HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-06-24, Page 4it'
sena ..Stewart Brace,—e
—Grog; Clothing Co. -1
G.' W[llis—•�
it tote'-
R. Scott -4
her • Thonpaoi a Rook Store —S
n- •trincoto• s
ash Shoe Store --s
or I4ew Store I.. A Silts
—A.. A. Cockburn S
1 Sale- S. A. McAoh & Sone S
ane. `
:her W,nce,l rh Scott
Joy' •'
pxpua,tor Dance
fI1Ottea•--henry Gulrli ler s
Dominion Day -J. Milmtat u l'
t': t—Ga'ltrtd MOM,tho,'l
SEAFORTH, Friday, June 23, 1921.
NORTH Hl l(ON 1.1UElt,1.S
W,:I1.,n II. F' -.' K I 11 •• ..
'j'owns till b.
date is - ., ,s N• yin 11..,
the cul t.. I. I. _.. Its ..
inajotltt „ t 1. 'I .a,•1'•
cast e„ ..I -„ash,.. \l ,..,
receive•{ • I. ,11 .1,5' . I I'.t_
l'.,sere -1 ,
Hill, of
Liberal r",,, e.,. , I t.I
tilt 'rues lay
Tile- cern \neeiot w:o ., .u'ge-:
keeueet :,n,l the leo-•. ., Insets.... et''.•:
optimistic gat e.rnif heel ce the. r:J-
tng during the pass•; ,Irr.id,
auditorium of tee, -',n alas ,t,
sten and wen,,.n •ie!i gate
parts ,
t tee relieg
Alto 1 I n, ,
nom:,: t 1 chat'ret
..•.Ida llnn'tve ni, ' \1'r ;e l '1'ce
others weer,• Httgh 11.11:, e f ie.:ker-ne.
Township; Charles t;:u'n,w, of Ilodr
, t I i - L1 ,
W. I
stone, et li:yte; W'i,Gam Latae, of
Goderich; isaae Hetherington. of
Colborne; .1- K. 1!eelab:,f Dung:u1-
non; M. U (':suet."' K I' , ..f I Ide-
, rich: A. Ilys!e,p, "t It'u:-'''<; Joie.
McNeb, 'f they, ;r:.I \V. II. It tbor.-
: U11, .,f (r e:e T''e. n.
They a''. w:•'adr,.w e ,'eIUng o.•
named. lltiere Hie, W. II Rnberpera
and W. H. Fro.er. P)r. Kobe rtsor
was I.-dm:antedi o • the first ha'iot.
On the or.,1 \11' I' "as,'' fru: 'i'..
clar•enl elected ones .:.• '. t ,:e s ''l
4(i to (
Plc. F 1 ;x'r `.v em: of the best known
farmers \Iurris
lass .tislays been .1., ::tiding
eral, Twee. he , eer., -I rbc l.it,ernl
stan,iarel r, ,i.',•i"ns , ,r the I'rorin-
cial [reuse.
In i`lilci h,• ern+ e •-•t,.1 in .e by-
election by a 1;!u:t majority after
being in the tight '-'racy a week. in
1919 he ors defeated when he fought
in a three -cornered tight. Ile was
born in H- ries 'Hewrtship fifty -taco
years ago. He -'•rigid as township
councillor for six years and as reeve
one year.
Were not responsible to Parliament
or the 'people for their actions, was
.strongly brought out in the fit1`ai days
.of.the session just ended, when the
Commons was called upon to vote
huge sums of money without 'being
able -to get very definite information
as to what it was required for, be-
cause the ministers responsible for
these departments were not in the
House to be questioned. in regard
t u labor administration, Senator
Robertson, administering one of the
most important departments in the
public service, had to put his esti-
I.,htes through with the aid of the
Prime Minister who, ever though as
w ,!ting, could tot be expected to give
the saute information as though he
were itt•toueh with the workings of
the department. The same applied.
to th, L)epart:Ment of the interior and
ell ed departnti-nts, though ut that
c:e>e of these Mr. Meighou was more
home because he had previously
Le' -n tar minister in charge; Weill
t e •'.n:c to post e lice cribra•;; there
uuhudy wah the info! Ilia-
t. ,a, S, the 11UL1;-
t toll' 'lit' a 'tint; a u,-•
bli,I.Ily or hood t,' in up f„r
.rt ••, , , •on an.1 I ,Is e ,ell t.n' n:. bot n ornamental and useful.
