HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-08-26, Page 5rmslt8''' 0 o1T• but{ r and getthng "their land A Harry lth'a'nasty a ldent laat: fa the tie,. efo Penetrated his ng he is, ng nicely. --Many in our vicinity *ere' shocked to. ar.9f the very "A11$SI9.1114'aloa101 Of r. He eye of Stan- , ley township, e-t•neiJ care° as a t -; great s}hoek to hitSlater, Mrs,. Harry Jacobi. Much syltilpathy .is :felt for Mrs. Jacobi as this is the second brother within several months that has been laid ta-rest. MATY. Won Scholarship.--iPublfc Hehoel 1napeetor, 3, Ricin Tom, has notified the Clerk of Hay ToWnship that the following are the names of the High 'School. Entrance candidates that won the Hay Township Soldiers' Memorial c. , S'cltolarshil,ps for 1921: 1st and 2nd - :Scholarships, Newell Geiger, Zurich public school and Leonard Grab S. - S. No. 2, equal' 8rd Scholarship, Marguerite Alistvlorth, S. S. No. 2. Newell Geiger and Leonard Grab were equal and first and second schol- arships will be divided equally be- tween them. DUBLIN Notes: -Miss St. Ann and Mi Kathleen McCarthy left for Ottaav to resume their duties. They war •entemtained•by the parents of the 1a ter to a euchre and dance, Perth County will have many new attrac • lions for them in future. -'Miss Jean Nagle, of Wlaterioo, is a visitor at Sunshine Hill Farm, Hibbert, the 'home of osdph Nagle. -Work rhaaii„' ; on. the centre road its 1 n•y. iL: ,,11� � , MT. Joseph Nagler' exp :':s to I. ^' the work by October �' lif res• John 'Burns Sun- Il�dayed in .,alylrs, James ..Tor- ' notion spent Sunday atthe'home of her "brother, William Dorsey, St. Colon - ban. ---Mrs. (Dr.) Mulligan and Mrs. O'Connell are visiting at Mr. Bern- ard Mulligan's, on the fifth conces- sion of Lagan. -{Corn roasts are now in order, and the ears are well filled. -Mrs. Frank Godley and daughter Leota, are visiting their uncle, Mr. 'Thomas Moyllan, in McKillop. • laattwip bA lkil t". Omer, ed $8„y ,Aglow. .or Wp f l;1 at Cho ltfr �k A, 5: di6sby, 18Bde Woodward 7�;yeeue. ,lteapua. ian* y, t 1B Pi, at 2 6'6liipk �IltB1 5 . at toss slid ,Pair/, • Bon O(latoy, on ; Aagsdt 12th{ liarrY t11asttaygoon, aged lA years and A.'months. 1.0 n beloved en August 18th, Mildred Evelyn, beloved daughter of Mr. and Mea. K..11. 2 ortif. At her 18th year, $ *water,- n ell, on August 14th, John dward Sodawater, aged 27 ream; 2 months and 8 days. Herr. -.-fn Stratford, . on August 10th, Jacob Fin Herr, formerly pf Mitchell, aged 60 Foam Staley. At Wdllowgeove, Logan, on August 12th, John E. Stacey, aged 55. years; 4 months and B days. Gowdy. -tri Howick Township,. on August 16, Thome, Gowdy,' aged 66 years and'8 months' • NOTICE A meeting of the Municipality of the Mo- Kinoy Council will be held in the.Cernegie. Library Hall on Friday, September 2nd, at 1.80 p.m FRANK J. MsQUAIDD,. 2802.1 Reeve. IMPORTANT NOTICES STRAYED TO JOHN COCHRA,NE'S FARM, one mile met of mmologreen, a bay home on August 10th. Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses. JOHN COCHRANE. 