HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-05-06, Page 6• L
r, Nese end Meat
fa in Medicine, University of
Assistant New York 0ptha1--
Aural Institute, bloor a
Golden Square Throat os-
is, London, Eng, At Mr. J. Ran -
's 'Office, •Seaforth third Wedees-
in each month from 11 a.m. to
88 Waterloo Street, South,.
Stratford. Phone 267, Stratford.
Jamee, Proctor & Redfern, Ltd.
E. K. Proctor, B.A.,Sc, Manager
36 Toronto St., Toronto, Can.
Bridges, Pavement, Waterworks. sewer-
ge Bratems incinerators, Schools,
Public Halls, tioneings. k eateries. Arb -
trattoria, Litiestiois
Or Feeci—Usually paid out of
the money 140 nave ear
Specialists in Health and Accident
Policies liberal aud unrestrictd.
Over $1,000,000 paid in losses.
Exceptional opportunities fur local
2773-50 liettate, Ont.
THE PLATING or FRUIT Mina per minute. There '*,aa still est pulse
This is the ssaien for setting out and no breathing. The skin and lips
young fruit trees, and it BLOUId be were deadly pale, but the ele4vIs
done just as early as posnible. Aa bluisit. Active treatment for aer-
ation as the ground ie iu conditjaa to. Phine poisonieg—linorphine was found
work, preparations should be made ta in the stomach—now began.. The
the planting of the young orchard. A , stiffness passed sway is two tours,
good, deep ploughing, if the land was and consciousness was regained on
not fall ploughed, should be giten, October 30th. On November 3rd the
followed by a thorough dieing.
k d i te ; natined well.
i patient was convalescent. She re -
After tilt land has been seer e a
MAY 6, 1921. 1 -
I ed 8.4.,82,100,64; taere produced in thie
country r year
ThrOu the -sale of snore than 62,-
1 000,000 pollnds this season, Wilson N.
I C., claims' to be the worldis greateat
• leaf tobacco market.
1 For the whole of Canada, the aver-
age wage paid per month for -farm
helpers during the efunmer season of
1920 was $46 fur nien and $47. for
good condition, proceed to lay out the
big entertainment -hall obese the re-
ceptioks, goin' to be. It's decorated
vith two thousand aollars' worth of
bride roses an' Mita of de valley an'
smilax. AR de up-tovin placee vas
bought out, an' den Schwartz vent
down rift' Avenoo."
The 'right moment had plainly- ar-
rived. --
"Say, Mr. Munsberg," Tembarom
broke forth, "you've giving me just
Ithe new up -town society reporter for
orchard. As it is desirable to get the the Stinday Earth, and I came in here
laying out should be dune with ewe..
what I wantedto ask you for. I'm
trees Heed ue in all direetions, this tiummER TBE YEAR ROUND. T. Tembarom to see if you wouldn't help me to get
' h show at finding out who was going
One Upon a time the British Isles
(Continued frum page 7) to:have weddings and society doings.
Start at une currier of the field and 1
Earaer than that there wiAlsioa time accent of the New York German
' I didn't know just how to start.
Munsberg. gave a sort of grunt.
jireetion. Having etstablished this were saold as Greenlaud, and it was ,
wiraer nearla ail the year round.
plant a Stake, then run a straight line
lasrullel to a fence, or in the desired
He- looked less amiable.
lites it is now necessary te rue another when 6"a"w" and l"'I'" g 'why"' • "If you comin' in here to try to el la tose
[ you're used to nothin' but
line ttt right angles to it. someslings, young man, jeost you
Mabee= grinned exactly at the
• Leaden is now, and it was sumaner Fifa Avenoo," he said.
all the year round and every year: let that same vied vat blew .yeu in ,
Agent for Hawick Mutual Insur-
ance Company. Successor to John
Barris, Walton.
address BOX 1, BRUSSELS
or PHONE 42- 2769x12
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer and
Notary Public. Solicitor for the Do.
