HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-08-12, Page 4c't ISBMm4'ra g Olothiag o0.--1 F. 1). utehiooa—t ,r wlllk, -4 w.u.viih- x Princess -a mod -8 A. A. Cookburn-b appfha, N. Smith -6 Itor Other -8 Mane 8 or. Aitken --4 B. •Kerslake 8 i4 Sala -Bag 157- 8 q 9 E HURON EXPOSITOR >nl.(lee. 103.11s$',and IMlxrs.-. ,yy Wells spent fast Sunday in London•M.iss Bertha Brogden, London, is spending her holidays at her home here.Miss Violet Phillips is home from Toronto for her holidays.—Mra. Tamblyn vis- ited in Leamington last week and Mrs. Maley is on a motor tri@ to Welland. -Lust Sunday the services at the Methodist church here and in Kinburn were taken by Mr. W. Mains of Blyth. -Mrs, Knox has returned to Saskatchewan after spending some time, with her parents and relatives here. --Mise Sarah Barr entertained the Presbyterian choir last Friday evening. --+Mr. and Mrs. Stackhouse, of Blyth; Mrs. W. Brigham and Miss- - - t es Lances and Olvetta are taking a r1rF EAORTH, Friday, August 12, 1921, i motor trip to Buffalo and Niagara. y,' They will visit Dr. Stackhouse at Ridgeway. HURON NOTES -Mr. Walter Steele has sold his farm on the London Road, south of Exeter, to Mr, Gordon McDonald, of 'Mooresville, possession to be given March 1st. The price was $9,250. Mr. Steele has nut yet decided what lie will do. -:Mr. V. it. VanNornl:ur, president •of the Wingham Turf Club, sold to Mr. C. Overland, of Orangeville, his pacing year-old colt, Brownie Tial, sire Hal B. Jr.. 2:02'..1; darn Dat'key Hal 2:0.1\.;. Mr. Overland has cer- tainly see -u red a handsmire filly, one of the fittest bred fillies in Canada, as well as a perfect individual.• ---A quiet wedding was solemnized on Wednesday, July 27th, at the Methodist Parsonage, Bluevale, by elle Rev. Mr. Wilson, when Miss Hazel Armstrong, of Bluevale, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. Chester Dunkin, of Glenannan. Miss Edna Lincoln, niece of the groom acted as bridesmaid, while Mr. Robert ltitken assisted the groom. -Mr. A. A. Weber, of the Branson Line, Suurley, is probably the brggesl- hustler in that community having fin- ished harveating and threshing .his Crason'.. crop Last Friday, July 29th. Mr. hurt, rhe veteran thresher, with 'his new Outfit, thae,:aed the crop very s,: e,asfully. -On Monday afternoon a Cadilla" auto driven by a Mr. 1T.slop, of Lon- don, and a Iluds.,i, Sue,: -.x aro.: driven he 1- o . ' ...I ... l:,r1.1. • N t ..,d ... lir •!;,. ear n:ro.;. a ',,,:lr, te'-'h:...ski•., „fiat b r. I'od, w . , f, .. n., tens! •.. 1,• •t1 CROMARTY Nates -Mr, Gresham Speare, of Hamilton, is holidaying among friends around here. --M r. and Mrs. Peter Mc- Lachlan, of Brantford, are visiting their many friends in this community. -Mss hazel Hay, of Stratford, spent the past week with her aunt, Miss Huggarth.-Mr. George Campbell, of M itchell has purchased the old Camp- bell homestead from his brother, Harold, for the sura of $4,700. Rev 11 r. McEwen, of Ililladale, accupicd the pulpit }fere on Sunday Iasi. - Miss Lottie Huggarth, spent the week end in. Cleveland, Ohi •.--Jawing te the Staffs Methodist church bele; closed fur repairs, their services win be conducted by Rev. F. Harburn, of New York, who is visiting his moth: r at the old home -Miss Lila McC'.ul. loch had a very successful year teach- ing at Lumley. All her pupils pass - cd She had three entrance pupils, two of whom took honors, and two j,ullor graduation pupils. One of whom rale in riors. Winehelsea is to be :'rctratulatrd on securing ouch a competent principal for next year. Mr. a•nl V.- , ,r -.Nan aut ince, th • w,,., a. TI'•r fr t brrious if: jury w•a' n'iractri:los. \lr. Swan. thnn.rah his Soli,•;trr-, Glad - man B. Stanbirry, has issued a writ against the County Council. ..