HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-07-29, Page 5117,?!' i —211 fft 284 26 is Boo $1480 e.2$OC $8.66 2'. 'Oer es Shp, P118' . Potra '$ 4 to,,�9F- rO r'901' C '86e C1er ..ip:. $12.26 Aublin, July 22, 1921. Towpahip .2780.8 Qp l ron be $04141'., AD .A $ Ctignaak herr Ro AV.,A of t,`foror the yaps, A; tart' Drain, the Towne/hip of Apr4Ing -to the plane end epe0lflu_. 04600,1Z , •A, ,deposit of teaot, 00n o cls price moat aeCoMPAtir 011 , every tender either tp oa 8 O reai•Ilaa *8n not lei pth. a}MeI1. The lotherwise ow6Stt!ar 08' j%Mierr' 111M 0l 'Hy AOoopt�i, 3y .order of•;the".Cgu 0l. JAMES JORDAN, BRAN MARKET Tartrate, : July 20th. - Bea- n',Canadian 'tladd-yfoked. bustle/, $2.85 to $8.00; primes, 32 .40 to 32.00. I. • OULTRY MARKET Toro July 28t22.-Dreeede Poultry— 'Spring ahfakeos. 40c; roosters, 20o; few, 804; eluckldnge: 00a; turkeys, hoc. Live Boultry-,Bpring chickens, 80c; rooetets 16o; fowl. 22c; duckling., 80c; turkeys. 50,. DAIRY MARKETS Toronto, July 26. -Cheese -New, large, 24'', 'to 211%c; twine, 25 to 26e; triplets, 26 'to 203; old, /urge, 88 to 84c; do., twine, 8i 'to $9c; triplets, 84% to 854/sa; new Stilton, 27 to 28c. Butter-Freeh dairy, choice, 88 to 85o; ,creamery prints, fresh, No, 1, 40 to 420; -cooking, 28 to 26c. Margarine -20 to 22c. Eggs -No. 1, 97 to 88c: selects, 41 to 42o; .carton., 48 to 44c. GRAIN MARKET. Toronto, July 26. -Manitoba Wheat -No. 1 Northern, $1.80%; No. 2 Northern, 01.78; No. 3 Northern, $1.74; No. 4 wheat, $1.60%/y. Manitoba Ont -No. 2 ,W., 5314c; No. 8 'C,W„ 50%c; extra No. feed, 5014,; No. 1 feed, 48%c; No. 2 feed, 45%c. Manitoba barley -No. 8 C.W., 82c; No. 4 C.W., 78%Ao; rejected, 72c; feed, 72c, in store. Fort Wil- liam.. American Corn -Number two, yel- low, 79c; nominal,c.i.f., Bay port. Ontario oats -Ne. 2. hits, 40 to 42,. Ontario wheat -No. 2 -Winter. nominal, per car jot; No. 2 Spring, nominal: No. 2 Goose wheat, nominal, shipping point, according W freight Peas -No. 2 nominal. Haday---Sdalting, 65 to 70c, 000008ieg to freight- outside. Beek - wheat -No. 8 nominal. - Ryle -No. 2, $1.28 according to freight outside. Manitoba hour -First patents, $10,50; second potent. 810, 'Toronto. Ontario flour -07.40, hulk seaboard. 8411lfeod-Dlivered, Montreal freight, bags included; bran, per ton, 025: short, per ton.- 827: good feed flour, 01,60 to $1.66 par bag. Hay - No. 1 per ton, $17.00 to $19; mixed, $8 to 010; straw, car lot, Der ton. $18.00, track Toronto, BIRTHS McDonald. -In Hibbert, on July 23rd, to Mr. and Mra. Ray McDonald, n son. Backer. -In Brussels, on July 7th, to Mr. and Mrn, Alfred Hecker, a daughter. • TaR'son.,-ln'Brusbels, on July Ord. to Mr. m and M. Wm. Puwson, a daughter. Thornton. -In Morris, on July 18th, to Mr. nd Mm. Anson Thornton, a non. Fere-moo.--At Auburn, on July llth, to Mr, and Mrs. 4..1. Ferguson, a son. Allen. -At Grand Bend, on July 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. Adolphus Allen, a daughter. MARRIAGES 1Field0-'Brown.-At St. Stephen's church, To- ronto, on July 16th, by Rev. 1'. A: Wal- lace, Hazel Alice, only daughter of Mrs. Rose Brown, of Toronto. to Dr. Herbert L. Field, of Hamilton, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Field, Strathroy, form- erly of Mitchell, Ont, Anderson--McNabb.