HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-08-19, Page 2if 11111°''lli°ili°Q10411111111iiMoi►l, E R 1 is a shingle that meets every requirement for roofing homes. It is thoroughly weather-proof, being made of the same Materials as the famous Paroid Roofing. NET TWIN S , .ANGLES' They are more attractive in appearance than slate; they are durable and fire -resisting; they are easy to lay and most economical in price. Tht•y are suitable for all residences. And you have your choice of two permannt colors. RED or GREEN — Slate itrfaced Nepenset Paroid Roofing is recommended for farm buildings awl factories. Sold by !.amber and Hardware Dealers. Twin Shingles .. .. $7.85 per square Canada Roofing.... . $2.25 per square Rock Faced, extra heavy..$4.25 per square Geo. A. Sills & Sons l j:14'r C r tr "Must Be Operated On Today!" Dr. Edwards, this is Dr. Watt, Blankville, speaking. I have a serious case of appendecitjs—I want you to operate on immediately—this afternoon—at 168 Bellevue Avenue. Got that? 1-6-8. There is a train leaving at 11.20 that will get you here by two o'clock. Will you catch that? Can .I depend on .you? Fine! i'll meet the train." Business, too, has its emergencies, when only action by Long Distance can turn a threatened loss into a profit. Out of a clear sky, defeat or loss may suddenly stare you in the face. Or a chance to save money may unexpectedly reveal itself. One of the largest firms in Canada recently placed an order for many thousand dollars. The day the order was received at the factory prices for raw materials began to stiffen. Immediately notified of this by Long Distahce, the firm at once doubled the order and made a good saving. 13,000 highly trained telephone em- ployees enthusiastically welcome every opportunity to prove their intelligent devotion to your interests. Think of them as willing, helpful members of your organization, ready to serve. Every Belt Telephone is a Long Distance Station P WHY SUFFER PAIN ? YOU can't do justice to yourself in business, social or home life If you suffer from headache, backache, neura'gia, monthly pains, or any of the thousand and one pains with which all of us are afflicted at one time or another. These pains indicate a very real physical danger. But there are very few pains of any nature that are not promptly relieved by Dr. Miles' Anti -Pain Pills. Get them in handy boxes at our drug store. A box is insurance against head- ache,car Meknes) neuralgia and -lain of almost ' any nature. 0) A'N T t .- \\Pain n_ Pills. Hf,4DACHfS AND RNUEMAT/ There are no disagreeable after effects. Dr. Miles' Anti - Pain Pills STOP THE PAIN witlmoat upset digestion, drowsiness, buzzing in the head, or danger of (brining a drug habit. Guaranteed Safe add Sore. ,BOLD IN SEAFORTR BY B. UMBA CR, Phm., B- r OUItilIWOF THE gariitiicillizeS In the centre of the ancient city of Frankfort -on -the -Maine was a nar- row wretched looking lane, flanked by tall, dark dirty houses, with dirty windows and dirtier doors. This miseralble lane was known as the Juden-gasse (Jew -lane.) It was guarded at either end by heavy chains which were fastened every evening, as well as on all Sundays, holidays, and festivals of the church, and when the chains were fastened te wretched inhabitants dared not stir out on pen- alty of death. No Jew was allowed to live beyond the boundary of the Juden-gasse; room for the increasing population was found by making the crowded buildings higher or digging dark tenements underground. In these miserable surroundings, in the year -1743, was born Meyer Amschel, the founder of the great banking house of Rothschild. He lost both his parents at the age of eleven, and had to fight his way through life single-handed. After having been to school fur a few years he walked on foot to the city of Zane over, where he became clerk to small banker and money -changer. By parsimonious economy he managed to save a small capital with which he returned to. Frankfort at the age of 29. He now married and started business as a broker, money -lender, and dealer in old coins. Among his customers was a small German poten- tate, the Landgrave William of Hesse. Landgrave William had often occas- ion to dispose of solid family jewels for cash, or to borrow small sums to' satisfy pressing creditors. When the French troops marched upon Frank- fort in 1796, Meyer Amschel placed his property under the shelter of William's castle. During the bom- bardment of the city the Juden-gasse was knocked to pieces, and the in- habitants crawled from the ruins begging shelter of their Christian brethren. The Christians were far from sympathetic, but fortunately for the Jews some of the rulers of the city, who were heavily in their debt, secured permission for them to buy and lease houses outside the Juden- gasse. Meyer Amsdtel was one of the Jews to take advantage of this concession and henceforth his sign the Shield c Red (German—Rothschild; hung in line with the signs of the leading money -changers of the city. In 1806, William of Hesse was driv- en from his states by Napoleon. In his great haste he was compelled to leave his money in the hands of Meyer Amschel, his banker. Meyer Amschel, finding himself in posses- sion of a sum amounting to some three millions of florins, all in good coin of the realm, was not slow to turn the