-The Exeter Times of last wee:. says: Street Commissioner W. 3. Bis- sett, accompanied by his wife. left Or, Friday last for North Bay to visit their daughter. Mrs. Rous'r, for a couple of weeks. Chief Bissett is en- joying a well-earned holiday as this is the first he has had since he as• sumed his present duties. It is 25 years ago since Mr. Bisset: was ap- pointed constable and street com- missioner far Exeter, and during this long rerind of service he has been on duty practically day and night. The citizens little realize wharf we owe to Chief Bisset:. We claim r, have arta of the most orderly and law-abiding towns and the young people of the community as a rule are fairly well behaved and mach of the -credit is due to the efficient ser- vices of Chief Bissett. The life of a municipal nf(ieer is not one of rose:, and he use:Ole gots more knocks .than he Saes eommendatinn. Naw ' that he away front it all, we sin- cerely hams he ..?1 enjoy his vaca- ti •r. . • •',.. f•ri'. Or T,Fst,eesr- r tf - T' T:,. ni F: • PH! 'nt i ( 1ri 1 h - an b is t (Trl, rr. \t d ,.. C. , r r .. hal td'n. a ale, -n^ .th sl to of Ni r.ear %,, e,td Shr'nnrt"I h-,ntes`ea-i, w-h,•t-e lir. Thanes Shr...,p- cI ayes. Ann:tier r•at' neat can -ala ,awards them drive-, bt- ',Tr. Herb Pr^'la^"1 ' B''b aura it r', - w- ' r•. J ilt T" - Pei w`t Wile div inn hi.;t vl,. Peril -La t 's.rd v'.awin:: ' far Hai , ,;rote ni"•'ad are^ ,i!C, I,' ,1:,— ire on Mr p him an, land , r' hind,- I hi- '•rte' r• The a . t.h: p:do: , no'":e.. a ulv, yr t e ,,rr:rO...a id. i. is: t +i reS r :li ii'' ':gat down from r! -r gray. -r a•:i-.,t of the read, w•it,,- u,tt 'to' fn•,t a'i' m -re of ::v:1:: shoulder that one can •-• int on. lad ATr i'01-dtard's car took the ditch. One water' of the car- was 1i"nkea. fender bent. and windshield broken, and the eccunants of the car 'riot tin ed severe injuries. especially Nosiest. ✓ l±n has a hod rut in the fleshy of the hark of ane leg, along wit ".1 other injuries. He bled pr,f-ts:•ly He was taken to Mr. S'ir•nnnrrt'< I Pr. Cie rlre'reed '^i: ini-tni r bandaged the Ierr to pr+vent Mr Than. Pritchard got t t town same evening, getting a ride in "• sanie'rn.e brit he his ma„'• he;;'' and scratches which inl••rfe..• f •ecclom and mot .i ,n. LONDESBORO Notes. -Mr. and Mrs. TT. Adams West Wednesday. leave for the Welne. ]ay. Mrs. Mains will accompany them. -Mrs. lPired•Johneton, Harold and Helen have tetorned from the West -The Wom- en's Institute held their regular meeting last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Mountain. Reading were H�aaben by Mrs. W. Lyon and Mrs. H. Shell and a. solo by Miss Sprung. A Etipa71::sent tea Was Served at trite BRUC'EFIELD Notes.-A:uung those who left on th • r •-ve-• cxrursiun to the Wet 'v,-',. 1:•iw:rr i Boyce and wife, James Ito,' i and Frank McGry '" i r'. ri'"r :rlrBeth.-Mrs. Kircoi'fnc! ..'.-1 tau c:u:dren. of Tiverton, arm. of her brat her, Rev. W. D. tn ,'- r,. the home•of Male ' yells iz Tuesday -1 Master Arnold ' Jeffery spent a few days visiting at the hoarse of Mrs. Maud Dalton.. -470. 'McVey is in Stratford nursing . her sister, Mrs. Drake, who is ill.-Pdr. and Mrs. W. O'Brien spent Sunday in Strat- ford. -Mr. F. O'Brien made a busi- ness trip to Clinton on Saturday.-- Mrs. A. Miller, who is quite ill, was taken to her daughter's, Mrs. Ven- ner's, for the present. Mr. Thomas Reeves, Windsor, is visiting at the home of Mr. William Jeffery. -A very profitable and instructive meeting of the Women's Institute was held et the home of Mrs. Joseph Worden last Thursday, when an instructor from the O. A. C., Guelph, demonstrated on the feeding, plucking and select- ing of fowl to the best advantage. DUBLIN Your chance u, get Basic Slag Fertiliser to, fail wheat- Two ears to arrive about Auga;t.lsth. Place your order in time with D. hie -Gunnell. Agent, Dublin. 