-At the home of the bride, Queen street, Brussels. by Rev. J. P. McLeod, B.A., on July 12th, Mr. James Anderson, V.S., to Mina Isabel McNabb, all of Brussels. Afoffutt-McBurney.--At Wingham, on July Oth, by the Rev. Dr. Petrie, Lawrence S. Moffatt, of Wroxeter, to Mary Wylie Mc. Burney, of Turnberry, J. DEATHS -Campbell.-In McKillop, on July 2601, John Campbell, In his 67th year. McGregor. -At ' St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don, on July 11th, Archibald McGregor, of Klppen. aged 76 years. Nadiger.-In Dashwood, on July 12th. Mrs. G. Nadiger, in her 70th year. Barrows. -In Walton, on July 6th, Jamb Harrows, aged 80 years and 7 mouths. Whitfield -1n Brussels, on July 6th, Ruth Adella, daughter of Joseph and Mary Whitfield, aged 27 years, 2 months and 6 days. IMPORTANT NOTICES THRESHER SUPPLIES. -SUCTION HOSE ouch at sixty cent per foot; also Thresher Belting. N: SMITH, 138 York 8t., 'Toronto. 2797-2 E, tsSTRAY HEIFER. -CAME TO THE PREM- ' es of the undersigned, Lot 11, Conc- *ion's6, McKillop, about May 10th, u red and white 'yearling heifer. Owner may have same on proving property and paying charges. TIM LYNCH, R. R. No. 1, Dublin, .or phone 20 on 64, Dublin Central 2796x2 FOR SALE. -1000 RUSHELS OF MIXED grajp, half Qatg pd hbarley. Phone 14-288. ",,AT--C£X. SPARKS, Rl R. No. 2. a...- forth.2705-tf 'rftEACHER WANTED. -- A QUALIFIED 11 teacher for School Section No. 9, Mr-- Eillop. State salary and experience. An - Plications will he received by the undersigned. ISAAC BOLTON. Secretary, Walton, Ont. 2705-tf "TORONTO SATURDAY N1GH-r" HAS RE - organised its entire mechanical staff and i8 operating now under Open Shop Condi- tions. We have a complete staff in all de- partment, Composing Room, Press Room and Bindery but solicit applications for future openings, eepecinJly from expert lob cam- poolten and Linotype Operators, men or women. Terms. 48 hours -086,00. Full par- ticular on request. SATURDAY NIGHT PRESS,. 73 Richmond St., Toronto. 2798-1 FERTILIZER Different grades of Fertilizer to suit different lands at much lower prices than last season. It pays to use Fertilizer for Fall Wheat. Order early so as we may get It in car lots. JAMES QOWAN, Seaforth. Phone 219. 279841 Tenders For Debentures The Township. of, Hibbert offers for sale 81200 fifteen ye>r, ,,fie per cent. debentures. repayable in eltuni annual fnatlment of prtnolpal JJilnd f termt combined. These ill be received,„,"up gtof2 tOn. on Wednesday, Au; *Mit 17th, 'rat "the •Towhehip Hall, Stafta, or terfir311 ffddreeeikl to the Clerk up to 11 am. 'J,AMEi' 01418Abt, Clerk, Dublin P. 0. CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST - .POSTING OF VOTERS' . LIST ho�';'f2 Ytti. feoV SOP ' R $etc • dui 3Ps, Sure, boot.rpbe, bstrllsalJ Kde1eklytAbicycle'- kttJa, da no. et quently of eartenr 0p17, oeeheld Effeete.-nCaok *tom a 9Nveopal heater,coal, 96 atove with ,oven, «. side, cuplipprd. exxoneion tabiq, IKitekon talo, six kitchen shalt!, ala dining" teem ebalre,; 2 roc ins ehairv, 1 arm chefs, 8 Phieb - bedroom gaits', 2 bed., one crib 1 mattress and oprtngo, 2 coaohm, '1 floor bin, Singer sowing machine, 2 stools,. •1.'cloch. 1 phonagruph with 88 records,' ler t eitbutor and brooder,° washing muahine, oleo Picture*, dishes, bedding, and other articles ,too t um3105o to mention. Terms --Gash as 1 the Proprietor la going West. ROBERT J. WHITE, Proprietor; George Elliott, Auc- tioneer. 