The Huron Expositor, 1921-07-08, Page 8ra�a�aeo�izvx
lj E CI'�.1sneR that he'hasl'ecovered frotj his recent
serious illness. --.Mr. and Dura. R. M.
Jones of/Guelph, spent the week 'end
Cream I -
row on we will have a
e of Ice Cream Bricks
e lowest price you can
possibly .get thele.
carts ............. . ....50e
The Olympia
Restaurant and Ice Cream Parlor
Sunny Jim Choco-
lates at 5Oc per lb•
for Saturday only.
A High Class Choco-
late, no second class
Grade about these.
W. A. Crich
at their home here. -,Mrs. J. McNabb
w DISTRICT MATTERS and Miss Helen are holidaying at the
lake near- Ktncardipe,--Rev. S. jltc-
Lean and Mea MQLean and daughter,
Local Briefs. -Mr. and Mrs. ,Sykes leave this week to spend a month's
Powell and Mr, and mita W. Powell, holidays in Toronto. Rev. Mr. Kay,
Jr., of Toronto', motored up from To- of Stratford, will occupy the pulpit
d spent the week end with in the Egmondville church during Mr
V• F• ._a..J A L Y
Clifford, f Turuntu, were renewing Oke, of Toronto, are visiting at the
old acquaintances here over the heli- home of Mrs. Oke's mother, Mrs.
day; -+Mrs. A. D. Sutherland with her Mason, in F-gartondville-Mr. and
sun, Billie, and daughter, Miss Anna, Mrs. Walter Hawthorne, of Goderieh,
left on 'Puesday morning fur Fort' spent the week end with lies- 12.
Saskatetimean, Alberta, where they Hawthorne. --Mrs. L. 1'. DeLacey has
will spend the summers -Mr. Richard returnedfrom Toronto. — Mise
Rubinson, of Stratford, was visiting ?deicers Fry, of Dunnville, is the
friends in town this week: --M r, and guest of Miss Margaret Edge. -
Mrs. R. A. Wilson, of New York, are Mr. William Murdock, of St. Thomas,
guests at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. and his son, Dr. Alex. Murdock of
W. E. Southgate. Mrs. W. E. South- Rainy River, were calling on friends
gain, Sr., who hss been speudin* in town on Thursday. -Mr. Herbert
surae months in New York, returned Lawrence, of Alberta College, Ed -
with them --,Miss Evelyn. Greig, of mouton, is visiting at the hone of
Fort Francis, is spending the hull- Mr. and Mrs, Herald Lawrence in
days at the lenme of her parents. Mr. McKillop. - Miss Bessie McMichael,
arld ill's. J, l', Get -ie. --Mr. W. Mul- of the Bank of Commerce, is spend-
cahy, of Chicago, i -r. :coding his hili- ing her holidays in Kincardine. --Mr.
days here. --Miss Pearl Patterson Reese' lamed. of Walkerville, spent
818.111 the week red with London the holiday with his mother in towit.
fricuds.-- 31r. (-'. P. Sills spent a few -Miss Grace Walker, of Buffalo, is
days in 1>, !ma this week Mrs. Jos. spending• the holidays at the borne of
-141-utehal'I, who hes liven visaing her her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J-
5meter, Mrs. J. S. Welsh, has returned Walker. --Mrs. Fowler, of Galt, is
1.0 lltunilten--The litany friends in this tire guest of Miss Fowler, James
vicinity of Mr. N', ratan Carupb*II, of street. -Miss Ratcliffe. of the •Amer-
Nushei[Ie, '1'enuesec•, aed formerly of ica n Sou, is visiting her sister, Mrs.