\!. I•.n.seer. l..,p"imt,•, M,'uber f -,t
bride': h': ge In e cntay suit Was. of
n rel - rut' Ion,, led hat tc, match.
Seaforth, is opening a branch drug of
eve D. C. Macgregor
More on Mair street where Mre. Ross' perfelrfitektl .eoremony• and -was as
had her millinery store. ---Mr. and slated Ay Ree.,... Thomas Roy, o
Mrs. John Spa
rksof Hayfield, oldare but Street. $a
fist church,
spending the week end i;Hamilton The bride w&8 given away in marriage
with friends. 'by -Mrs. V C. Macgregor, in the
� MFilibrary which was beautifully decor-
L'SBORNE I sited with orange blossoms and
Thames Road Notes. -+Mr. and Mrs. • peonies, the -bridal chorus being play-
Aarvy ;Mcl.agen and children, of ed by Misa Millar. The bride stood
Logan, visited relatives here on Sun- under a cluster of white streamers
day, Miss Joy Whitlock spent the and orange bossuu,a surrounded by
past two weeks with friends in Lthe baskets of ponies. The bride look-
s e charminghi her handsome deems
tiuu.• -SS r, and Mrs. Burson Williams of duchess satin and tuelle veil
and Roland were in Stratford on Sun- , w'teathed with orange -blossoms, and
day. Mrs. Stanley Wenzel and eon, carried ashowef of white carnations
Jack, returned with tacit. -Mr, and and peonies. She was attended by
Mrs. John (rano and family, Mr. and her rliece, Miss Ethel Warner, who
Mrs. Percy l'ass,lore were at Whalen ,curl' a pretty frock of orchid ()randy
or, Sun
nstay Vi.cI tip relatives,tou Cuun.-The home of 111 r.. and carried pink roses. Little Bea-
trice trice Dayman, tieee of the groom,
and Mrs .lulu, Cann was the scene made a pretty little flower girl, and
of a pretty wedding on June 15th, wore a pretty Sony pink silk frock
when their daughter, Marguerite S„ and carried a basket of pink earna-
was units-, in marriage to B' Ir, Earl thine. The group, was atteuded by
ted in a beautiful dress of whit" et,nl, „1' ttal,:it. Sae weeart his nephew, Mr. Herman Hayman. A
cta,,,,tding breakfast followed the cere-
>atin tt.tl, georgette• urerdrens ami many, the tables being Prettily dec-
este ., tv't Ret. W. (i. II, MeA!- ()rated with pink :old white roses and
I I They veer 'allot ..ied the
direntnily. Ie
we re the r, ipirnte of many beautiful ' over the bride's cable hung white
streamers and orange hIussunls. Lat-
er Mr. and Mrs. Hayman left cn a
motor trip to Goderich amid showers
of confetti, the (rude travelling in a
navy tailored suit with smart bluelored .1
hat to match. The grooni is a high-
ly respected reselent of the second
concession of gigue k,•rsmith, and the
bride, atlhough a stranger here; will
be made welcome by our citizens.
Many friends w'!I extend congratula-
tions anti best ed=hes ter Mr. and Mrs
Hayman for a happy and prosperous
married life.
-We are
Old Resident.
lleath of An
)I I
i l th
u drew a c
, epee t <
'- week Calle 1
tai e k
old nesi
u the
0 one f
• ;sin r awayY
dente of pioneer clava, in the person
of Miss Margaret Slater, of Ila
township, who pissed into rest or
Friday, June lath, at the age of 7t
years and. four Months. Miss Slate
• with ,;a
rnt.� to this
bordering on sixty years ago, when
tiny settled in Hay township whey
tl.e remaining members of the fart
ily still live. The deceased made he
In in with her l,r,thus, Andrew an
Walter, and 'peai. wally her whole lif
was spent in this district. Five
yes'; ago her health began to fa
and as the years passed she grew
weaker, but during the long year
of her illness she was always ti
mplaining. Sire -,vas in every sense
a good woman end a kind neighbor,
and for many years was a memhc
of St. Andrew', -'torch, and in tl
days of health her seat in the sanc-
tuary was seldion unoccupied. T
funeral took pl•,ee on Tuesday, t
s, -i -s ices being c vnit:cied by her pas-
tor, Rev. Mr. Lundy, and the r
mains being interred in the family
plot in Hensel' cemetery.
