The Huron Expositor, 1921-06-10, Page 88
''-Rhvreation Grounds, Seaforth
Game called at 6.30 p.m.
Ehniforth will have to win this gam
to make a three cornered tie,
We are again serving the people
of Seaforth with the best lee cream
it ais possible to get—that is "Neil-
Ice Cream Bricks
From now on we will have a full
assortment of ire cream bricks on
hand. Special bricks for weddings,
receptions and parties ntay be had by
ordering. in advance.
Ottoiete Crean. Parlor is equipped
wlth`.utex"—the pure white sani-
tary service, and we use nothing but
the best pure fruits obtainable.
We make a specialty of keeping
our Ice 'Cream in good condition fur
carrying home. Give us a try.
• Watch- our window for a "Real
Candy Special,"
W. A. Crich
Great Reductions
in Harness
Team Harness, 11 trace, back -
band $62.00
Steel Homes, with or without heell
chains, and bretching
less pads..368
For 1s/e 'trace add $4.00 (less collar.)
Brass Trimming add
Team Lines, 7-8 inch
Inch Lines
Halters, for $1,25 up
Single Harness, the best from
$25 to $40
All Wool auto size, fancy 'patterns,
splendid value ,... $5.00 to $12
Shoe Repairing a Specialty.
Give Us a Call.
—Trunks, Club Bags, Whips, Etc,—
M. Broderick
Stinson's home treatment for
epilepsy. Twenty years' suec•ess.
Thousands of testimonials. No
case should he considered hope-
less. Free booklet. WILLIAM
ada, 2611 Yonge Street, Toronto,
Ontario, 2783-50
Four good houses for sale,
conveniently situated in the
Town of Seaforth. Terms
reasonable and possession
given promptly.
Apply at my Office for particulara
Stratford, Ontario
Our winter term commences
Tuesday, Jan. 4th, and students
may register in our Commer-
cial, Shorthand or Telegraphy
Departments at any time. Der
courses are thorough and prac-
tical, and we. assist graduates
to positions. Get our free
Grey Dort
,A beautiful Gray -Dort Special,
belly run 8,500 miles, and has always
9flen eared for by a private owner,
want a high grade car at the
e of a chesilp one, see me at once
deaaonstration and Jarticulars.
tetlr j!ord taken as pat !Payment.
`299. Phone 8--616.
or i mrgh Gre4e. Pianos and
ll ftratrj%,'' Sewing Ma-
f$atn Seplaratora, Etc, The
"'Buy Canada, Give
roe map rented
es, aid rates renaotl.
A Garden Party
will be held on the Egmundville
Church Grounds, on
The Seafoith Brass Band
of 33 ntencbet's will be in attendance
and will give a number of choice
selections during the evening.
ADMISSION ---25 and 16 ('sits.
Exanminations.---rhe unifrom pr,,-',
motion examinations for the public
schools of Huron wilt be held on June
24th ...and 27th. Teachers should, at
once, send to their school Inspector
on a card the number of papers re-
quired for second, third and junior
fourth classes.
The late James Boland.—A fain
ilitar figure in this vicinity for many
years passed away at his home in
Egmundville on Sunday last in the
person of James Boland. He had
been in poor health for the past few
yetirs, but previously had been re-
markably strung and active for his
age. Mr. Boland was one of the old-
est residents in Egmondville, and
was a cooper by trade. He is sur -
vived by one son and two daughters,
one <laughter, Mrs. T. Johnston, re-
siding in Seaforth. The funeral was
held fruit his late home on Tuesday
afternoon, interment being trade in
the Maitlandbank cemetery.
Iydro Rates ])town.—Mr. J. A. Wil-
son, town clerk, received notice this
week of a drop in the hydro rates
fur Domestic Lighting, Commercial
Lighting and Pow-cr in Seaforth. The
old rate for Domestic Lighting was
and 1.34c; the new rate will be
Ne and 1.5e; for Commercial lighting
the old rate was 7c, 31 e..07e, which
will now b>' tk', 3c, .06c. The reduc-
tion in the rate for power users is
not so great, but every little helps.
The old power rate was 3.6c, 3.4c,
.1 Se, while the rate coming into force
will be 3.5c, 2.3c, .15e. The minimum
net monthly rate for Domestic and
Commercial lighting remain: the
sante at 75c.