minion Bank. O8toe in rear of the o- ,
di four sides of the squaia. and 11 it
minion Bank, Seaforth. Money to ' , . ' i i '" •• i I lo be at,. Inelast demi, e ra t
A S,:t,ie at e.o.,1 ul„,oe,
loan. , E,„.,,„. 1:,„„le..i,,i ares ind;_ • 0nd T. Tergiaiirern looked back at ham
_ ._ T, li:1 in tlie ltro of the , ittsre ,.,,,,, 0,... japan'. rate of ireen,,,s, in The normal i ieletti friena'anrsa ill
the, e :,s ,es zi,•,. reut:raiii. 1,11t. I•• ,,, ,,, ,,, „.,. . 1 , a a • il.n, sharp bo, ah fat., did
J. M. BEST :•::::1 s :aloe:. ;tea the :i: lit r asst t i 1,1,..L • . , l ..:••• l II t .1 , a 1 one- a in ,, „ • a ,ia ,e . mail, •
. lolo 1o. .elleteiza and the high cost ' Vell, he •a 1. n n , a 1
Barrister, ‚'*11 r. Conveyancer '''''i" On" soa r lint / a o 1 ' e sl- tz , • . . .ii„,i,„„1 ye,,Hy i „_ siCli toward ., ea:: i r "if yin! ain't no
• .
and Notary Public. (-aria. upstaits
over Walker's Furniture Store, Main
Street Seafoi t h .
aith a staat,cara awasara ult. eight 1..artior atm otit,,,,,_i2111a was buried ander.ablow you right out pretty quit . at ioela ante egain. Nut only his good
grinned, but his eyes grinned
C. back to the tuat sta s p . , „ a , ,
that. point; HOW :shorten yuur line to he s iurea of British\coal wt -re abehina "I'm not selling n darned thing," ' t''''th
: also, if the figure may be used.
"Fifth Avenue!" he laughed.
feet 00 this line and make it mark at ice and snow, and' Kill earlier (when eut buyin' sioding,s, PM busy."
feut. and by holding olio end of the
1 feet the enswered Ten:Marian, with undismay- i
1: id down) It was covered with ot,
coed at the first stake planted, draw a sh-aaaing. laaaeal fora"- -1" aa. ed cheer. '"There'a been no Fifth Avenue in
•irele on the giaund. Having this , /tr., li •wai swung bacitwards and lor- ! "You vent someiling?" jerked, out
'titaie lengthen the curd so ten feet 'tar:la:i.e. an winterise stately pendia . III undberg. mine. lin not used to anything, but
and held one end of it et the point l',',.. v 1,,'. 7 .,ifir corner of it 'f alternate ., ,
, , . • I es, I *ant something,'" Temba- get mai to Harlem, if you peopleal
, yuu may bet your life. I'm going to
you marked oe ,agnt feet frau the la ri,•,Is •,1 intense cold and gklnol," wan answered, "but it's nothing any ,
first stake, and draw another circle vt a Il, ! 'a , with in,ie rnitoliate periods of
,_ °fie has to 'Pay f"r• I'm only 8 newls- I'm dead stuck on it., 1 want to make
let me. l've just got this job, and
Wheat this ciFelo outs the first circle 'lured war ma' and cold. A t tattler • paper man, He felt a glow of pride it go."
made, plant a "stake `lhe line made
by this stake and the first one plant- : ea of ,•itel, ,wwing there were no year-
ly' Lear ,rm. The earth is Still swing- ! as he said the worths. He was a .
: newspaper rssan oven now. "Dan't let •
"fle'a [nighty different from B'iker,"
eel is at rialtt angles a, tht• line first we, and it is swinging toward a warm , Tee stop you a minute. I'm ler luck to , ,
said Mrs, Mansberg in an. undertone.
1 of perpetual summer. 11. will ."Vhere's dod oder feller?" inquired
run, get inside anywhere and sit down.
After having tem this second late ttl, 1..S. in about a quarter . ,
of a million • Let me wait." , I Munsberg. "Re vas a damn fool, dot
: oder feller, half corned Moat de time,
as far as desired all. S.1.1111W prOCWIll'y according to some soieranstti• 1 Mrs. Munsberg read the Senelety , an' puttin' on Clarence airs. Nu ou,e
can Le used to complete the third
I'll give 'yours Stip et bell lannie.t*
returned to Mrp. lilowes'e bowed-
ing-touse so late that night that oven
llteinberger 'and Bowan lad ended
their day. The gee in the lall was
turned flown fa a glimmering point,
and the -houee way silent for the sight.