Parlmer leaver bo mourn her., 1Raa.
her aged husband, sora. Thofltas W 1
and daeghtern, Mrs. Albert White -
sides, and Mrs. George Miners. The,
funeral which is to be a private one,
has not been held at the • date of
writing. The deceased was a tine,
strong,. rugged woman `until sonic
years ago when she was afflicted
w'th a serious, form of •.14teumatism
which crippled here so much that she
could not get around the house with-
out supports or resting very fre-
quently and made her life of late a
very sad one in that way. She was
possessed of many fine qualities•and
will be missed by a large circle of
relatives and friends.
Briefs, -On Friday evening, the i
25th, Mr. Porterfield, P. D. D. G. M.,
of Mitchell, is expected to install -the
newly elected °Biters of1Zurich Lodge
A. F. and A. M. at Hensel', when it
is expected that there Wwa11 be a large
attendance. Refreshment, or what is
termed as the -4th degree, will take
place at the close 'of the installation.
-Mr. A. W. E. Hemphill recently re-
turned from Toronto where he had
spent a week combining business with
pleasure.- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
uauhler and Mrs. T. Ashton, of
Goderich, Mrs. John Furdan, of
Kansas City, and Mr. Robert Nott, of
Youngvtun, Ohio, visited last Thurs-
day al the home of Mn, and Mrs.
ole and daughter, Annie
Peter Wlu y
of Hensall,-On Monday evening last
Bishop Williams, of Huron, was pre-
.. sent at St. Paul's church here, when
he delivered a most excellent address
and administered the right of con-
, tirntation to a el -ass of ten, who were
uniting with the church. The service
was well attended and proved help•
ful and inspiring to all. -A number
carpenters are
engaged in
o car entt s
e I
and most up-to-
erecting a beautifulF
date verandah and sleeping porch for
Hay Mr. Robert Paterson un Main street.
i --Mr. James W. Johnson is hating
J a large quantity of gravel delivered
vacant lots on the
• o his aca
beside one f
block -
t east side of Nelson street', a e
or two north of the post office, where
e in the near future there will no doubt
be a fine brick dwelling erected. -
Mr.! Milton McTaggart, of the West,
and formerly of the London P.oad, a
couple of utiles south of Hensall, is
ht-rr visiting his aged father, Mn,
A If red • McTaggart, and his sister,
Sfiss Cynthia: -A number of our
b•,c; Ice=. ore attending the tourna-
ment at London where same seventy
different rinks are taking part in
the contest. -The annual strawberry
r ftstivnl held under the auspices of
the Ladles' Aid of Carmel Presby-
terian church on Monday evening last
dr,,a rent, n::• 11
,i u•, ils- ❑(),•tor• on L,h,r est-.-
: � � .• \t:,i;te•r of I.:,b.:l." ,ieclar'.l
'h, Honsr „f (',,:n,n.,u.. Ile t'ep.
. Mee-, in- repr.scut. de•nlnc..
mind, r s a pie:¢• of
:,ter „
, I.
t Ise
-h, „ I t u, il.b,' e f the Sent
l '10
net th1'ek dee 1'1 Creat Iillt,tn
:,aye ee we,u',I tl te. e , the repo -eet
at i; e f labs l ...ter seated in the
'len ou
,rds Wien lens
.,. e,f Le
r the
i,..!- the fart th,t- one of l 1
the platform of tar Trades arid
I :a,.... t'..r{•,-e=: of (':ttt:ula-wli:,h a".
e.,n!ing 7 , t!„- \lini=tor o f i.:,I"'r
only ei,:utne•I tlu'o:,tri1 ,rhea the.
{cin:: of talus eto, u!d br expres;-
..,I - n -eb 1ct, n, ,0)1111,11//1 ' Sprat
An interesting fact which so far
has not seen the light of publicity
was disclosed when the executors of
Sir Wilfrid Laurier opened the saf-
ety deposit box where the deal
statesman kept his personal papere.
In the middle of a bundle of insur-
ance policies and other documents of
a similar nature was a biogreph let-
ter front King George, offering Sir
Wilfrid a peerage. It was obvious
that Sir Wilfrid had placed the let-
ters there with intention. It oath!
not escape even the most careless
So far es we knew, Sir Wilfrid
never mentioned this matter to his
friends while he was alive. It was
a great surprise to his executors, on:,
of whom -at least had shared his
most intimate confidence. But Sit•
Wilfrid was a ratan •sit' loved hon-
or, and the secret he cherished ,chile
living hr was proud to announce
when 'he had left this earthly scene,
A peerage would not have made Sir
Wilfrid a greater ratan, but he was
human cough to he pleased that his
greatness s -sac 'fittingly- recognized -in
the highest plarrs--Hnut:treal Stan-
i o::.I :,p;":u' .. Pee ,cc
In . e di' bads
ti,,c s : , /rel, lig Libor and
{:carr "f this c mr.:rye and it
,!:rebs br:,c,•o❑ cn,;,h•tet-,
••m...'.. tea: are ire snaps the In
e -,seer• problems which tine \l;t.''er
.r !,:ie,. ?,o-- to fa,, t., -,lay; ..Id :Ir -
y f the u' n. m`'u•'vi
i' be 1nembe . of 1.,disrm-. 1:1'.
