HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-06-10, Page 5y,i 11rerlD ! PJcni tc -'Walton Farmers' Li r Cl. i}). nalholding 'tl)ieir picnic 4D. e .iglu a 24th *Some very able speakers are being roeured'for'the occasion. t BRUCEFIELD Kelly Circle, -The Circle held their ni'usual monthly meeting on Wednes-, day, June 1st. The meeting waif "'taken by Miss M. Aikenhead and'tw'o excellent papers were read, one on the work of the Bible Society by Mrs. James Thompson, and a -paper on ,Japan by Miss Marks. ' Seventeen members were. present. SEAFORTH MARKETS Seaforth, June• 9, 1921. Butter, per lb. 20 to 22c Eggs, per dozen 26 to 27c Hogs, per cwt. $8:50 Wheat, per bushel $1.35 Barley, per bushel 50c Flour, per coot $5.55 Bran, per ton $26.00 Shorts, per ton .....$30.00 Potatoes, per bag 50c Oats, per bushel 35c POULTRY MARKET Toronto, Jane 7. -Dressed Poultry -Spring chickens, 65 to 70c ; roosters, 20 to 25c fowl, 27 to 30e ; duoka. 35 to 88c ; turkey., 46 to Roc. Live Poultry. Spring ehlcken,, 60 to 60c; roosters, 28e: fowl. 22 to. 200: ducks. 85e; turkey*, 85 to 40c. BIRTHS iioggarth.--II Hallett on May 26th, to Mr. and Mn.. Wm. Hoggnrth, a daughter. Xing.. --In Mullett. on May 28th. to Mr. and Mm, Russell King, a daughter. McIntosh.- -At the Menne, Brucefield, on Muy 29th, to the novo W. D. • and , Mrs. Mc..; Intoah, a son, Nigh. -In $Iembndville, on May '14th, to Mr. and..Mra.• •Patrick Nigh. a daughter. -Johm. --In ilxburne. on May 28rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Johns, a daughter. McKay. in 'fuckeramith, on Sunday, June 5th. to Mr. and Mrs. Charlu McKay, a MARRIAGES Sangster Sinclair. --At the rmidenee of Mn.. J. Scott, North Richmond street, Heaoll, on June 2nd, by Rev. A. R. E. Garrett. Minnie Monsen, youngest daughter of the late Mr. and Mn. I. H. Sincluir, Selwick Hoy. Scotland. to William. smu rid son of the Irate Wm. S. Sang ter, master mariner, and of Mrs. W. S. Sangster, Dundee St.. Stromnuss, Scotland. }furrier- Cocked ins. At Gev'nr,i Street Meth- odist church. 'Toronto. on May 22216. Lillian Peart daughter or Mr. and Mrs. George C'orkerlinr. to George Henry Hunter, both of Toronto. McCaughey- Craig. At Its It h, Ont.. on Muy 19th, ly the Ite%. Pother t.a Me rake, Ruby ' M. Craig, to John .1. McCaughey. _son of Mr. and Moo J. J. McCaughey, of Clin(m,. Cole Mr Phu il. 1u Fullerton, on Mny 21st. at. the Methodist Parsonage. Mary McPhail. Foul Fl h'ult.,n Colt., both of Russeldels. Benton :ink in., In Mitchell. o, May 2lth, at th, Methodist Pare,,'or, on the Rev. 11. .I. 14 en. Arthur !roll Renton, to Rhea Belle lidns, both of Sou forth. DEATHS Boland. In Kg mondv,lle. on .lune 5th, Jame, Roland. Tom. In Exeter, on May 39th, Margaret ,lone Greenway, relict of the late .John Charles Tum, aged s4 >,•ar, and 1 month. Shemin. - In W'roxrter. on May 21st, Nome es r:oretto Sh,:rpin. infant daughter of Mr. and Mn. W. tihnrpin. *god n months and 2 dom. Drown. In Goderinh. on Moy lath, J. P. Brown, in his 71.t year. dicoria. --In Colborne town,h:l,, on May 10th. Lillie Green. widow of the Info Samuel Morris. aged 9.1 years. IMPORTANT NOTICES FOR SALE. 1200 IBIS f dl:f.S OF MIXED train. half mita and half barley. Phone 14-236. ALEX. SPARKS, It. R. No. 2, See - forth. 2791-2 BULL FOR SERVICE. ROYAL R.AMSDE)G Dore bred Shorthorn hull. Wilt take a limited number of cows on Lot 25, Cone'. ohm 7. McKillop. Terms. 56 for pure bred:; 13 for grades. JOSEPH BREWSTER. 