HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-05-06, Page 4N M*,
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SEAF'OKTH, friday, May 6, 19'21.
Notes. -The Inane friends of Mr
end Mrs, William Stanley and family
regret to hear of their illness cause.!
by an infection of bad water, and hope
for a speedy recovery. -The farmers
of the vicinity are ,busy finishing
seeding. -Mr, t'. Ecka rt spent a few
days at the home of his daughter,
Mrs. Wm. Manley, daring the past
Notes. -STrs. J. W. Button and chit
dren have returned home after spend -
big a few weeks with Te •,
f w- k HenGt friends.
('hureh Notes. Le s. --Next Sunda • May
Nth, the quer'ter•i3' Communion service
will be held in the Walton Methodist
Church at 2.30 p.m.
Wins Scholarship. --- The many
friends of the Rev. J. W. Button, of
Walton, and graduate of the Seaforth
Collegiate Institute, and who is finish-
ing his course at Vii•tuna University,
Toronto, will be pleased to learn that
in the recent Theetegical examina-
tions held there, he was the winner
of the "Ryerson Prize," This is
:,warded annually' in banks to the
student ranking highest in examina-
tion of the Greek e,f the first three
gospels. This is no small honer and
we eengretultte hint en tit- stan,lintr
he hies obtained.
Dance, A fiance .will he held in Walker'.
I oa uod
1Hst a r '. 51a tech.
r v
Notes. _ re•c „_
-Mrs A 1 felon attended the
uvi A •i
Pr rc al 'Women's Missionary So-
ciety meeting held at Pcterbuu last
week. She is an enthusiastic mis-
sionary worker, and will give reports
to the home societies, ---The flu has
again come to mor village. -Rev, W.
D. McIntosh attended the sleeting of
Synod in Catham last week, -Mrs..
Renes visited relatives in London last
week. -Mrs. B. McGregor has gone
to, visit relatives at Detroit.-Farnt-
ars are getting anxi,ius about -getting
in their crops owing to wet weather.
- Mr. Duncan Aikenhead has bought
a Ford car, -Miss Mary Wainer, who
has been ill of the flu, is recover -
int. -Mrs. A. Ross, of our village,
who has been ill, is slowly recover-
ing. ---Ars. D. Walks, of Paisley, vis-
ited her sister Mrs. Neil McGt'egor,
of' Stanley, last week, -George Hill
shipped stock to Toronto on Saturday
Disastrous Fire. --Fire, !which was
discovered Tuesday night about eleven
o'clock, caused 54100,000 damage to
the plant of the National S )pbuild-
ing Company, on :Maitland street,
The flame; were first noticed in the
boiler shop by trainee:n, and although
a 'prompt response was trade by the
fire'department nothing could be done
but 'prevent adjoining buildings from
catching fire. The building was of
frame con.,,.ruction, and in addition to
housing valuable machines, two of
them worth $4(1,000 there was
quantity of flax straw. The machine
shop- ad -joining caught lire also, but
was extinguished before much dam-
-age was done. Some neighboring
houses were also ablaze, but not ser-
iously. Peer pressure hampered the
firemen. The cause of the lire is un-
known. Mr. Hutchinson, Jr„ was the
last person in the huilding and left
everything apparently all right. Then'
is about 875,000 insurance.
• Death of 71 rs. Thos, Fairse'rvire,sr.
-.We !earn with sorrow n
O the death
f ht lath
of Mrs. Thomas Fairaervice, Sr„
which occurred at the hone of her
daughter. Mrs. F. B. George, Lacombe,
Alta. Mrs, Fairservire and her son,
' Robert, left their home herr on a
trip West to visit her daughters, Mrs.
F, '$, George, Lacombe, ,Alta; Mrs.
Galaway, and Miss Belle Fairserviee,
Victliria, She had been in Lacombe
only a short time and was enjoying
her holiday to the greatest extent
when she was suddenly taken ill with
brnnehial pneumonia, being sick only
five days, when the angel of death
took her to Himself. The remains
were brought home and laid to rest
in the family plot in Burns' cemetery,
The fantral took place from her late
home, the Rev. Mr. Ahery officiating.
The deceased was the daughter of
the late Anthony Taylor and was
niarrdi d to Thomas Fairservice, who
predeceased her almost six years ago.
