HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-06-24, Page 5iOtes-M:i$@' DS all Orbit return, d to Toronto 'on Saturday last,, Her tay in 'the country was made very •leasant . , the aqv a tertdinree,*ts her f dem-Olt. and Mrs. ,,�r'red Muck, ears, i tnv6l tion Joseph and, an Mrs.'Ord, of Mitchell, were e guests of Mrs. Joseph Nagle on lSunday, the 12th Inst, -Many of the Idle men and women of the cities and :nearby towns would do well to spend the summer in the country where ;'.here is good fresh food, plenty 'of 'good air and spme work, provided they are willing to work. -Mr. John Scott, of Cromarty, Mr. George Mor- an, Liverpool, England, Mi. Jim Sullivan, of Renfrew, and Jim Evans of Toronto, are employed by Mr. Nagle crushing stone for.thecontract on the centre -road.-Mr. and Mrs. .D. Mahony, Mr. William Connolly, Mrs. Bohan, Mrs. Jim Nicholson, Mrs, .I. A. Nicholson, and Miss Nellie -Connolly were the guests of Mrs. J. Nagle, "Sunshine Hill,' on Sunday fast. -'Mrs. Joseph Carpenter, dele- gate to the convention of Catholic Women, which met in Toronto the riirat week in June, gave an interest- ing account of that meeting in Dublin on Sunday last. -Mr. Jack Brennan .is moving a house for Mr. Pat Row- land in Logan township. SEAFORTH MARKETS Seaforth, June 23, 1921. Butter, per lb 20 to 22c Eggs, per doyen 30 to 31c Hogs, per OWL $12.00 Wheat, per bushel $1.35 Barley, per bushel 50c Flour, per cwt $5.55 Bran, per ton $26.00 Shorts, per ton $30 00 Potatoes, per bag hoe Oats, per bushel 35c BEAN MARKET Toronto, June 21.-- henna, Canadian han& Pieced, bushel. $2.85 to $5: primes. $2.40 to $2.50. POULTRY MARKET Toronto, June 21. Dru,_srd Poultry - Spring chieketw, 60 t, lie;r"o. tern, 20 t, 25c: fowl ' 5 1,• " ,1r...' hn'r 15 to 39c ; odd docks, 15c; turkeys, 46.t, 50c. Live Poultry• ,Spring chickens. 46 to 500; uroosters. Iiia fowl. 1X to '220; ducklings, 35c: turkern, 85 to 40e. DAIRY MARKE'F Toronto. Ju' 21. ('he.':.e, lar 17 '1,, 191 twin.., Iv t,, i.', triplet,, 1.91.3s to :its do. twin'•. 23 1 � I!, old tot i I-,,,, Mtge. ode.. s.- 1-2• to :05e: New Stilton, 20 to 21c. Butter --trek Mort., choice. 2.. to 9O,; creamery. print.,, fresh, No. I. :10 to 3.'r: co ki tog, '.2 t, 21.-. „ r ,Mruone. 22 to 21c. • Eggs No. 00 t.. 37, . .elects. 37 P. .wrt,na. 10 to .12.. LiVE STOCK MARKETS ISuffalo. ,lu„rSI l':,!!I.• onimots, :1.7:,0: fairly' ;hip steer,. G. to cent, higher :ehinpiuc 2,001, So I., 0'•.00: huts hers $7.60 1., 0x.`,rima.., $.,.. t. $9.25,. heifer 05 to $7.55: .. ,. S_''2. ,o Si;: hops, 0.1.2 to 00; stocker't1 fs.siv, 5.00 t. $7.(l0; fru,h c ,rad .psi neer,, 50 to $120. Receipt;. 2,.00: 1,0 Cr,,),, lower, 51. to $12. It,,- Receipt,. 11.0011steely to et. lower: heat s*7'. !o S!• ; , nsd and Y,rI- ▪ $9 to $2.Il, I.,:ht ts or - and pies, $0.25: r ,chs, 17: sties. 01 lo05.,0. Sheep'a ! lamb, Rem, et,. 2.000: st.e.,dv; Iambs. 81. to 512: few, $I2.5n: yearling., 08.1,0 to $9: wsthrrs. $5 to $5.50: rams $0 to 0-1.50: mixed sheep. $1.00 to $5.00. Union Stock Tard,, Toronto. .11.I ne 21. - With receipts for disposal here fairly henry, though 15 carloads of the td,d were bolted throne h from Chinon, to 1100ren'. cattle erode "paned ,thit ni„a• • thiel g. "Indmorninnd t• Prices t a little a tspots, the de- cline all , ,nd amounting It, somewhere in , the neighborhood of 2 s11, per cwt., with cows and hull., n,r;t affected. There was n reasonable demand for a sport stuff 01 prices about steady with boat week. one ren 'nod of Prime •.torr.'regi nu 1.