Football. --The, largest crowd of
spectators that the old Recreation
Grounds has seen in many years
turned out 011 Tuesday evening for
the Tuckersmith-Kinburn game, and
the game deserved the liberal sup-
port, 11 it was the best exhibition or
football seen here this year, or, for
a matter of fact, for many season;
past. Public opinion seemed t, fav-
or Kin.burn's chances. 2,.11 in the first
half their opinion was justifi,'tl. Kin -
burn had the edge on the boys from
the south all through the period.
scoring one , ea1 and missing several
Outlives. They played their posi-
tions better, played better combine -
HMI were faster. In the second
half 'Tu;•kvrrntith shook 1hrn15e!1'1''
d,wn into shape, :1151 shortly after"
:he period opened evened the score.
From then un the game was full of
excitement, but Tuckersmith held
their pace and Kinburn started t., g,
hack. When Tuckersmith se it •,I
hrR' scrumd goal the g'.um• was -,01')
ars they eupnea lu imorev" with the
going. ft was a hard game for Kin -
burn to lose, hut Tue<ersrnith ;von
out on their merits. Tucker -smith is
now ono point ahead in the league
and their next game will be with
Seaforth art Friday evening. If Sea -
forth wins this game, end they have
a team with the material, it will make
a three rornered tie. Whichever way
goes the game will be a goo.( one,
and a large turn nut i.s assured.
Address and Presentation.—At the
regular practice of the Seaforth
band held in their rooms on Tuesday
evening, a very pleasing event oc-
eurred when Mr. Malcolm McLeod,
one of the oldest and most valued
members of the organization, and
who recently joined the benedicts,
was presented with a beautiful up-
holstered leather chair. The presen-
tation was mode by this I'r•esident,
-31r. Walter Robinson, and was ac-
companied by the following address:
Dear Mate --While we have assembl-
ed here this evening fit• our regular
weekly rehearsal, we cannot miss this
opportunity of extending to you on
behalf of the members of the Citizens'
Band, their very hest wishes on your
entering the benerlict fraternity, and
I/1 order to show our appreciation of
your membership and good-fellow-
shie, with us, we ask you to accept.
this rocker as a small token of our
esteem. Net to make n McLeod -
Storey long, we trust Mrs. McLeod
will enjoy many hours of comfort
in this rurlrrr during your absence
with us. With the heartiest con-
gratulatiens to you and Mrs, McT,eod
;Ind wishing you a long, happy mar-
ried life, we remain. Respectfully
yours, Walter Robinson, President;
Thompson Scott, Secretary.
Bowling Tournament. --The third
annual Scotch Doubles bowling tourn-
ament for the Merner Trophy, under
the auspices of the Seaforth Lawn
Bowling Club, was held on their
splendid greens on Wednesday and
drew a large entry, there being 29
rinks in competition. Weather con-
ditions were perfect, and the greens
keen and trlle atfd as a consequence
the bowling was above average and
many close and exciting finishea were
staged. Major Beaman and R. N.
Creech, of Exeter, the winners of the
trophy the two previous years, after'
winning their float game wet down
to defeat in the second round to
Canteloe and Goodrvvin, of Bengali,
who in turn lost to Rennie and White -
sides, of the same civb, Who came out
into the finals a again Dr. Burrows
and W. G. WilDe, of Seaforth. The
final was an excellent game and very
close until the last few ends, when -
the Seaforth pelt drew away and won
by a scare of 12-7. This is the third
•time that Rennie and Whiteside.
have 'been the runners up in the
trophy event, so that no one will be-
grudge them its possession another
year. The two rinks to reach the
finals in the Consolation event were
Gantelon and Goodwin, of Hensel!,
and J. E. Willis and R. E. Bright, of
Seaforth. Owing to the lateness of
the hour, however, when the finals
were reached and to enable theta to
go home, the Hensel! rink defaulted
and took the second prizes. The
prizes whLch went with the Merner
Trophy were Boston bags and silk
umbrellas, and the Oonsolation prizes
were Gillette safety re ,ors and ono
dozen cut glass wino lasses. Dur-
ing the day the Philathea Class of
the Methodist church served an ex-
cellent lunch and other refreshments
on the green, which was a great Con-
venience to the bowlers and liberally
Milk for Salo. 10 ,ils per quart. Ales.
Mr Nubb, North Mun, Street, SawfurW.
All act unt•, owing by the Scnfurth Foot-
led! Club. prime renter at ,ace to C. O.
'revs -calk and remove payment. 2791.1
For Sale. '2W few Records, regular 31.00
for 5e each at new
Music House this i
(tar of cave malt to arrive ext week.
