HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-06-17, Page 1ata int ,act -P'IFTR YEAR ' ULE NUMBER 2792 f SPAFQRTIE ` F. WAY, 3ltTNE 17, 1921. 41 THE COUNTY COUNCIL Thu June cession of the Huron County Council opened in the Court House, Goderich, on Tuesday after- n'1on of last week. The Warden oc- c.ipled the chair. Tee nib call showed all the mem- be:s present except Me Armstrong and 01 r. Webb, the latter absent thr,ugh illness in the family. Tire Warden in his address outlin- ing :lie work of the present meeting dwelt particularly upon the necessity of making a final decision on the meter of Hospital assistance. The mutter of making a readjust- ment of wages, etc., on the Good Roads should come in for attention, owing to the changing conditions pre- vailing. With reference to the equalizing of the expenditureein the Good Roads as applied to each Municipality. This would, no doubt, adjust itself if car- ried on according to the original sub- mitted to the Department. The following communications were then read and referred to the several Standing Committees: Let'er• from Mr. S, Baker, clerk of l,ondee, re the meeting of the Cirmmiltees with reference to- the eleeerilir),tion of the L. H. & B. Rail- way, end the minutes of the meeting. ---F i led. Feint the Department of High- ways acknowledging the receipt of By --law lee. :1, 1921, granting $15,000 to the town of Wingham to improve the Borth part of ,Josephine street under the Highways Act, ---Filed. From the sante regarding the grant to the villatee of Exeter and the pur- chase of machinery by the county for the goad roads, --Filed. From the sante giving a detailed statement of the grant of $85,441.37 re maintenance and construction work en the county highways. ---Filed. I"rams the Pn,vincial Secretary ac- know'le tIdiiit the receipt of the res- olutions of the council re (1) Grade stork sires, (2) Suggested amend- ments to the Mother's Allowance Acta—Filed, From the 'Navy League of Canada etc' the grants made by the coenty of 1,000 in 11118 and $1,000 ifs 1920. Filed. From the OM :Iris Asoar iated 1130ards of Trade and Chambers of ommecce re the advantage of ap- .`sointing a lady assistant teacher to ~take a medical inspection of thea chnols of the county.—Referred to „duration Cnnnnittee. The auditors' report of the tress- ` carer's receipts and expenditures for the year 1920. --Referred to Finance Committee. Reports of the inspection of the boilers) of the house of Refuge and the Court House'•—Referred to Coun- ty Property Committee. From the Department of Trade and Commerce, Ottawa, regarding the policy of the county in'spturchas- ing Canadian supplies instead of American supplies for. our high echoed work. Filed, 'Several communications from Mr. Drydone, barrister of Clinton, re the J.utchasing of the Swinhank property for an addition to the House of Refuge Farm.—Filed. From Mr, Byrdnne re a claim for damages by the Geddes—Tyson Lum- ber Co., of Hayfield, under section 400 of the Municipal Act—Filed. This claim has since been settled by Hayfield. Letter from Mrs. Greenway, of London, re the county grant of 0500 to the Memorial Hospital of that city, asking payment—Referred to Executive Committee. From the Department of Highways giving a detailed statement of the expenditures on the Prov,yyncial High- ways in Huron to December 31st, 1920, showing a total of $3,807.18 on construction, and $774.40 on main- tenance of which the county's share would be 20 per cent., or $916.31.— Filed. From the Mayor of Goderich invit- eg the county council to hold their picnic this year in Goderich during the Old Boys' Reunion Week in Au- gust,—Filed. From the Woodstock Collegiate In- stitute Board inclosing a statement re the maintenance of that school, the attendance of Huron County }midis and the bill for the same amounting to $19.62. The same from Parkhill high school board. The same front Harriston high school board amounting to $616.85. The same front Chesley high school - beard amounting to $24.85. — The above were referred Cl the Educe- • Lion Committee. From the Central Mothers' Allow- ance Board at Toronto, inclosing a statement of allowances granted to date and the amount of Huron Coun- ! t•'.s share as $297.10. --Filed. From ,J. N, Kernighan, secretary :'nlborne Township Telephone Sys- tem claiming damages to the extent of $00 to the system through the ir'movaI of earth front poles by road t grading,—Referred to Good Roads Commission. Front the Department of Educa- tion giving a statement of the Pro - i vincial school grants as follows:— • Public schools, $2,12597: separate schools, $94.02; total, $2,219.99, the county to supplement these grants by an equal amount.—Filed. Application of Mr. D. McDonald, County Court Clerk, for a new type- ' writer for the use of his office.—Re- ferred to County Property Committee From the Department of High- ways approting by-law No. 18, 1920, passed nt December meeting of the couniil with reference to additions to the Good Roads System, excepting clauses 8, 9, 10 and 11 with reference to the Wingham and Brussels bridges, Gloucester, Terrace, Gode- rich and the road in West Waw- anosh from Belfast via St. Helens to Fordyce.—Filed. From Mr. Amos Doupo, secretary of the I{irkton Agricultural Society, which holds its fairs annually in Us - borne, asking for a grant from Huron County.—Referred to Execu- tive Committee. From the Sawyer-Massey.,co., re the purchase of Oanadiansnade road machinery as promoting home in- duatry.—Filed. - From Jailor Griffin with refer\enee to improvements needed at the jail residence. --Referred to County Prop- erty Committee. An invitation to the council and oflicial'd by Mr. T G. Shillinglaw, Secy. -Treasurer or Trustees and Ratepayers' Association of Huron to attend their first convention in the Temperance Hall, Goderieh, on Wed- nesday, the 8th inst.—Filed. From Mrs. Howard Fowler asking permission for the Hospital Board of Clinton to present their views regard- ing increased hospital grants.—Filed. From Messrs. A. C. Jackson and Scott McLean, of Auburn, objecting to be assessed in the police village of Manchester.