The Huron Expositor, 1921-06-03, Page 8ps
eco t For
Three Kinds of
Plain and Pink
Reg. 60c per lb.
39c Only
A H*',tl Bargain
Dunt !Miss It
Great Reductions
in Harness
Announcement. -Mr. and Mra. W.
li. Bristow anliounce the engagement
of their daughter, Ruby, to Mr. H.
11. Eyre, of Sarnia, the marriage to
take place in June.
Team Harness, 11 trace, back -
band .. ...... ..$62.00
Steel Humes, with or without heel
chains, and brewhing less pads..568
For 1. trace add $4.00 (less collars)
Brass 'rrinunting add 58.00
Team Lines, 7-8 inch
inch Lines $6'80
$alters, for 51.25 up
Single Harness, the best $25 • to $40
Epworth League.- On Friday even-
ing, the Epworth league jdurneyed
to Staffa in response to an invita-
tion received from the Staffa Epworth
League. Over sixty heaguere went
eleven cars. A good programme
was provided by the Seaforth So- in• the life of each community m
c4•ty after which all enjoyed a fine which he lived,, and served on many
Mr. MaEe QJ , . The WinniP��Free
Press.' of May 87th' saga:
Eaye Nel on, retired farmer, native
of Seaforth, Ont., who died Wednes,
day at the home of his daughter,
Mra, A. C. Barnby, McAdam avenue.
Mrs, . A. C. Barnby, McAdam
Avenue, was a resident of
'Manitoba for fifty years, having come
west in 1870. In 1871 he joined the
force sent out to quell the first Riel
rebellion. '' wasberet at Seaforth,
{January 2 . • ' • 1.72 he married
Elizabeth Amt .- . - . • -eking up a
farm at Rockwood. .1e later re-
moved to Prairie Grove and then to
Plympton, where he remained till
three years ago when he retired to
reside fat Rounthwaite, Man., near
Brandon. He took an active part
social ul time together and atyy splendid
lunch served by the Staffa young
W. M. S.. -At the last W. M. S.
meeting in the Preabytorian church,
,lr's. Greig gave an exceedingly in-
teresting report of the provincial
meeting held at Teterboro. The sub-
ject of leading importance was "The
Necessity of interesting the young
in missionary work and inducing
them t, take It up as their life work.
Nest in i tip•,rtance was "The Litera-
ture." that 1s the need of making
known to all the work that is being
dune, and what roust be done to save
the world for Christ.
Trustees and Ratepayers Meet. -
'rhe first meeting of the Huron
Trustee and Ratepayers' Association
will be held in the Temperance Hall,
Goderich, on Wednesday. June 8th,
at 2 p.nt. The Association has fur
its object the improvement of our
Educational System and finding out
the wants of the community in Edu-
cational Matters. Every one inter-
ested should make it a point to at-
tend this meeting. An excellent
prugratnme will be provided.
All Wool auto size, fancy patterns,
splendid value .... 57.00 to $12
Shoe Repairing a Specialty.
Give 1!s a Call_
Trunks, Club Bags, Whips, Etc. -
M. Broderick
1921 Will Reward
councils. Ile is survived by
widow, six,Ilaughters and four sons:
I!rs. Stanley A. O'Neil, Vancouver;
B. C.; Mrs, Charles Bober, Mrs. Joe
Robinson and Mrs. Barnby, of Win-
nipeg; Mrs. J. P. Rivers, of Pitts-
burg, and Mrs. Walter Flett of Kan-
sas -City, Mo.; William A. Nelson, of
the Canadian National Railway, and
George, Andrew and Robert of
Rounthwaite. The funeral 'Nil' eke
place this afyernoon at two ''.lock
front Thomson's, 'Main st ust, to
Ehnwood cemetery.
Successful Students. -At the re-
sent graduation exercises held at the
Western Hospital, Toronto, Miss
Lulu M. Docherty, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. J. G. Docherty, who has
jut(' completed bar second year in
training, was among the successful
students, ha't'ing carried off one of
ute scholarships, standing second in
general proficiency.