situation to advantage. In time of war, money was worth twelve or even twenty per cent. on good'se- curity, and many were 'the freeholds that went mortgaged into the shop of the Red Shield, often for less than one-third their value, never to be re- deemed again. In about six years the Jewish banker had quadrupled his capital When the bottle of Leipzig restor- ed William of Hesse to his posses- sions, the eldest son of Meyer Am- schel presented himself at court, and handed over the three million florins. Landgrave William, who had never expected to see his money again, knighted the young Rothschild on the spot, The fame of the house of Rothschild reached the ears of other rulers, and the crowned heads of Europe vied with one another in their eagerness to entrust their sav- ings to the bankers of the Red Shield. The Rothschilds, on their part, were quite willing to accept the money on the same terms as that of the Land - grave --that is without interest. When Meyer Amschel died he left ten children, five sons and five daugh- ters. By the will of their father the five sons entered into copartner- ship. Anselm, the eldest, was to be head of the firm, but Nathan was the real chief of the house. In his eag- ern,ess to make money Nathan left home at the early age of twenty-two and opened a small shop a's banker and money lender in Manchester. He left Frankport with £84 in his pock- et. In five years he moved from 'Manchester to London, worth £200,- 000. Nathan now engaged largely in speculations in the public funds, his great shrewdness, and almost intui- tive perception in judging the state of the money market, enabling him at all times to realize vast profits. In 1810, during the period when the fortunes of the Peninsular war seem- ed most -doubtful, some drafts of Wellington's amounting to a large sum came over to England, and there was no money to meet them. Nathan purchased the bilis at a considerable discount, and then furnished the gov- ernment with the mohey to redeem them at par. Henceforth the ministry entered into frequent and intimate relations with the new Hebrew bank- er. He used this connection to Ob- tain first-hand information as to the progress of the war, which informa- tion he was not slow to turn to pe- cuniary advantage. He also employ- ed agents to follow in the wake of the armies, who would send him daily re- ports in cipher hidden under the wings of carrier pidgeons. Embarking deep.. or and deeper in speculations on the , success of the English arms, Nathan often got dissatified with the speed of his winged messengers, and on more than one occasion hurried over to the continent himself to watch the progress of operations. On the morning of the 18th of June, 1815, Nathan an R othschild rode on a quiet horse close to the village of Waterloo. All clay long he watched the progress of the battle from the hill of Hougoumont. From noon till six at night the whole field was en- veloped in smake; when it blew off, the troops of the French Emperor were seen in retreat. Nathan per- ceived at a glance that the great bat- tle of Waterloo was won. Without losing a moment he spurred his horse and rode off to Brussels, Here a carriage was ready to carry him to Ostend. At the break of day on the 19th of June Nathan Rothschild found himself at the coast opposite to Eng- T :UMATISM Happily $ped When He Began To Take "Frust-a4lves" $ lustre Sr., Hots., P. Q. "Fora years, I suffered with Rheu- matism, being Arced to stay in bed for live months. 'I tried all kinds of medicine without relief and thought I would never be able to walk again. One day while lying in bed, !read afoul "Fruit-tfdives" the great fruit medicine; and It seemed just what I needed, so I decided to try it. The first box helped me, and I took the.tablets regularly until every trace of the Rheumatism left me." LORENZO LEDUC. 50e, a box, 0 for $2.50, trial size 25e. At all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruits-tives Limited, Ottawa. land, but separated from it by a furi- ous sea. In vain the banker offered five hundred, six hundred, eight hun- dred francs, to be carried across to Dover. At last he cried that he would give two thousand francs, and the bargain was struck, a poor fisherman risking his life to gain that sum for his wife and children- The sun was still on the, horizon when Nathan Rothschild landed at Dover, and the swiftest horses bore him on to the metropolis. There was gloom in Threadneedle Street, and gleom in all men's hearts, but gloomier than any looked Nathan Rothschild. He whis- pered to a few of his most intimate friends that Blucher had been defeat- ed in the great battle of Ligny— Heaven only knew what had become of Wellington! The news spread like wildfire, and there was a tremendous fall in the funds. Nathan Roths- child's known agents sold with the rest—{but his unknown agents bought all the scrip that was to be had. It was not until two days after the ar- rival of Nathan in England that the news of the great victory of Water- loo was known. He.was the first to inform his, friends at the Stock Ex- change of the happy event, spreading the news a quarter of an hour before it was known to the general public, the funds rose faster than they had fallen. Waterloo enriched the house of Rothschild by about a million pounds, U. S. PROHIBITION AFTER TWO YEA