HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-08-19, Page 6USO WILL SING •
ur generation has an artist
ay whose • death brought
e grief to his fellovtastit-
s. Caruso's. It is not strain-
ed to say that he was loved
men and women who sang
and those with whom he had
dealings. Envy is common
in the world of art, but
apparently was jealous of
Caruso. Nobody- disputed
iJiim 'to first place among living
g , and some say that his place
tat 'among those living or dead
'w'ho'm we have any record.
ilotiration for his voice would not
ane explain the regard in Which
was generally held. He was
a' very human, kind-hearted, almost
oyyinsh character, always ready to
lbelp a friend, always ready to con-
tribute to a charity or a patriotic
organization. Ile was bobbling over
with fun, but took his work most
seriously. It is said that he was
invariably nervous in the extreme
before going on the stage in a big
sole, but once there immediately
submerged himself in his part.
Caruso's voice had not been stilled
by death, for by means of phono-
graph records it will be carried to
future generations. The Victor Talk-
ing Machine Company, for whom he
sang exclusively, has some 200 rec-
ords made by Caruso, One hundred
and sixty-two of these have already
appeared in the catalogues and there
remain sonic• thirty odd that have
not yet been released. A Victor of-
ficial said that the master records
never wore out, and could be played
for many years without showing the
slightest deterioration. Other rec-
ords can be made from them if it is
desirable, so that it will be possible
to 'lrerpctuate Caruso's voice for a
thousand years if that is desired.
The official. sand that he considered
Ifaredei's '1Lergo" the greatest of the
records and added,. It will be a
singing lesson for generations to
Mune." Caruso wa`3 most painstak-
ing in making his records. Often af-
ter one had been made his wonder-
ful ear would detect ome slight de-
fect that the critics had missed and
he would insist upon malting a new
Caruso's first records were made
for the United States in 190.2, and
were taken by the Gramophone
Company of London, which at that
time, had a working arrangement
with the Victor people. The next
year he made an agreement with
the Victor Company, receiving a
lump sum for each record. How
large this amount was is not stated,
but it is said that the sunt fright-
ened the directors of the company,
who feared that it would ruin them.
The short term contracts that the
singer had with the company ex-
pired in 1911, and another firm had
made overtures to Caruso with a
view of superceding the Victor com-
pany, lie sent his great friend Scotti
to the Victor concern to find out
just where he stood, and a repre-
sentative of the company hastened
to visit him. In the course of the
talk the matter of a new contract
came up.
• h just
you -5 OUO cash "I will give Y $
to sign a new contract," said the
"When will you bring the money?"
asked Caruso.
"It's Saturday now," was the re-
ply, "and I cannot get it until Mon-
day. I'll have it here Monday noon."
"Twenty-five thousand dollars just
fur a new contract," mused Caruso.
"And will you let me write my
own contract? No? Well, see this
Caruso pulled over a piece of
paper and wrote: "For the rest of
his life Caruso sings only for you."
"That wouldn't be a legal con-
tract," said the representative. "It's
"Then fifty years," said Caruso.
"Twenty-five would be better," re-
plied the representative.
ruse:::, twenty-five years," re-
! n'I.,S "and never mind bring
that x25,000 cheque. Caruso
: .: c..m id, n.e in you."
Child, of the Victor Company
who has known Caruso intimately
for nearly twenty years, said that it
was typical of him to trust his
friends implicitly, and recalled that
when the first Lontract was signed
Caruso said:
"'Y,,u;pay this is a good contract?
Then I'll sign it now."
And he signed the contract, virtu-
ally without looking at it. Mr.
Child said that there was never the
slightest friction over any feature
of the contract.
For the ten years which the con-
tract had run at the time of
Carusu's death, it is estimated that
he received $150,000 a year, this be-
ing ten per cent, of the retail price
of records which was his royalty,
t. aruso used to say it was much
more difficult to sing for a machine
than for an audience. The magnetic
influence was lacking. Moreover, if
the singer makes a mistake he can
often get by by looking angrily at
the conductor or making some other
gesture of displeasure. Though he
earned tremendous sums, both on
the stage and from the records,
Caruso was careless about money.
An English friend says that he knew
him refuse £2,000 to sing one Sunday
afternoon in Albert Hall, because he
said he felt too tired. On another
occasion when he was offered £4,000
on behalf of Sir Oswald Stoll to sing
in London, he waved it aside with
a smile, saying: "Too much." Yet
re would travel a thousand miles to
keep an engagement when he had
promised to sing for charity.
