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The Huron Expositor, 1921-07-22, Page 5
nun a tee, last <llaa*'on.-1 =ore 'demand 'Qtag and' .ti0.&ra are twilit sato seting' lie>sre fol''' the fitet tlB(t' fnd all are delighted with Reynold liversal y services are to. be held ,M.e ethodist.church AllWa ora,•; and evening, Rev. Mr. 'Mo i1 ter 4f°r .ifetel;,, is to conduct the $ertjires, hes, Miss _pi en Huelva, x Leslie topes, Miss E. Woo way, Mr. A,.Ituowdee, of Loudon; Rev. Canon Cluff,'Mrs. Claff and•.Mr, Rata" Cluff, of Stratford, Miss Ruth CouL ter and :ledis8 1t"r Flowler, of •SA 'Thomas, Mrs. .(Dr.)•Fowler, ss Freida Fowler, Toronto. and MiesG. Fowiet of Cilfton, are gguuekts 'at • The A ion.-aMr. P,: H. Cullis,, of London,. is .ibuay=•building a cottage for himself and has another to build for.. Dr.Thomap, of London, to whom he sold a lot recently.•-dfro. Heard, of London, is having a cottage built • ou the lot she bought from W. R Jewett, negr the Signal. -.P. Weston is busy building a cottage on the lot purchased from Miss Campbell. u 45 StArefrit 0 91,1457*pi•41 tiA 4 F0 i. 0 41 r pllt gm. �tii'4>ifa1-•tf,S%spin ,At14bPd"!,' 070?Ipi 6h°RtE 2.: $ 115-8(1 2 1 oat tbs. 10.20 r 1 Tao tl�6,. 1'141Q•!pp,@- W 2. 1,100 Ibe $dJJ,,,,;, 400 the. 024,5;, 811110-1, 1;120 Ms Lentb6••-4:Moico aPringi, $12.00 to' 041 Rebel, $11.50 to OM; cuff, $700 $0; ovit i0e 'o i - p$1, .01 to 00. Sheep--Ghoice U t. 16 - to •. e i{ sat $ -to 2.00; culls -50 oeLL to 55.50 'each. em -.Choice. $0 to 110.1 good, $7 to $0; common, $6 to *6.50; granters, $2 to l8. Qnotatklnu; Choice heavy steers $7.00 to 5716; Weiser steers, choice, /7.00 to $7.70;' 'do geed, $8.18 to $7.25; do., medium $6.25 to 076; do.. contemn, $8.76 to $0261 ',etcher heifers. choker, 457.25 to $7,761 do, medium. 55,75 to *7.25; butcher cons, choke, .84.50 tO $5.60; do., medium, 13.00 to 54.60; canners and cutters, $1.00 to $2.50; butcher bulls, Wed, $4.25 to $5.00: do., cremon, $5 to 141 feedom, good, 900.Ibs.,. $6.60 to $8.00; do., fair $5.00 to /5,50; milkers and springenst choice, $40 to $o; calves, choice, $7.60 to $8.50; do., medium, 17.00 to $8.60; do., common, $4 to 06.50; lambs, yeartingu, $2.00.:, to 58,00; do. Swing, -$12.00 to $10.00; cheep,; choice, $4.80 to $6.50; do., good, $4.00 to $4.50; do., heavy and bucks, $2.00 to $8.50; holes, fed and watered, $11 to $11.78; do., country points, $10.75; do., f.o.b., $11.00. • BIRTHS Taylor. -In Tuckemmith, on July , 17th, to SEAFORTH MARKETS Mr. and Mrs, Harry Taylor, a son, Johnston. -10 Goderich, on July 5th, to Mr. Seaforth, July 21, 1921. and Mrs, R. G. Johnston, a daughter. Conte. -In Witigham, on June soot to Mr. Butter, per lb Eggs, ; er dozen Wheat, per bushel Barley, per bushel Flour, per cwt ' Bran, per ton Shorts, per ton per bag --Oats, per bushel Hogs,- per cwt 25c _ and Mm. Wm. A. oats, a daughtep. .,25 tc ?$c Caldwell. -In Hay, on July 8th, to Mr. and Men. J. Caldwell, a daughter. $1.35 Clark. --In Wingham, on Tuesday, July 5th, 50e to Mr. and Mora. Richard Clark,' a daugh- $5.56 ter. Zurbrigg.