HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-08-12, Page 5IM,
)1 $18}
ihel ' ;•. $A4
r peIrt4Ydt t ... KO
.t j7aran spec Moil -' �WHO
)hone, per: tion $80,1
f, its, per bulab'el -• 8
Toronto. August 0. -Beane - Canadian,
+il,nnd-picked, bushel, $2.80 -to $8.00; Priem*,
'12.40 to 82.60.
Toronto, August 9th. -Dressed- Ptultry-.
'Spring chicken, 40c; roosters, 20c; few, 80c;
.lucklling% 80c; turkeys, Ono.
Live Poultry. -Spring chickens, 80e; ramtere
Allo; fowl, 220; ducklings, 80e: turkeys, 60c.
• Toronto Apguat $--cChitese--blew large E4%.
19. 26I98 `twins: '26 to 28e; triplets. 26 to
07,4,2a; old, large, 88 to 840; do.. twins, 84
8to triplets, 84% to 8614o: now Stilton,
4914 to 28c.
Butter-Freah,Odalry, • choice, 88 to 89c;
,Ireamaiy prints. fresh, No. 1, 40 to 42c;
, ;400king, 28 to 25o.
;', Margarine -20 to 22e,
..Eggs -No. .1, 41 to 42c; selects, 45 to 46o;
rtone, 46 to 48c. •
onAugust 9. -Manitoba Wheat -9o.
81.82; No. 2 Northern, $1.79;
Zoo. 8 Northern. $1.74; No. 4 wheat, $1.88.
Manitoba Data -No, 2 C.W„ 4974c; No. 8
•+C,W., '48%c: extra Nu. 1 feed, 48}4.;; No,
Y feed, 480; No. 2 feed, 47c, anitoba
barley -No. 2 C.W., 78Vso; No. 4 C.W., 731,4c;
rejected, 091,40; feed, 60%.e. All the above in
store Fgrt William. American corn -No. 2,
9ellow, 79e: nominal, c.i.f., Bay porta. Ontario
onto -Na 2 white, 60 to 52c. Ontario wheat
-No. 2 Winter, car lots, $1,20 to
No. 8 W{n $1.26;
MX to $1.22; yi 1 m1er..
sial, $1,12-, ',381,17; No. 2 Spring, $1.16 to
11.20; No: $ Spring, $1.12 to $1.17; No. -2,.
Goose wheat, ngmtnal. Peas., -No. 2 nont..
lkal. Barter -.Malting, 69 to 72. cents, .aa'.
wording ' to freights outside. Buckwheat--.
No. three, nominal. Rye -No, 2, $1..10.
According to freights outside. Manitoba flour
-First entente. 810,50; second patents, 510,
Toronto. Ontario flour -$7.40, bulk seaboard,
Hillfeod-Delivered, Montreal freight, bags
included; bran, per ton, $27; shorts, per
ton, $29: good feed flour. $1.70 to $1.85 per
'beg. Baled Hay -Track Toronto, per ton,
325-; No. 9. 224; mixed, $22.
Montreal, August 9. --Cottle receipts, 1.230.
Thr market opened fairly active, with prices -
strong to 25 cent_. higher. There were nu
real good cattle offered, and two leni1 of
rough but fairly tot steers, averaging 1,050
Pounds, brought $040 per cwt. One lend of
common teera and heifers averaging 700
Pounds sold for $4 per hundred.
Quotations: Butcher steers, good, 87 to
27.1,5: rnalium, $0 to 15.75; common, $4 to
'36,60; butcher helices, choice. 06 to 87: mel.
34.75 to $6; common, Ili to 4.50; butcher coo
choice. 5 to $0..0: n:,a!ium, 86,59 t,r $4
canners, SI to $_; rutttrs, $I, loo.cher 1, 0
com,non, 22 to
Calf •iu t I•,,, 'I'h ,.i„•, r , ,'v
shout ,.u,'-6. If or c: h.,t tb-j ,• ..r,. L'<1
lot r,.nt:u r.,•,I :'l' gr. c. ` `nc: ,.,, n•e"
milk -fest vci,l
from 7 cents to r
reply po" 1 ,, mad, t;,n,-
coon ensue: s :I I -sola: I.,,.,,
Q.11,tio,s t.' , .•. o,
21 to 85„ yr:i
Sheen , ..int `, IiWith
I:.•i:t $1 ria I,t •,int
,.1 , _ tot SI t
dt l a
(1J.`•` ,.,,,,,' l.t, , 'mh.