2802 tf rj OR SALE. -1000 BUSHELS OF MIXED 88 grain, half to and hall barley. Phone 'e core,.. ALEX. SPARKS, B. B. No, 2, Sea- s I forth. - 2786-tf t l TRACTOR PLOWING. -EARNERS WISH- CROMA RTY Notes. -We are sorry to report the serious illness of Rev. David Ritchie, who is spending his vacation at Kin- cardine. -Miss Jean Watson, o f Motherwell, was a recent visitor in 'the village, -Miss Lila McCullough spent the past week visiting friends in Logan. -Mr. John A.. Norris, of Winnipeg, who has had an enjoyable visit with old friends, returned home on Wednesday -On Friday morning last the neighborhood was surprised as well as saddened to learn of the sudden death of Mrs. George Martin. The lady retired the night before in her usual good health and when Mr. , Martin awoke at six a.m., he found 'his wife dead. He does not know at what hour Mrs. Martin expired. She leaves a'family of one son, William of Tuckersmith, and two married I;daughters, in the West, who arrived lame for the funeral, which was held en Tuesday afternoon to Cromarty cemetery and was largely attended, SEAFORTH MARKETS Seaforth, August 25, 1921. Butter, per ib 30 to 35c Potatoes, per bushel Eggs, per dozen Hogs, per cwt -Wheat, per bushel Barley, per bushel ,Flour, per cwt Bran, per ton Shorts, per ton 12.00 38 to 40c $11.00 $1.20 60c $5.35 $.30.00 $30.00 LIVE STOCK MARKETS Union Stook Yards, ,Toronto, August 28. -- To -day's offering of some 8,600 heed of cattle seemed 'light as compared with last Monday's lot,but trade showed little, if soy,• improvement. A few loads of choice henry catttle brought 8 corm per pound, whieh was better than last week's decline, but a quarter easier than last Monday, while choice butchers sold about steady with Thursday's close. Common cattle were, If anything, a shade easier, and trade in these was very draggy. Exporters took a fair share of 'the heavy stuff at from 7% to 8 cents, with the bulk at the lower figure. Cow and bull trade showed no change from Thursday as regards prise, though the feeling was easier, and a good above of the receipt; went into the holdover, which amounted to some 1,200 oatttle, chiefly stale stuff from the 1,000 •head left over last week, and nearly all of common quality. A few loads of stockers and feeders moved at prices steady with last week's decline, but basing,. was not no brisk in these lines as had been lookod for in view of the lower values. Milkers and springers were steady hut quiet. Sparkhall and Armstrong sold: Butcher -22, 890 tbs.' $6; 2, 720 lbs. $5.75; 8. 910 lbs. $5: 11, 840 lbs. $5; 9, 710 Ins. 54.10; 1, 1,040 Ms. $4.60. Cows --2, 1,000 no. $4.75; 8, 1,100 the. $4.21; I, 1,130 lbs. $4.25: 1. 1,- 140 roe. $4; 1, 1,120 lbs. 54.20; 1, 1,080 lbs. $8.00. Quotations: Choice heavy steers, $715 to • $8.60; butchers' steers, choice, $6.50 to $7.00: do. good, $8.00 to $6.80: do„ medium, $5.00 to $8.00: do., common, $8.75 to $6.00; butcher 'heifer, choice, $6.26 to $0.75; do. medium. 85.00 to $6.00; butcher cows, choice, $4.50 - m $1.80: do., medium, $3.00 to $4.60; canners and cutters, $1.00 to $2.50: butcher bulls, Good, $4.26 to $8.80; do., oenrnon, $8 to $4; feeders, good, 900 lbs., $6.60 to $6.00; do., fair $4.00 to $4.60: mincer, $60.00 to $80.00; $4.00 to $4.60: milkers, $60 to $80; springers, $20 to $80; en]ve, choice, $8.00 to $9.00; do, medium. $8.00 to 88.00; do. common. $2 to $6.00; lamb,, yearling,. $0.00 to 86.50: do. Spring, $9.50 to $10.00: sheep, choice, $4.10 to $5.00: do., good, $8.60 to $4.50; do. heavy and bucks, $2.00 to $8.60; hogs, fed and watered, $12 to $12.60: do., off cars, $12.26 to $12.76; do. f.o.b.. $11.26 tto $11.75; 'do., country potato, $11 to $11.50. BIRTHS Andrewa.-In Seaforth, an August 21st, to Mr. and Mm. Thomas Andrews, a daugh- ter. . Thomp,on,-In McKillop, on August 18th, to Mr. and Mm. J. W. Thomaoon, a non. Libby. -In the Clinton Public Hospital, on August 14th, to Mr. and Mr. Frank Libby, .a da,sghter. Welsh, -In the Clinton Public Hospital, on Augeet 15th. to Mr. and Mrs. rd. Welch, ' of the .Bone Line, a daughter. McCorley',-In Fullerton, on August 11th. to '._•'Mr.