HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-05-13, Page 5FORT, s i- 1Seaforth, ,Ilii; 12, let ' b own, 28 to ffie !dogs, per cwt, 69.7$ 1fht'at, per bushed Zarley, per, bushed�� 559 t Per bu8hel ;' • $B• e :Perron 00 non; per hon $82.00 --'1Plour, per owt $5.25 ,Potatoes, per bag 76c' BIRTHS Grieve. -In McMilpp. n April 29th. W ■n and -Mm. 'r. C. Grieve, a eon --Reber* 'roma.. Herne. -In Exeter, on ;April 20th. to Mr, and Mins. Albert Hornet., a daughter. Eeddon.-In" Wingham, on Tuesday, May 9N, to Mr. end M. , Frank Seddon, a not. MARRIAGES Peekitt-Beatty,-In Toronto, on April 26th. at 109' Dowling Ave., by the Rev. Dr. W. R. Young. Jennie Louise, youngest daugh- ter of Mrs. and the late James H. Beatty, to Lieut. Thomas Lawrence Peckitt, R. N. V. R., formerly of Clinton. Coward-Hodgert,-ln Main Street Paseon- age. Exeter, on April 28th, Mies E. Mae 1Sodkert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Hodgert, to Roy Coward. son of Mr. and Mn., George Coward, Sr., of Uaborne. * DEATHS, Roberta. --In 'Toronto, on May 9th, John Aline Roberta, eldest s of the late Capt. J. 8. Roboria, aged 84 yearn. ' McIntosh.- In Seaforth, on May 10th, Mary J. McIntosh, twin daughter of the late • George McIntosh. • Retort -In Tuckeromith, on May 8th. 1921, I Cure -uncle Arnold, widow of the tate Johe Ecker,, acted 86 years and 28 days.- , Mclhmald.-In Grey township. nn -April 28, Cheri. A. MhDonald, aged 54 years, 4 menthe tied 10 dare. • Penohey.--1. 'froderlch, on April 80th, Arthur Wilfred, youngest sun pf Mr. and Mrs,' Wilfred' Peacbey, in his 7th year. MacAvoy.- -In Goderich, on May 2nd, Michael MacAvoy, aged 62 years. NOTICE The Council of the Municipality of Mc- Rillop will meet at the Carnegie Library Hall, Seaforth, on Saturday, the 28th day of May, fit 2 o'clock 0.m., when the Engineers Export revpeeting the Johnston and Irvine tension Dram will be read nod eonaidered. JOHN McNAY, F. J. MCQUAIB. Clerk 2787-1 Reeve. FITS Stinson's home treatment for epilepsy. Twenty years' success. Thousands of testimonials. No case should be considered hope- less. Free booklet. WILLIAM I STINSQN REMEDY Co. of Can- ada, 2611 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario. 2785-50 ' IMPORTANT NOTICES CATTLE WANTED. -TEN OR TWELVE, head of cattle to paoture en Lot 26. Conoc.e ion 4. Met. ilIon. Apply to JOHN GOVENI.00K, Ermondvtllc. 278602 t'ti1LK, COW. WANTED. --I WANT TO PUR- 1 ohaae u pure bred registered Shorthorn cow or a heifer with calf. Apply. giving particulars and price, W W. M. 0010, L.L.B„ !Suite 5, Steveoa Building, or phone 1616, Pert Heron, Michigan. 2787-2 FARM FOR SALE.—FARM OF TWO HUN- dred acro adjoining the Town of Sea- ,ylprth. eutvenieetix shunted to all churches. 1,l sole and Collegiate. There is eg t comfort- able brick cottage with t anent kitchen fern 1 ox es with stone stabling d 40 hogs for 6 tel stanchions 75 hens of cattle end 40 hogs with steel car and water before all d stock: letter carrier and feed carrier and two cement silos: driving shed and plat- form reales. Watered by a rock well and windmill. The farm is well drained and in high state of, cultivation. Plowing is all lion-choioe clay loam: Immediate posem- %ipn. Apply to M. BEATON, R. R. 2, Sea - forth. Ont. 2787-tf MANY MEN WANTED. --MEN WANTED, who are willing to accept positions pay- ing from 59 to 410 per day. Men who are tired of laboring for an existence. thin is Your one good ho nce. We are training men life positions au farm treetioneera, garage .mechanic., track driver', salesmen, vulean- taere, welders, battery. experts, etc., or will bels you start a garage business of your own. If you are out of employment or dissatisfied with your present poor paying job, oaU or write immediately for full partieulam regarding our special pion to next few men enrolling. Day nod evening classes. Apple HEMPHILL AUTO & GAS TRACTOR SCHOOL, 168 King Street West Taranto. 