good, 87,5,1 1., $S , •� m, e'' 4, i:
I„ C
tin;; receipts 2 17P n.'rhe t
not 'MR, ,.aaroer 1111,1. tiler
:time Iu.i n•; i'nnn
tically all lae w,•.la'. gain. A fen, choice
jots said on to 811 but the general price•
for selects was $13,50. Heavies and roughs
were 89 to 210.50; sows. $8.20 to 89.
Union Stork Yards, 'Toronto, August 0, .-
Including some 400 leftovers, there were close
to 6,000 head of cattle on the market this
morning, and the heavy offering met a slow
treddbatby the onopeniagwtegovh er dem0a0n0d helm -
had been weighed up by two o'clock, with
business going strong and a fair prospect
of all but name 600 head being cleaned up
before the close. The price for choice heavy
cattle was strong with' the best of last week
choice lots bringing as high as 57.65, while
one 'lot of eleven head, averaging 1,545
Dottrel.. shipped in by L. Swinton, of Celedon,
*old' far McDonald and Halligan at $8.00
Per cwt. Demand for oversea. export was
not heavy, but many of the good to choice
heavy cattle were brought for export dre;oed
to the United States.
Oololde of the heavy cattle, priees were
cosier all round as compared with last Mon-
day, choice butchers lasing from a shade to
15 vents. while good kind were a quarter
lower, and common stuff as myth as 50 etc.
In some cases However, the bulk of the run
was of fair quality, and the market as a
whole could not he calked morn than a quer.
ter lower. Choice butcher cows wore steady
at from $5 to $6,50, with a few extra choice
at $8. Good butcher bulls brought from $4.60
to $6.50. Demand for milkers and springers
showed no improvement over lost week, but
prices were not materially lower,. as the sup-
ply was light. Trade in mulch cows, which
bas been ging off for a fortnight back, is not
expected to pick up to any great extent until
the end of the month. A low loads of
*tacker& were taken at from 44. to 6(i cOo,
per pound, and one or two loads of medium
feeders at 6% cents.
There was a light offering of calves, and
trade was brisk at steady to strong prices
fee anything of above medium 'quality, hut
rough olives, chiefly from Montreal and Ot-
tawa districts, were a considerable proportion
of the run, and these sold stow at from
3 to 54, cents per pound. Top veal, brought
11 cents, and run of choice sold nt from
214 to 1006 cents,'
The lamb trade wan strong. with the hulk
of Oholec kind selling at 10 cent-+, Sheep
were also in good demand at from 5 to 0
cents for 'choice kind. The total supply of
sheep anti lambs was some 800 lighter than
this day a week ago.
There were only'601 hogs in the day's offer.
ing. Prices were steady with the rlrcle of
last week, the top for selects, fed and water.
rd, being 13% cents per pound. The hulk
of the run made the top figure, however,
and the tendency was stronger.
Receipts today were 4.438 cattle, 44(
calves, 806 hogs and 2,099 sheep and lambs.
Sparkhodl and Armstrong sold: Butchers
-1, 1,080 tbs. $7; 27, 020 lbs. 116.40; 11( 780
lbs.' 86.50; 5, 700 tbs. 80.60; 12, 780 lbs, 85.
Cows -6, 1.180 lbs. $5; 24, 1,120 roe. $5.10;
5. 1,080lbs.
2 lbs.00 1 $4,211, Culs-1, ,04030 s 111s. 85.76:
1, 1,640 lbs. $5.50.
Ed. Zeagman . sold for Corbett and Hell:
Sheep and lambs -=a, 120 lbs, $5.25; 123, 6.470
lbs. $6.50: 118, 8,880 no,. $8; 132, 8,230 tbs.
$5.26; 121, 6,800 lbs. $7, Calves -10, 1,780
/be. $10.50; 5, 810 floe, 28; 8, 1,700 tbs. $7.25:
1, 980 its. 08.50; 23, 4.330 lbs. 50.