Lear,• your order now. Prim.. Privery rrguo e-
uble un the car. W. M. Stewart, Seed and
Fear/ Store, Seaforth. 2791-1
For Salo. --1918 Ford 'touring ear 111 0,-..t
claws condition. W be sola v,-ry reasonable
for quirk .rale. Apply to L. Abrrhnrt Con-
`• too 1, Mriiillop. ^-19101
1 F. (t,—Thr 11. F. O. expect to have
Friof salt in Seufsrth on 'I'huroduy and
day of next week. Members please phone
order„ W the Se,,rebury. Bert twin. Secre-
tary. 2791-1
Jack Miner, Lecturer, Owing 10 unavoid -
alt.' cirrumot.ances, the Juelt M,ner lecture
a,l.rrused for Jan. 1011,, hus had to he Wat-
w,nc,l, 2791-1
trot Suln—Monett range, threw burner t•u 1
oil stove, heater. ands
other household
urtic Im. May ht• n at rr,aidenco of the
undrJam.igned, Jam. Seat orth. Georce
S Wgddl.
Wanted.. Young couple desire furnished
rooms, or house to rent by the month. Apply
to Box 157, Seaforth. 2790x2
For Sale, • One 7 foot cut Mooney -Harris.
hinder. second hand. In good repair. Ait-
to Archie Barton, Blacksmith, Nora,
Main Street 2799-tf
For Sale.—House anal out buildings,"in-
rlud,ng flume fucWry, 9611ble and gxrnge,
and three acre. of bund on Huron (toad west
adanining Seaforth. Cheap for quirk sale.
Fronk n. Arnold, 2790-11
For Sule.—One curtain pole 81-, feet .mull
arta,,, poles. 1 purlor lump, 1 hanging, Tamp.
1 pos: lamp. 1 curtain stretcher. 6 gram
bug., 1 single inn, laud and springs. Apply
to M,o. Robert Smith. Gude•rleh Street.
Wanted.- A local representative at Sea-
t„rth to represent 'The 01,1 Reliable Foot-
hill Nu merit, • and rover a ounding terri-
tory. A nplcudid opening urforreliable
lw1r:xch,n,ve territory. Stone S Welrng-
i I.n, nu,. Ont. 2788.5
11,... Gleno of Clean-('hnrlo,. 'Toronto,
t'an,adn'. Hair Fashion Store, *111 he in Sea-
f•.rth, W,1e.,t1,1.. .111 fit' 171lb at the Queen's
I: omi. ,.i,l, 0 full line of Indies' nod Genllu-
a ,r
ha g•„9L+. If you are not satisfied
Ihe:,Vp,a ea lice of your hair coMulL
,:.s Glenn .. h„ 1111 Itatho,•ity on hair
a. sal, noel ,rolls idu,,l hn,r style.. Free dem-
n.tration. ----_T _- 2791-1
Local Briefs. -firs. George Gouin-
luck, of 1'en•nnto, is the guest of Mr.
an -i Mrs, 1. Hellltle'sted.--Mr. McLeod
of the Farmers' stare, and his fam-
ily are sl ending their holidays at
Ottaua..-Mr."and Mrs. Alex. Broad -
feet returned last week from a motor
trip to New York, -,Mr. and Mrs. .1.
1. Stewart and Air, and Mrs, W.
sin 1 o Exeter were. the
Fula. :ted r , f
r ur+ts of M rs. A. Young on Sunday.
Airs. 11'. 11. Henderson, of Owren
Brut n, f. rima•ly Miss ]'era Snarling,
of `,eaf,rt.1, and Mrs. G. H. Vickery
and A. .I. ('hart,'.:, of Detroit,
cvtr,• guest- t'11 week at the h ime of
Mr, and Mrs. W. Mon;; nnlcry and
Mr, and M1-. .5. F. Wtelsh.— -"Man's
l;, st Enterprise" will be 13r. Larkin's
„bjert. next Sunday evening—Mr.
Archie Dickson and .Hiss Helen Dick1'
of Toronto, are spending the
holidays with their mother, Mrs.
Adam Dickson—Mr. and Mrs. Stew-
art McIntosh and daughter, of St.
Mary's, are visiting M rs, James Mc-
Intosh and Mr. and' Mrs. William
Scott.—Miss Clara Mason, of the
Wingham Hospital, is the guest of
Miss Annie Stewart.—Mr, Emmett
Kelly, of Detroit, is visiting at the
home of his mother.—Miss Dorothy
Morsnn, of Toronto, is the guest of
the Misses Best. --Miss Graham, of
Toronto, is the guest of Mrs. Adan!