--Thr following Seaforth s:udents
have sacressfully passed their ex-
aminations in the Dental Dep3artment
of the University of Toronto ind the
Royal College of Dental Surgeons of
Ontario: James Harvey Burrows;
William Russel Bristow. Garnet
Kimberley Chapman; second year,
Aubrey Crich, Everett Dee Rivers.
We intend to fight our way to suc-
cess in 1921 by giving good service,
both in quality and price. If you
have been waiting fur a drop in
price of Paints before decorating
your home, now is the time to came
in and get our prices. We mix our
own Paints front the very best Whit.:
Lead and Linseed Oil and guarantee
to (produce the most suitable paint
for the surface to be painted, at a
cost very little - brave one-half the
cost of ready -mixed paints. Our Mr.
Hooper has had over 27 yeses' experi-
ence in the fainting and Decorating
business in some of the best shops,
both in Canada and the United
States, and we would respectfully
solicit a share of your interior and
Painters and Decorators '
"Save the Surface and You Save
AIL" -Paint & Varnish.
Stratford, Ontario •
Our winter term commences
Tuesday, Jan. 4th, and student:;
may register in our Commer-
cial, Shorthand or Telegraphy
Departments at any time. Our
courses are thorough and prac-
tical, and we assist graduates
to positions. Get our free
Wanted. -Young couple de - furnished
rooms. or house 0, rent by the month.x2Iy
to Box 157, Seaforth.
Fur Sale. - One or two good milk corm and
sinc three months' ofd heifer calf. L. G. Van
Egmund, R. H. No. 2. Seaforth. 279001
Cream Separator for Sale. - For le a
Masacy•Ilarro, 200 capacity. Aa good as
Apply at The Expositor Office.
For Sale. line 7 tot cut MnaaeY-fiarrla
binder. ,oa, dt hand. In good repair.
N Ap-
ply to arehie Barton, Blacksmith, North
Main Street.
Strawberries. Strawberrty will he ape
,.xt week. Get your order in early if you
want any. I have orders now fur moot
of my crop. F. W. Andrews, now
n, Ont.
Por Sale. -House and out buildings, in-
cluding frame factorY• stable and garage.
and three a of land on Huron (toad watt
adjoining Seaforth. Cheap fur quick
Frank H. Arnold.
P anted. --A local representative al Sea -
forth to represent "'1 -he Old Reliable Font -
hill Nurseries," and cover surrounding terri-
tory. A aplendnl opening for a reliable
man. Exclusive territory. Stone & Welling-
wn, Toronto, Ont. 2780-1
.Wn.11 Papers'
If . yep :'have not bought your
'WA.I.LI,'.PAPER, it will pay you
to inspect our line before buy-
ing. •W are showing some re-
markable values in WALL
Y APES this season and can
save you money.
It Pays To Advertise. -The fol-
lowing letter which was received on
Monday last by Mr. F. I). Hutchi-
son, grocer, of Seaforth, is just one
more proof that advertising in The
Expositor brings results. Many mer-
chants recognize this fact, but again
there are many, not only in Scaf>rth,
but in the surrounding towns who
will not believe it .url! they see
Eaton's and other large department
house• advertisements in their local
Ford Idaho. May 2-1. 1921.
Hu chicon Grocery,
Dt a Sir:
1 aur enclosing $'. for whi.•h l
to send n:.• .me n t •er
,•I ,ta' 1.,1,0 you have a,lvt.r-
' 'ut h;xp•'sitor.
Serol t'!e•••• by Otani pest if you
Very truly yours.
Charles Gi'.ehri.-.t.
House for Sale. -One and half atory, eight
room house in good repair: good cellar.
conent fluor and cistern; hard and oft
water Si house; electric Alighted; good ood garden.
