaforth Collegiate Institute, returned last week front Oxford, England, where he has spent the last two years studying in that famous university. We congratulate our young friends in being now an Honor Graduate in the two' Departments of History and Political Economy from the ancient seat of learning and wish him every success in the future as her enters upon his new duties on the staff .of the Provincial University at Toronto. FALL TERM' FROM SEPT. fith The largest and best Com- mercial School in Western On- tario. A school where you can get through courses under ex- perienced instructors in Com- mercial, Shorthand and Tele- graphy departments. Gradu- ates assisted to positions. Home study courses can be arranged. Get our free cata- logue. D. A. McLACHLAN Principal. Comfortable rooms for high school stud- ent*. Apply to The rapvaitor Office. 280201 Watch for the Epworth League tea0 room on Fair Day. 07 piece dinner sets. special p doe $32.00, Lew pattern, also in open stock. See this value at Beattie Brea. 2802-1 L R. Steel Stock bought; loam on stocks and Bonds. Broce & Company, McKinnon Bldg., Toronto. 2802-4 Pupils accepted in piano playing. For terns of tuition phone 246 r 1. George Ii. Clerk, Seaforth. - 280202 Wood For Bale. -A quantity of dry wood Orr sale. Apply to James Sprout, Egmond- vWe. Phone 18-160. 2802-2 For Sale. -One auto knitting machine, near- ly new, price 630 cash. For information ap- ply at The Expositor Office. 2801-tf Roomers Wanted.-Itigh School pupils to take roouu. Apply at rhe Expositor OM.. 280201 Barn Wonted.• Small barn anted with timber frame. In good condition. Stats Price. Apply to Box 271, Expositor ffiee. 0202 Wanted. -Girt or middle aged woman to Hist with house work on farm. Good wagra. Apply to Mrs. W. J. Taylor, Varna. 2801-2 Wanted. -Goes experienced general servant, good home and steady employment. Every w,nvenience in house. Apply to Mrs. R. S. Hays, Seaforth. 2802-1 For Sale. -One Stanhope .top buggy newly painted and nc rubber Urea, orwill ex- change - for steel tire with top. W. M. Sproat, tile yard. Phone s-186. 2801-2 For Sale. Splendid country home near Seaforth. Five norrs of choice land, orchard, stable. two poultry houses, excellent rmi- dente with ten rm and sun room,three- piece hrew piece movlrrn bath room. coal and wood furnace, large ccrneut cistern and me furniture. Price 68,600. Apply at 'rho Ex- peditor Office. 2802-1 Mackenzie King In Seaforth.- Elaborate preparations are being made for the reception of Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, who will address the electors of Huron at Victoria Park, Seaforth, on Wednesday after- noon next, August 31st. Mr. King will be accompanied by Hon. Dr. Boland, ex -Post Master General in the Laurier Cabinet; W. C. Kennedy, M.P., for North Essex, and other prominent speakers. Should the weather prove unfavorable the ad- dresses will be held in the skating rink, but with favorable weather in- dications point to a tremendous crowd from every 'part of the county being in Seaforth on that day. G. W. V. A. Notes. --At the re- quest of a large number of member; and visitors we have decided to have .0th. a dance on Tuesday, August3 The Gene Connor Orchestra from the Hayfield Pavilion, will supply the music. Dancing will be front eight peal, until two a.m., :mil lunch will be serval by the Ladies' .Auxiliary, Any visitors hurne fur holidays are wnicon:e. Menthol's are asked to accept this notice as their invitation The prices will be $1.50 for gentle- man and lady; 50 cents for extra lady, --On Tuesday, September 1st. all arrangements have been completes for the uchre and dance. Tucker - smith is coming in with forty couple and we will have a strong side to play against them. Lunch will he served, 2`ollowed by a dance. s Piano Tuner Our Professional Timer from the Piano Factory will be here short - those 'who byre tuning to fie 6--616, or addfaw oris otrf lies Buy• your OL BOOKS AS SUPPLIES now' 6 there is 'likely Co be a shortage and slow delivery on account of the' printers' strike. We have a fairly good supply now, but it will not last long when the open- ing rush starts. Thompson's BOOKSTORE - - SEAFORTH left on Wednesday fur her home in Minneaota.Mr:'Hillis, of Birks. Fella is a guest at the home of Mr. • and Mrs, G. T. Turnbull. -Mr. F. L. Downey, accountant in the Dominion Bank, is spending his holidays at his home in Toronto.