HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-05-27, Page 5Se rill Iifi !t.:7701 Pothtoea, per ng • I' 1181 �lr B t#?er', per 1 ,, 19 tq 20c bR el . . , , . , i $60a ; Barley, per el 1;5c + *®eats, per bulal$e 85e I$horts, pert)); $88,00 Bran, per Flour, per tort Met ,,$$5.26 BEAN MARKET Tordnto, Moy 28r4. -- Beane, Cuumlion- h0nd-pickod, bushel. 92.90 to 58.00; prism, $2.40 to 92.50; Limas, Madagascar, 7 to 8c; California Limas,- 10 to 12e. GRAIN MARKET Toronto,' May 28. -Manitoba wheat -No, 1 Northern, $1.91% No. 2 Northern, 91.88%:. No 3 Northern, 01.84% ; No. 4. *1.72. Manitoba Oats --No. 2 C.W., Mieee; No. 8 C.W., 42%e; eaten No. 1 feed, 429 o;, No. 1 feed, .40%c; No. 2 feed, 88%e. Manitoba barley -No. 8 C.W.. 79%0; No. 4 C. W., ' 74%e:'rejected, 61%e; feed, 60%e. All of the above In More at Fort William, Amerdoan " Corn -No. 2 yellow, 78o; nominal ell., Bay ' porta. Ontario Oats -No. 2 white, 42 to 440. Ontario what -No. 2 Winter, 91.56 to 41.60 Per car tot; No. "l Spring, *1.45 to • $1.60; No. 2 Goose wheat, nomthal, shipping points, according to freight pan-Np, 2, 31.80 to 51.85. Barley -Malting, 65 to 70e, according W freights outride. Buckwheat -- No. & nominal. Rye -No, 2, $1.36 to 11.40, according to freights outside. Manitoba flour -First patent, 110.50; second patent, $10: bulk seaboard, Ontario flour --$7.00'; bulk seaboard. Mdllfeed - Delivered Montreal freight, base included: Bran. per ton, 925 to 929; shorts, par ton, 826 W. *31; good feed flour, 92.10 W. *2.40 per bag. 411 of the -above In store at Fort William, Hay- 'No. 1, per ten, 821 W 928. Straw -Car tote per ten, $12.00. LIVE STOCK MARKETS Buffalo, pl.-Cattle-Receipt., 8,100: slow; 15 tq cents lower; shipping steers • 38 W 80.10'. , b 'hexa, 98 W 18.50; yarli ege, 38.25 to SO; heifers, 56.26 to 88.26; come 32.26 ; W - $BM):; bulls, 84.60 W $6.50; atock- Teoo and feeders, $5-'W *7.25, fresh cow% and epringew, $80 to $120. Calves-;daecetpts, 2,100; 60 cents lower; 15 to 911.60. Hoge-Recelpta, 16,000: 16 to 56 cense lower; heavy. 19.26 W $9.40; mixed, 89.40 ' to $1.60; yorkero, light do., and plan, 80.60: rongha, 17.26 to 87.50; ethos, 84.50 W 56. Sheep and (amts --Receipts, 4,600; 60 cent. , to *1 lower. Montreal, May 23. --Cattle receipts, 408. , With a comparatively light rue and a good • average quality, prices were firmer. The bulk of the butchers' cattle were sold for f9 to ;9.60. The top was paid for four ateero averaging 1,180 pounds, which were sold et *0.25. Baby beeves, weighing from 660 W 50 pounds brought 110. Top bulls brought 38 and the bulk of the fat heavy cows i 37.69 W 17.76,• Quotatone- -Butcher eteets. 'echoic 310 to $10.25: good, $9.25 W $9.49; medium, 68.60 to 89; common, 96.60 to • 38.28; butcher heifers, ohoica, *8.75 W 110: medium, $7.60 W 58.50; common, 36 to 07, Butcher cows choice, 87 to $7.78; medium. *5 W 57; Weedier belie, 'goose 57.50 W 50 . common, $5 ter $7. 0alvee-Reepjpts: were 726. Common 'calves ' were ,*salt Packer were offering 66 for thin pkil-fed stock. Oood milk -fel calf. were cold up' W 1650. Quotations --Good veal. 37.50 W 98.50; medium, 95 to $7. Sheep. Receipt+, 273. Sheep wore weaker. Average lots sold for 36 W 97. Topa were ' 38. Lambs, 97 to $8 each or about 16ecents • r per pound. Quotations -Ewa., $6 to *8. Hogs-- Receipts, 1,687. The ',tnn8ard price for the- day was 911. Odd sales were a fade higher. Quotations- loft' car weights) • Bele... 811; heavies, $9; now., 87, 1 Union Stock Yards, Toronto. May 23.