In religion a Presbyterian, she was a
noble '.character of womanhood and
had won the esteem of all who knew
• her which comes only through a just
and pure Christian life. She leaves
behinio mourn the loss Of a dear
mothand sister, a'family 'of five
sons -six daughters -and one brol'
thernE. Ar. 'Tears. Tag!
of' s m-
pathy(i:Row from the eyes of old and
yonngf; a dear mother and sister, a
friendj--a companion, a neighbor, one
Who v
s loved for her kin
� daces of
Spirit 'and Christian example, , bap
passel behind the scene.
trorigL/Wflliama.-,A pretty
arta sole1ltiIxed at 11 Cove
otele*,'the home of Mit and
Ills E e aughton, bt l2 unlock
wt. 'lit .-••o ' last weekr when
' li1ams qd-,. Cyt '2Geoygepeg, 1003.
, of
Millar, of Mount Bryddggsy, lin Che
presence of.ahout thirty -dire relattives,
The bride was dressed in a beautiful
gown of white crepe de chine, made
with skirt
actor /accordion pleated and waistie
also trimmed
to h
p S
carried a lovely bouquet of white
tulips and fern. She was given
away by her brother, Mr. Benson
Williams, while Mrs. George Williams
played the wedding march. After
congratulations, a sumptuous wedding
dinner was served in the dining room.
Mr, and Mrs. Armstrong left, on the
four o'clock train for Hamilton and
Buffalo fur their honeymoon. n'he
blithe travelled in navy Wee gabardine
suit with grey ttepe de chine blouse.
After a'p,ndit, a few weeks with rel-
atives in t.his neighborhood they will
leave fur •Winnipeg where• the groom
who is an expert electrician, will re-
'umt his work along that line. They
were the recipients of many beautiful
eel e Guests were present from De -
teed, Stratford Strathruy, St.
'I'I •imas, Springfield, Mitchell, Exe-
ter and ML, Brydgcs.
Theme, Road Nutcs.•- Mrs. (Rev.)
)4uxw„rthy, of Forest, visited her
ei: ughter, Mrs. Garnet Pass nore, dur
u..' the week. • etre. John Francis, of
Le.ndete .pent a couple of days last
week at the home of her son M,.
Wes. Johns. -Mr. A. C. Whitlock, of
let- 'Themes, and Miss Verna Whir -
luck, of Springfield, payed a Hyiu_'
visit at the home of !heir parent.
last week. -Quite a number have
fu,he•d seeding although the weather
has been exceedingly backward. ---Mr.
and Mrs. W. Jeffrey visited in the
neighborhood on Sunday.
'TUCK E11131 d'I'U
4, .Wool Report- The f.�llnwine
ter r,•pnrt of St'li , 1 1,•a•ti nn No.
'1'uc•kc-smith for the nwoth of Apr.!:
Sr. 1V Cerium, Ilan: -h 771. \Vill;:ce
Vet le,•:irt.'h:un "ir, 1Vi'he Seu'v•
pit•2, .1 ell Fetheringho:p: 677, G.•den
tee (021 Beset.. It reed fop ;I
Jr. IV. .I'ia Smit 614, Lyle Clew tete
0:.2, 'Wilsun McCartney 427, ''Mee
Sime -em 31_ Sr i1T. Il::zel Haugh
1;91, Kai hleea E heat I?21, Georg -
.11:1m -„ .1.211, 1., -'eel' 1 :11,' 511111 Tee.,
lirmelfeet .1011, ''Lillian Rich-
e, demi 270. Jr. 111.-11 ler. Davids p r
Er1i:: d -,o 1!» »! 611 I Ilarsil
ni U„ng 50`;, 1 Il:r l'app:•' :}10, W0 -
r !3 r•,nlfl„i .12,22 Alice Menr.te 401,
111,' 1•ott 114, ,1,,1111 F,tneltngham
. 'r'i:u'vnos Armstrong 273. Sr.
li'-I.'--ra Souter 237 Gordon Popple
22!:. Ruth Cartwright
'Beth Cart-
e C ant-
wr right t 1 .,.
Jr.Il-S r•
g Q:1 Pa ))
3 Papp
1 r th•
Bnaadfn oh
of .. Mayne.
u sennas 21:1, *.Stildr,<i T:ylor' L'-'4).
Number .,n roll for .0.pril, 48; average
attendance, 42.9.• -SQ STeliis. Teacher.
