HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-06-17, Page 8THE BU801470PQSITOR
Tbi S Off
er Garden Party. -..A Garden Party
21and Straw�''erry Festival will be held
1it, ow JUNE AND
on the Egmondville church grounds
M FOR PAR- on Friday evening, June 17th. The
,°Sp. c ALS.., OR FAIRS Seaforth Brass Band of 33 ntentbers
QVANT+ITIES AT $1.25' will be in attendance and will give a
O. • ; number of choice selections during
The Olympia
taurant and ice Cream Parlor
the evening. Admission, 25 and 1.,
cents. 2792-1
Announcement. --Mrs. Emma Win -
sur, Sudbury, Ont., announces the en-
gagement of her youngest daughter,
Amelia Marriott, to Mr. Robert Mc-
Elroy, Ottawa; Ont., youngest aorta
Mrs. Robert A. McElroy, Se:tf,rth,
the marriage to take place the latter
part of June.
Temperance Convention. --- Those
who attend the annual Temperance
• Convention which is to be held in
Hall l'lintun, on Wednesday afternoon and
evening, ,lune '22nd, will have rhe
Y eppertutiey of hearing Dr. Georg.,
C. Pidgeon, of 'formai), pastor of
'Red Letter Pay Blow. Street t'resbyter'ms church and
Pre•sidont of the Ontario Social Ser -
heIn!ewe Council, as he will speak ill (Atk-
Seaforth I afternoon on "Social Service Plans
ridgy, Tune 17th
from 1 p.m. till IU p.m.
There will be a continuous demon-
• ideation of the World Fatuous Violet
Ray Instruments used in the Base
Hospitals of France and Flunders.
At 3 p.m. a public address will bo
given entitled, "Health Problems." At
S p.m._another public address entitled
"When the Dogs cone Home in the
e The Citizens generally are invited.
A special invitation is extended to
the clergy, public and high school
teachers, heads of homes, and in fact
all the people who are interested in
natters pertaining to Health. Buys
and Girls over 12 eurdiully made wel-
These Lectures wherever delivered
Lave met with the most flattering re-
S ecial
Sunny Jim Choco-
lates at 50c per lb.
for Saturday only.
A High Class Choco-
late, no second class
Grade about these.
W. A. Crich
$15 to $60 paid weekly for
your spare time writing
showcards for us. No can-
vassing. We instruct and
supply you with steady work
West -Angus Showcard ,Ser-
vice, Church & Colborne Sts.
The largest and best. com-
mercial School in We=tern On-
tario. A school where you can
get through courses under ex-
perienced instructors in Com-
mercial, Shorthand and Tele-
graphy departments. Gradu-
ates assisted to positions.
Home study emeses can hr
arranged. Get our free cata-
Grey Dort
A beautiful Gray -Dort Special,
only run 8,500 miles, and has always
been cared for by a private owner.
If you want a high grade car at the
price of a cheatlp one, sec me at once
s•>iyi . demonstration and particulars,
our Ford taken as part payment.
ox 229. Phone 6-616.
gent for lftigb 'Grade Pianos and
✓ era, Phonographs. Sewing Ma-
es, Cretan Separators, Etc. The
place to buy in Canada; Give
-insH' Prawn, Pianos also 'retorted
parties, and rates reaeon-
and Opportunities," and in the even-
ing Ort "The New Citizenship. The
reports of the officers will review
the work of the past year and out-
line plans for the future. An inter-
esting item of the programme is s
banquet at six o'clock, followed by
after dinner speeches. All ttt•
churches of the Cuunty are entitled,
to send delegates and slap person will
he made welcome. Your minister has
received programmers. Buren County
stands well to the front in agree;•
sive social service work and should
be kept there.
District Women's Institute.. The
thirtieth annual district meeting of
the Wum,'u's GtstiIle e was held in
the Sunday school room of Wesley
church, Clinton, on Wednesday, June
1st. There was a longe attendance,
❑umbering over one hundred. The
district president, Miss 'l'hontpsoII, of
St. Augustine p pr.eided. The meet-
ing opened trot eonlmunity singing,
mist during the afternoon a vocal
sell by Miss Annie Stewart and an
instrumental by Miss Emma F'lum-
steel were rendered and were much
appreciated. Officers were elected at;
follows: President, Mrs. A. Kirk,
Seaforth, R. it. 3; 1st vice-president,
Mrs, Carrie, Wingham; 2nd vice-
president, Mrs. Swanson, Goderich;
secretary -treasurer, Miss McAllister,
Auburn, It. R. 2; auditors, Mrs, John
Redmond, Auburn, It. R. 2 and Mrs.