Dickson.—Reeves Grieve, of Sea -
forth, McNaughton, of Tuckersmith,
McQuaid, of McKillop, and Arm-
rtrong, of Hullett. are in Goderich
this week attending the June meet-
ing of the County Council. --Mr, J.
J. Merner, M.P-, has returned from
,his parliamentary duties at Ottawa.
--:hiss McLend, of Toronto, is the
guest of her sister. Mrs. W. E. South-
gate. --Miss Ella Elder, of Wroxeter,
spent the week end at her hone on
John street_—•Mrs. James Cowan,
;tics, M. Y. McLean, and Miss Mc-
I,ran left. on Thursday to attend the
ltradnating exerc5ses at the Univers-
ity. --Miss Deem, of Stratford, is the
guest of her cousin, Miss Ruby Bris-
tow. --Mrs. J. R. Miller, of Angus, is
the guest of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs, W. Gilledlie, ,Tames street.—
Mrs. Harry Little has returned to
her' home in Brantford—Miss Emily
1)0911, of Toronto, is spending her
holidays at the parental home of Mr.
and Mrs. W. Deem. --'Mr. John T.
Dickson, of Toronto, was in town this
week.—Reid Bros. have secured the
contract of wiring Miss E. Davidson's
new bungalow, now in course of con-
struction: --Miss May McClinchey is
spending a few days with Toronto
friends.—.The women clerks of Stew-
art Bros, store spent the Wednesday
half holiday in Bayfield.—.Mrs. Mit-
chell, of the public school staff, was
confiend to her home through illness
this week.—Mrs, G. A. Sills had the
misfortune to fall at her home on
Saturday evening last and fractured
her arm—Mr- Robert Beattie, of
Vancouver, is here visiting his bro-
ther, Mrs, John Beattie. Mr. Beattie
was in partnership with his brother
in the grocer) business a number of
years ago, end many old friends were
pleased to see him again.—Mr. F. D.
Hutchison is moving ,into the resi-
dence on Jarvis street he recently
purchased from Mr, J. A. Case.-•-1Dr,
and Mrs. Alberha'rt, of Meaford, spent
Sunday' with the doctor's mother
here. -Mr. and M`ts. J. E. Smith and
little daughter, of Peterboro, are
visiting at the home of Mrs. Smith's
If you, "have not bought your
WALL PAna, it will pay you
to inspect our line before buy-
ing. We are showing some re,
Markable values 511 W A L
1' A P R R this season and can
save you •money,
Big Variety
for the
June ' Bride
Beattie Bros
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Beattie,
--Mrs, G. A. Smith, of Toronto, and.
Miss Chrysler, of Niagara Falls, are
the guests of Mrs. l'. S. Savauge.—
Rev. Mr. Gilmour, brother-in-law of
Rev, S. McLean, occupied the pulpit
in the Egmondville church on Sunday
last. Rev. Mr. Gilntuur's home is in
Susikatchewan, but he has been at-
tending the General Assembly in Tu-
ronlu.—The <pupils of St. Joseph's
Convent are holding a recital in Card -
no's Opera Hall on Thursday evening,
June 36th.—Miss 13. Jackson, of Eg-
mundville, spent the week end with
Ler sister in Kitchener.- -Mr. Ken,
Ainent, teller in the Bank of Com-
merce, is spending his holidays in
Detroit—Mr. Bates, of Goderieh, was
a Seaforth visitor this week. Miss
Jessie McMillan, of Chiselhurst, spent
the week end at her home in Egmonda
ville.—'Mrs, J. H. Broadfoot, Miss
Broadfoot and Mr. and Mrs. Alex.
Broadfoot were in Listowel on Tues-
day. -Word cause to this office this
weak from a large publishing.. house
in Toronto asking for the loan of
101119 of our employees or the names
of any in Seaforth who had been a
year or more in the printing busi-
ness, to help them carry on during
the strike, now in elf,: t in that city.
The Toronto printers are striking for
$1,00 an hour for a 44 hour week.—
Miss Kate Cleary, of Toronto, is
visiting her mother, Mrs. Bryan
Cleary.,—The annual Greyhound ex-
cursion from Goderirh to Detroit will
leave Goderich on Tuesday morning
next at 9.30, returning to Goderich
on Thursday evening. A large num-
ber from thia,vicinity intend taking in
this annual pleasure trip.—The Col -
Cook By
Eedri it -
c y
and -
Tvburner $25.00
Th c -burner $'35.00
Hot feint Grills for the hot
days. Will cook a meal for a
small fancily $15.00
Hot Point Irons $8.00
Elect'ie Fans $13 to $60
Table Stoves from $7.00 up.