2791-tf AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY TOWN• ship in Huron County for n proposition that every farmer in instantly interested in. cash a-sh required. Emice,. Experience not sort but de,;ireble. Agents choose their own territory. For appointment write to W. R. MOKEWEN, 484 Piccadilly Street. London, Oct. 2791x1 frEACHER WANTED. - WANTED E\• perienced teacher for School Section No. 9, Egmnndvil la State qualifications and notary. Applications will be. received by the -undersigned up to Tucsdav, .lune 14th. W. J. Finnigan. Ser.-Treas., S. S. Nn. 3, Eg- rnondvllie. 2790-2 RESTER WHITES PIC FOR SALE.- Rath 'N.M. i have hila T young y It for service. Also n number t ser t henna sows that nre hying bred. Now is the. time to get sfmothiag good at a very reasonable price as there are of imported an,rk purchas- ed from John C. Annesser, Tilbury, Ont. Alan hear for service, and young pigs fur sale of tenth sexes. ABRAHAM Ht1C1fT., .Seaforth, Ont, R. R. No. 2; phone f> nn 61i Clinton. 2780-tf h4 ARM FOR SALE/.. -FARM OF TWO HUN- dredacres adjoining the Town of Sea - forth, conveniently situated to all churches, eehoola and Colleuinte. 'There in a comfort- able brick rottage with a cement kitchen; .barn 100x56 with alone stabling underneath for 6 hornen, 76 head Of rattle and 40 hogs with steel stanchions and water before all stock; litter carrier and feed carrier and two cement silo§; driving shed and plat- form sales. Watered by a rock well and windmill. The farm is well drained and in a high state of cultivation. The crop is n11 in the ground -choice clay loam. immedi- ate pnssennion. Apply to M. BEATON. R. R. 2, Seaforth, Ont 2767-tf NOTICE TO CREDITORS Re Eliza Jane Coleman Estate NOTICE is herehy given pursuant to the Tresteen Art that all persona having claims ngainet. the estate of Eliza Jnne Coleman. late of the Vdimre of Bendall, in the County of Huron, widow, who died en the 12th' day of April, 1921. nre renuirort to Prete and ale t. hem with Gitelman & Sunbury, I Selicitbre for the Executors n or before the 20th day of .June, 1921, afire which date the Exeeutnm will nothe liable for any claim then not fled. GLADMAN & STANBURI'. Solicitors fer Executors. Reneall & Exeter. 2790.8 NOTICE 'TO CREDITORS Re' Agneg'Smallacombe Estate NOTTOIB is hereby ,given_ pursuant to the Troatee Aet7,. that all, perabea. having claims against The' eYtale $e' Agree Smallacombe, late of the Village of Renault,. in the County of Hurein, widow, who di oel� on the 17th day of February, 1921, are, Alfred to Prove and file than, ` with ;L4lndplan & Stanhury, Soliettord for the Admit,ilitrgtor on or bo - Yore thfi,M``JJOth day bf ine,' LOST,. after which dote th dminiatrator will not be liable for any ala then et 9 ed • " r. Adilnialsteetor, !Ismail & Exeter. 2790-8 11ff'„iia $00100. 11✓ltT+* efotot' ., fiO'h(bE 1$' horel yah! (mrantitt tv the Stant* Itt- theft beifpll,Wft.dF-poxgolLS have. Ing aaapes AgainstMtbo misite df. Reb$rt 'iL Gowen1wlbek, late of. tips Town of Seaforth, in the V81inte -of Huron, Gentleman, deeeeoed, who died on the 23rd 'of June, 1920, are re- quired ,an or before. the 20th Jane, 1921; to `send by pmt, prepaid,' or deliver to `the on- dereigaed, full particulars of their Onions, duly verified 'by affidavit and the gature of •the eeeurity (if any) held by thew, Fur- ififdr. take notice that after the said lest mentioned date the sweets of tine said •de- ceaeed wiff 'be distributed among the Parties entitled thereto, haying regard only to the claims of which aotioe shall then have been given. Dated the 80th day of May, 1921. JOEN Jr. GOVENLOCK, Dr. JAB, 0. HOGG, 2750-8 Executers of said estate, 0000 O 0 0 0 O O O O O o S. T. HOLMES 0 O Funeral Director and 0 0 Licensed Embalmer O 0 Undertaking Parlors in O O Beattie . Block,. opposite The 0 O Expositor Office. Residence 0 O Goderich St., opposite Dr. 0 O Scott's. 0 O Flowers furnished on short 0 O notice. 