Even a cat who etole to kiln and rub-
bed herself against big leg miauwed
in a sort of abortive whisper, opening
her mouth wide, but emittiug no isound.
When he went cautiously up the stair-
case he carried his damp overcoat. with
him,, and hung it in company with the
tartan muffler close to the heater in
the upper hall. Then he laid on his
bedside table a package of papers and
After he had undressed, he dropped
heavily into bed, exhausted, but elate.
"I'm dog tired," he said/ "but I
guess I've got it going." And almost
before the last worel had uttered it-
self he fell into the deep sleep of•worn
oat youth.
(Continued next week.)
, papers and revered them. She also I was goin' to give him nothin'. Ile
side of the square and so on until ' • " I hnew -the value .,f telvertisement. She 1 made folks mad at de atart."
there La a complete square around Divoitres ynpalt,pasan 1N JApAre. caught her Ia:band's eye and her- i "I've got his job," said Tembarom,
the field. ; le the proportion of rtivorces to I rietilY winked at )11nl• "and if 1 can't snake it go, the page
Now decide 'lam the tate:ices eet: ri•..,, Japan leads the world with "IL's awful ""ll'lde. "Swon't do will be given up. It'll be my fault if
',part your trees urn to he ,laced. 11., div Fri.,: r.lr i•yery 1000 marri- piarin if he weits if ill. ain't nu t Oat happens, not Harlem's. There's
by Ili rt y foot or thirty.lire frot ,,..• ,h, 1, 44,4,14,,. ii, tui,..„,.,.ns in 1911 „sri.i., "so.,. said Tensbarem, handing skfirH;ite,tij,,,,;(171.4-1,aggle',:•alpn-dt-u'ivn,,,'„1, 1,1:k..,,,,.
, ..-...,,. 1.11,.flleial reliorts, 'state that taK" ihe rni in.
F,a appi•es it is generally thirty fret
thirty -tiro Diet. 1-o, plain, twenty :-,,,,-; i a as 4..,..,„•,,,..,i f403,326 itiamiagay, ever one of tile cards which bad been if I can't get on to IL"
feet by twenty feet. 1, „,.0„ ,,/, 119., di,„„.01 io each 1,000 , Little Annie leisinisidike inspiration. He hail begun to know hia peopie.
the thirty-foot disineee is ehas marriages. This is ceinpared to the 1 "1'. Terabaretis New York Sunday al u risberf 1:', SS II geed -natured, swag -
11'• read Mtinshorp, rather grudg-
en mark elf thirty-foet distane, s ,,,, (,,,,,,,4,4,, 4,„1,4 a 21 6 a 11,,,u5and, „dial, 1 Faith," goring little ilobrow.
tie' Tie 10-lo„..1 at '1'. Tiimbarom, 'fhat the young fellow should make
it clean breast of it and claim nu
dewn-aiwn superiority, and that he
should also ilaVe the business insight
te realize that be Might obtain valu-
able snub ty items from such a rep-
resentative certifecti iner !is M. Minis-
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Pub-
lic. etc. Money to lend. In Seaforth
on Monday of each week. Office in
Kidd Block. W Prnudfoot, K.C., J.
L. Killoran, B. E. Holmes.
Honor graduate of Ontario Veterin-
ary College, and honorary member of
the Medical Association of the Ontario
Veterinary College. Treats diseases of
all domestia animals by the most mod-
ern principles. Dentistry and Milk
Fever a, specialty. Office opposite
Dick's Hotel, Main Street. Seaforth.