Seaforth, will regret to learn of the James Graves. --Miss hazel Winter,
death, after a few hours' illness of of Toronto, is spending the holidays
his inset daughter, Clara .Jane, un' at tsr home here. -Mrs. Stonehouse,
.lune 2iith.--Very Itee. Dean Downey, ',f Weston, is the guest of her niece,
of Wimiser, was n visitor this week M rs. S. Speni•rr.- -Miss Isabel Close,
at the bonie of his sister, Mrs. Win. "t . Kitchener, is visiting her aunt,
Dt•verrux.--Mrs. Tucker and (laugh- Miss Jackson, in Egmundvr1le.-Mist
ter, of Elgin, 1l!inuis, are visiting 1(t Spencers 311(18ee street, is visiting with
the hone of Mrs. 'l'u;kcr's sister,''1',ronto friende.--IM'. Geo. Stewart,
Mrs. .1, 8. 'I'hnntpsuu.--Mrs. i•'inlay- :.of London, spent a- week at the hone
sun, Sr., of town, and her daughter., of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. 11.
RDs. Abe Forsyth, of Tuekersmith, • Stewart, --A11 local bowlers wishing
left on Tuesday fin' the West, where t' gleet Scottish bowlers in Stratford
they will spend the summer.-•MIse • '•'I"t have money in the secret ry's
Martaret }'inkriey, of .Stratford, was lends, (1• D. Ileigh, on -tr before July
the guest of hiss Frances ('rieb over;
the week end. --Mrs. S. Neely is - ---
:pending a few days with friends in I '0,;01,. itee,,.,,o,,:]torn,,. JWy not.
Haiuilt.on.-,Mrs. Adam Dicksun and t.: it. 10. u,., ..pit odee. he .riles «.cry
Mss Helen ilieksnn have returned' r ..,,'r. d„r:,. Jut. t>It;c,. h„w., u w
' 2.95-'J
from -['or"oto, where they attended t'or hent.I ,-n- with list-grit-t'a
the wedding of 31 r. Archie '
Dickson. ".h•rn h,*.,'nL•"�.uu,le.` Poultry noise
-Mr. and Mrs. Richard Webb of ..Ir ,rdtee. tee ,-n, w m eat.' ten3wait
„r r,,.,,hi purr /tutu.' , , IL8y' term+- App1Y
Hamilton, Wert• week end guests at to u, t•:.1,..-.h,r. :uta
the Mune of Mr. and Mrs, J. 13. por Falr. 1(o. tout cut Mans«y-Harris
Thompson. -Mrs. R. P. Bell and t,.der, .e'.•o,i r,;,,,d. tr, "•.a r par. Ar,-
daughter, Mies Mary, spent the weca el,. u, Archie Burton, nk
lue.mith. North
11 ,u, Street- _790-tf
end with Fondue frientLs.-Bliss Delis ed the artof het ra h and upon
Thompson, of Lond+nr, is spending Fur sola. o.erla„'l fur s9s:,.00• the Fed P 'ir"p Y P
p 1(„e 1(,e marx.•t. two .«ro,,11 Fend becoming proficient ,engaged in bust -
the holidays with her parents here.-- h, :.l nher ur••1 t,., 1(Y. dicot Fur -.,ere for himself st Itehretown, where
Mr. Jack Hinchle-y, of the Galt 1'ol- ,, c: c•• ren, oe.-rl:.n,l Uealen •'i'Iit" I he was married to i•;Irr.abeth Findlay.
legirite staff, in spending the h•Jiday; 4°' L
r ri.atr sale. r•.r r'• d:. to n; r,c- : Afterwards Mr. al,d Mrs. Trott lived
at his burn• here. --Miss Madge Stew. -
it) Seaforth, the!. Ingersoll, until
I rte. .
Is !tome ., t' the I- Ii Y
art, of Stratford c f
rr , ' li n
�e\ :•lit n CRTs a
ummer hu]id.ty',. \l r. and aLs. R
t7d.,n:i (tt!! rgwood. Be: his wife, the
here: -Mr. J. P, Bell and son, McLean's absence.—Mr. and Mrs. 11.
Jeweler a n d Optician.
Issuer Marriage Licenses
Stinson's home treatment for
epilepsy. Twenty years' success.