RS. Mr. Samuel Hopkins Adams, the well known American writer, has been communicating to Collier's some of the results of prohibition as they have presented themselves to him in his wanderings up and down his coun- try. Mr. Adams writes dispassionate- ly and does not :betray his personal attitude toward a,pr,thibition. His main conclusion is bhbt. the question of prohibition has been swallowed up in a larger question of immensely great- er importance to the American nu. tion. The question is: Will the United States continue to be a law- abiding country? Prohibition is the law of the land and whether a citi- zen is for prohibition or against it, if he is a good citizen he will obey the law. Says Mr. Adams: "If New Jersey is to practice reas- onable interpretation of alcoholic law- lessness, why not of arson? If New York, by liberal enforcement, is going to permit A and B to take a drink when they want it, why should it not exhibit an equally charitable attitude toward X who desires to mount a soap box and demand the immediate overthrow of the Constitution; Mrs. Y, who aspires to maintain the prin- ciple of personal liberty by walking up Fifth Avenue in a pink nightie, and Z, whose frustrated ambition is to introduce into general circulation five -dollar bills of his own „come man- ufacture? It is easy to answer the questions, but it is not easy to show that the breaking of one law is more or less TO WOMEN OF MIDDLE AGE This Woman's Letter Tells You How To Pass The Crisis Safely. Lascel l es, P.O.— "During the Change of Life I felt so weak and run down I could hardly do my work. Tl•e epiratiun •.voulrt pear over my fire so tat I couldn't see what I woe doing. We live on ie farm, soethere is lots to do, but many who felt as I did would have been in bed. I took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and it did me a world of good. i tried other remedies but I put Vegetable Compound ahead of them all, and I tell every one I know how much good it, has done me."— Mrs. DUNCAN BIcOWN, Lunches, Prov. Quebec. Such warning symptoms as sense of suffocation, hot flashes, headaches, backaches, dread of impending evil, timidity .sounds in the ear, palpitation of the heart, sparks -before the eyes, irregularities, constipation, variable ap- petite, weakness and.dizziness should be heeded by middle-aged women, and let Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Com- pound carry them safely through this crisis as it did Mrs. Brown. You are invited to write for free advice No other 'medicine has been so suc- cessful in relieving woman's sufferin as has Lydia E'. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound. Women may receive free and helpful advice by writing the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co.j Lynn, Masa. sok of Wensgd Oen bac brdgl,' ipg of anotbnr. a course thq season A and' II are pe witted ,o do What they want to do n spite of the • law while the other lettetrs of the a'Iphab tvi are restrained .is that A and It not going' ' against public epinion, 1 which, after al!, la the foundation of I law. We know that murders in the • Southern States, where the victims are negroes suspected of offences a gaiest white women, and where the murders are called lynchings, are not regarded as of, the same seriousness as the murder of a white woman by a negro, or the murder of one white man by another in the north, or, in- deed, in any part of the United States. The fact is not to be justified, but it is a fact. Prohibition, according to Mr. Ad- ams, has made millions of new law- breakers in the United States, many of them belonging to what they would call the "better classes." He says that if the prohibitionists number two-thirds of the population, and not more has been claimed for them, the question to be settled is whether two men can permanently impose their will on a third in a matter of personal, habits, if he is resolved to defy the will whenever an occasion presents itself. Prohibition has been theoreti- cally in force for two years, but for many years it must remain an experi- ment. There never was a law like it before. There never was a law affect-. ing the personal habits of millions of people passed by two-thirds of the population. Some believe it never can be made to work. Even prohi- bitionists who may partly agree that this is so, can point to some certain benefits, and Mr. Adams supports them. There can be no question, he says, that the total consumption of liquor is much less than it was before there was prohibition. There is less public drunkenness, chiefly because the sa- loon is practically extinct. While it is possible, as he says, for anyone who wants a drink to get one, the constant temptation of the swinging doors of the corner saloon has ceased to exist. Saloons no longer flaunt themselves. Men do not reel out of their doors. The reason is that the salopn does not desire to advertise itself more than is absolutely necessary. The saloons can no longer serve as many customers as they did in the old days, 'because they have to use some caution, and therefore they are oblig- ed to double- and quadruple the old prices. This in itself is a sort of pro- hibition. It must affect tens of thous- ands of persons who used to drink because they liked to drink and could afford it, but who do not drink now because they