MI orders left at the hotel will re-
ceive prompt attention. Night calls
eeceived at the office
Honor graduate of Ontario Veterin-
ary College. All diseases of domestic
animals treated. Calls promptly st-'
ended to and charges moderate. Vet-
erinary Dentistry a specialty. Office
and residence on Goderich street, one
door east of Dr. Scott's office, Sea-
,•nt• ,111,!Cii..” and tle ',the- „, „.., , f .1 ,..„, ,C, I „,;,,,L,t„,, ,.,,, . ,
111n1 UP fur the etaez , ,,,„,,,a. i, i,,, ,,,,.,„,„,1 a, a,, „,„,,:a "Thank :sae." atid Teinharom: "'Id berg, a as a situati al to incite atm-
•,,.,,.• , .1: When in line 11 both di-, ,.„ ,,, • 1, ,,.,18 1.0,, ,..„1.,,,,,ry ,.,..i_ ,„! ,1,,wn, II, ii ei male another st•tri, able ii,,,,,iimenis.
r,•.ii ns lie piants the stake arid theo E ,,,,si,,,.1 „4.„, sh„,„„i a„ i„,,„,,,,,, ,,t: anyhow. "Veil, you didn't come t.o de wrong
1,:,,,•,- is to the next i.loint, an,1 so 014. .1: ,,. ,o1, 11i 1., whin.. in 1919 the in. 1 After this I ilo parking went "fl ; lace," he said. "A I I tie biggest
Where it is impoSsible to obtain the l;',.,..:„.„ .w..s, OW.y loO,794. fast and fureas A youth appeared things eemes to me, an' I don't mind
may use the fellow:ng alternative 1 _ -.a—a I from the beer. of the store, and ran
' byre . and Hier,' as ht. WaS ortiVro,I. t 0 do no harm, Weddings an' things
ska•vices of three people, two persrins ,. r tellira you abeut 'tam "rain't goin'
ntetimd: After lining up all aides of of CHEQUERS PLAYED BY ' Munsberg and :in wife filled wi"'llen dcy ought to be wrote up, anyhow,
the square, a wire may he stretched EGYVIIANS„ I and cardboard le,xer with small reliefs if dey're done right. It's good for
from one side of the field to the 1 and larger on, s, with sandwiches and biiSiness. Vy don't they have no
One :a hr oldest voiles which we '
othea and drawls taut and the proper i i y ti,alay 'is thy ttaiia, of ',he,' uw... . salat14 candies and erystallized fruits. pictures of du supper tables? Dotal
planted. The rest.of the procedure is 1 ::. : t ta a I x hund 1 years ago, the.placed a lail.,,e be goad."
ahere's lots of receptions id wed- .
distances measured off end stakes ,;,a'a,,,, , .i. - '1
the same in both eases. ra- 1 1 Y game, 'a stains ila ed a along the I, leT:etk(i)• twheithiaragirergx ‘t‘,..71ple on the tOp a
; of it, with silvea, , dings that month," said Mrs. kluns-
doves arlorning it -
'that in all essentials, slava-
' 'anted' bri-a ' lar to oar game of chequers or berg, becoming agreeably excited.
After all stakes are p , aside and in. there was nu mita
„ , Nile. was
i t as The anci ait Greeks aim i laking the p,otie significance of that "And there's plenty handsome young
into use late planting beard. This is I ,,,
st board about six or eight feet long I ,..u.,a,,-Iti•,...:
game with'. but with Basest cake. Caitaide the blizzard whirled girls that'd like their pictures pub -
with ti +iota at either end and eec I ''`` '. .': dh et 11 the ' t 1 ' 4-1ud 5 of '31'1"w "particles through the iiyhya.
ttiractly in the centre. air, and the Nein horse kept .
his head eNone of therm have been in Sun-
' variations an .1. rou a in er-
„ i.4,' .1 enin,- centuries it has interested and
Its use is very
sim.Ple. Plac— ‘nierflined ienplo. Some new pre- Idewn and ills fortdetas braced. His :lay paper'. before, and they'd like
eentre Notch over one of the stakes ,;_•`. 4.,h,„
alnothex 'old g , , driver had tong Mae, tried to cover it. The four Schwartz girls would
which is loeated where a tree will be ''':
I i 'mt.-that there is veryMore mental I hint with a blanket which the wind make grand facture's. They dress
eventually pleated, drtve a peg c 1 rm-:- '.•ontinually tore loose from its fasten-- splendid and their bridesmaids
work involved" but the genie of
ie a. mid flapped about the creature's dresses
calm. front the biggest piecet,
it, Fift' Avenoo,"
"Say," exclaimed Ternbarone, risina
from his chair, "I'm in luck. Lacif
struck me the. minute I turned in
'here. if ayou'll tell me where ,
Schwartz lives, and where the hail is, •
and the church, and just anything
else 1 ern use, I'll go out and whoop '
up a page to beat the banca" He :
\Vag glowing with exultation. "I
know I can do it. You've started sae
Osteophatic Physician ef Goderich.