- , f, The receipt of cattle was not heavy this morning, but buyers tgere anything but keen, owing W the fact that to -marrow is a holi- day, Trade was draggy all day, with prices lower by 25 cents in the case of heavy stuff ' and good W choice butcher ntesro and heifer, whfle cows and the lower grades of other classes were off 60 cents from last ' week'. close. There was some demand for feeders at from 8% W 9 cent., and this accounted for the disposal of a fair share • P the offering. with the result that very few head were left over at the close. Though there. was - fair inquiry for heavy eteern for. 90 export, very few of this kind offered. Four g i teen loads of Chicago cattle. were received d ,on through billing to the seaboard for ex- port Trade in milkers and springers was very quiet. , • es The bulk of the calvwere of poor quad - ' By and moved slowly. A few prime ones {• sold ppt,12,cents, but the general price for * I choice- Was 'from 105§ W 11 fie cents. The run as fairly heavy and common calves ll w were eshler' than the close of last Week. ii Sheep and lambs were a medium supply and demand for lambs wee good, but there were not mayn yearlings good enough W make the top price for that class, which was I' 13 'cents. Bulk of choice yearling. brought 12 W 12% cents. Spring lambs sold .gen- erally at Morn 1.6'to 17 cents per pound. 'Choice 1f1lpt ,hap Were steady, but a slow [sale, tee"ton making 8 cents, While heavy fat sheep were very filo wapd lowgr. Com- , mon sheep were slow at 8mm 3 to 6 cents. • The abulk of the hogs sold at a reduction of .50 mufti deer pound from Thuradny'a closing price. Packers were the chief buyers " and trade was slow. The quotations for aeleote ices 58.75 Per ewt., f.o.b., and 69.60 fed and Watered. --• The receipts to -day were 2,926 nettle. 567 calves, 1,961 hogs and 687 sheep and lamb.. J. D. Shields and Son sold: Butcher -2, '960 lbs., 17.50; 8. 1,210 lbs. 110. Sheep- • 1. 120 lbs. $8.50. Lambs -2, 150 lbs. 817: 11, 620 tbs. $16.60. Calves --1, 410 lbs. $6: 1, 200 roe. 910. The quotations were a0 follows: Choice . beavY steers. 19.00 to 110.50; good bean steers. 68.00 to $9.00; butcher' cattle, choice. 50.00 W 910,00: do., medium, $7 W 88.00; do. common, 86.50 W $7.00; butchers' cattle, Choice, 90.00 W $10.00; do., good, $6.00 to 17.00 ; do., common, 84.00 W 95,00; butcher' cows, choice, 87.50 W $8.75: do., good. 16.60 to $7.60; do., common. 94,00 W $5.00; feed- er. belt, 16.00 W $9.25; do.,. 900 lbs., $7.00 to $8.00; do., 800 lbs., 85.75 to 86.75; do., common. 85.00 to 56,00; canners and cutter., $2.00 W $4.00: milkers, gond to choice, $85 to 1100; do., commpn 'to medium, 650 to 460; choice springer. 885 W $110; lambs, yearling., 012 to 918; de., Spring. 015 to '918,00; eelses, good to rhnice, $1,1.00 to 112; sheep. 96.00-W 98,50; hogs. fed and watered, .09.50; do., weighed off ear, 89.75; d,„ f.o.b. 16.71; do.. country point.. 88.50. • weal ' i� $ .petbt : old 108 ' YAW) ,. o Nand ,-Sp Nblo � A1sY 1001 11* Mr, t3� ionto tha aeon, to 129. M '.. MMre. laNm Mame. a deaabgghte9. Gael Hall'. In Toronto, on May 12th, to Mr.'ifad Mrs, . Churl., Mosta eon. OMA, LGRM" MAIVEFIRIeR .; Imq t the T (MOS) '1 Vol. 20, 111 C„ _d. leased Enrolment No. 1184 Fon.o 1 Will atand fqrthe improvement of stock' this season, as follows: MoadaY•,-Wirt leave his own. etabie. Bench. weed, and go to John Marrero, McKillop, for *1001*; ,thence, to Allen Ross', 10th Con- eeooton, for one hour; Alen to hie own stable foo night. Tueeday.-To Peter Lindsay's. Hallett for noon; thence to Owen Flynn'o, for night. Wednesday. -To Wm. Andeeoon'a, MOKBIop, for nopn; then to his own stable for night Theruday.-To Dominion- Hotel, Dublin, for noon ; then to Joseph Attinson's, Hibbert, for night. Friday, -To Martin Cur- tin'o, 15y miles east of Seaforth, for noon; then to his own etoble for night. Saturday. - fu James' Fliennigaa'u, I,ygan, ;or noon; then to hie own stable, where he will remain until the following Monday morning. Ternie.