Thousands of testimonials. No
case should be considered hope-
less. Free booklet. WILLIAM
ada, 2611 Yonge Street, Toronto,
Ontario. 2785-50
along with yo$'%Iz your vacation.
You are sure .#to need it. A
and a sorrit4 OF INK are a1So
handy. Come in and get a sup-
ply before ,you " leave.
assisted by Jennie lattechtnel, Pearl
Strung, M'arg'aret. Wieland; program
committee, Miss Ella Chesney con-
venor, assisted by Leslie McKay,
Sadie Robinsea Marion Gray; music
committee,conittee, Sadie Rubinson, convenor,
assisted by Grace Knechtnel, Marion
McLean, Mrs. Habkirk; literary com-
mittee, Mra. Johnson convenor, as -
elated by Ross elcGunigle„ Billie
Chesney, Bertha Beattie, Rena Simp-
son, Edwin Chesney; social committee
Mrs. laelag convenor, assis-ted by Will
Eyre, Ivan Forsyth, Wm. Strong,
Peter Simpson, Bertha Chesney, Rus-
sel Coleman,• Ross McGonigle, Leslie
McKay, Ella Chesney, Violet Finni-
gan, Sadie Robinson, Mrs. (Rev.) Mc-
Lean, Mrs. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs.
Close, Earl VanEgsound; lookout com-
, Leslie McKay convenor, as-
sisted by dwin Chesney, Peter Simp-
sun, Robert Charters, Murray Tyn-
dall; missionary committee, Ross Mc-
Gonigle, convenor, assisted by Mrs.
James McKay, Miss Gemmel, Mr.
Died In Collingw•oud.- The Colling-
wood News of Saturday last contain-
ed the following death notice, which
will be read with regret by many of
our readers, as lir. Trott was a
former resident of this town: After
suffering from failing health for a
number of years, Airs. W. D. Trott,
photographer, died at his hoarse on
Fourth street on Friday 'wattling, his
death following a stroke of paralysis
few days before. 31r. 'Trott was in
his sixty-seventh yr.,r• Ile was born
1:1 England and wie n a child his par-
ents, sailing fron. [histol, brought
]rim to Canada. '!'i:r family settled
in the forest, takin_ up land from the
Canada Co. in Hurn ('aunty. Their
nearest village was llarpurhey, a few
vales from the pis -tent tower of Sea -
forth. When a young man he learn-
�uunanY -evening :Ia)ly..200, the
Opine (Order will -attend Service in
the Methodist church. The Orange-
men are to meet in the hall at .7
p.m, service at 7.80. All are invited,
Successful Garden Party Tho
garden party held under the auspices
of Duff's attach on the Manse
grounds on Tuesday evening last, Was
the host successful of the many 'held
during the past years. The weather,
although hot, was ideal for a garden
party, and there was an immense
crowd in attendance, every town and
village for miles arounsp'being repre-
sented. The Brunswick Trio, of
London, provided the greater part of
the programme and their numbers
delighted every one. The Seaforth
Citizens' Band was also in attendance
and their selections added very ma-
terially to the 'evening's. enjoyment.
The proceeds amounted to $509.