2797-2 Voters' List. 1921, Municipality of the Town of Seaforth, County of Huron. trans- mitted or delivered otice is tov edthe person imMidenel in oection 9 of The Ontario 'Patera' List Act, the copies repaired by oaid oentfone to be so transmitted or delivered of the Lot, mode punuaeti to wild Act. of ell pentane appear- ing by the last rovieed Amusement Roll of the gall Municipality to be entitled M vote in the said Municipality at clootlons for mombet of the Legielntive Assembly and at Nonlethal Elections ; and that the" weld Lest was flat parted up at my ptoe at Seaforth tthe 26th day of July, 1921, and remains here for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voter. to take immallate p000oedings to have any error or amimiens corrected according_to law. -Dated this 26th day of July. 1921, JOHN A. WILSON, 2798-1 Clerk of Town of Seaford, Garden. Party At Brucefield on the lawn of MR. J. W. ELLIOTT oa Friday, August 5th LUNCH SERVED FROM 6 to 8. Music by CLINTON KILTIE BAND Admis,ion-Adults 35e: Children 155 FARMS FOR SALE FARMS FOR SALE. - I HAVE SOME choice farms for sale in the Townships of 'Osborne and Hibbert, all well built and Improved, on easy terms of payment THOMAS CAMERON, Woodham, Ont. 2668-tf paws FOR SALE. -250 ACRES, MORE or less. Concession 4 and 5, Stanley Township, about 414 milts from Clinton. Well improved, good clay loam. 15 Dere, hardwood and cedar bush, practically all fenced with new wire fencing. First-class house and barn; telephone, rural mail de- livery. Will all on reasonable terms. Apply on prem4aes to ADAM STEWART, R. R, Na. 9, CIinton, 2798-th wants- FOR SALE. -LOTS 26 'AND 27, Concession 2, H. R. S. of choice two es of ch hundred acres; eighty acroicece pas- ture land with lot of running water, the remainder is in a high state of cultivation. Two brick houses, one frame barn nn ground, one large barn on foundation with large cement silo and litter carrier, water in stable and other conveniences, Apply FLETCHER T. TOWNSEND, R. R. 2, Seaforth, Ont., phone 3 on 614, Clinton. 2796x4 FARM FOR SALE,- % MILE SOUTH of Br,efeld, Lot 12, Concession 1, Stanley, 100 nares. there are on the premises one good bunk horn, implement house; straw abed. n good frame house, 3 good never-fail- ino wells, windmill on one. The farm 1,i well fenced and well drained. Rural mail and phone. Thin 4s one of the bast farms in the township, anti will be sold on reasonable terns. Possession given in No- vember. For further particnlnra apply to DREW SWAN, Brucefleld, Ont. 2702-tf rrHE EXECUTORS OF THE LATE ARCHI- bold McGregor offer for sale Lot 16, 6th Concession, McKillop, 100 acres of first elms farm lands. The land is in n first clavas otnte of cultbvation and there are rested on the premises a good frame dwel- ling 'home. with kitchen attached; frame barn 76054 with stone foundation. stabling underneath and cement Mom and water throughout, driving house. pig pen and hen house. Also about ten acres of good hard wood bush. The property is well fenced and well drained and convenient to good market, churches and schools. For further particulars apply to MISS LILLY J. M,CREGOR, on the premises, or to R. S. HAYS, Solicitor, Sea- fortth, Ont. 2705-tf FARM FOR SALE, -100 ACRES, LOT 04, London Rand in Township of Tucker - smith. one mile north of linteeaeld, 95 acres cleared, remainder bush. There is n good fromr house with hard and soft water and heated by furnace. also telephone, good barn SOx56, silo, pig pen. hen house and drive shed. There are about 00 acres of spring top and 8 erre+ of fall whet, 5 acres of bean, 5 noes of corn, and 2 nares of potn- toe?. This is counted to he a No. 1 form, Will sell crop and all load, immediate prxosesoinn,,r without crop end possession in {all. For further portkulans Finely to the proprietor. on Lot 24, London Rond. ASI05 CAR']'walt;ll'r, Praprietur. 27924f g'f ARM FOR SALE. -FARM OF TWO HUN - deed Metre ndlnining the 'Town of Sea - forth, conveniently situnted to all churches, aekoois' and Collegiate. There is a comfort- able brick cottage with n cement kitchen; barn 100056 with atone stabling underneath for 6 horses, 75 herd of enttle and 40 hogs with steel otonohions and water before all stock; litter carrier and feed carrier and two cement silos ; driving shed and plat- form seal.. Watered by n rock well and windmill. The farm is well drained and In a high state of cultivation. The crop 1s n11 In the around-cho]eo clay Morn. Immedi- ate p.omai0n. Apply to M. BEATON, R. R 2, Seaforth, Ont.. '2787-tf It ARMS FOR SALE. -100 ACRES, LOT 12, Conrmninn 8, in the Township of Tucker - smith, 8 miles from Seaforth, 0 miles from BruceOold anti Kippeen, co venient to school nnd church; nr, tremainder in maple Mush. On this form ore excellent build- ings and are In first. -eines repair; hard and soft venter in the house and In stables; 2 wells, 1 hnviog a windmill. This form is thoroughly under drained and feared nod in a high stat,. , fultivntion, never bovine bern heavily cropper. This is In r ry ay n first rinse on,' np-Lo-date farm. Ales lot 27, Concession 12. In the Township of fills bert, contairtIng 10,] acres : 00 . es cleared and thoroughly mderdrnined andfenced, the remainder Oslo first lass maple bush. On the premises 00 n enmfortnble frame house and good horn 48x60 with stone stabling; also good well with windmill. This farm Is all seeded to germs and in In excellent condi- tion, having h -en cropped very little; situ. ated within 8 miles of Henault, quarter of mile from school.. There in long distance • telephone connection on both farms, also mai Mail *livery. These farms will be wild together et oeparafely. to suit pureboaee and on reasonable kerma. For further pan Maims aPPIY to the pQn��oprtetor, on I.ot 12, Conossfilen,0 Teekersintth..:or Seaforth P. O-, R. R. rt.. d, eo phone 14 on 181, Seaforth. THOMAS G. RHILLINGLAW, .Proprietor. For fust fftiormtat'ion itti • H °DRtlt" IOF.`''• TOWNI$ALL 'BUILDIN Entrance-'Towxe Clerk's OCL e, PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION OF SEA 5llt111111UIIluIIIuuhIlttltllti111N1tsi IiIn, lillmmunu llfln11111U11fillluIi11Jfl Victory, Govern- ment and Muni- cipal Bonds Sold at current rates and deliver- ed free of expense, B. S. HAYS, SEAFORTH," ONT. 2778-t1 RANO TRt1Nl; SYST'" M The Double Track Route Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT, and CHICAGO. Unexcelled Dining Car Service. Sleeping cars on Night Trains and Parlor Cars on principal Day Trains. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agt., Toronto. W. R. Plant Agent 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O W. S. GORMLEY 0 0 Embalmer and Funeral O O Director O 0 Undertaking Parlors Above 0 0 M. Williams' Grocery Store, O 0 Main Street, Seaforth. O 0 Flowers furnished on short 0 0 notice. O 0 Chargee Moderate O O Phone—Night or Day -192 '0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O 0.O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S. T. HOLMES <> O Funeral Director and 0 O Licensed Embalmer O 0 Undertaking Parlors in O 0 Beattie Block, opposite The 0 0 Expositor Office. Residence 0 O Goderich St., opposite Dr. 0 0 Scott's. O 0 Flowers furnished on short O 0 0 notice. O Phone Night or Day 119 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 plus Half a Cent per mile beyond. Return Hall a Cent wper mile to Winnipeg, plus $20.00 Excursion Dates FROM ONTARIO August 10th and 22nd % Toronto, Carddweil Jct., and all Sta- tions South and West thereof. , LYS. TORONTO, on above dates, 12.00 noon & 11 p.m. • `,pecial accommodation for women. Corm r title (berth) Colonist Cars. Facilities for meals en rotite- S Ticfi 'o and full information from any Canadian Natio, a1 or Grand 'i rank Agent. t Burying a Talent of Silver OM earliest days, to bury money has A. been considered a stupid and blame- worthy act; but to put it out at interest has been praised, Deposit your money in our Savings De- partment where it will bear interest at the best current rates. too THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND $15,000,000 SEAFI,i<1'11 BRANCH, J. G. Mullen, Manager. Old Home Week In Goderich AUGUST 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 121 FIVE BIG DAYS of REUNION, SPORT and FUN Parades, Band Concerts, Carnivals. Music by Waterloo Musical Society Band, 83rd Regiment Band, Lucknow Pipe Band. 2 days HORSE RACES $2,000 in Purses TUESDAY, AUGUST 9th 2.30 trot or pac^,-Purse $500. 2.18 trot or pace—Purse $500. THURSDAY, AUGUST 11th 2.22 trot or pace -Purse $500. 2.13 trot or pace --Purse $500. BASEDAT L TOURNAMENT WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10th Competing Tearns:-Wingharn, Teeswater, Zurich, Goderich. GRAND ATHLETIC MEET THURSDAY, AUGUST llth Events ;nclude five -mile 'and one -mile open races, relay race be- tween teams of Perth, Huron and Bruce, tug-of-war between Huron and Bruce, Caledonian games, Highland dancing and piping, etc. MANY OTHER ATTRACTIVE FEATURES. Don't Miss the Big Event of the Year. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 O O 0 O W. T.BOX&CO. Embalmer and Funeral Directors H. C. BOX Holder of Government Diploma and License Charges moderate Flowers furnished on short notice, 0 Night Calls Day Calls 0 Phone 17;t Phone 43 0000000000000 P. /f.,/.(fl 1rT/!!/ljJ WHITE STAR [JNE -is •00r'!eceore :e.7, -.r vim. ✓7 i SPECIAL MIDSUMMER EXCURSION Goderich to Detroit and Return Steamer Greyhound -leaves Goderirli Monday, August 8th, 11.15 p.m., arriving Detrtlit Tuesday 7.15 a.m. Returning leaves Detroit Thursday, August llth, 2.30 p.m. on Steamer Owana. $3.00 ROUND TRIP $2.00 ONE WAY Last trip to Detroit Friday, Augu' l 12th, 7.00 a.m. on Steamer Owana. Don't miss this midsummer opportunity to vis- it beautiful Detrpit. A delightful rills' at'ross Lake Huron and down the St. Clair and I )r't r,;it Rivers. . GREYHOUND MOON LIG IIT OUT OF GODERICH Monday