HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-06-17, Page 5• loner `Passes: -An old end b1ghly resppa���0.0 ,,,resident of this township in the Penton of Thomas , thee home„ ebster iofah sonson, Thomasassed yat ,on Wednesday, June 8th, after a linger - 4 illness. He was born in. the ship of South Elmsby, County o Leeds,' on the .20th of March, 1888. In 1868 he, with his parents, moved to this township and to the farm where he continued to reside. The following year he was. married to Iasi Elizabeth Milligan, of the County of Leeds, who predeceased him ten years ago. .In early life he gave himself to God and all through his life he maintained his faith. Be was a member of the Methodist church and for many years was a constant' at- tendant and served in an official ca- pacity. For • a length of time, how- ever, because of deafness he' had been unable to take part in the public ser- vices and because of this he had be, .comp a wide reader. In the commun- ity he is remembered as a man who was always willing to do a good deed in a quiet and unobtrusive way and this recalls the words "He being dead, yet ' speaketh," Some years ago, because of advancing age, he retired frpm the farm to take a well earned rest. He was one of a family of three girls and five boys, of whom only one, George, in the West, sur- vives him. He is survived by six of a family, three sons and three daugh- ters, Who mourn the loss of a kind and loving 'ether. They are Thos., and George, of Grey; John, of Mc- Killop; Mrs. Eliza Ramsay, of Grey; Mrs, George L. Walker, of Winona; and Mrs. John H. Hoffman, of Gode- rich. The funeral was held on Sat- urday, June 11th. 'Service was held by. Rev, J. W. Button. 'Interment was made in.Brusseldi cemetery. The pallbearers were five • nephews, Jas. and Lew Williamson, ,lames Fulton, Enoch Clark and Wilfred Reid, and John Hoffman, a son-in-law. SEAFORTH MARKETS Seaforth, June 16, 1921, Butter, per lb Eggs, per dozen Hogs, per cwt 27c 30c $9.51 Wheat, per bushel $1.35 Barley, per bushel 50c Flour, per cwt $5.55 Bran, per ton $26.00 t Shorts, per ton $30.00 Potatoes, per bag 50c 'Oats, per bushel 35e BIRTHS Leeming. In MrKillup. on May 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomn., H. Leeming, a daughter I Knthl«m Elizsbeth 1, 'Taylor. In 'rocker with. on June 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Taylor, a daughter. Hewitt. - In Exeter. on Juno 4th, to Mr, and Mrs, Perry Hewitt. a son, Cornish. In Ilullelt on June 3r1, to Mr. end Mrs, Glen Cirnioh, a daughter. 'Bozell. In Clinton on May 191k. to Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Rotel). a ann. MARRIAGES ewarthe Tyndall, At the home of the bride's parent., o, June 8th. by the Rev. Selborne Anderson, Mary Alice. only ji5. daughter of Mr. and Mn. Loren Tyndall, Hallett to Howard Clarence rrewart.ha, • m of the late John Trewartha and Me,. Trewartha, of Coderirh township. Cantelon-McLean.• At Cmlerich, on June I, by the Rev, .1. E. Ford, Ruby McLean.• t, Peter J. Cnntclon. Sundercock-Weymouth.-- In Mullett. on June 7th, by the Rev. T. E. Sawyer. of Ice-ku- hnro. Rose Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Weymouth, to John fhorhv Sunder' cock. son of the late John Sundercock, all of Huliett palmic ---Bernard. -- In the It. C. Church of Our Ludy of Lourdes, on June 8th, Miss Jnshie Bernard, of Toronto, to Mr. Clement ilolgie, of Toronto, and formerly of lin- Killen. DEATHS Tnlinnd.