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The Huron Expositor, 1921-08-19, Page 5
ll 10 91 c C unser' .--IIx. ands, 4lre doe an amio rice the eangegejplentvbf• t . eldest OtterElsie May,'Ito Elgin-• McKinley, son of Mr. Jo MaK 'linley Stanley township, the m t age to .take piece early in Sep t CHISEI5HURST les,--0.7npnga't those who left on the:ar'veat excursion last week were i W ert 'Parkes, Sheldon Eyre and ge Ohamfiel^a,-.-441r. and Mrs. A. •N s of Stanley, and Mr. and Mrs R ptrdspp, of Heneall, were visiting at a home pf Mr. and Mrs. R. Tay- lor , ast week end. • fy'', BRUCEFIELD Oma Ginner ware and open atock, new Pa$imn good old English goods. Beattie Br4$, Seaforth, 2601-1 ' Mi sical Entertainment. -A musical entertainment will be given in the pine hall; Brucelield, on Monday, A et •22nd, at eight o'clock p. m., by•lthree yoling ladies who have re- ceiv d their education at the Ontario Sc -, bl for the Blind, Brantford - Kathryn Sells, pianist and accom- p et,.London; Gladys Slay, soprano, soist and reader, Sarnia; Greta Lahzlmies, A.T., C.M., violinist, Hen - sail. EXETER New HighSchoolStaff.-The staff of the Exetei High School has been selected for the coming term, and the best year in the, lsietery of the school is confidentlf•aniticipated. The names of the staff are as follows: Princi- pal, :E..1. Watley, M.A., graduate of Trinity College, Prince of Wales prize man and Wellington scholar; specialist in mathematics, Mr. J. • Miller, of Rodney; specialist in sci- ence,. ci- ence. Mise Margaret Ross, M.A., classical teacher, and Miss Dnrance, of Seafonth, specialist in physical culture. A new science room with the latest equipment is being fitted up: SEAFORTH MARKETS Seaforth, August 18, 1921. Buttdt', per lb 30 to 35c Eggs; per dozen 36 to 37c Potatoes, per bushel $2.00 Hoge, per cwt. $13.25 Wheat, per bushel $1.35 Barley, per bushel 50c Flour, per cwt.... $5.55 -.Brad pe.g, ton $26.00 Shorts, per ton $30.00 Oats, per bushel 35c BEAN MARKET Toronto, August 15. -Bean, - Canadian, band -picked, bwhel, 82.85 to 88.00; prime., $2.40 to $2.60. POULTRY MARKET Toronto, August 16th. -Dressed Poultry - Spring chickens, 40c; rooste., 200; few. 800: ducklings, 80c; turkey., Ste. Live Poultry -Spring chicken., 80e; roosters 16e: fowl, 22c; ducklings, 800; turkey., 59e. s DAIRY MARKETS Toronto, August 16. -Cheese, new large 25c, twine, 251c; triplets, 26e; old large. 88 to 24,; do., twine, 34 to 86e; triplets, 34/, to 2556 • new Stilton, 27 to 28a Rutter -Fresh dairy, choice. 88 to 850: creamery prints, fresh,. No. 1. 40 to 42c; cooking, 23 to 25c. Margarine -40 to 22c. Eggs -Nn. 1; 42 to 43 c ; selects. 47 to 48c : cartons, 49 to 50,. . • LIVE STOCK MARKETS United Farmer,' Co-operative Co., Ltd., sold: ,Butchers -2, 710 lbs. $9; 1, 1,480 lbs. $8.261. 1. 1,210 lbs. $8 ; 1, 1,210 lbs. $7: 17. 1, 200' lbs. $7.50; L 1.070 tbs. $7.50; 3, 1.060 IDs. $7.50; 1, 1,140 lbs. $7.50; 2. 1,190 Ms. 37.85: 6. 1,190 lbs. $7.35; 20, 910 lbs. $6: 10. 980 lbs. $6.75; 8. 1,020 IDs. • $6.25: 14. 060 Ibe. 86.50; 10, 900 lbs. $0.50; 1, 1,210 Me. 87; 1, 1.140 Me. $7.00: 8. 1.060 lbs. 57.60; 1. 710 lbs. $8.75; 1, 1,080 lbs. 86.10; 2, 870 ,lbs. $6.50; 4. 910 lbs. $6.60: 2, 990 lbs. 40.60: 2. 660 lbs. $6.50; 1, 810 lbs. 16.50; 3, 960 _Ibs. $6: 1, 890 IDs. $5.70: 3, '660 MS; $5.75: a. 1050 IDs. 55; 5, 800 She. $6.75; 2, 1,170 tbs. $6.25; 1, 1,160 lbs. $6; 1, 1,110 lbs. $6.60; 8, 720 IDs. 05.75: 1, 740. lbs. $5.75: 5, 1,060 IDs. $6.40; 8, 1,090 Ms. $8.78; 8, 780 lbs. $6.50; 1, 560 lbs. $4. Calves -1. 