.e pri•Sental,v,•S f t ,'
1'eopi 'Chis 'tentde'n:In • go.og
bn:rie :in e"ntlt!'v els,''i•,neering :n•,'I,
.11 • •,„ <, lila n- I''''"entllig II.•'ili?n-n-
of this Iters•, and I for 'enc• ,could
like to have him fare! ane in
I9ranthe.. that I 'night have The op.
ort cnity et ,licensing vara hist
questions relating to Canadi:w La
bo r.
•'( content myself now with sen.
ply registering this prot.est and I
hope before aide. that the labor eaero
of _ e Dominion will have their rep-
resentative in this House, for to this
they, as ,tel': ,s the public a, 1:u^:e.
are t"died.,,
lilt I('EliELI)
N•de; A n attraceive unseellan-
e el.-h.,cer was grcert ori Wcdnes-
-lay. ,dell by Mtsws \laynte and Alice
Swan, In bonne of the bride -elect,
bins Gertrude Grainger, ahnet fifteen
of her girl friends being present.
'l 'ice vnr': had :arranged the gifts of
:h'• bride -elect in a novel way on
I • them
„ tee ,Is- concealing •alto
table e u F,
ae .n
self was
• house it
The u
tt. 11
" • and
with Irk
decorated ed
i.'�au:ilu .t I
,.!pro pr'ni,•s - Mr. ['rest Iturdge was
Brantford the end of last week
., t,•nd:ng Grand Lodge of 1. 0. 0, F.
•Mt•. Ilugh :\ikeuhea,l and family
•' 1 g u mut ,,
ea, oto 1
this wvr;;
01 linen[•.
.. Wed-
Kent I,
onL'u ., 1 y
ding heti, Urso been ringing right
merrily in and around our village
and :re .till ringing. A quiet wed-
, ,I T n.:, phis,- “Ti Weduisday. .11.111e
ci',. \l.`1,'''. ib c. W. Il. Me-
.,tir wh, n Miss (,e rtrudo
••h •e.rn,' :n" ,!ride of Mr.
W'r:ght, of S'•gfnrth. The
'.d,• w„r' �:I:.est and bec,w!n�
•esus s,,'c and ! a: ,aith corsage buu-
',•:t of -vase: pe.,:. After the wed-
!inr'I.':1,e•r 11r ,end Mr:. Wright left
motor amid s'he-wers of confetti
:::•1 :• •",I w,;Lc; for Clinton en route
1.r let.n'. -sats
Further departure of cabinet mini -
stere from Ottawa have taken alar;
during the wrote, until now. it. is
ea given day to
thing, ,o ;nes renta-ninn on the j
than i
r L• , ll-thosewho ,o art
The 1 faithful ul i. ,
IA -iron!.'[
!t al..•r. .spit
Tion. J. D. Reid, ,,.''l one or two
Others on hand t, help h: n I !
.any w ` ty mnt',r, of
-,nay .rise. ll,n I C. I11l',,l,1.'
oncl lien. 11, 'h Gu•FI is are due '
clip etc'', i steel in o fee in,:
now, and t -h , ,c''t offs -1;y t';' a1 •
not .'t I r . 'f ;0 -lend-
ing tie cart, i .'; t.irk MI.
i L
• -u •h
'L1c,gl a e•1
Ria - ,, ., t. n,. cu i ,.,'p .I ''•ti .
are not t', he ,se,, an •in 'lir i-r-
ference, aceor!ing t•, '11., blares Iain
he Canadian Prime :Mini-
by the n
t!tere is more than a sagvcsfi-111
that Inc thinks it ,vise to have the
sal and militia a` -
ministers of naval
fait's en hand to give hire, pointers
• •cthey are needled.