2799-2 Death of Mrs. Patrick Jordan.-fThe prim reaper claimed his due of Dub- lin's oldest resident on Sunday morn- ing, August 7th, when Mrs. Patrick • Jordan passed peacefully away. Mrs. Jordan was almost ninety years of age and had been in failing health for some time. It is about four years since she went to live with her daughter. Mrs. Peter McGrath, near Beechwood. Deceased was born in Tipperary, Ireland, and came to this camrtry as a bride at the age of 18 The young couple lived for a ealehe" of years in this country be- fore raining to Dublin about sixty years tag,, where she lived until her re. cal: removal to Beechwood. Mrs. J..r'dan was always highly respected In Clis r,tmntanity and her genuine hisidliness had won for her a spot in 'lie hearts of many. She is survived by one son and one daughter: Mr. Patrick Jordan, of Buffalo; and Mrs. Peter McGrath, Beechwood. There are a number of grandchildren and • at -grandchildren . as well as a Mother who is still living in Ireland. 'I':ie funeral -was held on Tuesday warning, high mass being in St. Pat- rick's church and interment made in St. Patrick's cenxter•y, The floral , fforings were numerous and beauti- ful, typifying the high esteem in Iii,di deceased was held. The pall- bearers were Messrs, Patrick Woods, Pazrick Ryan, Michael Doyle, Patrick Maloney, F::Iward Horan anti L. J. '5" tarn' �aatn:•. I. d''m. II,, -:. f.rr tial•' trrW. - t P: . Li •.:. o . t sl !' !: 1 . • -L, of J. nr .e . (,1111 t a.r sir. .1.,u_ -t, a, of hire:tri, will preach in lith' i'11a L'r• on sabbath next. -.lira. Bryant, of Tam - tam. visited last week at the home of her brother, John McCowan, Stanley. -Mrg. John Gilmour. of Stanley, is at present very ill. -Mrs. Peter. Campbell is also ill at the home of her son, Thomas Campbell, in Stan- ley. -The preparations of the past few weeks for our garden party de - veli Ted into a grand suceess on Fri- day evening last, when a large crowd gathered on the lawn of Mr. Elliott to enjoy a social h'rur together. The ladies served a dainty lunch and the Til'.tie Band excelled all former oc- casions. The weather was all that could be desired and all had an en- joyable time. ---Rev. W. D. McIntosh was home and conducted the services last Sunday, -Mr. .1. McCully has not been enjoying his usual gond health lately. -Rev. and Mrs. McIn- , tush. accompanied by Mrs. Kirkcan- mea, are visiting with friends a: Nairn ; this week. --Our picnic was largely i attended on Tuesday to Bayfield. Early- in the morning the picnickers :"ere anti- and by nann one of the largest crowds we have had. as- sembled in .Tetvc•tt's grove. The af- :,parts was sp2--d oor bathing an sn.,r's 'n the gre'•'t in rw'L^h old and 'n'::: j aned. and after a good pra- gramme had been carried out by the -ma. -ee in charge, 'ntntunity sing- ing w:.s e.tj;'vrd while the ladies pre- nalcaltea. After tea all repaired at ,hair h-rli m' fooling they had seen •f these day, lane to be renmein- b. d Ml's E din . Ma, !lugh and Fratlk 11eGregor, Mr. Frank S:h•'''nn and ir'ners left for the i \\ n the h t•yr s: esenrston on \V•n' lnesraay. We nape t'dey have .a pleasant trip. ST A FFA Notes. -Mrs. (Rev.': !Tenders -tn, of Whit•• Church, and little daughter. are tire guests of Mr. and hlrs. J. T.ivingaton.-Rev. Mr. Roulstnn pur- pnses taking a well earned holiday. Iie left on Tuesday. -The congrega- tt,n of +.he Methodist church will at- tend service at the Cromarty church while their oven church is being re- deeot'ated. On Sunday next Rev. F. Harburn. of Michigan. will preach. T},is arrangement was made through the leir.dnr<s of B'•'-. Mr. Ritchie and •he church h ofTieials of the Presbyter- 1Tie1- 11•- Raelaftt•-i. .Ta:ckson -iran. '.c:< n meat at the" . mof A r• a'. R ,brit Sadler last week. --Or. ;net Mrs. Rt'ree, (inaw-ay. lficlt., r- r 1;,!m,, of Mr. Davit 11•._ (Tiara 1i tIe• ni ci<i'rd ir. Clinton f.