1,200 lbs. $6: 2, 1.110 IDs. $5.26: 1, -.110 IDs. 84.50: 1, 960 lbs. $4.50; L 1,220 The. $5.60: 1, 1,180 Ms. $5.25: 1, 1,320 IDs. 36.26 ; ,1, 860 lbs. 09.60 ; 1. 1,160 lbs. $3.50; '1, 1.220 IDs. $8.50; 1. 1,160 tbs. 08.50: 1. 1: 220 The. 96:50: 4, 1,210 lbs. $5; 1, 1, 1,210 The. $5; 1, 1,360 Ibs. $5; 1, 1,090 tbs. $4.75: 1, 1,240 lbs. $4.50; 1. 1,310 tbs. $4.50; 1, 1,080 lbs. $4.50: 1, 1,230 Ms. $4.50; 8. 1.100 IDs. $4.26; 1. 1,120 lbs. $4.25: 2, 970 Me. $4; 3, L040 lbs. $4: 1,, 1.070 tbs. $4; 1, 980 IDs. 83.50; 1, 1,180 lbs. $3.50 : 1, 1080 lbs. $8.26; 1, 970 tbs. $2.75; 2 .970 IL's. $2.50; 1, 940 tbs. $2.60; 2, 990 lbs. $2.15: 4, 820 the. $2; 1. 080 lbs. 83; 1, 1,980 lbs. $2.00. Bulle-1, 2.040 lbs. $6.00: 1. 1,850 tbs. $6.00. lambs -Choice. 89.25, cull, 85 to $6. Sheep -Choice. 84 to 15; heavy, $2 to 82.50; culls. $1 to 92. Calves -Choice, $9 to. $10; medium $7.50 to $8: common, $5: liraeeere, $2 to $3. Quotations: Choice heavy steers. $760 to 38.25; butchers' steers, choice. 86.75 to $7.25: do. good„ $6.00 to $7.00; do., medium, $5.00 to $6.00; do., common, $3.75 to 05.00: butcher heifers, choice, $0.50 to $7.00; do. medium, $5.50 to $8.50; butcher cows, choice, $4.50 to $5,50; do., medium, $8.00 to $4.50; canners and cutters, $1.00 to $2.50; butcher bulk, -good, $4.25 to $5.00; do.. minion, $9 to $4; feeders, good, 900 lbs.. $5.50 to $6.00; do., fair $5.00. to $5.50; milkers and springers, choice, 960 to 880; enlven, choice, $10.00 to $11.00: do., Medium, 26,60 to $7.60; do.. common, $4 to. 88.00; lambs;, yearlings, $7.00 to $6.00; do. Spring, $9.00 to $9.50; sheep, choice, $5.00 to $6.00; do. good, $8.50 to 54.50; do.. heavy" Wand bucks, $2.00 to $8.50; hogs, fed and watered, $14.86 to $14.50; do., off cam, $14.00 to $14.75; do., fo.b., $18.50 to $18.75; do., country points, 818.25 to $18.50. COMMON SENSE FARMERS; -Harvest is almost over and after a wet spring and hot midsummer, you have poorly filled spring grain. Listen! Did you hear your neighbors say: "Well, the early oats are by far the best." How will :you get your grain so'wed early next Year. _ -SENSE suggests quite along fall sad; help more plenti- ful;go to r Y SPR6AT and . get clay drain ; drain' the . your field, and p;obleni-is solved for you and yours. I will accommodate you in any f Way possible. ' I aril' ready for you 'with, a large 'stock from 3 inch to 8;inch- and'we deliver when neces- saryji;ot a reasonable price. Don't wait'ttll next year a ndr be sorry. Com fiow •gave-li{9e est and you and 4}shell both.:71A"" t d: WILLIAM ivrgPitrAT, D w 'Bi' `Qtegfp h._ Pho nMisHrtlL ttsee. ?inti,' 9{ _ f 1`Xe$ratd, ;a tl s ,Idle r 111,4g:/,14:48,.t!' •DQPy. ]li , Jmep Jo 1n Naltifa, an n, aason; pt, $p iFdvy and AOpbs to VU; Batton, o a son: Mrp, phester Rowe a flop• Lobb. -Ie. Clinton Publfe Hospltol, on An Just 11th, to Mr- and Aire.' 8dtt. Lobb, oL ilon. ,$own$ltp. a daugbtpr and. a" n a i n• August ,$t4: te Mr• . •buell.- In $lyth. on .u$T 284 to Mr. and Mrs: '011110m Thgell, is son. • MARRIAGES Dlunn-.&ime.-.-0n July -20, 1921. In Chicegp, •ab the Maie$.pt the Prairie Avenue Pron. bylkrlan Orbsdf Picea J, Bios. of .GbteegQ to James A. 3funn, eon of Mr. -and Mr0,' Ales. Munn, of Handl. Mugford -Muir. -$n Ooderich,. on August 10: by Rev. R. C. McDonald, at the reddened of the bride's parents, Mr, and Mm. Rob', Muir. Eldon St., their youngest daught.dk, Ina May, to Mr. W. Alexander Mugford.' Goderich. Alcock -Clark, -.At St. John's Rectory, Brutl_sela, on August 8rd, by Rev. J. 8. •Jobneon, Mr. John Henry Alcock,' of Grey township, to Mise Margaret Emily, daugh ter of Me. and Mrs. Thos. 