- In Clinton, nn June 3rd, Henry rollout'. aged 72 year. Brown. --h, Clinton, on June 6th, Albert C. Brown, son of Mm. Robert Brown, mf Mullett. and 29 year. Seldon.--In Exeter, on June 6th, Marjorie Pauline. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Seidnn, in her 22nd year. IMPORTANT NOTICES FOR SALE. 1200 BUSHELS OF MIXED grain, halt oats and. half hurley. Phone 14-236. ALEX, SPARKS, R. It. No. 2, Sea - forth. 2791-2 BIILI, FOR SERVICE. -ROYAL RAMSDEN pure brat Shorthorn hull. Will take a limited numher of cows on Lot 25, Cona*,- sion 7. McKillop. Terms. $6 for pure bred.,; SS for grades. JOSEI'II BREWSTER. 2791-tf SEI,[. OIL, CREASE„ PAINT. SPECIAL - ties. All or port time. Commission basis. Should have ear or rig. Samples free. Write for the profitahle terms. De- Rem•iw from our Ontario station, no dole or exchange. RIVERSIDE REFINING Co.. Cleveland. Ohio. 2792 x I G''IIF,STER WHITE PIGS FOR SALE. - Both s 1 have 2"song boats lit for carrier.Flexes a number of young SOWN that are being bred. Now is the timeto net something good at a very reasonable Mice ns there are of imported slool, purehas- ed from John 0. Annesser, Tilbury, Ont Aliso hoar for servire end coons pigs for sale of both sexes.ABRAHAM HUGTT,L. Seaforth, Ont., R. R. No. 2: phone 6 on 618 Clinton. 2799-tf Gravel and Banking Notice The Reeves of Tuckersmith and Iloborne will be at McTaggart'o Corner, 114 miles south of Uoborne, on Tuesday. June 21st, at 2 o'elork for letting gravel lobe an boundary. 'The contractors to pay half the oprender' wages and the township the other half. the gravel being paid by township, If satis- factory, the prices can he obtained. Also the Reeves of Tuelteremith and Hibbert will be at Chiseihurt nt 7 o'clock for the purpose of letting the job of banking the bridge smith of the village. 2792-1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE h0 herhby g'1den dpprsuant- to the Stott/too in that behalf 'that oil persons her 'nn claims alienist .the`� tate 116. Robert Pt. Goeenlpck, tote. of the itilown of S Earth, in the Chanty df Hurn; Gentles, ds' deceased, who died on -the 28rd 'or este, 1920, Are re' qulred on or before the '‘Oth' Jr(pe. 1921, to fiend hecPrep , V qAot7eKdoFereAn- vernl vd.�ll�elafms . duly ebifioI S"vt4111 8 -And the nature of the q urity (if any) hold .by them. Far- ther take notice - that jiftes' 'the said last mentioned date the. asentis. `tit the mild de- ceased' ('Bl be dletrftu ,t(Bi,ntose the parties entitled thereto, haWn rogard.,only to the dolma of which Notice ,al'all then have been givemt1. Da* the, 80Ak'.aa$, oft}(itltr hK;` . Jon 49114 lriDClrrtiNit' i fIN' 10,110,' 2790-9 Executes of add Notate. G,4ktlx++-' ut POPULAR STALLIONS The Pwa 11(p d.'17dtNtLl�,e 8 Ikllt B•f1.�iT1�T �Qs114i � I Ri � t 8 d1'i1?• tisk/ED M. 4SFIELD ' fin0: I21ldfl (10808). / - Vo4 29, B. C.,B. Passed Egrolmeat No. 1784 Form I Will stand for the improvement of stock this acaaoa, m follows; Monday. --Will leave hie qwo stable, Bomb and go to John Murray's, MoKillo for noon; thence to Allen Boas', 10th Con - cession, for one hour; then to hie own stable for night,, Tuesday. -To Peter Lindsay's. Mullett, for noon; thence to Owes Flynn, for night, Wednesday, -Co Wm. Aademon's, McKillop, dor noon; then to his own stable for night. Thursday. -To Dominion Hotel, Dublin. for noon; then to Joseph Atltlnson'e, Hibbert, for night, Friday. -To Martin Cur - tin's, l'/4 miles east of Seaforth, for noon; then to his own stable for night, Saturday. - 'Ile James Flannlgan's, Logan, for noon; then to hie own stable, where he will remain until the following Monday morning. Tenon, -To Insure a foal, $18. James Evans, Proprietor and Manager, Beachwood, Out No. 21$88 Passed Enrolment, No. 6807 inoses 3. Will stand for the improvement of stock this eesson at his own stable. Lot 99, Con- - coin on 4, n*CBlop, oxeept otnrday after- noon from one to 1xo'clock, when be will be at the Royal Hotel Stableb, Seaforth. Tergts.