Robert hicKenzie, Dungannon. Mrs.
trh•.I IIstnbly, of Wingham, gave a
report of the meeting of the Feder-
ated Wuu teri'ii Institutes of Ontario
at Lindon last October, and Mrs.
Munro, of Clinton, was appointed as
delegate to the similar meeting to be
held this year. Supper was served
to the visitors by the Clinton Insti•
Lute, and a very pleasant social hour
was spent,
Serious Fire. --Shortly af;e:' sivee
o'eluek on Friday morning la -t fir.,
was ,I:ae-ic''•ed lr me of the stneks
in the yard of the Canada Flax
Mills. Limited. on Gs'Jerich Street
Ea -t, and before the tire was got
under control, six large stacks coni-
;it'•i" > LI" J011 of Ida: •'lit:,
had "ne ! ill,-. S,•:ne ,,f :his
material was: to -have been spread as
satin as the lye.; crap had i,,-, ; 'ak,,e
1:11', while the h t{nn:•e ants r, a•iy
working as S„Uri as the trill re -eat -li-
ed. Owing to the very inflammable
ladle, of the material it was ab:',..
to sate any of Cie
,:risks, bu: 'l;, fiee:tum by n goiek
run, good judgment. and good wank.
sewed the largo frame sheds and
crop, and the seed house a large
frame building on a brick feund•tli ,n,
which v:is full of flax seed and tow,
and which was situated not mon,
than ten feet front the end of the
row of burning stacks. The side of
this building was scorched and the
windows were broken, but the con-
tents were very little damaged, and
the fact that it was; saved at all points
, I:, a very efficient fire brigade. For-
tunately there was very little wind
at the time or the result, no doubt.
weld,' have been much more serious.
TM, loss to the cntnparty, it is staters,
will be something over $35,000. This
AA the second fire Liss ,suffered by this
company within ayear. their mill
having been destroyed ,just before
the opening of the season Inst spring.
'F to Seaforth Fire Brigade has been
'I• mown for many ream's as one of the
best. fire fighting organization in the
Province. but we don't think they -
vet ;IS much credit at home as they
.,•, abroad. It ghuuld he remembered
that the brigade is a volunteer one,
t'o' ntrnt,bers working without re-
!auneratien, and when on occasions
the fire on Friday, where some
of then worked from Sarah in the
morning unil] seven at night.
it entails a sacrifice to the
toren', welfare that deserves some
material recognition.
The' Council. -The .Tune 'meeting
of the town council teas hold in the
roomed chamber on Jlondav ev,•ning
last, when tlu• following bnsitiess
transacted: Smith._ Beall iv. --
That Hop Sine he allowed to tap Ihp
water main tinder supervision of fir.•
and water committee and be charged
$10 per year. Parke---Crieve. -That
the following account, he paid: Wm
Gillespie, $70; A. McKay, $70; J.
Knight, $05; A. Stehle, $40; .T. A.
Wilson, $75; Dominion Road Ma-
chinery Co., $39.99; W. T. Box & Co.,
$47.55; La France (n., $19.07; rail-
way crossing, $29.94; Geo. Rivers,
street oiling, $23.10; A. Lamont,
street milling, $15.90; Thos. Ferguson,
labor, $23.70; It. Edgar, $87; E. L.
Box, coal, $17.16; Contract Record,
$3: H. Edge. $100.49; Telegraph Co.,
33c; Jas. Broughton, '$2.75; Dodds &
Dickson, handstand, $101; T. H.
Johnston, bandstand, $46.50; N. doff
& Sons, bandstand, $387.07; W. M.
Stewart, $25,5.9; E. Umbach $25.70;
E. J. Box, $350.93; T, Purcell, drain,
$12.15; James Barran, wagefa, $4.80;
J. A. McRae, wages, $9.10; G. B.
Eberhart, gravel, $182; Alf, Box,
I. drying hose, $7; public utility cores
mission, bandstand, 849.68. Beattie • a S,� lies
-Grieve.-That .by-law No. 223 to
crow money from bank, receive its
several readings. Grieve -'Beattie. -
That by-law No. 224, changing the
sub -divisions of the town,' receive its;
several readings. There will now be l
six sub -divisions in town instead ofa
five, but there will be no alteration i
in the number of polling places at
town elections. Sub -division No. 1 -
Comprises west of Spading street
from Market to John street; west of
Main street from John to Goderich
street, and west of West William
street from Goderich to James street.