'Clark, Morris townehip. DEATHS Gibbiage.-In Clinton, on August 5tb, Thos. Gibbiugn, in his 77th ye r. Healey. -In ooderich, on August 8th, Joe. Kealey, in his 75th year, Treleaven. -At Dungannon, on August 6th. Samuel 'F. Treleaven. aged 68 years, 3 months and 10 days. Chilton. -At Atlantic City, on Tuesday, Au- gust 2nd, Mary Virginia, widow of the late Robert S. Chilton, formerly of (lode- ioh, in her 88th year. Andemon,-At St. Louis, on July 26th, J. Arthur Andemon, formerly of Goderlch, aged 52 years. Rieaardson.-In Seaforth, • on August. 12th. Margaret Jean Richardson, aged 54 years so 9 menthe. i1 . • SALE 'REGISTER On Wednesday, September 7th, at two o'clock gm. on Lot 8, Concession 9, Tucker - smith, pure bred and high grade Durham breeding cattle, Yorkshire brood 'sows and Clyde horsesJohn Hay, Proprietor; Thos. Brown,- Auctioneer. .. AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE. -THE (HOUSEHOLD EF- feeb of the late Janet Lockie will be -sold by public auction on Saturday. August 27th, et 2 o'clock p.m. in the rear of Beattie Bros. Block. Seaforth. See small bins. John Beattie, Proprietor; Thomas Brown. Auc- tioneer. 2801-1 IMPORTANT NOTICES THRESHER SUPPL2ES.-SUCTION HOSE 21/2 inch at sixty cents per foot; also Thresher Belting. N. SMITH, 188 York Bt., Toronto. 2800-2 WAGON FOR SALE. --NEW TUDHOPE and Anderson farm wagon for sale. Cheap for wash. Apply to L. BEATTIE, Varna. 2799x8 1 OR SALE. -1000 BUSHELS OF MIXED grain, half oats and half barley. Phone 14-286. ALEX. SPARKS, R. R. No. 2. Sea - forth. 2796-tf TRACTOR PLOWING. -.FARMERS WISH - i ins to have tractor plowing dune will get information_ from the undersigned. The ROBERT, _BELL• ENGINE & THRESHER CO., Seaforth. 2801.8 `. TEACHER WANTED. - A QUALIFIED teacher for School Section No. 9, Mc- Killop. State salary end experience. Ap- plications will be received by the andoeeigned. ISAAC BOLTON. Secretary, Walton, Ont. 2705-tf Ee STRAY PIG. - CAME ON TO THE premises of the undersigned, Lot 23, 'Concession 3, Tuckemmith. about two weeks ago, a pig about 2 or 8 weeks old. Owner may have same on proving property and paying charges. • John McNaughton, R. R. No. 3, Kippen. 2801x3 FOR SALE. - FIRST-CLASS CEMENT 'rile for sale, sizes from 4 inch to 16 inch. Also cement window sills and lintels, well tops, pig troughs, chimney tops, cement building blocks a speciality. Give us a call. All work guaranteed. R. FROST & SON, Contractors and Tile Makers, Seaforth, 2801-4 Bring in Your Films OUR finishing depart- ment, through up-to- date methods and equip- ment and expert hand- lingl cau helpyou get the kind of pictures you want. To use a slang expres- sion: "We're there at the finish." "If it isn't Eastman Film, it isn't Kodak Film." Insist on the film in the yellow box. E. UMBACH. ,Phos. B. Seaforth and Bayfield:.•. 1 t. 0 51$$1 Ah vel,+' le•GX9eeFY Stora O sell S0afaetb,; O 097.a'0 furnished. oft short O notice: 0 0' Ch rge4 Mode0 0 `3'hone.