-iMr. D. Andrews, of Port Colborne, was visiting friends in town tide week. -Miss L. Griffiths, of Toronto, is the guest of Mrs. E. H. Olose.-lMias Jessie Buchanan, of Hensel!, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Sproat last week. -Mrs. Fraser and Mrs. (Dr.) Gilman and family, of London, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lou Devereux on Tuesday.--lMiss Sarah Sillery, book- keeper at Stewart tiros., and her sis- ter, Miss Elizabeth Sillery, nurse of Buffalo, were visiting with Stratford friends this week, --Mr. Harry Kruse is visiting relatives at Niagara Falls. -Mr. Angus Kennedy left on Wed- nesday for Toronto, where he will take a course in barbering. -Mrs. John Pethick spent the week end with friends in Ilickson. - Mrs. A. Neilands spent a' -few days this week with her son in Clinton. -The many friends of Mise Lucy Sillery will be pleased to learn that she is improv- ing from her recent illness. --Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Tyerman have returned from their holiday spent at Bruce Beach and Klneardine.-cMr. Foster Hutchison, of Chicago, was a visitor in town last week. --Mir. and Mrs. Atkin and Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson, of Amherstburg, were week end guests at the home of Mr. J. B. Tyerman. -Mr. Thomas McMillan, who took his cattle to the old country market last month, returned home on Wed- nesday last, and reports a delightful trip and a successful market rot` his stock. -Miss Toms has returned irons a visit with friends in Cleveland. - Mrs. Lemmon, of Mitchell, was the guest of Mrs. Reinke last week. - Miss Florence Deeni is visiting friends in Toronto. -Mrs. (Dr.) Crouch and son, who have been the guests of Mrs. L. L. McFaud returned to their home in Toronto en Saturday. ---Mrs. Sclater, Mies Sclater and Miss Rob- inson, of St. Marys, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Finlayson. -Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Ar, !Wald antifamily, of Listowel, are vl :ting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Archibald. -Mrs. E. Lawson and dau- ghter, of Auburn, are the guests of her mother, Mrs. Win. Sclater -Rev. Dr. Aitken, of Tor rite, and formerly pastor of St. ,Andrew's' Church, Kip- pen, occupied the pulpit in First Pres- byterian Church very acceptably on Sunday last. On Sunday next the Local Briefs. -Mrs. (Dr.) Mulligan, of Grand Forks, North Dakota, is vis- iting at the home of her mother, Mrs. T. McQuaid, Goderich street. -Mr. Thomas Elder left last week on a trip to the West. -Mr. Harry Grieve, of Brampton, is visiting at his home in Eg.motdvillc.-Mrs. D. J. Devereux and daughter, of Edmonton, were vis- iting friends here last week. They intend spending some time in Chicago, their old home, before returning West. -Mr. and Mrs. George Coates, of New York, spent a couple of weeks at the home of Mr. William Clark at Constance. Mr. and Mrs. Castes were on a motor tnip through Ontario. - Mr. and Mrs. E. Mc1''aul, of St. Thomas, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Mactavish.-Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Mullen left Saturday morning on a trip down the St. Lawrence and Saginaw Rivers. They intend spending several days in Montreal and Quebec City. -Mr. C. Jones, of Windsor, was a town visitor this week. -RI r. Arthur Reid, of Toronto), is visiting at the home of his father, Mr. I. Ii. Reid. --Mr. W. Hartry is in Walkerton this week acting as judge at the joint county Horticultural So- cieties show being held there. -Miss II. L. Young and nephew, Andrew McLean, are spending a couple of •a ecks in Toronto. -Mr. W. Morrow, of 'London, is visiting his mother in Sown. -Mrs. W. D. Bright and Miss Dobie are spending a few weeks in Toronto. - Mr. and Mrs. William ('tuff, of Detroit, were visiting rel- atives here •this week. Mrs. Cuff is :1 sister of Mrs. J. Israel, of town. - Mr. C. L. Willis, editor of the Steller Independent, Steller, Alberta. is vis- iting his mother, Mrs. Robert Willis red other relatives here. -Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith, of Port Colborne, are visiting at the home of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Smith.