2784-4 Dependable Stparli. n'lug9 PUBLIC ATTENTION 11'8 have now opened kuninna in our new quart n: and wish to mol icit a fair ant renege from the general public. We have du hand for sale n umbs ;'sf good used ears of lifferent makes: Chevrolet. Saxon and Fords. all of which have been overhauled and are 'n first close older. We have also for axle 2 robber tired hnggia. 1 trailer. 2 motor- cycles. Prompt attention given to repairing of all mikes of oars. We sorry o full Zinc of pais for the following Chevrolet Maxwell Overland. Gray -Dort and Fond. We try n line of the different leading makes of tine and tuber including Gondysr, Dominion, Dunlop. Rnynl Oak and Ames Holden. We also moll coal oil Inge and small quantities, Mew -Morel and High Test Gas- oline. Our sign the VISIBLE GUARANTEE MEASURE PUMP. • Carlin Bros. Brown's Garage, North Main St.. SEAFORTH. Champion "HeavyStone" 0-13, The xto'Uowiii •tang fdr the this Beason a6 to ,HOOFEIi /_W,''H, E44TI ' a LORD 1100411W tItejfill dJ) basset,. Dairolweut No. 1724 .:Fawn, 1 Will *toad for the improvement of stock this ,eases. as .tolborm: allay, -swill .leave kis -own stable. Beech. w • a an�d go to John 7lurraps, McRUI014 tar soon; thence to' Allem Ears', 1086, Con- cession, for one hoar;`tben t'p hit Owen pptoble for night. Tmeday-To Peter L1nd.&'., Mullett; for noon; thence to Owen Flynn's, Or night Wednesday -cel, Wm. Andemoa's. MaKi4op, 809}' noon; than to his own otgble for' nlght Thamday.-To Dominion Hotel. Dublin, for noon; then to Joseph Atkinson's; Hibbert. for night Friday. -To Martin Cur - tin's, 1§5 milts east of Seoforth, for noon; then t4 hie awn stable far night. Satyrd.y .- To James Flannigan e, Logan, for noon; then te, hie own stable. where he will remain until the following Monday morning. Terme,--fro tnsere a foal. 818. J.aw Evens, Proprietor and Massager, Beechweed, Ont. COL. GRAHAM (12103) Approved Enrolment No. 1279 Forma Al W01 attend for the improvement of stock thin semen, an fouewe: Monday, May 9fh.--At nogg will leave his owg stable in Egmondvilld and goo north &lung the gravel, road to Grieves' bridge, than worst to Joseph Me2'arlorns, for night 'rutedoy.--Will go west • 8% mile to the Ifinburo Road; then north to pert Steven - sons for noon; then coati 9% miles and eoutk 1,4' `to Andrew Flynmb,,, for night Wodmudoy..,-Wild proceed. Ilk- JTilvs &math and .eset 9% miles to Mo]ool.n;o Montgomery's for auan ; then coat t his,. owe stable for night. •'Tllureday.-South 2151 ranee : them east two "!Hiles and one-half In Peter Mervor s, for odon;' Upon north Ade miles to John Lan'e's, for night Friday. West to the North Gravel Ro41,1 end south to hie own stable, where he will remain until Mogilev awn. 'Forms to insure a foal- 615. Demimlek Reynolds, Proprietor and Manager. BLACON'S SON (20869) Approved Enrolment Nu. 6272 Feria Al Terme to insure --415. Monday.- Will leave his own otable. Bruce- field. ruenfield. and go went to the nevoid auncension Stanley, then north W John liutchord'e, for own; then north and went to Fal. Glynn, Jrs.. for night. Tuesday. By way of Dan- nockburu to Varna at the Temperanie Hotel for noon: then by way of the Barfield ,toad to the Goshen Line to Arthur McClinchers, for night. Wednesday. --By McCiyrnont's side rood to the Parr Line, then mouth to Wm. Fmter'a, for 'noon: then .tee William Me- Kenzie's, 2nd concesaiont oft Stanley, for the night. 