Sub -division No. 2 • -Comprises west
of Main and north of Goderich street,
from Main street to West William,
anti north of James street from West
William street, west to limit of cor-
poration. Sob -division Ni. 3--Corn-
prises east of .!lain street and north
of Gouinleck street, from Main to
Vietoris and rwrttr of Goderich street
from Victoria, east to limit of cor-
poration, Sub -division Ni,. 4--Cont-
prise•s east of Main street and south
of (;ouinluck from Main to Victoria
street, and south of (;uderich street
from, Victoria to limit of corporation.
Suledivision Nei 5 Comprises west
id ]lain and south of \Tarket street
Irani Main street to Jarvis street and
.worth of railway, west, to limit of
eorpuratun. Sub -division No, li -
'outprisis west of Main and south of
John streets to Market street and to
limit of corporation bounded on sout'1
by Market from Main to Jarvis,
t lance south to railway, thence west
to limit of corporation. These
changes have been made to comply
with the statutes.
Milk for Sale. 10 lents per quart. Alex.
Mt -Sahli. North Main Street. Seaforth.
2191 .2
The w ,r S of the Methodist Church
:Ara wherry tea , '!'arida
.I, „e ,_1•t.,�fron, 4 to , rt''m. Admi,iiiin
Tie. Barbara lest k,m,n AUX i Wary „f tri
P ies!, teri,, chureh will ' en"e hr,na-fi yr
.I,itea , ththeeh„r,-h tow„ tin 'ri„„b,n.
r .ou,. :tt.t,.f „n, .1 a, 7 p.m.
For Sole. areal heater family weieh scaler.
kitchen tato ,•h +n, rah nd few
tither how. el,ohl ,,,iw I,', AMA). ato George
Stmt.!! A, J111111, street. Seaforth. 57124
In Rapid. 't'the greatest hair
lint' h,• ,a., the iine.t shad, of
Imolai. hair g•�nt-, and styles, with the w'.
'r Perot,er Exhibit at the Uuoen'.
Hotel, •ru,,-.tay. J one 21s4 2772
For Sole: lost..-. stoil.. and a res of
land . other tondo,,, will h.- ed. Sit u-
eet! r
, , Iltiros Road w',+i. WI:1011111W seat,., th.
Cheap for quick .ale. Fratd, It. Arnold
For Salr.-Molratt range, three burner coat
lilt .til,,', heater,and n other household
artiri,s. Mn, be .a, at •residence of the
ndr,„cnr,L, St rest, se,durth. George
Stood i ll. 2791 -”-
For Sale. One i foot cut Massey -Harris
bender. nee., Oil howl. In good repair. Ap-
ate t., Arei, ie Barton, inacksmith, North
Main Street. 2790-tf
Wanted. . A local representative at Sea-
f..rth u, rep riven "The Old Reliable Fort t-
hdl Nune•ri,-.” +md cover ,.urn,undin, terri-
tory. A ,nlendid opening for it reliable
•'•iclusiue territory. Shine &
Toronto. Ont_ ant_ ':55-;
Successful Students.- The felh,w-
ing graduates front the Seaforth ('nl-
Iegiate have sueces=fully passed their
year's examinations ut. Toronto Uni-
versity: Hiss Margaret Edge, sev-
eral year arts with honors in English
and History; Mice llarien Larkin,
i:•,n.,r< m Household burnt,luics; ,1, W'.
Button and 'rhomas. :Melody, passed
'heirforth year with honors. Mr.
i.utt r:, who in pasr.r pas:.of Walt.nl
:Net!:rdist i-lttu'.h, was als., att'at'iled
i the Prince of Wales' I;.Jd Medal for
::inking lira it) Victoria College in
hie pa:.s till'se.
Going To Throat o. ---)L'. Georg-,
gdi!I has add itis residence on
,s street to II'. lett! in ii,e!ty,
I intends removing with his fam-
ily to T.,ronto about :he first of the
b;.inti:. Air. and Mrs. St.,gdill it;n'.,
eer: residents of Seaforth for a
ere:n many ',eau's, Mr. Stuadill being;
•.,nuc rtes with the Furniture Fac•-
tery sine,' the early days of Broad -
foot & Bax, while Ales. Stogdill has
been a prominent worker in the Sun-
day school and other organization.;
it. connection with First Presbyterian
chureh. One of their sons, h,'wever,
has been in Toronto for some time,
:and a second will enter the Univers-
ity this fall, and it was the desire
to he with the members of their fam-
ily that decided them to remove to
the city. While the people of Sea -
forth generally will sincerely regret
their removal from the tom where
they have been so well known for so
many years, they will join The
Expositor in wishing them every sue-
s, ss in their new home.