-190 pound, 'ring- ing 9 cents. whit• ' small lot of rhoir.• butcher heifers mads the top at 9t,. 'Nude Picked up by noon n -rad the total off erin.• was dinp,s,•d by dining time. Grass rattle were a big proportion of the receipt+, and it was cow, of this order, in lo,or pen- ditinn that helped down the cow pric•• gen. ern111'- Heavy grass rattle brooch) 61., to 7% cents. Very few cattle intend,••! for fred- inaere received and there was 110 demand for that sort. All grades of hulls were a •low stole to -day, the hoot bringing no more than 61_. cents in any ease. Quotation:- Choice heavy steer,. $8.00 to $9.00: good heavy steers. $0.00 to $0.50 ; butchers' cattle. choice. 88.00 to,. .09.00 do., good, 57.50 to $0.00; dn., o,elium, $7.00 to $7.50: do.. common, $6.50 to $7.00: but:hers' choice. $0.50 to 07.00: dn. good. $0.00 t o $0.50; du.. rem un, $5.00 to $0.00; but- chers' bulla, good. $5.50 to 56.50: de., rem - noon. $1.00 to 17,00; fee,lcw. lest, $7.50to 08.00: do., 9110 lbs., $7.00 to $7.50; cin.. 000 Tbs.. $5.73 to $0.75 : do,. common, $5.00 t, $6.00: eannen ,mil rutfon-.,"01.50 to $1.05: ilker, good to rhnice, $50.00 to 00:,.00; do., r and edium. 090.00 to 550.00; choice t sin'inm springers, 0.10.00 to 060.00: lambs, Yearlings, $9 to $0.50; tlo.. sprints, 012,00 to $19.00: aherp, ehoire, $5.50 to $11.001 cin., common. $2.00 t+ $1.mot n, good io choice, $I0.t10 to $12 00: hogs, fed and wa- tered, - tered, 512.75 to $18.00: do., weighed golf oars. $19.00 t, $19.25: cin.. f.o.b.. $12.00 to 012.25 : du., country point,, $11.7:, to 172.50. BIRTHS klcDnid. - t, Bann Pon, nn J,u,r 18, 1021, t° Mr. and Olrs. Cl,,.,, -le. M")tid, Inrnt•rly of Dublin. a dna,: h!,r. Fenninglen. I,t iloderioh. on ,lane 711,. t. 1,1r, nod Mr.: .(:hr. r le-. Poonin;ct,n. n nib k In Goole rich ! whip. n May •n_. , t ir t01 M, t't f. ..hunk. Ligan In hi11,d111,11, 01t l1/11,- 7111, 1 tit'. and 11 m.I' :ink Edgar. h, , ,. Harr.- in Grey, , , ,lune lot ,, ,o 311. and Mrs. George II. • 71art, n daughter. MARRIAGES Eyre- •Brietnw. - At the Method i'1 I hr. rrh. Senforth. nn Wednesday, .luno. 22 1021. Ruh, rtristow• only daughter of Mr. nml Mn. W. H. Bristow. to Mr. Hurry Eyre, eon of Mr. and SI,-.., Silas Eyre, Tucker- smith. Turnbull • Neil. -Al the hoer of the bride"., Parent, on .lune 8th. by Rev. Chidtey, of the Thorne, Road, Mr. Jame.. H. Turnbull. son of 11 v.. Alex. 'I aerial I, to Min, Lnurn Mae. nouns:est daughter of Mr. and Mn. Wellington Neil. of tlshnrne, formerly of Exeter. DEATHS Sathebt. In C.nb•rirh, on .rune 12th, Ellen Best, widow of the late John Salkeld, aged 01 yea,•, and 7 mood hs. Pepper.- 7r. Clinton. on June 15th, N,t ry P.nirhrn it,. wife of Mr. Roger Pepper. ag,.1 60 years and 2 months. Selden. In Moister. on June 61h, Marjorie Pauline. dm,ght r of Mr. and Mrs. It, G. Selden. Shaw. In Clinton On June (9th. Jahn Shnty. formerly of nr000elo. in his 05th year. IN MEIMORIAM Note -Items under this head will he charg- ed 60 cents per single verse and 26 cents for each additIonal verse. to InviOg memory of Arthur Cer71 Neely. killed in action June 26th, 1917: Gone to rent through the pathway of duty ventdring hG life that others might lit P, Suit"are the tWorde of the tablet of henuty. in littera unmortnl in honor .we give. Never. shall he be Setgotten,.' Neither shall his memgry fade: Precious thoughts shall ever wander To the place where he is laid. 27D8h'0" Mother and Brothers. .