•- a few ria.; lair Ur, ('',.:1"111.11'. ta• •'he'r of Mrs. ana lir- Ch''+"•uan end lit-- -.. < m of Ripley, are tete?)< at the i,arranagc.-Mrs. A. Hnthem return- ed to her home on Wednesday from a visit to her sister, Mrs. Drake, Stra:fo•d.--The Misses Harburn, of Michigan, visited Mr. and Mrs. John Leary and Mrs. ,Tames Harburn, rel- atives, recently. -Mrs. Hicks is visit- ing her daughter, Mrs. J'. Leary. - Mr. George Miller motored to London on Monday on a business trip.—A meeting of the W. M. S. was held at a. f IIl l.k..l•'. vl - ('e .. . 11' • i' Oseis, :'f \fIr- ' ., I arc::• ti 1':.-t• waa were v- 1' the tr.:. f :lie forntr'r, left Cursdxy T., r. to visit Mrs. Higgins. From the Queen City they go by boat to their cistern city home about the end of August.Mrs. Joseph Nagle. et -Sunshine Hill" farm, Hibbert, is spending two weeks at Kitchener and Heston Springs. -New steps and new taint on the exterior of St. Patrick's church have added considerable beau- ty tar the edifice. -Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Flynn Sundayc•d in McKillop with their son. Jack. --Our youth find that Grand Bend is just the nicest place to spend a day or part of one. -The petition which was circulated to se- cure the hydro for St. Columban, has hc'en handed to Mr. Molyneaux, local hydro secretary, who has forwarded :: to the proper official. No doubt, :un expert will he sent here in the near future to look over the ground and make an estimate of the cost. Released on Bail -Bail has been arranged for Mrs. Catherine Hast- ings. of the Huron Road, near here, who has been in jail since early spring charged with the murder of her husband, Daniel Hastings, by ad- ministering poison to him. She is now awaiting arrangements for re- n:ot'JiPtn a hospital at London as she I. net in good health. She will ap- pear before the grand jury at the fall assizes. Application for bail was :rade at the time she was enmtnitted for trial in the spring with the con- tent 'of the Crown Attorney, but the \anrney General's department op- t) .-ori and the applications was re- fused. This time there was appar- ently no opposition and Mr. Justice O',le ordered the bail to be granted, ;;:4.000. $2.000 of her own and $1,000 each for two securities. "'R Swear 4 Oentila#{rill of vocal and ops uta mentel�` rs by summer visitors and loetil ant. --On Monday even- ing the ane rs of the Junior Guild of Trinity, ` rv:h gathered at the home of .DWoods, where a very pleasant td, was spent and during the evelike:the presentation of a cut glass water Set was grade to Miss Lulu Balker; on the eve of 'her mar- riage, end qa 'Tuesday evening a number of Mss Baker's friends gave her a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. Thomas Harrison. -The Strathroy Boy Scouts, whose- troop numbers about forty, with their bugle band, who have been camping at Grand Be>;d; visited Bayfield on Tues- day and made a fine appearance. They also visited, the Exeter Boy Scouts camp and 'the Perth Girl Scout's camps here. The Girl Scout camp broke up this week and their place has been taken by the Mitchell Boy Scouts. K11'PEN The Kippea Road Sunday Seboal ill hold their annual r a Mr. T. 0. 3hialog- Iaw'a Maple -rine, , Wednesday afternoon, August 17th. A good programme Of apart, is being arranged_ E,-crybody welcome, everybodyme, bang Ovum a basket and. enjoy the fun. b 2800-1 Dr. Aitken has for immediate sale -e Pan- dora coal and wool rouge at $50. This eine, ,vtailn now nt oils It m y be aeon at Earl Sproat, Also a ,. ,mil and a medium aloud Quebec coal heater r at 55 end $7. Them may be seep at Mra. G,nten'a. 2800-1 • Notes. -,Miss Squires, of Killarney, Manitoba, is vatting with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. H. sticker, in Hay.