Local Briefs. -Mr. Robert Bell has
returned front a business trip to the
wrest,- -Miss Annie Itarnochan, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs, James ('a'nn-
cl:an, of Tuckersmith, wino spent the
past year in California, has r'eturns,!
', her Mime. -bliss Edith Scott, of
Toronto University,, is home for the
holidays: -3t, 'rhnnias McMillan, of
ilullett, heft on Wednesday afternoon)
aur Ottawa. Ile is one of a depute -
:ion of the nrnminent farmers and
''cit hl'tt•dere of the province Who
Neil wait on the Railway Commission
with the object of getting cheaper
freight rates en live stack shipments.
- Mr. F. 'I'. Fowler. ln•inehpal of the
public school. WAS acting as presid-
ing examiner at. Clinton, while Mr.
P,. .T. Beattie, of Egmondville, and
:lir. Trelevin, of (lineal, are presid-
ing at the De.,ariniental examina•
tions at the Seaforth C+,llegiate.--M r.
Russel flays, of Deh'uit, is visiting
altthe hotly, of his mother, Mrs. J.
il. Hays. • Mr. Joseph Miller, of
Michigan, is a guest'at the home of
his uncle, Mn. Jacob Weber. -• Mir.
Charles ('lark, of Windsor, is visit-
ing at the home of his parents, Mr.
R17(1 Mrs. R. i.. Clark. -Mrs. King, of
Walkerville, and Mrs Powell, of Phil -1
adelphin, are the guests of Mrs, L.
C..Ja,°ksnn.-Mr. Palmer Whitely, of
Hamilton, is visiting at the home of
his mother. -Mr, Fred Faulkner, of
Windsor is visiting at the. parental
home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Faulk-
ner -Mr. Joe Sills, of Port Colborne,
spent a few days at his home here
this week. -Miss Hazel Elcoat, of
Cobourg, is spending the holidays at
'her home here. -The Ladies' Aid of
the Methodist Church will hold
a strawberry tea on the church
grounds on Tuesday afternoon
next from four to seven, -Mrs. J. M.
Best and family have moved to their
summer cottage in Bayfield. -Mrs.
New auto Road Map, just published
SO cents
New ' Lines
Fancy Jap Baskets
Blue Bird Cups and Saucers
Salad Bowls
Butter ;Crocks
Chicken Founts
Look Over Our Variety
Beattie Bros
Joseph Marshall has returned from
a visit with friends in Clinton, -Miss
Sarabel Daley is visiting at the home
of her brother in Walkerton.- -Mrs.
Andrew Kirk, of Tuek,•rsutith, is vis-
iting friends in Detroit. - harm-
ers in this district are cut-
tinf alfalfa. The crop is a good one.
Fall wheat is fully headed out and
will be a big crop, and all the crape
look unusually promising. - Miss
Beatrice Larkin, of :McGill Univers-
ity, is spending her holidays at the
Manse. .-Mr, James Devereux is mov-
ing into the residence on Coleman
street lie purchased from Mr. A.
Davidson. Mr. Devereux has matte
extensive improvements to the pro-
perty and has now one of the finest
residences in Seafortl,. Mr. and Mrs.
E. H. Close visited friends in To-
ronto and Oshawa this week. -Mrs.
Charles Hays and sol, of Walkerville,
are guests at the home of Major and
Mrs, R. S. Hays.-.-llr. Scott Grieve,
of Grose Isle, Mlehi•man, is spending
a few days with 'relatives in this vi-
cinity. -Mr, and Mr•. S. IT. Hender-
son, of Manitoba, are the guests of
Mr. and Mrs, J. A. McLaren. -Mr.
Frank Murray, of, Detroit, is visit-
ing at the home of his uncle, Mr.
William McDougall, in Egmondville.
--Mr. Walker Hart left this week to
take a position for the summer at
Lake Rosseau, Mus'koka.-•--11ir, Arthur
Scutt.. of Windsor, spent the week end
with his brother at Roxboro. -Mrs.
,John Turner and daughter, Miss
Jean, are visiting friends in Detroit.