li. Plant and family returned 1(u 5d For n. le. c t „pd ,., rung,. r e.. ter derrused is survii, I Ly' one sen, Her-
. 1(i lay from 11 two u•iicks' el5)7 at 1: o••+.•,+ ,,,n+ , r ,;a,,,:,rd bort, photographer :o fort Ili/PC. and
Mane in Acton-•\ir. Reg, Reid, of 1:u r n rest tau laaghters,lin ..r nurso in Ilam-
I'urt l'olb.n-nc, spent the hululay c. °Lill
i, -he tdc�'+,,, i.ton, :ted Beatric•..t nlouthrr of the
I I f 1' h AS J i
1 II 1 11 of i' k
fir '.me o us mot et•, rs. _7o1 t'nrl17ng staff of the town public
Rail. -Miss Ella Turnbull, 1(r s u., .,o , r schools. Mr. Tre•: was very quiet
Fails and Miss Idabel Turnbull, of e•;•„•ry L:,, ad t•om-
I13untsville, are spending the holidays rel l'.r1 ..r„t•,e •et.l: lief vnt:Irtttt aim. fur
at the home of their parents, Mr t' f w"11'"t d.•.eh„i-
t I,1(. r ll pr you noth-
and SDs. G, T. Tnrnbu!i -Misses het In t.l.,,• „ t. t Al I t, Drug -
Sadie and Gladys Thomason !cave on .rt. _,9;-1
Monday on a trip to the coast and on --- -',,,---
their return W1 . visit with C'hicag, I Aer,0cr,01110'it. -- 418.1 Mrs.
t ., i Friends,--li;s 1 tn.:r 13..t In -:n.l l..enl.t,s M...1 - 'tSeaforth, an -
31r. Patters ,n, , f Wmitlste s are I r dime,Ow e Hittai. e est t.f their
b l ,-ues;s :it the Erne , f 31r. 11:,1 Mr's. I : u;ngest d:ontelt r, Edith, to 'sir. R'.
Malin Street - SeafoIt.l t I•'. c tr 1 I,.i8cl Rev ol, 1 (;cit ;,y 0-,n of NI and Mrs.
.n imy i: in ,n ( e ., Mc1sll•1, the mar•
Agent for Singer Sewing , r!..,,,. s. - 1tr:. 1.. S Silittliiir. i riage to take place :n August.
Belmont, and 31r. Wi1lia t SM.
-St. -
Machines, and General In-' ”• l). r” :' t' vi•': in;; ,tt t !cru ,ted 1\'iib Life Membership--
. f their .ten's,, 'de Wil ' •n Silt-
in in I'. sitytcriF:g,:.,:,it-�+,�'. - \l311s-t,•9.\nn•i an Chu: ch Scametforth. met
hn�l' 1•:,' vn il:'•Gr ti) ri=ito•I friend; y; tree :roue :,f \lis, R. Crime. on
L1. gal n era raft' "3% ov,•r tln0 ;',r r•sday' eecnitt;r, Jan,• 2tst, and pre-
oli;lays.--l1r. alid Ad rs. Thomas-- 1. 1 h:•' ,•. i:: it a 1.1f, til"nlhership
I1uny n, w •h tI' ir s n ::1(l d ,1(.: oto r rtifrttt,• , the W. ,,env 3lissionary
Austin .c•i,1 E'i'''371, f Art ht:r, and .;cty.T 'vas ,o- hle:ivant stir.
Mrs. J. Bresnahan, of KLchentm, were ,.:ise to Ali,,Crit•:e an,l an e•n;,,yelae
t.,'. ::nests r Tel 'Mrs. John ;.,,:11111, w':;s s en; 011,1 tiller which
\pian nn Sunday1.
st --airs, 11. 31. : fn. hment-' welc te•15cd.
6i. --,r :. tor. e'f New }1 171:. i; visitingat the home of ,3-10. and , d Mrs. 51',',1 Jird ('rocs.- p
-At the r•c•ent canvass. in \icKiIni: -lir. :rid Mrs. fur Red Cross membership enrolment
surance Agent.
$15 to $60 paid weekly for
your spare time writing
showcards for us. No can -
1'11'111.1 -A- P,enitie ::m1 F:._ and Miss I' ...
the proceeds amounted la 8204. Tli.,
S'eciety t0')', 1P5 to convey their
I tre spritr' t.I n to the chairman
an1 < n nti ice for their valuable
rein,., a.41) to the camassets who
letlprd very much to Make the cam-
psign a success and to all who con-
tributed. The members of the Ex-
ecutive are requested to meet in .the
Carnegie Library on I'rirlay after-
noon. July 8th, at 3.30 o'clock.