Even the Byng Boys will hardly
recognize their former leader in
the above. It is, however, Lord
Byng'e very latest picture, specially
posed for the Canadian National
Exhibition, a few days before he
sailed for Canada, for reproduction
on a medal commemorating the
opening of the 1521 Fair, over
which he will preside on Aug. 27.
Divested of 'his military attire the
new Governor-General looks a very
different person to the stern soldier
Canadians knew through his war
c:ET'r;ti' I.r.t(•'E5 and
tt)`.t Simply
limits i_ It -d; rf the Fare and
insert :n ",a.: tri;a, la-nuf of suc-
cess n:.tt.,• ,ab• ...be druggist.
MADE. �,:dCAI,lAt),q
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While It IS well -known that Aspirin
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their general trade mark, the
Just be the man you'd like to hire
If you were now the boss. --Ex.
The Sinn Fein still continues to
Rile Britannia.—iLos Angeles Times,
Once the saying prevailed: "A
map is known, by the company he
kesips." Now you size a man up by
the companies he promotes.—Boston
Roger Babson says that for suc-
cess in business you must have in-
dustry, intelligence, integrity, initi-
ative, intensity and inspiration. Add '
to that perspicuity, perseverance,
personality and perspiration, and you
may get by.—Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Lake Erie is warmer than in many
years, we are informed. Why not?
Isn't the weather warmer than in
many years? ---buffalo Commercial,
Golf is becoming so democratic
that many of its devotees spit on
their hands before they take hold of
a club.—Detroit Free Press.
What if Japan were to propose a
conference for the settlement of
European troubles?—Hamilton Her-
A man in Chicago, ninety-one years
of age, has got a divorce from his
third wife. He says the women are
getting worse, and he's done with
them.—Orillia Packet.
"When are they going to be mar-
ried?" "They won't be able to af-
ford it for some time; he let her
choose the engagement ring."—Lon-
don Opinion.
A woman who fixes up a den for
her husband usually succeeds in put-
ting everything into it except the
husband,—Roy K. Moulton.
Many a child learns by watching
its mother that crying for a thing
will get it—Washington Post,
She—I see by the paper that the
concert we went to last night was a
tremendous success. He—Yes. I
had no idea we enjoyed it half so
much at the time,—Passing Show.
There is no more inconceivable
folly than this continued riot of ex-
penditure on battleships at a time
when great masses of humanity are
dying of starvation. Herbert Hoover
Although there are no Woods in
the new Alberta cabinet, there is a
Greenfield and a Brownlee. These
names are in themselves sufficient to
give the U. F. A. ministry a truly
rural tone.—London Advertiser.
"It surely.is a hard life,"
Declared Hardup Johnny Price;
"I asked him for sonic money,
All he gave me was advice,"
-Sam Hill,
Mr. W. A. Toogond has been ap-
pointed a notary public in Toronto:
Toobad that a man should he too_
rood for such a place as Torontothe-
good.--Ottawa Citizen.
The two principal kinds of time
are standard and wrist watch.—De-
troit Journal.
Disarm, disarm and yet again dis-
arm! The call is ringing around a
world that wants to save itself alive.
—London Free Press.
Four-fifths of the diamond cutters
in Amsterdam are out of work. Well,
fourlfifths of the Canadian workmen
are out of diamonds.—Kingston Whig
"Oh, fashion! What shins are per-
mitted in thy namel"--Life,
IP you would rise to larger pay
And, put your work across.
T. Tembarom
(Continued from page 7)
Lady Mallowe had come for some-
thing. She had come to be amiable
to Miss Temple Barholm and to
establish relations with her.
"Juan should have been here to
meet me," she explained. "Her dress-
maker is keeping her, of course. She
will be sp annoyed. She wanted very
much to cumeswith me."
It was further_ revealed that she
might arrive at any moment, which
gave Miss Alicia an opportunity to
express, with pretty grace, th hope
that she would, and her trust that
she was quite well. •
"She is always well," Lady Mallows
returned. "And she'is of course as
interested as we all are in this ro-
mantic thing. It is perfectly delic-
iuus, like a three -volumed novel."
"It is romantic," said Miss Alicia,
undering how much her visitor knew
or thought she knew, and what cir-
cumstances would present themselves
to her as delicious.
"Uf-course one has heard only the
usual talk one always hears when
everybody is chattering about a
thing," Lady Mallowe replied, with a
propitiating smile. "No one really
knows what is true and what isn't.
But it is nice to notice that all the
gossip speaks so well of him.
No one seems to pretend that
he is anything but extremely nice
himself, notwithstanding his disad-
She kept a fine hazel eye, sur-
rounded by a line which artistically
represented itself as .black lashes,
steadily resting on Miss Alicia as she
said the last words.
"lie is," said Miss Alicia, with
gentle firmness, "nicer' than I had
ever imagined any young man could
be -far nicer.' -
Lady Mallowe's glance round the
luxurious private sitting room and
over the perfect "idea" of Mrs. Mel-
lish was so swift as to be almost im-
"How delightful!" she "He
must be unusually agre r you
would not have consented to stay
end take care of him."
"I cannot tell you how happy I
em to have asked to stay with him,
Lady Malllowe," Miss Alicia replied,
the gently firmness becoming a soft
"Which of course shows all the
more how attractive he must be.
And in view of the past lack of ad-
vantages, what a help you can be to
him! It is quite wonderful for him
to have a 'relative at hand who is an
Englishwoman and familiar with
things he will feel he must learn,"
A perhaps singular truth is that but
for the unmistakable nature of the
surroundings she quickly took in the
significance of, and but for the per-
fection of the carrying out of Mrs.
Vlellish's delightful idea, it is more
than probable that her dayship's man=
ner of aproaching Miss Alicia and
certain subjects on which she desir-
ed enlightment would have been much
more direct and much less propiti-
atory. Extraordinary as it was, "the
creature"—she thought of Tembarom
as "the creature"—had plainly been
so pleased with the chance of being
properly coached that had had put
everything, so to speak, in the little
old woman's hands. She had got a
hold upon him. It was quite likely
that to regard her as a definite fac-
tor would only be the part of the
merest discretion. She was evidently
quite in love with him in her early -
Victorian, spinster way. One had to
be prudent with women like that who
had got hold of a male creature for
the first time in their lives, and were
almost unaware of their own power.
Their very unconsciousness made
them a dangerous influence.
With a masterly review of these
facts in her mind Lady Mallowe went
on with a fluent and pleasant talk,
through the medium of which she
managed to convey a large number
of things Miss Alicia was far from
being clever enough to realize she
was talking about. She lightly wav-
ed wings of suggestion across the
scene, she dropped infinitesimal seeds
in passing, she felt faint echoes be-
hind her—the kind of echoes one
would find oneself listening to and
trying to hear as definitely formed
sounds. She had been balancing her-
self on a precarious platform of rank
and title, unsupported by any sordid
foundation of a solid nature, through
a lifetime spent in London. She had
learned to catch fiercely at straws of
chance, and bitterly to regret the
floating past of the slightest, which
had made of her a finished product
of her kind. She talked lightly, and
was sometimes almost witty. To her
hearer she seemed to know every bril-
liant personage and to be familiar
with every dazzling thing. She knew
well what social, habits and customs
meant, w their value, o,r lack of
value, w There were' customs,
she implied skilfully, so established
by time that it was impossible • to ig-
nore them. Relationships, for in-
stance, stood for so much that was
Sire in England that one woe some-
times quite touched by the far-reach-
ingness of family loyalty. The head
og the lion ';. a great estate rep
resented a eq$ in power In the sfii'E
ter of upholding the dignity of his.
possessions. +4 caring for hisenan-
try, of standing for proper hospitality
and friendly family feeling. It was
quite beautifll, as one ,often saw it,
Throughout.tbe talk there were sever-
everal references to Joan, who really must
come in shortly, which were very in-
teresting to Miss Alicia. Lady Joan,
Miss Alicia heard casually, was a.
great beauty. Iter perfection and
her extremeleverness had made her
perhaps a trifle difilcile. She had not
done—•Lady Mallowe put it with a
lightness of phrasing which was deli-
cacy itself—what she might have done
with very exalted advantage, so many.
times. She had a profound nature.
Here Lady Mello we waved away, as
it were, a ghost of a sigh. Since Miss
Temple Barholm was a relative, she
had no doubt heard of the unfortun-
attI the very sad accident which her
mother sometimes feared prejudiced
the girl even yet.
"You mean—pour Jeml" broke forth
involuntarily from Miss Alicia's lips.
Lady Mallowe stared a little.
"Do you call him that?" she asked.
"Did you know him then?"
"I loved him," answered Miss Ali-
cia, winking her eyes to keep back
the moisture in them, "though it was
only when he was a little boy."
"Oh," said Lady
Mallowe, with a
sudden singular softness, "I must tell
Joan that."
Lady Joan haul riot ' apeared even
after they had 'Mel tea and her moth-
er went away, b•,t somehow Miss Ali-
cia had reached a vaguely yearning
feeling for her arid wished very much
the dressmaker had released her. She
was quite stirred when it revealed
itself almost at the last moment that
in a few weeks both she and Lady
Mallowe were to pay a visit at no
great distance Tram Temple Barholm
itself, and that her ladyship would
certainly arrange to drive over to
continue her de:ightful acquaintance
and to see the beautiful old place a-
"In any case nu' must, even if he
lived in lonely ,tate, pay one's re-
spects to the heed of the house. The
truth is, of course, one is extremely
anxious to meet Mins and it is charm-
ing to know th;n one is not merely
invading the privacy of a bachelor,"
Lady Mallowe put it.
"She'll come ref you," Little Ann
had soberly remarked.
Tembarom renumbered the look in
her quiet, unresentful blue eyes when
he came in to dinner and Miss Alicia
related to him th,• events of the after-
griddelixiupit,,ovr lilt JOY of An,
en entt . to families' :in which
dare were a she had seen.
It wee indeed inev�le that • there
should be more rejoicing over one
Miss Timson Who hadstrayed from
the fold into the haven of marriage
than over the piney -nine Misses Tim-
son who remained -behind. But she
had never known intimately ally one,
who was in love -really in love. Mr.
Temple Barholm must be. When ho
spoke of Idbtle Ann he flushed shyly
and his eyes looked so touching and
nice. His voice sounded, different,
and though of course his odd New
York expressions were always rather
puzzling, she felt as though she saw
things she had had no previous know-
ledge of—things which thrilled her.
(Continued next week.)
has a far finer flavour than that of any Japan.
or China Green Tea?, Send for a sample and.
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IIS l�ra="'�E`�=—IIt,�^oill
The spring, avium they traveled
hack to the north, was so perceptibly
rearer that the fugitive soft days
strayed in advance at intervals that
were briefer. They chose one for
their journey, and its clear sunshine
and hints at fame greeness were so
exhilarating to Miss Alicia that she
was a compani ni to make any jour-
ney an affair t,, rank with holidays
and adventures. The strange luxury
of traveling in a reserved first-class
carriage, of being made timid by no
sense of unfitness of dress or luggage,
would have filled her with grateful
capture; but Rose journeying with
Pearson a few coaches behind, ap-
peared at the carriage window at
every imp,rt.ant station to say, "Is
there anything I tray do for you,
ma'am?" And there really never was
anything she could do, because Mr.
Temple Barholm remembered every-
thing which could make her comfort
perfect. In the moods of one who
searches the prospect for suggestions
as to pleasure he can give to himself
,by delighting a dear child, he had
found and bought for her a most ele-
gant little dressing bag, with the
neatest of plain gold fittings beauti-
fully initialed. It reposed upon the
cushioned seat near her, and made her
heart beat every time she caught
sight of it anew. How wonderful it
would be if poor dear, darling mama
could look down and see everything
and really know what happiness had
been votrchased to her unworthy child.
Having a vivid recollection of the
journey made with Mr. Palford, Tem-
barom felt that his whole world had
changed for him. The landscape had
altered its aspect.. Miss Alicia point-
ed out bits of freshening grass, was
sure of the breaking of brown leaf -
buds, and more than once breathlessly
suspected a primrose in a sheltered
hedge corner. A country -bred woman
with country -bred keeness of eye,
and a country bred sense of the sea-
son's change, she saw so much that
he had never known that she began
to make him see also. Bare trees
would he thick -leaved nesting -places,
hedges would be White with hawthorn,
and hold blue eggs and chirps and
songs. Skylarks would spring out of
the fields and soar into the sky,
dropping crystal chains of joyous
trills. The cottage gardens would be
full of flowers, there would be poppies
gleaming scarlet in the corn, and in
butter -cup time all the green grass
would be a sheet of shining gold.
"When it all happens I shall be like
a little East -Sider taken for a day in
the country. I shall be asking ques-
tions atevery step," Tembarom said.
"Temple Barholm must be pretty fine
He looked out of the window with
sudden wistfulness.
"I wish Ann—" he began and then,
seeing the repressed question in her
eyes, made up his mind.
He told her about Little Ann. He
did not use very many words, but she
knew a great deal when he had finish-
ed. And her spinster soul was thrill-
ed. Neither she -nor poor Emily had
ever had an admirer, and it was not
considered refined for unsought fe-
males to discuss "such subjects."
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