- and "Mt', James Hugh M'vCnrley. a daughter. : Elligsen. in Mitchell. on August 120. to • Mr. and, Mrs. Charless g'pen n son. -' "$ockey.1'n Exeter, op A,Odguet 10th. to Mr. and Mr. Norhtan Hockey, a daughter. MARRIAGES diatom--Z'andle.--ac' the. Manse, Fordwich, .:on August 1,0th, Vieter5n,' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. ,Candle,'Gerrie, to Mr. Norman jnerimt, of 16 !havre--BateaAagsst 16th, at the home - 64 the bride,`. tea Btrd •Aim, Toronto, by :the Rev. Mr. Neal.. u1O,ffre fit garette Beton, ddtos, d'a i4'9'libft Ri4h5cfl-' p�a etre, 'ssoon of Mr. and Mrs. John Pherre, of Toronto. Jt lag to have tractor plowing done will get information from the undersigned. The ROBERT BELL ENGINE & THRESHER CO., Seaforth. 2801-8 $ STRAY PIG. - CAME ON TO THE premises of the. undersigned, Lot 28, Concession 5, 'l11ekeramit$,, about two weeks ago , s Dig about 2 or 8 months old. Owner may have same on Droving property and paying charge*. John. McNaughton, R. R. No. 8, Kipper. 2801148 • pee SALE. - FIRST-CLASS CEMENT Tile for ml,. eines from 4 Inch to 36 inch. Also cement window sills and lintels, well tops. pig troughs, chimney top*, cement building blocks a speciality. Give us a call. All work guaranteed. R. FROST & SON, Contractors and Tile Makers, Seaforth. 2801-4 RICH FARMING COUNTRY DESCRIBED in new pamphlet issued by Canadian Pacific Railwvy on Battleford, LloyOminster Districts, Central Alberts and Suakatche- wan. wonderful crope and livestock grown or low priced, virgin lands. Get this and arrange to join special parties Inspecting lands, September 8th and 22nd. Write: A. NORWOOD, C. P. R., Montreal, Quebec, or J. 0. HESS, C. P. R., Brantford, Ont. 2802-2 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE. -THE HOUSEHOLD EF- teets of the late Janet Leckie will be sold by public auction on Saturday. August 27th et 2 o'clock p.m. in the rear of Beattie Bros. Block, Seaforth. See small bills. John Beattie, Proprietor; Thomas Brown, Auc- tioneer. 2801-1 AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EP - (vets of the late Janet Loohie.-There will be sold by public auction at the rear of Beattie Bros.' Block, Seaforth, on Satuncleyp Aogyst 27th, at 2 o'clock p.m., the follow- ing: Walnut parlor suite, large bureau, coal oil stove and oven, coal heater and pipes, White cowing machine, iron bed stead, mattress and cpring,, stretcher with springs, lounge, feather bed, three pairs lace cur- tains, kitchen table, three small tables, 8 - day clock, folding screen, bedding. feather cushions and plllowe, rocking chairs,- Sic - toren, fruit, jars, graaiteware, plates, plat - tors, • cups and saucer, and odd dishes. The whole will positively be sold without r serve. Terms -Cash. .JOHN BEA'ITIE• Pry prietor; T. Brown, Auctioneer. 2802-1 car 'EXECUTOR'S SALE OF YALUA,$ E' FARM AND MATTE PROPERTY - The Executor ofthe estate of the late Robt. Thomson has instructed the undersigned aue- tjsiiker to offer for sale by public auction on the premises on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10th, 1021 At 2 o'clock p.m., the following property Real Estate -Lot 26 'B 2f 8: North Lot 20,E Oonceseio on. 2, and the West Ralf Lot. 28. Conoesodon' 2, Bay, Telenet/1M ooatnfning 200 acres more or less. On Lot a0, . Oonameion 5, is a 1 t¢ story brick house, also 8 