- nMr• aed Mrs. Edgar Butt, of the village„ were this week visiting at the parental lucre. of Mr. and Mrs. William Butt, in seaforth. Mr. Butt went to see his mother before she leaves on a trip to Alberta, where she will visit her s t:, 'l'itumas, and other friends. Mrs.' II ;It t will 'be accom- panied by; •her : el, Roy, and many Kippen friends h ,Joe she will have a very pleasant Pip and a safe return. -Mr, and Mrs William Styles and Mr. Leslie Sotr',•. of Brussels, were here this wdek % isiting at the home of Mr. Style's si-ter, Mrs. S. Cud - more. Mr. Styles came to see his mother, who fur same time has been making her h rine here with her uaughter, and evince we regret to state has been in p•..,r health for some time. We hope, however, that a change for the be; ter will soon take place. -The hon• 'if Mr. and Mrs. S. Thonr,rson, sec, ! ,•,du'essiun of Stan- ley, has been rr'ned by the ar- rrval of a you!.' iii. --Mr. and Mrs. .!.,.sr. Grieve. I. '. I.,n, were the paal week vis • , the haute of . • Grieve's 1 Mr. ,):rates Mc - a who t - ':a:•' leis been 't• health ,-:n McCly- . , comma :u: I Mrs. r'tlr. , W , of I'...daar, were ng tw,th .tl', Winder's \des John ,n, and ftirnds.-- J im Ben: ,,f I'n,-:. Huron. visitor • . :.lc,'he home sister, \' .1nd:•rsun, of t tge.- :11 t n,!on, of Hen lam been her daughter, i Smith. -I" \1 loam Dale, of 1'0e Huron Road. paid a very pleas - hat visit to the is'!nc of Mr. and Mrs. .lames C. McLe:an, this week. -Miss Sophia Moore, who for some two years, has bee:, living in Detroit. is now home with. her father, Mr. Wm. Moore, of the village. -Mr. and Mrs. William Cudmore and daughter, Miss Margaret, of Seaforth, were this week visitors at the home of Mr. S. Cud'nrare and Mr. Thomas Workman. -Mr. B. R. Higgins, of Clinton., was in the village this week. Mr. Higgins is always looking for business. -Rev. Mr. Tharmlow, of. St. Thomas, occu- pied the pulpit in St. Andrew's church on Sunday last and delivered a very fine sermon. Mr. Thornlow, although quite a young man, is an ° able and eloquent preacher, whose sermons are earnest, practical and simple. -Rev. Mr. Lundy will occupy ' his own pulpit on Sunday next -Five loads of new fall wheat were stand- ing .at our grain house at one time the other day, waiting to be unload- ed. Not a bad beginning for the opening of the grain market. Mr. Moffatt, w ht has had charge of the grain house for some thirty-five years reports that this season's spring crop is the lightest he ever remembers, and that there will be very 'little spring grain on the market this fall. One farmer reports that his crop is not much better than chaff and will not keep his chickens the coming winter. BAYFIELD Burt -Baker -A very pretty yed- dGny was solemnized in Trinity church a: high noon en Wednesday when Miss Lulu Madeline Baker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baker. of Bayfield, was united in marriage to Mr. Victor Arthur Burt, of the post office staff, London. The ceremony was per- forated by Rev. R. C. Pitts, the rec- tor, in the presence of a number of friends of the contracting parties. After the ceremony the young couple motored to Goderich where they took the C. P. R. for Toronto and other ;•nin'.s. Miss Baker, who spent tha past year teaching at Denfield, is one f P,ayfield's most potxul'ar young ladies and the best wishes of a bast of friends will be extended to the newly married couple. i-reezes. A garden party tinder the suspiee< of Trinity church will he he'd to the rectory lawn on Monday even- ing next he. 18'.h inst. A geed prr'- ar.: t nr will he given including the Pnela" Orchestra, Mr. McCullough and Miss Cullia, soprano, of London. and hunch will be served from 6 to I is'elock.