-rib inure a foal. 518. James Evans, Proprietor and Manager. B000bwoed, Ont, MARRIAGES Shaddoek-Noilam.-In Clinton, on May 11, by the Rev. .8. E. Hogg, Raobel, daughter of Mr. ond. Mrs, Alex. Nellans, W Wm. John Shaddock, of Stanley township. SIneloir-MobMooh,-At the mane, Orals. brook. on May 401., by Rev. T. E. Ken- nedy, B.A., Mr. Peter'J, Sinolalr, of'Strat- ford, to Mine Elizabeth Molntonh, of 'Oran. brook, Ont. Shoddock-Nellana.-Ie Clinton, on May 11; by the Rev. J. E. Hogg, Rachel, daughter of Mr. and M. Alex. Nedlanx, to Wirt John Shaddoek, of Stanley Townehlp, DEATHS Jenkins. -In Clinton, on Sunday, May 1908., John Jenkins.aged 74 yeah and - 4 dere. Cudmore,-In xeter, on May 15th, George Ordmore, aged 88 yam, 8 moatha and 16 day.. Brown. -In Goderich, on Monday, Moy 16, J. P. Brawn, in his 71st year. Morrisn .-In -Colborne townehip, on Monday, May 16th, Lillie Green, wi4ow of the late Samuel Norrie, aged 94 yearn. • TENDERS WANTED Tendon. for the erection of a brick two- otory house will be received by the under- eigned up to 'Tuesday, June 14th. Founda- tion builtnd brick 1,01 the ground. Tenders will also be received for the carpenter work, plumbing, heating and wiring. Tenders may include the whole, or may be separate for ,weh deportment Plans and speoifla- tiona moy .be seen un application. Lowest or any tender not neceasarfly accepted b. SHANAHAN, 2789-8 Seaforth. MEETING. OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Council Chamber, Godcrich, at 3 o'clock in the af- ternoon of Tueeday, the 7th day of June, 1921. All acoounta against the County moot be in the hands of the Clerk not later than Monday preceding the meeting of Council. GEORGE W. HOLMAN. County Clerk. Goderich, May 20th, 1021. 2789-2 U. F. 0. NOTICE The monthly meeting of the 11. F. 0. will be held in Carnegie Ball un June Int, at 8.30 p.m., sharp. A diocuaslan will be given retarding freight rat. sad Canada's, Hailwny Prob- lem. Discussion invited Ladies are. epecially ingited, W attend, as May speakers will be ¢resent. to deice.. the work the U. F. 35. O. being 'parried or, by neighboring organiaationn. A large attendance is requested, 1 BERT IR WIN. 2789-1 Secretary, FITS Stinson's home treatment .for epilepsy. Twenty years' success. Thousands of testimonials. No 1 case should be considered hope- less. Free booklet. WILLIAM 'STIN'SON REMEDY Co. of Gan- 'ada, 2611 Yonne Street, Toronto, Ontario. 2785-50 The Ppre Bred Clydesdale SWilioa GOLDEN GUINEA (25738) Enrolment No. 6276 Approved Form 1 Will stand for the lmprevement .f stock this season, as follows: Tuesday. -Will leave his own stable, Huron Road. three miles west of Seaforth, and go W Commercial Hotel. Clinton, for noon; then by way of Huron Road and Holmesville W Onear Tebett'e, for night. Wednesdne.- By way of Maitland Concession W John Duet's, for noon; then W Benmiller and Huron Road to Wilmot Haack.,', for night, Thursday..•=To the 7th concession, Goderich Township to Fred Pickard's, for noon ; then W William Veddens, Telephone Road, for night Friday. -By way of Telephone Road W Fred Pepper'., fot noon) then W his own athble, Huron Road, for night; where he will remain until the following Tuesday morning, G. W. Nott, Proprietor. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FARM. TN THE MATTER of Albert John Fortune, authorized assignor and The London & West- etn Trusts Company. Authorized Trustee There will be offered for sale by public auction on Therm/ay, the 16th day of June, 1921, ne the hour of two o'clock in the af- ternoon. on the premises, the following valu- able fifty -acre farm: Being the west half of Let number Five 15) in the First Concea. cion H.R.S., of the Township of Tucker - smith in the County of Huron. containing Fifty Acres of land more or less. There are on the place n eood frame [muse and barn, four good wells and an orchard. The place in conveniently eitu0tel as to markets, schools and churches. being 1 only one and n quarter miles from Seaforth in which place there in the heat Collegiate Institute in the Province. Separate and Pobll• school.. and Roman Catholic, Angli- can, Presbyterian and. Methodist churches. TERMS OF SALE. -10 per cent of the purchase money to he peid on the day of IMPORTANT NOTICES ( sale and the balance within two weeks thereafter. The form will he offered for sole subject to a mortgage and subject also to a reserved bid. For further particulars and conditions of sale apply to UTANTED,-TEAMS TO DRAW GRAVEL. from Fotheringham's pit. Adply to PRANK LAYTON, Phone 14 on' 614, Clin. ton. 2788-tf MILE COW WANTED. -I WANT TO PUR- ohase a pure bred registered Shorthorn Cow or a heifer with calf. Apply, giving partioaloeo and price, W W. M. DOM, L.L.B., Suite 6, Stevens Building, or phone 1816, Bert Haran, Michigan. 2787-2 ,NOTICE HEREBY IS EREBY GIVEN WITH RE- ."gard W a number nt mad arrapers be- longing W the Township of Tuckeromith, which have been borrowed or taken, hut not returned, P9rties please return. Re- ward offered for any information leading 'to whereabouts of same. By order of Tuck- eremith Township Connell. 2788•tf -,CHESTER WHITE P1C8 FOR SALE. -- Rath sexes. T hove 2 menet hone fit for aervire. Also a number of young anwe 'that nre 1,3110 heed. Now is the timeso get something grind et n very reaannahle Price as there nre of imported ,tock purrhes- ed from John G. Ahnesser. Tilbury. Ont. Also hoar for service. and young nig. for axle of hath sexes. ARtL.A HAM R1lGlT,L. Seaferth, Ont.. R. R. No. 2: phone 6 on iilr, Clinton. 2709.51 WARM FOR SALE. -FARM ,OF TWO RITE-. Bred errs adjoining the Town 0f Sen - forth. conveniently situated W all ehurchee. nchoole .and Collegiate. There it n comfort- able lhriek cottage with a cement kitchen: barn 100x66 with stone stabling underneath for 0 horse,, 75 head of cattle and 40 hogs 'ids, steel etapchiMW and wetor befnre all n0sck; litter neuter and feed carrier and two cement snort; . driving shed and plat- . Watered by a rock well and dmilt The farm to well drained and in to n _447ep bay e. c,roMpl. dti: ROW/ M. BEATON. 5. M. 2, Seaforth, Ont. 2737.04 THE LONDON AND WESTERN TRUSTS Co., London, Ont, Author. ized Trustee, or to J. M. BEST, Sea - forth, Ont., Solicitor for Trustee. 2789-3 FARMS FOR SALE FARMS FOR SALE. -100 ACRES, LOT 12, Concen.ion 8, in the Township of Tucker - entitle 8 m11. from Seaforth. 6 miles from Brncefleld and Kippen, convenient to school and church ; 95 acres cleared, remainder 11* 11111010 bu0h. On thin farm are excellent build. into and nre in flet -class repair; hard and soft water in the bonne and in etablea; 2 wells, 1 having 0 windmill. This farm Is thoroughly under drni ned and fenced and in n high state nf cultivnttnn, never having been heavily cropped. This in in -every way as o fir[ cls sine ep-to-dote farm. Alan Lot 27. Cnnce00i0n 12, in the TownahfD of Rib- bert, IMbert, containing 100 arr.: 80 aerea cleared and thoroughly nnderdrnined and fenced, the remainder in in first deem mnpte hn.h. On the premises Is a comfortable frame house and good horn 48068 with stone ktabling; Mao Wood wo)i with windmill. This farm Is all seeded W (from end Is in excellent condi- tion. hoeing been cropped very btttln; situ- ated within 5 miles of HengaB, quarter of mile from school. There is long dfetanoe telephone '. eotfitectlon on 66th farms, bleu rural mail delivery. These farms will be mold together. or- aepara ell' W Suit pttrobap ! and on reasonable buena. For further Con 05.. ion eT: or one 14 o 8155. O Q.. IL Itt Ne. 4, nr I►hono 14 on IEL 8sstarrttbh. THOMAS 0. SIMLINGLAW..Proprietor. e ri• , k1i'tp. 4 COL, GRAHAM (12103) Approved Enrolment No. 1870 Form Al Will stand for the Improvement of *tool[ .this aeasun, as follows: Moseley, May 9th. --At noun will lave hie own stable in Egmandville and go north along the gravel road• to .Grieve? bridge, then went to Jeaeph MnFarlane'e, for night. Ttioeday.