—Referred to Special Committee. From Mr. R. S. Hays re Mr. Nes- bitt an inmate of the Hopae of Re- fugee—Referred to House of Refuge Committee. From the Ladies' Aid of the Alex- andra and Marine Hospital notifying the council of their intention to, send a deputation re the matter of hospital grants to interview the council on Wednesday. Mr. A. H. E. Beckett, representing the Nation Trucks, spoke to the council advocating the use of trucks in road construction as being more economical than the use of horses. The Clerk announced that he had just received a message from Mr. Webb, Deputy Reeve of Stephen, that owing to an outbreak of diptheria in his family he would be unable to attend the meeting of council. Mr. A. E. Erwin, Reeve of Hayfield, extended a very cordialk invitation to the council to hold their annual pic- nic this year in that summer resort, assuring the council of a good time and a hearty welcome. On motion of Messrs. Elliott and Erwin it was decided to hold the picnic at Bayfield on Friday, the 24th of June. Messrs. Erwin, Elliott, Trewartha and the Clerk were appointed a com- mittee to complete arrangements and the Clerk and Mrs. M. G. Cameron prepare a programme for the pro- /,resented the reasons of the larger ten in the chair. The report was posed picnic. deputation, its organization :old its adopted as read. Moved by Messrs. McQuaid and objects. - The House of Refuge Committee Purdon that this council regrets the In speaking of the reasons of this presented their report which was absence of Mr. Webb through -111- present appeal Mrs. Cameron very ness in his family and that his name ably get forth the work of the local be added to the pay sheet of council. hospital and the great need pn'vail- -Carried- ing for such institutions au"l very On motion of Messrs. Beavers anei effectively answered the -objections Grieve the council adjourned to meet that are often heard to ging aid or Lumber For All , Building Purposes White Pine B, C. Fir Hemlock Spruce and Cedar Material for: Gravel Boxes, Hay Racks, Farm Gates Stock Racks, Etc. All varieties of Dressed and Matched Lumber. • 5 X Red Cedar Shingles Brantford Asphalt Slates Vulcanite Shingles Cedar Fence Posts, 8 and 9 feet long. Beaver Board Fibre Board Fir Ceiling The only satisfactory Wall Coverings. N. Cluff & Sons SEAFORTH - - - ONTARIO. Mr. Irwin, the Provincial Engineer under the Highways Act, yeas present and addressed the council on /natters pertaining to the Highway work of the county. Mr. Irwin announced that the Lake Shore road had been designated a Provincial County Road. Mr. Irwin answered a large r•'m- ber of questions regarding dtoad Con- struction and gave much valuable in- formation on road and lbeidge con- struction and the workings but of the Act as applied to county and town- ship work. A large and influential delegation, consisting of some 75 or more of the Ladies' Aid of Alexandra Marine and General Hospital of Goderich. The delegation was introduced by sist to the extent of the cost. The deputation was composed of Messrs. Gill, Baker, Bestard, B'us- senberry, Eccleston, Green, Roes, Stebbins and Webb. Messrs, Eceleston, Bestard and Webb also spoke supporting the pro- position. A The Warden assured the deputa- tion that their request would receive every consideration from the council. The deputation then withdrew. The Engineer's Report was pre- sented, read by the clerk and on mo- tion of Dr. Clark, seconded by Mr. Young, was received slid orderedeto be printed in the minutes. The Road and Bridge Committee was presented, read by the Clerk and taken up in committee with MrC'Spot- of forty per cent. taken up in committee with Mr, Els- ton in the chair. The report was amended in committee .by changing in clause 3 the sum $3.50 to $5.00 as the weekly pay for board. In clause 6 instead of Clinton cemetery, on Wednesday. grants to small or local hospitals. I the clause was made to read Any WEDNESDAY Mr. Brydunc appeared on behalf of other cemetery where the inmates Under the head of Enquiries, Mr. the Clint's) Hospital Board and pre- may wish to be buried, but at his McNaughton submitted a letter from rented the claim of that `institution or her Pt pense." Mr. R. J. McMillan, of iegmondville, and asked that the count' council it r An amer:•lmen( to clause 11 by Foun„ with reference to oiling the street the county intended to render assist- •and Shot1,15 that the latter part nl' through that village, and wished to ince to hospitals in the c,unty, that the clause with reference to the col - know the policy of the council and Clinton receive its fair share of the lection of $imm int,•re,:t was carried. department in this matter. grants given. ile eery ably set forth . It wa= ulnved in amendment to the It was pointed out that the Main the need for community hospitals, not e•nlncil's reeomhlendation, contained street in Egmondville was part of a : so much largely e'luippe 1 hospitals, u1 the last sentence by Messrs, Milne designated road and the village was tut emergency hospitals to supply :end 'Tressed! ha, that the form of ap- obligerl to pay forty per cent. of the • the immediate needs of the locality, p'i''a ton be amended to include thus' cost. The nil used contains about Mrs, Manning, of Clinton, ably having means and in the second case 50 per cent. asphalt. I presented the work done by the Clin- those who, are indigent pour. Mr. Armstrong .brought up the • ton hospital. She said that as a Clause Ill was on motion referred question of the financial standing of j Board they preferred a 'mall, well to the 5xceutive Committee and the the county at the present time. The equipped hospital suitable to the need report as amended adopted. matter was referred to the Finance of the community and the' might not The repent of the special hospital Committee l prove a burden as a large hospital , committee was then presented, Mr. Tipling brought up the matter . might. of equalization of the county, This was deferred -to a later stage of the proceedings. I Dr. Clark spoke of the necessity of considering the matter of new tenders for supplies to the jail in meat, bread, etc. Mr. Davis asked for information i regarding cost of labor on the Good Roads and said he believed in a uni- form scale. It was explained that the circum • - stances as to haulage differed in dif ferent municipalities and it was very difficult to arrive at a uniform scale.1 Mr. Neeb thought there should be a uniform scale of wages between ' the county and municipalities. it would result in less friction and bet-, ter satisfaction, Mr. McNabb pointed out that it was hard to have a uniform scale in the different townships, especially . borilering townships, where the seal' ' in neighboring municipalities had much influence and also that the dif- ference in the service rendered must he considered. The matter was further considered by Messrs. Spotton, (bark. McQuaid, itackett, Young and Smith. Mr. Young thought the pay shnnld he regulated by (he work done, not by the time put in, Mr. Hackett spoke of the difference' prevailing on the north boundary. Moved by Messrs. Clark and Davis that in view of the fact that can-, siderable reduction in paces of meat. rind bread has taken place, we would , suggest that the finance committee ask for new tenders for the supply of Herat and bread to be in during the meet log. --Carried. Moved by Messrs, Douglas and Currie that we go into committer of the whole to take up the matter of the equalization of the assessment of the different municipalities of the county for 1921.