-,- Miss mith.-Miss Doyle, of Detroit, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Stewart. -Mrs. James Beattie is visiting friends in Peterboro, while Miss Boyes is taking charge of the home here -Miss Glady Welsh, who has been visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Welsh, has returned to her home in Hamilton. -Mr. and Mrs. David Aitcheson add daughter, of Stouffville, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. McMichael in Iiarpurhey.-Mrs. W. H. Bristow has returned from a visit with her daughter, Mrs, Eyre, of Sarnia. -Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Morton and son, of Hamilton, are guests at the home of Mrs. J. H, Broadfoot.-Miss Katie Eckart and Miss Irene Corbet left on Monday to resume their positions in Toronto after spending the holi- days at their homes here. - Mrs. Kalhain, of Buffalo, is visiting friends in town and vicinity. -Mr. and Mrs. Campbell and children and Miss Florence Campbell motored over front Parkhill and spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Curtin, Huron Road East -Miss Mildred Gray, of Stratford, who has been the guest'of Miss Jessie McMillan, has returned to her home. -Mr. Ray Mc- Geoch, of Toronto, is spending his holidays at his home in Egmondville. -Miss Sadie and Miss Gladys Thompson returned tin Tuesday from a trip to the coast. They also spent some time in Chicago on their way home. -Mr. and Mrs. Luther Robins, of Rochester, N. Y., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Chesney in Tuckersmith.-Miss Lena Laverty, of Stratford, is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. W. J. Duncan. -Mrs. J. E. Willis and son Fred, and Miss Hazel Reid have re- turned from a two weeks' holiday in Bayfield -Mr. and Mrs. G. Shrier, of Arkona, Mr. and Mrs. J. Brooks, of Thedford, and Mr. and Mrs. C. Brooks and two sons, of Kitchener, spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. tq. Stoddart. -Miss H. I. Graham ha's returned from a visit with friends in Stanley -Mrs. A. McQuatg has been appointed a delegate from the Women's Auxiliary of First Presby- terian church to attend the semi- annual conference to be held in Gode- rich in September. -Mr. Joe Sills, of Port Colborne, is spending a few holi- days at the parental home of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Stile.. --Mrs. Wilson, who was here attending the funeral of heir'f+ather, the late Francis McCtulla, Seaforth Collegiate. -The Seaforth Collegiate Institute will re -open on Tuesday, September 6th, with the! following teaching staff, Principal. J. F. Ross, M.A., mathematics; A. C. Hazen, M.A., science; Miss Bessie Foreman, B.A., gold medalist in classics will succeed Miss MacPher- son, who goes to teach in St. Thomas; Miss Jean Fell, B.A., succeeds Miss Craig in English and history; Miss M. Laing, in moderns; Miss Bessie Grieve, specialist in physical culture; Miss Norma Hartry has obtained a specialist's standing in art. It is a remarkably strong staff and we feel sure will maintain the enviable record the school has held for some years as the leading Collegiate in the Prov- ince. v Seaforth Defeat British Bowlers. - A rink of bowlers representing the Seaforth Bowling Club, was in Strat- ford on Tuesday playing against one of the seven rinks of the British bowlers, now touring this country. Seaforth was drawn against the Bri- tish rink Skipped by H. McCall, and after an excellent game came out with the long end of a 13-8 score. The other clubs reprefented by this part of the province were Stratford, three rinks, and Owen Sound, Clin- ton and Mitchell. Owen Sound, Mit- chell and Sealforth all succeeded in winning, but all three Stratford rinks and Clinton were badly defeated. The score on the round was 140-148 in favor of the British Bowlers. The Seaforth rink was composed of Messrs. Harry Stewart, Jack Beattie, W. D. Bright and J. M. Best, skip. Grieve -McMichael. -A very pretty wedding was solemnized at high noon on Wednesday, August 24th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mc- Michael, second concession of Hal- lett, when their youngest daughter Edith, was united in marriage to Mr. William T. Grieve, only son of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Grieve, of McKillop, the ceremony being performed by Rev. J. A. Ferguson