-,LJ11r. J. F. Ross, principal of the
Collegiate, is acting as presiding ex-
aminer at Brussels this week. -Miss
McLeod, who was spending a couple
of weeks with her sister. Mrs. W. E.
Southgate, returned t., 'I','runto on
Wednesday. -Mrs, A. Stewart and
• Mrs. J. A. Stewart are visiting
Cook By
Two -burner $25.00
Three-Iburnir $35.00
Hot Point Grills for the hot
days. Will cook a meal for a
small fancily $15.00
Hot Point Irons $8,00
Electric Fans $13 to $50
Table Stoves from $7.00 up.
Reid Bros,
with Lois Wilson
it's a lawyer's -business to mind
other people's business but when
George Howell (Bryant Washburn)
attempts to combine the same with
a honeymoon -well, there's a chorus
girl, love letters, a kit of burglar's
tools, stolen jewels and a heap of
happenings that the law books said
nothing at. all alxu t,
!Don't Miss This Riot!
A Paramount Picture from the
celebrated play by Frederick Jackson.
Football fans can see the show af-
ter the game to -night (Friday).
A Scalzniek Picture
Men's Oxfords
The fanoul "Invictus Stich"
made by Geo.A
Patent Colt and Brown Calf
Leathers at a pair $5.00
Samples in our Smith Window.
TheCashShoe Store
friends in Arkona.--.Mrs. 'Moyer, of
Parry Sound, is the guest of Mks,
H. Livens. --M, William Hartry wa¢
in London last week. -Mr. and Mrs.
F. S. Savaugd are in Niagara Falls
this week. -Mrs. W. Crich and Mrs.
J. Rankin and Messrs.. D. Reid and
A, McGavin are in Brantford this
week attending the Oddfellows' con-
vention. -=Mr, DeLacey, of Smith-
vdlle, is the guest of his son, Mr.. L.
T. DeLacey.-Mrs. F, Lang, of De-
troit, was hero this week visiting her
mother, Mrs. Burnett -Mrs. James
Graves and Miss Alva Graves are in
Detroit this week. -Mrs. Frank Cole,
of Toronto, is visiting her sister,
Miss Hills, in Egmondville.-,Right
Rev. Bishop Williams will administer
the rite of confirmation in St.
Thomas' church on Sunday evening,
--Mr. and Mrs. John Beattie motor-
ed tv London this week to attend a
famtily re -union held on •the old
homestead, near Westminster, where
a brother, Mr. Angus Beattie, still
resides. Members of the family
were present from Vancouver, Lon-
don, Watford, Brucefield and Sea -
forth. --During the electric storm
early Monday morning the residence
of Mr. Thomas Blckle on John street
was struck by lightning and a chim-
ney demolished. Fortunately the bolt
did not do any further damage, -
Mrs. James Gillespie is visiting her
daughter, Miss Mary Gillespie in
Fergus. -,Mer, W. Duncan is adding
a conservatory to his residence on
Victoria Square. -•Mr. Jacob Webber
was visiting friends in Hamilton this
week. -The closing exercises at the
Kindergarten will be held on Friday
morning, June 24th, at 9.30. A
cordial invitation is extended to all
who are interested ,jn the Kinder-
garten -Mrs. Ed. Hunt, of McKillop,
is visiting friends in Guelph and Galt,
-Mrs. Robert Stewart, of Hensall, is
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Thomas
Elder, John street. -Mrs. McBride,
of Goderich, is the guest of Mrs. L.
L. McFaul.
Women's League. --A meeting of
the members of /the Catholic Wom-
en's League will be held in the parish
hall after first mass on Sunday, June
19th, All members are requested to
be present at this meeting, •
Notes. -Mr. John Buermann had a
successful banking bee this week. -
Mr. J. C. Eckart pgrchased the frame
of the old No. 8 school hoose from
Mr, John Bennewcis, ex-M.P., which
he intends to move to Seaforth to
house his threshing outfit. -Messrs.
Fred and C. Eckert motored to Lon-
don last Tuesday on a business trip.
Notes. --A number of the young
people motored to Goderich on Mon-
day evening last and took in the
moonlight trip on the Greyhound.-
A large crowd witnessed the baseball
match between the village team and
Farquhar on Tuesday last. The
game was a spirited one, ending in
a victory fur the visitors of 11 to 15.