0 O Phone Night or Day 119 • 0 000000000 0000 000000-0000000 0 W. T. BOX & CO. 0 O Embalmer and 0 0 Funeral Directors 0 0 H. C. BOX 0 0 Holder of Government 0 O Diploma and License 0 '0 Charges moderate 0 40 Flowers furnished on short O 0' notice. 0 0 Night Calls Day Calls 0 0 Phone 175 Phone 43 0 000000000 0000 0000 000000000 W. S. GORMLEY 0 0 Embalmer and Funeral 0 0 Director O O Undertaking Parlors Above 0 0 M. Williams' Grocery Store. 0 0 Main Street, Seaforth. O 0 Flowers furnished on short 0 0 notice. O O Charges Moderate O 0 Phone -Night or Day -192 0 000000000 0000 Victory, Govern- ment and Muni- cipal Bonds Sold at current rates and deliver- ed free of expense. It S. HAYS, SEAFORTH, ONT. 2778-tf Dependable Sparli £°I11ga PUBLIC ATTENTION We have new opened business in our new quarters and wish to solicit a fair patronage from the general public. We have on hand for sale a number of good used cars of iilterent kcs: Chevrolet. SaxonandFords, all of which have been overhauled and are n first class order. We have ,leo for only 2 rubber tired • Buggies, 1 trailer, 2 motor- cycles, Prompt attention given to repairing of all mak. of rerlt, We carry a full line of repairs for the following: - Chevrolet. Maxwell, Overland, Gray -Dort and Ford. We carry a line of the different leading makes of tires and lubes including Goodyear, Dominion, Dunlop,Roynl Dalt and Ames Holden. We also sell coal oil i n large and small quantities, Standard and High Test Gas- oline. Our sign the VISIBLE GUARANTEE MEASURE PUMP. Carlin Bros. Brown's Garage, North Main St. SEAFORTH. Champion "HeavyStone" B-13, .'2" -Ira. a i4L Dorf 5 nuintittiO I1,MI ,A. TR ill( YST The 'Double Track Route Between MONTREAL TORONTO , DETROIT and CHICAGO. Unexcelled Dining Car Service. Sleeping 'cart oil Night Trains and Parior,caxa of,.p>•igcipal Day Traind ,Full infcirmiition froth,'tny GPa5Y'd Trunk Ticket Merit of C E. HOrning`pistxict PoiwongatiVglisi. Torolito W. R. Plant Agent Phone 4w. . POPULAR STALLIONS ' ItIRDW MANSFIELD , 'Snip. (.7144 Vol..2vv, H. V..6.15. Passed Enrolment No, 1784 Form 1 Will stand for the improvement of ateck th(g season, as follows:" Monday. -Will leave hie own stable. Beach- wood, pad go to 'John Marray g, MaKiilop, for noon; thence to Allen Roan', 10th Con- oeeeloa, for one hour; then to his own stable for night. '1'umdoy.-To Peter _Lindsay's, Hallett, for noon; thence to. Owen Flynn'e, for night. Wednesday, -rib Wm.' Andemoa'o, McKIllop, for noon ; then tq hie own stable for night. T'hucnday..-To Dominion Hotel. Dublin, for noon; then to Jonnph Atldnaon'e; Hibbert, for night. Friday. ---To Martin Our. tin's, 141 mile. eat of Seaforth; for noon: then to his own stable for night. Saturday. - To James Flaanlgane, Logan, for noon; then to his own stable. where he will remain until the following Monday morning. Terms. -To insure a foal, $18, James Evans, Proprietor end Manager, Beeehwood, Oat COL GRAHAM (12108) Approved Enrolment No. 1870 10201 AL Will stand for the improvement of stock this neon, as fullown; Monday, May 9th. -At noon will leave his own stable In Egmondville and go north along the gravel road to Grieves' bridge, then wart to Jeoeph McFarlane. for night. Tuesday. -Will go wet 0% miles to the Klnburn Ruud; then north to Bert St.even- eo 'e for noon; then went 3% miles and uth 1/4 to Andrew Flynn's, for night. Weine,dey.