- 1gehSt p Darater 192. - O 000000©00-000.4 0'00, 000000000 0 efl. T. HOLMES ' 0 0 Funeral Director and ' Q Idealised Embalmer 0 O Undertaking .Parlors in 0 O Beattie Block, opposite The 0 0 Expositor Office. Residence 0 0 Goderlch St., opposite Dr. 0 9 'Scott's. 0 0 Flowers furnished on short 0 0' notice. . O O Phone Night or Day 119 0 000000000 0000 DODO 00000.0000 o W. T. BOX &'CO. ° O Embalmer and O O Funeral Directors O O H. C. BOX _O 0 Holder of Governinent O O Diploma and License 0 O Charges moderate O 0 Flowers furnished on short 0 0 notice. O 0 Night Calls Day Calls 0 O Phone 175 Phone 43 0 0000000000000 FARMS FOR SALE PAWNFOR SALE. - I HAVE SOME choice farms for Bale In the Townships of Ueborne and.: Hibbert, all well built and Improved. on easy terms of payment THOMAS CAMERON, Woodham. Ont. 2668 -ti Fe ARM FOR SALE. -210 ACRES, MORE or. lose, Concession 4 and 6, Stanley Township. about 456 miles from Clinton. Well improved, good clay loam, 16 acres hardwood and cedarbush, practically all fenced with new wire fencing. First -close house and barn; telephone, rural mail de- livery. Will sell on reasonable terms. Apply on premise to ADAM S'PEWART, R. R. No. 6, Clinton. 2758-tf II ARMS , FOR SALE. -LOTS 28 AND 27, Concession 2, H. R. S., containing two hundred acres: eighty acres of choice pas- ture land with lots of running water, the remainder is in a high state of cultivation. Two brick houses, one frame barn on ground, one large barn on foundation with large cement silo and litter carrier, water in stable and other conveniences. Apply FLETCHER 'I'. 'rOWNSEND, R. R. 3, Seaforth, Ont., phone 8 on 614, Clinton. 280004 FARM FOR SALE. -U, MILE SOUTH of Brucefleld. Lot 18, Concession 1, Stanley, 100 acres. There are on the premises one good bank barn,, implement house, straw shed, a good frame house, 3 good never -fail- ing wells, windmill on one. The farm is well fenced and well drained. Rural mail and phone. This is one of the best farms in the township, and will be sold on ,le05onabl tetras. P®seseion given in No- vember. For further`' particulars apply to DREW SWAN, Brucefleld. Ont. 2792-tf FARM FOR SALE. -FOR SALE LOT 20, Concession 6, McKillop, containing 100 acres, all cleared except 8 acres of hardwood bush. There are on the premise a bank barn with stone and cement foundation, 46x82, with cement floors; driving shed; 14x86: frame stable. 28x82, large gravel house, 7 rooms . and kitchen, cement floors in cellar. Hard and soft water in kitohen; two acres of orchard. The farm is all wire fenced and tile drained. Well at barn and oleo well at the bush. This is a good farm --one of the best in McKillop. It is situated f miles from the Town of Seaforth and one mile from school and church. Rural mail and phone. Will he sold on reasonable terms. For further particulars apply on the prem- ium or address R. R. No. 1, Seaforth, ROBERT A. HOGG. 2801.14 THE EXECUTORS OF THE LATE ARCHI- bald McGregor offer for sale Lot 15, 6th Concession, McKillop. 100 acres of first class farm lands. The land is in a first clans state of cultivation and there are erected on the premises a good frame dwel- ling house, with kitchen attached; frame barn 76054 with stone foundation, stabling underneath and cement floors and water throughout, driving house. pig pen and hen house. Also about ten acres of good hard wood busk. The property is well fenced and well drained and convenient to good markets, churches and schools. For further particulars apply to MISS LILLY J. McGREGOR, on the premise, or to R. S. HAYS, Solicitor. Sea- fortth, Ont. 2795-tf 'WARM FOR SALE. -100 ACRES, LOT 34, London Road in Township of Tucker - smith. one mile north of Brucefleld. 