-In 285',, -In E. on Friday, July $26.00 to Mr, and Mrs. Zurbrigg, a eon. • $30.00 50e 85c $1L25_ • POULTRY MARKET Toronto, July 18th. Dreised Poultry- Spring chickens, 4ec; roosters, 20c; few, 80c; • ducklings, 80c; turkeys, 00c. hive Poultry -Spring chickens, 80c; roosters 160; fowl, 22c; ducklings, 30c; turkeys, 60c. GRAIN MARKET. Toronto, July 19:-,119anitolea wheat -No. 1 Northern, $1.84144 t No. 2 Northern, $1.811/4 ; No. 3 Northern, $1.7114: No. 4 wheat. $1.631% Manitoba Oafs -No. 2 C.W., 62'4c ; No. 3 .W., 4994e; extra Nn. 1 feed. 491c; No. 1 feed, 47%e: No. 2 feed. 47114c. Manitoba barley -No. 8 C.W., 82c ; No: 4 C.W., 781/4e; rejected, 73c; feed, 72c, In store, Fort Wil- liam, American Corn -Number two, yet- ' low, 76c: nominal, c.i.f.. Bay porta, Ontario oata-No. 2 white, 40 to 42c. Ontario wheat -No. 2 Winter, nominal, per ear lot: No, 2 Spring, nominal; No. 2 Come wheat, nominal, ,bieping paint*,, according to freight Peas -No. 2 nominal. Barley -,Malting, 65 to 70c, according to freights • outside. Buck- • wheat -No. 8 nominal. Rye --No. 2, $1.26 according to freights outaWe. Manitoba flour -First patents, 010,60: second patents. $10. Toronto. Ontario flour -$7.40, bulk seaboard. Niillfeed-Delivered. Montreal freight, bags included; bran, per ton, $23 to $25; shorts, Per ten, 528 to $27; good, feed flour, $1.60 10 51.76 per bag, Hay -No. I per ton, $17 to 819; mixed, $8 to $10; straw, car Iota, ger ton, $10. LIVE STOCK MARKETS Buffalo. July 10. -Cattle receipts, 2,700; active, 25 to 60 center higher; shipping steers 18.25 to El; butchers, 87.60 to 58.50; year- lings, $6.26 to WOO; heifer.. $6 to $8.25: cowls, 82 to $6; bulls, $4 to $8.75; stockers and feeders, $4.75 to 6; fresh down and springers, $40 to $110. Calves receipts, 2,000; 50 cents higher; $6 to $12.50. Hogs receipts, 8.800; 26 cents higher; heavy, '$11 to $11.26; mixed, lark- �g�, Ugllt ypricere and pigs, $11.26; masks, $8.00; stags, $4.60 to $6. Sheep and lambs receipt., 2,400; lamb. 25 cents higher; lambs, $5 to $1160; 'year- lings, 53.50 to 08.25: wethers, 15.50 to 16; awes. 51 to $5; mixed sheep. $5 to E5.60. Union Stock Yard:, Toronto, July 19. - With receipts for the first day of the week showing a decided increase. trade in cattle was fairly brisk. and the total offering was cleaned up early at prices fully steady with tact week's beet. Improved demand for en, Porters was to some extent rsponslble for the better feeling, but handyweights for the home demand were still the most popular clans with the majority of buyers. Doubt- less oubtlesss the congenial weather conditions helped the situation, while a fair share of the cattle offered were good enough in quality to prove attractive. For export. H. P. Kennedy bought 800 head, paying generally from $7 to $7.80 per., cwt, for choice. steers, $6.60 to lo '$7 per cat for fair to good Steers, and front $8.60 to $7.00 for choice heavy heifers. The been price for bulklot of near -heavies woo $7.75 per cwt. for 23 head averaging 1,280 pounds. sold by Onrbett and Hall. Several carloads of handyweight butchers moved at 17 and quite a number of that kind went over the $7 mark. The cow trade was steady with tope up to $5.75 per cwt, in .a few •cases, and the bulk of choice at from $5 to $6.50. Bulls were steady. with a light of- fering. There was no demand for sleeken, and