-Will proceed 114miles mouth and east 8% mile. to Malcolm' Montgomery's for noon; then east to hie own stable for night Thursday. -South 234 mil. ; then eat two miles and one-half to Peter McIvers, for noon; then north five mile to John Lane's, for night Friday. -Weer to the North Gravel Road and south to his own .table, where he will remain until Monday noon. Terms to insure a foal -816. Dominick Reynold., Proprietor and Manager. • The Frontline Clydesdale Stallion BLACON'S SON (20869) Approved Enrolment No. 6272 Form Al Terms to insure --815. Monday. Will leave hl. own stable, Bruce - field, and go west to the around concession of Stanley, then north to John Butchnrd's, for noun; then north and weat to Ed. GI's Jrb., fur night. Tuesday. --By way of Ban. orkburn to Varna at the Temperance Hotel for noon: then by way of the Hayfield Road to the Coshes Line to Arthur McClinehev's, for night. .Wednesday. . By McClymont'u nide road to the Parr Line, then south to Wm. Festers, for noon; then • to William Mc- Kenzie's, 2nd concession,- of Stanley. for the night. Thursday.- To the Town fine, then to Kronen and south to George Glenn'., for ea,n ; then by ay of the London Road to his own stable, Brucefield. for night. Friday - Tn George McCurtney's, Mill Road, for noon ; then to 81yAdam's side road and north to the 2nd concession H. K. S., Tupkersrnith, then vest to James C nochan'o, fur night. Sat- urday. W,vt by Broad foot's bridge, then ooh to the Mill Road, to hie own• ntoble, where he will remain anti) the following Monday morning. K. D. Murdock, Proprietor and Manager. The Deeside Premium Horse MAKWIRA (Imp.) No. 15279 Panned Enrolment Nc. 9267 Form I Will stolid for the improvement of stock this semen as follows: Monday.- Will leave his own stable. Staffs, and go west to 'Richard Sellery'e, for noon; south to the Crumarty Line, then east to his n stable for night. Tuesday. -Will leave ht own stable at noon and go south to Jame. Balk,ntyne's, Osborn.. boundary for nicht Wedneadoy. South to the Theme* Road and weat to the Elimville Line and .r uth to ElimviIle to Joshua Johns', for noon; then south end east to William Brock's, for night. Thursday. --South to the. 10th rnnrws ion end east three miles and Orth to William 'Thompson, Jr.'s, Lot G, Conc,s's ion 9. for noon: then north to the K i ni, ten Line and wet to Taylor's lintel. Kirkr,n, for night. Friday. -North to Mount Pleasant at Jasper Pridhnm's. for noon; then wont and north to John Hamiltons, fur night. Saturday.- North to the 7th cones skin and ,est to the Centre Road end south t, hiswsuable, where hr will remain until the following Monday morning. Terms to insure --$15. John Livingstone, Proprietor and Manager. INVOLUCRE 121411 (829G61 Passers Enrolment No, 354 Form I Will travel the following route this deacon: Monday.-- Will leave his own stable, Bruce - field, and proceed west to Varna at Sher- lock Key,', for noon; then eartl, into Code - rich Township to the Bayfield conceasinn and west to A. A. Welsh's, for night. Tuesday. - North by way of Gth concession to Porter's Flit! at Georgy Vnnderhurga, for noon; then north to, .Tames McMillan's, Gth concession, Goderich Town hip. for night. Wednesday. - By way of Jewel's Corners and Benmiller to W. Hill's, for noon; then by way of Maitland .cession to Holmesvilie at Harry Sweet's, for night. Th rnlny..