HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-05-06, Page 5C 1 f r ti1211+:; ai.'tvJ: 11 iilfAlt gioafortii, May 6, 1921. 1i ]!!loco', lin t Earle; Pep Open., r x....25 to 2'SIe, M gso .pegrcwt $10.50' tr` s Bran;gioUr'.per 'ton $38.00' MI. Shortf3,per ton.,, 1,,.;s$35.00 .• ;t. 'Wheat,' per 'bushel $1.45 Potatoes, per bag 75e Oats, per bushel.,.. 400. Barley, ler .bushel t.)75c BEAN MARKET Toronto, eam, Canadian - hand-picked, bus8hel.82.90 to ,98.00; Pelmet, 12.40 to 52.80.; Limas, Madegoaour, 7 to 8e; California Limas,, 10 to 12c. POULTRY MARKET Teronto, May 8. -Dressed Poultry -,Spring erahlokens, 30 to 88c ;roosters, 26 to 280; fow4 27 to 860; ducks, 87 to 42e; turkey., 50 to geese. 9$e. Ivo Poultry -Spring chioke o. 80 to $4c; reenters, 260; fowl, 28 to 86e; duck., 800; turkey., 42 to 500; geese, '20 to 23c. DAIRY MARKET Toronto, May 8. -Cheese, new, large - BS% to 2934 ; twins, 29 to 110e; triplets, 80 M 30%c; old, large, 83 to 84c; do., twin., d$SI. t. 8494,; triplote, 8494 to 360; New v4SLLltoa, 33c. stutter -Fresh, dairy, choice. .33 to 40c; reamery, prints, fr,ah, No. 1, 49 to 60c: cooking, 80c. Margarine.. 25 le 10c. 14'g0. --New laid, 04 to 0Lu: new laid in carton, 37 to 58e. GRAIN MARKET Toronto, May 3rd. --Manitoba Wheat No. 1 Northern, 11.93% ; No. 2 Northern, $1.789; , No. 3 Northern, 91.71%; No. 4 wheat. 11,66%. Manitoba rude- No. 2 O.W„ 41%e; No. 3 C. W., 38%c; tiara No. 1 feed, 88%c; No. 1 'Seed, 38%e; No. 2 feed, 11109e, Manitoba Elarhw-No. 3 'C.W., 70o; No. 4 C.:W., 69s4c; ',elected, 59e ; feed. 86c, All of the above is store at .$bra V{'illtam, Amerlean Goon - 11c; nominal, track Toronto, prompt ship- 4nent Ontariooats- .No. 2 white, 41 to 43c. Ontario wheat No. 2 Winter, 91.50 to 51.55 per car lot; No, 2 Spring, $1.48 to 51.43; line. 2 wheat, ser i nal, shipping pointe aecurding to freight. Peas No. 2, $1.30 t, $1.36. Harty Malting, 82 t, 07c, aceording to freights outside. Buckwheat No. 8, nomi- nal. Rye. No. 2, $1,30 to 31.35; nominal. 'dcording t, froight, oldslde. Manip ,ur udo-First patent, 910.00; sound patent, talk oralmord9.60, bulk m Mi l!feed ODel,v versed. Flour M entree' freight, begs included Bran. pal. ten, 387 Merl, per non $:15.00; mod feed our, 92.1(1 10 $2.40 per tun. !ley N.,. 1. per um, 021 te, 923. Straw Car lute, per tun, 812.00. LIVE E STOCK MARKETS E'I's Buffalo; Mar 3. .Cattle receipts, 2.900: ac- tive 15 ie :,0 renin higher; eh iePing steers, 30.26 to 58.8:, : hut•hers, 98.35 to 50.75 ; year- lings, 80,50 to $8,25; heats.. 95.50 to 58.60; cows, 92.25 to $7.10; bulls, 3425 t, $6.25; ot,rk,a,s and feeders, 33,.20 to $7; fresh cows and springers, $60 to 0180. ('olvw, receipt. 2,100; 50 cents lower; Eli to 911. Hogs, rn *white 10.500: 21, to 50e lower: heavy. 90.74 to 80; molal beakers, light do., and pigs, 90; few, 00.15; roughs. 37; stairs, 5.1. 50 to 95.00. Sheep end lank., receipts, 10.000; lambs 25 ..ate higher: Ismis, 0; to 311.25; yearling 37 to 99 ; wether,, 07.25 to 97.60 ; ewes, to 39.75; maxed sheep. 90.75 to $7. NON'IHtEAl„ Mur Cattle receipts, 006. Included for ,ole ,• ,hurt hS heed left ever from het week. e l'p es 11rtwtenameleenamelgood,d rattle had heon sold to ,o tabled, nrirrs.. COMM.r, Behr and ,,,ugh cattle w the easiest t. ,ell, The t. brought Ori',.. reeving tram 37.25 to 39,7'.. One load, n ver- 0gine 1.100 pound, was ,aid et the latter tit urs. Two baby bet v..ahrelish half dozen yearling tic rah l, ,, mid519. heifers s 'were.,4d at 31. (begat i„n,. It hn fen Ma,lium. 98 5., 59; ,•ut:hrr teem cher heifers, metlium,c 57.55 00 57 5, 88: burr heifer., common. 