evening, August 8th, 3.15 p.m. FINZEL'S FAMOUS DETROIT ORCHESTRA for: dancing in the ,.Greyhound ball room -50c; children under' 12--25e. 4 1 sf 4,7\ I oiler.; IAi '-r :rte `®"°•-_ F.rcst Fires Kill J obs HERE are instances of carelessness such as the Fire Rangers. of Ontario are meeting al1'the time. Each is an actual case, as officially reported in & tail to the Forestry 11rruu'h. Until each individual realizes personal responsibility and co-operates to prevtr:t forest; fres, Government Fire Rangers can l'',pe merely to it ssen the tragic consequences of' such human careless- (':.:'.; a;al iat(1 judgment. Savc ttn a i s Forests They're Lurber>rsl;eres Fires 9 :1} 27t1, 11:20- A enrolees tier.. driver, by 1 atiinz his ermine the or thr"',':301" n cil-arette into ski •h, bt;ntrd oyer loco toun- 01111)8, IIL'lnilill t! 3,106,], ails Ica of (':n , a $:3,01(10 1718(1, ramp buildings null sot th 37,000, sawn Iun:brr e...erth .c) and killed several million young' spruce: and jack pin` ti't•^s, 11163- 27, 1920 -Fire in a rnbh;at heap be- hind a lumber company'!, hoarding house got away and, despite pr•nnpt m tion, burned over 1,0111) acres, inclndic.t 2,0,;'4,01)0 feet of white pine, and a set of new ramps worth $1,000. June 1, 1920 -Two old i.1^11 left to attend to the stop lo:;s in r. flan. h•t lir'.' t.rl :11111 V' from either then' sn::,d:•r or ,,,:'p f.'e, and husnnd ,o"'r 9.11011 feet, of pine, one in i! I :r qunntit.ioo of .tocol•.,:, a;,'! r, •I ;,nlcnt. to a total volae of $41.) May 4th, 1121 iticd,,inon hurning'slash around their ,nn,l,•. t...; .l. vn of their tiro 2r,,: ].,,,, .l Ira - •, ,,.,aril before they regained It. Railway Fires June 51.11, 1920--• Jol]oinr No. 1 3111 sf.arl,d a forest fire which ran over 15,000 acres, burning one saw mill three seta of lumber camps, stables, houses, and outfits, 5,000 cut logs and 1,400 piles, besides standing timber. May 25th, 1920—Engine No. 2509 set a Ontario Forestry Bxanch -- yours fir «-i,;.•h l.:n'nr,i over )7,,'')(l acres or tim- ber 1c,n t 1• :- ':, n ',t cin th,. , • ''p..01101'= : logs wurtu q•',,:,q, and co:L Jun,: 2, 7'."'n0-:1 sort,., rr •.c Left a pile of l'urninif ties to rr, 101'61' i , tb',:r r„.:ular work. The lire spread over 1,2110] acres. Fires Set Out Under Permit June 10th, 1921 -Parties burning slash under permit, lost control through bad jud,- nlent, and 1,050 ar'res wrre hurled and forty buildings, including saw mill, were wiped out. May 27th, 1920-A sgnottrr, burning de- bris near itis shack, fired 7,1100 acres, 1,000 of whi,•h worn virgin timber, and wiped out four sets of logging camps. Neglected Camp Firer July 411'. V' '1- TonrI'0 : ir(f '-a:,11, •e ofl sl;ere of Deer I„Ike. Ann, -d,'•-' •!'^ht:, ra1:,•c 7.1:1 I'n:• ren l., hu;.: -.;,a ns rr? c f p:;;c wore dead. ,iny ^1st, 1920—A n",.•. 'vol can -,p fire. ri,=! Itr ('(R0rt.s of Chief 7•u-' lunger and 42 lrt burned 1,200 acres of young pine. dln•r 7th, 1521 --Indians left ramp fire, wb-h horned over 7,000 acres and took one treol: of lighting to control. Be carrfnl of fire in the forests. Be care- ful to rot_ mor ramp Are out. -dead out. 1m�i't-tln ow away lighted matxhcs, (01 area_{es or or ritrr. r ends. Watc out, lest your fire gets away from you. Parliament Bldgs., Toronto. Ontario '•r 804. ,I 0;0,'.918t18'7:: ,',, a ;4 :. fk. `,h1U5tt