--By way of 16th con- cevaion to A. Tnw,nsened's, for noon then by way of Huron Jtnad to. Berry & Cameron's Carriage Shop, Clinton, for night. Friday. -- South bywayof the London a nn Ro h to en his own stable, nd south for .noon; then weft 11i miles and south tl/, mile to ,Town Muxlock'e for one hour ; then to his own atahle for night. Salurdny-- nuth 254, miles, and rest Tri miles 4, Robert Elgin's. for noon; then by way of the Mill Road to his own stable for night. The .hove route will he continued through - not the season, health and weather per- mitting. Terms,- To insure, 815.00. William Berry, Proprietor. Pnosrd Enrolment No. 5104 Form 1 Pore Bred Percheron Stallion MAItSiiALL GUEDO 8091 Will stand for the improvement of su,elc this season as follows: Mendes:- Will leave his own stable, Lot 25, Concession 7. Meff flop. and proceed to Seaforth nt the Royal Hotel. for noon: then south to John McElroy'.s, Tuckeemith, for night. Tuesday. - Root to .Tnsrph Maple's, forn n ; then to Dahlin at the Dominion Hotel for night.. Wednesday. --To Joseph McQuaid's. for neon: then to W. Flinn), enn's, Tot 2 Concession 6. McKillop, for night. Thurndn.v.- To Peter Hickneil'n,' for noon; then to his own stable far night. Friday.- .To IientH Burl'man's, Logan, for noon; then to y,. Ellison's. Lot 6, Concession 12, Lagan, for night Snturdny--To Andrew Patrick's for noon; thence in his own atahle where he will remain until the following Mondoy morning. TeIii to insure, payable January 1, 1922. All ner,denla to mares nt risk of owners, 1. Murrain Men,: Jon, Firewater, Prop. EMPEROR McK INNEY [16531 Approved Enrolment No. 4075 Form Al The Standard Bred Trotting Stallion will eland for the improvement of stock this season athis own stable, Lot 8, Coneeaeton 4. Turkel -smith. Mares from a distance will be met part of the way. Terms. --To insure, $15.00. Charlea Riley, Proprietor. The Pure Reed Clydesdale Stallion RANTIN ROBIN No. 21080 Famed Enrolment Her. 6597 Fend 1 '+ Will. stand for the Improvement of Brock' tq,e n$seon at, his own stable Lot 34, Con- .4- Minn 4, McHnlcp, except Saturday aftfeo}r+-. Minn from one toclic o'clock, when he Will be At tho Royal Hotel Stables, (Seaforth, Ternie. -812 to insure. Percy Smith, (iroprletor and Manager. 'I'tIptgie ' Ui)l'C19da1NEdsle A8ts1ll a' ICif?t:�4T7 If"orolmspt P 10 42? 'F.' 'Approved Forgt' 1' win entad sem the risorenoment or it”, this askee�i ';.iN fgUowat ,rodoy,-Will 'Aye his own arable.. Baron Road. t ee Pillow west of Seaforth and gu to Commeroinr.: NOM' Clinton. foe etipon 7. then by way ot'Hglrn Road and Holaomville to Oscar Tgbett's for night. Wec[aasdaY•- By way of (Mottling Concession to John Duet's, for noop{ en to Remitter and Huron Road --to WRgqmmt• Haaokes', for. nfgbt Tburoday---To the 7 Concussion, Ooderleb Township to Fred 3'iekard'a, for noon • then to William Vaddens. Telephone Road, fee night. Friday.-By9y of Telephone Road oto n ruFred ble, Pepper'aHuron ,i ' fRKoad, noon ; thennight, towhere hb w he morniillng. 4nremain ti1 the following Tuesday `(I. W. Ngetl,. Proprietor. TENDERS WANTED Tenders for the erection of a brick two- story house will he received by the poder- signed up to Tuesday, June 14th. Founds. tins built and Mick on the around. Tenders will alas be received for the carpenter work, pluonhing, besting and wiring. Tenders may include the whole, or may be separate for each department. Plans and apeclOca- tlono may be dean on arphrotioa5 1.oweet or any tender not necessarily accepted. D. SIIANAHAN, 2789-8 Sertorth- AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FARM. IN THE MATTER of Albeet John Fortune, authorifed assignor and The London & West- ern Trusts Company, Apthoesed 'Trustee, There will be offered for ,ale by public auction on Thursday, the loth ,lay of June, 1921, at the hour of two ci eloek in the af- ternoon, en the premises the following valu- able fifty -acre farm: Being the wmt half of Lut number Five (6) in II,,• First Conces- sion H.R.S., of the Town>1„p of Tucker- ith In the County of Ila,, ,n, containing Fifty Acres of land more or Lvs. Therere on the place good frame home and barn, four .good 11.. ells and an orchard. The place is cou,o,n:ntly altuatod as to marketa, schools and "hurrhet, being only one and a quarter milt.. from Seaforth iv which' place there is the b,nt Collegiate Institute In the Province, .'cyarate and Public schools, and Roman Catholic, Anglin co n, Pr{wtbytertan and Methodist churches, 'I'EICMS OF SALE. -10 tier cent. of the Purchase money to be paid :m the dayf Mule and the balance with In two weeks thereafter. The farm will l.,- offered for sale subject to a mortgage and subject also Is, s reserved bid. For further particulars and conditions of Male apply to THE LONDON AND WESTERN TRUSTS Co., London, tint., Author- ized Trustee, or to J. 91. BEST, Sea - forth, Ont., Solicitor for "trustee. 2789-3 FARMS FOR SALE L"A1tMS FOR SALE. -100 ACRES, LOT 12, Cuncennlon 6, in the Township of Tucker - smith. 8 miles from Seaforth, I, miles from Bruceaeld and Kippan, convenient to school and church; OS acres clearest. remainder in maple bush. On this farm are excellent build- ings and are in amt -dna repair; hard and .oft water in the house and in stables; 2 wells, 1 having a windmill. This farm is thoroughly under drained and fenced and. Ina high state of cultivation, never having been heavily cropped. This is in every way a ant class and up-to-date form. Also Lot 27, Conem.ion 12, In the Township of Hib- bert, containing 100 acres; 80 acres cleared and thoroughly underdrained and fenced, the remainder in in first class maple bush. On the prembees is a comfortable frame house and good barn 46x60 with stone stabling; also good well with windmill. This farm ie all seeded to grass and is In excellent condi- tion, baying been cropped, very little; situ- ated within 6 miles of Hensell, quarter of mile from school. There es long distance telephone connection on both farms, also rural mail delivery. These farms will be sold together or separately to suit purchaser and on resemble terms. For further par- ticulars apply to the proprietor, on Lot 12, Concession 6, Tuekeromith, sr Seaforth P. 0., ft. R. No. 4, or phone 14 oh 131, Seaforth THOMAS G. SHILLINGLAW, Proprietor. Thorobred Imported :3 Stallions Throe two imported Clydesdale Stallions, Commodore 19 961 (14638) andeCumberland Steel 122070) (18809), which are ecommend- ed to Form Al and Premium. Commodore weighing over 1900 pounds, and Cumberland Steel a ton and twenty pounds, will stand for improvement of stock thiel season at T. J. Berry's Sale and Exchange Stables HENSALL - - - - ONTARIO COMMODORE [9696] (14633) CUMBERLAND STEEL 1220701 (18309) To Insure a foal 815, payable the first of January, 1922. JABOT (3139) (84214) The Percheron Horse Imported From France Form Al Terms to insure a foal, 112. Monday morning --Will leave his own stable and proceed weft to the 2nd n- eeaainn, then south 3% miles to Rodger Northcutt's, for noon; then eat 114 mile., then south by way of London Road to Hereon. Tuesday morning Eat to Dan Rrintnell's by way of boundary. fur noon then west and purlh to Ch isethu ant then west by Mc Leon's corner and then to his own stable. Wednei,day morning --Eat to 2nd concrosion, 'Tuckemmith, then north to Isaac Moore's, fur noon; then wort to Lon- don Road and south to Htnaalt for night. Thursday --West to the 2nd concession, Hay, and north to town line, then w•st to Hills Green, then south to Wilfred Weidow's, for noon: then north to Wilson Carlisle's. fur night. Friday.- West to Blake at Elmer Thid'o, for noon then west one mils and south 8$4 miles to 14th concnsiun: then east 114 mile. to Wm. Thiel's, for night, Satur- day North to Zurich (toad and east to 'John F'orest's, for morn: then eat to his own stable, where he will rennin until the following Monday morning. MAKE MONEY AT HOME $15 to $60 paid weekly for your spare time writing showcards for us. No can- vassing. We instruct and supply you with steady work West -Angus Showcard Ser- vice, Church & Colborne Sts. Toronto. Stock Issue Wanted 0� A reliable brokerage house is in a position to underwrite an issue of from $100,000 to $1,000,000 of an established and growing Canadian Corpora- tion. Communicate with us by wire or phone at our expense. Corporation & General Investments, Limited. Investment Securities. 38 King St. E.' - - - . Toronto Phone Main 5016-7. Compositors Linotype Operators We now havt.' permanent openings for a few good compositors anti linotype operators to work on TORONTO SATURDAY NIGHT. Wages and terms are as follows:— Compositors $36.00 Linotype Operators $36.00 Men or Wonien same wage. Hours 7.45 to 5.30. Saturday 7.45 to 12 noon. Positions absolutely guaranteed to competent men or women kr at least one year. $500 Free insurance, $5 Free sick benefits. Ideal working conditions and surroundings. Firm guarantees NO DISCRIMINATION against either union or non-union employees. Transportation paid. 0 • Liberal allowance for transportation of family and furniture in case of married men. All applications confidential. Apply by wire (collect) or by mail to Saturday Night Press TORONTO. pY5T9 I'n 1 k,, ' Effective June Touring Car Runabout ..,. Chassis ' Truck Chassis... . • . $i?`Q,. Starter and Electric Lighting on Above Models, $$5 Ext,r* Sedan , . $i o9O',. • • ••• $991'; AlboveCoupricepe s include starter andelectric lighting. Ail „pricea.are f.o.b. Ford, Ontario, and do' not include federal sales fox. J, E DA LY, Seaf ��t AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER •e • R 11.4 • 1, WHITE STAR LIN E dr/ //// Annual Low Fare Excursion GODERICH TO DETROIT AND'RETURN The Big Steel Steamer Greyhound $3.90 • Staunch, Safe, Speedy, Comfartabe I $2.00 Round Trip WiLL LEAVE GODERICH I One Way Tuesday, June 14th, 9.30 a.m. Arriving at Port Huron 2 p.m., Detroit 5.30 p.m. Returning, leaves Detroit Thursday, June 16th, 1.00 p.m. Detroit title. The only boat trip from Goderich to Detroit this season. Visit your friends and see wonderful Detroit—big, busy, prosperous.. A delightful trip over the great international highway of lakes and rivers. Dining and lunch service aboard at moderate prices. BAND MOONLIGHT OUT OF GODERICH MONDAY EVEN- NING, JUNE 13th, 8.15 p.m. ORCHESTRA FOR DANCING IN STEAMERS BALL ROOM: 31,4 HOURS ON BEAUTIFUL LAKE HURON 50c• CHILDREN 25c. Last trip to Detroit, Friday, June 17th, 9.30 a.m. I Can You Beat It ? SUITS Made to Order For $20 Up NEW SAMPLES NOW IN. CALL ANi) SEE THEM. "MY WARDRoBF," MAIN STRF ET SEAFORTH ' =3lllillllltlllll1111111191111111111111111114111[IIIJ1111lIIIIIIIIIIIIIi1111111iI111111111t11111111111L Cook by Hydro E. E PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION OF SEAFORTH (uimimnunumlunuthuxmnllnttnwttttntuindnt l rill Cheaper than Coal. oil, For full information inquire at HYDRO SHOP. TOWN HALL BUILDING Entrance—Town Clerk's Office. 5