cannot afford it. The impression Mr. Adams has of the large cities is that the police are indifferent to the law, and there are not enough Federal officers to enforce it. Chicago wants saloons and,there- fore, Chicago has them. Not long ago, he says, the Chicago police per- petrated one of the subtlest jokes of the age when they raided a fashion- able restaurant, and out of all the alcoholic revellers selected for arrest a professed anarchist, probably the only person' present whose contempt for the law ,,vas genuine and inherent. It added nothing to the unintentional humor of the performance that he happened to be drinking vicfiy at the time. The law has not changed the habits of farmers, who vote prohibi- tion as a rule, but continue to make their own hard cider. There are more cases of alcoholism in the hospitals than before, and this, in the view of Mir, Adams, is probably the result of more home drunkenness. These are some of the results to date, and they cannot be wholly satisfactory to any considerable element of the com- munity. ACTIVITIES OF WOMEN There are 261,553 woman farmers in the United States. Housemaids in Germany receive on an average of $2.40 a month. Women of the Moslem faith are forbidden to appear on the stage. Peeresses in their own right now number 25 in England. More than half the industrial work- ers in Philadelphia are women. Mrs. J. E. McRae has an income of more than $30,000 a year from a tea room which she operates in Atlanta, Georgie. Mrs. R. T. Berens, who has just passed her 78th birthday, has the honor of holding the championship in archery in England. Her mark of 98 bullseyes of 100 has never been equalled. Mrs. L. D. Drewery, Cincinnati so- ciety woman, has gone to Florida for the purpose of breeding and raising cattle. Mrs. William M. Graham, divorced wife of the millionaire oil magnate, will estslblish an interior decorating shop in New York city. Mrs. Smith Wilkinson, claimed to be England's richest woman, has more than 200 frocks, each one a valuable Paris creation. Mme. Curie, the radium expert, has received a total of 64 honorary de- grees, including nine from American colleges and universities. To become a member of the newly formed Veteran Ladies' Gold associa- tion of Great Britain, one must be at least 50 years of age. University women in ten countries have formed national associations to join the women of Great Britain and America in an international federa- tion. Coolie women do the portering in some parts of India. These women are undersized, stumpy looking little 1 creatures, but have incredible ' strength. Because of the cost of keeping a maid in Germany, more than half of , the women of the _upper class, who used to keep maids, now do their own work. To -day there are at least 1,000,000 girls -in Japan who are employed in poatofftces, hanks, railroad offices, schools, telephone and telegraph of- fices, etc. , Princess Fatima Sultana of Afghan- istan, now visiting bhe United. States, is the owner of the famous Darayaid Nur diamond, the. largest and frost Jalualble uncut gem in the world. INCORPORATED 1856 Capital and Reserve $9,000,000 Over 130 Branches The Molsons Bank There is no safer or surer way of safeguarding your surplus money than placing it in a savings - account with The Molsons Banks. Why not begin to -day? BRANCHES IN THIS DISTRICT: Brucefield St. Marys, Klrkton Exeter, Clinton, Hensall, Zurich, WTI • • To Every Father and Mother "What mean ye fellow citizens of Athens that ye turn every atone to scrape wealth together, and take so little care of your children, to whom one day ye must relinquish all. "—Socrates. Thoughtful same grave pher over This men and Engineering If you their lives can afford. for our future A college complete courses Junior Matriculation so low that any Western f4) problem 400 is the women and would you should A leaders. stands in one University For parents of today that troubled the years before Christ. era of progress. to carry forward in Fine Arts is stronger help your children give them the university education at your door with open Medicine, Arts and Public except for special or nurses may attend. degrees are universally information, apply to DR. K. P. R NEV1I Y' are faced Athenian The call Medicine, than ever make the best education is the first gates ready Health Admission courses, and recognized t F Registrar. with philoso- for trained Science, before. most essential to give the fees London' the of you them is by are ._ M s, AN' IT STAYS PUT! The sun of ol1 Virginny put that soul - satisfying flavor in 'ern. Right from the first prat you recognize it—can't get away from it. It's there Hand selected leaves of choice tobacco' rolled into a real smoke. NAVY ' CETT CIGARETTES 10 for15 25 for Z55' There is iy one to kill ta Flies This i8 it—Darken the room as much as possible, close the windows, raise one of the blinds where the sun shines in, about eight inches, place as many Wilson's Fly Pads as possible on plates (properly wetted with water but not flooded) on the window ledge where the light is strong, leave the room closed for two or three hours, then sweep up the flies and burn them. See illustration belorta Put the plates away out bf the reach of children until re- quired in another room. The right way to use Wilson's Fly Pads '44fer 433MJi`���W+�ik.i�i9�NIa1 1