-$12 to Inure. Percy Smith, Proprietor end Manager. D. COL. GRAHAM (12103) Approved Enrolment 'No. 1870 Form Al Will stand fur the Improvement of stock thin season, as follows: Monday, May 9th. -At Mann will leave his own stable In Egmondvtlle and •go north along the gravel road to (icier v; bridge, then west to Joseph MCF'arlane's, for night Tumdny.-Will go west 5% miler to the 'Unborn !tead; then north to Bert Steven - eon's for noon; then west 8% miles and south 114 to Andrew Flynn's, for night. Wodnmday.-Will proceed 114 miles south and east 8% miles to Malcolm. Montgomery's for noon; then east to his own stable for night. Thursday, --South 214, miles; then met two miles and one-half to Peter Mclver'n, for noon; then north five mile to John Lane's, for night •Friday. -West to the North Gravel Road and south to his own stable, where he will remain until Mends, noon. Terme to insure a font -418. Dominick Reynolds, Proprietor and Manager. The Premium Clydnadale Stallion BLACON'S. SON (20869) Approved Plnrolmeat,NQ.-.0272 Form Al Terms to inure-, 412. Mondry. --Will leave his own stable, Bruce - field, and go west to the aecond concession of Stanley, then north to John Reichard's, for noon; then north and west to Ed. Glenn, Jr',., for night. 'Tuesday.- By way of Ban- nockburn to Varna at the 'Temperanie Hotel for noon: then Iry way of the Hayfield Rout to the Goshen Line to Arthur McClinchey'a. for night. Wedomdal'. -lis McClytnont's aide road to the Parr Line, then south to Wm. F'oster's, fur noun then t. William Mc- Kenzie's. 2nd concession, of Stanley. for the night. Thurday.--T'o the Town Line, then too Kipper and south to George Glenn's. for oon ; then by way of the London Road to his own stable, Brumfield, for night. Friday '1'u George McCartney'a, Mill Road. for noon; Bien tu-McAdam's nide road. and north to the 2nd conceeslon H. R. S., 'I'uckermith, then t to James Cnrnochan'a, for night. Sat- u rday. WesB t by naalfoot'a brge, then south to the Mill hoed, to his own stable. where he will remain until the following Monday morning. R. D. Murdock, Proprietor and Manager. The Deealde Premium Horse MAKWIRA (Imp.) No. 15279 Passed Enrolment No. 3267 Form I Will stand fo the irnpro,ement of stock thi season is follows: Monday. -Will leave his own -:table. Strafe and KO west to Richard Sellery's. for noon; south to the Cromarty Line, then enat to his • r stable Ler night. Tuesday. Will leave 1•is„w n stride at noon and go youth to James Bullnnty nor, llo borno boundary. fur nieht. Wednesday. -South to the Thames Ituud and west to the Elimville Line and south to Ellmville to Joshua Johne', for noon: then south and east to William Rroek'e, for night. Thursday.- South to the 10th concession and east three milts and north t, William 'Thompson. .ir.'e, Lot 0, Concession 9, for noon; then north to the Kirkton Line and west to Tuylor'o Hotel, Klrkton, for night. Friday.- North to Mount Pleasant at Jasper Pridhnm's, for noon; then west and north to John Hamilton's, for night. Saturday.