HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-05-20, Page 5L. S ifi 1.40\i9, 3921: r oxen 2t ods voices oto the, grooeers and 'afterr 0634 65e lectionto pay alt to the In'Iand Bev. 80a enue Department. This is the only $88.04 the consumer of Saluda need pay $82.00 itp the.. grocer. +14$5.20 ' There is a further tax of 214'e on 75e importations of tea which the Salida el,. Pe „Pan M ' y pe 'het 60atst. leer bushel 9horte, perton Bratty. ":per bon Flour, per -cwt Potaibes, per bag ( j' 7 ed; upon 4 1.40 „'li BIRTHS Cartwright -In Tuokemmith, on Tumddy, May 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. Amos Cart- wright, a non. Robertaen,-In Goderlcb, on May 2nd, to Mr. nail Mm. C. M. • ltoberteon, a daughter. dobno.j-dn Uaborne. on May 6th; to Mr. and. Mrs. John Johns, a son. Brack, -In Uaborne. on May 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Brick. a atm. a - MARRIAGES .Simpson -Ross. -On Saturday, May 7, 1921. by the Rev. G. F. B. Doherty. St. Luke's church, Toronto, Margaret Marko, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jamas Ross, Goderich township, to Mr. Watson John Simpson. of Toronto. • DEATHS Cartwright. -In Tuckeromith, on Wednesday, May 11th. Eliauboth Scales, wife of Amos Cartwright, aged 40 years and 4 montba.l Codbolt-In Uaborne, un May 9th, Mabel Johns, beloved wife of Charles 0. God - bolt, aged 37 years and 6 months. Adair.--ln Crediton, on May 8th, French Adair, aged 73 years. Baker, -In Doahwood, on May 9th, Fred Baker, aged 78 ream, 9 months and 27 days IMPORTANT NOTICES WANTED. --TEAMS TO DRAW GRAVEL from l"otheringhem'a pit. APPLY to FRANK LAYTON, Phone 14 on 614. Clin- ton. 2788 -If MILK COW WANTED. -1 WANT TO I'UR- chose a pure bred registered Shorthorn cow or a heifer with calf, Apply, "giving Particulars and price, to W. M. DOW, L.L.B., Suite 0, Stevens Building. or phone 1616. Port Huron. Michigan. 2787-2 NO'T'ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN WITH Ith: Bard to, a number of road'arrn0era be- longing to the T,+wn+hip of Tuckeromith, whicd, hove ice',, borrowed or token. but nut returned. farts, ptcuee return. Re- ward offered for silly information lending to whereabouts of some, I,y , r,h•r „f rlwmith Township C', -U 2764-I.f rt AItM FOR SALE. FARM OF TWO IIUN- drod acre, adh,inine the Town of Sea - forth, ronven irntly situated to all churches, eehooln and Collegiate. 'There is a comfort- able brick cottage wish „ cemmit hitcher torn 100050 with atone stabling underneath for 6 honor, 76 hood of cattle and 40 hoe. with steel stanchion:: and water before all 'stock; litter carrier and fed carrier and two cm nt alias; driving shed and plat- form scales. Watered by a rock well and windmill. Tae farm is well drained and in a high state of cultivation. Plowing I. all done--eholoe clay loam. Immediate posses - ion. Apply to M. IIEATON. It. R. 2. Sea. forth, Ont. 2787-tf 0000000000000 0 S. T. HOLMES O Funeral Director and O Licensed Embalmer 0 Undertaking Parlors in 0 Beattie Block, opposite The 0 Expositor Office. Residence O Goderich St„ opposite Dr. 0 Scott's. 0 Flowers furnished on short notice. 0 Phone Night or, Day 119 'H00000000.0 0000 0000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W. T.BOX&CO. Embalmer and Funeral Directors H. C. BOX Holder of Governmelt Diploma and License Charges moderate Flowers furnished on short notice. Night Calla, Day Calls Phone 175 Phone 43 0000000000 0 0©,0000000 0000 0000 00000000' 0 'W. S. GORMLEY 0 Embalmer and Funeral O Director 0 Undertaking ,Parlors Above O M. Williams' Grocery Store. 0 Main Street, Seaforth. O Flowers furnished on short O notice. O Charges Moderate 0 Phone—Night or Day -192 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Baby Chicks From pure bred trapnested S. C. White Leghorns (Barron. strain). The Barron Leghorn is an English bird and for a Leghorn is a very large bird, some of thein being as heavy as the. Rock; have the advantage over the Rock in that they seldom, if ever, set. With the corning of the warm weather the heavy breed seems de- termined to set; not so with the Leg- horn. At this time she is determin- ed to lay. They will also lay in the -winter if properly cared for. From Nov. 1st to April 1st, ten of our trapnested Leghorns laid 1,035 eggs at an average price of 73 cents per dozen—$62.78 cash from the ten hens. From these birds and others nearly as good we are offering you chicks at 22 cents each delivered at your station. HURON SPECIALTY FARM. Walter inose - - Brussels, Ont. Phone 38x. Box 34. 2788-6 MAKE MONEY�9HOME OME $15 to $60 paid weekly for, your spare time writing shoWcards for us. No can - y sling. We instruct and supply you with steady work 't -Angus Showcard Ser- 44,olborne Stye Tea Comlpany are paying themselves, and t'hie is not being passed along to the grocers or the consumers,' POPULAR STALLIONS LORD MANSFIELD lima. 1215677 1215877 .116803) Vol. 29, B. C., S. B. Passed Enrolment No. 1784 Form 1 Will eland for the improvement of stock thin season, as follows: Monday. -Will leave hid own stable. Beech- wood, and go to John ,Murray'o, McKillop, for noon; thence to Allen Rosi', 10th Con- epwlon, for one hoer; then to Ms own stable for night Tuesday. --To Peter Llndoay e, Hullett, for noon; thence to Owen 'Flynn's, for night. Wednmday.-To Wm. Anderson's, McKillop, for noon; then to his owe etable for night. Thursday. '1'u Dominion Hotel, Dublin, for noon; then to Joseph Atkinson's. Hibbert, for night Friday, To Martin Cur - I1/2 miles east of Seaforth, fer,noon; then to his own amble for night. Saturday. - To Jame,, Flannigan'o, Logan, for noon; then to hie own stable, where he will remain until the renewing Monday morning. Terms. -'1'o insure a tool, $13. Jamas', Beane, Proprietor and Manager, Beechwood, Ont. COL. GRAHAM (12103) Approved Enrolment No. 1370 Form Al Will stand fur the improvement of stocl, this aeaaon, as followo. Monday, May 9t17. -At noon will kmve hla own stable in 16gmondville and go north clung the grovel root) to Grieved bridao, then wait to Joseph Mrirarlanee, for night uesday.--Will go went 3% mil. to the 'Kinburn Road; then north to Bert Steven - son's fur noun; then west 8% miles and south I t., to Andrew Flynn's, fur night. Wednoolay. 'Will proceed Ih, miler south and east 3% mike, to Malcolm Montgomery's fen 110011: then Not to his own stable for night. 'Thu rndny. South 26. mitre; then east two mike and os. --half to Peter Mel vor's,' for no, : then north five miles to John Lane',, for nivht. friday- West to the North ', Road mad , nd ,nth to his own -table. here he will remain until Monday noun. Terns to inure a foul •- $15. Dominick Reynolds, Proprietor and Manager. BLACON'S SON (20869) Approved Enrolment No. 5572 Form Al Turin to insure- $15. Monday.- Will leova• his own stable, Bruce - field. and go west to the s 0101 soneession fStanley. then north to John Butohard'o, u, noon • ; then north and soot to Ed. Glenn, J's f• 'get T I y By way of Ban. urkburn to Varna ut the 'remper,rnie Hotel for noon; then by way of the Hayfield Road. to the Goshen line t, Arthur MrClinohey's, foe night. Wednesday. lie M,d'lymont'a side nod to the Parr Line. then south to Wm. Foster's, for noon ; then to William Mc- Renxic's, 2nd concession. of Stanley. for ,the night. Thursday. To the Town Line, then to Rippers and south to George Glenn's, for r iwn; then by way of the London Road to his own stable. Brueeileld. for night.. Friday - To George McCartney's. Mill Road, for noon ; then to McAdam'n side road. and north to the 2nd concession 1I. R. S., Tuckeromith, then west to James Carnoehan's, for night Sat- urday. West by Miff bridge, then ;tooth to the Mill Road, to his own stable, where he willemain until the following Monday morning. R. D. Murdock, Proprietor and Manager. The Deatde Premium Horse . MAKWIRA (Imp.) No. 15279 Passe,l Enrolment No. 3267 Form 1 Will .stand for the improvement of stock this season as follows Monday.- Will leave his own amble, Staffs, and gn, west to Richard Sellery'a, for noon; south to the Cromarty Line. then enat to his own stable for night. Tuesday. --Will leave his own stable at noon and go south to James Bnllantyne's, Ush,,rne boundary. for night. W.lneeday.-fi,uth to the Thome,, Road and west to the Elimvitle Line and south to Ejimville to Joshua Johns', for noon; then south and east t, William Bink',,, for night. Thunday.-South to the 10th concession nod east three miles and north to William Thompson, Jr.'s. Lot G, Concession 0, for noon; then north to the Kirkton Line and west to Taylor's Hotel. Kirkton, for night. Friday. --North to Mount Pleasant at Jasper Pridham's•, for noon; then wont and north to John Hamilton's. for night. Saturday. --North to the 7th conces- sion and west to the Centre Road and south t, his own stable, 'where he will remain until the following Monday morning. Terms to insure -$15. John Livingstone, •'Proprietor and Manager. INVOLUCRE 121451 (92966) Passed Enrolment No. $r4 Form I Will travel the following route this sea.on: Monriny. Will leave his awn stable, Bruce field, gad Pros w. t to Varna at Sher- lock Keys', for noon then north into Gode- rich Township to the Hayfield eoneescien and west to A. A. Welsh's, for night. 'l'ueodoy. - North by way of free •coneession to Porter's Hill at George Vanderbure.'s, for n ; then north to James McMllinn's, 6th ronro,aion, Gotlerioh Township. for night. Wedn.doy..-- 137' way of Jewel's Corners and Renmiller to W. Hill's, for nom: then by way of Maitland ronressinn to Holm,evill„ nt Hurry Sweet's, for night. 'Thursday. ily way of toth rr- lnn to A. Townsend's, for noon : then he way of 1T,trnn 1201111 to [ferry & Cnmernn'o Carriage Shop. Clinton. for night. Friday. -- South by way of the owLondon Road to his n .table, Bn,refield, for noon : then went I r i miler and south 11', mile, ts, John one for a e hour: then to his own stable for night. Soturdoy. South 2'9 miles, and enst 114 miles to Robert Elgie's, for noon: then by way of the Mill Road to his own stable for night. The above route will be continued through- out the reason, health and weather per- mitting. Terms. -Te insure, $15.00. William Berry, Proprietor. Passed Enrolment No, 0464 Form 1 Pure Bred Perehernn Stallion MARSHALL GUEDO 8091 Will stand for the improvement of stock this aeaaen as fellows: Monday Will leave hiso n stable, Lot 25, Concession MrKillon.and prob.,' to Seaforth at the [royal Hotel, for noon; then south to Jahn McElroy's, Turkernmith. for light. Tuesday. East. In Joseph Nagte's. for neon; then In Mullin at the Dominion Hotel far night. Wednesday. • To Joseph Mrquoid'e. Lor noon; then to W. rlannl- gr,n'o. Lnt 2. Cobeelrien G. McRillop. for night. 9'bursdoy. Tn I.et no Hicknell's, for noon: then to his own :dchlr for night. h'ridov. To Henry linemen's. Logon, for oon then I.,, Z. Ellison'- I.ot 5. Concession 12, Logan, for night. S„I„nlav 7'n Andrew Patrick's for noon: thenr,• I„ bis own stable where he wills until the following Mender morning"„ - Terms. $14 to ins 11re. y,,yohlr ,Gmnnry 1922. All maddents10 mores al rink of owners. J. Manny, Man.; Jew. Brewster, Prop. EMPEROR McKINNFY -_1653] Apdrove,l - Evnrolhmrse it -LLTI.. 4076 The Sfirinchir1176Brep Trotting 8t8lllon stand for t8)r. 7faprevement of stoek n nt hM Own °table,, Lot B, C)o 4,, Tucker} $tt see '7111001- a be Met o'm es -Mio Memo T •., '. Tamps. -To eats, 016.00. Clams Rae), Prope9etar. u� and Sold at op1'Rl $rates and deliver- ed free'of expense. R, S. HATS, SEAFORT% ONT. 277842 3 Thorobred Imported Stallions" Thele two imported Clydesdale Stallions, Commodore 19596) 114638) and Cumberland Steel 122070) 118809), which arerecommend- ed in Form Al and Premium, Commodore weighing over 1900 pounds, and Cumberland Steel a ton and twenty pounds, will eland for improvement of stock this season at T. J, Berry's Sale and Exchange Stables HENSALL - - - - ONTARIO COMMODORE • 195961 (14033) CUMBERLAND STEEL 1220701 1183091 To insure a foal 915, payable the first of January, 1922. J A BOT 181391 (84214) 'I'In Parthenon horse Imported From Festive Form Al Terms to insure a foal. $12. Monday morning Will leave his own sn.blr 9n I proceed w,ot to the 2nd•on- c,w.>Ion, then south 5:,. miles 4, Roger Northcott s, for nouns : then east then south by wayof London Road to llensoll. 