--Will go went 8% miles to the Rtnburn Road; then north to Bert Steven - son's for noon; then west 854 mile. and south 1161 to Andrew Flynn'., for night Wedn.ndny.-Will proceed 1% m11. south and east 8% miles to Mateolm Montgomery'. for noon; then eat to kis own stable for night Theroday.-South 2% miler; then east two mile[ and one-half W Peter McIvors, for noon; then north five miles W John Lanes, for night Friday. -Wont to the Jilorth Gravel Road and south te his own stable, where he will remain than Monday noon. 'Perms W insure a foal -E16. Dominick Reynolds, Proprietor and Manager BLACON'S SON (20869) Approved Enrolment No. 5272 Form Al Terme to insure -815. Monday.- - Will leave his own stable, Bruce - field, and go west W the second conc.sion of Stanley. then north W John Butchard'o, for noon; then north and went W Ed. Glenn Jr's., for night Tuesday. -By way of Ben- nockburn W Varna at the Temperanle Hotel for noon; then by way of the Bayfield Road to the Goshen Line W Arthur MrClinchey'o, for night Wednesday.- By MoClymont's aide road W the Parr Line, then nouth W Wm. Foster',, for noon; then W Witham Mc- Kenzies, 2nd cvneeoalon, of Stanley, for the night. Thursday. -To the Town Line, then te Kippen and south W George Glenna, for roona then by way of the London Road to his own stable, Brucefield, for night Friday To George McCartney's, MITI Road, for noon: then to McAdam's side road and north W the 2nd eeneesion H. R. S., Tuckeromith, then west W Jame. Carnochan'a, fur night Sat- urday. -Went by Broadfoofa bridge, then south W the Mill Road, to bin own astable, where he w111 remain until the following Monday morning. R. D. Murdock, Proprietor and Manager. The Decide Premium Rome MAKWIRA (Imp.) No. 10279. Peened Enrolrent N,f.- 8267 Form 1 Will stand for the Improvement of stock this season as follow.; Monday. -Will leave hes own of'nble. Stang, and go west to Richard Sellery's, for noon; Guth W the Cromarty Line, thea east to his own stable for night Tuesday, -Will leave his own stable at noon and go aouth W Jame. Ballantyne'., Colborne booudary, for night Wednesday. -South W the Thames Road and went to the Elimville Line and south W Elimvflle W Joshua Johne', for noon: then eouth and east to ' Wdlltam Brock'.. for night Thursday. --South W the 10th concession and east three miles and north W William Thompson, Jr.'e, Lot 16, Concesefon 9, (or neon': then north W the Kirkton Line and west to Taylors Hotel, Kiri,ton. for night. Friday, --North W Mount Pleasant at Jasper Pridham'a, for none then west and north W John Ham;IWn'o, for night Saturday. -North W the 7th conces- sion and west W the Centre Road and nouth t> hie own stable. where he will remain until the following, Monday morni5g• ' Terms W insure -316. John Livingstone, Proprietor and Manager. INVOLUCRE 121451 (82966) Passed Enrolment No. 854 Form 1 Will travel the following route this season:. Monday. -Will leave his own stable, Bruce - field, and proceed west W Varna at Sher- lock Keys', for noon; then north into God.' rich Township to the Bayfield concession and west to A. A. Welsh's. for night. Tuesday. - North by way of 8th concession W Porter's Hill at George Vanderburk'e, for noon: then north to James McMillan'.. 6th concession, Goderich Township, for night Wedneedoy. Be way of Jewel'. Corners and Benmiller W W. Hill's, for noon ; then by way of Maitland concession W Holmesville at Harry •Sweet's; for night Thursday, -By way of 16th con- cession W A. Townsend's, for noon : then by way of Huron Road W Berry & Cameron's Carriage Shop, Clinton. for night. Friday. - South by way of the London Rad W his own stable, Brucefleld, for noon; then west 1% miles and south 11,4 miles to John Murdock's for one hour: then to his own stable for night Saturday, -South 2'4 mile., and east 1% 'Idled to Robert Eli se's, for noon; then by way of the Mill Road W his own stable for night. The above route will be continued through- 0nt the scaeon, health and weather per. milting. Terms. -To insure, 915.011. William Berry, Proprietor. Pnsped Enrolment No. 5464 Form Pure Bred Percheron Stallion MARSHALL GUEDO 8091 Wifl stand for the improvement of stock this season as follows: Monday --Will leave his own stable. Lot 25, Concession 7, McKillop, end proceed to Senforth at the Royal HoW1, for noon: then south to John McElroy s. Tuckermith. for night. Tnaday. East to Joseph Nagler, for noon; then to Dublin et the Dominion Hotel for night Wednesday. --To Joseph McQuaid's, fornoon; then W W. Finnni- gan'a, Lot 2, Concasinn 0, McKillop, for night. Thursday. -To Peter Hicknell'a, for noon: then to his awn stable for night Friday. -To Henry Ruerrtan'e, Logan. for neon; then W Z. El0faon's, Lot 6, Concession 12, Logan, for night Saturday- To Andrew Petrick's for noon; tlince W his own /stable where he evi11 remeeh until the following Monday morning. Terms. --$14 W inshre, payable January, 1. 1922. All accidents W mares at risk of owners. 3. Murray, Man.; Jos. Brewster. Prop. EMPEROR McKiNNEY H6521 Approved Enrolment No. 4076 Form Al The Standard fired Trotting Stallion will .fond for the improvement of stock this season at his own stable Lot. 8, Concession 4, Tuckeromith. Mares from n distance will he met part of the way. Terms.- To Insure, 515.00. Chitties Riley Proprietor. The Pare Ared Clydeadaie Stallion RANTIN ROBIN No. 21488 Panned Enrolment No. 5097 Form 1 Will amnd for the improvement of ,tock this sFdson at his own ,table, Lot 24, Con- ora0ion 4, MlnKillop, em,e90 Saturday after- noon from9 W nix d' look, when , be Will be at the Ro�1 Hotel Stables, Senforth. Tensa. --412 W insure. Percy Smith, Proprietor and Manges, Varieties M Fancy ;Biscuits just receiv44''au t6 Stock. They are GOOD, BETTED .land, BUST. GOOD ones' at from 20c M. (the price of soda .bis-, euits), to 25c a Ib. BETTER ones at 35c to 60c 'a Th. BUST' ones (limited quantity) at 2 Itis. for 25e. GRANULATED SUGAR Preserving time is drawing nearer. Secure your supply before the emergency tariff goes on. If you want a PLEASANT SURPRISE try our - Black Tea at 3 lbs. for $1.00, or our Special Cocoa at 25c a M. HUTCHISON'S GROCERY NOTICE TO -CREDITORS ' In the matter of the amts of .Alexander Kerr late of the Town of seafortb, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, deceased. NOTICE fa hereby given pursuant W the Statute in that behalf, that all creditom and others having claims again.t the eatate of the said deceased, who died on or about the Ninth day of March, 1921, are required on r before the Fourth day of June, 1921, W send by pont or deliver to J. M. Bart, Sea - forth, Ont., Solicitor, Amelia Kerr, William Kerr and Archibald Kerr, the Executors, of the said estate, fu11 particulars of their claims, AND TAKE NOTICE that after the last mentioned date the said Eecrotoro will pro- ceed W distribute the easeto of the staid .de - used among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. end Ne aald Executors shall not be liable fur the. Bald assets or any part thereof t, any person or peroas of f whose claim nous.,• shall not have been received at the time of such dintributlon. J. M_ HEST. Solicitor for the cold Exeertor. DATED at Seaforth, Ontario, [hie 8rd day of May, 1921. 2787-8 0000 000000000 o S. T. HOLMES 0 O Funeral Director and O O Licensed Embalmer 0 0 Undertaking . Parlors in 0 0 Beattie Block, opposite The 0 0 Expositor Office- Residence '0 0 Goderich 'St., opposite Dr. 0 O Scott's. 0 0 Flowers, furnished on short 0 O : notice. O 0 Phone Night or Day 119 0 000000.0,00 0000 c>00.0.<>0 -o000,004> W. T. EO%'& CO. 0 Embalmer and O Funeral Directors O H. c.,130 0 Holder of Gevemment 0.. Diploma : and?license O Charges moderate O Flowers furnished on short 0 notice. 0 Night Calls Day Calls 0 Phone 176 Phone 43 0000000000000 0 0000 000000000 W. S. GORMLEY 0 O Embalmer and Funeral 0 O Director ' 0 0 Undertaking ' Parlors Above 0 O M. Williams' Grocery Store. 0 0 Main Street, Seaforth. O 0 Flowers furnished on short 0 0 notice. 0 O Charges Moderate 0 O Phone -Night or Day -192 0 0000000000 0000 • Dependable Sparli Plugs PUBLIC ATTENTION We have now opened husinas le 011r new quarters and wish W solicit n fair patronage from the general public. We have 011 hnr,I for sale n umber of good used cars of lifferent mak"-' Chevrolet. Saxon and Fords all of which have been overhauled and arc -n first clean ord,•r. We have Iso for 01110 2 rubber tired huggieo, 1 trailer, 2 motor- cycle.. Prompt Miens ion given to repairing of .,II makes of car. We carry a fill line of repairs for the rellowing Chevrolet Maxwell. Overland, Gray -Dort and Ford. We carry a tine of the different leading makes of tire and tuba including Goodyear, Dominion, Dunlop. Royal Oak and Ames Holden. We also, sell revel oil 1 n isrge and small quantties, Standard and High Test Gas - pane. Our sign t.h0 VISIBLE GUARANTEE MEASURE PUMP. Carlin Bros. Brown's Garage, North Main St. SEAFORTH. Champion .f)ly�rt;l �y •ern vy$t: pi err y r Af :r ,We will ell Y� Cnupatzs Place in 0W" Sult/Pg34130, draw interest, at 3%, per RESERVE Ft1111D _ $4441 SEAFQRTH BRANCH, I 0 Multeu, MMu Thorobred Imported Stallions These two imported Clydesdale Stallions, Commodore 155961 1146821 and Cumberland Steel 1228701 1183091, which are recommend- ed in Form At and Premium, Commodore weighing over 1900 pounds, and Cumberland Steel a ton and twenty pound., will stand for improvement of ntoek this season at T. J. Berry's Sale and Exchange Stables HENSALL - - - - ONTARIO ' COMMODORE 196961 (14833) TRUSTEE INVESTII - f� TO YIELD 6.15107.1: , ' yet FROM i The following securities are exceptionally attractive Investments in every respect -the Interest yield Is high, the security unquestionable --.and at maturity these bonds will return handsome profits to the Milder&. PROVINCE OF ALBERTA 4% BONDS Due Feb. 15, 1942. Principal and Interest pay- able in New York Funds. Price 74.84 and Interest. Profit at maturity 33% In addition to 6.15% Ilona Interest and premium on New York funds -"' PROVINCE OF ALBERTA 6% BONDS Due April ,1, 1936. Denominations of $1,000. -• - Price 97.59 and accrued Interest, In addition to the Interest earned, these securities will show 6.25 �O a profit of 2.46 % on principal at maturity 6 PROVINCE OF ALBERTA GUARANTEED O* COUPON BEARER BONDS Due Jen. 1, 1969. Denominations, 51,000. Price 73.62, and accrued Interest. Profit In addition to annual Interest about 36%, Thls Is an ex- 6.75% ceptlanai o'pport unity CITY OF EDMONTON 4Ye% BONDS - Maturing In 1830, 1991, 1932. Prise to yield 7.10:,. In addition to the annual Interest, the holder will have an additional profit of about 7.10 1 25% at maturity We strongly recommend the pul'ehaae of these securities at present prices. They are really bargains. Bonds may be purchased on our partial payment plan. This plan , enables Investors to take full advantage of special opportunities such as the above. Investment Bankers 36-38 King St. E., Tol'enta ' Phis M. •7480 CUMBERLAND STEEL 1220701 (18309) To insure a foal 115, payable the first of 'January, 1922. JABOT (81391 (842141 The laerthrron Her. Imported From France Form Al Terms to insure a foal. $12. Monday morning -Will leave his own stshle and proceed west W the 2nd con- cession. them south 3y mile W Rodger Nnrthrott'n, for noon; then east 250 miles, then eouth by way of Landon Road W Hensel). Tuodnyrrnr ning- East W Dan Brintnell's by way ofboundary, far noon then west and north W Chiselhurt, then west by McLean's corner and then to his own stable. Wedndsday mornipg East W 2nd eonceasion, Tuckermith, then north W Isaac Moore's, for noon ; then wilt W Lon- don Road and south to Hensall for night Thursday --Went W the 2nd c, ncession. Hay. and north W town line. thenwelt W Hills Green, then south to Wilfred Weidow'n, for noon; then north to Wilson Carlisle's, for night. Friday. --West to Blake at Elmer Thiels, for noon: then west one mile and Huth 3% miles to 14th concession: then that 20.4 miles to Wm. Thiel's, fur night. Satur- day-- leprth W 'Zurich Rued and rant to JohnForest's, for noon: then east W hiss own stable. where he will remain until the following Monday morning. Victory, Govern- ment and Muni- cipal Bonds Sold at current rates and deliver- ed free of expense. R. S. HAYS, SEAFORTH, ONT. 2778-tf COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP (11' TLiCKERSMITLI. The Turker,mith Council will meet a ['our/ of Revision nn the Aaaasment Roll t the roosted chamber.. Senforth, on Satur. day. ?,ay 241h. 1521. at one o'clock p.m. Anpenls ngniner the nassessment must he in the hands of the clerk on ur before May 21st, 1921.x D. F. McGREGOR, 1 2767-3 Clerk. 1 COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF McKiLLOP The MoKith p Canned will meet as a Court of Revhsina nn the Assessment Roll of the Municipality at the Carnegie Lihrary Hall, Seaforth, on Saturday. May 28th. at 10 o'clock am. Hy order of Cornell. JOHN McNAY, 2787-2 Clerk. MAKE MONEY AT HOME $15 to $60 paid weekly for your spare time writing showcards for us. No can- vassing. We instruct and supply you with steady wdrk West -Angus Showcard' Ser- ' Ice, Church & Colbornegi . Toronto. Tires Below Cost Guaranteed Firsts 30x3 1-2 Nobby Tread Tires ...$19.00 :30x3 1-2 Grooved Tread Tires . $18.00 30x3 1-2 Dunlop Traction Tread Tires . 519.00 30x3 1-2 Royal Oak Tires......... 519.00 Over Stocked, so buy now and save $ 4 to $5 on each Tire. J. F. DALY, Seaforth AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER 4 to .;11i`1t11 IX'1ih4 +eters,>''Pi. `f1 3.. �kSk Il ,Tar'rr ,. 174C.411rl P.;e4 i t tr aliky� e tnn,?iEth.0.65.730c .. 11 ITE N STAR Li Annual GODERICH Low Fare Excursion TO DETROIT AND RETURN is-.-_. 11,`x--4„1 111 I, 49 i I i. t wa F II + y44.-ttii7okiii brie +e, ?Mane rete, a- Iel:n-....... .1111 The Big Steel Steamer. Greyhound , I 82.00Staunch, Safe. Speedy, Comfortabe I $2.00 Round Trip I WiLL LEAVE GODERICH One Way t Tuesday, June 14th', 9.30 a.m. Arriving nt Port Huron 2 p.m., Detroit 5.30 p.m. Returning, !eaves Detroit Thursday, June 16t.h, 1.00 p.m. Detroit time. The only boot trip from Goderich to Detroit this season. Visit your friends and see wonderftil Detrolt-hig, busy, prosperous.. A delightful trip over the great international highway of lakes and rivers. Dining and lunch service aboard at moderate prices. ' BAND MOONLIGHT OUT OF GODERICH MONDAY EVEN- NING, JUNE 13th,: 8.16 ks.m. ORCHESTRA.,: PA 'DANCING s STEAMERS BALL 'ROOK Bi HOURS ON B tI1'iji UL } . HURON 50e,- CHILDREN 26e, e'9 , '_t 1' •• Last trip to Dettolti 'Friday, jurist 170h8'-9.80 Stair. ' f 1 r .IF y'>P_ 4 to .;11i`1t11 IX'1ih4 +eters,>''Pi. `f1 3.. �kSk Il ,Tar'rr ,. 174C.411rl P.;e4 i t tr aliky� e tnn,?iEth.0.65.730c