—•Carried. The council then resolved itself in-. to committee of the whole with Dr. Clark in the chair. In committee the following reso- lution was unanimously adopted: I Moved by Messrs. Beavers and Dr. Grieve that the equalized value of the county for -this year -he the same as for 1920. A petition from certain citizens of Hullett, re the location of a designat- ed road, was presented and referred to the Good Roads Commission. Rev, Cannon Hill adore -sed a few words commending the representa- tions that had been made by the speakers advocating increased hos- pital grants either for construction ' or maintenance. Dr. Gandier, of Clinton. also spoke of the need of more wards to acor- ntodate the demands. The county was spending Targe aunts on child welfare and this ennld be more ef- ficiently expended in hospital needs and training. All hospital; bad great need of more secunum,dntion for their nurses, that the grants made should he according to the work done. Mrs. Mawhinney, of :lshfeeld, spoke strongly in advocacy of the County of Huron, one of the richest counties I in Ontario, doing mor • to provide � hospital accommodat inn to supply then need of rural iii'triets of the county and asked liberal treatment of the demand for aid to the Gode- rich Hnapit.al. C'iunciller Tipling. of Wingham, spoke on behalf of his I-„vn and the need of more hospital a,'rnntmnda- t ie n, The Warton assured '.1'e deputa- tions that the ('uu nail w Fuld give every attention to their representa- tions. The demi tatam Ihen with- drew. A deputation vat, pre-cut on be- half of the 'rectal 4* .\ssoriation and presented a request. to the county to grant 82,111 to defray the expenses of the .1s,ociatinn, Mr. .John P.dhertson of Colborne, Presented the dahlia of the Assncia- lion to consideration on account of. its objects to further Ilse interests of education. Mr, Alex. Saunders Itis., spoke ad- vocating the claire for a grant. The request was sent to the Executive Committee to report. THURSDAY A deputation from Grand Bend was present with reference to a matter of paving a roar) way to the lake hn the boundary between Huron and Lambton about 100 roils, extending westward from Rrenners lintel to the , lake. Mr. Gill outlined the plan fully and stater] that to aid the proposi- ' tion, one citizen had offered to con- tribute $300 and allow the county free gravel from his property on the lake shore for ten years, and the County of Lambton agreeing to as - Huron County TEMPERANCE ASSOCIAl'ION ANNUAL. CONVENTION will be held in ONTARIO STREET METHO- DIST C'iI CRCIl. CLINTON on Wed., :7.;ne 22 Contntencing at 1.a0 p.m. Addresses will he given by Or, GEORGE C. i'IDGEON, of Toronto, President of the Social Sem ice Council of Ontario. and prominent County Workers 0 p.m. Banquet and after dinn''r Speeches Ticket :10 ('out.., The Public are invited. .1, A. IRWiN, Clinton, President W. H. WILLIS, bVin'__li:1m, Sec. A Garden Pert The council moved into committee of the whole with Mr. Elliott in, the chair, 'On motion of Mr. McQuaid the consideration of , the . report ,was adjourned to the afternoon. Moved by Messrs: Erwin and Dr. Milne that the grants to egricultural- secieties holding fall fairs in the county be increased fez. 1921. Re- ferred to Executive Committee. . Moved by Messrs. Purden and ER' at tl►at �S �o din aigrants fp tt g even. That each bet a eonnctil a jun report,. and expenditures each ,such gnaual grant's. . he in cordance with .the 'Service to the community in which, lit; ated. The yeas gid nay's reenitc follows: On amendmeitttts tape am menti yens — Arm$troeg, ' CoS e' tr< stun that we make a grant of $25.00 Doig, Douglas, Elliott, Ervin, Rads to each Board of Agriculture in the ett,'Jamiesdn, Klapp; )$cNaRghtO 0 county. McQuaid, Miller, Milne, /Utah,1P1urn, . Moved by Messrs, Currie and Grieve', Purdon,, Smith; $potton Ts!. that Mr. Reynolds; keeper of the —19 uaya---Beavers, Olalrk; Co + r. House of Refuge, be granted a bonus Currie, ;Davis, EIston„ Grieve, yRr of $200 for his excellent services this Hebb, Porter, Tipling, Young --41,,,, r year, as recommended by the corn- The Executive Committee Mated mittee.—Referred to Executive Com- •and their report was taken up in mittee. ' Committee with Mr. Collins in the, Moved by Messrs. McNabb and chair. --The •report was adopted, , Armstrong that all monies that have The Good Roads Commission prig been paid, by this or any for ser coun- sented their report which: was taken ' til to the different municipalities of up in committee work, Mr, Coates in the county for Red Cross or patriotic the chair. The report as amended - purposes and any portion of such was adopted. grants which may still be unexpend- On motion of Messrs. Erwin- and' ed, be placed at the disposal of the Spotton. the coucil adjourned to meet. Reeve and Council of said municipal- on Friday morning. ity as they may deem expedient.— FRIDAY Referred to the Special Committee. Moved by Messrs. Klopp and Cur- Under the head of enquiries Mr. vie that a grant of $200 tee the Huron Neeb asked for information re the Trustees. Association,—Referred to rate of interest paid on money bore the Executive Committee, rowed' and whether the notes were Moved by Messrs. Neeb and Clark discqunted in advance. that the Good Roads Commission be The Treasurer gave this informs- • asked to inquire into the matter of tion. The rate paid was 6 per cent. the request of the deputation from and that all business, to get that Grand Bend as presented by them at rate, is done through one bank, but this session and be given power to that all cheques issued are payable act—Carried. at par. Moved by Messrs, Purdon and El- The County Property Committee ston that this council transmit to reported and the report was taken the Department of Public High- up in committee with Mr. Smith in ways the following resolution: the, chair,—The report was adopted. That this council of the corpora- The Education Committee reported tion of the County of Huron respect- with Mr. Jamieson in the chair.— fully request the Minister of Public The report was adopted. Highways to reconsider the matter The Special Committee reported' of approving of Clause 11 of 'by-law with Mr. McNaughton in the chair. No. 18, 1920, as it is believed the —The report was adopted. best interests of the county and theThe report of the Finance Com- + equitable distribution of County I mittee was presented with Dr. Clark Road expenditures require that this in the chair,---11'he report was adopt - road be designated as a County Road ed, under the highways improvement Moved by Messrs. Davis and Erwin act.