tipecialist in Woreen's and Children'sdlaeases,
deases, reheumatimn, acute, chronic
and nervous disorders; eye, ear, nose
and throat. Consulation free. Office
above lamback's Drug store, Seaforth,
Tuesdays and Fridays, 8 a.m. till.1 p.m
C. J. W. HARN. M.B.C.M.
425 Richmond Street, London, Ont.,
Specialist, Surgery and Genio-Urin-
ary diseases of men and women.
Graduate of Faculty of Medicine
McGill University, Montreal; member
of College of Physicians and Surgeons
of Ontario; Licentiate of Medical Coun-
cil of Canada; Post -Graduate Member
uf Resident Medical staff of General
Hospital, Montreal, 1914-15; Office, 2
doors east of Post Office. Phone 56.
Hensall, Ontario.
Office and residence, Goderich street
east of the Methodist church, Seaforth
Phone 46. Coroner for the County of
through each of the notches at 8tae
ends of the bott The board Ana
the stake may n. w be removed Sind
the hole for the . du*
.After the hole is dug it is easy to
get the tree ,iai rim same place as
the stake was by bringing bask the
board and fitting it ver the two end
pegs. The tree, if t R placed in the
centre notch, will be .in position.
In planting young trees a few pre-
cautions must be observed. The trees
should not be allowed to become dry
at anytime before planting, but elsonld
be takes to She field wet.
The bole should be large eaonglt 10
acconsmodate the roots without jam-
ming. All hmken parts of tbote
should be trimmed off neatly.
When planting the tree, the our -
face soil is generally put in first and
the soil should be continually tram -
84 or rammed as the planting pro-
ceeds. Rough handling in this num-
ner cost do no harm, but will do
good. After the trees are set, the
top should. be cut back about one:
third or one-half, sad constant cul-
tivation given • until midaintmaer
when a cover crop or meads may be
permitted to grow.
C. Mackay honor graduate of Trin-
ity University, and gold medallist of
Trinity Medical College; member of
the College of Physicians and Sur-
geons of Ontario.
Graduate of University of Toronto
Faculty of Medicine, member of Col-
lege of Physicians and Surgeons of
Ontario; pass graduate courses in
Chicago Clinical School of Chicago;
Royal Ophthalmic Hospital, London,
England; University Hospital, Lon-
don, England. Office—Back of Do -
Minion Bank, Seaforth. Phone No, 5,
Night calls answered from residence,
Victoria street, Seaforth.
Ckeel''"*S. siO3ri4e as 1" s' presents a sales. Inside the store grew hot.
demand for the 'lee of mental pow-
ers quite equal
Fhere was hurried moving about,
to those of fhe aver.
banging doors, excited voices,
age person: That the rules el thebangingad.00na,
irrigable ars given and counter -
game have become very well eistala-
t i nded. ' rnbarom found out in five
litticii is indic.ated by the fact that 11'.'
minutes that the refreshments were
Joshua Sturges's "Guide to flie Game
for a wedding reception to be held at
ef Drafts," which was first published
a place known as "The Hall," and the
in 1800, is still the standard author -
goods meat be sent out in time to be
ity on all points of dispute in the
ready for t'}* :preparations for the
game of checkers as played.
Georgia has 310,737 farms.
Canada's annual wool prodeetion
values 366,199.228.
Havana, a city of 400,0011 inhabi-
tants, has more than 6,000 saloome.
In Canada, 420 whales :were caught
by Vancouver Island whaler e in 16'20.
Every fouth man, woraan and child
it Philadelphia has a saving fund ac-
A census of Canadian manufactur-
ers ia made yearly by the Dominion
bureau of statistics.
Liberty bonds outstanding on April
1st, totaled $15,279,490.350, against
$15,88'2,198,100 on March lat.
Every workman in Japan wears on
his hat an inscription stating his Wei -
nese and his employer's name.
The acerage devoted US cotton in the
United States; India and Egypt, this
last year, was 59,.95,000 acres. -
The Bank of Montreal (1820) and
the bank of Quebec (1820) were. the
first two chartered banl.s iu Canada.
Farmers in the theited States use
approximately 7,000,000 tons of com-
mercial fertilizer each year.
According to the department of ag-
riculture, farm lobo" is reported to be
relatively plentiful this • year.
For the first time since the begin-
ning of the World Wee the United
States is developing a simples of
Parcel post packages exchanged be-
tween the United States and Germany
have been increased from 11 to 22 done it fine."
pounds, "He never done nothin' no finer,"
The city council of Fostoria, 0., is Mrs. Munsberg said. "It looked as
trying to limit the speed of all rail- gond as anything on Fift' Avenoo."
roads to four miles an hour through Both were relieved and pleased with
the town. themselves, their store, and their cake
The United States ranks first of the decorator. Munsberg spoke to Tem -
countries of the world in silver pro- barm in the manner of a ,man who,
duction. Mexico is second and Canada having dude a good thing, does not
third. mind talking about it.
Business failures in the United States "Dot was a big order," he remark -
last year numbered 8,738, as compared ed,
with 5,893 in 1919, and 9,657 in 1918. should , smile," answered Tem -
The Swiss government recently au- barom. "rd like to know whose go-
thorized the extension of the working .ing to get outside all that good stuff,
week in certain trades from 48 to 52 . That wedding cake took thd tart away
hours. 'from anythrit
ing e ever seen. Which
Out of a total number of approxi- of the fair huadred's going to eat
mately 37,000,000 inhabitants, Italy's it?"
industrial population does not exceed 1. "De man riot ordered dot cake,"
2,304,000 , I Munsberg swaggered, "he's not gat
There are 326 steel merchant ships , vorry 'along on von million nor
of 1,406,246 gross tons, now under two. He owns de biggest brewery in
construction in various shipyards of New York, I guess in America.• He's
the United State.s I Sehwartz of Schwartz & Kapfer." '
One hundred and twenty grams of , "Well, he's got it to burn!" said
radium, or eighteen thimblefuls, valu- Temberom.
"Her's a mighty good man," went
on Munaberg. "He's mighty fond of
his own 'people. He made his find
money in Harlem, 'and he had a big
fightto get it; but his own people vas
good to him; an' he's never forgot it.
He's built a fine house here, an' his'
girls is fine gitil. De van's gola' to
be married to -night her name's
Rachel, an' she's goin' to marry a nice
fele; Louie Levy. Levy built tbe
A remarIcable ease of escape from
burial alive is given in the London
organ of the Medical Research Com-
mittee, as follows:
On Ootober 27, 1919, a hospital
nurse of Charlottenburg, Prussia,
aged twenty-three, took morphine
and vieronal, and wandered into the
Grueuvrald, where she became un-
conscious. The temperature was low
and the atmosphere damp and chilly.
Next day she was found and taken
:to the mortuary. A doctor saw her,
and found her deathly pale and pulse-
less, nor was she breathing. He
dropped some sealing wax on the
skin, and no reaction took place. He
pronounced thel body dead, and it
was placed in a coffin, still in its wet
Some fourteen hours later, on
October 29th, the coffin wal reopen-
ed so that a lawyer might identify
the body. It appears that the under-
taker's men saw that the cheeks were
blue and that the head moved slight-
ly. The same doctor -was recalled,
and now heard faint sounds, butthere
was still no pulse and no breathing.
The patient was taken to hospital,
and at 10 a.m. on October 29th—i.e.,
forty-two hours after the swallowing
of the poison—'the limbs and trunk
became partially stiff. She was still
unconscious and showed no reaction
to stimuli. The heart sounds could
now, however, be Sieard over the
breast -hone, the heart beating at 30.40
Licensed auctioneer for the counties
of Huron and Perth. Correspondence
arrangements for sale dates can be
made by calling up phone 97, Seaforth
or The Expositor Office. Charges mod-
erate and satixfacllon guaranteed.
Miter for tbe County
es attended to in all
Patintl. Sever years' es-
" adattitoba and ibudtatcho.
reasonable. Pljone No.
':It11LY. ,OB,
-Tafeeit-e Hun*
oarattit, prong*
Warta ts a Weil &seam greatly Witt..
mead by comattutional conditions.
TOPIC and Blotkll • nititlet. BY cleansing
the blood end bundtori,a? the flystem.
normal emulating. sad .e.lig7datore 46.
HAWS CATABREt restores
wedding supper that night.
"if 1 knew how. to handle it, I
could get staff for a column just sit-
ting beta," he thought. He kept beth
eyes and ears open. .1 -le was sharp
enough to realize that the mere sense
of familiarity with detail which he
was gaining was material in itself.
Once or twice he got up and lent a
hand with a box in' his casual way,
and one.eor twice he saw that he
could lift sosnething -doyen or up for
Mrs. Mensberg; who was a,little wo-
man. The natural casualness ef his
way of jumping' up to do the things
prevented any suspicion of officious-
ness, and also prevented his waiting
figure from beginning to wear the air
of a superfluous object in the way.
He waited a long time, and circuit,-
stancee so favored him as to give him
a change or so. More than once ex-
• actly the right moment presented it-
self when he could interject all op-
posite remark. Twice he made Mune.
berg laugh, and twice Mrs. Munsberg
voluntarily addressed him.
At last the boxes and parcels were
all carried out and stored in the
van, after strugglings with the open-
ing and shutting of doors, and battl-
ings with outside weather. •
When this was all over, Munsberg
came back into the eSore, knocking
his hands together and out of breath:
"Dot's all right," he said. "It'll
all be there plenty time. Vouldn't
have fell down- on that order for
twenty -vivo dollars. Dot temple 011
the cake was splendid. Joseph he
tij hal Mat iS
jp.06040, Sciatica, Neuralgia.
rite brought good
M:34t, istaltfutTurcoo-eeTsaviocance10
octiwsibedi imoboyodiecortofirtet.redon idyeabyrs
gists, ti .00 a hex. Ask our Kam
11.1.4"2"117acatIcte°A141:en*lti,r;Eegie.-t Unrgill/eWISAP:T.:("atea.ga.
VOLT can a'so make
beautiful light cakes
and bread of wonderful
whiteness anti flavor
withCreano of the West
Maple Leaf Milling Co., Limited
Toronto. Winnipeg, Brandon, Balite'
Munsberg and his wife began to
warm. It was almost as though they ,
had charge of the society page Wenn-
selves. There was something stimu-
lating in the idea. There was a sug-
gestion of social impertanee in it.
They knew a number of people who
would be pleased with the prospect
of being in the Sunday Earih. fftey
were of a rime that holds togethes, and
they gave not only the names and ad -
cheeses of prospective entertainers,
but those of florists and owners of
halls where parties were .gieen.
Mrs. Munsberg gave the name of a
dressmaker of whom she shrewdly
guessed that she would be amieably
ready to talk to a soeiety-page re-
"That Biker feller," she said, 'got
things down all wrong. He called
fine white satin 'white nuns veiling,'
and he left out things. Never said
nothing about Miss Letvishon'e dia-
mond ring what her grandpa gave her
for a wedding preseint. An' it cost
two hundred and fifty."
"Well, I'm a pretty big fool myself," ,
said Tembarom'"but I should have
known better than that." •
When he -opened the door to go, Mrs.'
Munsberg called after him:
"When you get through, you tome
back here and tell us what you done.
totanilatiiits. ,
" Cireubtre fret.
F. O. Clung *Go.. Toledo) Ohio,
New Fos
ad yea am Promote •
Gras. dadttytorrinos
reirrymaii* .
Write fern*. nreCarentsat.
10 forl5c (7ebtee
'he, I
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