Should there, by any chance, be a
discussi•in of naval and military
policies as affecting the Empire, final
decisions, according to ,Ur. Meighen'T.
r left for the Iin-
ant must
statement, h
rental Conference. On 'rhe ether
hand. Lloyd George and other hands
' have made it clear that they will
insist on soca problems being decid-
• ed. *hen the Prime Minister re-
turns, 'he will have a busy time ex-
an -
such decisions.
1 \
warnings were given in the House
debate that Parliament, outside of his
owti followers, would not he bruins
by, -ally of the decisions he might
reach while he was overseas under
gxresent conditions. His ,sta'temen'ts
�have been all along that this confer -
elite was preparatory to the Imperial
Conference proper and that there
would be discussions and a laying
of - pians. In other words, this
be -a. sort of preliminary canter
tate ifi'ea business coming next
Gen pt” ,policy of hailing
he� eatlttmentsrmen who
Notes.- -Mr. George Eyre moved his
house en Friday and Saturday' :rem'
the fifty -acre faro, nearer to the
learns on the hundred, which ,viii be
a groat saving of steps. The wore:
v::,s 'n the hands •,f Brennan and
C'^awdi rd, t;f Dublin. -The many
friends of Mr. George Dalrymple will
be •..trey to hear that he is a: present
eft work sabering from a severe
attack of blood poisoning in tate hand.
1' l' C1(ERSM ITH
Returned From Port Hurc,n.-Tater.
T1c,ire. son. of Plc. W. M. Doig, lawyer
of Port Flu, un, has rrttr.•nrd CO spend
t:,c' holidays hero after eeeressfelly
rempleting his first year's studies in
the ' 'c,shington high ,cleml of that:
city. lie will hegn, his :,. -nerd year's
work on September 1 th next.., an'I
!pis many friends bete h,:tr to se'.
:•..int rise snood by round until ie
eraehre the top of the '•doeatiuna!
holder in the land of his birth.
Notes M:•. 'I'h,mc,s :\1i -Kay made
., 1,1S1,e:.:rip to Stratford last. seek.
l:rk111: has purchased tae
. I N.,. ,I. se„ ,I I, :ass :/al intends to
:.,c,• i'1 t„ Seafarth :o house his
• •,heal.•;; e'tt'Ii;. :\ large norther
fr,m lag, attended the lirodhagen
r; - nn \Vedneelay, which was a
, L,rri'••! Stu'cess. There were a nuni-
be of speakers f1 'n, a elistanre, and
song., and recitations, but the most
excitiru item Int the programme was
e c'.1',.1" -"f -war between McKillop and
Logen, the captains being Mn. Me-
t,•,;ti,l and Mr. Hagerty, the reeves
''ii-',ips area th,e referee, Mn,
'ii: rr, r,ceis. ex -\!.1'.1'. The score
vas 'fro to tiling, for McKillop.
The lire: draw took T.ogan by sur-
•rier ,- every one ..,a!d see the
teams were- not of even weights,•but
he „'nal draw Meted .:in" minutes
which ,c:,s too long for the most of
•hent and V. hon Logan .raw that .the
stung was not as small as they
thought, they made up their minds
•o make th,.nt hang at, they might
ontu'i:cd tin .n. l,' --t' couldn't do it. The
Is wore composed of .1. M, Eckart.,
,•r.rhor than, W. ¢holey, .Toe Murray.
lea Davidson, John Kt;+m'e• August
AY.\ uroN
ct ,, s,f,tt (,angel t, (In M'nd't;.
et .urt�, .1'ru 1211,pupa, „f
am! le Ai . 1 `,r. , c ' in tee
i,. e t . \4. II;,-..!. T' ..I':� •el num-
: Int
bet•:, "eri.., - . rel •u ,t, •no• k:
'Ir• Vitt t ,sec v y `me.
speset! :ea , '•rd tins':.
ver'air,.y ..,'Ira':',r c,r,•'..n:aiat'_,
M, s-... Le St'lccI i
rs u, Loen • t) -,r. `et r
le el.., eery mut.', aln5 t '•I.
•1'!'e ltrnie•rds antonc'ed 1st aitiat .•_�.
Rreezee.. -Mrs. Minter Mr and
Mrs. Fournier and Roy Sharman, of
Detroit., are in cottage No. ..lrwett's
Grove. --Mr. and Mrs. Colson, of St.
'Phomas, have taken Mn, 1d in
Jow.e.t''a, and were lune over the
swell end. --Mrs. Duggan and f>ani'.p.
of Detroit, aro io No. 7. T
itGrave. 'Car ladies of the Patriotic
Society have purch-seri a beautiful
brass tablet. en which is inscribed the
names of those who fell in Francs
who belonged In Hayfield and s'I.',nitt-.