50 m 98.50; busws, Medium. 35 t, a7: h $2 •her $2.50 0; outtere, 33 to 54.1,0 butcher boils, 2 tcommon, $0.00 (u $0.510. Calves Jte'eipte, 0.71. The market wee trunger. Sate w.re made generally at 97 a�,. 55. Estreme prices 06 to 58.50. Qeotatione: Gond at. 30erumediom, $6.50 to 37.50. slump -...Receipts. 156. Gaol sheep and year- ling htmlw brought 99 and spring lure hs $7 to 011 each. Nags-it„ceipl. 1,090. The mint common v price quoted n. 913.50, an dd Baler went up to 513.75. v ,sl 'rhe market was fairly active, Union Stock Yards, Toronto, May 0. though the number of rattle for sale w le,.. then un 11, is tiny n week ago, trade opened very slaw and price generally w re Just .tends with 'Thursday's rinse- Choice heavy oers were a n hale easier, and Mat- chers ' ;doers were the strongest viae. The beat price for chose butchers' memo was 310.10 per cwt. paid for six hood averaging 1,28ls 0 p,un,, fad by Robert Reid, Welton, and sold by the United Farmers' Company. A few .hire steers and heifers hrought as high a $9.60 per cwt., and the run of good kind .old nt from 38.50 to $9.00. There was a good demand for choice feeder.., and feeder buyers paid good beef prices for the kind of stock that spited them, one load of good cattle, averaging 1,070 tem ads, bringing 99.50 per eat.. to 1(0 back to the farm. De- ma RhOWed improvement, and trade wa/ more brink afternoon, though prima were not decidedly stronger, and before the close buss. era had made a fairly good teems -op of the total offering. Recas 0,00 1.067day were 3,500 cattle. 757 hogs and 867 sheep and lambs. h� ,, quotations were as follaws: Choi. §team, 39.00 W $10.50; good heavy eteew, 58.00 to $9.00; butchers' cattle, choke, 00.00 to $10.00; do., medium. 57 to 95.00; do. e.mrap4 $6.09 to '97,00; butchers' eattle. angles, $0.00 to 010.00; do., good, 96.00 im `da,, common, $4.00 to 05.00; butcher.' '0000. choice, 57.50 to $8.70 ; do., good, 80.00 to 97.50; do., common. $4.00 to $6.00; feed- er., beat, 57.75 to $9.00; do., 900 lbs. 97.26 to 98.75; do., 800 }hs., 85.75 to 96.15; do., mammon. $5.00 to 96.00; canners and .Otter, 38.00 to 04.90; milkers, good to choice, 975 to 9000; do., common to 'modem, $00 1. 3N: ohoiee apringea, $85, to 9110; leadw, Yearling,, 010 to 011; do., Spring. 019 to $18,80; .aloe,, good to choke. $11.00 to 311.50; .beep, $6.00 to 89,60; hogs, fed and 0seeed. $11.75 to 012 ; du., weighed o0 cam, 318 to 519.20; do„ (.0,5., $10.76 to 811; de.. ooaa6ry p.int0, 010.60 to 010.88. BIRTHS Ohamborlyn.-In Seaforth, on April 87th, t. Mei and lam. E. C. Chamberlain. a daogh- Oae -Mary Margaret Helen. Ament-fa Brussels, on April S8rd, to Mr. and Mn. Scott Ament. a daughter. S8.ttt-la Brood., on April 34th. to Mr. and len. Walter B. Scott, a 9.o --Welter Femmes. Skinner. -In U.borne, on April 22nd, to Mr. and /era, Celli Skinner, twine --a ma and dadahtor. 8irrrove.-In Hemel', on April flat, t. Mr. and Mr. Fred Simmons. a gen. Li.k.--In Myth, on April 16th. to Mr. and .Mm. Jabs Link, a dough ter. MARRIAGES M.Doaald--8mikb.-At the Manan Ripp... en April 8815. by Rev. R. A. Lundy, Jane, daughter of the late Neil Smith, N Mr. Donald McDonald. of Rayfield. Hargeoaves--Shillirutlaw.--At. the home of Mr. • Tbhras 8hiIBnalaw, Tox1n ra0IA, .n Apes' 21st Janet 8hillinglaw t. Mr. I. Harisreavea. of Toronto. Myhre-1.8871or.---At 8t. And row's Mame, Mo.'ie .Jaw, Seek., by Rev. G. W. Allows, on ADF.D 16th, Mr. Norman D. ?dunes, of Rcee00w,y• 8aak., to Mise Juneve Taylor, forrerly Nf Brbao0o Sellers -]barrio, -At the Methodist Parsonage, Brussels, by Ker. W. It Sta'ford, H.A., .a ApNI 20th, •Mrd Richard Ha,'old Seller., of Morris tartishly. to Mise Hilda, daughter of We. and" Mm, John Barrie.. of Are! towiioblp. •' ,. la&IATH�,Qf� diose.-00:1.p"'oy`tlion township, os Ani 80th, Mre.»j'6m® Wee, in her 47th year. ll L , In Hibbert, on= Abril05,4, -Dun- II .term, aged' 86 Year. Fellio God Th -W111 Me Bucher" titlllril $ildt i'iat�'ry' .nee Leo ton, kis of Wm. Dearman. a000l.D. Oat.. aged 32 years and M days. a erre to btfp. on April 20, Elliott, year. In,. Tueke,nmlth, on April 81x4 Button, wife of w P Thomp.ett, The i0110irtgie 041i0#0 this Ogden , fip0 t Rt stook [671 6a) yp . " Vol 30. D a8C„ •' B. 44' • - Enrolment' No. 1784 Feint 1 LB' stand for the improvement of stock this ;Mason, as foflowa; w MOoathitY. Will leave piss own stable, Beech. go to John for. neon; thence, toAllen uRess', l 10th Oon- ceealon, for ono hour; then to his own arable for night. Tuesday. -.-To Peter Lindsay's, Hulle4f, for noon; thence to Owen Myrna's, for night. Wednesday. -To Wm. Anderson's, McK18op• for noun; then to his own stably Por night. Thursday. -To Dominion ..Rete!, Dublin, for noon; then to J000ph 'Atkinson's, Hibbert, fon night. Fele/ay.--To Martin Cur. tin's, 1453 miles east of Seoforth, for noon; then to his own stable for Dight Satnrday,- 'll, James Flannigan'.., Logan, for noon; then to hie own stable, udaere he will remain until the following Monday morning. Terms,. i1'o insure a feat 918., Jamas Evan., Proprietor and Manager, Beechwood, Ont. COL. GRAHAM Approved Enrol(mer t6No, 1870 Form 1 Will stand for the improvement of, stock this aeaa0n, as follow.: Monday. May 0th,- At noun' will leave hie suable in Egng,ndville sad go north along the gravel road to Grieves` bridge, then d ensth1 toJ go west 8 e Joseph Mc5hrlane., fur night, thu Kinburn Road; then northlb Bert Steven- eon's fur noon; then west 8% mile and south 149 to Andrew Flynn's, for night. Wednesday.-- Will proceed I9 miir south and t 0% miles to Malcolm ilontaom0ry'a for noon; then arta to hie own stable for •eight 'Thursday, --81 2t, 29b miles then ..at ter s: then north miler and one-half In miltesr to e1 noelJohn Lanes. for night. Friday.-- West to the North Gravel Road and south w his own ',table,• where he will resets. until Monday lean Terms to inure a foal -;15. Dominick Reynolds, Proprietor and Managers BLACON'S SON (20869) Approved Enrolment Nee 5272 Form Al„ Terms to ,sure 816. ?dun,loy. Will leave his own stable, Ilrur„- 8r1d and go vent to the second concession or Ir titan , r. Cher th to John n, fu, nom then north anti west W E,Ed. 1. Glenn, ,1 r'n., for night. 