in the. presence of a large number of guests. The bride looked very pretty in a gown of ivory charmeuse satin, with lace overdress andwore ax'bride1 veil with orange blossoms and carried a bon - Ea lUGILL Vet of rotes. The bride, 'Who sae ann 1lfatson �^ a,lnwfp. i� h n a roti ,*^ el, v a has da®ori` einem d! ]ice holbdaye '0 her borne. beret left- on, Monday fa Ottawa,, before -return- o g 4telseS, spentbthe week end at the home, of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hloegy.Mr. James • Haya has sold the residence on Goderi h street west,' at present oboupled by Mr. Syd. Deem, to Mr. C. Oheoros, of the Oly mpia Restaurant, who will take -pos- session In a few weeks.Miss Erma Laidlaw, of Sacramento, California, who is visiting at the home of her grandmother in Egmondville, sang a very pleasing solo in the Egmondville church on Sunday last. ---Mr. And Mrs. Price and daughter and Miss G. Gray, of Toronto, were visiting friends in town this week. Mrs. Price and Miss Gray are former Seaforth girls, be- ing daughters of the late W. M. Gray. -Mr. F. S. Savauge is in Hamilton this week attending an exeoutive meeting of the Jewellers' Association, Mrs. Harry Deem, of Brantford, was the guest of Mrs. Wm. Deem this week. -The Misses Helen and Marion Larkin are spending a few weeks in Bayfield. -dire. Mackay, Mita N. W. Mackay and Mrs. O. Neil motored to Toronto this week -Miss Olive Slott, of Bluevale, is a guest at the home of her uncle, Mr. Andrew) Scott. -Mx. Harry Watson, of Toronto, is a guest at the home of Mr. S. McGebch in Egmondville.--Mr. Charles Neely left_ on Wednesday for London where he has taken a position with the G. T. R, -Miss Thompson, milliner in the J, Mactavish store, has returned from her home in Listowel, Where she was spending the holidays. -Mr. and Mrs. Harold Best and family left on Wed- nesday for their home in Moose Jaw. -Mrs. G. E. Henderson and Mrs. L. T. DeLacey returned on Thursday evening from Stoney Lake, -Mrs. E. Daley, of Walkerton, is visiting with friends in town and vicinity. -Mr. James Broadfoot, of Virginia, is visit- ing at the home of his mother, Mrs. J. H. Broadfoot.-Mr. Hugh McKay, who has been visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Mc- Kay in Egmiondville, has returned to Toronto. -The Public School will re- open after the summer holidays on Tuesday, September 6th, with the same capable staff of teachers as last term. -'Mrs. Armstrong, of Tara, and Mrs. Allen, of California, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Charters, Mill Road. -Mr. and Mrs. Leech and Mr. and Mrs. Valley and son, of Til- aonburg, were week end guests at the home of Mr. A. Barton.-aMiss Sparks, milliner at Stewart Bros., has return- ed from, Stratford, where she was spendinthe holidays at her house. - Mr. Joseph Bolton, of Philadelphia, is a guest at the home of his brother, Mr. L. F. Bolton. -Miss Effie McLeod, of Detroit, and Mr. Cameron Colbert, of London, are guests at the home of Mrs.- Donald Clark in Egmondville. -Mr, and Mrs. R. E. McKenzie have returned from their honeymoon trip. -Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McBride, of Hamilton, were week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Arch- ibald. They were aceomlpanied by Master Jack Archibald, who has been spending his holidays in Hamilton.- Mr. amilton-Mr. and Mrs. Kirby and Miss Annie Carnochan, who have been visiting at the parental home in Tuckersmith, left on Monday for their home in Boston -Miss Whiteside, of North Carolina, is the guest of Miss Grace Weir. -Messrs. Bert and Frank Mc- Michael, of Cleveland, are visiting at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. William McMichael. --'Miss Mona Schoales, of Algona, and Miss Vera Dodds, of Clinton, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. McKellar. - The ladies of the Egmondville church intend holding a bazaar on the church grounds on the afternoon of Friday, September 9th -Mrs. F. Canilpibell, of Westfield, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Elsley, of Londesboro, are visiting their niece. Mrs. Tyerman -'Miss Lillian Faulk- ner, of Windtor, is spending the holi- days at the home of her parents in town. -Mr. W. B. McLean, of Eg- mondyille, has a red and gold New York. sunflower plant that measures 12% feet in length Mr. McLean says this is a world's record for this plant .