Immediate, posaeas ion. 2. Wo
Cul,. ---_
Bowling 'R'ournament: -The annual
bowling tournament for the Merner
Trophy wild be held on the greens
of the Seaforth Club on Wednesday
next, ,lune 8th. The tournament. is
Scotch Double affair, open to clubs
in Huron County. A Targe entry
is expected. The Seaforth greens
are already in excellent condition.
Egmondville Anniversary. - The
anniversary services in connection
Leith the Young Peoples' Society of
Egmondville Presbyterian church,
were held on Sunday last when Rev.
Mr. Telford, of Blyth, occupied the
pulpit and preached two very int-
psessive sermons, dealing with the
work of the young people_ On Mon-
day evening an excellent entertain-
ment was furnished by the choir of
Carmol church, Hen.sall, the num-
bers consisting of choruses, duets
solos, and selections by two readers.
The choir of Carmel church is a very
tine musical u'ganizatrnn, and their
programme was thoroughly enjoyed
by lh•• large audience. The proceeds
{ n Sunday and Monday evening
amounted to $101.
' age, 'boweyer, 100'5611e, . and ::the
atofnt ,appears to haV.'e been local,as
there was no rain 1,1 b and
Big Variety
for the
June Bride
Beattie Bros
in D li lin only
e alight ehoweVitoutir in Tuokersmith.
-The 'Ladies'' -aid of" Egmondville
Church intend holding a,garden Party
on Friday evening, June 17th. -In
the scholarship list in connection with
the Seaforth Collegiate Institute,
published recently, the name of Mr.
James A. Dickson was apmitted, Mr.
Dickson, who is a .non of Mr. Jahn T.
DicilGaon, formerly of T.uckeramith,•
won the Youth Edlwlard Blake scholar-.
ship for General Proficiency in 1909.
--Mise Myna Middleton, of Goderich,
spent the week end with the Misses
Elcoat.--tMise Orr has returned to
her home in Durham. -Mrs. J. F.
Ross and son are visiting at her
home in Toronto. -Mrs. P. Scott, of
Brussels, was visiting her sisters,
the Misses Brine, this week. --.Miss
Kate Cowan .is home from Toronto
University for the holidays. -Mrs. J..
C. Greig spent a few days last week
with her mother in Goderich.-Mrs.
L. G. Kruse pod son returned to Galt
on Wednesday. -Mr. A. D. Suther-
land is visiting London friends. -
Miss E. Dinsmore has returned to
her home in Blake., -Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Murphy, of Stratford, visited
friends in Seaforth last week. -Miss .
Thelma Pethiok, of the London Hos-
pital staff, is spending Iter holidays
at her home in Seaforth.-Mr. Bate-
man, of Almer,spent the week end
at his home here. -Mr. Thomas Fer-
gusonhas purchased the old agricul-
tural grounds on Goderich street,:
west. -, Messrs. Wallace Archibald
and James . -Gillespie leave this week
to spend the summer in Northern
Ontario. -Mrs. Anderson, of Strat-
ford, is a guest at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. James Stewart. -Mies Mary
Crosbie of the Stratford Normal,
spent the weak end at her home here.
-Ms's. Richard Reid had the misfor-
tune to Pall in her home one evening
last week and fractured two ribs.- ,
Mr. J. A. Case and family have mov-
into Maple Hall, the old Case
homestead on the Huron Riad. Mr.
Case has made extensive improve-
ments to the property. -Mr. John
Dorsey has purchased the Graham
Hotel in Clinton and has taken pos-
session. -Rev. Mr. Edwards - and
Messrs. W, Black and J. Wallace are
in London this week attending Con-
ference. -Mr. Thompson, of Thorn-
hill, is visiting his daughter at the
Manse, Egmondville.
ed on Tuesday from an extended visit
with friends in Brantford. -Mr. W.
C. Govenlock, of Seaforth, has been
engaged as agent for the Willoughby
Farm Agency of Toronto. -Mr. Roy
Patterson and his mother, of Gode-
rich', spent Monday at the home of
Mrs. Tyermate-Miss D. Carlin and
her sister, Mrs. Swart'rlflnder, are
spending this week in Detroit. -
Mrs. L. T. liel,acey is visiting To-
ronto friends. -A very severe electric
storm passed over Seaforth on Sat-
urday afternoon last, accompanied by
hail and tvrrento of rain. No dam -
Golf Club Tte-organized.--.\t the
annual meeting of the (1 1f Club,
held Monday night, the following of-
ficers were elected fur the year: (Ton.
President, Mr. Thoma19 Dodds; Pres-
ident, F. Ii. Savauge; Vi' -e President,
.12hn Rankin; Secretive -Treasurer,
R. M. Jones; Captain. J. C. Greig;
('nurse Committee, F. If. Savamge, R.
11. Jones, ,J, 1'. (;r,'ig; Entta•tsairiment
Committee, J. Downey, .1. Tweedy, W.
Southgate; Club House Committee,
^tahhnt J C.Grei
Greig; vier
R. M. .Jones. Considerable improve-
ments have been made on the course
since last year and this season a
I:ut bee of new bunkers are to he
built, which will make the already
airy popular links the more attrac-
•;,y'e. The club h"use which is to be
;sited this season is •to be located
at the }win': of highest elevation in
the centre of the course, frotn which
there is a fine view of the entire
licks. A number of players front
surresuuling towns are joining the
chill, which will make the Dodds'
Links a busy place this 5e250n.
.Our- Phonographs and Pianos win
the hearts of the people. If your
'keine lacks either, or both, don't al-
low it to exist any longer. Keep the
right spirit in your hone with. good
music. And don't forget I can sup-
ply you with the goods.
1 will save you from $16.00 to $5
on Phonographs -of most any make,
!and $80 to $150 on Pianos, and you
csq't afford' to buy till you see me
',laid compare them with others. Take
ti drive Minas 1 hate all my goods at
Ifurifar three-8iiles West of Elea-
- tittles, east Of Cuneate
t 'Nolte 0.616.
Local Briefs, -,,1rs, Joseph Keat-
ing, president of the Seaforth sub-
division of the Catholic Women's
League of Canada, is in Toronto at-
tending the Dominion Convention of
the League, which is being held in
that city this week. -Mrs. McClentent
and son, of Fordwieh, were guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Archibald, James street. -Mr. War-
ren Ament, of Detroit, spent the
week end at the home of his parents,
Mr, and Mrs. W. Anent. -Mr. J.
Horan, of Vancouver, spent a few
days this week at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Horan.
Mr. Horan was on a 'business trip
to the east. -Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
(;ovenlock, of Chicago, spent the
Weak end at the parental home of
Mr, and Mrs. John R. Govenlock.-
Mr. and Mrs. Frank 'Freeman, of
Lucknow, are visiting relatives here
this week. Many friends will regret
to learn that Mr. Freeman has not
Iain in the enjoyment of very good
health for some time.-Mlr, A. K.
('hittenden has been seriously ill for
several days. -.Miss Clara McKinley,
of London, spent the week end the
guest. of Miss Ruby Bristow. --Mrs.
,Joseph' Marshall, of Hamilton, is
visiting at the home of her sister,
Mrs. J. S. Welsh, Goderich. street. -
Mr. J. M. Wilson is in Toronto this
week attending the meeting of the
General Assembly as representative
Elder front First Presbyterian
church. -=Miss Annie C. Lawrence is
attending the convention of the Can-
adian National' Association of Nurs 2
now meeting in Quebec City. -T,12
committee appointed at the Janua,•+
meetieig of the County Council to 1r -
port on the matter of hospital grar •
for the county, met at Seaforth o ,
Friday hist. The committee is com-
posed of Messrs. - Young, McNabb,
Currie and Warden Doig. County
Clerk G. - W. Holman was with the
Barbara Kirkman Auxiliary: -Tire
regular monthly meeting; of the Bar-
ham Kirkman Auxiliary was held on
Wednesday, May 25th, when only a
few members -were present. This
fact is mush to be regretted as the
meeting was a very interesting one.
Miss Cuthill read a splendid paper
on "Every Man in His Own Tongue,"
and clearly explained that the most
important single agency in the work
of evangelization is the Bible. The
current topic was taken by Miss
Campbell, and "Missionary Glean•
ings" by Miss Smith. At this meet-
ing also Mrs. Greig gave a very
complete and interesting report of
the W. M. S. Conference in Peter-
boro, emphasizing the fact that the
young women of the church are the
missing link in missionary progress
and expressing tine hope that the
Batibara Kirkman Auxiliary help form
that link by increasing ltd numbers,
end all .being interested, active memo
hers. It is, hoped that each young
woman will be responsible for her
share. Was B. Smith will arrange
the pro'granime for the June meet-
ing, when Was E. Mackay will have
'the "Current Event Topic," and Mies
P. Patterson, "Missionary Glean-
Died In Winnipe
district Will ;a egreb
death `of i1it �a
occurred iii li%hplikge�
of last week M
spirt" of Mfi'..
fort1,i, and
Aott d! u'a8 U
committee. -Dr. and Mrs. Gracey, o
Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Hender-
son, of Blenheim, are guests at the
home of Mr. J. B. Tyerman this week.
-Mr. Oscar Reid, of Detroit, spot
the week end with his parents, W.
and Mrs. J. H. Reid. -Two rinks of
Seaforth bowlers, composed of Dr
Bechley, J. Mactavish, R. E. Bright
and W. G. Willis, and H. Jeffrey, H.
Stewart, J. Beattie and G. D. Haigh,
were in London on Wednesday play-
ing in the tournament for the Mintee
Trophy. -Miss D. Carlin and Mot
Swartzlandet attended the Eucharistic
Congress at Mount Carmel.=Miss IC.
g�Many in this 'Huntington, of Leamington, is a
to -learn of .the .guest at the home of Mr.. and ;Mrs.
yg Nelson, which J. H. $raid.-truv, Father Quigley, of
K on Wednesday Tileonimr spent. a few days this
Mr, Nelson suns a weak with 'ids aunt, Mrs, 'Nora
'i+ha bit Rays, of Sea. Car1lnea1In* en tare," will be Dr.
on the farm Suet LaiIth;s -surd t nett Iinnday even-
, view coned bying dMiaa Adeline Tyes'man return -
is the electric fan! It is ii foe
to perspiration and general
grounchiness. It will keep
your temper sweet and your
intelligence in working order.
We have the size fan you need
and it's a reliable, efficient
Reid Bros,
reiee^'iu'r'ic 7e
Recreation Grounds
Game Called at 6.15 p.m.
' nGr
Game Called at 6.15 p.m.
Good Team Sold.--aMr, Owen Flynn
of the seventh concession, west of
Kinburn, recently sold a very fine
team of heavy draught geldings, five
and seven years old, to Mr. Vodden
for $500. This team were by Mr.
Janes Evan's horse, Lord Mansfield,
and as the price indicates, they were
good ones.
with Doris May.
-A Paramount Picture -
He ran from a cell to run a village
When he tried to be honest and
pep tip the natives, they'd swallow
nothing but fake nil stock.
So be fed 'ern what they wanted
and was sneaking out with the pro-
fits when-. .
Holy smoke!. You -never can tell
: Shut 'Mother Earth or a Woman!
A thousand barrel "gusher" of
i. ughs, heart tugs Send excitement.
Notes. -Mr. George Eyre is pre-
paring to move his house nearer to
his barns. -A gang of men are at
work on the bridge, on the town line
south of the village putting in a
new abutment. This bridge has been
unsafe for heavy (traffic for some
time. -Mr. John Riley has purchased
new Chevrolet car.
Death of Archibald McGregor. -
Sincere and wide spread regret was
felt and expressed when the news
became generad on Thursday last
that Archibald McGregor had passed
away at his home on the 0th con-
cession, after an illness extending
over some five months, anaemia and
neuritis being the cause of :his death.
Mr. McGregor was a son of the late
Alexander McGregor, and was born
52 years ago on the farm, Lot 15, on
which he died and on which he had
spent all his life. He was a man of
quiet .habits, but was genial and
neighborly and had a large circle of
friends,, both in town and country,
every one of whom respected and
admired him for bis integrity and
the •great good that was in him. For
some years he served on the council
board of the township, with credit to
himself and benefit to the commun-
ity. Mr. McGregor was unmarried,
but is survived by
one brother, Ro
oth at
and one sister, Miss Jennie,
home, who have the sympathy of
all in the heavy burden of grief they
have been called upon to bear in
recent years, father, mother and
three brothers having been taken in
the short space of thirteen years.
The funeral was held on Saturday
to the Maitlanclbank cemetery and
was very largely attended, the pall
bearers being Wilson Campbell,
Robert Hogg, Robert Gibson, Joseph
Gibson, James Johnston and Charles
If You Wont Come Up,
We'll Come Down.
This Theatre closed on May
81st, but will re -open again
as. soon as a suitable 'location
downstairs' can be secured,
'Strand •
Auto Rugs
New -
Ready` with Liberal 'Assortments
to meet in a Surpassing Degree all
Summer Apparel Requirements
Football. On Friday evening*
Dublin boys played here. The f•vnn
was well cen''sted --el 1 good etc,i
entree r'79 "ditse)
the last half being kept pretty well
en Dubin. The score stood 1-0- in
favor of Kinburn. Mn. Charles Rills
Senfcrth, referred the game to the
entire satisfaction of everyone. f`:
Tuesday evening_ of this week Sea -
forth boys and -Milburn boys playr-1
their first game; and a good exhihi-
li-.n of clean hill,y+aa witnessed by
the fans, and at tine the game was
very exciting. The rst half played
there was no score, the last half,
with the, wind in our .boys' favor,
they kept the Seafortll'defence busy
and by gond combination placed the
ball between the goal stakes before
the time was called. and the score
stood 1-0. in favor of Kinburn. Mr.
Rands, of Brussels, acted es referee,
and on his part kept the game well
in ban&
Notes. -The Ladies' Aid visited the
Ladles' Aid of Burns' Church at the
home of Mr. Allen, of Hsrinek, on
Thursday of this week. --'Mr. Charles
McGregor is preparing for the build-
er his
house Mr:.J'o epli R'ileyndhas he
foundation built for his new barn.
His many friends will be ,pleased to
kTioov that he is g a g t%1Cely
attarA'tda bad aceld�-•-Wa It for
Hie announcement of the faro' sacral
t'e itis' hold en the laWU off' a'Ir. E .
Britton 'on . June Nth.
$15.00 to $40.00
and Value'
are very
$10.00 to $35.00
The Reputation
of the apparel apartment which this store enjoys
is founded upon better than ordinary merchandise,
and very wide assortments of the newest and best
garments together with satisfactory service and
prices which are always moderate in keeping with
the quality of the merchandise. The very high es-
timation of this store is well upheld in this showing
of summer apparel that comes among the hot wea-
ther dress requirements of every woman.
e Showing
Of the Very Best Wash Dresses That
Mean so Much to Hot
Weather Comfort.
A Good
House Dress Complete
Only $2.50
Our collection is drawing
considerable comment on
their unusually clever styles
and scant wonder, either,
for every woman, who has
seen them has been delight-
ed with
their attractiveness
rrealizes and
good looking and good qual-
ity wash frocks can be . had
for prices so reasonable as
we have here,.it is certainly
folly to overlook them, es-
pecially for hot weather
wear. Once you have seen
them you will thunk the
same thing. -
$2.00 to $15.00
Another ' cial purcilnse l:,ri;�}?s t'> us ai:J to you
dozens of charming waists, that will be a source of
Pleasure to,a r:; lady to inspect it.
Prices $3.00 to $12.00
Prices $1.50 to $7.00
PRICES $1.00 to $5.00