l;l hie. of London, wrr•• wee: end vis-
• t
s nn f \• r , Airs
sin We instruct and
r •tt t home o .1 i
i hn 3t it r. •iir. Seel A v JI•e t
supply 1 you with steady work I 1 p
r1(,>, , r th • 1Iur n T gad w l with
Wes -t -Angus S. howeeard Ser• t.tiiir ,':n aisl ,I rii7 h , attended a
r. -.mien of the• Bar{our.fami;r nt.�
'vice, Church & Colborne Sts. 1•osr;:b tkis uerk.-_\1i lIa r i t.mem
Toronto. of ,S:retf.nd, is spending her vac:t-
tiro :it the home of her parents, 5.11'.
and Mrs. M. Curtin, Huron Road Ea -t,
---Sirs. H. 3. Hocigins t.nd family, To-
ronto, are visiting attar• home.of.Mrs,
Declare:spare:ye. 31r.•ui(1 firs. G. E.
1.1enrlers.•n.--Mrs. Saul and Miss Bot -
':un, of '1' irnui.-, are guests at tile
Immo of Mr. and .firs, 1). Fell. -Miss
r M1 .
C err t t i t f Regina, and r
Leslie Watson, of Windser, arcs
e r din
Liat holidays at then home
,- _-;;,ri8. Clark, of Toront., is the
guest of Miss Stephens at the
Queen'=-.-.\frs. G. M. Chesney, of '1'-
1, .ctn, is visiting friends herr.-The
Seaforth Citizens' hand have sent to
England for nen- Kilty uniforms,
w•nich will cost in the neighbsrhmmd
'of $300. Considerable of this amount
has already been suhserihed by th.•
merchants of the town, and it is the
intention to make a personal canvass
of the citizens to secure thr balance.
The band is the beat organization
Seaforth possesses and their appeal
should meet with a liberal and prompt
response. -Miss A, Cl, Lawrence has
returned from Quebec city. -Mr. and
lIrs. A, P. Twidale, of Niagara Falls
and Miss Heinrich, of Lockport, N.
15'., spent the week recd with their
sister, Mrs. J. F. Snowden. -Mr. Cyril
Stewart, of Montreal, was visiting
with relatives in town this week. -
Mr. Percy Hoag, principal of the
Hagersville public school, -is spending
the holidays at his home here. --Mr.
McBride, of Toronto, was a holiday
guest at the home of Mr. Robert Bell.
-The weather during the past week
has been the hottest that Seaforth
has experienced for many years. The
thermometer has been hovering
around the 100 mark and there is no
relief yet in sight. -Miss L. Staples
and niece of Ingersoll, are'the guests
of Mr. and Mre.--J. Mactavish: Mrs.
Arthur Mason and son, of Saskat'bon,
are visiting at the home of her M'othe7•
Mrs. Robert Charters, on, the .Mill
Road. -.Mr. A, X. Chittetiden had re-
turned from . Grated -Rapids. His
nra'nir friends' Will 86 pleased to learn
The largest. and best Cem-
mer•cial School in Wes!ert Un-
tato. A school Where you can
get through courses under ex-
perienced instrcictc,rs in Cinf-
mercial, Shorthand and Tele-
graphy departments. Gradu-
ates assisted to positions.
Home study courses can he
arranged. Get our free cata-
Grey Dort
.''- `A beautiful Gray -Dort Special,
'only run 8,500 miles, andhas always
been cared for by a private owner.
If',•you want a high grade ear at the
ree of a chealp one, see me at once
demonstration and particulars.
lir Pord taken as part payment.
Phone 6-416.
Sigh Grade Pianos and
onograrphs, Sewing Ma-
ni 'Separators, Rte. The
bays' in CanaC4,,Give
eve- X'iano6.6166 tented
s,, and *tea ,reasA'n-
.1 Successful Musicale, --Air inter-
esting musicale was held on Monday
evening. last. when the members of
alis; A. Govenleck's piano class en-
tertained their mothers at Miss Gee-
c18inck's home en A th Main street.