'Thursday. --Tu, the Tqwn • Line, then 2v $ippon and south to George Glenne, fur roost; then by way of the l.ondon Ruud to his awn stable, Brucefield, for night. Friday To George licCartney's, Mill Road. for noon ; then to MoAdam'o nide road. and north to the 9nd ioneasJon H: R. S., Tuekeramith, teen west to Jamie Carnochan'o. for night. Sat- urday. - Went by Brondfoot'o bridge, then south to the Mill Road, to hiewn stable where he will rennin until the following Monday horning. R. D. Murdock, Proprietor and Manager. The Deeside Premium Horse MAKWiRA (Imp.) No. 15279 Passed, • Enrolment No. 3267 Form 1 WIII stand for the improvement of stock thio. eeasom as follows: Monday. -Will leave his own stable, Stalin, and go west to Richard Satiety's, for map ; South to OM -Canna in rayLine, then Wit m hid 1 own stas for atnight: Tand south leave his own stable at noon and go oath to Jam. Ballaatyne'e, Tisborne boundary, for night. Wednesday.-- South to the'Mame. Road and wet to the Ellmvitle Line and outh to Elimville to Jonhua Johns', for noon; then south and east to William Brooks, for night Thursday.—South W the 10th concession and east thrm miles and north to William Thompson,Lot 8, Concession 9, for noon: then nortl, t the Kirktun Line and watt to Taylor'. Hotel, Kirkton, for night Friday. --North to Mount Pleasant at Jasper Pridham'a, for noon: than wort and north to John Hamiltons, for night Saturday.—North to the 71.11conces- sion and west to t.Ke Centre Road and smith t, his own stable, where - he will remain until the following Monday morning. Terms to inure--- 615. John Livingstone, Proprietor and Manager. INVOLUCRE [21461 (82966; Passed Enrolment No. 354 Form 1 Will travel the following route this season: Monday: --Will leave his ows stable, Bruce - field, and proceed west to Varna at Sher- lock Keys', for noon: then north into Gude- rich Township to the Bayfield concession and t to A. A. Weleh'o, for night. Tuesdoy,— North by way of 6th concession to Porters Hill at George Vanderbilt -Wu, for noon; then north to James MCMllInn'a. 6th concenston, Goderich Township. for night. Wednesday.— By wit), of Jewel's Corners and Benmiller to W. Hill's, for noon; then by way of Maitland coneaAion to Holmeoville at Harry Sweet's, for night.. Thursday. By way of 16th con- eenaton to A. Townoend's, for noon: then by ay of Huron Road to Berry & Camerons Carriage Shop. Clinton. for night. Friday.— South by way of the London (toad to his own stable, Brumfield, for noon then want 1, i miles and south PQ miles to John Murdork's for one hour; then to his own amble for night, Snturdty- South 2 miles, and asst. 11; mile to Robert F.lgie's, for noon; then by nay of the Mill Road to his own stable for night. Thr above route will be Ftntinaml through - mil the season, health and weather per- mitting. Termse To insure, $16.00. William Berry, Proprietor. Never before, h* the bietorr�rr of 'the. ,W'al'l Paper business bas there been such a,boundleas`agd altogether beau. tlf111 selectionof appropriate palters as there are at present, and we have all the best ones on display. SEE THEM EVENINGS OR SATURDAY AFTERNOONS at our office. We do Painting, Grain- ing, Paperhanging.. and. Hardwood Finishing. All work 'guaranteed. HOOPER & ELLIOTT Painters and Decorators MAIN STREET - - SEAFORTH "Make the Home Walls Smile" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o S. T. HOLMES 0 Funeral Director and 4 Licensed Embalmer 4 Undertaking Parlors in 4 Beattie Block, opposite The 0 Expositor Office. Residence 4 Goderich St., opposite Dr. O Scott's. O Flowers furnished on short 0 notice. 0 Phone Night or Day 119 o "Ol t R�Z ' " TOWNSIfi(le QF 1(210 ,LQ' 'l'be McKttlaa C _ ilea wltl' meet 00 Court of Revision en Aoeeaemeat Bgi1 gf " the .Muukjpatity at -Carnegie Library Hbft o'obseetb, urs SaWrdny, Nay 28th, ab 16 o'o106k a.m: By order of Council. JOHN McNAY, 2787-3 Clark.. CALF' MEAL. He knows its good and he can't wait for you to feed it to hint, Our Calf Meal is a great milk saver and gives the necessary strength to young calves. Try your luck with a 25 lb. bag. We also have a. full title of No. 1 Mengel, Turnip, Cori., Sugar Cane and Millett Seed on hand. Give 'us your next order. W. M, Stewart o 0 MAIN STREET PHONE 77 0 , 0 c. The Double Track 0 000000000 000'0 0000 000000000 W. T.BOX&CO. 0 O O O O 0 O O 0 O 0 • ' Embalmer and O Funeral Directors 0 H. C. BOX 0 Holder of Government O Diploma and License 4 Charges moderate 0 Flowers furnished on ahort 4 notice. 0 Night Calls Day Calls 0 Phone 175 Phone 43 000000000 0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W. S. GORMLEY 0 0 Embalmer and Funeral 0 Director O 0 Undertaking Parlors Above 0 0 M. Williams' Grocery Store. O O Main Street, Seaforth. O 0 Flowers furnished on short 0 4 notice. 0 4 Charges Moderate O 0 Phone -Night or Day -192 0 000000000 0000 FARMS FOR SALE rt ARMS FOR SALE. -100 ACRES, LOT 12, Concession 6, in .the 'Township of Tacker smith, 8 miles from Seaforth, 6 mil. from Brucelleld and Kippen. convenient to echos.' and church; 95 acren cleared, remainder In maple bush. On this farm are excellent build- ings and are in first-class repair; hard and soft water in the house and in stables; 2 wells, 1 having a windmill. This farm is thoroughly under drained and fenced send In a high state of cultivation, never having been heavily cropped. This is in every way a first class and up-to-date farm. Alco Lot, 27, Concession 12, in the Township of Rib- bert, containing 100 scree; 80 tures cleared and thoroughly underdrained and fenced, the remainder is in first class maple bush. On the promisee is a comfortable hotline house and good barn 48x58 with atone stabling; also good well with windmill. This farm is all seeded to grass and is in excellent eondl- tion, having been cropped very little; situ- ated within 6 mile. of Hensel], quarter of mile from school. There is long distance telephone connection on both farms, also rural mail delivery. These farms will be sold together or separately to suit purehmer and on reasonable terms. For further par. ticulare apply to the proprietor, on Lot I2, Concession 6, Tuckersmith, or Seaforth P. 0., R. R. No. 4, or phone 14 on 181, Seafert . THOMAS G. SHILLINGLAW. Proprietor. Route COURT OF REVISION. TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH. The Tuckemmith Council will meet as a Court of Revision on the Ac.eeement Roll at the council chamber, Seaforth, on Satur. day. May 28th, 1521, at one o'clock p.m. Appeals igafnnt the essaemegt must be in the hands of the clerk un or before May 21et, 1921.. D. F. McGREGOR, 2787.8 Clerk. 