feeders, but milkers and close springers sold readily enough, the only trouble with 'the latter class being the lightness of the offering. One real choice close npringer brought $100, which is high for the open market for milnh cows thee days. Good springers were wanted at from $55 to $76. The price for choice veal calves was steady to a shade stronger, a few tops mak- 'ing 10% cents per pound. while bulk of choice brought 10 cents without any trouble. The run wee heavier than had been looked for, but demand was strong for anything showing fair quality. - - Choice spring lambs were steady at 12 cents, with tops as high as 13 cent.. The demand was fair. and all grads but com- mon moved briskly. A few extra choice sheep brought 6 cents per pound. but the bulk of the good kind were steady at $ cents. Fat sheep were slow at 2I, to 3 sents, whilc choice yearlings Sold even with cull larch. at from 7 to 8c. Packer buyers continued to' quote 11 rents fed and watered for .hogs, but they got very few in to -clay's offering. as outsiders were willing to pay 11% cents fed quite generally, and better than 11 cents f.o.b. .was quoted in, some instances. Receipts to -day were 2,505 cattle, 884 craven; 811- hogs- and 1,181 sheep and lambs. J. Atwell and Sonsold: Butchers --22, 29,710 lbs. 07.40; 14. 18.600 lbs. $7.40: 8, 9,170 lbs. 88.75; 4, 8.600 lbs. $6.50; 16, 21,- 480 lbs. $7; 24, 24,460 tbs, $6,66; 2, 2.840 lbs. $6.76 ; 2. 1,940 lbs. $6; 8, 3,260 lbs. 27.25; 7t 11,100 lbs. S7.65; 2, 8,040 lbs. $6.50. Fred Dunn sold for Dunn and Levack: Choice calves, $10'to $11 ; medium calves. $8 'to $0; common calves, $8.50 to $5.00. Choke sheep, $5 to $8; medium sheer.. $4 to $-o; common sheep, $1 to $2. Lambs, $12.50 to 13.00. Ed. Zeagman cold for Corbett end Hell: Calves -S. 070 lbs. 00.115; 1, 220 lbs. $6.50: 2, 420 lbs. $6; 0, 190 lbs. $10.60. Sheep --86, 1,760 lba. $12.50. Quinn and Rimy sold: Hutchens -23, 26.- 120 6:120 ibe. $7.50; 10, 6,920 tris, $6: 2, 1.800 Iris. $8.20; 5. 4,260 Ibe, $5.76; 2. 2.000 It,., $6.26; 6, 4.260 lbs. $6.25: 1, 900 lbs. $8.25: 1. 700 lbs. $0; 3, 5.830 lbs. $6.26: 8, 8,200 lbs. $7. Cows -4, 1,280 the. $6: I, 11290 lbs. $5.50; 2, 2,200 lbs. $5,50: 2, 1,910 lbs. $5. McDonald and Halligan old: Butchers-• A, 945 lbs, $7.76: 21, 065 ibe. 87.40; 19, 900 lbs. 86.75; 15, 915 Tbs. $6.68; 2, 11160 lbs. $7: 17. 980 Me. $6.751 14, 1,050 lbs: $6.75; 4, 1,800 tbs. $6.85; 27, 1,320 tbs. $7.60; 4, 1,260 lbs. $7.26; 3, 1,260 lbs. 57.25; 20, 040 11os, 6,80, Cow8-8. 1,160 Ma. 85,60; 4, 1,210 lbs.' 66.65; 2, 1,115 Ma. $4.50; 1, 1,030 lbs, _24.75; 1, 1,000 tba, 84.60: 1, 1,080 lbs. 04.75; 1, 1.050 Rm. $4.60;.-1, 720 The. $7.00: S. .1,840 lbs. 55.70; 1, 1.000 The, $4: 1, 590 lbs. -28.76; 2, 1.090 lbs. 24.25; 1, 940 tbs. '$s ; 4, 1,106 The. $5.60 • 1. 1,190 lbs. $4.75: 1, 800 lbs. $1,50. Bung-elz,2.008 tbs. $6.00. Unitedacme ro' "Co-operntive Company, Limited,$old' Bumhem-2, 700 lbs. $8; 1, • 910 lbs. y7'` .8. ,1 810 lbs. $7.25 • 2, 940 41';7�10p0, 7 2 aLd 1fi8 57,;.5, 1,1.20 Ib/ 07; 20. . IIC 1180 ike $ii; 4, AO 1,180 1ttoiti $7; 2,880 110. *7:�O t5, LI 2 ..840 * iii*.i 'ME% 2; 1,060' tbs. $6.76s.; 1e me ces.O1lntonr >p y) 1.0 et, piste. in the ominion lip • f1.4. lefts leaned by the`United,-eya ruing -Co; re- egr t - leertiflcat0 . No. 1' having been $1a4uted :felines Isabelle bMdffinen of erich, for the highest typewriting speed for the school year just closed, This is a moat creditable ,,s'isnding ,$ince these tests- are open to all wheels in the Deinlinion. The 'Com- mercial :High ''Schools give a three- year course and students of this school average only eight or nine months in preparing for these taste. 000'0 000000000 We T. BOR & CO; 0 O tnbaliner and ,0 0 Funeral Directors O 0 H.C.BOX 0 O Holder of Government O 0 - Diplelifa and License 0 O Charges moderate O O Flowers furnished on short O O notice. 0 O Night Calls Day Calls 0 O Phone 176 Phone 48 0 '00000 o Q O O 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8, MARRIAGES Vammne-Welr.-At the'.Presbyterian church, Clifford, on July 6th, by Rev. J. H. Lemon. Elizabeth Aleaandrla Weir, daughter of .Mr. and Mm. Jobst Weir, to William Van - stone, of Wingham. Moffatt-McBaivtey.-,At St. Andrew's Mame, Wingham, on July 8th, by Rev. Dr. Perris, Mr. Lawrence S. Moffatt, of Wroxeter, to Miss Mary Wylie McBurney, of Turnberry. Jones-- Neil, -On Wednesday, July 18th. Mies Florence Evelyn Neil, daughter of •Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Neil, of Lunen, to Mr, James Hubert Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs, J. G. Jones, of Exeter. McKenaie-Chesney,-On July 20th. In Eg- monde ille church, by Rev, S. McLean, Miss Ella J. Charters Chaney, to Mr. Robert Edwin McKenzie, both of Seaforth. Moore -Cameron. -In McLellan on June 22, by Rev. M. Williams, at the home of the bride's parent., Ethel Sophia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Findlay Cameron, to Peter Moore, of Algoma. DEATHS Hoover. --In Guelph, on July 9th, John B. Hoover. formerly of Clinton, aged 67 years. McCallum. -In Wingham, on July 9th, Mary Mcdrepor, beloved Wife of Mr. John Mc- Callum, aged 76 years and 3 months. Wilson.- In Goderich, on July 10th, Thomm Wilson, in his 63rd year. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Mr. Wm. Mcintonh, who died July 20th, 1920. One year has passed since that sad day God called the one we loved away ; Forget him, no, we never will, For in our hearts he liveth atilt. Sadly missed by his Wife and Family. IMPORTANT NOTICES S. T. HOLMES o O Funeral Director and O Licensed Embalmer O Undertaking Parlors in O Beattie Block, opposite The O Expositor O!Hce, Residence O Goderich St., opposite Dr. O Scott's. O Flowers furnished on short O notice. O Phone Night or Day 119 O O O O O 0 O O O O 000000000 0000 0000 000000000 o W. S. GORMLEY 0 0 Embalmer and Funeral 0 O Director O O Undertaking Parlors Above 0 0 M. Williams' Grocery Store, 0 O Mate Street, Seaforth. O O Flowers furnished on short O 0 notice. O O Charges Moderate O 0 Phone -.Night or Day -192 9 000000000 000.O FARMS FOR SALE ;,ARMS FOR BALE. - I HAVE SOME choice farms for sale In the Townships of Urjlorne and Hibbert. all well built and Improved. on easy terms of payment. THOMAS CAMERON, Woodham, Oat 286841 THRESHER SUPPLIES. --SUCTION HOSE 234 inch at sixty cents per foot; also Thresher Belting. N. BMITH, 138. York St„ Toronto, . . . '2797.2 ESTRAY HEIFER. -CAME TO THE PREM - ism of the undersigned. Lot 11, Comes - Mon 6, McKillop, about May 10th, a red and white yearling heifer. Owner may have same on proving property- and paying charges. TIM LYNCH, R. R. No. 1, Dublin, or phone 20 on 64, Dublin Central 279683 r, OR SALE, -1000 BUSHELS OF MIXED drain, half oats and half barley. Phone '14-236. ALEX. SPARKS, R. R. No. 2, Sea - forth. 2796.11 rrEACHER WANTED, - A QUALIFIED teacher for School Section No. 9, Mc- Killop. State salary and experience. A,,. Plications will be received by the undersigned. ISAAC BOLTON, Secretary, Walton, Ont. 2795-tI TEACHER WANTED FOR S. S. No. 4, McKillop, second class permanent eer- tilleate. Apply stating salary. Applica- tions will be received by the undersigned up to July 23rd. Duties to commence Sep- tember 1st. ROBERT GIBSON, R. R. No. 8, Seaforth. 2794x4 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE OF FARM. --I HAVE RE- ceived Instructions to sell by public auc- tion on the premises on Tuesday, July 26th, 1921, at 2 o'clock p.m., sharp, that choice ferns being composed of Lot No. 11, Conces- sion 12, in the Township of Hibbert in the Copmy of Perth, Ontario, containing one huhdred acres. On the premises there is good frame house, kitchen and woodshed, hank barn and drive shed; good well with windmill ; a nice hardwood bush and although this farm is now and has been in grass for a few years it is well suited for mixed form- ing. Positively no reserve. Terms and Per - Oculars made known on day of sale or on application to THOMAS CAMERON, Auc- tioneer. Ik.x 154, Exeter, Out,, phone 21r12. 2795-3 AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FF- recta,-. Mr. George Elliott has been in - :shunted to sell by public nuctinn on Lot 25, Conassinn 3, H.R.S., Tucke,.mith, on Tues- day, August ?nel. at 1.10 p.m.. the. following: Chattels- I hence 12 years old. 1 open boggy, I set light sleighs, 5 cutter, set single harness, third horse harness, robe, .blanket, string of Dells, root pulper, bicycle, iron kettle, grindstone, a gnnntity of carpenter's tools, Household Effeets,-Cook stove. box stove, coal heater, coal oil stove with oven, 2 glass coplward, extension table, Kitchen table, six kitchen chain.. six dining room chairs, 2 rocking chairs, 1 arm chair, 3 nlneh chairs, 2 bedroom suites, 2 beds, one crib bed. 1 mnttrese and syringe, 2 conchs, 1 flour bin, Singer sewing machine, 2 stands. 1 clock, I phonograph with 88 records, in- cubator and brooder, washing machine, also pictures, dishes. bedding. and other article-, too numerous to mention. Terms -Cash, as the proprietor is going Welt. ROBERT .1. WHITE. Proprietor: George Elliott. Auc- tioneer. 2797-2 AUCTION SALE OP TIMBER AND I.UM• her. on tot I, Concession 14. Boundary Line, Mokillon. on Tuesday, July 26th, at 2 necessary time ber oresthree e drive she s, oing, ne 24842, two 22038, all newly sawed timber. 12 timbers Axe from IS to 12 feet long: about 6000 fret 1 Vi inch maple flooring. a gnnntity of hemlock, basswood and pine lumber, quantity of scantling and elm pinnke, about 400 feet ofmnple scantling for hay fork tracks, a number of pieces of ash ant for tongues. doubletrees and whiffletrees, about 20- cords of hard and soft wood 15 inches long. The farm -The farm contains 50 Cres, $0 norm cleared and in grass. The balance is partly cleared and also In ureas. There is n email frame home on the farm. if farm is not sole) the housewill be of- fered • for sale. Tenho 'of Sale on Wood and .Timber -.41 ,months' • credit op furnishing np- r�eoved Joint'noteo, e 6 per' cent. per annum elf fur cash.: '}truss Fq�--$1000 may be arra . oat mortgage.. at per to b. Per annum or the full amount may lel,. did in crate f3„$lORGE�n 5 G, y Nler•, R., '27954P. `: 8: WOOi'dp .�s..,tiMittir tan r. I,'ARMS FOR SALE -LOTS 26 AND 27, Concession 2, H. R. S., containing two hundred acres: eighty acres of choice pas - tare land with 'lots of running water, the remainder is in a high state of cultivation. Two brick houses, one frame barn on ground, one large born on foundation with large cement silo and litter carrier, water in stable and other conveniences. Apply FLETCHER T. TOR'NSEND, R. R. 3, Seaforth, Ont, phone 3 on 614. Clinton. 2796:4 ','ARM FOR SALE, -1% MILE SOUTH of Brucefield. Lot 13, Concession 1, Stanley, Ina acres, There are on the premium one good bank barn, implement home, straw shed, a good frame house, 8 good never -fail- ing wells, windmill on one. The farm Is well fenced and well drained. Rural mail end phone. This is one of the best farms in the township, and will be sold on reasonable terms. Possession given in No- vember. For further particulars apply to DREW SWAN. Brumfield, Ont, 2792-tf THE EXECUTORS OF THE LATE ARCHf- bold McGregor offer for sale Lot 1 6th Concession, McKillop. 100 acres of 0, tt elms farm lands. The land is in a 'first Nays state of cultivation and there are erected on the premiss a good frame dwel- ling 'house, with kitchen attahed: frame barn 76514 with stone foundation, stabling underneath and cement floors and water throughout. driving house, pig pen and hen home. Also about ten aces of good hard weed bush. The property is well fenced and well drained and convenient to good markets, churrhem and schools. For further particulars apply to MISS LILLY J. McGREGOR, on the premiss, or to R. S. HAYS, Solicitor, Sea- fortth, Ont. 2795-tf PARR -FOR SALE. -100 ACRES, LOT 34, London Road in Township of Tucker - smith. one mile north of BrueeSeld. 95 stores cleared, remainder bush. There is a good frame house with herd and soft water and healed by furnace, also telephone. good burn 80x56, silo, pig pen, hen house and drive shed. There are about 50 acres of epring crop and 8 acres of fall wheat, 6 acres of beans, 5 acres of corn, and 2 acres of pots- toro. This is counted to he n No. 1 form. Will sell crop and all land. Immediate Possession, or without crop and possession in fall. For' further particulars apply to the proprietor, on Lot 34. London Road, AMOS CARTWRIGHT, Proprietor. 2702-11 FARM FOR SALE -FARM OF TWO HUN - died acres adjoining the Toted of Sea - forth, conveniently situated to all churches, echoola and Collegiate. There i; a comfort- able omfortable brick cottage with a cement kitchen: horn 100556 with atone stabling underneath for 0 horses, 76 head of cattle and 40 hogs with steel stanchions anti water before all I = ;dock: litter carrier and feed carrier and two cement silos: driving 'shed and plat form scales. Watered by a rock well and windmill. The farm la well drained and In a high state of cultivation. The crop is all In the •ground -choice clay loam. Immedi- - ate possession. Apply to M. BEATON. It. R. 2, Seaforth, Ont. 2787-tf ad. e aver tae acesoloa $t ns may be C000esc100 2; J0" cent. of ehe 4W�pi-.,,. !pier 'rho ',' 02 iaaruy npneptdmr1. c oAuguse 1,41/Z115,611. ay, Augemt 460, i02 ,air ' JOHN McN4X,.. 270$.4 elork.. Vzci©ar, Govern- ment, #11d Muni- t--• :4' ci ;1. Bonds Sold at currei rates and deliver- ed Iroe;''0f expense. R. S. HAY3j' BEAFORTH, ONT, 277841 r " i3al d?iG� i , t 1.R I Ic'v !!1.q '. `:� 6'c,'1.tlyii+rn,l���f'•';..i•i:. DkITRQ fi and.' CHidAGKi Unexcelled Dining Gar :Service. bleeping care on _car Trains, and Parlor Cars on prineigai'Day Trains. . Full information from any Grand. Trunk Ticket Agent or C, E. Horning, District Passenger Agt., Toronto. W. R. Plant Agent AA Ceckburn Bargain Store Children's Fine White Hose, Firsts, in 5c sizes 6 tri 10, for b dance of week. Special factory Cotton, 36 inches wide to clear at 1)01. yard Cut rate Ilrici's on all kinds of shioes. They are real leather and good quality Ladies' I' int' Black Lisle Hose, worth 75c for 10c 49c =1l'111!11111111111111111111I11111IIIIII1111111111111.J111111IflIII,1liJII1111I11111111J1111111111111111L _Cook by Hydro' Cheaper than Coal Oil, f't is For full information inquire at HYDRO SHOP. TOWN HALL BUILDING Entrance -Town Clerk's Office. PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION OF SEAFORTH :IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII IIII IIIIIIIIII IIII I IIIIIRIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll,= 'WARMS FOR SALE, -100 ACRES, LOT 12, Concession 6, in the Township of Tucker. smith, $ miles from Seoforth, 6 mile; from Brucellehl and Kippen, convenient to school end church; 95 acme cleared, remainder in mnple bush. On this farm are excellent build- ings and are in first-class repair; hard and soft water in the borne and in stables; 2 wells, I having a windmill. Thin farm le thoroughly under drained and fenced and In n high state of cultivation. never having been heavily cropped. This Is in every way a first clam nod up-to-date farm. Alen Lot 27, Concession 12, in the Township of Hib- bert, containing 100 acme; 80 neres cleared and thoroughly tnderdrained and fenced, the remainder is in first class maple bush. On the premises ie a comfortable frame house and good born 43x60 with stone stabling; also good well With windmill. Thio farm Is all seeded to genie and Is in excellent condi- tion, hnving been cropped very 'little; Wa- nted within 5 milen of Herman, quarter of mile from school. There is long distance telephone connection on both farms, also rural mall dr livery. There farms will ho snld together sr atparately to suit pantheismand on reasonable terata. For further par - Heelers ripply M the Oroprietor, on -Lot 12, Coneeaeton 6, Tneketemtth, or Seaford/ P. 0.,. R. R. No., 4, or olio 1 on ,181. $os Orth. THOMAS 0. af1LLtOhL&W, Prnpetsior. s . 1, WHITE STAR LINE SPECIAL MIDSUMMER EXCURSION Goderich to Detroit and Return Steamer Greyhound leaves Goderich Monday, August t11, 11.15 p.m., arriving Detroit Tuesday 7.15 a.m. Returning leaves Detroit Thursday, August lith, 2.30 p.m. on Steamer Owana. $3.00 ROUND TRIP $2.00 ONE WAY Last trip to Detroit Friday, August 12th, 7.00 a.m. on Slcamer Owana. Don't miss this midsummer opportunity to vis- it beautiful Detroit. A delightful ride across Lake Huron aril down the St. Clair and Detroit Rivers. GREYHOUND MOONLIGHT OUT OF GODERICiI Monday evening, August 8th, 8.15 p.m. FINZE l.'ti FAMOUS DETROIT ORCHESTRA for dancing in the Greyhound ball room -50c; children under 12-25c. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 EsitanannutuniuunHunuunnunu School of Cornmerc CLINTON AND GODERICHO us tow re -- to open change rgGODERI'CH BRANCH. 3Siuddwients preferringftir to attend there may make arrangements to do so. We give you a THOROUGH and PRACTICAL COMMERCIAL STENOGRAPHIC SECRETARIAL CIVIL SERVICE or TEACHER'S COURSE. and will arrange for students wishing • • SPECIAL COURSES This is the only school in this district in which EVERY mem- ber of the STAFF is a Normal Trained Teacher as well as a Com- mercial Graduate. BOOKKEEPING taught by BLISS SYSTEM of actual business GOLD MEDAL has twice been awarded by the NEW YORK. . OFFICE of the Remington Typewriter. Co, FOUR SPECIAL CERTIFICATES have been awarded by the EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT of the Underwood Typewriter Co mpany. There is a well paid place waiting in the business world for you if you will fit yourself for it. Think it over. Fall term opens Sept. 6th, 1921. For further information Phone 198 Clinton, or write - B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts., Principal M. A. STONE, Com. Specialist, Vice- Prin. Rebuilt Engines and Threshers For Sale ENGINES One 16 H. P. Waterloo. One 20 H. P. Waterloo. One 211 iI. P. Waterous. One 22 H. P. McDonald Decker, One 19 11. P. Bell. One 20 H. P. White. All thoroughly rebuilt and repainted. One 25 H. P. Rearmount White, 2% years old. One 17 H. P. Sawyer & Massey One 20 11, I'. White, sidemounted, not rebuilt. One 16 H. P. Waterous, rebuilt, 1920. THRESHERS One 32-50 Goodison. One 36-50 Goodison. One 36-10 Favorite. One 36•-50 Monarch, One 33-96 Waterloo with wind starker, not rebuilt. All equipped with Wind Stacker and Self Feeder, Thoroughly rebuilt, refitted and repainted. Al! these Machines are ready for immediate delivery, and at eery reasonable pricey. Also noir Steam Engines and Kerosene Tractors, THE ROBERT BELL ENGINE & THRESER CO., LIMITED • - Ontario Seaforth 2700-6 '�.'4�4�:vnti,t 'liytd ser t :a$da �k�aw ARE YOU 11 MAN OR WOMAN Brave enough to Face the Future? Big enough to Assume a Responsibility? Far-seeing enough to Prepare for Misfortune? Ambitious enough to Increase your Estate Immediately? Patriotic enough In Provide for your Own? Energetic onto.,;h In be Making a Good Livelihood. Healthy enough. to Pass a Medical Examination? Then clip this advertisement. Fill in coupon and send to S. C. COOPER, Inspector Northern Life Assurance Co. BOX K. SEAFORTH EXPOSITOR OFFICE. NAME ADDRESS Date Born day of is the year ., '�.'4�4�:vnti,t 'liytd ser t :a$da �k�aw