---On Sunday, Angnst 21st, anniversary services will he held in St. Andrew's church when Rev. G. E. Morley, of Toronto, will occupy tha pulpit ,for the day. On the Monday evening following a concert will he given in the town hall, for whidh an excellent programme is 'being arrang- ed which will include several read- ings fttom Rev. Mr, Morley who is a 'Veep ctorou(na ly.i,Tt (s 1 Iu(e l t 'Steering •wtheel i ita6 a little. alit 'sgt. right working 'shape which Mack* harder to control the ear.—1pllr.:and Mrs. J. Dingwall, of Streetsville, and formerly of our village, have bassi for the 'past week. visiting relati'es and friends in the village and vicin- ity, who are pleased to meet them again. •'Mr. Dingwall holds a ;good position with a large milling firm and is, well pleased with his present place of residence. ---Mr, John E;- Marshall, who has been acting as courier on Hensall Route No. 2 for sonic time past, and who gave very good satis- faction, has this week taken advant- age of the cheap excursion for har- vesters for the West and left on Wednesday morning last. His father, Mr. Francis • 'M'arshall, is taking chhrge of the route for the .present and will 'no doubt give good service. -'Mr. and Mrs. Richard Blatchford have returned from Grand Bend, where they spent a week or two with relatives and friends. -Quite a num- ber from the village motored to Zurich on Monday evening last to see the baseball match between Zurich and Goderich, both good teams, 'which made the match a very interesting one. -Mr. G. C. Petty during the past week painted the woodwork of his brick block immediately west of the post office, which improved it very much. He also intends having some improvements made in theinterior of the Masonic Lodge which he rents to ITENSALL 1 have stared in my hands for sale at a bargain a :tent ii.;, etary frame dwelling, with kitchen nod woodshed and stable, good hard water and 'aft water and cellar, a targe drain within a few feet of the . dwelling. Well situated in the village, and pni-exsion ran be he Firers at once- Apply, to C. .1. Sutherland. office at the Hensall Post Office. 2799-2 Briefs. -Quite a large number from 'Hensall and vicinity have been at- tending the re -union festivities and sports at Goderich during the past weak. --The farmers are getting' on rapidly in securing the harvest, the weather on the whole being very fav- orable, while the occasional showers of rain have helped the pasture fields and root crops, -•-,Mrs. Barnum, of Detroit, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Nesbitt. -Picnic - parties to the dif- ferent points along the lake and camping are the order of the day. - Rev. J. A. McConnell delivered two splendid sermons in Carmel Presby- terian church on Sunday last and at the morning service Mr. Milne R. Rennie, leader of 'the choir, rendered •i fine solo, "Open the Gates of the Temple." which was much enjoyed by the large congregation. --Mrs. 3. Sutherland anti daughter, Miss H. D. Sutherland. err spending a week with relatives in Beachville aid Wood- stock -On Sunday- afternoon lest while enjoying an auto ride in the country Messrs. Frank 'Farquhar, man Fred A. Rvek . Busch and Donald McKinnon met with a mishap which might have proved very serious, but fortunately none' of the party were injured to speak of.. It appears that while in the vicinity of Ohisel'hurst, where the road was very narrow, the auto swerved a little to one Side and before it could be checked it ran into the ditch turning turtle and injuring the craft -Mr. Norman Sheffer, of Toronto, and formerly of our village, was here during the past week vis- iting his father and relatives. - Messrs. Brown and Clark put in a new floor in their blacksmith shop west of the railway track on King street during the past week. 