'recedes. By way of Itan- urkhurn W Ven, at the Temperas) ic Hotel for 11,. thin by `v uY the Hayfield Road t, the Goober, Lineto Arthur !tic(7io111nchey's fur eight. Wrdnendny. IryM"CI r side road to (Im Parr kine, then eolith tom Wm, roster's, for teem - than to Wil I lam Mc. Kenxre'n. 2nd cuna.5siun, or Stanley. for the night. Th un;day. To the 'lawn I.;ue, then to KiPP . and Hoath to George Glenn's, fur ',Don; then by way of the ',endue Road to his own stable. Demme old, for night. Friday noon thee George Mmm'sideroadmirth s yi11endr to the :,'d out swiss 11. 11. S.. Tu.'ken, mith, then amt 1,, James e'ar,uIngh ehn n'e. for t. Sot- aW.-I by liruadfnel's l,r,I lee, thee to the M2! Road, t„ hisown oo clie, re where he will main until the following Monday morning, It. D. Murdock, Proprietor and Manager. LAURIER MONUMENT FUND Tu date there has been subscribed towards the Laurier Monument Fund the suns of $34,913.87. This repre- sents the voluntary subscriptions of tons of thousands of people, fur the largest amount accepted from any one person . is $5.00, and in hundreds of cases sums of $1.00 and less have been sent in without names or ad- dresses, The work is now well under way and anybody desiring to sub- scribe may do so by forwarding an amount to the Honuurary Treasurer, Mr. P. C. Larkin, Toronto- 2786-1 IMPORTANT NOTICES CATTLE WANTED. -TEN OR TWELVE head of cattle t, pmtnre on Lot 26, Concession 4, McKillop. Apply to JOHN GOVENLOCK. Egmundvi Ile. 2756.2 PASTIME 17)8 CA'rr1.E. I IIA YE PA5- wre for 10 ,,r li, heal of cattle. Apply to A. III1GiLL, R. R. Nu. 2, Seaforth. Phone 6 on 516, Clinton, 278046 PURE, BRED SCOTCH BULLS FOR SALE, For nate 4 pure-bred Scotch Topped bulls with 10 erases of imported Scotch breedirlg, mired by Connueror (imp.); one 16 months old, red; one 22 month,, old, red; 2 two ream old, one red and one roan. These are extra good animals, both as to individuals end to type, and will be tit to had any herd. Sold on reasonable terms. Apply on Lot 8, Concession 6, Tuckemmith, or phone 8 on 131. PETER MoKAY, 2778-tf MANY MEN WANTED. -MEN WANTED, who are willing to accept positions pay- ing from $8 to $10 per ,soy. Men who are eked of laboring for an existence, this is your one wood chance, We are training men for positions+ as farm trsotloneera, garage mechanise, track drivers, soleemnn, vulcnn- isern, welders, battery experts, eta, or mil/ help you start a garage boniness of your own. If you are nut of empinymont or dissetistied with your present parr paying job, call or write immediately for fell particular. regarding our special plan to next few men enrolling. Day and evening classes. ADply HEMPHILL AUTO & GAS TRACTOR 801400L, 168 King Street Welt, Toronto. 2734-4 AUCTION SALES A110T10N BALE OF CHOICE FAl1M.- Thomos Cameron hon reee1ved imtrae- Liota from the public trustee, of Oogoode Hall. Toronto, to sell by pphlie auction on rho pemnfsaa, Tont Ns. 8. Conamoion 9, Township of Hibbert, en Friday, May 6th, 1921, et one p.m. ahnrp, consisting of 100 metes, theta or loin, of choine land; $0 aarao plowed reedy for crop; about 8 acres er maplend beach; email orchard; balance fn de ero. On the premixes tere ie a first chute atone home; lame bank barn. barn on low atone wall, straw shed and drive hone., 8 good spring wells, one with winded!). Thio 14 a choice farm. Close to churehen cebool and maekot; rural mail and telephone. Terme and .particular, made knownn day of nate, r en application to J. W. Jackson, Sarnia P 0, or to auctioneer. K. W. WRCGTRT, Anat. Pahl!, Trustee: Thema. Cameron, atm- . O. 2780.2 f't.EARING AUCTION SALE 09 woRsz5, Cattle and Pine. James Jones, anatlonaer, hag received inotruetinm from Mr. Edward J, Longmont, to sell by public auction on Lot 16, Conee.olon 13, Township of Logan. on Saturday, May 7th. 1921, the following: Itereee.--Clyde gelding rising 2 'yearn• .5 old, uosah mare 10 years old, • Cattle. -1 Durham Swt., due to July, 2 Durham a dole Is upe, w. 2 Troth cows with caiven ah aide. 3 fail heiforay' riding 2 ream old, 13 stapes 2 ream old, 14 yearling's,: 12 geed MOM* d.Iv,y t, 2 and 8 weeks old. Hity'ne.34So.s ue 30tKi''no`e'dne Nay 4th. 2 saws dm Mar'86t1i; wye July 16th, 2 eawti :doe May 19th, 29, 'Birk 408,6 recant ,old: 6 stars 11eat-'190 pounds, gbantity oodar'pes�, 7ooveeerm that Sem of 'menthe'sd orodlt0 Will be Oren .n fdrrli0'hind approved joint notes. A discount of 0' tier swot. 54r • annureC200 for cash on or i t.Vy. fU4'017'. 4 re- serve as OakB r 'g at6;,M'„pselan, Steck is' a1C"An mh HAa and.. ane-per- son �� who wlehet to leave their stock over !.ten k ser;-iihaip. ,e. fieA WAY', Pniirietor; James Jones, Auctioneer for Perth red Huron. 67$6.1 • '2 ,[d,lSigl,i1§lc,.lNiOdi,5i34?, ...v. ,.r SEED SEED CORN We have _,received ; our first ship- ment of Corm, and' can offer you BAILEY LEEMING, r WISCONSIN ,I GOLDEN GLOW MAMIMOTH SOUTHERN SWEET Also a full line .of fresb Turnip and Mangold Seed. A visit to our store will convince you 'thee our prices are right. W. M. Stewart MAIN STREET PHONE 77 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE in hereby given that all •parsons having elairae against the estate of James Magee f Stanley, Farmer' who died olate of n the third h. do of March 1921, are roluired to forward their daime, duly proven, to the underggned on urbefore AND not ce ihe s further ghteenth len of that after lthe maid ,fate the Executor will proceed to dis- tribute the estate, having regard only to the ebtm.• of which he shell then have notice. DA'Z'ED at Exeter thin twenty-afth day of April, 1921. GLADMAN & 8TANBURY, 2786-3 Executor's Solicitors. FARMS FOR SALE FITS Stinson's home treatment for I epilepsy.3 Y Twenty Y Years' success. ! Thousands Of testimonials. No 1 case should be considered hope- J I less. Free booklet. WILLIAM f ' s'rI s N 0 REM ' � IJI)Y Co.of Can- ' ala 1011 Yon gc Street, Turontu,; I I Ontario. 2785-50 I I MAKE MONEY AT HOME $15 to $60 paid weekly for your spare time writing showcards for,us. No can- vassing. We instruct and supply you with steady work West -Angus Showcard Ser- vice, Church & Colborne Sts. Toronto. The Double Track Route Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT, and CHICAGO. Unexcelled Dining Car Service. Sleeping cars on Night Trains and Parlor Cars on principal Day Trains. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning, District Passenger Agt., Toronto. W. R. Plant Phone 4w. 4 Agent DI Dependable Spars: F uga PUBLIC ATTENTION ei oy • 'We have now opened buainex. 