barns. ail on atone and brick walls, and a good bearing orchard. On Let 26, Conandel on otn 220, oncealon 2 a frameis a frame ban atons houwse, A spring creeks rune through the farm, and it is all drained and fenced. There are 20 acre, In hardwood bush, 85 acres old seeded and 40 pores seeded last spring. This form is only two miles from lionoell and Klppen, while the school is in the property. CRATTELS -Oak sideboard. dining chairs, lounges, ex- tension table. linoleum, carpet, bedroom suites, iron bed, wood bedstead,, wash stand, dresser, largy cherry chifflonier, writing desk. hest, small tables, glass cupboard- kitchen chain., rocking chairs, long tables, drop leaf table, round parlor table, kitchen Queen range, lawn mower, honey extractor, 25 bee boxes. large cauldron, 2 syrup kettles, lad- der°, vice, and various tools, buggy, cutter, harness, robe, blankets, pulper, cream oepar- aWr, churn, and about 2000. feet rock elm, booswood and maple lumber and other artloles too numerous to mention. TERMS OF SALE Real Estate. Ton per cent on day of sale and balance on April, let, 1022. when em- anation will be given. Purchaser in mean- time may plough any land not needed for pasture. Chattels. --Caen. For further particulars apply to W. D. THOMSON. Executor. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Barristers Solicitors for the Executor. Hensel. & Exeter Thomas Cameron, Exeter, Auctioneer. 2802-9 FARMS FOR SALE T2 ARM FOR SALE. -260 ACRES, MORE or lmu, Ooncesnion 4 and 5, Stanley Township, about 4'r miles from Clinton, Well improved, good clay loam, 15 acres hardwood end cedar bush, practically all fenced with new wire fencing, First-elase house and barn; telephone, rural mail de- livery. Will sell on reasonable terms. Apply on premises to ADAM STEWART, R. R. No. 5, Clinton. 2758 -If j14 ARMS FOR SALE. -LOTS 26 AND 27, Concession 2, N. R. S., containing two hundreds cress eighty sores of choice pas- ture landwith lots of running water, the remainder is in a high state of cultivation. Two brick houses, one frame barn on ground, one large barn on foundation with large cement silo and litter carrier, water in stable and other conveniences. Apply FLETCHER T. TOWNSEND, R. R. 8, Seaforth, Ont., phone 3 on 614, Clinton, 2800x4 FARM FOR SALE.-'<. MILE SOUTH of Brucefleld, Lot 13, Concession I, Stanley, ."415:0(l 100 acres. There are on the premises one . o d bank barn, Implement house, straw bed, a good frame house, 3 good never -fail- ing wells, windmill on one. The farm is well fenced and well drained. Rural mail and phone. Th Is be one of the best farms in the township. and will be sold on reasonable terms. Possession given in No- , ember. For further particulars apply to DREW SWAN. Brumfield. Out, 2792-tf AUCTION SALE 01° FARM STOCK. -Mit. Thomas Brown has been instructed to sell by public auction on Lot 8, Goncesalon 9, Tuckermith, on Wednesday, September 7th, at 2 p.m., the following farm and breeding stodk: Horses. -.-Draft gelding five years old, matched agricultural team filly and gelding, 3 and 4 yearn old by Commo- dore; draft filly 2 years old by Commodore, driving mare by Sydney. Shorthorns -Mea- dow Queen with calf at foot, Vanity Jane Grey. bred January 18th; Ruby Gray, bred February 21st; Rcenline, bred May 14th;, pair of bull calves, 1 heifer calf. Grades.