—Carried. that the chairman of the Property Moved by Dr. Milne and Currie Committee be instructed with power that the Corporation of Blyth un- to act to decorate the Court House der the Highways improvement Act for Old Home Week, to be held in receive a grant of 51,500 for the im- Goderich.—Carried. prevenient of the connecting link on Moved by Messrs. Tipling and Queen street and Dinsby street, from Douglas that the matter of Jackson, Queen to Grand Trunk Railway.— Scott and McLean, re their property Referred to Good Roads Ccemntission, being assessed in the village of Man - A deputation representing the ag- chaster, referred to the council by ric:ultural societies of Huron County the Special Committee left in the was present and was introduced by hands of the Reeve of Mullett, the 11 r, ) /winproperty being in this township.— Mr Ellis., of Blyth, very ably and Carried, eloquently set forth the origin and Moved by Messrs. Davis and Clark usefulness of these societies and the that the Huron County Home Com - fairs that are held as educational mittee build the arch gots and sign institutions in every county, and read for the Huron County home, which 'tatistirs to slruw• that Heron's `v'ts passed by this council in 1919. Carried. 31 r. 1. M. Cuvenlock M.P.P., an ea -warden of the county being pres- ent, was. asked to speak to the coun- cii, Mr. Govenlnck spoke briefly re- garding the Good Roads, the Mothers' Allowance Act and Hydro Develop- ment. After singing the National An- them, the council, on motion of Messrs. Armstrong and Erwin, the council adjourned to meet the first Tuesday in December at 3 o'clock p.m. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 1 ar'ants aro very small compared with ti."se granted in other ,•„unties, Mr. Sic Murray, of ('Iinton, sup- plemented the remarks made by Mr. Ellis. Tinder the head of enquiries the platter of the building of a suitable entrain,. to the Huron County Hone was brought up by Mr. Davis, who wished that. same be adopted. At the request of Mr. Beavers the Treasurer gave a statement of the sIsndinir of the account between Ex- eter and the county on the street to instruction. The report of the Special Hos- pital's committee was then again taken up with Mr. Elliott in the chair, Mr. Young, chairman of the com- mittee, spoke very ably in favor of the adoption Of the report, Dr. Milne, of Blyth, took the op- posite view and advocaied very I , t'iil n e strongly his opinion in n I i It n t> the scheme proposal and spohe in favor of a large central hospital inn- Siiead of an litany small ones. If small ones are established they should he built or equipped by local boons. Mr. McQuaid supported the op- position In the prnpositinn. Mr. 91e\nbh spoke in favor of the I -port and giving a grant. 9l.'- Currie advocated the ,grant as proposed by the i'untntitloe and said that we moat lining hospital accom- modation as near to the in ,pie as pecsible. Mr. 'Tipling spnkc in favor of th., grant inataneirg by illustrations front t4'inghant OW prod of hospitals fur r. nm/limit• in•rp' >Ir. Davis spoke in farof the I.ospital from personal experience and inslanee< of the gams work dune by the e -,d,•rieh hospital. MrTr'".cartha spoke it•. eppesitiee le the prepes ri.u1 es presented be the cerereatee,n): ho?pit. a l;, ,Cry r•„ntnvn,i:y slumld hie el ;eel 1,ac fol its own ill the Manu• atannel' ns bleb s:•hn„I , bn: the r•„unt' should assist in mahtten- Mr. \c ''b WAR nil opposed to 110<- plirlis lion n” the proposition as pre- emeed in the repurL He was of the m,on o tinter or village wanting a hasn't al should build it and the "nrt'Ij give liberally to maintaining 1)r. Milne spoke in nppoaiti;,n to will be held :+t Iho' proposed sc•hem e; the hospt l els shtntld share equally. C'l)NSTANCF Mr. Smith also was opposed to any grant. given by the whole county to on George Wheatley's Lawn any hospital. Mr. Reae•ers ntnved in amendment, FRIDAY, JUNE 2Ith, 1921 seennded by Dr. Grieve, that one Mill nn the dollar he assessed for hospitals and that Goderich, Clinton, Wingham, Seafnrfh and Exeter shame equally and that. each contribute an equal amount to the grunt for con- stauctiou purposes. Mr. Trewartha, seconded by Mr. ADMISSION - 50 and 25 Cents Neeb, moved an amendfent to the The Elgar Ladies' Quartette, of l,onrlon, Western Ontario's fore- most entertainers, will provide the programme. Supper served from 6 to 8 p.m. Good Roads Commission The Good Roads Commission re- ported as follows The c•nntneittee and county engineer met at. C'lintJn .and recommended the county engineer to purchase one Ex- eter grader and six two -horse grad- ers franc the Sawyer -Massey Co., of Hamilton. The comnil;sion and the county emi- t -ewer covered a portion of the coun- ty roads system in a general inspec- (C'tinued on page 4) SEA FOIYTii COLLEGIATE INSTI- TI4TE rat) MOTION EXAMS The fo hewing is the list of sac- cr'sful s:ndents in Forn, 1, arranged is ' note'r of merit. This ranking is impaled from the results of the weekly examinations held throughout :he ye:- :old the !Mel exams held in Jour'. 'Ther•• are only three marks. sepica: rim.' the first two students, .,, h m.+h e over 113 per cent. Promoted to Form 2A. If,.•,.'.tr< - - R. StuNanghton, M. St"w:,rl, D. Reinke. 1;. Beatty, A. Strang. 01. Sharkey. lis Bickle. 114. }:Cid, l:. Simpson, A. McRae. E. Fee. P. r'1iet1, 1. ],sorry, :1l. ('use R, lIe- C.:r and S. llat:irs 'Toil, G. C'al.il- ,,,law. W. i'alnit...1. ('tuff. Pa,s—F:. c'ho:ney and le, Peterson '1pial, 1C. ieinem t, I). Kent. I, +'adieu•:, ,\, eln'N:,v, A, Berrews, F. Cook, l'rnmoted to Form 213. 11. VI'eltslrr. K. Web,(,,,', M. Tltnmp- s„n, V. Seett, A. llredi), V Bolton, V. Patterson. FL .Alexander, W. Smith. H. Smillie, M. Grieve. C. Mer- ner, E. lednun,ds. A. Dodd. R..Tohn- s:m, F. Scott, T. Purcell, M, krynolds, M. Shine, E. Codntnre, A. Smith, M. Webster, .1, O'Connell, H. Bays, T. T.ane. D. Spain and K. Love promoted to Form 2B through illness. Form211. Exams. Thr following are promoted to Forst 0R. and are arranged in order of merit: N. Montgomery, F. 'Tal- bot, E. Kennedy, M. McCuaig, A. Love, L. Eckert, F. Crich, M. Mt - Cowan, L. Purcell, H. Peterson. Promoted to Form 2A. G. Pepper, V. Rambly W. Lando— borough, N, Wilson, J. Lane.• ;.d• 3kAiet3tt+s�r4mjt�J1 ;f+:YaSn ellt2i"yiiP'e1 le• d ;Lye' 1 HE CHANGED ( HIS MIND ' He had fully decided not to buy a suit now, await- ing the come down of Prices. ' One glance atour prices will convince you that there is no need of waiting. He needed a Suit. It took him five min- utes to make a selection and he ordered. YOU MAY CHANGE YOUR MIND in the same way when you look over these prices. Navy Blue Serge, Black and Grey Worsted, finest imported cloths. Suits tailor-made to yotir special order in our finest workmanship .. $35.00, $40.00, $45 Tweed Suits in Greys, Browns and mixtures, made to your special measure $20.00 to $30.00 BARGAINS IN READY -TO -WEARS Men's checked Tweed Suits . .. $15.00, $18.00, $20.00 Mer}'s fine colored worsted suits, $20, $22, $25 Men's Dressy Grey and Blue Worsted.... $25 to $30 Men's Fine Trousers $3.00 to $4.50 Men's Striped Flannel Trousers $3.50 to $4.50 Men's Palm Beach Trousers $3.50 to $4.60 Fancy Outing Shirts $1.50 to $2.50 Two-piece Underwear 59c Combination' Underwear $1.50 Fancy Sox, summer weight, all colors 25c HATS Straw Sailors very popular, all new blocks ..