-- North to the 7th conces- vion and went to the Centre (toad and south t, his own stable. where he will remain until the following Monday morning. 'Perms to insure- SII. John Livingstone, Proprietor and Manager. INVOLUCRE 121451 (62966) Passed Enrolment No. 354 Form I Will travel the following route this season: Mondry. --Will leave Fla own stable. Bruce - field, and pn.re,vl west to Varna at Sher- lock Keys', for noon: then north into Gode- rich 'raw•nship to the Hnylleld concession and weit to A. A, WeL h'a, for night. Tuesday - North by war of 0th enneesaion to Porter's Hill at Gcosge Vanderburgs, for noon; then north to Jumm McMillans. 6th concession, Coderirh Township. for night. Wednesday. - By way of Jewel's Corner,: end Ilenmiller to W. Hill's, for noon ; then by was" of Maitland concession to Holme,ville at Harry Sweet's, for night. Thursday.. By way of 16th con- cession to A. 'I'ownend',, for noon; then by way of Huron Rind to Harry &. Cameron's Carriage Shop, Clinton. for night. Friday. - South by way of •the London Rood to hie own stable, Brumfield. for noon; then vest I'A miles and south 1!S miles to John Murdock's for one hour; then to his own ntahle for night. Saturday.-. South tut miles, and east Ina miles to Robert Elgin's, for nom; theft by way of the Mill Road to his own stable for night. • The above route will he continued through- out the season, health and weather per- mitting. Terms. To insure. $15.06. William Berry, Proprietor, Passed Enrolment No. 6461 Form 1 Pure Bred Pereheron Stallion MARSHALL GUEDO 8091 Will stand for the improvement of stork this season as follows: Monday- Will Inarr his own stable, ,Lot 27, Concession 1. MrKillnp. end proceed) to Senfoeth tat theRoyal lintel. for noon: then south to John McElroy'a, Tnrkerrimith, for night, 'Tuesday: F,m,t. to Joseph Nagle'e, for 1,011; then to Dublin at the Dominion Hotel for night Wedneedey.--To Joseph McQuaid's, for noon; then to W. Flnnni- gon't, Tot 2. Cnncese inn G. McKillop. for night Thursday.- To Peter Hieknrll's. for n n; then to his nwn amble for night Friday. To Henry no•rmen's, Togen, for noon; then to 7. Ellison's, Lot 5. Concession 12, Logan, for night. Saturday- -To Andrew Patrick's fornoon; thence to bin own stable where he will remain until the following Monday morning. Terms. -214 to insure, payable January 1, 1922. All accidents to moron tat risk of owners. J. Murray, Man,; Jo, Brewster, Prop, EMPEROR McKiNNEY 116531 Approved Enrolment No. 4070 Form Al The Standard Fired Trotting Stallion will stand for the improvement of stork this reason at hie own ntahle. Lot 8. Concession 4. Tu ekeremith. Mares from a distance will be met part of the way. Terms: - To insure, 915.00. Charles Riley, Proprietor. The Pare Bred Clydesdale Stallion GOLDEN GUINEA (20735) Enrolment:No. 6275 Approved Form 1 Wilt-adihd fur the improvement of stank this season, as follows: 'l'atoday.--Will leave hie own amble. Huron Read throe miles west of Senfortb, and go to Commercial mer.la7 Hotel. Clinton, for. noon : then by ei of Huron Road' end Holmes-ville to Oscar • Tehdtt's, far night. Wedrileday.- By way of Maitland Concesnlon. til John Dunt s, .:,f ,aaeng,eutt•tpi, io BSfImwer and Hurn to 'OV',1_1vY�lMi HiSnekea':kanight Thurda the.„ br eo on,tch Towne n olteittX d,tllfor tat, Will Vadat! 'A, Tb on dight Pri y: -e-85 "Way of Thlepi,one Road to Fred Pepper's, far noon; then, ,to his own nt4ble,..,Mte Road, trbt' ni6'� *heed55 he will rmdalln fi' Ehd•'-fdlto'Ivi tS sy-y mbrning, C. W. Nott, Proprietor. ell Money Makers CLAY DRAIN TILE Will open a kiln on Monday, June 20th, 1921. Sizes 3. to 6 inch, and some White. Brick, New Tile and Brick and New Prices. Delivery made at Reasonable Rates. W. M. Sproat R. R. No. 4, SEAFORTII. Phone 9 on 136. AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND Implements, Mr. George Elliott has re- ceived instructions from the undersigned to sell by public auction at lot It, Cunemsion 2, Mullett, on Monday. June 27th, commenc- ing at 1.80 p.m.. the following: Humes -- 1 heavy draught horse 6 yenta old, 1 heavy draught mare 10 years old, I general our - .poor home 6 pram old. 1 general purpose home 12 years old, 1 driving man: 9 yearn old ,good single or double, thoroughly broken to curet. I colt 2 years old. Cattle -8 steers coming 2 yearo, 1 heifer coming 2 year, I heifer coming 3 yearv, 2 milkingcows 6 and G Yearn old, 2 suckling •alum, figs -- 2 Yorkshire pigs 2 months old, Implcmento 2 Yorkshire pigs 3 mouth old, 1 Imperial ex ford stove. 1 Horor Bright stove. Imple- ments --1 hay loader, I side delivery rake, hay rake, I International roller. I cultivator, 1 disc harrow, 2 nets of iron harrow's. 1 [La- ing mill. I binder, I manure spreader (t, work either on sleigh iir wagon, 1 set hob. nlr ighs lumber wagons, I bogey. I cutter, I net double harness. t set single hern,w, n quantity of grain bugs and outer articles too numerous to mention. ','erns. • All sums of SIG and under, ash over that amount 'IC7:`'0 ;pp;TOR,S. Fuse. Jager Coleman Estate 'NOTICE l�i is �` t''eby given pursuant to the 'Trustees 'Act that all pemoae having etelme against the 'rotate , of Elisa .June Coleman, late of the Village Of Human,in the County of Huron, widow, who dieon the 12th day of April, 1921, aro required to pFpvo ,and the them with' Cladmsn & Staul sry, S�oo)lcitom for, the' Executors on or beforq' the 20th day of Jenq, - 1921, sifter which ,date the Executors will not be liable for nay claim then not Bled, MADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors for Executors. Hensall & Exeter. 2700-2 NOTICE T Re ashes Steelleeenbe Estate ,R 320510E Is hereby gl/eo persuaat to 'the TnnMalmo against tate, eptattbstt e allpersons oAgue Bmoalisobmppe� tato of the Village of Henna, In the goo of Huron, Wow, who died on the 17th day of February, 1021, are required to prove and ale them with Glndman 1¢ Stanburir, Solicttors for the Administrator en or be- fore the 20th day of June, 1921. after which date the Administrator will not be liable for any claim then not Bled. GLADMAN & STANBURY. Solicitors for Administrator: Helvetii tii & Exeter. 2700-2 • A. Cockburn BARGAIN STORE MEN Have you seen those silk Shirts, all . shades,295 Reg. $5.00 for 7J MEN ANI) BOYS Large assortment of Lea- ther Belts from 50c 90c t0 y CAPS For Men and Boys, light weight, in colors. 1:: months' credit will be given n , approved Reg. $1.00 for 65C joint notes or a discount of 5 per cent. straight for cash on credit amounts. CHAS. PEACOCK, Proprietor: George oFdliotf. Auc- tieneer. 2792x2 FARMS FOR SALE FARM FOR SA I.E. 1.0"1' 14, CONCESSION 4. To:kecmlth. 135 norm cleared, 5 aceta iamb land. On the premises there ttr one l.r,•l, house, l hank barn. driving .shed, hay .shed, hen huuae. Thr farm is well tile drnin- e,l and well fenced. Will sell with the crop. 'Itis la Iir.t-elasa furs, and can Ix• sold rn•. ,nbir ter '1\, miles from Sea- forth ea-fortho ar lk,ytirdd Road. Au MY to 'THOMAS [,ANF:, It. It. No, ;l. S,goforr.h. Phone 5 on 137. 2792a4 F ARM FOR S,)t•E, '.,--•. 111.E 5007'15 of liruretiehi. lot Ix, Concession I, Stanley, loua cres. There are on the premises one tr,•od bank loon, implement house. straw shed. a cool tram,• house, 3 goal never -fall- ow •ver -fail- ing well+, windmill un one. The farm Is well fenced end well drained. Rural mull HMI phone. This is one ,.f the hest farms in the township, and will Le sold on reasonable terms. Possession g:yell in Nn- •mb.v. For further pa rtieu Lara apply to DREW SWAN, Brumfield, Ont 2702-tf FAR9f FOR SALE. loo ACRES. L0'1' 34, Lindon Road in Townhin of Tucker - • one mile north of ilrueefi•dd. 115 awes L eared. remainder bush. 'There'Thereis a good) ome house hard and eon water and hext..,l by furnace. alcn tv+,,shoo. grand burn h IIx56, silo. pie, p, n. herr bonne and drive :hod. There are boll Go , of spring crop and 9acre.. if (nil w•h•'nt1 rof beans, 5 of r and 2 ,,fMnn- toe,. This, ccounted 1.. be NO. 1 form. Will sell crop and all land. Immediate p,s,nmuion, or without erre, and prxase_oe ion in fall. For fu rt her particulars apply to the proprietor. o , Lot at, I.mdon Road, AMOS C.AR7'W'RICII'r, Proprietor. 27.42-tf FARM FOR SALE. -FARM OF TWO HUN - tired acre:, adjoining the 'down of Sea - forth, conveniently situated to all churches. schools and Collegiate. There in a conatort- able brick cottage with a cement kitchen; horn 100x66 with stone stabling underneath for 6 homes. 75 head of cattle and 40 hogs with steel stanchions and water before all stock: litter carrier end feed carrier and tarocment silo; driving shed and plat- form scale.. Watered by a rock well and windmill. The form I, well drained and in a high state of cultivation. The crop is nit' is, the ground-.ehoiee cloy loam. Immedi- ate possession. Apply to M. BEATON, R. R 2, Seaforth, Ont. 2767-tf 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 0 00000 0 S. T. HOLMES Funeral Director and O Licensed Embalmer O Undertaking Parlors in 0 Beattie Block, opposite The 0 .Expositor Office. Residence 0 Goderich St., opposite Dr. 0 Scott's, O Flowers furnished on short 0 notice. O Phone Night or Day 119 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000000000 0 W. T. BOX & CO. Embalmer and Funeral Directors H. C. BOX Holder of Government Diploma and License Charges moderate, Flowers furnished on short notice. Night Calls Day Calls Phone 176' a, Phone 43 0 O O 0 O O 0 O -0 O O 000000000 0000 0000 000000000 W. S. GORMLEY 0 0 Embalmer and Funeral O Director 0 Undertaking Parlors Above 0 M. Williams' Grocery Store. 0 Main Street, Seaforth. O Flowers furnished on short O notice, O Charges Moderate O Phone -Night or Day -192 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Victory, Govern- ment and. Muni- cipal Bonds Sold at current rates and deliver- ed free of expense. R. S. HAYS, SEAFORTH, ONT. 2778-tf MEN'S LISLE SOX In Brown, Black, White and for Blue. Regular 75c 40 C MEN'S SOX Real good Black Cot- ton at 29 C MEN'S Fancy Striped Sox, in many colors. Regular 50c 35 for C CHILDREN'S White and Pink Bloomers. Regular 65 cents 45c for LADIES' Pique Skirts. $1.75, for Reg• 1.30 Pongee Skirts. Regu- lar $3.50 for 2.75 LADIES' Pongee Skirts. Reg. $4,50 for 3.50 A FINE assortment of underskirts. Regular $2.50 for 1.95 LADIES' Colored Underskirts. L Reg. $2.25 for . , , ,..1'65 FACTORY COTTON 36 inches wide factory cot- ton. Sale 150 Price W.T. Pember's representative W. J. WHITE will be at the ,"nate', Your d�1 44,01eti Qui pellet a'aw'Be* *nth,.., sama'+ cut AO Post CI** Or E., WE win40140 YOUR THE CANADIAN OF COINER PAiD-UP CAPITAL . a SIS 0. RESERVE FUND . $.15:81 SEAFORTH BRANCH. J. G. Mullen, Manaae.'r 1: r Compositors Wanted: Men or Women Toronto Saturday night requires a fewourney: men and two-thirders. Men or women skilled in stone -work, make-up or at the case urgently needed. Satisfactory references required. Permanent em- ployment guaranteed to competent workers. Forty-eight hours weekly, thirty-six dollars. Overtime at rate of time and one-half. Open shop. Free nursing, medical service, sick benefits ar)d insurance. Ideal working conditions. Transportation paid including moving expenses' for married men. First-class opportunity to permanently locate here Wire or telephone at our expense. Saturday Night Press 73 Richmond Street West TORONTO. Stock Issue Wanted A reliable brokerage house is in a position to underwrite an issue of from $100,000 to $1,000,000 of an established and growing Canadian Corpora- tion. Communicate with us by wire or phone at our expense. Corporation & General Investments, Limited. Investment Securities. 38 King St. E. - - - Toronto Phone Main 5016-7. ' l 414 ueen's Hotel Tuesday June 21 With the Finest Stock of humin Hair Goods for Ladies and Gentlemen Wigs, Transformations. Pompadours, For Ladies Switches ;tad all other hair needs. Special treatment for the scalp and h, air- For Gentlemen the closest imitation in a Natural Toupee or wig ata reasonable price and the best of satisfaction given. Call till \Ir. White and liememller the elate .11 New Prices Effective June 7th, 1921 Touring Car $625 Runallout $560 Chassis $520 Truck ('hass1is .•-,.,• 5670 Starter and Electric Lighting on Above Models, $85 Extra. Sedan $1,090 Coupe •.,••....... • •••• $990 Above prices include starter and electric lighting. All prices are f.o.b. Ford, Ontario, and do not include federal sales tax. J. F. DAUTHORAI.IZEDY,FORDDEALER Seaforth Enter Your Band in The and Contest' at the Toronto Exhibition' MUSIC DAY at the Canadian National Exhibition - ALL Thursday, September 1st -is to be a Festival of Music. One of the Icatures is a band contest for amateur bands. This contest is patterned after the' famous Crystal Palace Competitions of London. It will provide the same oppor- tunities -to Canadian bands for improvement as is now given to bands of the BritiaJ Isles. All members of competing bands admitted to the Exhibi- tion Grounds free, $3150 in Crash Prizes Competition is divided into two classes, according to size of band. In addition to the handsome cash prizes, there will be a Special Challenge Trophy. The winning band in Class A will have its name inscribed thereon and will have the cus- tody of it for the ensuing year, and each member of this band will be presented with an individual award. Band- masters and Bandsmen can secure full particulars as to Adjudicators, test pieces and entry forms by communicat- ng at once with The Secretary Exhibition Band Contest Committee 145 Yonge Street - Toronto, Ont. St TVS A1,JYiiiv.WL: "'.1;3`:5`.:: ,, 0' -i111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111112111111111111111111111111111111111111111t111011111119 Cook by Hydro than Coal Oil. = Cheaper I 2 21 For full information inquire at HYDRO SHOP. TOWN HALL BUILDING Entrance -Town Clerk's Office. PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION OF SEAPORT flomumnmunnnnitmalh tomes i iwnlmminlftniinmWnmli iffl