- 2 rades-2 Col. with naives at foot, cow freshened about 2 months, 3 cows milking and refired, 3 three year old heifer, bred: 6 two year old heifers, bred: 4 one veer old heifers, 5 calve, The heifers are all from our former herd sire the Amos bull {Wimple Lad), and are bred to the present sire, Roan Sygnet, vol by Imp. Gallant Sygnet, Yorkshires. - row with litter at foot, S sows due at time of axle, 2 boar, I ready for service: 6 young eligible for registration, Meadow Brook Hero, first prior at London in 1020 at heed of herd. The above stork le in good condi- tion. Tonna.-13 months' credit on aporor- 1 joint notes. or 6 per cent. off for cash. JOHN HAY, Proprietor; Thomas Brown, Auctioneer. 2802-2 AUCTION SALE OF FARM. FARM STOCK and Implements at Lot 26, Cut Line, Gnderich Township, l,. miles went of Holmesville, on Thursday, September 1st, lit 1 p.m.: The Farm -80 acres, comprising Iot 25. Rh concession„ Godericb To. Al seed- ed with exception of 10 acres. Ferro will he offered for sole at 2 o'clock. Horse. -Term of work hnrcu 2900 lbs., mum light horse. Welsh pony. Cattle -Four 4-yenr-old caw+, CO freshen next month, two 4 year nld cows suppw'ed to freshen In January. two 8 year old row's supposed to frisbee in January, 3 rows supposed to be in calf due in spring, 4 cow, nearly fat, 6 yearling steers, 6 yearling heifer, 4 spring calves, two year old steer. Poultry. --75 hens, 23 geese, fi ducks. Imple- menls.-Massey-Hnrris hinder 7 -foot cut, 12 - hoe drill, 0 font mower, bean harvester, set iron harrows, blacksmith made; l2 -inch cut- ting box nearly new, gong plow, 31,4z hone - prover gasoline engine nearly new, circular saw frame with 20 -inch blade. agricultural cooker 25 gallon capacity, 2 heavy wagers, one nearly now. wagon box, gravel box, set Manitoba bob sleighs, set light sleighs. set log blinks, 2 light v egons, buggy, buggy pole, whifletrees and neckyoke, dray platform for sleighs, wood reek. stock rack, 2 new well cribs 12 foot long 4 feet wide, set Stewart horse clippers new. act heavy brans mounted harnane' almost new, set heavy team harness, set light double harness, 2 sem single harness, 2 sets plough harness, 2 pair open bridles, 6 horse collars, 2 strings of bells, 2 wool buggy gs. 2 wool ool home blankets, 2 sem light collars andharem, set platform orate, 2002 Ss, nnpsrity, hand grindstone, power grindstone 4x76, 2 cross cut saws, 50 sap polls and miles. 24 -foot ladder pole, chicken feeder. 2 wheelherrows, 2 hand Kreiger., 9 - inch rubber belt s 4 -inch canvas bolt nearly new, set canvas for 6 -foot binder, 2 stone - boats, log -Mont, 2 eelshidos letre, piano box. buggy box, 5 stable sash with glass. 2 win- dow frames, 100 feet 8 -inch cedar plunk, 720 feet 2 -inch elm plank. several ole, of wood, quantity of hardwood lumber, 1. 1/,1,, and 2 Inches; pile heminrk annnlling. 3x5. 18 feet long. conte. one inch: used hemlock lam her. quantity of eld horn timber suitable for fuel, Pile hnrdwyioond logs 'imitable for' fuel, emnntity of car•ren*.r's tools. 2 crow bora, Punt hook, 2 logging drains, 150 feet hayfsrk clmin, fork and pulleys. nab barrel, 25 gallon milk can, 11 row stalls and mnngero. used; 2 rolls of woven wire fence. pile hardwood "Soils, pile cedar rails, 4 oak home stall poste, planed and grooved; buggy lack. 2 kegs nail,, 2 inch and 0 inch: 4 Reeks hydrated lime, 4 sets neverolip shoes, barn door track 24 feet long. 4 hangers, 60 feet of. 1 inch. pipe, 8 belt pulleys. 12. 