In spite t.f the intense heat, those
taking part in the recital acquitted
1hc•niselvrs urnsually well, their play-
ing 1hrughmrt. the varied programme
-t,".ing- a kocn sense of tone of
beauty and 11tistir interpretation, and
e mmenand of rythmic control that
delig]a15 the luidience. After the
r, vital refreshments w•e1e server] by
tLc older rratmbers of the class,
Collegiate Coders at. London. -The
Collegiate radrts left 00 Monday to
spend a week in camp at ' Carling
'Heights, Londin. About twenty boys
went in charge of Rev. Capt. Edwards
and will have regular drill and exer-
cises. On Saturday the boys Piet at
the Collegiate grounds and .after a
brief review they elected their offic-
ars as follows: Capt„ R. T. Edmunds;
Lieutenant, Billie Greig; Sergeant, D.
Kerslake, II. Farnham; Corporals, A.
Ament, W. Landshormtgh, H. Hays,
Garnet. Sillery. Besides the otfiders
mentioned the following boys are in
camp: W. McCutcheon, F. Jackson,
F. Crich, S. Ferguson, A. Burrows,
•.H. Bristow, L. Bristow, J. Hudson, H.
Speare, J. McIntosh, G. I{err, N.
Moore, E. Edwards, W. Blackwell, M.
Blanchard, V, Patterson. •
Officers Elected. --At an executive
meeting of the Y. P. 5, C. E. of the
Egmondville Church, the following
officers were elected: President, Miss
Bertha Chesney; 1st vice president,
Miss Marion Gray; 2nd 'vice-presi-
dent, Wi'l'liam •Strong; recording secre-
tary, Will Eyre; corresponding shore.
tam, Willfame'Btrong• treasurer Ivan
Forsyth; organl6t, Margaret 'Grieve
:u] resel'vet1 in In manner. lie was
0 reader of good etreture, 0 thinker
and 11 student of his reading. Ire
ucc•asinr.•t:!y cont deuced to the col-
umns rf the press on current topics
:dud ence in a whi'.• added a bit of or-
iginal v^rse, his writings always
being 4.0013 with interest. lfe n••v•:•
took an ;,ctiv • part in public 111:1'-
ters yettttlways kept in ':,sr tu^!t
with nubile ‘'vents. Mr. Trott was
an Oddfelluv-, being a member of
Ingersoll ledge. Being away t•, In
his hone lodge. brethren of ('ulling-
:.cond Lndyr %. tended the funeral.
which took :•l:,.' Saturday afternoon
to the Moth +dist cemetery. The
church Service woos conducted by Rev.
E. J..idele,: who returned from To-
ronto to ofdi'iute.
Notes. --Miss Della Button, of To-
ronto, is spending a few days With
her brother at the parsonage. -Next
B F. C
A co it room is good -a cool
honk is hater. In every roost
of the house, the soft breezes of
Westinghouse Electric Fans
will provide immediate and re-
freshing reli,•f'from the depress-
ing listlresn;ss caused by pro-
tracted heat. We recommend
the Westinghouse Electric Fans
for the following reasons: -
First. -The wonderful motor.
Second.- The splendid appear-
ance and workmanship.
Third. --,Economical in operation.
Fo rlh. Ttr liberal guarantee
the makers give with every Fan.
The Westinghouse Fan lasts so
long, their first cost may be di-
vided over ninny years of satis-
factory operation.
Order ono now and enjoy the
lake breezes right at hone.
Reid roso
Big Comedy Sensation
Third, last and Funniest of the
screen's biggest comedian's
two reelers.
Buster Beaton, .Al- St. John and
Mollie Malone are in the cast.
Shown With
Arbuckle nights -20 and 15 cents
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
in •
Notes, -Messrs. Robert and Wil-
fred McKay spent a few days with
friends here. --The McKillop tug-of-
war teats again won a hard pull with
Hibbert at the Dublin lawn social. -
Miss Rose Dorsey, teacher of No. 8
school here during the past year has
resigned her position. --The farmers
of this vianity are very busy hay-
il:g but owing to the severe heat
cannot accomplish much in a day.
School Report -The following is
the report of School Section No, 8,
Grey. The standing is based on the
final examinations. Those narked
(*) obtained honors: Sr, 1V -*Annie
McIntosh, *Annie McTaggart. Jr.
IV - *Stuart McNair, *Clifford
Brown, Fergus Mt'taggalt, Beth
Wellman, Howard Mitchell. Jr, III
-*Lottie Attwood, Jack Fulton. Jr.
If -Blair McIntosh, Fred 'Mitchell,
Eddie Blodgett. Jr. 1, -Isabelle Me-
'I'aggart.. Primer -Ross McTaggart,
Rae Houston, Elwood McTaggart,
Mara McIntosh, Ruth Brown, Willie
McTaggart--B'':'§ie I. lough, Teacher
Notes. -Thu Women's ' Missionary
Societies of our church will hold an
open meeting en Friday, the 15th,
when a birthday party will be field
followed by a lunch, the offerings to
go towards the deficit of the mis-
sionary work. Mrs. Lundy, of the
Manse, Kippen, will address the meet -
ink. There will be special sining by
the Kelly Circle and Mission Bands.
All the women and children o3 the
congregation 1100 specially invited to
atter-at-Our village was almost de-
serted on the 1st, a few of our towns-
people staying to keep the town. -
Fred Tomilson and wife have return-
ed to
Linhome from oronto.-
Our village was well represented at
the U.F.U. picnic on Tuesday. --Rev.
d wi • c nosh and ft motored to
W. D. - 'tif 1
London on Monday. -John Snider and
William Forrest spent the 1st at
('liesley-Mrs. Ross still continues
very ill,
Reeve McQuaide Undergoes Opera-
tion--Iteeye F. 3. McQuaide under-
went an operattion in St. Joseph's
Hospital, London, on Monday, for the
rrmovnl of a tumor from his neck.
The operation was successfully per-
1.rtnx•d by Dr, W. J. Stevenson, of
that city, and Mr, McQuaide wax able
1, return home this week. It will be
a t nnple of weeks, however, before he
is tfble to he about much, but his litany
friends hope he will make a quick and
sure PCCOVery.
An Old Timer. -While taking the
c• esus in McKillop recently, Mr, R.
Scerlett carne across one fainter who
I.I,ls the record for the number of
rears spent on one farm. This was
Mr. John Flannery, of the 14th con-
r:'ssinn, who purchased his land from
the Canada Company in 1863, and is
still working the same: farm. Fifty-
_Ight years is a long time to reside
in one place and Mr. Flannery has
seen many changes in the. township
in that time. -
School R
rPo-t.-- he followingwing is
the report of the promotion examina-
tions hpeld in Union School Section
No. 1. McKillop and Logan: From
IV Jr. to IV Sr. -Esther Ryan,. Jim
Shea, Mary Malone, Jim Kelly. 1II
Sr. to IV J.r,-Mary Ryan, .Joseph
Malone, Agnes Napier, Ruth O'Reilly,
Kathleen Mulligan (R.). III Jr. to
III Sr. --Margaret Mulligan, ,Toler
Moylan, Patrick 'Flannigan, Pearl
Horan, Annie Ryan, Willie Dantzer,
Joe Rowland, John O'Rourke, Emmett
Malone (R.). II to- II Jr. -Rose
Krausko f, James Parker, M. Flan-
agan, C; Malone, F. Kelly. A. Mulli-
gan, .1. Ryan, Z. Ryan. First Sr, to
Second - DI t
Sere Kra ts,copf• Harold
Sutton, Basil Kelly, DanO'Rourke.
Notes -Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Gray -
Keil, of Toronto, are holidaying with
the trainer's parents here. -Mr, John
Schlueter, of Cavalier, North Dakota.
renewed acquaintances in town last
week. --.Miss F. Kibler, of Cleveland,
ir, attending Mrs. J. 'Kellerman -'Mr.
and Mrs- Rutherford and Mr, D. S.
Chilton were week end visitors in
Guelph -.Mr. and Mrs. E. Flynn, of
London, and Mr. and Mrs. 5. Ireland,
of Stratford, spent the holiday with
Mr, and Mrs. E. Tiernan. --Mr. Adam
Willert and family, of Saginaw, Mich.,
called on relatives in town last week-
-Mr. S. Miller, of Toronto, visited
with his mother over the holiday,-
Mr. J. Fried, of Toronto, spent a few
days last week with his sister, Mrs.
J. Kellerman, who continues quite ill.
--Mr. E. Weltin, of Clifford, is spend-
ing a few days at his home here. -
Mrs. Vernon and little -son of Wind-
sor. are visiting with relatives in
town, --Miss Mildred Schroeder, of
London, spent Sunday with 1tIias
Hazel Snell. -Mr. and Mrs. Will Tie- ,
man, of Stratford, spent the holiday
with Mr. and Mrs. D. Tiernan. -Mr.
G. S. Howard has resigned his posi-
tion as principal of our school • and
accepted a position as principal of
the public school at Exeter. He has
disposed of his home to Mr. 'E. Tie -
Man. -Mr. and Mrs. Nichols, of'
Hickson, and Mr. and Mrs. D. Meer -
burg, of Pt. Pranks, spent Sunday at
the home of Mr, Hartieib. •
We pay the postage on parcels ordered 'Send by Mart'
unless some of our Gloves are included
in your summer dress accessories
Double Tips.
SILS d w11s
As low as $1.00 and as high as $3.00 a pair
Niagara Maid Silk Gloves, double throughout.
This makes them extra serviceable. Both black and
white. Per pair -$2.50.
Ladies' French Kid Gloves, "Trefousse make",
two domes, colors, tan, brown, grey, mode, navy,
black with white points, white and white with black
points. Sizes 53/4 to 73/4, at per pair -$2.00 and $2.75
Ladies' Chamoisette Gloves (washable), two
domes, colors black, grey, pongee, white and white
with black points. Sizes 51/, to 8, at per pair $1.00
and $1.25.
Ladies' Pure Thread Silk Gloves, double finger
tips, two domes, colors grey, navy, sand, pongee,
champagne, brown, black and white with or without
contrasting points. Sizes 51/i, to 81/::, at- per pair -
$1.00, $1.25, $1.50.
Always a
Perfect Fit.
h. -
^ *
ffyeraorle '
These are Corsets worn by the best dressed women
both at home and abroad.
While conforming to the figure ore theY
add grace
'and beauty to the wearer and lend that undefinable
something -STYLE -to every woman who wears
The Corsets that combine Style with Comfort.
Prices—$1.Q0 to $5.00
GIRLS' DRESSES -Gay ginghams, soft toned
Chambrays and Voiles, very prettily styled. Sizes
2 to 14 years.
BABY CROCHET COATS -Pretty little all -wool
coats for baby, well made in every way, each $1.75.
ials and colors -60c to $1.00.
"SPORT NET" VEIL -A handy, inexpensive veil
to have with you at all times, especially for motoring
and general outing wear. No tying, no pins, just
&dip it on. Prices 15c to 25c.
SUMMER HOSE -Ladies' Silk Boot Hose with
deep lisle garter- top, lisle -heels and toes, in black,
white and colors. The time is at hand when you
need them. Prices, special at 85c.
The new Neckwear novel-
ties have taken many pleas-
ing shapes that give grace-
ful lines to suits and dress-
es. The fabrics are Voile,
Organdie, Pique and Soft
Wash Satin, Crepe de
Chene, Georgette. •
Neckwear from 25c to $3.00