Tlir ceremony of unveiling thin Iab-
le: will take place in the town hall
Friday, .Tal
• 1•.. An
.r onv
three .m.
at II P
interesting programme is being pre-
pared. Col. Cnm,he and officers are
n evening a ont.-
th sen f
to be present. In g
bill snatch is to he played between
Hayfield and Tarns; after this there
will be pictures at the town hall,
"The Surrender of the German Navy."
"How .Timmy Minded the Baby." and
community singing with illustrated
songs. -On 'Friday, the 24th, the
members of the county council with
their wives and invited guests, picnic
here, -On Saturday, the 25th, the
pupils of our public school picnic in
Jowett's Grove. -'Mr. Urnbach, of
was a great success. The evening.
he teles-! the roads were most favorable
s_ and a very large number assembled,
e_ manly' coming from quite a distance.
td were nice! lighted with
1'h! grounds Y u
, .y,lro and the ladies well sustained
their reputation as excellent cooks
liberal providers as the tables
fairly groaned under their weight of
gond things. After tea was served
ch the crowd passed through the base-
rs. mart to the large church grounds
surrounded by fine large maple trees
to that carved to make it nice and cool,
and shady, and here a fine literary
t() and musical programme was carried
out and much enjoyed, with the pas-
tor, Rev. Mr.. McConnell, ably pre-
siding as chairman. Rev. Mr. -Lundy
of St. Andrew's church,-Kippen, was
~ nre:enl and gave a short and inter -
to ¢sting address, and'• we, regret that
the. programme was too long and
to vo"iec to permit of us giving a more
er- t,,trticular•ized account. -Suffice it, to
the say that all taking part did so with
credit to themselves and pleasure to
was the large audience present. The
at proceeds amounted to something
the over :150,00 and after deducting ex-
penses will not nearly $100. --Miss
Mr. i.ucy Carter, of London, spent the
'•`'a'r'k end with Mrs. William Dougall,
er of this village: --A number of our
+n villagers are arranging for cottages
els at Grand Bend for the summer
Mr months. -Mr, George Hudson has int -
vas proved the appearance of his dwelling
immediately east of the town hall,
by having it re -shingled with fire
proof shingles. -Mr. De Jean, of
Harrow, and formerly of the Mol-
sonsecn Bank staff here, was in the vil-
lage this weak renewing acquaint -
few tslccs.--Mr, M. II. Dent, of Sudbury,
tee accompanied by his sister, Mrs. G.
who F.Scutt, spent the week end with
°t ¢heir sister, hiss. .1. Sutherland and
`list family. -Mrs, George Scott and
daughter, Miss Katie, have returned
in front visiting relatives and friends in
rah Toronto where they .spent a couple
of weeks and also visited Rev. E.
and familyof Allis-
' Mel, Smith a
1• . . t
ton and formerly of Hensall.-Uu
cotnt_il have done good work in lb
way of adding more oil to our Main
street. and Wellington street • nortl
of during the past week: Quite a nuns
ben, from Hensall and vicinity at
and tended the garden party in connee
tion with the Presbyterian church at
Sat' Hills Green on Tuesday evening last
--Mr. John Shei•ritt, ex -M. 1'., ac
esi- contl'anied by one of his daughters
•s m the village eae
Johnwasgtrenewing 1
"Hees the first part of this week. -
Mr. John, Reid and mother and siste
lobs accompanied by friends, motored tc
Seaforth on Tuesday last.-Basebal
matches have 'been the order of th
in day with our boys !luring the pas
week and they are now in good shag
for Playing matches with all comer
9 -
Dora herritt is nursing a
-Miss S g
present in Zurich, -Mr. Mervis John
visit eon, of Windsor, accompanied by
Miss friend, is spending a week or a
Villa herr at the home of Mr. and Mr
to stat
J. W. .Inhorrson.-We regret
um- that Mrs. Thomas Coote is not in th
gar- enjoyment of her usual good healt.
and is and has been quite poorly fo
re- the past week or so: -.Mr. Alpine Mc
once, Ewen is having his brick store o
the south side of our Main street r
note modelled and fitted up for a garag
and" w and will Lav
sale. aremdm
tine premises for his business wine
but it is completed. -Mr. N. Sheffer,
Toronto, is herevisiting his relative
and friends in `iiensall and vicirrit
-,Mr. and Mrs. N. P. ' VIarrener r
turned last week' from a pleasant vi
-We it In Detroit and Goderich, the late
place being Mrs. ar`rener's horn
the before her marriage. -Mrs. J. Oa
Sr.,michael is having the kitchen pa
of her dwelling on Mill street raise
h for
and a good foundation and cellpr p
under it, and intends making oth
Notes. -A. very pleasant time was
spent one afternnnn recently at t
homy of Mrs. Jelin Workman when
,t number of ;peed ladies assembled
to enjoy a visit with an old and mu
respected lady in the person of M
,loan Andersme, who has returned
ter a number of mouths' absence,
spend the summer here. As the
!::;!res had many pleasant events
relate,. and especially of pions
:enc.; and times when our now beau-
tiful country Was nothing but a bush,
posed 'ckly. Tea was serv-
ecd by the ho$a't.•as, which, needless
say, was thorts ghly enjoyed also,
ter ,chich the' ladies separated
I.' it homes, all wishing Mrs. Ander-
son, who is now in her 82nd year,
many long and pleasant days in
eve ning of her' life.-1Mr. Isaac Jar-
rett, the fore part of the week,
v..=icing with his son, James.
Niagara Falls, who is One of
;,000 men employed on the construc-
tion work of the hydro plant.
Boer ;cone .fur Eckis't. 9'he Logan Jarrott saw sonic wonderful sig
team was S. Allan, anchor man, Train during his visit, but says that p
r'onnolley, Albert Querengusser. sons visiting the Falls require
Mike (',rc,nlly, Martin Connolly, Joe have some funds on hand as me
Connolly, and .Tames Abbott. Every cost front $1.25 to $2 each,-:
ere, was pleased with the day's sport. Thomas Whiteman, of Detroit, ,
this. week aisiting his brother, Jo
or our village. Mr. Whiteman ,
born to the west of Kippen some
seventy years ago, but has b
away from here for over fifty ye
and on coming back, notices very
of the hues mf his school days
maining. ---Nr. Roy McClyntont,
is learning the drug business
Chatham is home for his holiday.
Many nn-mbers of the Methodist
church are these days engaged
repairing the basement of the chit
er ! all f the workers are do
,t,r best to make a good ,job of
Mr. and Mrs. James RT
tins eloreow's father and brother,
Mr. W'allcre, of Southern Manitoba,
gree t•i•1';ng among their many friends
;lore. Mr. Morrow is a nephew
Ur, A, McGregor, of our village. --
Mr. :end Mrs. James Mustard
fdouly and some friends spent a ,
•,Icons:,..:• day at Grand Bend last Sat-
urday. Mr. Hellis is having ss-
x'enive repairs made to his vote-
d,nee Mr. Cudmore, of to,
doing tin• cement work and Mr.J
Doig ;end Sons, the carpenter work,
w air h ❑.tea mes Mr.. Mellis a good
Mr. McIlls says he can not express
in worsts his thanks to his neighbors
who hair helped him, so much
drawing material and other w
ll:••ppy is the man or woman whose
!n+. is east in %vitt' good neighbors.-
Miss Maurl Ferguson of Walton,
ing t!:” week spent a pleasant
with Rev. and Mrs. Lundy.
the choir
Ferguson rise, assisted
St. Andrew's Church at
Green garden party. -A great num-
her from this part attended the
Tien part ret. Hills Green on Ttie
evening and all report it was a
cocci breaker in point of attend
the supper served, and the program
carried out, ---We are sorry to
nur all of
. 1 rWilliams McDougall, that .f W
third concession of Tuckersmith,
past week had a slight stroke,
he will
his many friends p
a rapid and good recovery.
N,t •.i. --A,t t:lvr't•?stet• services will
he heed in Cromarty church on Sun-
-1ay. Jen- 26th. lb's.. .lames (lean-
eten, of Toronto, will proarh both
morning. and evening. The interior
church has been newly rlec-
ra:etl and no,s presents a very int
,o;ir,g :, rt'arance rend will he in
d+':-adiriss1 for the !,ming Sahhath.-
A s rawberrry festival will bre held or
lin Oswald \Valk,. is Inv n, e n Fri-
t °t,' ruttier the
, tr" r ..ono n.