- Mrs. J. S. Roberts, of Oshawa, and Miss C. B. McKinley, of Ottawa, are the guests of Mrs. J. A. Case. -Miss Evelyn Greig, who has been spending the holidays at her home here, leaves on Saturday for Fort Frances. -The Sunshine Mis- sion Band and the Girl Guides of First Presbyterian church intend eery-• ing a supper on Friday, September 22nd, from 4 to 7.30 o'clock. PRINCESS Now Playing WALLACE REID in THE CHARM SCHOOL. What is woman's chief aim in life? To charm men! In reply to loud hisses we hasten to say this is only 'the creed of a dar- ing male, who found a girl's school on his hands and tried to put it on its feet by teaching charm. Maybe he is wrong, but you'll ad- mit the "figures" be exhibited are wonderfully convincing. A Paramount Picture ' from the stags success and Saturday Evening Post story of the same name. Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday CONWAY TEARLE in BUCKING THE TIGER PRINCESS Strand Thursday, Friday, Saturday "FRANK MAYO" in "THE MARRIAGE PIT" From Frederick Isham's famous stoiy, "Black Friday." Also 2 Reel Century Comedy. 2 Shows Saturday -7.46 and 9.30 pan. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday "BEBE DANIELS" in "YOU NEVER CAN- TELL" Alas the second.. of the Red Rider Series of Northwest Mounted Police stories. Adults 15c. 8.15 pan. Children 10c Coins Upstairs to Comfort Strand WALTON 97 piece dinner sets, special price $22.00. vew pattern, also In open stook. See this alue at Beattie Bros. 2802.1 Library Closed -The Walton.Public Library will pe closed for one month from August 24th to September 25th. All those who have books out will please leave at Humphrey's store. McKILLOP 97 piece dinner sets, special price 632.00, new pattern, also in open stool,. See this value at Beattie Brns. 2802-1 Going to a Show Saturday Night?-Comeon np staint and see a good one, in comfort. Two shows, 7.45 and 0.30 p.m. Strand. Notes. ---Miss Kathleen Allen left Saturday for her home in Toronto otter a' three weeks' visit with Mr. and Mrs. Rising at their home, "Sunnyside," two and' a half miles north of Seaforth.-IMrs. John Web- ster is entertaining her two nieces, Mrs. Cunning, of Toronto, and Miss Cooke, of Ireland.--iMr. and Mrs. John Webster and their two nieces have returned from an auto trip to Luckpow and vicinity. MANLEY Notes. Miss Vera Eckart left here last Thursday for Plunket, Sade, to take a position as teacher. -Mrs. Mooney and her sister, Miss Young - hands, from Detroit, and Miss Helen M1cMann spent Sunday at the home of Mr. John Mnrm•ay.--'Miss Bessie Shearer and her brother George, who have been amongst us the past month have returned to their home :in To.' ronito.Miss Melvia Eckart is at present visiting friends in Kitoilene . 8tare' .• sic on ,Quality. Store Sakes You ;Dollars, Newest Styles are always Shown Here Early BEAUTIFUL NEW FALL COATS (Women's, Misses', Children's Sizes) ARE ON DISPLAY IN OUR STORE STYLES FOR FALL AND WINTER For several seasons back we have tried to show New Goods as early in the season as city stores do. As soon as new styles come in we tell our customers, and we place the things on sale without delay Although it is yet August, the first arrival OF NEW FALL COATS are here and highly deserve the special attention we give them. We illustrate here one of the many excellent styles designed for Fall. This is an exact like- ness of a Coat we have. Come and see them all. SEE THE New Coats SOON You'll be charmed by their attractiveness. Try them on and you will be fascinat- ed by the way they fit and hang. Wear them and then you will fully realize their en- during qualities and their unsurpassed all-round ex- cellence. We have put forth our greatest effortsgather to at her together this season a col- lection of clothes positively unmatchable at the prices we ask, and we think we have succeeded. These Coats are trimmed in the new Embroidered effects, are made from the most handsome fabrics for 'the new season and are tailored along beautiful lines, super- bly atttractive. Our stock of Coats now runs FROM $5 TO $50 We will be delighted to show you. e Two Attractive Styles SHOWN BY ifs IN NEW FALL DRESSES Our prices for Silk,Serge and Trikotine Dresses.. $18 to $40 -. r t;,; wX