9 'We will c,a tt you•r 't�'is.ti COUpor1S' Off'• ply ate a ,, in our" Savings Dank where*;,' draw interest at- 3Z per anrnt THE CANAD1Alst • . OF COMMEIRI PAID-UP cAPrrAL $1'5;000; RESERVE FUND - $15,000,1 SEAFORTli BRANCH, J. G.,,lduUen;•'.Manager' Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT, and CHICAGO. Unexcelled Dining.. Car Service. Sleeping cars on Night Trains and Parlor Cars on principal Day Trains. Full information from :any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning, District Patimmger Agt., Toronto. W. R. Plant Agent Phone 4w. Victory, Govern- ment and Muni- cipal Bonds Sold at current rates and deliver- ed free 'of expense. R. S. HAYS, SEAFORTH, ONT. 2778-ff Baby Chicks From pure bred trapnested S. C. White Leghorns (Barron strain). The Barron Leghorn is an English bird and for a Leghorn is a very large bird, some of them being as heavy as the Rock; have the advantage over the Rock in that they seldom, if ever, set. With the coming of the warns weatfer the heavy breed seems de- termined to set; not so with the Leg- horn. At this time she is determin- ed to lay. They will also lay in the winter if properly cared for. From Nov. 1st to April 1st, ten of our trapnested Leghorns laid 1,035 eggs at an average price of 73 cents per dozen -$62,78 cash from the ten hens. From these birds and others nearly as good we are offering 'you chicks at 22 cents each delivered at your station. HURON SPECIALTY FARM. Walter Rose - - Brussels, Ont. Phone 38x. Box 34. 2783-6 A.A.Cockbu BARGAIN STORE = nn% IIIIIIII1111111611111111111111111111111t1111:J%II1111111111111111111111II111111111111111111111L T® .ALL HYDRO „ USERS .71 From Monday, May 16th, to Saturday, May 21st, will be HOT POINT WEEK ?' FOR THIS WEEK ONLY We will sell the Hot Point Electric Iron for Bring us any old Electric Iron and get a ig,New Hot Point Iron for = Remember! This holds good for One Week Only. See our window for special display of Hot Point 5 Appliances. Act Now. Turn in your old iron and = secure a new Hot Point for a trifle more than cost = = of a new element. = PHONE YOUR ORDER TO 19. • Reid Bros., Seaforth 0'(1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111:1111111111111I11111111111IIIlII11111111111111I1111i: 300 PAIRS MEN'S 50c FINE BLACK SOCKS 10c Pair Saturday Only. These are splendid Socks that we sold at'less than Half Price at 23 cents. They have been wonderful sellers in all the Cockburn Bargain Stores at 23c. They are not coarse seamed at the toe, nor can you shoot peas through them. A leading government official in St. Catharines says they out wear any socks he ever bought. We want to be generous with you but cannot promise more than 4 PAIRS TO A CUSTOMER, CHILDREN'S $2.50 HATS AT 89c. A big clearing lot of 2000 for our four stores, Straw Hats in 1921 nobby styles. Why pay $2.50 elsewhere? - OUR ODD TROUSERS have arricvd. They are a fine lot, in five different varieties and sell- ing at Low Prices. 13Iue all -wool Ser,,, in all sizes for $6.50 WE HAVE just received a fins lot of Silk Hose Seconds to be sold at a pair.. 75c a SIrip0,11N,'.tc,l in very tine1ma- •rial 1,, •('l$4.95l 1i .(17 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given thn@ nil persons having eb,ims against the estate of James Magee Workman, late of the Township of Slnnley. Farmer. who died nn the third day of March 1921. are rem:ired to forward their claims, duly proven. to the undrmigned on or before the eighteenth tiny of May, 1121. AND nntiee is further given that after the aid ante the Executor will provost] to din- tribute intribute the estate, having regard only to the cinims of which he shall then have notice. DATED rat Exeter this twenty-fifth dny of April, 1921, (MADMAN & ST ANII2IRY. 2705-0 Executor's Solieitoro. The Question of Price WHITE STAR LI _/��.::', i�Oire�/%rCrls%.