�i STRAXEA' FRQM LOT e, 60140BidN a atgWay, one year olid- r, roan. Q�v qr ,boat the With of June, A tnferaf}tion. leedlag,to.the'endiilg of saampoe. S be *ea,• fully revived ,t6 Q ROU'1',I,EDGE, R B. No. 4, eaferth. ?bane 2,181; 2797!x1 rysacmaR- WANTED FOR S, S. No, i$. 11 rso coop, (Ropboao), holding permanent eeoond,class certifloa*er Dgtlen to commence Snptet 1ner Opt AvO'ls luting enhiry and q,(uolidcuttons to JOSEPH SCOTT, Secretary, deaforth P. QP,, R. R. No• 2. 279858 BULL FOR SERVICE. -ROYAL RAMSDEN pure bred Shorthorn bull. Will take a limited number of coma on Lot 25, Conces- sion 7, McKillop- Terme, 88 for pure breils: $8 for grade,. JOSEPH BREWSTER. 2791-tf LOST. --ILEO HEIFER, ABOUT SEVEN months old. Mark on bottom of right oar. Any Information Win8to recovery of came will be auttably-ieavrsydod, and any one harboring same after thin notice will be prosecuted. GARFIELD MuMICHAEL, Sea - forth, It. R. 2. Phone 4 on 018, Clinton, 2798-2 AUCTION SALES /'�..* Berlet` .A01,4 s b'tmeya'1 DireetOr and 4 . 1,4cel1g�aed $Jmbaliaer , LTndertpkiug Parlors$ hi O Beattie Block, opposite The 0 Expositor *Ice. Residence O Goderich St., opposite Dr. O e Scptt'6. O Flowers furnished on short O notice. 0 Phone Night or Day 119 000000000 0000 9000 000000000 0 W. T. BOX & CO. 0 Embalmer and 0 0 Funeral Directors 0 0 R. C. BOX 0 0 Holder of Government 0 0 Diploma and License 0 I 0 Charges moderate 0 0 Flowers furnished on short 0 O notice. 0 O Night Calls Day Calls 0 0 Phone 175 Phone 43 0 AUCT4ON .SALE OF FARM STOCK AND Implement.. Mr. George Elliott ban re- ceived inatructlonn from the undersigned to sell by -public auction at Lot 16, Concession 2, Hullott, on Monday. June 27th, commenc- ing at 1.80 p.m., the following: Norma - 1 heavy draught hone 6 year old, 1 heavy draught mare 10 yean old, I general par. Pone hone 6 'years old, 1 general purpose hone 12 years old, 1 driving mare 8 years old (gaol dingle or double, thoroughly broken to can l', I colt 2 years old. Cattle -8 ,teen coring 2 years, I heifer coming 2 yearn, I heifer coming 8 yearn, 2 milkinga ows 6 and 6 ream old, 2 suckling calves. Pigs --- 2 Yorkshire pigs 8 months old. Implement 2 Yorkshire pigs a months old. 1 Imperial Oxford ed.., 7 Horse Bright stove. lmple- ntente-1 hay loader, I side delivery rake, hay rake, 1 International roller, I cultivator, 1 disc harrow, 2 sets of iron harrows, 1 fan- ning mill, 1 binder, I manure spreader (to slork either on leigh or wagon), I set bob- eighs, 2 lumber wagons, 1 buggy. 1 cutter, 1 set double harnme, 1 set single harne,, a quantity of grain bags and other articl. to numerous to mention. Terms.- -All num, of $10 and under, nosh ; over that amount 12 month.' credit will be given on approved joint notes or a discount of 6 per rent, etvlght for cash en ecedit amounts. CHAS. PEACOCK, Proprietor; George Elliott. Auc- tieneer. 270202 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 000000000 W. S. GORMLEY 0 0 Embalmer and Funeral 0 O Director O 0 Undertaking Parlors Above 0 O M. Williams' Grocery Store. 0 0 Main Street, Seaforth. O 0 Flowers furnished on short 0 O notice. O O Charges Moderate O O Phone -Night or Day -192 0 000000000 0000 Quality maintains economy. You mry pay Iz:; "per gallon" for other lubricating oils, out you get more lubrication "per dollar" when you buy Imperial Polarise Motor Oils. MARX F t B 0 4M 707' 14, OONC c't 9IQ.IY 4. Tgckamit . 'k1 pores cleaheti, 6 acres hush': ISed; .pr. ,ftie *clam there are. one brick bona 7, i¢pnk, aro, drivingehecl,,,,tyy shed, hen hQpitt. 'Milieu, la welthe drain. ed and well -fenced. , Will sell with the crop, This is - 0 Bret ilhws �•�,yr��,, and can be sold on reeuotnpItlo tfeme, T'%' mile from ,Sea - forth on 11aylleld Reed. Apply to Thous LANE, . IL R No. 1. 'Seaforth. Phone 5 on 187,,. 279244 IPANE FOR SALE. -IF, MILE of Stuceaeld', Lot 1$, Coaemnlon 1, Sttaanley, 100 lore. There are en the premises one good. bank barn, *Moment house, AN, shed, 4 opd forme Lossie, 0 good neverrfail- lag wellu, windmill en. one. The farm le well fenced' arid ' ell' :drained. Rural mall and phone. Tine le one of :It:, best farms in the township, end will be sold on reasonable teStes. Poeesal,n given in No., ember. For further particular. apply to DREW SWAN, Bruceaeld, Out. 2702-tf :?ARM FOR SALE. -100 ACRES, LOT 34, London Road in Towns hes of Tucker- smlth, one mile north of Bro.-olio-Id. 96 mares cleared, remainder bush. 'fisc,..• . in a good Game house with hard and soft water and heated by furnace,'alao Ieb-ehone. good bare spumy, eilo. pig pm,. hes lmwe and drive shed. There ore about 50 , of spring crop and 8 acres of 'fall s b,,,t. 5 acres of beans, 5 acres of corn, ands ,res of pots. Wen. This Ic counted to he nNu. I farm. Will sell crop and all I.'vt Immediate pmemaion, or without cr.111 and punomsk,n in fall. For further pa, 0,, -.dr. rs apply to the proprietor, on Lot a I loonier Road. AMOS CARTWRIGHT, l'roprietor. 2752.t1 pasts FOR SALE. -FARM uF TWO HUN - deed acres adjoining the ':'own of Sea - forth, conveniently situated to all churehm, schools and Collegiate. There Is acomfort- able brick cottage with a cement kitchen; barn 100a66 with atone stab/ mg underneath for 6 honer, 76 head of rattle and 40 hogs with steal stanchions end water before all stock: litter currier and feed currier and two cem nt 'los: driving shed and plat- form seal.. Watered by a rock well and It'LAY DRAIN TILE windmill. The farm is ...del! drained. I and In 0 high state of cultivation The crop nil b , the groud-choice clay loam. Domed!. ate possession. Apply to 1,. BEATON, R. , Will open a kiln on Monday, June It. 2, Seaforth, Ont. 2787-1 120th, 1921. Sizes 3 to 6 inch, and Wle are opening ti !Idiot of Pi Tile • on Fridaydune '24th. We Barry in stock ftemp2$,y'inch to 8 inti Tile at Reduced Prides. We alae de- liver tile. KRUSE BROS., It R. No. e,. Seaforth. Phone 2 on 180. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Statute in that behalf that all perootw hav- ing rlaimn against the estate of Archibald McGregor, late of the Township of MnKillop, in the County of Huron, Farmer, dviceacad, who died on the 26th day of May, 1021. are 1521,iW rend nby spout, pepaid orydeliv rales the undersigned, full particular of their dolma, duly verified by affidavit and the nature of the security (if any) held by them. Further take notice that after the nuid last last mentioned date the assets of the acid de- ceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been given. Ont, the 21st day of June. 1921. R. S. HAYS, 7793-3 Solicitor for Exeeutorn. Money Makers some White Brick. I, ARMS FOR SALE. -100 ACRES, LOT 12, ' Conrmaioa 6, In the Township of Tucker- New Tile and Brick and New Prices. smith, 3 miles from Seaforth. 6 mile from Delivery erode at Reasonable Rates. BruceBeld and Kipper, convenient to school and church ; 05 acres cleaned, remainder to maple bush. On this farm are excellent bund- inga end are in arst-elass repair; hard and soft water In the home and intables; 2 wells. 1 having a windmill. This farm is thoroughly under drained nod fenced and in a high state of cultivation, never having been heavily cropped. Thin in in every way ss Oret class and up-to-date farm. Also Lot 27, Concession 12. In the '15,wewhlp of Nib - herr., containing 100acres: r.0 ratem cleared ,lel thoroughly underdralned and fenced, the remainder is in flat close maple bush. On the premise 1s a comfortable frame house nod good barn 40n56 with no ,tabling; also good well with windmill This farm 4 all semled to grass and it condi- tion, havingl been croppedteryn Celittle;llent siitu- nted within 6 miles of Henenll. Quarter of n,le from„ school. There lo I.,ng distance telephone' connection on both farms, also rral mail delivery. Th farms will be soe li together or separately w «uit Durchaaer end on reasonable terms. For further par. ticular apply to the propr,etnr, on Lot $2, Concesaien 6, Tuckenmith, or Seaforth P. 0., R. R. No. 4, or phone 14 on 131, Seaford:. THOMAS G. SHILLINGLAW, Proprietor, W. M Sproat It. R. No. 4, SEAFORTII. Phone 9 on 136. Victory, Govern- ment and Muni- cipal Bonds Just Arrived, a "large h Shoes, -Men's; 'Adios in High - Class Quality,: to he i $ limited time. Come and look them One big bargain for the week--- Pink Satin Camisoles, with fine- embroidery, allsizes, worth $1.00 fore...... _.._.- LADIES' Another bargain in White Lisle Hose, while 35c they last at a pair.. LADIES' Combination Underwear all sizes. Sale Price 75 in C HOSPITAL BEDS Just 3 left with real strong enamel, worth $15 for 3 1 spring iron, white U Mattress to match 00 7at MEN'S White canvas Running Shoes in odd sizes to clear at a pair 1 �• . BOYS' White Cotton Jerseys, just the thing for hot weather. selling at each 5UC TO CLEAR All Straw Hats with good wide rim. Worth 50c 35c for E08u181mlummmgnn811w8EIELMigmllllllmmmlmun$lnumnlm11111111llmmM11M0IIMI 1mu IZEIMIRE111gu➢11111E D lie Sold at current rates and deliver- ed free of expense. R. S. HAYS, SEAFORTH, ONT. 2778-tf CUTS c t 0 �i 11 Q rG S T S !�1 THE economy of using Imperial Polarine Motor Oils extends over practically every item of motor operation. - The lubrication afforded at every friction point and the gas-tight piston -to -cylinder seal means a big saving in fuel bills and a noticeable increase of power. Through perfect protection bf ;ill motor parts, undue repair bills are avoided and depreciation is greatly reduced. By using Imperial Polallne Motor Oils you can save dollars this year on maintenance alone. Resides, you realize more profit and greater usefulness from your car. Always use the grade of Imperial Polarine recom- mended on our Charts for your type t,f. motor. Sce Charts at your dealer's or write to ;ti Church Street, Toronto, for a copy of our interesting booklet, "Automotive Lubrication,'" which contains the com- plete Chart of -.Recommendations. IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED BRANCHES IN ALL CITIES For a Clean, Efficient Motor Dealers displaying this sign will Ihoroughl)-clean the old oil and the gilt and the dirt out of your crank- case; will flush your motor crank- case with 11701,r6al Flushing Oil and I4011 it with fresh lubricating oil. Your crank -case should he cleaned every 1,000 miles or less. It moms more lore economy and more satisfac- tion to employ imperial 1'olarine Crank -Case Cleaning Service. Stock Issue Wanted A relial,i'• brokerage house is in a position to underwrite ail issue of from $100,000 to $1,000,000 of an established and growing- Canadian Corpora- tion. Comnnnl ate with 11'I by wife or phone at our expense. Corporation & General Investments, limited. Investment Securities. 38 King St. d''. - - - Toronto Phone Main 501(7-7. Can ou Beat It ? UITS i sale to 0) dere For $20 U N EW SAMPLES NOW IN. (':ALL AND SEE THEM. "MY WARDROBE" MAIN STREET - - - - - SEAFORTH This Way to Broader Markets Right at your elbow is your Long Distance telephone. With it, you can talk with any of 12,000,000 telephones m Canada and the United States. • "Clear the Way!" Long Distance seems to say - "here's an important message!" For there is something impressive about a Long Distance call. The customer is favorably impressed before he knows what the message is about. And Long Distance gives you the right of way into every man's office. He cart ignore your advertising. your letter, or even your traveller, but ignore a Long Distance call? Instinctively he readies for the tele- phone! Keep down selling expense. "Use the 'Bell' to Sell." You will be amazed to find hurt' many people can be sold your product by Long Distance--quickly--economically. if you have several calls to make, our Local Manager Can arrange to have tone follow the A.ykgPNO4;F, other. Think of him as the 1\1anagtr of .. �C your telephone service. Hr can suggest ways of applying Station-to-Statirul service to your business. Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station • �,sj7�'� �(4 yqy' j�t�ll cap �rq Sale 'n b ,w' 18,4 xr ® (.':AN%'As FOOTWEAR, HOSE, UNDERWEAR ® 511IRTS, TIES, HATS, (.':APS, ETC. La(lie.s Whit(' l'am'as Oxfords, reg. $3.25, for $2.50 Ladies' White Canvas Oxfords. reg. $2.75 for $2.25 I ado'. ' i I -i to Canvas Ties, reg. $3. for $2.50 Misses' White ('novas Oxfords, reg. $2 for... ,$1.50 Child's White Canvas Oxfords. reg. $1.75 for$1.25 Alen's White Running Shoes, reg. -$2.50 for$2.00 dell's I;rown Running Shoes, reg. $2.75 for$2.25 Ladies' Silk ;ankle and lisle Hose, in black and White, r.'gular 75 c-ents, for .45 • :'hell's Eine Shirts, regular $3.25, for $2.50 Men's Fine Shirts, regular ;;2.50, for $2.00 Ma'n's Balbriggan Underwear, reg. $1.00 for.75 Men's Pnros Knit tinderweal', reg-. $1.00 for'.50 Men's Panama Hats, regular $3.00 for $2.00 SPECIAL PRICES IN ALL BOOTS AND SHOES 100 l'OI'NnS GR.\NITLATED Si7GAR. (LIMITF,D), $10.00 Overalls, $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 a pair. Eggs taken as Cash. We do not buy Butter. Store closes at 6 on Tuesday and Thursday evenings E. A. McASH & SON, Varna • I i ,l41Ak.... M1,.9f11',..t+1n +�s.+:„f�.x fV✓.that!.' d.. 1 RF, you .1 MAN OR WOMAN Brave enough to Face the Future? Big enough to Assume a Responsibility? Far-seeing endugh to Prepare for Misfortune? Ambitious enotigil to Increase your Estate Immediately? Patriotic enough to Provide for your Own? Energetic enolfg'lr to be Making a Good Livelihood. Healthy enough to Pass a Medical Examination? Then clip this advertisement. Fill in coupon and send to S. C. COOPER, Inspector Northern Life Assurance Co. - BOX K. SEAFORTH EXPOSITOR OFFICE. NAME e ADDRESS Date Born day of is the year Stock Issue Wanted A relial,i'• brokerage house is in a position to underwrite ail issue of from $100,000 to $1,000,000 of an established and growing- Canadian Corpora- tion. Comnnnl ate with 11'I by wife or phone at our expense. Corporation & General Investments, limited. Investment Securities. 38 King St. d''. - - - Toronto Phone Main 501(7-7. Can ou Beat It ? UITS i sale to 0) dere For $20 U N EW SAMPLES NOW IN. (':ALL AND SEE THEM. "MY WARDROBE" MAIN STREET - - - - - SEAFORTH This Way to Broader Markets Right at your elbow is your Long Distance telephone. With it, you can talk with any of 12,000,000 telephones m Canada and the United States. • "Clear the Way!" Long Distance seems to say - "here's an important message!" For there is something impressive about a Long Distance call. The customer is favorably impressed before he knows what the message is about. And Long Distance gives you the right of way into every man's office. He cart ignore your advertising. your letter, or even your traveller, but ignore a Long Distance call? Instinctively he readies for the tele- phone! Keep down selling expense. "Use the 'Bell' to Sell." You will be amazed to find hurt' many people can be sold your product by Long Distance--quickly--economically. if you have several calls to make, our Local Manager Can arrange to have tone follow the A.ykgPNO4;F, other. Think of him as the 1\1anagtr of .. �C your telephone service. Hr can suggest ways of applying Station-to-Statirul service to your business. Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station • �,sj7�'� �(4 yqy' j�t�ll cap �rq Sale 'n b ,w' 18,4 xr ® (.':AN%'As FOOTWEAR, HOSE, UNDERWEAR ® 511IRTS, TIES, HATS, (.':APS, ETC. La(lie.s Whit(' l'am'as Oxfords, reg. $3.25, for $2.50 Ladies' White Canvas Oxfords. reg. $2.75 for $2.25 I ado'. ' i I -i to Canvas Ties, reg. $3. for $2.50 Misses' White ('novas Oxfords, reg. $2 for... ,$1.50 Child's White Canvas Oxfords. reg. $1.75 for$1.25 Alen's White Running Shoes, reg. -$2.50 for$2.00 dell's I;rown Running Shoes, reg. $2.75 for$2.25 Ladies' Silk ;ankle and lisle Hose, in black and White, r.'gular 75 c-ents, for .45 • :'hell's Eine Shirts, regular $3.25, for $2.50 Men's Fine Shirts, regular ;;2.50, for $2.00 Ma'n's Balbriggan Underwear, reg. $1.00 for.75 Men's Pnros Knit tinderweal', reg-. $1.00 for'.50 Men's Panama Hats, regular $3.00 for $2.00 SPECIAL PRICES IN ALL BOOTS AND SHOES 100 l'OI'NnS GR.\NITLATED Si7GAR. (LIMITF,D), $10.00 Overalls, $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 a pair. Eggs taken as Cash. We do not buy Butter. Store closes at 6 on Tuesday and Thursday evenings E. A. McASH & SON, Varna • I i ,l41Ak.... M1,.9f11',..t+1n +�s.+:„f�.x fV✓.that!.' d..