$2 to $4 Panamas, the very finest, always popular $2 to $6.50 Sunshsdet 30c, 35c, 40c Ov i t: s Black and Blue $1.75 :-.uie,L —, Black and Blue $1.75 «'u% h oh it s 95( The Greig Clothing Co. l?.1 A SIDE OF MAIN STREET. THE COUNTY COUNCIL Thu June cession of the Huron County Council opened in the Court House, Goderich, on Tuesday after- n'1on of last week. The Warden oc- c.ipled the chair. Tee nib call showed all the mem- be:s present except Me Armstrong and 01 r. Webb, the latter absent thr,ugh illness in the family. Tire Warden in his address outlin- ing :lie work of the present meeting dwelt particularly upon the necessity of making a final decision on the meter of Hospital assistance. The mutter of making a readjust- ment of wages, etc., on the Good Roads should come in for attention, owing to the changing conditions pre- vailing. With reference to the equalizing of the expenditureein the Good Roads as applied to each Municipality. This would, no doubt, adjust itself if car- ried on according to the original sub- mitted to the Department. The following communications were then read and referred to the several Standing Committees: Let'er• from Mr. S, Baker, clerk of l,ondee, re the meeting of the Cirmmiltees with reference to- the eleeerilir),tion of the L. H. & B. Rail- way, end the minutes of the meeting. ---F i led. Feint the Department of High- ways acknowledging the receipt of By --law lee. :1, 1921, granting $15,000 to the town of Wingham to improve the Borth part of ,Josephine street under the Highways Act, ---Filed. From the sante regarding the grant to the villatee of Exeter and the pur- chase of machinery by the county for the goad roads, --Filed. From the sante giving a detailed statement of the grant of $85,441.37 re maintenance and construction work en the county highways. ---Filed. I"rams the Pn,vincial Secretary ac- know'le tIdiiit the receipt of the res- olutions of the council re (1) Grade stork sires, (2) Suggested amend- ments to the Mother's Allowance Acta—Filed, From the 'Navy League of Canada etc' the grants made by the coenty of 1,000 in 11118 and $1,000 ifs 1920. Filed. From the OM :Iris Asoar iated 1130ards of Trade and Chambers of ommecce re the advantage of ap- .`sointing a lady assistant teacher to ~take a medical inspection of thea chnols of the county.—Referred to „duration Cnnnnittee. The auditors' report of the tress- ` carer's receipts and expenditures for the year 1920. --Referred to Finance Committee. Reports of the inspection of the boilers) of the house of Refuge and the Court House'•—Referred to Coun- ty Property Committee. From the Department of Trade and Commerce, Ottawa, regarding the policy of the county in'spturchas- ing Canadian supplies instead of American supplies for. our high echoed work. Filed, 'Several communications from Mr. Drydone, barrister of Clinton, re the J.utchasing of the Swinhank property for an addition to the House of Refuge Farm.—Filed. From Mr, Byrdnne re a claim for damages by the Geddes—Tyson Lum- ber Co., of Hayfield, under section 400 of the Municipal Act—Filed. This claim has since been settled by Hayfield. Letter from Mrs. Greenway, of London, re the county grant of 0500 to the Memorial Hospital of that city, asking payment—Referred to Executive Committee. From the Department of Highways giving a detailed statement of the expenditures on the Prov,yyncial High- ways in Huron to December 31st, 1920, showing a total of $3,807.18 on construction, and $774.40 on main- tenance of which the county's share would be 20 per cent., or $916.31.— Filed. From the Mayor of Goderich invit- eg the county council to hold their picnic this year in Goderich during the Old Boys' Reunion Week in Au- gust,—Filed. From the Woodstock Collegiate In- stitute Board inclosing a statement re the maintenance of that school, the attendance of Huron County }midis and the bill for the same amounting to $19.62. The same from Parkhill high school board. The same front Harriston high school board amounting to $616.85. The same front Chesley high school - beard amounting to $24.85. — The above were referred Cl the Educe- • Lion Committee. From the Central Mothers' Allow- ance Board at Toronto, inclosing a statement of allowances granted to date and the amount of Huron Coun- ! t•'.s share as $297.10. --Filed. From ,J. N, Kernighan, secretary :'nlborne Township Telephone Sys- tem claiming damages to the extent of $00 to the system through the ir'movaI of earth front poles by road t grading,—Referred to Good Roads Commission. Front the Department of Educa- tion giving a statement of the Pro - i vincial school grants as follows:— • Public schools, $2,12597: separate schools, $94.02; total, $2,219.99, the county to supplement these grants by an equal amount.—Filed. Application of Mr. D. McDonald, County Court Clerk, for a new type- ' writer for the use of his office.—Re- ferred to County Property Committee From the Department of High- ways approting by-law No. 18, 1920, passed nt December meeting of the couniil with reference to additions to the Good Roads System, excepting clauses 8, 9, 10 and 11 with reference to the Wingham and Brussels bridges, Gloucester, Terrace, Gode- rich and the road in West Waw- anosh from Belfast via St. Helens to Fordyce.—Filed. From Mr. Amos Doupo, secretary of the I{irkton Agricultural Society, which holds its fairs annually in Us - borne, asking for a grant from Huron County.—Referred to Execu- tive Committee. From the Sawyer-Massey.,co., re the purchase of Oanadiansnade road machinery as promoting home in- duatry.—Filed. - From Jailor Griffin with refer\enee to improvements needed at the jail residence. --Referred to County Prop- erty Committee. An invitation to the council and oflicial'd by Mr. T G. Shillinglaw, Secy. -Treasurer or Trustees and Ratepayers' Association of Huron to attend their first convention in the Temperance Hall, Goderieh, on Wed- nesday, the 8th inst.—Filed. From Mrs. Howard Fowler asking permission for the Hospital Board of Clinton to present their views regard- ing increased hospital grants.—Filed. From Messrs. A. C. Jackson and Scott McLean, of Auburn, objecting to be assessed in the police village of Manchester.—Referred to Special Committee. From Mr. R. S. Hays re Mr. Nes- bitt an inmate of the Hopae of Re- fugee—Referred to House of Refuge Committee. From the Ladies' Aid of the Alex- andra and Marine Hospital notifying the council of their intention to, send a deputation re the matter of hospital grants to interview the council on Wednesday. Mr. A. H. E. Beckett, representing the Nation Trucks, spoke to the council advocating the use of trucks in road construction as being more economical than the use of horses. The Clerk announced that he had just received a message from Mr. Webb, Deputy Reeve of Stephen, that owing to an outbreak of diptheria in his family he would be unable to attend the meeting of council. Mr. A. E. Erwin, Reeve of Hayfield, extended a very cordialk invitation to the council to hold their annual pic- nic this year in that summer resort, assuring the council of a good time and a hearty welcome. On motion of Messrs. Elliott and Erwin it was decided to hold the picnic at Bayfield on Friday, the 24th of June. Messrs. Erwin, Elliott, Trewartha and the Clerk were appointed a com- mittee to complete arrangements and the Clerk and Mrs. M. G. Cameron prepare a programme for the pro- /,resented the reasons of the larger ten in the chair. The report was posed picnic. deputation, its organization :old its adopted as read. Moved by Messrs. McQuaid and objects. - The House of Refuge Committee Purdon that this council regrets the In speaking of the reasons of this presented their report which was absence of Mr. Webb through -111- present appeal Mrs. Cameron very ness in his family and that his name ably get forth the work of the local be added to the pay sheet of council. hospital and the great need pn'vail- -Carried- ing for such institutions au"l very On motion of Messrs. Beavers anei effectively answered the -objections Grieve the council adjourned to meet that are often heard to ging aid or Lumber For All , Building Purposes White Pine B, C. Fir Hemlock Spruce and Cedar Material for: Gravel Boxes, Hay Racks, Farm Gates Stock Racks, Etc. All varieties of Dressed and Matched Lumber. • 5 X Red Cedar Shingles Brantford Asphalt Slates Vulcanite Shingles Cedar Fence Posts, 8 and 9 feet long. Beaver Board Fibre Board Fir Ceiling The only satisfactory Wall Coverings. N. Cluff & Sons SEAFORTH - - - ONTARIO. Mr. Irwin, the Provincial Engineer under the Highways Act, yeas present and addressed the council on /natters pertaining to the Highway work of the county. Mr. Irwin announced that the Lake Shore road had been designated a Provincial County Road. Mr. Irwin answered a large r•'m- ber of questions regarding dtoad Con- struction and gave much valuable in- formation on road and lbeidge con- struction and the workings but of the Act as applied to county and town- ship work. A large and influential delegation, consisting of some 75 or more of the Ladies' Aid of Alexandra Marine and General Hospital of Goderich. The delegation was introduced by sist to the extent of the cost. The deputation was composed of Messrs. Gill, Baker, Bestard, B'us- senberry, Eccleston, Green, Roes, Stebbins and Webb. Messrs, Eceleston, Bestard and Webb also spoke supporting the pro- position. A The Warden assured the deputa- tion that their request would receive every consideration from the council. The deputation then withdrew. The Engineer's Report was pre- sented, read by the clerk and on mo- tion of Dr. Clark, seconded by Mr. Young, was received slid orderedeto be printed in the minutes. The Road and Bridge Committee was presented, read by the Clerk and taken up in committee with MrC'Spot- of forty per cent. taken up in committee with Mr, Els- ton in the chair. The report was amended in committee .by changing in clause 3 the sum $3.50 to $5.00 as the weekly pay for board. In clause 6 instead of Clinton cemetery, on Wednesday. grants to small or local hospitals. I the clause was made to read Any WEDNESDAY Mr. Brydunc appeared on behalf of other cemetery where the inmates Under the head of Enquiries, Mr. the Clint's) Hospital Board and pre- may wish to be buried, but at his McNaughton submitted a letter from rented the claim of that `institution or her Pt pense." Mr. R. J. McMillan, of iegmondville, and asked that the count' council it r An amer:•lmen( to clause 11 by Foun„ with reference to oiling the street the county intended to render assist- •and Shot1,15 that the latter part nl' through that village, and wished to ince to hospitals in the c,unty, that the clause with reference to the col - know the policy of the council and Clinton receive its fair share of the lection of $imm int,•re,:t was carried. department in this matter. grants given. ile eery ably set forth . It wa= ulnved in amendment to the It was pointed out that the Main the need for community hospitals, not e•nlncil's reeomhlendation, contained street in Egmondville was part of a : so much largely e'luippe 1 hospitals, u1 the last sentence by Messrs, Milne designated road and the village was tut emergency hospitals to supply :end 'Tressed! ha, that the form of ap- obligerl to pay forty per cent. of the • the immediate needs of the locality, p'i''a ton be amended to include thus' cost. The nil used contains about Mrs, Manning, of Clinton, ably having means and in the second case 50 per cent. asphalt. I presented the work done by the Clin- those who, are indigent pour. Mr. Armstrong .brought up the • ton hospital. She said that as a Clause Ill was on motion referred question of the financial standing of j Board they preferred a 'mall, well to the 5xceutive Committee and the the county at the present time. The equipped hospital suitable to the need report as amended adopted. matter was referred to the Finance of the community and the' might not The repent of the special hospital Committee l prove a burden as a large hospital , committee was then presented, Mr. Tipling brought up the matter . might. of equalization of the county, This was deferred -to a later stage of the proceedings. I Dr. Clark spoke of the necessity of considering the matter of new tenders for supplies to the jail in meat, bread, etc. Mr. Davis asked for information i regarding cost of labor on the Good Roads and said he believed in a uni- form scale. It was explained that the circum • - stances as to haulage differed in dif ferent municipalities and it was very difficult to arrive at a uniform scale.1 Mr. Neeb thought there should be a uniform scale of wages between ' the county and municipalities. it would result in less friction and bet-, ter satisfaction, Mr. McNabb pointed out that it was hard to have a uniform scale in the different townships, especially . borilering townships, where the seal' ' in neighboring municipalities had much influence and also that the dif- ference in the service rendered must he considered. The matter was further considered by Messrs. Spotton, (bark. McQuaid, itackett, Young and Smith. Mr. Young thought the pay shnnld he regulated by (he work done, not by the time put in, Mr. Hackett spoke of the difference' prevailing on the north boundary. Moved by Messrs. Clark and Davis that in view of the fact that can-, siderable reduction in paces of meat. rind bread has taken place, we would , suggest that the finance committee ask for new tenders for the supply of Herat and bread to be in during the meet log. --Carried. Moved by Messrs, Douglas and Currie that we go into committer of the whole to take up the matter of the equalization of the assessment of the different municipalities of the county for 1921.—•Carried. The council then resolved itself in-. to committee of the whole with Dr. Clark in the chair. In committee the following reso- lution was unanimously adopted: I Moved by Messrs. Beavers and Dr. Grieve that the equalized value of the county for -this year -he the same as for 1920. A petition from certain citizens of Hullett, re the location of a designat- ed road, was presented and referred to the Good Roads Commission. Rev, Cannon Hill adore -sed a few words commending the representa- tions that had been made by the speakers advocating increased hos- pital grants either for construction ' or maintenance. Dr. Gandier, of Clinton. also spoke of the need of more wards to acor- ntodate the demands. The county was spending Targe aunts on child welfare and this ennld be more ef- ficiently expended in hospital needs and training. All hospital; bad great need of more secunum,dntion for their nurses, that the grants made should he according to the work done. Mrs. Mawhinney, of :lshfeeld, spoke strongly in advocacy of the County of Huron, one of the richest counties I in Ontario, doing mor • to provide � hospital accommodat inn to supply then need of rural iii'triets of the county and asked liberal treatment of the demand for aid to the Gode- rich Hnapit.al. C'iunciller Tipling. of Wingham, spoke on behalf of his I-„vn and the need of more hospital a,'rnntmnda- t ie n, The Warton assured '.1'e deputa- tions that the ('uu nail w Fuld give every attention to their representa- tions. The demi tatam Ihen with- drew. A deputation vat, pre-cut on be- half of the 'rectal 4* .\ssoriation and presented a request. to the county to grant 82,111 to defray the expenses of the .1s,ociatinn, Mr. .John P.dhertson of Colborne, Presented the dahlia of the Assncia- lion to consideration on account of. its objects to further Ilse interests of education. Mr, Alex. Saunders Itis., spoke ad- vocating the claire for a grant. The request was sent to the Executive Committee to report. THURSDAY A deputation from Grand Bend was present with reference to a matter of paving a roar) way to the lake hn the boundary between Huron and Lambton about 100 roils, extending westward from Rrenners lintel to the , lake. Mr. Gill outlined the plan fully and stater] that to aid the proposi- ' tion, one citizen had offered to con- tribute $300 and allow the county free gravel from his property on the lake shore for ten years, and the County of Lambton agreeing to as - Huron County TEMPERANCE ASSOCIAl'ION ANNUAL. CONVENTION will be held in ONTARIO STREET METHO- DIST C'iI CRCIl. CLINTON on Wed., :7.;ne 22 Contntencing at 1.a0 p.m. Addresses will he given by Or, GEORGE C. i'IDGEON, of Toronto, President of the Social Sem ice Council of Ontario. and prominent County Workers 0 p.m. Banquet and after dinn''r Speeches Ticket :10 ('out.., The Public are invited. .1, A. IRWiN, Clinton, President W. H. WILLIS, bVin'__li:1m, Sec. A Garden Pert The council moved into committee of the whole with Mr. Elliott in, the chair, 'On motion of Mr. McQuaid the consideration of , the . report ,was adjourned to the afternoon. Moved by Messrs: Erwin and Dr. Milne that the grants to egricultural- secieties holding fall fairs in the county be increased fez. 1921. Re- ferred to Executive Committee. . Moved by Messrs. Purden and ER' at tl►at �S �o din aigrants fp tt g even. That each bet a eonnctil a jun report,. and expenditures each ,such gnaual grant's. . he in cordance with .the 'Service to the community in which, lit; ated. The yeas gid nay's reenitc follows: On amendmeitttts tape am menti yens — Arm$troeg, ' CoS e' tr< stun that we make a grant of $25.00 Doig, Douglas, Elliott, Ervin, Rads to each Board of Agriculture in the ett,'Jamiesdn, Klapp; )$cNaRghtO 0 county. McQuaid, Miller, Milne, /Utah,1P1urn, . Moved by Messrs, Currie and Grieve', Purdon,, Smith; $potton Ts!. that Mr. Reynolds; keeper of the —19 uaya---Beavers, Olalrk; Co + r. House of Refuge, be granted a bonus Currie, ;Davis, EIston„ Grieve, yRr of $200 for his excellent services this Hebb, Porter, Tipling, Young --41,,,, r year, as recommended by the corn- The Executive Committee Mated mittee.—Referred to Executive Com- •and their report was taken up in mittee. ' Committee with Mr. Collins in the, Moved by Messrs. McNabb and chair. --The •report was adopted, , Armstrong that all monies that have The Good Roads Commission prig been paid, by this or any for ser coun- sented their report which: was taken ' til to the different municipalities of up in committee work, Mr, Coates in the county for Red Cross or patriotic the chair. The report as amended - purposes and any portion of such was adopted. grants which may still be unexpend- On motion of Messrs. Erwin- and' ed, be placed at the disposal of the Spotton. the coucil adjourned to meet. Reeve and Council of said municipal- on Friday morning. ity as they may deem expedient.— FRIDAY Referred to the Special Committee. Moved by Messrs. Klopp and Cur- Under the head of enquiries Mr. vie that a grant of $200 tee the Huron Neeb asked for information re the Trustees. Association,—Referred to rate of interest paid on money bore the Executive Committee, rowed' and whether the notes were Moved by Messrs. Neeb and Clark discqunted in advance. that the Good Roads Commission be The Treasurer gave this informs- • asked to inquire into the matter of tion. The rate paid was 6 per cent. the request of the deputation from and that all business, to get that Grand Bend as presented by them at rate, is done through one bank, but this session and be given power to that all cheques issued are payable act—Carried. at par. Moved by Messrs, Purdon and El- The County Property Committee ston that this council transmit to reported and the report was taken the Department of Public High- up in committee with Mr. Smith in ways the following resolution: the, chair,—The report was adopted. That this council of the corpora- The Education Committee reported tion of the County of Huron respect- with Mr. Jamieson in the chair.— fully request the Minister of Public The report was adopted. Highways to reconsider the matter The Special Committee reported' of approving of Clause 11 of 'by-law with Mr. McNaughton in the chair. No. 18, 1920, as it is believed the —The report was adopted. best interests of the county and theThe report of the Finance Com- + equitable distribution of County I mittee was presented with Dr. Clark Road expenditures require that this in the chair,---11'he report was adopt - road be designated as a County Road ed, under the highways improvement Moved by Messrs. Davis and Erwin act.—Carried. that the chairman of the Property Moved by Dr. Milne and Currie Committee be instructed with power that the Corporation of Blyth un- to act to decorate the Court House der the Highways improvement Act for Old Home Week, to be held in receive a grant of 51,500 for the im- Goderich.—Carried. prevenient of the connecting link on Moved by Messrs. Tipling and Queen street and Dinsby street, from Douglas that the matter of Jackson, Queen to Grand Trunk Railway.— Scott and McLean, re their property Referred to Good Roads Ccemntission, being assessed in the village of Man - A deputation representing the ag- chaster, referred to the council by ric:ultural societies of Huron County the Special Committee left in the was present and was introduced by hands of the Reeve of Mullett, the 11 r, ) /winproperty being in this township.— Mr Ellis., of Blyth, very ably and Carried, eloquently set forth the origin and Moved by Messrs. Davis and Clark usefulness of these societies and the that the Huron County Home Com - fairs that are held as educational mittee build the arch gots and sign institutions in every county, and read for the Huron County home, which 'tatistirs to slruw• that Heron's `v'ts passed by this council in 1919. Carried. 31 r. 1. M. Cuvenlock M.P.P., an ea -warden of the county being pres- ent, was. asked to speak to the coun- cii, Mr. Govenlnck spoke briefly re- garding the Good Roads, the Mothers' Allowance Act and Hydro Develop- ment. After singing the National An- them, the council, on motion of Messrs. Armstrong and Erwin, the council adjourned to meet the first Tuesday in December at 3 o'clock p.m. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 1 ar'ants aro very small compared with ti."se granted in other ,•„unties, Mr. Sic Murray, of ('Iinton, sup- plemented the remarks made by Mr. Ellis. Tinder the head of enquiries the platter of the building of a suitable entrain,. to the Huron County Hone was brought up by Mr. Davis, who wished that. same be adopted. At the request of Mr. Beavers the Treasurer gave a statement of the sIsndinir of the account between Ex- eter and the county on the street to instruction. The report of the Special Hos- pital's committee was then again taken up with Mr. Elliott in the chair, Mr. Young, chairman of the com- mittee, spoke very ably in favor of the adoption Of the report, Dr. Milne, of Blyth, took the op- posite view and advocaied very I , t'iil n e strongly his opinion in n I i It n t> the scheme proposal and spohe in favor of a large central hospital inn- Siiead of an litany small ones. If small ones are established they should he built or equipped by local boons. Mr. McQuaid supported the op- position In the prnpositinn. Mr. 91e\nbh spoke in favor of the I -port and giving a grant. 9l.'- Currie advocated the ,grant as proposed by the i'untntitloe and said that we moat lining hospital accom- modation as near to the in ,pie as pecsible. Mr. 'Tipling spnkc in favor of th., grant inataneirg by illustrations front t4'inghant OW prod of hospitals fur r. nm/limit• in•rp' >Ir. Davis spoke in farof the I.ospital from personal experience and inslanee< of the gams work dune by the e -,d,•rieh hospital. MrTr'".cartha spoke it•. eppesitiee le the prepes ri.u1 es presented be the cerereatee,n): ho?pit. a l;, ,Cry r•„ntnvn,i:y slumld hie el ;eel 1,ac fol its own ill the Manu• atannel' ns bleb s:•hn„I , bn: the r•„unt' should assist in mahtten- Mr. \c ''b WAR nil opposed to 110<- plirlis lion n” the proposition as pre- emeed in the repurL He was of the m,on o tinter or village wanting a hasn't al should build it and the "nrt'Ij give liberally to maintaining 1)r. Milne spoke in nppoaiti;,n to will be held :+t Iho' proposed sc•hem e; the hospt l els shtntld share equally. C'l)NSTANCF Mr. Smith also was opposed to any grant. given by the whole county to on George Wheatley's Lawn any hospital. Mr. Reae•ers ntnved in amendment, FRIDAY, JUNE 2Ith, 1921 seennded by Dr. Grieve, that one Mill nn the dollar he assessed for hospitals and that Goderich, Clinton, Wingham, Seafnrfh and Exeter shame equally and that. each contribute an equal amount to the grunt for con- stauctiou purposes. Mr. Trewartha, seconded by Mr. ADMISSION - 50 and 25 Cents Neeb, moved an amendfent to the The Elgar Ladies' Quartette, of l,onrlon, Western Ontario's fore- most entertainers, will provide the programme. Supper served from 6 to 8 p.m. Good Roads Commission The Good Roads Commission re- ported as follows The c•nntneittee and county engineer met at. C'lintJn .and recommended the county engineer to purchase one Ex- eter grader and six two -horse grad- ers franc the Sawyer -Massey Co., of Hamilton. The comnil;sion and the county emi- t -ewer covered a portion of the coun- ty roads system in a general inspec- (C'tinued on page 4) SEA FOIYTii COLLEGIATE INSTI- TI4TE rat) MOTION EXAMS The fo hewing is the list of sac- cr'sful s:ndents in Forn, 1, arranged is ' note'r of merit. This ranking is impaled from the results of the weekly examinations held throughout :he ye:- :old the !Mel exams held in Jour'. 'Ther•• are only three marks. sepica: rim.' the first two students, .,, h m.+h e over 113 per cent. Promoted to Form 2A. If,.•,.'.tr< - - R. StuNanghton, M. St"w:,rl, D. Reinke. 1;. Beatty, A. Strang. 01. Sharkey. lis Bickle. 114. }:Cid, l:. Simpson, A. McRae. E. Fee. P. r'1iet1, 1. ],sorry, :1l. ('use R, lIe- C.:r and S. llat:irs 'Toil, G. C'al.il- ,,,law. W. i'alnit...1. ('tuff. Pa,s—F:. c'ho:ney and le, Peterson '1pial, 1C. ieinem t, I). Kent. I, +'adieu•:, ,\, eln'N:,v, A, Berrews, F. Cook, l'rnmoted to Form 213. 11. VI'eltslrr. K. Web,(,,,', M. Tltnmp- s„n, V. Seett, A. llredi), V Bolton, V. Patterson. FL .Alexander, W. Smith. H. Smillie, M. Grieve. C. Mer- ner, E. lednun,ds. A. Dodd. R..Tohn- s:m, F. Scott, T. Purcell, M, krynolds, M. Shine, E. Codntnre, A. Smith, M. Webster, .1, O'Connell, H. Bays, T. T.ane. D. Spain and K. Love promoted to Form 2B through illness. Form211. Exams. Thr following are promoted to Forst 0R. and are arranged in order of merit: N. Montgomery, F. 'Tal- bot, E. Kennedy, M. McCuaig, A. Love, L. Eckert, F. Crich, M. Mt - Cowan, L. Purcell, H. Peterson. Promoted to Form 2A. G. Pepper, V. Rambly W. Lando— borough, N, Wilson, J. Lane.• ;.d• 3kAiet3tt+s�r4mjt�J1 ;f+:YaSn ellt2i"yiiP'e1 le• d ;Lye' 1