16 and 20 inches ; quantity of gelvanixed oteel Meting, Used and nevi, Hnuaehnld. IBIF te-=2tbCr•IM4Qr desks, bedatoad, large Iron 'pot dap rattle, 8 'Jtege, Daisy churn,Tarp®r,-"-f ocr•antt":J,5tlemenm: All sums "of g r�1 .w'dir,onegeb t, over that amount 12 months' oredib-on -approved joint note, or a diaaouwt of 6 per rent per annum will be allowed afbr cash yeredit atnddtib, Farm -10901. ,rm-�Y.4d� , __'1�mg�ytjlt5b In, so days. lilOna . . TOR, f4otirle540 O. H. Elliott, Atatlaneer. 2802-1 Ft ARM FOR SALE -FOR SALE LOT 20, Concaaion 6, McKillop. containing 100 acres, all cleared except 8 acres of hardwood bush. There are on the premises a bank barn with atone and cement foundation, 46,e82, with cement floor: driving shedd. 141t'96: frame stable. 28x82, large gravel house, 7 rooms anti kitchen, cement floor in cellar. Hard and soft water in kitchen; two acres of orchard. The farm is all wire fenced and tile drained. Well at barn and also well at the bush. This is a good farm -one of the best in McMillan. It is situated 6 miles from the Town of Seaforth and one mile from school and church. Rural mail and phone. Will be sold on reasonable terms. For further particular apply on the prem- ises or address R. R. No. 1, Seaforth. ROBERT A. HOGG. 280144 THE EXECUTORS OF THE LATE ARCHI- bold McGregor offer for sale Lot 16, 6th Concession, McKillop, 100 acres of first class farm lunch. The land is in a first elms state of cultivation and there are erected on the premises a good frame dwel- ling hoose, with kitchen attached; frame barn 78x54 with stone foundation, stabling underneath and cement floors and water throughout, driving house, pig pen and hen house. Also about ten acres of good hard wood bush. The property io well fenced and well drained and convenient to good markets, churches and school. For further particulars apply to MISS LILLY J. McGREGOR, on the premie*,. or to R. S. HAYS, Solicitor, Sea- fortth, Ont. 27115-tf A BROWNIE VOR THE YOUNGSTER 't ou play golf -he's too - young. He ploys baseball -you're too old. ' Photog- "raphy is one pleasure that you call enjoy together. The No. 0 Brownie pictured above would be just the thing for him. Expensive? This sturdy little picture -maker that gives a picture -a good picture too -1% x 2„ inches is priced at $2.00. There are other Brownies - some of them fold and are autographic as well - at prices ranging to $17.50. \urographic Kodaks from $9,00 up. "If it isn't Eastman Film, it isn't Kodak Film." Insist on the film in the yellow box. E. UMBACH. Phm. B. Seaforth and Bayfield. d9'� xi..,.-ffi1kNl�' ',lam vni LIEGE Business O l " of a for the Fal erm ember Btb . ?' The coszttAi iso ". the oldest, le the haa1geet 'ant*, uhtedly one of the Bst. CPr118uOrulal . Schools in Western Oats Those; interested in Busi. fleas College Work, or in Telegraphy Operating •ahauld write the College for its mall Catalogue, 28024 cissa FERTILIZER Different grades of Fertilizer. to suit different land's at much lower prices then last season. It pays td -use fertilizer for Fall Wheat. Order early so as we may get It in Car lots. JAMES COWAN, Phone 219. Seaforth. 2798-tf COMMON SENSE FARMERS: Harvest is almost over and after a wet spring and hot midsummer, you have poorly filled spring grain, Listen! Did you 'hear your neiglll,orc ' say: "Well, the early oats are by far the beet." How will you get Jour, grain sowed early next year. COMMON SENSE suggests quite a long fall ahead; help more plenti- ful; go to BILLY SPROAT and get clay drain tile; drain your field, and the pipoblem is solved for you and yours. I will accommodate. you in any way possible. 1 am ready for you with a large' stock from 3 inch to 8 inch and we deliver when neces- sary at a reaeonable price. Don't wait till next year and be sorry. Come now, give me a try out and you and I shall both be l,h used • WILLIAM M. Sl'ROAT, R. R. No. 4, Seaforth. Phone 9 on 134. 2801-3 W. S. +OGttq f 4' EmbOlirclef 4Mtl .�' - Director O Undertaking Pfsrlore Abo a A. 0 llf. Wiiilsme'Grocery Store. 0 * Slain Street, Seaforth. O Flowers furnished on sheet 0 0 'notice, O 0 • Charges Moderate O O Phone -Night or Day -.-102 O 000000000 00,40 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O 0 O o S. T. HOLMES Q O Funeral Director and O O Licensed Embalmer 0 O , Undertaking Parlors in 0 0 Beattie Block, opposite The O O Expositor Of$ce. Residence 0 O Goderlch St., opposite Dr: 0 O Scott's. O Flowers furnished on short * O notice. C O Phone Night or Day 119 0 000000000 0000 0000 00000000 O W. T. BOX & CO. 0 0 Embalmer and 0 O Funeral Directors 0 O H. C. BOX 0 O Holder of Government 0 O Diploma and License 0 O Charges moderate 0 0 Flowers furnished on short 0 O 'notice. 0 0 Night Calls Day Calls 0 O Phone 175 Phone 48 0 000000000 0000 A. Cockburn Bargain Store, Seaforth REAL ARMY Sweater Coats worth $5.00, for For $3.50 MEN'S FINE all -wool Sweater Coat worth from $7.60 to $10.00 At $5,00 MEN'S ALL WOOL Pullovers in Goad Calors, Reg. $5.00 For $3.00 INFANTS' FINE White Wool Swe:ter§ worth $2.00 for Little Pants to price. $1.00 match, same $1.00 CHILDREN'S WOOL Vests, a job lot worth 40c each for Only 15c LADIES' Fine Fall weight Vests (with quarter sleeves. Reg. 75c For 49c GIRLS' FINE. WOOL Pullovers. Reg. $4.00 $2.98 Also Wool Sweaters, regular $4,00 $2.50 BOYS' WOOL Jerseys for cool weather. Reg, $2.00, with overalls to match For $1.25 ALL MEN'S AND BOYS' WORK MITTS & GLOVES AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. A FINE LOT OF BOYS' WOOL SWEATERS,SIZES FROM 22 TO 32 FOR $2.50. Big Clearing of Summer Hardware Your opportunity to purchase Screen Doors, Ilam- mocics, L111 n Mowers, Oil Stoves and Ovens at Cost SCREEN Regular $3.85 $3,25 $4:00 $2.90 $4.90 04.25 Regular $6.75 $7.50 $6.25 $11.00 $10.00 DOORS Clearing Price $2.75 $2.45 33.00 $2.30 $4.00 $3.50 HA31M0CKS Clearing Price $4.50 $5.00 $4.25 $8.00 $7.50 Wires 6 Hog Fence 9 Barb Wire Brace Wire at Black annealed 'a' Length 14 feet 13 feet 3',4 feet 3 feet LAWN MOWERS Regular Clearing Price $18.00 $13.50 $16.50 $12.00 PERFECTION OIL STOVES Two -Burner Regular Special $25.50 $19.00 Three -Burner $:31.00 $24.00 Four -Burner $40.00 $32.00 Genuine Perfection Ovens, regu- lar $9.25 for $6.50 Frost Fence Height stays 40 inches 9 40 inches 9 36 inches 12 6c. lb. 6c lb. at Gc Tiff. FROST ST EEL GATES (Electric Welded) Not black iron gates. at 45 cents per rod. at 51 rents per rod. at. 66 cents per rod. Height d feet 1 feet 4 feet 1 foot Reg. Price Special Price $11.50 $10.50 $13.00 $10.00 56.00 $4.25 $6.00 $4.25 The Big Hardware H. EDGE - - - - . Seaforth timarI One 10 H P Waterloo OnQ, One 20 !if P Waterous One fox 4,en One 22 *LP, (McDonald Decker , One' 0.14,• One 19 H.R. Hell One iF whin One 20 H.P. White, All •thoroughl i rebuilt and repa4pted'i., One 25 S.P. ${demounted Wlh to Engine. One -17 H.P. Sawyer A Massey . One 20 M.P. White, sidemounted, not rebuilt. One 16 H.P. Waterous Rebuilt, 1920. One 32-50 Goodieon, One 86-50 Goadison. One 36-50 Favorite, One 36-50 Monarch, One 83-46 Waterloo with wind stacker, not rebuilt;• ' All equipped with Wind Stacker and Self Feeder, thproughly rebuilt, refitted and repainted. All these