05 acres cleared. remainder bush. There is a good frame house with herd and soft water and heated by furnace. also telephone, gond barn 80x56, silo, pig pen, hen house and drive shed. There are about 60 acres of spring Cup and 8 arras of fail wheat, 5 acres of beans, 5 acres of corn, and 2 acres of pate - tom. Thin is counted to be a No. 1 farm. Wilt sell crop and all lend. Immediate poseession, or without .crop and possession in fall. For further particulars apply to the proprietor, on Lot 84, London Road. AMOS CARTWRIGHT, Proprietor. 2792-tf FARM FOR SALE. -FARM OF TWO HUN- dred acres adjoining the Town of Sea - forth, conveniently situated to all churches, schools and Collegiate. There is a comfort- able brick cottage with a cement kitchen; barn 100x66 with stone stabling underneath for 8 horses, 75 head of cattle and 40 hogs with steel stanchions and water before all stock; litter carrier and feed carrier and two cement silos: driving shed and plat, form 300100. Watered by a rock well and windmill. The farm is well drained and In a high Bate of cultivation. The crop in all In the e wind -choice clay loam. Immedi- ate pos,eoainn. Apply to M. BEATON. R. R. 2, Seaforth, Ont. 278741 FARMS FOR SALE. -100 ACRES, LOT 12. Concession 8, in the Township of Tucker - smith, a_ miles from Seaforth, 8 miles from Brucefleld and Klppen, convenient to echoed and church; es acre, cleared, remainder in maple hush. On thin farm are excellent build- ings and are in first -elms repair; hard and soft water In the house and in stables: 2 wells, 1 hoeing ,. windmill, This form le thorenghly under drained and fenced and In a high elate of cultivation. never having been heavily cropped. Thin le In every way a first Anes and up-to-date farm. Also Lot 27, Concession 12. in the Township of Rib- hert, containing 100 scree • 80 sore. cleared and thoroughly snderdrained end fenced, the remainder is in first elms maple bush: On the premises is a comfortable frame house and good horn 49206 with stone stabling; aloe good well with windmill. This farm It all needed to grans and le In excellent condi- lion, having been cropped very little; alto- ated within 5 mite of Heiman. quarter of mite from helmet. There le long distance telephone connection on both farms, ales rural mull di livery. These ' farm. will be •Amid together t r separately, Sc.suit purchaser end on rebeonabts term.. For further par. '$tsdare eget!, to the'Uropvletor. on Piot 1A _C ion 6, Tucker/smith, or. Seifert/1T. O,i M,, R. No. 4, or phone 14. on 281. Seaforth,' MAS a. netLLimn:AV. Ivrootutor. • t• %,14A.)33;dt ACX Y. reversible Rugs. Seca fciR C °v x Folder 2p CANADq, R 'COMPANX; 8801.1 LONDONy ONT. Different .gf@,( to atilt ,d exert ;.,hint cif, 11tt1 loeer"Prices'than et'6a BR11 '1 'a ;sive;; to We Fextitizef'' ld'r", alX' W eat:. b Order early ap as, •Jay get it in ear Iota. JAMES COWAN, Seaforth. Phone 219. 