®/✓fir/moi`.''®®/////. Annual Low Fare Excursion GODERI('II TO DETROIT ANi) RETURN - --------------- „rl r I'li a' -- -lot. ;hr ord of n the will have :t (1 5- a. -elth and without 1C - 1!r. •rroutrrs in all „.ie••ve= . • • • • . •3 3 and 50c $2.50 REAL SWELL 1 :unisr,io•s in SII;. All shades, To •h;il' ;tr 99c 1u'a!LA DIES' iNiiERWEAR (1,•a! :;nap. SPE('IAL Bthli£il 81 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the rotate of ,AlexnndeeF Kerr late of the Town of Senforth, in this County of Huron, Retired Farmer, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the Statute 1n that behalf, that all creditors 'and others having claims ngoinat the estate of the said deceased, who died on or about the Nint1, d'aj of March, 0121. ere required ee or before the Fourth day of Jona, 1921, to end „hy'ypoat of deliver to .7. M. Bent, Sea - forth; Opt.Sol6dibiir, Amelia Kerr, William Kart and rchibald Kerr, the Executors of the said estate, full particulars of their claim°, AND TAKE NOTICE that after the last mentioned date the said F oeutom will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the said de- ceased MIME' the.. parties entitled thereto, having rh iatfd only .to the . claims of which they shall then . have nogqde and the . said Executors °hall -not be habil, Yor 6105 ea(d °rash, or any part thereof to any, Yemen or Persona of whams claim notice hall not have. been reeetval at the time of °ooh distribution... 5, i. M. B1I81'. - ealleltor for the said Exeottere. DATED at Seaforth. Ontario, this ltd day of May, 1921. 27814 Price seems the main consideration at present- but it is well to remember that some clothes arc dear at any price, however low. "Clothes of Quality” are a positive proof that correct styles, fine fabrics and first- class tailoring can be obtained at reasonable prices. Before you buy your new suit give us a call and look over our samples and styles. We can save you dollars and give you real value. SUITS FOR $24 AND UP AT 44MY WARDROBE" )3 .ST, Si ORTf it mow BA LHRIGGAN Rug. $1.7: f11' 1'I:.l..0:0:•5:' in \ fen': si2'OS. :\s ' I,,,,- , , Pee •arm"t't : .)C 1•;,•t:', $1.50 f.:i - . - ------ - ---. ti . Doe f • The Big Steel Steamer Greyhound • 80.00 Staunch, Safe, Speedy, Comforialle 1 $2.00 Round Trip 1) ILL LEAVE GODERiCH 1 One Way Tuesday, June 14th, 9.30 a.m. $1.35 :1.00 65c 15c 35c 25c ANOTHER FINE LOT Reg. 6fic fur I,f cher, goon Reg. Foe far i Voile W"ai,vlt in many r.Iors, still selling al :1.39 Rog. 40e far Arriving ht Port Huron 2 p.nl., Detroit 5.30 p.m, Returning, leaves Detroit Thursday, June 16th, 1.00 p.m. Detroit time. The only boat trip from Goderich to Detroit this season. Visit your friends and see wonderful Detroit -big, busy, prosperous.. A delightful trip over the great international highway of lakes and rivers.,.,Dining and lunch service aboard at moderate prices. *BAND MOONLIGHT OUT OF GODERICH MONDAY EVEN- NINRPi JUNE 13th, 8.16 p.m: ORCHESTRA FOR DAN'OI'NG '•rN STEAMERS BALL ROOM. 8% HOURS ON BEAUTIFUL LA'li.5 `iHURON 50e. CHU4DRLIN, 25e. ' ;Last trip 4o D%trOlt;'Frlday, June 17th, 9.30 a.m. WE HAVE IN STOCK those real good pleated Skirts at the same old price $5.00 Worth $7.111. MEN'S SOX Light and Dark Grey union. Reg 40c, for . • • • ' 25c''.. I . A CHOICE LOT of Bink Undors tts worth 26.00, for St • +4..1 $3225 JUST RRCEI D'' colo s.1° 11 ,. dSMa lllil# .Y. 4 }t., 1:4,4 * �A�. le �:iltr'ill,h„ ,Itr4oEi,� ?.. n'I,21'. M1 „N 1,), Mf). .. tki•!'Ge5 .Y •: ,�.� „ :•:e14,14.rt'..