Machines are ready for immediate delivery, andat very Reasonable Prices; Also new Steam Engines, and Kerosene'Ilractors, THRESHERS THE ROBERT BELL ENGINE & THRESER CO,, LIMITED Seaforth - Ontario ::111111111111111111111111111111111111111mi 111111umim11n11111 u m minima m111111111111 m = r Cook dr I by Cheaper than Coal oil, • For full information inquire at HYDRO SHOP. TOWN HALL BUILDING Entrance -Town Clerk's Office. PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION OF SEAFORTH E =tll811111111111I1111111111111111111111IIIIInl111nf 11111111Hlllllllu1111Ift111H1111utn111111111 E Canadian Nat AUG. 27 To be opened by Lord Byng of Limy, Canada's new Governor-General Color of the Orient Gaiety of a Mardi Gras Complete exposition of Canada's resources, skill of men, wealth of material. dual Exhibition, Toronto - Inclusive - SEPT. 10 "OVER HERE" -Super Pageant of Regal Magnificence dramatizing vividly Canada's Origin, Growth and Achievements. Color -Symbol -Allegory -Hundreds of Performers -Music -Fine Arts -World's Largest Collection of War Photographs - Thrillers of Many Kinds -Fireworks on a larger scale than ever before -Scores of Features only to be seen at Toronto. Canada's Greatest Live Stock and Farm Display -Machinery and Equipment of Endless Design for increasing the Efficiency of the Farm and the Comfort of the Home. Reduced Fares on All Lines of Travel JOHN G. KENT, ROST, FLEMING hter.ogiug Director President 0 Used Cars For Sale We have the following used Ford Cars for sale and are offering big inducements for quick turnovers of the following list: Fond loupe, looks like new, has license, shock absorbers, dome light and other extras. Ford Sed:ul, used demonstrator, in excellent condition, has shock absorber,. license, ,toms' light; large steering wheel, and new spare tire. 1918 Ford Touring with license and other extras, good tires. 1916 Ford Touring with license and new style engine hood, 1915 Ford Touring with license and some extras. 1916 Ford Touring with license and shock absorbers, claxon horn and dash lamp. 1917 Ford Touring with Peest-o-lites. 1911 Ford Touring with shock absorbers, license, Yale ignition lock, tire holder and spare tire. 1912 Ford Touring with license. This car is in good repair and for quick sale will sell at $185.00. 1913 Hop Touring Car, ...motor 'and entire car has been over- hauled. Two 101:3 Studebaker Tourings. One (Chevrolet 490 Touring in good repair and good tires at $350. All above cars will hr gladly demonstrated to any prospective buyer, and suitable terms can be arranged to suit the purchaser. Since the first of January we have sold over 100 ears, This amount of business should he proof enough as to the satisfactory dealings that our customers secure from us. We also operate our own repair shop and ;herefore aur prepared to give 0111' customers the very best of service nn both new and used cars. All slakes of ears brought to us for repairs will receive our most careful and skilled ineebanir'a attention, and you will find any re- pairs brought too, will by dole .satisfactory to you, Call and look n r'ol' the ;lhnvr list. of cars, we have a large assortment to choose - tront, and we shall endeavor to satisfy you in every respect. Gasoline 76, a gallon, and best, Pnlarine heavy gas engine oil $1.25 per gallon. Tires: 70x:414 non-skid gnaranteted 5000 miles, $16.75. Ribbed thread guaranteed 4000 miles at $15.50, while they last. HENSALL Cook Bros., FORD DEALERS ONTARIO 0 1 0 J 1 1 1 0 0;,