101 our new quarters and wish to solicit a fair Patronage from the general public. We bare on hand for sale lumber of geed used ease of different make.: Chevrolet, %aeon and Fords. all of which' have Item nv,:rhnnled and are '0 lint class order. We have also for sale 2 rabber tired buggies, 1 trailer, 2 motor - eyelet. Prompt attention given to repairing of all mak. of ate °eery a full line .t reptant for the following: - Chevrolet, Maxwell, Overland, bray -Dort and Ford. We carry a line of the different leading makes of trees and tubas including Goodyear, Dominion, Dunlop, Royal Oak and Am. Holden. We also sell steal ail i. large and email quantitie., Standard and High Test Gas- oline. Our odgn the VISIBLE GUARANTEE )(EMI -LIRE PUMP. Carlin l3ros. r • Brown's Garage, North Main St. SEAFORTH. Champion 4'HeavyStgrte", 043,,34-1m. -in. .:1^,;,4f^,..,A'hs1SLi/liiS'216_r,F rrsn`.N,� ra.5.1114 ' 5` o,., 7 'ale,.$I Spring SOyWes are Here 1(' This style of Spring top- coat offers an topportunity 'to get out from under the heavy WiNvr overcoat and make e coplfortable change in apparel. You get fashion in this style - the samples we are showing for Spring coats include every feature that is new and dis- tinctive. SUITS FOR $24 AND UP AT . "MY WARDROBE" MAIN ST., SEAFORTH r"' rI Daly's Garage, Seafor BARGALES IN USED CARS.' 1918 Model with electric starter; in 'geoid shape. Special peke,,;�q 1918 Model, good 'tires, Al rnmsdlsg order; tire carrier ie tail lamp ' etet%9is 1917 Model, newly painted, good tires; engine r in first class o�' Hing order $375 1916 Model, s,liock absorbers, toed tires, engine Al •1915 Model, a right good ear ...4 $36U $825 J, F. DALY, Seaforth AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER T. A. BEATTIE, Salesman, FARMS FOR BALE. -1011 ACRES LOT 12, Conceonion 6, in the Tow,.I,p of Tucker - smith, 8 miles from Seaforth, 5 miles from Brucefeld and Kippen, convenient tea school and church; 95 ncr of cleared, remainder in 4 - maple bush_ On it farm qn' es r; bat and and are in first -clan. ries, r, hard and soft water in the house and m stables; 2 wells, 1 htti v n g a windmill.This farm le thoroughly under draineeddand fenced and In a high state of cultivation 'F* to nnever having been heavily cropped. Thio i .very y a first class and up -to -data farm. Also Lot 27, Concenskon 12, in the T,wnd,ip of Rib- bert, containing 100 acres, 80 ecrea cleared and thoroughly underdralned enol fenced, the mainder is in first class maple bush. On the premises is a comfortable frame house and good barn 48x66 with steep stabling; also good well with windMill. This farm 1e all seeded to ;rasa and is 4n excellent condi- tine, having been cropped veru bt(0.; edto- ated within 0 miles of Hensel', quarter of mile fmom school. There in long distance teruralone mail delivery, These farmson on both �willalso be sold together or separately to ,u:t purchaser tic•ularn epplynal th eterms. peflirt/ler l2, Concesntnn 6, Tuekemmith, or Seaf ,rah P. U„ R. R. No. 4, or phone 14 n 131, Srafortb THOMAS G. SHILLINGLAW. Proprietor, 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S. T. HOLMES 0 O Funeral Director anti O O Licensed Embalmer O 0 Undertaking Parlors in 0 0 Beattie Block,, opp'osi'e The 0 0 Expositor ,Office. ,Ijidence O O Goderich St., opposite Dr. 0 0 Scott's. O 0 Flowers furnished on short 0 0 notice- 0 O Phone Night or Day 119 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 O O 0 W. T.BOX &CO. 0 Em6alnter and O Funeral Directors O IL C. BOX O Holder of Government 0 Diploma and License 0 O O 0 O O Charges moderate 0 Flowers furnished on short 0 notice. O Night Calls Day Calls 0 Phone 175 Phone 43 000000000 0000 0000 000000000; W. S. GORMLEY 0 0 Embalmer and Funeral 0 O Director O 0 Undertaking Parlors Above O 0 M. Williams' Grocery Store. 0 O Main Street, Seaforth. O 0 Flowers furnished on short O O notice. O 0 Charges Moderate O O Phone -Night or Dzy-192 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 cn 0000 Victory, Govern- ment and Muni- cipal Bonds Sold at current rates and deliver- ed free of expense. R. S. HAYS, SEAFORTH, ONT. 2778-tf Baby Chicks From pure bred trapneoted S. C. White Leghorns (Barron atIaisl). The Barron Leghorn 1s an Engfish bird and for a Leghorn is a very }a7eg'e bird, some of them bring' as heavy as the Rock; have the advantage over the Rock in that they seldom, if ever, set. With the coming of the warm weather the heavy breed seems de- termined to set; not so with the Leg- horn. At this time she is determih- ted to lay. They will akin lay in the winter if properly cared for. From Nov. 1st to April let ten of aur trapnested Leghorns laid 1,085 eggs at an average price of 73 Beats per dozen --$62.78 cash from the ten hens. Prom these birds and others nearly ap god we are offering you chicks at 22, cents, each 'delivered at your atatiorl. , HURON SPECIALTY PARK Molter Rote ' - - Brua.ela, Ont. Phone 38s. Beer 84. 2758-6 -a4.••.?-';•5•9. t r1 .:�.� -.. 111 Ia1W•'•�..-__ 90.n,n g�j, 91516 BYir'Al a i ` =r •.a 9? t ,• 'ro"d q 1 l dA R' •338 I at • uI I yna 01 yD rise Dpp�� �{(.n �n Ir,bek I_ -- G 1 ens, .naso • 1n Has eten a «r THINK both you• fellows are missing a good thing. "I, l+c'ard you grouching sometk0 ng terrible yesterday, Jim, about your long, tiresome walk. You were late and got docked. I started ten minutes later and had lots of time. And you, Tom, saicryour feet burn- ed and ached from walking so much. "Why, my bike and I have the Laugh on boil) you fellows all the time. We spin along home while you're trudging along. Cycling has walking beaten a mile." "Well, wheeling is very fine with A Real Bike Like Yours I wish I could afford one like it, Bill." "Why, Torn, the shoe leather you're wearing out hoofing it on the hard sidewalks would help pay for a C. C. M. bike lilac mine. Besides, your time is worth money and a bicycle saves a lot of time. And then, you know, one like mine will last for years." "That's so, Bill." "Yes, and when you're buying a bike, Tom, be sure to get one with C. C. M. Triplex Hanger It makes a wonderful difference in the ease of riding. It gives your bicycle more speed -and pep -and power." "How much extra is the Triplex Hanger, Bill?" "Not a dollar. It's on every C. C. M. Bicycle at No Extra Charge" "What about that' handy little brake on your bike, Bill?" "You mean the TTercales Coaster Brakc. It'.s been .,c.'.;.::.aed 'the Little Fellow .,e ..it Grip'. You'll notice it hasn't any clumsy side arm. The Hercules is regular equipment on every C. C. M. Bi- cycle, too." "It's some bike, Bill. Guess we'd both better get that kind and ride to work, too," PERFECT - MASSEY - RED BIRD cE s.gT,; CLEVELAND - COLUMBIA "The Bicycles with the C.C.M. Triplex Hanger" Canada Cycle & Motor Co.%'L'unit *rostrad, Threads, WE$toN, ors., Yeried6r 'THERE ere vet .9.600 C.C.M. Service Bestr CCenedo carry, gr nine . C. M. pert. and giving C C,M. service, Look fir the above sign, -1ti, 11 a;',v . .t 'di14d y. ''2 ,' .,/ ,1 la tial;`?