2798-tf ndie-. !. Money To leave mon yp idle at the present time is harnxtiul, not only to your own prosperity, but to that of your coun- try for the financial dustry and trade are very requirements of in- dustry t. Build up your Savings Account until you accu- mulate enough to make a sound Investment We welcome small aceount4a: . res THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL - - $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND $15,000,000 SEAFOIt I'll BRANCH, J. G. Mullen, Manager. v • Big Clearing of Summer Hardware Your opportunity to purchase Screen Doors, Ham- -IN mocks, Lawn Mowers, Oil Stoves and Ovens at Cost Regular $3.85 $3.25 $4.00 $2.90 $4.90 64.25 Regular $6.75 $7.50 $6.25 $11.00 $10.00 SCREEN DO( ills (Tearing Price $2.75 $2.45 $3.00 $2.30 $4.00 $3.50 HAMMOCi(3 ('fearing Price $4.50 $5.00 $4.25 $8.00 $7.50 • LAWN MOWERS Regular Clearing Price $18.00 $13.50 $16.50 $12.00 PERFECTION OIL STOVES Two -Burner Regular $25.50 $31.00 $40.00 Three -Burner Four -Burner Special $19.00 $29.00 $32.00 Genuine Perfection Ovens, regu- lar $9.25 for $6.50 Frost Fence Wires Height 'stays 6 .10 inches 9 7 40 inches 9 Hog Fence 9 36 inches 1.2 Barb Wire at 6e. lb. Brace Wire at Sc lb. Black annealed wire at Sc lb, Length 14 feet 13 feet 854 feet 3 feet at 45 cents per rod. at 51 cents per rod. at 66 cents per rod. FROST ST EEL GATES (Electric Welded) Not black iron gates. Height 1 feet -I feet 1 ''eet 1 foot Reg. Price $1:3.50 $13.00 :16.00 $6.00 Special Price $10.50 $10.00 $4.25 $4.25 The Big Hardware H. EDGE - - - - Seaforth . Cockburn Bargain Store, Seaforth Ladies' .$i.65 Uitlt ns for $1,65 Simply a slaughter :rice. Beauti- fully made gowns of fine white cot- ton, quite elaborately trimmed. Sev- eral styles. Children's $1._' Gowns for Made of fine grad,' white cotton. Lace and embroidery -rim. Tremen- dous bargain at Kie, T .cy were cheap at $1.25. $2.50 Black ,ill, Hose for Il_ported high gra firsts. Pure silk. New Army W Doi Blankets $3.00 This is the greaten; ••ffer ever made in Canada. Sizes 30x66 inches, weight about 4 1-4 pot -ode each. Guar- anteed all wool. As you know, Army Blankets are made from a specially twisted yarn which insures endless wear. We have been selling these Blankets at $4, so that this $3,00 of - 18t is good only to August 16th. Ladies' $2.2:5 Smocks $1.2:5 Splendid quality. Made of very best middy cluck, in two styles, open neck and with collar. Have sleeves, belt and pockets, handsomely finish- ed. Men's Flannelette Nightshirts for $1. They are slightly damaged by smoke, Will wash clean with no trouble. Worth $3, perfect. We sold them fast at $1.25. A wonderful bargain now at $1.00. Children's 40c i)rn5l'ers for 25c Firsts in fine rinali!av rhildrrn's Cotton Knit Drawers, All sizes. Lace trill. $51) fliers' (il'eat Coats '$'29 This offer does not hold good next. September. it is good only for now. 11 means you con save $'21 on a coat by buying a short, time ahead. This is the best great coat ever made. Made of khaki cloth costing $15 a yard. Lined with selected lambskin tanned with wool on. Reinforced at every• point. Absolutely impregnable to cold. $,TEAK iGU 'One 16 ILP. Wdterdoq 011e One 20 H.P. Nynterilys • On 12:, ... One 22 1t1,P:'m24filot olid Decker ' ,. tpe . 13.10. Otis 19 4T ,P moll nes rdtae, 'One 20 11.P. White. All thoroughly tebpilt and repainted,,.. Otte 25 H.P. Sidemounted White Engine. One'17 H.P. Sawyer & Mammy One 20 ii:P7WHift; sidemounted, net rebuilt. One 16 M.P. Waterous Rebuilt, 1920: THRES$HHS One 82-50 Goodiaon. Ono 36-50 Goodison, One, 36-50 Favorite. One 86-50 Monarch. One 83-46 Waterloo with wind stacker, not rebuilt. All equipped with Wind Stacker and Self Feeder, thoroughly' rebuilt, refitted and repainted. u• All these Machines are ready for immediate delivery, and at very Reesbnable Prices. • Also new Steam Engines, and Kerosene Tractors. THE ROBERT BELL ENGINE & THRESER CO., LIMITED Seaforth - - - -\ - Ontario uiIIIII If11II1I1111111111111II111111111111111111111L11111111tiI1111111111111111111H1111111111111111P_s' Cook byz -I dr C' Cheaper than Coal Bit. 1 E For full information inquire at = 5. HYDRO SHOP. TOWN HALL BUILDING Entrance -Town Clerk's Office. PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION OF SEAFORTH i 111 I111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111N 111111111IU111111111111111111111111111111111111114 Canadian Nat AUG. 27 To be opened by Lord Byfig of Vim; Canada's new Governor-General Color of the Orient Gaiety of a Mardi Gras Complete exposition of Canada's resources, skill of men, wealth of material. II --2- Dual Exhibition, Toronto - Inclusive - SEPT. 10 "OVER HERE" -Super Pageant of Regal Magnificence dramatizing vividly Canada's Origin, Growth and Achievements. Color -Symbol -Allegory -Hundreds of Performers -Music -Fine Arts -World's Largest Collection of War Photographs - Thrillers of Many Kinds --Fireworks on a larger scale than ever before -Scores of Features only to be seen at Toronto. Canada's Creates! Live Stock and Fgrnl Display -Machinery and Equipment of Endless Design for increasing the Efficiency of the Farm and the Comfort of the Home. Reduced Fares on All Lines of Travel JOHN G. KENT, ROBT. FLEMING, Managing Director Prea:dgna 0 0 Used Cars For Sale We have the following used Ford Cars for sale and are offering l•ig inducements for quick turnovers of the following list: Ford Coupe, looks like new, has license, shock absorber:, dome light and other extras. Ford Srdnt,, used demonstrator, in excellent condition, has shock absorbers, license, dome light; large steering wheel, and new spare tire. 19ls Ford Touring a-i;h license and other extras, good tires. 1916 Ford Touring with license and new style engine hood. 1916 lord Touring with license and some extras. 1911 lord Touring with license and shock absorbers, claxon horn 011d dash lamp. 1913 Ford Touring with Prest-o-liter. 11113 Ford Toning with shock absorbers, license, Yale ignition LK k, tire holder anti spare tire, 1012 Ford Touring with license. This car is in good repair and for quick sale will sell at $185.00. 1913 Hop Touring Car, motor and entire car has been over- hauled. Two 1911 Studebaker Tourings. One Chevrolet. •190 Touring in good repair and good tires at $350. .111 above cars will be gladly demonstrated In any prospective buyer, :11111 suitable terms can be arranged to suit the purchaser-. Since the hid of January we have sold over 100 cars, This amount of business should he proof enough as to the satisfactory dealings that ,•ur Ills; nutters secure from its. We also nperale aur own repair shop and therefore are prepared to give our customers the very best of eertice on both new and used cars. All makes of curs brought :o ms ,for repairs will receive our most careful and shill, 11 mechanic's attention, and you will find any re- y;:irs brought here wi'1 hr done satisfactory to you. Call and look r,r er the above list of t- re. we have a large assortment to choose from, and we shall endeavor to satisfy you in every respect. Gasoline 360 a gallon, and heat. Polarine heavy gas engine oil $1.25 per gallon. Tire,: 30x3U2 non-skid gtliar;nti•,'d 5o00 miles, $16.75. Ribbed thread guaranteed 4000 'miles at. $15.50, while they last. HENSALL Cook Bros., FORD DEALERS ^ ',xo'it l tii it ei ?tG- 11t4 b,..: 'es?3an4h?'ax Ph