-A picnic will be held on Saturday,
June 25th, Mr, McKinnon has kind-
ly given the use of his hush for the
event. The ladies are asked to pro-
vide baskets and, no doubt, there will
be a most enjoyable time.
School Picnic.. -3, S. No. 10, Tuck-
ersmith, intend holding their picnic
on Saturday, ,lune 2511,, in Mr. Angus
hlcKinnon's grove on the 111th c•un-
cessi ,n of Tuckersmith. Special in-
vitations are extended to the parents
.and children of S. S. Nus. 1 and 9,
'l'uc•kc•rsntith, and Ni,. 7 of Hibbert.
A good programme of baseball, foot-
ball and races is in progress.
Everybody welcome, e erybculy enme-
tiling along a basket and enjoy the fun
Everybody conte and cheer the buys
and girls at play
On .June 25th, this happy picnic day.
West End Notes. -The township
stone crusher is now running in Wal-
ter Layton's pit. -Mr. Frank Crich
is in Goderich this week, -Miss Ida
Ball, of Goderich: is spending her
holidays at her hone here. -Sunday
will he observed as Fathers' Day at
Turner's church. The choir will be
composed of men. --Mr. and Mrs. G.
Turner visited relatives in Goderich
this week, --Miss Hattie Turner was
in Toronto on Saturday of last week
attending the' wedding of her friend,
Miss Kehoe.-Mr, and Mrs. J. Gib -
binge, of Hullett, visited at Mr. E.
Ball's on Sunday last. -Dr. Mathe-
son, of California, paid a flying visit
to his brother, Mr. A. E. Matheson,
this wedk.
Notes. -The monthly meeting of
the Women's Missionary Society was
held at the home of Mrs. Caryle. A
goodly number of ladies were pres-
ent and a profitable meeting was
held. -,Mrs, Hopkins, of Chicago, is
visiting at. the hone of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs, T. C. Cochrane. -We'
are pleased to hear Mn, Robert For-
rest is able to come hone after un:
dergoing an operation in Clinton Hos-
pital.-Tbe annual garden party will
he held on the church lawn, Tuesday
evening, June 21st. A good supper
will be served. The Forsythe
Orchestra will furnish the music and
a good programme will be given. A
five -dollar prize will be'given to the
party bringing the largest load of
Notes. --Quite a number from here
attended Conference last Sunday in
London. The Presbyterians will hold
service in tate Methodist church on
Sunday, June• 19th, at 2.30 on ac-
count of getting their church re-
modelled. -Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Wil-
son and Norma motored to Wood-
stock on Saturday for the week end.
-Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott and Mr. and
Mrs. J. Warden motored to, Toronto
on Saturday. -On .Tune 17tha straw-
berry festival will be held on Mr. F.
O'Brien's lawn, under the auspices
of the Ladies' Aid of the Methodist
church. The programme will be,
given by Seaforth talent consisting
of piano and violin solos, quartettes,
recitations etc. A ball game will
begin at half past six. Everybody
Mac•tavish Under-
wear gives satisfac-
tion to all wearers,
especially those who
think they are hard
on underwear. Get
your supplies for
the summer from us
on the 'New
Pre -War
Our Hosiery an d
Glove Department
contains a lot of
new things that will
interest you for
warm weather use.
Now is the Hine to
buy and our store is
the place.
Women's Coats & Suits
We We
give ..big values "-save you money
Right Now we are showing a big display of Brand
new Models and Styles. You cannot help out like
them—the graceful lines, the perfect tailoring, the
beautiful fabrics and the very low prices will surely
appeal to you.
Reduced Prices. Reduced Prices.
$10 to $45 $10 to $45
Separate Waists and Skirts—every garment a little
better than you would expect at the price. See
them all.
New Dress Goods and
Wash Goods.
We invite your inspection of the most interesting
display of New Dress Goods and Wash Goods that
it has been our pleasure to show. From good
Prints and ginghams, which are so inexpensive and
serviceable, up to the beautiful things -now made
in fine silk novelties, we show winning assortments.
Figured TokioSilks
The Yard, 60c.
Beautiful Fancy Voiles in
dark color tones. The yard
60c. to $1.75.
Stripe Flannels for Sport
Skirts, the yard , $1.25 to
Super -transparent Or-
gandies. This fabric can be
washed and ironed without
using any starch and it will
retain its original finish and
transparency. In the seas-
on's popular shades. 44
inches wide, the yard $1.50.
Op f xa 1 6x11 :'veksawv108,i9»;$44 Iaib.: Sfyiq
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