Quinnand Rimy sold: Butchers- 7, 1.140
lbs. 80.50; 9, 8,120 Roe. 88; 2, 1,480 lbs.
$fi; 6, 6,760 lbs. $6.06; 2. 1.340 tbs. 83.76;
21, 18,210 lbs. $8.35; 2, 1,010 tbs. $4; 2,
1,910 Ria, 25$: 2, 2,420 lbs, 80,60. Cows ---
4, 4,480 lbs. $5.25; 3, 3,400 lbs. $4.70: 1,
7.120 lbs. $4: 1, 1,100 tbs. $4.50; 1. 1.100
Iba. 00,00; 8. 8,020 lbs. $5: 10, 11,340 tbs.
$4.66. Bulls -2, 2,160 tbs. $8,75; I. 990 lbs,
$8.711: 4, 8.400 Iba, 5$,70,
Choice delves, 510 to Sit; meediumd calves,vSR
to 89; common calves, $8.50 to 06; choice
sheep, 85 to $6; medium sheep, 54 to $5:
rummers sheep, $2 to $8; lambs, $10.
J. Atwell and Son sold: Butchers- II. 18,-
000 lbs, $4.86: 9, 7,840 lbs. 59.50; 5, 4,400
tbs. $5.76; 5, 4.500 lbs, $5.75; i, 700 lbs.
65.71: 1. 1,750 lbs, $5; 5. 3,470 Rt.e. 84.40:
26, 20,080 lbs,_ 84,40; Q 6.710 lbs, $4.40; 25,
211,058' Tho, '54.40; 0, 0,710 tbs, 04.40: 9,
0,470 lbs. 84.40; 16, 10, D70 lbs. $4.25. Coven
4, :84, 480 tbs. $8; 1,- 070 lbs. $5: 1, 890
QuotationsChoke heavy steers, 87.08 to
$1.76; butcher steers, choice, $7,00 to $7.76;
do, goodo $6:00 to 8809; do., eo;mMon, $8.7$ to 85 .00; butcher s
heifeNjr choice, 80.00 to :17.10; do. motion,
$5.80.to .18.50; but$her tat, choice, $4.60
to 88.60; do., measlier 88,01E to $4.50; canners
nod 'Atter.. 81.00 ,, u 88.6'13; butcher bulls,
tread 84.26 ta. $5:000•-d0„ mouton, $8 to $4:
feedutt4400d, 900 llta„ $5.50 to 88.00; do., fair
145 4 epringatra, cholas..
do.,alp '7$30.09 to (t17 00
sat , 80 $S. ; do., common, 84
;oIl''d'atitietAlt1p14 tp
a, t{ daus414w '
or(c:ak4ldo101st, tq o gel
Peck, a dalttabt4r SDote�lna'
OFtaee n Setatorth. On Aoguat 0th, $ Mr,
and" eo John Kriove.. VS „ a eon-
Marab },n Windham General lleT" hal, on
Angela 2nd, .10 Mr. and - Mrs, W. Fos. on
Marshall, Towoobip- Cuirass. a daughter,
Elllgtt,-In Winghamr on July 14th, to Mr.
and Mm. Dertram W. Elliott, a daughter.
Walper.-In Exeter, on July 22nd, to Mr.
' anti Mre.. 9dbuW. Wolper, twin corm.
Latltont...In Seaforth, on July 211th, to Mr.
and Mrs. Archie Lamont, a son. ()lector
Thompson. -In Stanley, on July 81st, to. Mn.
pod Min. Samuel Thompson,' a eon. - -
Johns-Frlszel.-At Saskatoon. Smk„ on .Zu1r
20th, Mien Margaret Frizzell, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Frizzell. of Oven, Alta„
to Mr. Alden Johns, of Saskatoon, eon of
Mr. and Mrs. Saes Johns,.. of Exeter,
Anderson--Oaaery.-At Centralia, on July 27,
Miss Hazel oMadge, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. George Emery, to Wlifted If. An -
demon, of Goderiph.
Rahway. -In Exeter, on July 80th, Mary Ram -
nay, widow of the late James Ramsay, aged
89 yearn, 11 months and 28 days,
Hodgina-- On July 20th, Chelto' Joseph Kelly,
wife of Colon A"Modgius, London, in her
58th year.
Artnatrong,-Ia Clinton, on July 24th, Bobt
Armstrong, aged 60 years,
hart. -In Stanley, on July 24th, Marjory,
adopted daughter of William Hart, aged
7 years.
Lee, -In McGillivray Township, on July net,
(:surge Lee, In his 70th year.
Jordan, -In McKillop, on August 7th, Mos.
Patrick Jordan, aged 88 years.
' E Rp::OF T>rANKS
44 1A
p1� R
46 u S $81not 37th atpthe. tfwnably`
bP nogi liddreeeedtp«.td!o,.&lerh uD to 11x,.3
stone vipte;,
2706,3 Olerk. DOHA' - P. O.
O O Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0
O° Embalmer and Funeral O
0.' Director O
O Undertaking parlors Above O
O Id, Williams' Grocery Store. O
'0 Main Street, Seaforth. '0
0 Flowers furnished OD short O'
O . notice. . "O
0 Charges Moderate O
0 Phone -Night or Day -192 '0
000000000 0000
0000 000000000
0 S. T. HOLMES c
0 Funeral Director and 0
0 Licensed Embalmer 0
0 Undertaking Parlors in 0
0 Beattie Block, opposite The 0
0 Expositor Office. Residence 0
0 Goderich St., opposite Dr. 0
0 Scott's. 0
0 Flowers furnished on short 0
0 Phone Night or Day 119 0
000000000 OG O0
We wish to thank our many friends and
acquaintances for their kindness shown to us
in the sudden bereavement of our mother, O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mrs, Norah Shea.
Daughter and eon, Maurice.
254 inch at sixty cents per foot; also
Thresher Belting. N. SMITH, 139 Ybrk St.,
Toronto. 2800-2
and Anderson farm wagon for sale.
Cheap for ouch. Apply to L. BEA'1'T E,
Vnr„a, 27992.3
grain, half oats and half barley: Phone
1; 36. ALEX. SPARKS, 11. It. No. 2 Sea -
forth, 27:15-tf
1, On S11,,,. OR 101: .101'.- '1'I li•: IAN etc.
yr 'i'er:., . moth orchard,
":tl,t no.,it,' h,i n,l tint -.los
:oleo... :illr 4/ern ,
I en Apply Expo"t,,r Onto,. ,
rhlid.t'Ilyilt It:1N'1'KD. A Qi I4I IFIE'r,
tear; ,.r r rr School ti, -rn N. . , me.
S WStt.t 1rry t„1 >t••
No.,^. ur.•.
01,,s,tn,n- will in',00,itel I.y the undersign -d.
ISA.),' hill:lIiN So:,cl. ry, Wait..,, Ont
The Double Track
Unexcelled Dining Car Service.
Sleeping cars on Night Trains
and Parlor Cars on principal Day
Full information from any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E.
Horning, District Passenger Agt.,
W. R. Plant
A good crop i , a source
of pride as wc11 as pro-
fit. I\Iodern farmer',,
take a keen interest in
keeping a Kodak record
of each year's produc-
tion. The autographic
feature makes it a real
record -date and sub-
ject written on the
l legative,
No. IA.
:\.Ito ral;'_i?-,
I'rice $23.(1`)
Talcs pictures 3',5x4;•i
' "If it isn't Eastman
Film, it isn't Kodak
Insist on the film in
the yellow box. ,
Phm. 33.
Seafortb and Hayfield.
0 W. T. BOX Az CO.
0 Embalmer and . 0
0 Funeral Directors 0
0 H. C. BOX 0
0 Holder of Government 0
0 Diploma and License 0
0 Charges moderate 0
O ' Flowers furnished on short 0
0 notice, 0
0 Night Calls Day Calls 0
0 Phone 176 Plione 43 0
000000000 0000
r±eice forms for sale los II Town biro
of 1''I" and .Hibbert. all well b.,
Improved goany term, of payment. '1 :1 111
CAMERONn Woodham, Ont.
i� .11;01 POIt SALE.. 2.-'0 ACIti 34. \Itt
I• I and
To, ori.io. 1.1,..t' 1', nib=fr6 an• ,
11541 -r d, pond clay i mm.m 1
fe' o I r 11.1 cedar lush i reel ln:,ll 'I'
l ed with new wiry fe' Plc .•In,
h,.,�,' and barn; telephone. �, ,r•n I moll ,l,-
Ilsen'. Will soil on reasonable terms. Arolo
n mrplhrs to ADAMSTEW.AR'r, R. it. NO.
5, Clinton. 21041-tf
Concensdon 2, H. R. S., containing two
hundred acres: eighty acres of choice pas-
ture, land with lots of running water, the
remainder is in a high state of cultivation.
Two brick houses, one frame horn on ground,
one large barn on foundation with large
cement silo and litter carrier, water In stable
and other conveniences. Apply FLETCHER
T. TOWNSF,ND, R. $, 3, Seaforth, Ont„
phone 3 on 514, Clinton. 2800x4
of Rrucefleld. Lot 15, Concession 1, Stanley.
100 wren. There are on the premises one
good bank horn, implement house, straw
shed. a good frame house, 8 good never -fail-
ing wells, windmill on one. The farm is
well fenced and well drained. Rural mail
end phone. This Is one of the best farms
In the township, and will be sold on
reasonable terms. Possession given in No-
vember. For further particulars apply to
DREW SWAN, Brueefleld, Ont. 2792-tf
bald McGregor offer for sale Lot 15,
6th Concession, McKillop. 100 acre+ of first
class farm lands. The land is in a first
el,eo state of cultivation and there are
erected on the premises a good frame dwel-
ling 'house, with kitchenattached; frame
barn 70x54 with stone foundation, stabling
underneath and cement floors and water
throughout, driving house, pig pen and hen
house. Also about ten acres of good hard
wood bosh. The property is well fenced and
well drained and convenient to good markets,
churches and schools. For further particulars
apply to MISS LILLY J. McGREGOR, on the
premises, or to R. S. WAYS, Solicitor. •Sea-
fortth. Ont. 2795.tf
London Rood in Township of Tucher-
smith, one mile north of Brueefielrl 96 seem
cleared. remainder bush. There to a good
frame house with hard end soft water and
heated by furnace, also telephone, good barn
30x56, silo, Dig pen, hen house and drive
shed. There are about 50 acres of spring
crop and 8 ac r of fall wheat, 5 acresof
banns, it acres of corn, and 2 acres of tots -
toe.. This is counted to be a No. I farm_
Will sell cropand all land. Immediate
possession, or without crop and posaesslon
in fall. For further particulars apply to
the proprietor, on Lot 34. London Road.
AMOS CARTWRIGHT, Proprietor. 2702 -If
dred acr,_.+ adjoining the Town of Sea -
forth, conveniently situated to all churches.
schools end Collegiate. There is a comfort-
able brick cottage with a cement kitehen;
horn 100058 with atone ambling underneath
for 6 homes. 75 head of cattle and 40 hogs
with steel stanchions and water before all
stock; litter carrier and feed carrier and
two cement silos ; driving shed and pint-
foF'ln scales. Watered by a rock well and
windmill. The farm is well drained and in
a high state of cultivation. The crop is all
in. the grnund.'-choice cloy loam. Immedi-
ate possession. Apply to M. BEATON. R.
R. 2. Seaforth, Ont. 2767-tf
Concrosion 8, in the Township of Tucker -
smith. 9 miles from Seaforth. 6 miles from
Bruceteld and Nielsen, convenient to school
and church; 96 acres cleared, remainder In
maple bush. On this form are excellent build-
ings and are in first-class repair: hard and
soft tenter In the houses nnd in stables; 2
wells, 1 having n windmill. This form is
thnr,mnhlr ander drained and fenced and
in n high sante of cultivation, never having
been heavily cropped. Thin Is in every way
n trot dans and up-to-date farm. Also Lot
27, Cnn.,vslen 12. in the Township of litb-
hrrt. containing 105 acres; 80 acres cleared
end thoroughly tnderdralned and .fenced, the
remainder to in flint class maple hush. On
the premises Is a comfortable frame hens°
and good horn 48950 with stone stabling;
also good well with windmill. This farm Is
all seeded to arras and Is in excellent eondi-
tien, having b.en cropped very Mittel situ.
eked within 5 miles of Homan, quarter o1
mile from school. There is long dietanee
telephone connection on both forms, oleo
rural mail di livery. These farms will be
Cold together sr separately to euIt purchaser
and on reasonable terms. For further par-
s:mims apply to the proprietor, on Let 12,
•Oobcmolon 8, Tuekeenmlth, or Seaforth P. 0.,,
R. - it. No. 4. or phone 14 on 181, Seaforth
THOMAS O. afLLINOLAW. Proprietor,
of lltd
hands ap,,q
eat Seasolt,,
liter fall' mall' -
arly so as we
'lots, •
eoligmg to the p3sne and Alma$
k`engtmer, A &Wart Of. -.101
every8t- prim must, a,eolp,�tany...
every tender either In ,ealrK or
cheque, otherwise the tender will 090 pl
tertpined, The lowest or, any topddr
neitaearilY accepted.
By order of the Council.
Dublin, July 22, 1921. • Township 228Cloth.
Idle Money
TO leave money idle at the present
time is harmful, not only to your
own prosperity, but to that of your coun-
try for the financial requirements of in-
dustry and trade are very great.
Build up your Savings Account until you accu.
mutate enough to make a sound investment.
We welcome small accounts
PAiD.tIP CAPITAL $15,000,000
RESERVE FUND ,. . $15,000,000
SEAFORTII BRANCH, J. G. Mullen, Manager.
We find our Four Stores Overloaded --
$35,000 Too Much Stock --Will Sacri-
fice Goods at Once. Turn it into -cash.
The Price Peductions Are Enormous.
Chance of ? fetime, Don't Miss It,
i,;uli('s' (:ow.
Simply a slaughter I
HI:}' lt, .lif' g, With of
, e, *., elaborately
, r.tl styles
Children's $1.2:5I,'5ht'us tilt
Made of fine grade .:bite cotton.
Lace and embroidery.,tr;m. Tremen-
dous bargain at RIc, They were cheap
at $1.25.
$2.50 Black Silk Hose for
is t,
I:glorted high gnul,l firsts. Pure
New Army 1Clnil Blankets
This is the greatesr offer ever made
in Canada. Si7.,s 80x66 inches,
weight about 4 1-1 I.,,:nds each. Guar-
anteed all wool, '\' , Ou know, Army
Blankets are made from a specially
twisted yarn which ensures endless
wear. We have to n selling thew
blankets at $4, so lil.,t this $3.00 of -
ler is good only to .August 15th.
`.t111lJelio. 1.1,1`
14 12:1
1..11'1 I I \i. 1'• of t, :
,I 101:b c.,l:ar. 115,2 :lead's,
b 't 5,11 p.,rl„: hantl.;.,moiy finish-
Men's Flannelette Nightshirts
for $1.
They are slightly damaged by
smoke. Will wash clean with no
trouble, Worth $3, perfect, We
sold them fast at 51.25. A wonderful
bargain now at $1.00.
Children's 40c Drawers for
Firsts in fine quality children's
Cotton Knit Drawers, All sizes.
Lace trim.
Brown Army Rubbers
Cut to 75c
Made to wear over heavy shoes.
Heavy and strong. Every man who
works outside should get a pair.
They are a tremendous bargain for
Bargain Store, Seaforth
Rebuilt Engines and Threshers
For Sale
One 1$ i1. l'. Waterloo.
One 20 Ti. i', Waterloo.
One 20 H. P. Waterous.
One 22 H. P. McDonald Decker,
One 19 Ti. 1'. (tell.
One 20 H. P. \White.
All thoroughly rebuilt and repainted.
One 25 TT. I'. l:earmount White, 21/z years old.
One 17 II. i'. sawyer & Massey
One 20 H. I' White, sidemountsd, not rebuilt.
One iii 1I. 1'. Waterous, rebuilt, 192n.
One 32 -tin
One 36-50 f;.:.,
One 3(i -fin F.,•.,
One 20-50 11..
One 33-40 \V:,••
All egttiplud „
rebuilt., refitted and
All these Ma.'
very 1•easnnable pt'.
Also new Stems
I ison,
'clan with wind starker, not rebuilt.
th Wind Stacker and Self Feeder. Thoroughly
fines are ready for immediate delivery, and at
Engines and Keirosene Tractors.
t ertmkeik x2'0. cit f`:..y" t'!`4'?7 ,A,1
$6,000.00 Added
Boys and Girls ,a;Oompet,,..x
Speed Events -Dog Show -Auto E
The Wortham Shows 'On the' 1VIldway. `.
Wonderful programme before the grand." sty
twice' daally. '
Plenty of Music --Fireworks Every Njght
Admission, 10th, 12th, 16th & 27th-25ets.
13th, 14th and l5th--50cts,
Grand Stand usual prices
All Information from the Secretary.
Lt. -Col. W. M. Gartshore, President A. M. Hunt, Secretary
'cook by Hydro'g
Cheaper than Coal Oil.
For full information inquire at
Entrance --Town Clerk's 'Office.
71111{11111111IIIIIHIN IOi1i111111111111111111111h18111En1111111M1111111H11N1111111111;1111 -
Callaghan National Exhibition, Toronto
AUG. -27
To be opened by
Lord Byng of Vimy,
Canada's new
Color of the
Gaiety of a
Mardi Gras
Complete exposition
of Canada's resources,
skill of men,
wealth of material.
- Inclusive - SEPT. 10
"OVER HERE" -Super Pageant of Regal
Magnificence dramatizing vividly Canada's
Origin. Growth and Achievements.
Color -Symbol -Allegory -Hundreds of
Performers -Music -Fine Arts -World's
Largest Collection of War Photographs -
Thrillers of Many Kinds ---Fireworks on a
larger scale than ever before -Scores of
Features only to be seen at Toronto.
Canada's Greatest Lire Stock and Farm
Display -Machinery and Equipment of
Endless Design for increasing the Efficiency
of the Farm and the Comfort of the Home,
Reduced Fares on All Lines of Travel
hianng;n8 Uiervooc Presiders
�I •
Used Cars For Sale
We }';,ve the following used F'„rd Cars for sale and are offering
inducements for quick turnovers of the following list;
Food Coupe, looks like noir, has license. shock absorbers, Hunte
light ned other extras.
Ford Sedan, iised demonstrator, in excellent. condition, has shock
absorber, license, dorso' light; large steering wheel, and now spare
191$ Fr,'d Touring with license and other extras, good tires.
19111 Ford Touring with Iicense and new style engine hood.
11110 Ford Inuring with license and some extras.
1016 hard Touring with license and shock absorbers, Chuan, horn
and dash lamp,
1911 Ford 'roaring with Prost -o -liter.
11113 .Ford Teurin,g with shock absorbers, -license, Yale ignition
leek, tin' holder and spare tiro,
1912 Ford Touring with license. This ear is in good repair and
for quick Bale will sell at $165,00.
191:2 Flop Touring Car, motor and entire oar has been over-
h.;uled. ,.
Tu'e 1:11:2 G;udehaker Totu•inga.
One Chevrolet 490 Touring in good repair and good tires at $350.
All above cars will be gladly demonstrated to any prospective
buyer, :fist suitable terms van he nrt•angefl in suit. the purchaser. Since
II -r lira "I' .1.',5111;try- we have sold neer 100 cars. This amount of
hnsincs. shotild he proof en.ntgh •:s t•, the sa•tisfactnry dealings that
. ur ray' 'n;rrs sretn•e front IN. It"e ale„ .,petal: nut' non repair shop
ar'I 1ilr;.,.fe•'e are prepared sic'• aur cns;nmers the very best of
,c -Vire ,.n NO 11 new' :Intl used cars.
A:i makes of -m's hrene'h' Io nc j„r repairs will receive Our most
l'eful sill skill,' I m,•rh:rna''., :mention, and ynu will find any re-
in',.n l'ht het:. wi:� 1-r' 1,•ne 4ati+factory Id s '!I Call and look
„ r 11•• i,c !1,1 of cors, .t -r Pave' a large nssor;olell t to choose
Lan,, and we .hall emir:I„sr I'o ani Lfy you ill every respect.
F I:a,oiine a,:c :t tt:, l: el.n:.'1 h«sl POIA1'111e heavy t*as «»gine oil
,1,2.,3n�"t4 nem -skirl g'nararJe, 1 50.00 Milan,
51,1.7 7, Ribbr;l I'cread, guar:W eed 4000 miles of `.15.611, while they
Cook Bros.,