Reid Bros.
P11085 19, SEAFORTH.
In the air she could soar like a kite,
And Iter loving was just 'out of sight'
But Bhp sure could strike fire
When a man raised her ire
And amuck in the "kitchen,
Good Ni•ghtl
Dorothy's new honest -to -goodness
hubby (James Rennie) plays apposite
her in this gineery, just -wed romance
Don't Let it (:et By.
M08., TUES. & WED.
in '
One of 1.119 most famous characters
of literature on the stage now pre-
sented in pictures.- '
Here is a special in every senile of
the word.
Men's Oxfords
The famona 't4fnwictus Shoe"
made by Zed. A, Slater, in
Patent Colt and Brown Calf
Leathers at pair $5.00
Samples in our South Window.
TheCashShoe Store
legate Institute exaiiillaatitjns cp ne
monced on Tuesday and the departo
mental examinations commence to-
day, Friday.—Mrs. Pegl.enant, and
little daughter, of, Toronpe, are visit-
ing at the parental home of Mr. and
Mrs. G. F. S. Garden.�The many
friends of Mr, A. K. Chittenden will
be pleased to learn that he is recov-
ering from his recent serious illness.
-JMra, Woods and Miss Nan Woods,
of Bayfield, spent Sunday et the home
of Mr. W. Smithersi—Miss McPher-
son, Miss Craig and Miss Laing, of
the Collegiate Institute staff, left on
Thursday for their homes in Wing -
ham, Cornwall and Kingaton, respect-
ively.—.Mr. Robert Smith has pur-
chased a ryl'cLaughlin touring car
from Mr, E. H. Close, the local agent.
—Mr, and Mrs. McKay and Mt's. Mc-
Leod and son, of Port Huron, were
week end guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs, E. J. 73ox.—.Mrs.'Helmes, of
Clinton, is the guest of her sister,
Mrs, James Archibald.—Mr. John G,
Grieve, of McKillop, has been spend-
ing a few days in town at the home
of his daughter, Mrs. T. Beattie. His
many Seaforth friends are pleased to
sec hint about again after his recent
seniuua illness.--lMr. McDougal% of
Porter's Hill, is visiting at the home
of his brother, Mr. William Mc-
Dougall in Egmondville.-'Mrs, G.
Ringwood and little daughter, Ruth,
of Detroit, are visiting at the 'home
of her mother, Mrs. Williams, North
Main Street.
Notes—Messrs, Leo McKay and
John holden are busy cutting and
drawing saw logs to Walton,—Mr.
Leo Murray is under the doctor's
care frorn the result of drinking bad
water—Mrs, C. Eckert returned to
her home in Seaforth after spending
a few weeks amongst us,—Mr. and
Mrs, Mau•tin Purcell celebrated their
silver wedding hast Thursday in the
presence of their immediate friends,
and the whole community joins in
wishing the -happy couple many snore
years of happiness and to live to
celebrate their golden wedding.—
Road work is the order of the day,—
Mr. Harry Buermann, our local fence
agent, is busy putting up fences,
Notes. ,'Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gold-
ing motored from Stratford and spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 11. Gold-
ing, --Mrs. Joseph Norris has return-
ed to her home here after spending a
month in Centralia,—Mr, F. Hantbley
and family are enjoying the pleasures
of a new car.—A number of the
Methodist denomination attended
conference in T.ondnn last week.—
Mr. and Mrs. W. O'Brien spent Sun-
oay in Stratford.—A strawberry fes-
tival will be held on Mr. O'Brien's
lawn under the auspices of the
La bee' Aid of the Methodist church.
—Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Worden and
Mr. and Mrs. Lisle Worden agent
Sunday wi,th Mr. and Mrs. Lawson
at Constance. — Mr., and Mrs, A.
Smale and Mr. and ' Mrs,. B. Fell
motored to Goderich on Sunday.
Notes. -'Rev. Father Forristal, of
London, will preach at 3 p.m. at th,a
Holy Name Rally, in St. Patrick's
church on Sunday next. The meet-
ing is the annual one for the district
division of this locality and ombraoes
the parishes of Logan, St.. Colunlban,
Seaforth, (.1ntcn and Blyth. -- St.