If the "-Purrs Makers.
i,'.n== Banal t. ill be i
inane and e. t -n.t pi',,ttlme
l t •'t n ht 1' ,.I ,alis'. A real
anticipated. -Miss Katt
. '.f Iti i is skit nag a: tat',
GLS •'f \'r I):,: ream M,Ki'llar in
1 t•'ap' \t r. W"illiaot (",opptl;
1d Kemp, metered t ,
Ali ..rr , e attend the
+ .„. t,f t.' -ie br..th:r, Mr. Simon
I. :
,Lar r, u'. \i r'',>.
t,- of I week and on arriving
,:, n..' mod t-, \Vingh:cn to attend
inr.rra! of their uncle. "Mr. Sinton
2l ice!; „f that place. ---On Sunday
•'crning' while driving along the road
near Cromarty. Mr. Samuel Mc('urdy-
m'•' rachet severe acriden'.
when he are identally collided with a
was being stele n bya
• v Lich ., t, ,. e
kung man et nn nmtsne,. rate of
meed Mr. \t"('nrdy's buggy w'as
badly elnnu:gt•rl, and he was badly
:mil retaken up, but. pa serious
were v .t er hiss War-
i',i r'ie. 1 t solo 1.
t a \t Kr'11,, . while driving along the
be: metereyele, met with
painf,tl sir:-lilrnl. en Sunday
rine last. The front wheel M-
arie loose t.hrow:Mg him on the read,
',reeking hie emirs bone and lie also
- :t stained n: her in jur,rs,.-Messrs
r rt
.tonic= Scott, of ('rnmart.y, and Eckert
of Dublin, shovers, evade an unusually
gnarl shipinent of caattle on Saturday
last when they sent. a select herd
feed by Messrs. Louis and Nelenen,
of Dublin, weighing on an average
8,Q and which topped the market
at. 914 cents.
Dayman-W'arne'r.-A happy event
took place on June i5th at the home
of Rev. D. C. Macgregor, London
when Miss Mabel Warner was united
in it4rriage to Mr. Thomas Dayman,
Death of Mrs.. Pcielmer, Sr.
learn at date of writing of the death
of one of our oldest residents in
person of Mrs. Thomas Parlmer,
who had reached a good old age
who had bees, in declitiiitlg heal,
some time and most seriously ill
the past month or so.. Mrs:-
Cool 1'ShoesA
For Dominion
if your feet are not
in a pair of our Goo!
awaiting your selec-
Gunmetal calf leathers.
others the pew saddle
$7.00, $8.00 and $9.00
with medium round or
Goodyear r0W Welt
to tpro-
Slippers -a splendid as-
Leathersand Black and
$5.60 to $8.50
newest models in Ox-
$2.75 to $4.00
SHOES, a full range fur
Comfortable and Inex-
x$1.25 to $3.50
Hots .
Not much enjoyment celebrating a holiday
Why not spend Dominion Day
We have a store full of Foot Coolers
Choice Oxfuscds in Mahogany Calf and
have straight tip, some wing tip and
Men's Trine Gunmetal Calf Shoes made
toe lasts. Soles sewn by the comfortable
Smart" Oxfords, Ties, Pumps and Strap
of all the latest stylesin Patent
Kid leathers. Prices
Dainty White Canvas Shoes, the season's
ers. Prices
Ties, Pumps and Strap Slippers. ,v
The celebrated FLEET FOOT OUTING
member of the family. Light, Cool;
VI/a' a G:
Aaddin d Dye
O'Cedar Mops
p ,
.Are all made by that OIIC big
Chemical Company. Limited,
Theirproductsare guaranteed.
If not satisfactory to the buyer, the.
hand back the purchase price. If you
waist or other garment which needs washing
need dyeing, but just a little FRESHENING
Aladdin Dye
will do the washing and restoring of the
dimming the original color as ordinary
,tion. Or if you want an entirely different
Condensed Fruit
are refreshing in hot
®'Cedar -Polish
successful Chanell
'Toronto, Ontario.
dealer is authorized to
have a dress, blouse,
but does not exactly
original color (instead of
washing does) in one opera -
color it is just as
Pr '
a;. r hs
We carry a full line of
P®ses Brushes
Shoe Laces,
And a Complete
• •
Line of Findings
7 11114,, t,
3;. , x; : kt,,.• w.:,.
•°f ,. l
' a, .. "se a►�, ood
0° k ks, d -case
1� R �® ., dt a -_----_--__
'Pt. o °Mh ,
rjtt ,+t .,..w
t t �"
. '..
" Onto
r i ^ ;�"r.
i 't e,ntl sI yfil,t.t�,,'f' uik' shit: jaV'
i kati�ji�!;rk� ,'� � #r�•r�".t,�, ret :r '; °:
.1.0 &0,1 l,,i ut,1� i ih t