'Tuesday morning Rost to Ilan Ilrintnell's by way ,,,f boundary, for moon then west and north to Chiselhurat, then west by McLe,u,'s corner , nil then to his stable. Wedne:,day morn oat- Rust to LWI concession, 'Tuck ersmith, then north to fame Moore'o, for nem; then west to Lon- don Road and south to Hrnsoll fur night. Thursday Wmt to the 2nd cune.oio,. Hay, and north to town line, then west to Hills Green, then south to Wilfred Weidow'o, for sun: then north M Wilson Carlisle's, for night. Friday. -West to Blake at Elmer 'l'hiel's, for noon ; then wast one ,Ile and south 331 miles to 14th cn anion: then east 111 mil. to Wm. 'Chief's, for night. Satur- day : North to Zurich Road and east to John Forest's. for noon as then et to his own stable. where he will remain until the following Monday morning. FARMS FOR SALE E'ARMS FOR SALE. -100 ACRES, LOT 12, Concession 6. in the Township of Tucker - smith, I mil. from Seaforth, 5 miles from Brurefield and Kippers, convenient to school and church; 95 acres cleared, remainder in maple bush. On this farm are excellent build- inga and ore in lntclase repair; hard and soft water in the house and In stables 2 wells, 1 having a windmill. This farm is thoroughly under drained and fenced and In a high state of cultivation, never having been heavily cropped. This is in every way a first clans and up-to-date farm. Also Lot 27, Concmeion 12, in the Township of Hib- bert, containing 100 acres; 80 acres cleared and thoroughly anderdrained and fenced, the remainder is in first class maple bush. Or. the premises is a comfortable frame hoagie and good barn 48858 with atone stabling; also good well with windmill. This farm Is all seeded to grass and is in excellent condi- tion, having keen cropped very little; situ- ated within 5 miles of Hensel!. quarter of, mile from school. There in long distance telephone connection on both farms, also rural mall delivery. These farina will be sold together or separately to suit purchaser and on reasonable term.. For further pan titular. apply to the proprietor, on Let 12, Concession 6, Tuckeromith, or Seaforth P. 0., R. R. No. 4, or phone 14 on 181. Seaforth. THOMAS G. SHILLINGLAW. Proprietor. FITS Stinson's home treatment for epilepsy. Twenty years' success. Thousands of testimonials. No case should be considered hope- less. Free, booklet. WILLIAM. STINSON REMEDY 0o. of Can- ada, 2611 Yon'ge Street, Toronto, Ontario. 2785-50 COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH. The 'Tuckenmlfh Connell gill meet os a Court of Revision on the Aaomsment bolt at the council chamber, Seaforth, on Satur- day, May 28th, 1.921, at arse o'clock p.m. Appeals against the gpe>timent must be in the hands of the clerk on before May 21st, 1921. - D. F. MCGREGOR,' 2787-3 Clerk. COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF McKILLOP The McKillop Council will meet es a Court of Revision on the Aeoeanmr,t Roll of the Monieipality at the Carnegie Library Hall, Seaforth, on Saturday, May 28th, at 10 o'clock a.m. By order of Gunnell. - JOHN MCNAY, 2787-3 . Clerk_ crepe .�q lltoaley'Fl r 'wpy"e the e }ittroh- 36,41 ova , l ..t4 tpe tea a the woven,. to thel U n lfqe., o$bar stv of logy, AND y e l ,Lttyloi, will that; of flip' sold. dote the Faayi 19111 mord o;Wafted tt The tlalace the hickestate/ v! regard to 0 .cl at Ea lie send -thou hove polies DATED At Stater this twenty,.fifth day of April. 192111„ ' 2785-3 MAN $ STANBURY, ' B•xnoutor'o Solicitu;ftr NOTICE TO CREDITQRS In the matter of the estate of ,Alexander Kerr late of the Town of Seaforth. in the County of Heron. Retired Farmer, deceased, NO'T'ICE la hereby given pursuant to the Statute in that behalf, that all'eredttoea and others honing claims against th0 estate of the said deceased, who died on or about the Ninth day of March, 1921, are required on or before the Fourth Oar of June, 1921, to send by post ordeliver to .1. M. Best, Sea - forth, Oat., Soicitor. Amelia Kerr, William Kerr and Arehibold Kerr, the Executors of the said pante. full particulars of their slalom, AND TAKE NOTICE that after the last mention.' date the old Executor. will pro- ceed to distribute the nese. of the said de- ceased among the parties entitled thereto, having retard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and the said Exacutoro shall. not be liable for the cold assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received at the time of ouch distribution. .5. M. BEST. Solicitor for the said Executors. DA'Z'ED at Seaforth, Ontario, this Sod day of May, 1941. 2787-8 pli�: H !TESTAR LI NE Annual Low Fare Excursion GODERICII TO DETROIT AND RETURN Guarant 4* 30x3 I'-2' Nobby Tread Mea.' 30x3 1-2 Grooved. Tread Tires 30x3 1-2 Dunlop Traction T;rea Tires - .......e.e...e.... .. 30x3 1-2 Royal Oak Tires.:... ...up ,. td Over Stocked, so buy nova $ 4 to $5 on. each T'hhe. p J. F. DALY Sea's AUTHORIZED FORD DEAILEB The Big Steel Steamer Greyhound $3.00 Round Trip Steuart, Safe, Speedy, Comfortabe I $2.00 )I ILL LEAVE GODERICH I One Way Tuesday, June 14th, 9.30 arm. Arriving at Port Huron 2 p.m., Detroit 5.30 p.m. Returning, leaves Detroit Thursday, June 16th, 1.00 p.m. Detroit time. The only boat trill from Goderich to Detroit this season. Visit your friends and see wonderful Detroit—big, busy, prosperous.. A delightful trip over the great international highway of lakes and rivers. Dining and 'lunch service aboard at moderate prices. BAND MOONLIGHT OUT OF GODERICH MONDAY EVEN- NING, JUNE 13th; 8.15 p.m. ORCHESTRA FOR DANCING IN STEAMERS BALLIROOM. 3% HOURS ON BEAUTIFUL LAKE HURON 50e, CHILI}itEN 25c. Last trip to Detroit, Friday, June 17th, 9.30 a.m. SUITS FOR $24 AND UP You Get Full Value in Berger Clothes -Clothes of Quality" are smartly tailored in a wide variety of new styles. They are offered at reasonable prices within the reach of a!L We have over one hundred samples to select from. including guaranteed fast dye Botany sages of pre- war quality and prices. We are also showing a wide range of plain and fancy worsteds, mixture tweeds, and everything that Mis',,new in designs and colari AT "MY WARDROBE" i FIRST QUALITY B ANUFACTUREn'S GUARANTEE PA.nn ES ® �'S'�Er®®81 • 4 jig yoUOF Ices tea.; ice the eY �,i Low 1 ' i l uI ® e �itl'�Vf't ashi ; g uctions ..' ide Dependable Spark Plugs PUBLIC ATTENTION We have now opened buoinese in nor now quarters end wish to solicit a fair patronage from the general public. We hove on hand for sale a number of good aced earn of lifterent mnkm:- Chevrolet, Saxon and Fords, all of which have been ovrhnuled and are n first alts. order. We have also for sole 2 rubber tired buggies, 1 trailer, 2 motor- eyele,. Prompt attention given to repairing of all makes of cars. We carry a full line of repairs for the following, - Chevrolet, Maxwell, Overland, Gray -Dort and Ford. We carry a line of the different leading makes of tires and tubes includine Goodyear, Dominion, Dunlop, Royal Oak and Amen Holden. We alms sell coal oil i n large and small quantltiea, Mandard n nlme. Our a i sign the VISIBLE GUARANTEE MEASURE PUMP. Carlin Bros. Brown's Garage, North Main St. SEAFORTH. ' Champion "HeavyStone" 11-13, iy in. pet UM, cry c dean lion I WAY taut T Bout for short Lt ore you buy a tire, ask these questions about its maker. ;e still in business? Has he been in business ten years? Or Even f1: G' years? 7f';iy don't the manufacturers of "cheap" tires stay in business --ause their market is soon exhausted. The maker of cheap tire:" ,on covers the entire list - and then he must quit. R ` ar.c`.her similar maker springs up in his place -and the merry gam ;y,es,on. Faith and Hope are beautiful things in this dull world -- but the faith end hope of some men in "cheap" tires is really pathetic. Goodyear is the world's largest maker of tires. Goodyear owns rubber plantations, cotton plantations and fabric mills. Goodyear en- joys tic economies of years and years in tremendous production and sales. And a tire good enough to carry our name is at all times the economical tire for you to use. The car manufacturer who uses thousands of tires a year knows. And C.lnadian automobile makers over a period of ten years have sold half Ula r cars with Goodyear tires. Ti'.- tire dealer knows. And the best 4000 of them in Canada sell C l'dyears. . lid 11 year 10 put your motoring on a careful basis. It is a year to ti,i N your gasoline' Consumption, to take care of your car and to use Goodyear Tires. ' The Goodyear Tire & Rubber' Co. of Canada, Limited d •r .'c$&,,.„.1111?3,,Iy?