Marys Anglican church members are
having their annual social on the
beautiful grounds of 3)r. Alex, Dar-
ling, Laurie Avenue East, on Tues-
day evening. Mitchell band will be
in attendance and Kinburn and Dublin
hall teams will line up for a match
at 6.13 p.m. The ladies are noted for
their good cookery, and ice cream
end strawberries, as well as other
refreshments will be served all oven-
ing—Mr, W. J. Lee, B,A., Inspector
of separate schools -for this district,
was in our midst last week. On
Monday evening he was the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nagle, of
'Sunshine Hill" farm in Hibbert.—
Seaforth• football team won from
Dublin on Monday night by a score
of 1-0.
Notes.—The Burns' Ladies Aid en-
tertained the Constance Ladies' Aid
on Thursday afternoon of last week,
at the hone of Mrs. Allan. - There
were over a hundred ladies present..
All report a good trine,—Mrs. John
Allan is spending a flaw .weeks with
her sister, Mrs. Jlarry Allan—Quite
a number from this vicinity attended
divine services in the now hall in
Blyth on Sunday.—Misses Grace and
Violet Gliddon spent the week end in
Clinton—Mr, Alex. McEwing was in
Toronto last week.—Don't forget ,the
strawberry social on Harlock school
grounds Friday evening, June 17th.
A first class concert will he given
by Brunswick Trio and Harmony
Boys, London.—Mrs. 'William Shep-
herd is visiting her daughter, Mrs. -
Edward Farquhar, of Clinton.—Miss
Mary Munn is visiting her cousin,
Miss Ruby Toll,
School Report. --The following is
the May report of School Section No.
3, Tudkersmith, and is the result of
the list given to the Fourth Class Sr,
Total 710, 'pass 450—Carman Haugh
612, honors; William Fotheringham
550, William Souter 528,. Gordon El-
liott 4,91, Jean Fotheringham 417.
Jr, -Fourth,—Lyla Chapman 450 Ina
Scott 442, Mae Simpson 435, Vifilson
MoCartney 282. Sr. Third.—Hazel
Haugh 452, Kathleen Elliott 861,
George Munro 340, Clifford Broad -
foot 315, Lillian . Richardtion 244,
*Fred Boyce 198, *Leotard McKnight
133. Jr. Third—Helen Davidson 661,
Erma Broadfoot 642, Wilson Broad -
foot 571, Harold Armstrong 500, -
Ella Papple 503, Alice Munro 494
Clarence Armstrong 410, Willie Scot
367, *John Fotheringham 836. Sr.
Second.—Flora Souter 249, Gordon
Papple 287, ,Beth Cartwright 208,
*Ruth Cartwright 178. First Class --
Mary Papple 200, Dorothy Broadfoot
195, Marion Chapman 159, *Mildred
Taylor 60. Those marked (0) were
absent from some exams. Miami'
on roll for May, 46r average attend-
42.08,—M. Metria, Teacher, I
_ rn fn?e"t3.
Prices. Prices.
Sp 1.
Ready with Liberal Assortments'
to meet in a Surpassing .Degree all
Summer Apparel Requirements
$15.00 to $40.00
and Value
are very
$10.00 to $35.00
The Reputation
of the apparel apartment which this store enjoys
is founded upon better than ordinary merchandise,
and very wide assortments of the newest and best
garments together with satisfactory service and
prices which are always moderate in keeping with
the quality of the merchandise. The very high es-
timation of this store is well upheld in this showing
of summer apparel that comes among the hot wea-
ther dress requirements of every woman.
Extensive Showing
Of the Very Best Wash Dresses That
Mean so Much to Hot
Weather Comfort.
Our collection is drawing
considerable comment . on
their unusually clever styles
and scant wonder, either,
for every woman, who has
seen them has been delight-
ed with their attractiveness
and realizes that when such
good looking and good qual-
ity wash frocks can be had
for prices so reasonable as
we have here, it is certainly
folly to overlook them, es-
pecially for hot weather
wear. Once you have seen
them you will think the
same thing.
A Good ' PRICES:
House Dress Complete
Only $2.50 $2.00 to $15.00
Another special purchase brings to us and to you
dozens of charming waists, that will be a source of
pleasure to every lady to inspect it.
Prices $1.50 to $7.00 Prices $3.00 to $12.00
PRICES $1.00 to $5.00
"'.Ill: Irkv'idhyxsi ria. t1ti: