HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-07-01, Page 7c el dt'Oril nfir Frances .Hodgson Burnett Toronto+—William Briggs. 1 (Continued from last week.) land `Oat the whole cereinnow • 8 g yourself, the man out of livery stop- ped you tie though you were too big a fool to be trusted. The food was, all right, but when you knew what anything was, and were inclined to welcome it as an old friend, it was seventy-five ,Yoetmen could Collie to given to you in some way that made lend a hand. Be was hot aware that you get rattled. With all the swell i 'i do them n n there were two -of t a ata er dishes, you had no butter -plate, and waiting in the hall, their powdered ice seemed`searee, and the dead; still, heads close together, so that their way the servants moved about gave ' whispers and chuckles could be heard. you a sort of feeling that you wore i A sound of movement in the library I at a funeral and that it wasn't de- i cent to talk so Fong as the remaitya ' would have brought them up stand - t ing .to a decorous attitude of atten- "Will yqu''wear—these, sir,—this were in the room, The head -man tion conveying to the uninitiated the evening?" Pearson suggested. and the footmen seemed to get,on by 4 impression that they had not ,moved It was suggestive of more than ac- signs, though Tembarom never saw t for hones. tual inquiry. If he had dared to hope I them making any; and their faces Sometimes as he sat In the big that his manner might suggest a j never changed for a Z�oment Once Morocco chair, T. Tembarom looked number of things! For Instance,' or twice ire tried a joke, addressing grate'enough; sometimes he looked that in England gentlemen really it to Mr. Palford, to see the humor as though he was confronting ting prob- didn't wear tweed in the evening even of it, and gave him the "glassy oyes' I lems which needed puzzling out and in private. That through some un- and neither the head-enan nor the with which. he was not making much footmen eemed to hear It, he thought ,headway; sometimes he he looked as lad to be one through with again. All' sorts o silver knives, forks, and flail yap do.It well P Gnat cue or to spoons were given to one and taken donee of DR. MUMS' I'IERVBgPrHIL away, and half a dozen sorts of will soothe the irritated and overenrei glasses stood, by your plate; and if od nerves. Guaranteed Safe and Pare you made a move to do anything for Sold in Seaforth. by' E. UMtBA.CB; Pbtn.,B4 forseen circulnstancea his employer's evening -dress 'suit had been delayed, but would of course arrive tomor- row! But Tembargm, physically stimu- lated by hot and cold water, and re, lief at being left alone, was beginning to recover his natural buoyancy. "Yes, I'll wear 'em," he answered, snatching at his hairbrush and begin- ning to brush his damp hair. It was a wooden backed brush that Pearson had found in his Gladstone bag and shudderingly laid in readiness on the dresaing-table. "I guess they're all right, ain't they?" Oh, quite right, sir, quite," Pear- son ventured—'for morning wear," "Morning?" said Tembarom, brush- ing vigorously. "Not night?" "Black, sir," most delicately hinted Pearson, "is—more usual—in the evening—dn England." After which be added, "So to speak,"' with a vague hope that the mollifying phrase might counteract the effect of any appar- ently implied aspersion on colors pre- ferred in America. Tembarom ceased brushing his hair, and looked at him in good-na- tured desire for information. "Frock -coats or claw -hammer?" he asked. Despite his natural anxiety and in the midst of it• Pearson could not but admit that he had an un - condemnatory voice and a sort of young way with him which gave one courage. • But he was not quite sure of "claw hammer." "Frock -coats for morning drel;s and afternoon wear, sir," he ventured. "The evening cut, as you know, is—" "Claw -hammer. Swallow -tail, I guess you say here," Tembarom end- ed for him, quite without hint of ranee,-. "se was rejoiced to see. "Yes. sir," said Pearson. The cereinony of dressing proved a fearsome thing as it went on. Pear- son moved deftly and essayed to de 'Mines for the new Mr. Temple Bar - holm which the new Mr. Temple Bar - halm had re-er heard of a man not doing for 'hi:•aself. He reached for things Pearson was about to hand to him or hold for him. He uncere- moniously achieved services for him- self which it was part of Pearson's manifest duty to perform. They got into each other's way; there was even danger sometimes of their seem- ing to snatch things from each other, to Pearson's unbounded horror. Mr. Temple Barholm did not express any irritation whatsoever misunderstand- ings took place, but he held his mouth rather close -shut, and Pear- son, not aware that .he did this as a precaution against open grinning or shouts of laughter as he found him- self unable to adjust himself to his attendant's servants, thought it possible that he was secretly annoy- ed and regarded the whole matter with disfavor. But when the dress- ing was at an end and he stood ready to go down in all his innocent ignoring of speckled tweed and brown necktie, he looked neither flurried nor out of humor, and he asked a question in a voice which was actually friendly. It was a question dealing with an inci- dent which had aroused much interest in the servants' hall as suggesting a holm did not seem to feel the neces- tonch of mystery. sit y for going into. He left him be - "Mr. Strangeways came yesterday all right. didn't he? he inquired. "Yes, sir," Parsons answered, "Mr. Hutchinson and his daughter came with him, They call her 'Little Ann Hutchinson.' She's a sensible little_ thing, sir, and she seemed to know exactly what you'd want done to make that pertt'ups they didn't know it was' a joke; and if they 'didn't, and they thought anything at all, they must think he was dippy. The dinner was a deadly, though sumptuous, meal, and long drawn out, when measured by meals at Mrs, Bowse'se He did not know, as Mr. Palford did, that it was perfect, and served with a finished dexterity that was also per- fection. Mr. Palford, however, was himself reelived when it was at an end. He had sat at dinner with the late Mr. Temple Barholm in his day, and had seen him also served by the owners of impassive countenances; but he had been aware that whatsoever ofe secret dislike and resentment was concealedby them, there lay behind their immovability an acceptance of the fact that he represented, even in his most objectionable humors, cen- turies of accustomedness to respect service and of knowledge of his right and power do claim it. The solicitor was keenly aware of the silent com- ments, being Made upon the tweed suit and brown necktie and on the manner in which their wearer boldly chose the wrong fork or erroneously made use of a knife or spoon. Later in the evening, in the servants' hall, the comment would not be silent, and there could be no doubt of what bts,charaoter would be. There would e daughter and the relating of in- cidents. Housemaids and stillloom maids would giggle, and kitchen maids and boot boys would grin and whisper in servile tribute to the witticisms of the superior servants. After dinner the rest of the even- ing could at least be spent in talk about business •matters. There still remained details to be enlarged upon before Palford himself returned to Lincoln's Inn and left Mr. Temple Barholm to the care of the steward of his (-state. IT was not difficult to talk to him when the sole subject of a conservation was on 0 business matter. Before they parted for the night the mystery of the arrangements made for Strangeways had been cleared. In fact, Mr.Temple Bar - holm made no mystery of them. He Aid not seem ignorant of the fact that what he had chosen to do was unusual, but he did not appear ham- pered or embarrassed by the know- ledge. His remarks on the subject were entirely civil and were far from actually suggesting that his singular conduct was purely his own business and none of his solicitor's•; but for a moment or so Mr. Palford was pri- vately just a trifle annoyed. The I-lutchineon's had travelled from Lon- don with Strangeways in their care the day before. He would have been unhappy and disturbed if he had been obliged to travel with Mr. Palford, who was a stranger to him, and Miss Hutchinson had a soothing effect on him. Strangeways was for the pres- ent comfortably installed as a guest of the house, Miss Hutchinson having talked to the housekeeper, Mrs. But- terworth, and to Pearson. What fhe future held for hint Mr. Temple Bar - hind as a subject, and went on talking cheerfully of other things almost as if he had forgotten him. They had their coffee in the library and afterwards sat at the writing - table, and looked over documents and talked until M'r. Palford felt that he could dune decorously retire to his him comfortable.. Mrs. Butterworth t bedroom. He was glad to be relieved put him in the west room, sir, and I of his duties, and Tembarom was valeted ,hi.in, He was not, very well amiably resigned to parting with when he came, but he seems better him. to -day, sir, only he's very anxious to Tembarom did not go upstairs at once himself: ile sat by the fire and "That's all right," said Tembarom. "You show me his room. I'll go and see him now," And being led by Pearson, he went without delay,' smoked several pipes of tobacco and thought things over. There were a lot of things to think over, and sever- al decisions to make, and he thought it would be a good idea to pass them in review. The quiet of the dead sur- rounded him. In a house the size of • CHAPTER X1I this the servants were .probably half a nide away. They'd need trolleys to The chief objection to Temple B'ar- Igat to one, he thought, if you rang • holm in Tembarom's mind was that for them in a hurry. If an armed it was too big for any human use. burglar made a quiet entry without That at least was hour it struck him. your knowing it, he could get in some The entrance was'too big, the stairs pretty rough work before any of the were too wide, the rooms too broad and too long and too high to allow of eyes accustomed tohall bedrooms ad- 1 justing their vision without discom- fort. The dining -room in which the new owner took hie first meal in conl- '- pang with Mr. Pelford, and attended by the large serious roan who wore no livery, and three tall footmen who did, was of a size- and stateliness which made Mini feel homesick for Mrs, Bowse's dining -room, with its two hurried, incompetent, and often - changed waitresses and its prevailing friendly custom of pushing things a- cross the table to save time. Meals were quickly disposed of at Mrs, Bowse's. Everybody was due up- town or down -town, and regarded food as an unavoidable, because necessary, interference with more urgent busi- ness. At Temple Barholm one sat half the night --this was the imprea-.. Bion made on Tembai om—watching things being brought in and taken out of the room, carved on a huge buffet, • and passed front one man to another; and when they were brought solemn- ly to you, if you turned them down, n� •.:oato yon Psidh(y' 9 j.00°1 feed ORINOCO - "Keep the home Pipes Burning." If there k any- thing you smoke which we haven't, we would like you to tell us. W. W. ROBINSON SEAFORTH though he was thinking of little Ann Hutchinson, and not infrequently he grinned. Here he was up to the neck ri hh " yielded•''Mr. Temple ' in it, and he was darned if he knew all g what he was going to -do. He didn't Barholm, stufRng tobact ntu the know a soul, and nobody knew him. pipe. Pearson darted to a table, pro- . He didn't know a thing he ought to. duced a match, struck it, and gave it know, and he didn't know any one who could tell him. Even thedlutch- inaons had never been inside a place hike Temple Barholm-, and they were going back to Manchester after a few weeks' stay at the grandmother's cottage. Before ,he had left New York he had seen Hadman and some other fellows and got things started, so that there was an even chance bhat the ;,pvention would be put on its feet. He had worked hard and used his own power to control money in the future as a lever which had prov- ed to be exactly what was needed. Hadman had been spurred and a little startled when he realized the magnitude of what really could be done, and saw also that this slangy, moneyed youth was not merely an enthusiastic fool, but saw into busi- ness schemes pretty sharply and was of a moat determined readiness. With this power ranging itself on the side of Hutchinson and his in- vention, it was good business to begin to move, if one did not want to run a chance of being left out in the cold. Hutchinson had gone to Manches- ter, and there had been barely time for a brief but characteristic inter- view between him and Tembarom, when he rushed back to London. Tembarom felt rather excited when he remembered it, recalling what he. to he able to settle in- ace jn;t now. had felt in confronting the strugglesPi against emotion in the blunt-featur- I—I'nt hoping to save up (-:,..ugh to ed, red face, the breaks in the rough get married, sir." "You are?" Tembarom ee,'aimed "Good business! So was I L, I'.'r' all this"—he glanced about heir --"fell on top of me." "I've been saving for the- years, lir, and if I can know I'm :1 per•nr- anency—if f can keep this "You're going to keep it a:: richt;" Tembarom cheered him up .'''i. "If you've got an idea you're wee.- to be fired, just you forget it. Cu: : right out." nd aieiXi in a few ea-' R afld cl>nd� IPn t' flf L . I; gjlt* to he threw 'let ilia . a aIN 1)tiroeelt ekigil irxto i ig abate irjr tine fine, ao 4041ned?'bd k in it with the franitnesk slid ]3B'pt natured ensile 'poeaihle:. "I hailn+t any niatly�' .1i ..- s. ", cha Pearson;'; -'waving bi(1arm to other " eu aidtakeanSayir nes b •au se.y a r $ Y Po seat," Long' and careful training came to Pearson's aid -and eupptieted him, but . he was afraid that he looked nervous and edbtainly there was a of entire Balm in his voi,Ge, �'1- thank you, sixr-aI thinlackk I'd better , stand, sir."' "Why?" inquired Tend/arum, tak- ing his tobacco-poneli Out of his pocket' and preparing to fill another Tape: "You're most kind, air;'but—but—" in impassioned erulbarrassnient—•"I should really prefer to stand, sir, if you don't mind. I should f •el more —more at 'ante, air," he added drop- I ping an h in his agitation. "Well, if you'd like it -better, that's ' to hi,m. I "Thank you," said Tembarom, still good-naturedly. "But there are a I few things I've got 'to say to you right. now." Pearson had really done hie best, his very best, but he wax terrified b'ecause of the certain circumstances once before reffered to., "I beg pardon, air," he appealed, "but I am most anxious to ye...e sat- isfaction in every respect" lir was, poor young man, horribly noxious, "To -day being only the. first day 1 darn say I have not been all 1 ahoild have been. I have never va;eted an American gentleman before, hut I'm sure i shall become aekuse:teed to ederything quite soon—aimost imme- diately." "Say," broke in Tembarom, "you're 'way off. I'm not complaining. You're all right." The easy good temper of hi; man- ner was so singularly assueee that Pearson, unexplainable as hr t" Ind in every other respect, knew -'r,1 this at least was to be depend,e1 upon, and he drew an almost lei; able breath of relief. Something :,•-tually allured him into approaching e.. at he -tad never felt it safe to ai'preaeh before under like circumstaneee—a confidential disclosure. "Thank you, sir: I am m,...; grate- ful. The—fact is, 1 hoped' teepeel:illy voice, the charging up and down the loom like a curiously elated bull in a china shop, and the big effort to restrain relief and gratitude the de- gree er- value ofwhich lmerits sof tthecm to invention it- self. Once or twice when he looked ser - Mus, Tembarom was thinking this over, and also once or twice when he grinned. Relief ?.rid gratitude notwithstanding, Hutchinson had kept hint in his place, and had not made unbounded efforts to conceal his sense of the incongruity of his position as the controller of fortunes and the lord of Temple Barholm, which was still vaguely flavored with indigna• tion. When he had finished his last pipe, Tenrbaronr rose and knocked the ash- es out of it. "Now for Pearson," he said. He had made up his mind to have a talk with Pearson, and there was no use wasting time. If thing; didn't suit you, the best thing was to see what you could do to fix them right away—if it wasn't against the law. He went out into the hall and seeing the two footmen standing waiting, he spoke to them. "Say, I didn't know you fellows were there," he said. "Are you wait- ing up for me? Well, you can go to bed, the sooner the quicker. Csoorl night." And he went up -stairs whistling. The glow and richness and cere- monial order of preparation in his bedroom struck him as soon as he opened the door. Everything which could possibly have been made ready for his most luxurious comfort had been made ready. He did not, it is true, care much for the huge bed with its carved oak canopy and mas- sive pillars. "But the lyin-down part looks a- bout all right,' he said to himself. The fine linen, the soft pillows, the downy blankets, would have allured even a man who was not tired. The covering .had been neatly turned back and the showy whiteness opened. That was English, he supposed. They hadn't got on to that at ilIrs- Bowse's. - "But I guess a plain little old New York sleep will do," he said. "Tem- ple Barholm or no Temple Barholm, I guess they can't change that." Then there sounded a quiet knock at the don'. He knew who it would turn out to be, and he was not mis- taken. Pearson stood in the corridor wearing his, slightly anxious expres- sion, but ready for orders. Mr. Temple Barholm looked down at hint, with a friendly, if unusual, air. "Say, Pearson," he announced, "if you've come., to wash my face and put my hair up in crimping -pine, you needn't do it, because I'm not used to it. But come on in," If he had told Pearson to enter and climb the chimney, it cannot be said that the order would have been obeyed upon the spot, but Pearson would certainly have hesitated and I explained with respectful delicacy the,1 fact that the task . was not "Itis place." He came into the room. "I came to see, if I could do any- thing further and—" making a cour- ageous onslaught upon, the situation for which he had been preparing him- self for hours--t"and also—if it is not too late—tq venture to trouble you with regard to your wardrobe." He coughed a law, embarrassed cough. "In unpacking, sir, I found—I did not find—" "You didn't find much, did you?" ' "Yea, air.' , "Then we're all riLot's -. front there. T'oit go- to insult besiithoaheart talk wit ' stip, Yearr son," • "Thank you, air," said Noreen in a deferential murur But if be wee not dissatisfied, whet sr^aa ,go314g to happen?.,. ... "It'll wave u.s boehefroubie, and me meet.. , lI'en not one of those , clever Clarences that can . keep up a bluff, making out Ij know Wags I. don't know. 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Brantford Asphalt Slab Slates require 4'•' OF LAYING • Brantford Asphalt Slab Slates are four pn • ;11p --require only ono operation in handling, one operation cin;—Individnni slates are 8 x 12§a inches—Cut easily, fit 7 c , fit on tones and pend over round surfaces. You save • 10 per cent. in laying. N' PAINT OR STAIN REQUIRED --The surface of Brantford A. 't Elatesisin nature's permanent colors, green and red, unf:'^-able, always attractive, --requiring no stain to produce arti.� : effects, no liquid coats to make them fire-resistant. 1G OF INSURANCE --'Brantford Asphalt Slates are cteeeed • so n.:t-combustible by fire insurance Companies—a direct saving • of fr_m 10 to 20 per cent. on premiums is effected, f oerPdfp localities fire regulations demand asbestos paper under mb reef materials, but Brantford Asphalt Slates are fire-resistant and ate immune from suede! regulations. COST OF REPAIRS -•-From the day they are laid Brantford • Asphalt Slate roofs show almost 100 per cent. of the original reef untouched. Brantford Asphalt Slates do not curl, split, (-reek or rot. Complete protection and permanent protection tit's buili into Brantford Asphalt Slate Roofs. Compare these roof costs with those of any ether roofing material; it is your money you are spending and you want value for it --then buy Distributed ander Brantford Roofing Trade Marks, tirottgh Brentford Roofing Dealers. Stook parried, information furnishec4, service fettdeted by our dealer in your dis rifit. Brantford Roofing Co. Limited MIA)) OFFICE and t'A03QRY, utr Brantford, - &naada Branches at Toronto, Montreal, Ilidtfas end *map's. For Sale by Henry Edge and N. Cluff & Sons A