'The old one after a long term of years was worn right out. -Rev. A. R. E. Gar- rett, rector of St. Paul's church, has returned from London, his former home, where he had been for a num- ber of weeks on holidays and also assisting relatives with their harves.. and on Sunday last resumed his ser- vices in St. Paul's churcH.-On, Wed- nesday afternoon of last week Miss Smillie very ably addressed a meet- ing of the ladies in Carmel church, giving them a most interesting as - count of her life in India, as a teach- er and assistant missionary to her brother, Rev. B. Smillie, for the past seven years. A short and interest- ing programme was also a pleasant feature of the meeting and refresh- ments were served. -hie. and Mrs. D. It •aslds:,n, of Gal:, and fnerner resi- d• : isafour village, were here the. Ii!it ifihe week renewing auq't'tint- aa, I,r told .;;trndin}r a (lily :,r so wiIII their relatives. ---iris; G. Hardie, of I.tntr,, is spend i11it* holidays here w:'.'Nt her 1•'trcnts.--Miss E. Harvey, a:f l: rm uaiwi!!e and who lived here r for s urrc year; with her late father. was. In the village Crimp the past v.eelc renewing acquaintances. -- :tfiss Bi le Sparks. of Brantford is visit- ing her mother here and enjoying a few weeks holidays. -The Jackson Bros. firm of this village, under the able management of Mr. W. O. Good- win and staff, made a large shipment of clothing during the past week and have a large stock of ready-made clothing ready for further shipment. -Mr. R. Hunter and daughter, Miss Alice, from Saskatchewan, spent the past week with their relatives, Mr. John Rawcliffe and family. -,Mrs. Dalton, of Windsor, was here recent- ly visiting her cousin, Mrs. T. J. Berry, and is at present visiting other relatives in the country. -,Mrs. Tuxford, of Saskatchewan, is visit- ing her relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. H. Ross, of the Township of Hay. - Mrs, George Walters and son, Fred, accompanied by Miss Alene Wilson, of Parkhill, are visiting their rela- tives, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. McDonell cid family. -Mr. and Mrs. George Laughton and child who have been visiting .MT. and Mrs, C. A. McDon- nell are spending a few weeks at Grand Bend, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Laughton. -Mr. and Mrs. James Bonthron and family who have been camping at the Bend have re- turned home. -A number of our bowlers a -re in Exeter this week at- tending the bowling tournament which is being held there. -Mr. and Mrs. Days Jones and MT. and Mrs. Amber Jones, of Marlette, Michigan, and Mrs. William Winer, from Crediton, were visitors over the week at the home of Mrs. Gilbert Dick. - Miss Dorothy McDonnell, who has been spending a number of days camping at Hayfield, in company with a num- ber of girls, has returned. -Mr. and Mrs. Drew, of Goderich, are visiting Mrs. Warrener.^Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Meyers and T. J. Sherritt, of London, were week end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Sherritt. Mr. and Mrs. J. Leeper, who have been spend- ing the last couple of months visit- ing relatives . and friends in Winni- peg, returned home this week.-tMr. Clark Smith, of Lucan, who has been seriously ill with typhoid fever, is at date of writing improving favorably and his many friends wish him a speedy recove ty.-JMrs. C. A, McDon- nell's Sunday School class and Miss Ellis and Miss Hunter motored to Bayfield last Saturday and held their Sunday school picnic there. -Among those who left Wednesday morning on the harvesters' excursion for the West, we learned of the following: Wes. Caldwell, Russell Busch; Wes. Nichols, George Ingram, Thos. Dick- son, G. C. Petty, Tom Essey, J. Dick, Mervyn Cm/worth, B. Cooper. Shel- don Coleman, N. Blatchford, Wilbert: Parker, John E. Marshall, George Chambrs, Jack Wren, and Silas Eyre. A number of others from Zurich and vicinity also took the train here for the West. Dr. and- Mrs. George Joynt, of Toronto, spent Sun- day the guests of Mrs. A..Joynt.- M•r. andrs.r M G.s P. Marshall all motored s to Otttawa on Saturday and intend spending a couple of weeks, Mr. Marshall having his tholidays: Mit H. J. McDonald and Mr. T.Kyle made. a business trip to Toronto last week. -Mr. and Mats. Wickwire, aettom- panted by Miss White and Miss Nellie. ;Priest, motored to Port Fa+ank : ltttt' o s1ta ummer 9t The successful conduct of a modern shoe laminaskttolva No better time to close out stock than these between -season tla t ^hiie`t there is still plenty of time to wear any style of F'toottwear bought now. 'We have' made substantial reduction in ;our prices, in order o move out all Sommer shoes as speedily as possible, W0'400 at, make room for new Fall purchases. Here's your Shoe Opportunity.' WOMEN'S $5.00 TO $6.00 SLIPPERS FOR $3.95. This lot comprises ail our Women's low -out Shoes that . have been selling at $5.00 and $6.00, Black Kid 2 straps, Black Kid cross straps, Brown Kid two straps, Brown Kid Oxfords, Black Hid On' fords, Patent Leather Oxfords and Pumps. Clean-up Price $3,95 pair. Women's Black Kid"'and Patent Leather Oxfords and Pumps sill Louis heels, flexible soles and long vamps, a high grade brand worth $7.50 a pair. Clean-up price $4.95 a stair Women's White Canvas Pumps with high or low heels, the bal- ance of our stock to go at $1.92 a pair Men's Brown Calf Shoes made on a medium high toe last with good weight soles sewn by the Goodyear welt process. An $8.00 value for .' $6.45 a pair. Men's Tan Leather Work Shoes with toe caps. Clean-up Trice $3.75 a pair. TELEPHONE 11 s•rG.' ioriao) DEPENDAB S/EAFORTN OPPOSITE COMMERCIAL HOTEL School of Commerce CLINTON AND CO1)ERICH Owing to charge in G. T. R. Time -table it Al ill be necessary for us to re -upon our GODFRICII BRANCH. Students preferring to attend there may make arrangements to do so. We give you a THOROUGH and PRACTICAL COMMERCIAL STENOGRAPHIC SECRETARIAL CIVIL SERVICE or TEACHER'S COURSE. and will arrange for students wishing SPECIAL COURSES This is the only school in this district in which EVERY mem- ber of the:•STAFF.is a Nortdal'Trained Teacher as well as a Com- mercial Graduate. BOOKKEEPING taught by BLISS SYSTEM of actual business. GOLD MEDAL has twice been awarded by the NEW YORK. . OFFICE of the Remington Typewriter. Co. FOUR SPECIAL CERTIFICATES have been awarded by the EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT of the Underwood Typewriter Company. There is a well paid place waiting in the business world for you if you will fit yourself for it. Think it over. Fall term opens Sept. 6th, 1921. For further information Phone 198 Clinton, o write— B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts., Principal M. A. STONE, Corn. Specialist, Vice- Prin. s+ AV AC: Arch Supports To those suffering from sore or aching feet we have arch supports that will surely be appreciated. Come in and see the comfortable line of shoes we carry for the hot weather. The service we render is not merely " selling shoes," for we see that the feetofour patrons wear shoes that are RIGHT in every detail, ., a' -s� s®,n e ., 1.-G ,^+,:tet, ..'ht of �� Ho Uk4 spu-cd-c8s :Inc-_--_.__-___ ' i's7 1 t n % „ gyy 7r^ -ft•: ��y h rGo S °,Ir'es s l6 51 ,rl 1 -j..: flys s+ AV AC: