HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-07-15, Page 5Mgr 9' 0 0 l'011O 04 ticitt,•.Np;'; f #`,l Plea 80 °, !WSW Stewart —*bra *m" 1jnee te :Paif'enrZ .70,1 , h ,Lt0 9r, T's rehie SAmeryiiie r„,,�, 1rr 701, l, Alex, *lark 68.yr: - Jr 1' --ova Scarlett 84, Ole V'olfolt 80 . Elms .3I11I 72. Jr. II to r M1 - Grace• Som9rvilde 81ei lie: a t*.19 Jr. II -...Gordon lesl ts{�irthur Balfour, rvat meg, oss Driscoll, Nellie Holmes, 'Hart Holmes. Sr. Primer. -Dorothy 'Somerville..' Jr. Primer Dorothy. Driscoll,,Hellen Somerville. -E. AI. Little, Teacher, • 4 • MANLEY School Report.—The fo'llowin'g is 'The report 'of ' School Section No.' 8, McKillop: Jr: IV to Sr. IV ---Marie Murray, Teresa Eckert. Sr; III to .Jr. IV—Mabel Siemon, Eileen. Eckert, Pearl R'apien, 'dqa Benneweis, Clar- ence Raplen. Jr. III to Sr. HI—Brid- get O'Loughlin, Martin Deitz, George IItt egele. Sr. II to .Jr, HI ---Harold Ell- ison, Leurs Johnston Peter Eckert. .Jr. $1 to Sr., II -Gordon Miller Alice Siemon, Stephen- Murray, Miller, Rapien, Hubert Johnston. Sr. I to Jr. 11 --Annie_ Henneweisa, Rose John- eton,'Martha Siemon. Jr. I to Sr. I—. Helen'' Murray, Pearl Benneweiss, Irene Koehler, Luck Eckert. Primer to Jr. I --Carl Ellison, John Siemon, '$EAFORTH MARKETS Seaforth, July 14,1921. Butter, per 1R1 22 rho 25c 'Eggs. ; islr ,dozen..... Wheat, liar bushel Barley, per bushel 50c Flour, per cwt Bran, per ton Shorts, per ton Potatoes, per bag 'Oats, per bushel Hogs, per cwt • .25 tc SSc $1.35 $5.55 $26.00 $30.00 50e 85c $10.50 BEAN MARKET Toronto, July 12th. - Beans - Canadian. hand-picked, bushel, 82.86 to 03,00; primer, 32.40 to 82.50. POULTRY MARKET Toronto. July 12th,- Drwsed poultry- -Spring chickens, 40c; roosters, 20c; few, 30c• ducklings, 30c: turkeys, 60c. Live Poultry—Spring chickens. 80c; roosters 16c ; fowl. 22e ; ducklings, 300 ; tarkeye, .50c. BIRTHS Dolmage. - -In McKillop, on July 8th, .to Mt. and Mrs. Austin Dotmage, a son. O'Rourke.-• In Logan, on July lith, to Mt. and Mrs, Phomas O'Rourke. a dughter. Flannigan. --Lr Dublin, on July 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. John Flannigan, a son. Russell.- At Rrucefield, on July 1st, to' the late Postmaster W. J. Russell and Mrs. Russel), of Exeter. a daughter. Davis. --In Osborne, ml June 29th. to Mr. and Mrs. George Davis. a son. Preszoator.-In Stephen. on June 30th, to Mr. and Mn. William Preazcator, a son. Douglas. -In Brussels, on June 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Douglao, a daughter. Alcock.-- In Morris township, on June 26th. to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Alcock, a son. Clegg. In Morris township, on June 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Clegg, a son. ltandiier.-16 Clin:rrn, on July 1st: to Dr. J. C. and • Mrs. Dandier, a daughter. Lobb. -In Clinton Public Hospital, on July 2nd. to Mr. and Mn„ Prank Lobb. Gode- rich Township, a daughter. MARRIAGES Cooper- Kading.-At the James Street Meth- odist Parsonage, on June 29th, by Rev. M. J. Wilson, Mr, Robert E. Cooper, son of Mr.nd Mrs. William Cooper, of Tucker - email, to Miss Bertha Elizabeth Kading, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kuding, of Osborne. Rreig-Harris.-At the home of the bride's parents, by Reeds. R. A. Lundy, Kipper, and E. F. Chandler, Walton. on June 22. Mr. Lewis Archie Kreig, Preston, to Miss Iva Lillian, daugghter of Councillor Oliver and Mrs. Harris, Grey township. DEATHS Rooth.—At Goderich, on June 28th. Dorothy Beatrice. wife of Arthur Rooth, in her 45th year. Ferguson. -In Colborne township, on June 26th, Jennie Elizabeth Mo)blurchie, wife of George J. Ferguson, in her 45th year. Stewart:—In Grey township, on June 29th, Elizabeth Dodds, widow of the late Don- ald Stewart, aged 85 years, 6 months and 17 dare. Young. --In Colborne township, on Saturday July 2nd, Andrew A. Young. • Smith.—In Hanna, Alberta, on June 26th, Stephen F. Smith, beloved hus- band of Belle Moore. CARD OF THANKS I wish to take this means of expressing my sincere appreciation of the invaluable cervices rendered by my neighbors end others in saving my stock and implements during the progress of the firm which de- stroyed my tarns on Saturday last, and for the many expressions of sympathy extended to me in my loss. JOHN DALLAS. IMPORTANT NOTICES DOG LOST.—STRAYED FROM SEAFORTH about end of June a Fox Hound, black and white, a good big dog; answers to the name of "Mick". Any information leading to his recovery will be rewarded. G. D. Haigh, Seaforth. 2796-1 Et STRAY HEIFER.—CAME TO THE PREM- ises of the undersigned, Lot 11, Conces- sion 6, McKillop, about May 10th. a red and white yearling heifer. Owner may have same on proving property • and paying charges. TIM LYNCH. R. R. No. 1, Dublin, or phone 20 on 6.1, Dublin Central 5798x9 rj OR SALE. -1000 BUSHELS OF MIXED grain, half oats and half barley. Phone 14-236. ALEX. SPARKS. R. R. No. 2. Sea - forth. 2795-tf TEACHER WANTED. -- A QUALIFIED y teacher foe Sehool Section Nu. 0,• Mc - Millon. Siete amore and experience. Ap- plication', will hr rereired by this undersigned. ISAAC BOLTON, S.',•reinry. \Vinton, Ont. 2795 -If VOR SALE.. --55 ACRES OF CHOICE timothy hay on the field, on Lot 19, Con- eeoelon, 8, McKillop. Apply to MRS. SUSANROSS, r phone 18 on 210. Seaforth Centrni, or Dublin P. 0. 2704-tf TEACHER WANTED FOR SCIioOl, SEC - 1 tion No. 8, Stanley. malenr female: second-class permanent; duties to begin Sep- tember 1st. Apply, stating salary and quell- . flentliine on 'or before July lath. to CHARLES PILGRIM, Secretary, Varna P. O. 2795-2 TEACHER- WANTED FOR S. S. No. 4, 1 McK llotS, • second close permanent eer- .tiflcate. angst' statlhg salary. Applion- ,'tippe will he received by - the undersigned hip to July 28rd. Duties to .commence Sep- �Mw4ti�• ,D$ilrT :t)FHSON. R. R. el 'F 2194x4 N - ,l•. a,^`tit::. !b oa 1t1 s; CI, le 1"� t ably, _ z ' I`f 4 f bJ sr Collo b;4 WFC• Ongne (p�. 8490'drantl ,; house,--.15itimen d oil B; —1k barn and drive • abed: amid well w ndtn0l (a plea hardwood buss ant at b farm le now and hae,pem u In re„ a tow $care It to wall suited for gout. farm. h!i-• PpaitivelP no reserve: Terms and par• /4ra Made known• 64 day of sale or on pl , 'thin . to THOMAS CAMERON, Aµc- neer, Boa 184, Zeeter, Out., ,phone. 21x06...; 2786.8 AUOTION SALE OF TIMBER AND: LUM- to#'; on Lot 1.• Oonceselon. 14, Hounds Lind: Molf,i1lop. on Tuesday. JOY 28th, at' 2 'p.m. 'on $he" -premises, the following: The ngpetearir timber for thr,a drive abode, one 24a42 22=88, all newly *awed .timber, 12.-timbeea 8x8 froe0. 18 to 82 feet' long : About 6000 feet Lia - inch maple flooring, -a qupntlty 'of'' hemlock, basswood and pine, lumber, a .quantity" of-'sooutline( and elm ;planks.' about 400 feet of maple scantlingfor .bay fork tracks, a number of piece: of''eab out for tongues, doubletrees and whifietrem, about 20 cords of hard and soft wood 16 Incites long. The farm.—The form contains 60 acres. 80 acres cleared and in grass. The balance is partly cleared and also in grass. There' is a small frame. house on the farm. If farm Is not sold the house will be of - fared for sale. Terms of Sale on Wood and Timber -9 mouths' credit on. furnishing ap- proved joint notes, or 6 per cent. per annum off for cash. Terms on Farts -$1000 may he' arranged on mortgage at 6 per cent. per annum or the full amount may he paid in cash. GEORGE SNELLING, Proprietor, It. It. No. 8, Walton: T. Brown, Auctioneer. 2706-2' y Pr nior Chautaug>0 very Mol AUCTION SALE OF FARM LANDS IN McKillop. -On behalf of the Executors of the estate of Robett Hanna, deceased, there will be offered for sale by public auc- tion, by Thomas Brown, Apotioneer, on Saturday, the'16th day of July. 1921, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, at the Queen's Hotel, Seaforth, the following propDeprty, namely: The sbuth half of Lot number Twenty-five (251, in the Ninth (9th)• concession of the Township of McKillop, in the, County' of Huron, save and except less than , an adrd thereot heretofore sold and conveyed. The Bald lands are well fenced and well watered .and there are thereon con. alderable (Mk. dim and maple timber and a good bearing orchard, and the property is well situated at Winthrop and convenient to churches, schools, etc. Terme •of Sale.— Twenty (20) per cent. down at tthe time of sale and the balance within sixty (60) days thereafter, when the purchaser is to be en- titled to a conveyance free from all encum- brances. Posaeeion will be given on the 1st of December next, on the expiry of the existing lease. The property will be offered for sale subject to a reserved bid, Further particulars and terms of sale will be made known en the day of sale and may be ob- tained in the meantime from the under- signed. Dated at Seaforth the 29th day of June,1921 It. S. HAYS Solicitor for John Bullard and George Eaton, Executor, of said Estate: Thomas Brown, Auctioneer. 2714-8 TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received) for the construc- tion of a cement bridge over the Price Drain opposite Lot 20, Concession 9, McKillop. Plana and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's office. Lot 35. Concession 3. A mark- ed cheque for 6 per cent. of the amount to accompany each tender. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tendons will be opened at the Carnegie Library Hall, Seaforth, on Thursday, August 9th, 1921, at 11 o'clock a.m. JOHN MoNAY, 2795-4. Clerk. FARMS FOR SALE 1J ARMS FOR SALE. -LOTS 26 'AND 27, Concession 2, IL R. S., containing two hundred acres; eighty acres of choice pee - titre land with lots of running water, the remainder is in a high state of cultivation. Two brick houses, one frame born on ground, one large been on foundation with large cement silo and litter carrier. water in stable and other conveniences. Apply FLETCHER TOWNSEND, R. R. 3, Seaforth. Ont., phone 3 on 619. Clinton. ' 2796.1 rt ARM FOR SALE. -14 MILE SOUTH of Brumfield, Inst 13, Concession 1, Stanley, 100 acres. There are on the premises one good hank barn, implement house, straw shod, a good frame house, 3 good never-fail- inq wells, windmill on one. The farm is well fenced and well drained. Rural mail and .phone. This is one of the best farms in the township, and will be sold on reasonable teens. Possession Riven in No- vember. For further particulars apply to DREW SWAN, Brurefield, Ont. 2102-tf THE EXECUTORS OF THE LATE ARCM- " bald McGregor offer for nnle Lot 15, 6th Concession, McKillop, 100 acres of first class form lands. The land is in a first eines state of cultivation and there are erected nn the premises a good frame dwel- ling 'house, with kitchen attached; frame barn 76x54 with atone foundation, stabling underneath and cement floors and water throughout, driving house, pig pen and hen house. Alen about ten acres of good hard wood boot. The property is well fenced and well drained and convenient to good markets, churches and schools. For farther particulars apply to'MISS LILLY J. McGREGOR, on the premises, or to R. S. HAYS. Solicitor. Sea- fortth, Ont. 2795-tf F, ARM FOR SALE, -100 ACRES, LOT 31, London Rotel in Township of Tucker - smith. one mile north of Rrucefield. 95 neres •loured, renininder hush. There is n good frame house with hard and soft water end heeled by turners, also telephone, good barn 50.x56, silo. pig pen, hen h•.nr-n and drive .,had. There non Mined CO neros of am'iev eon and 0 acres of fall wheat, 5 nems of beano, 5 nares of corn. and 2 miens of pota- toes. 'Phis Is counted to be a No. 1 fern,. Will soil n':;n and all lends. Tmmedi:;te pis+assign, or without reap and pnssrssien in tell. For further p:n'ticutarn apply to the proprietor, on Lot 91, London Hoed AMOS CARTWRIGIIT, Proprietor. 27021E FARM FOR SALE.— FARM OF TWO HUN - deed acres adjoining the Town of Sea - forth. conveniently situated to all churches, schools and Collegiate. There is a comfort- able brick cottage with a cement kitchen; barn 100166 with atone stabling underneath for 6 horses, 75 head of cattle and 40 hogs with steel stanchions and water before all stock: litter carrier and feed carrier and two cement Ales: driving ohed and plat- form scales. Watered by a rock well and windmill. The farm Is well drained and In a high staM of cultivation. The crop is nit In the ground -choice clay loam. Immedi- ate possession. Apply to M. BEATON, R. R. 2, Seaforth, Ont. 2787-tf • FARMS FOR SALE. -100 ACRES, LOT 12, Conemsinn.6, in the Township of Tucker - smith, 8" miles from Seaforth, 6 mors from Brurefield and Kipper. enliven lent to Reborn and church; 95 cores cleared. remainder in raple hash. On this Perm are excellent build- ings and ore in first -chugs repair; herd and soft water in the house and In stables; 2 wells. I hngng a windmill. This farm In tl,orouvhly under drained nnd• fenced and in n high state of eultivatInn, never hoeing been lonely cropped. 7Tfis Is, In eery was n first rinse end up -to -dote farm. Also Lot 27, Confession 12. in the Township of Bib. pert. containing 100 sere,: 80 acres cleared and thoroughly ,nderdrained nod fenced, the remainder is In first cinnn maple bush. On the premises 10 e enmfortnble frame house and good Karn 48x66 with atone stabling; oleo good well with windmill. This farm Is all seeded to gyres end is in excellent condi- tion. having been cropped very little; site- cited'shin 6 mile, of Hensel!. quarter of mile from school. There le long distance telephone connection on both farms, ales retell /nail di lively. These farms will be sold togethers,r separately to suit purchaser and en remarkable terms. For fare:Wt' pan Oculars imply to the�a �p rlatoro.oa f`liyrt 15. Reit s/To •4, or paiUni1 d'6 8 . lH . orth0.. THOMAS Cl. OHILLINGLAW. Proprietor. • KODAK _ the Farm Many a time you have -'wished' you had more pictures of the' farm as it was When you were a child. You would like to compare . them with changesabout the place' to -day and all the Improvements which lave been made. And the children away from home will appreciate more than you think pictures -,of familiar spots. Begin now to take pictures of your home. There are somany things you'll want to Kodak. There's a size for just your needs at a price to suit you. "If it isn't Eastman Film, it isn't Kodak Film." Insist on the film in the -yellow box. E. UMBACH. Phm.,B. SEA FORTH, Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Statutes In that behalf that all persona bay- ing claims against the estate of Robert Hanna, late of the Township of McKillop, in the County of Huron, retired farmer, de - rased, who died on the 8th day of February, 1921, are required on or before the 21st day of July, 1921, to send by post, prepaid. or deliver to the undersigned, full particulars of their claims, duly verified by affidavit and the nature of the security (if any) held by them. Further take notice that after the said last mentioned date the meets of the said deceased will be distributed among 'the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been given. Dated the 29th day ot June, 1921. R. S. HAYS, 2794-3 Solicitor for Executers. 0000 0-00000000 0 W. T. BOX & CO. 0 O Embalmer and O Funeral Directors O H. C. BOX O Holder of Government O Diploma and License O Charges moderate O Flowers furnished on short O notice. 0 Night Calls Day Calls O Phone 176 Phone 43 0000000000 000000000 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000 00000 0 S. T. HOLMES Funeral Director and Licensed Embalmer Undertaking Parlors in Beattie Block, opposite The Expositor Office. Residence Goderich St., opposite Dr. Scott's. Flowers furnished on short • notice. Phone Night or Day 119 0 0 O O O O O O O 0 O 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 000000000 0 W. S. GORMLEY 0 0 Embalmer and Funeral O Director O Undertaking Parlors Above 0 M. Williams' Grocery Store. '0 Main Street, Seaforth. 0 Flowers furnished on short O notice. 0 Charges Moderate 0 Phone -Night or Day -192 000000000 0000 000-a 00000 '111-RAi WI Ay f RUN S%f5: M . The Double Track Route Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT, and CHICAGO. Unexcelled Dining Car Service. Sleeping cars on Night Trains and Parlor Cars on principal Day Trains. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agt., Toronto. W. R. Plant Agent Victory, Govern- ment and Muni- cipal Bonds Sold at current rates and deliver- ed free of expense. IL S. HAYS, SEAFORTH; ONT. 2778-tf 11400' July 22nd ',AFTERNOON Opening remarks by Superinten- dent. high ,Cj'ocular Concert - Instrumental and Vocal The Zedeler Symphonic Quintette Satnlr4aP, July -23rd A1"1'ERNOON Entertainment of Fun and Music Little. Micesle.oise Shrode "The Woollen Child Entertainer" Lecxure, "Seeing life Whole" 'Vit ilii. ti. Stoup Monday, July 25th ' AFTERNOON Concert Program by high-class Singers Gilvan Light Opera Singers Lecture—"Sea' Power and World Freedom", Major Arthur E. Kun- nas, of Montreal. Tuesday July 26th AFTER Concert by three A rlists from To- ronto Conservatory of Music:— Ferdinand Fillion violinist; Fern Goitre Pillion, S.prano; Harvey Robb, pianist. Lecturdtte,'Cliina and the Chinese' Dr. Freder;.' Poole Wednesday. July 27th AFTERNOON This is Rest Afternoon. You'll need the rest•_'syou ,h,:uld be fresh for the hundred laughs in the evenly;' Thursday, July 28th A FTERT'l )O.N Unique Concert with Unique Carituminv. Miss Ruby Gall and Ilhr Old Song Singers Lt'eturette, Modern c':,na,lian Poets Dr. Robert \.erwund Afternoon- The season', ,ii; six to fourteetl s's programmes, coot The name of t. upon the season ti, are transferable on, BUY YOUR 5 Chautauqua opens. est 'D Y 2nd A. Y 3rd D A Y 4th D A Y 5 th D A Y 'lao',9ular Instrunienital and Von l Coneart ,- Zedeler 'Symphonic Quitltette Humorous Lecture' Family Rentedies" erbert Leen EOM, ,_ "Funniieest Man Since Bill Nye" EVENING Entertainment of Fun and Music Little Alice Louisa Shrode Great Spectacular Entertainment Paglahasika'a Famous . Pets An Animal Play of Wonderful skill EVENING Concert followed by Presentation in 'Special Costuming of Part of' the Great Gilbert and Sullivan Comic Opera, `r%Luddygore" The Gilvan Light Opera Singers EVENING Recital Concert Ferdinand Fillion and Assisting Artists Great Illustrated Lecture "With Allenby in Palestine and Lawrence in Arabia." • Dr. Frederic Poole Strictly ,ClIS W. J. Fin EVENING Percival .Vivian Himself = at the head of His Company of = Broadway' Players in the greatest laugh -producing comedy of the Erz century, "It Pays to Advertise" EVENING 6 di Some Songs of Long Ago Miss Ruby Gall and Her Old D Song Singers. A Lecture • Y "The Dominion and Its Destiny" Dr. Robert Norwood One of Canada's Greatest Orators GENERAL INFORMATION Single Admissions: '.n,'; Evenings, 75. Children, 25c and 60c. costs $2.50; junior tickets, admitting children from ;�- ,rf age to the Junior Chautauqua as well as other 19:,. All are subject to the war tax. member of the purchaser's fa ily must be written C. This protects the owner in case of loss. Tickets >' within the owner's family. F:.\SON TICKETS NOW. None will be sold after the S :Isle admissions to above programmes aggregate 87.25 IT I'AYS TO BUY A SEASON TICKET BRING THE WORLD TO YOUR DOOR H1111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIU111111111111911111111I1111HI1111111111I1111111111111111111112'• Cook by Hydro I Cheaper than Coal14. Oil, 0I For full information inquire at HYDRO SHOP. TOWN HALL BUILDING Entrance—Town Clerk's Office. PUBLIC I'TILITY COMMISSION OF SEAFORTH F. 511111111111111111111110111111111111111111111111C1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i1111117. School of Commerce 01"ic, ' 11S to 1'0.,•' attend i'LINTON ANI) (.ODERI('H singe in G. T. R. Time -table it wiil he necessary fur our GODERI(:'II BRANCH. Students preferring to nay stake arrangements to do so. We gi\I you a THOROUGH and PRACTICAL COMMERCIAL STENOGRAPHIC SECRETARIAL CIVIL SERVICE or TEACHER'S COURSE. and will iirrange for students wishing SPECIAL COURSES only school in tills d.slr!cl in whirl; F:\ \ FF is a Normal "Trained 'reacher as .vel ate. 'INC taught by RUBS SYSTEM .'f lAl, has twice heen awarded hr the NEW 1'UIRK. Riming!ole 'l'ys.n« i','«r. ('.,. IAi, ('I(RTil-I(':\ll':5 has:' tern awn \i, DEPARTMENT of the Cnderw',eo.l ' ben- of 15., r. merciol BOOK ' GUI.ii " OFFICE . 1-4)1' 1; r EDt:('.\Ti; 111 ttl Th„r, you if )„'; '' 'Eel' ment- !asa('ont- tided lr; the Types rilcr well paid place 1vii'in.,• in the husinc,s world for fit. yourself fie' it. 'I'h!nk it over. Fall tern) opens Sept. 6th, 1921. For further information Phone 198 Clinton, or write— B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Accts., Principal M. A. STONE, Com. Specialist, Vice- Prin. 5. 1111►►►►►1►1►1►►►►1►11111H11111111111111►111101111111111111 WHITE STAR LINE, , i/ TJIII' SPECIAL MIDSUMMER EXCURSION Goderich to Detroit and Return C Steamer Greyhound leaves Goderich Monday, August 8th, 11.15 p.m., arriving Detroit Tuesday 7.15 a.m. Returning leaves Detroit Thursday, August 11th, 2.30 p.m. on Steamer Owana. $3.00 ROUND TRIP $2.00 ONE WAY Last trip to Detroit Friday, August' 12th, 7.00 a.m. on Steamer Owana. Don't miss this midsummer opportunity to vis- it beautiful Detroit. A delightful ride across Lake. Huron and down the St. Clair and Detroit Rivers. GREYHOUND MOONLIGHT OUT OF GODERICH Monday evening, August 8th, 8.15 p.m. FINZEL'S FAMOUS DETROIT ORCHESTRA for dancing in the Greyhound ball room -50c; children under 12-25c. MEI Rebuilt Engines and Threshers For Sale ENGINES One 16 H. P. Waterloo. One 20 H. P. Waterloo, One 20 H. P. \,'stercus. One 22 H. P. McDonald 'Decker. One ill H. P. Bell. One 20 H. P. White. All thoroughly rebuilt and repainted. One 29 14. P. Rearmount White, 21,4 years old. One 17 H. 1'. Sawyer K Massey One 211 Ii. P. White, sidenvnlnted, nut rebuilt. One 16 II. P. W;lterous, rebuilt, 1920. THRESHERS One a'3 --:i0 Gtodison, On.,' 'L6.-30 (ioudicnn. One 359-90 One 9,11_,-,o 91•01s2.ch. on,. f12-11; W' 1:a,•rl„n with n'!nd- stocker, n„I rebuilt. .\)' li:,;i '.,i:i; \Ps ini Stnehrr nit Self Feeder. Thoroughly b!lilt r,' ••.ian I repainted, ll.: .. , are ready f,r innnidiate delivery, and at • S',r, Elle.,,,. :;a:1. K: ..o,;s, THE ROiiF.li»r 13E1.1, ENGINE & THRESER CO., LIMITED - Ontario Seaforth ARE YOU A MAN OR WOMAN Brave ealnunl•, In Face the Future? Big enough Assume a Responsibility? Far -se. int C :Cush to Prepare for Misfortune? Ambitious et.. duh to inerease your Estate Immediately? Patriotic en;. :;h '0 Provide for your Own? Enertrrt7' et ,,.:rh 10 he Slaking a Good Livelihood. ib"a!tey enoucn to Pass a Medical Examination? Then clip this advert isomrnt. Fill in coupon and setul to S. C'. COOPER, Inspector Northern Life Assurance Co. BOX K. SEAFORTH EXPOSITOR .OFFICE. NAME ADDRESS 0 Date Born day of I. the..:. C h n sdi514xi,+» i.:tn,dlrsa r. 1•.:. ., . sli'Ot".;,