1)i...1 In Michigan. --Some of our
elder readers will read with regret
the fellosing deal/ notice front the
Davison Index, of ')avison, Michigan,
under date of April 29th: ••,leminia
1). darter, aged 50 years, 7 months
end 13 days, diel suddenly at her
):,me in Davison Saturday forenoon,
:1pril 23, 1921. She had been in her
usual health and news of her sudden
death sante as a shock to 00r towns-
people, Jemima Forsyth 'tarter was
horn in Seaforth, Canada, Sept. 10th,
12170. At the age of six months her
psrents, Mr. and Mrs. henry Forsyth,
Sr., and right brothers and sister,
moved to Lorian county, Ohio. There
lin•y remained for eight years, and it
was- there that two other brothers
were horn, thus making eleven chil-
dren in all -six brothers and five sis-
t.er•s. From this place the .family
moved to Millington, 51ieh., where '
they remained nn a farm three milee
south and !vest of th, village for 17
years. It was here the faultily mourn -
e,) the loss of the father and oldest
sister. It was also during this time
that deceased devoted three years of
h,•r life to school teaching, after
which time she was married in 184)3
to Charles Harter, of Millington. The I
couple lived happily 'ngether for two (
years when the latter was suddenly -
snatched from her by death. The t
fancily then moved tet Davison where t
deceased spent the remaining twenty- D
five years of her life. She leaves to 5
mourn their Inas an aged mother, for (
whom she was caring and who is at
the point of death; six brothers- t
.lohn, of Otisviile; Robert, of Ten- b
ressee; Henry, of Millington; George, F
,r Bay City; William, of Lapder, and S
ASrchie, of Davison, and three .sisters, (
Mr:,. Lizzie Foster and Mrs. Jennie t
St,rans of Davison, and Mrs. Mary I
Alexander, of Flint, besides a host of '
retaticee and friends. Services were I
, , e
al one p tlnc •1
t the
he (
Baptist church, Rev. W. J.
Gray, a former pastor, officiating, as- n
silted by Rev, Andrew Wood and Rev. D
P. J, ,Johns, During the services at. f,
Dm church, Mrs. Ambrose Smith sang
"Beautiful isle of Somewhere” and H
''Rock of Ages.” Mrs. Denison play-
ing the accompaniment. Rev. s
Stephens of the Millington M. E. el
church officiated at the Millington t
cemetery, and Mrs. Stephens rendered h
"In that City of Four Square," Among p
the many floral tributes to the stent- N
ory of the late Mrs. Harter, was a a
beautiful basket of calla and Easter a
lilies and pink carnations, a mute but w
chaste testimony of the esteem in R
which the deceased was 'held by the 1-)
merchants of Davison, with whom ahe to
had been so long associated," Among at
the relatives of the family present at th
the funeral from a distance were Mr. ea
and Mrs. James Finlayson, of Sea- he
forth, Ontario. ap
Former Resident Dies in The West. St
Mr. George R. McCartney on april
h, received the sad news of the of
cath of his cousin, Robert H. Mc-. in
artney, of Hardisty, Alta„ which th
ok place
on 'Monday afternoon,. cit
pril h, at four o'clock in the ;af-,1 fa
srnooil, -Mr: McCartney had been nu
ri his usual health up to Saturday, w
March 26th, when he took a stroke ti
and lost power of his left aide. He of
ived for
nine days when n he passed a ed th
peacefully Tly away suffering no pain th
whatever. His brother, George, was no
with him immediately after he took go
e stroke and until the last and ar-
d at Seaforthon
rt Saturday even.:
at six o'clock, April 9th, with the
y, where he was :met by a number
cot'idinsi and fri$nds. - The remains
ere Taken to the hbme of George R.
artney, ?liidli „Road, from where •
tire, funeral .'.Wall -held e181t'-0Sunday,
rest. beside thalee. of his father and
mother in Baird's cemetery. The
service was conducted by the Rev. Mr,
McIntosh and the singing by Miss
GertieGranger 4 ge and Mr. U. F. Mc-
Greggor. Robert McCartney was the
eldest sun of the late Hugh Me-
Cartney of Brucetield. He was burn
in the township of Grey, County of
Huron, on the 29th of December,
1660, and he leaves to mourn his
fuss au only brother. George, who
wakes his home at Hardisty, Alta
The pall bearers were Peter Cameron.
James Boyce, le Ross, A. T. Sett,
' iii•• Broad''oot and Dave ('apple.
The Hardisty Mail of Hardiety,
Alleet., nutkca the following refer.
are-- 1,, the death of the fate Reber:
McCartney: Following the report of
ter suck,• of paralysis whiih laid
"Kit)" nn a bVil of sickness, this wee):
we have to reonrt the death and burial
er our friend: Bob gave hopes
re•cevery at first, but in spire of th
of 2 , Kelman and hi. sun, Dr
to A E. Kelman, of Luugheed, it
e.11 -u eteen he lapsed into total tin
sai•,::.ne<s :nd breathed his las
:6•,l 1 la 1).111, on Monday, .Sprit 4
1; de le Hugh McCartney w•as,56 yea l'
of :m and had lived with his brothel
Ge -,gee for sever) years in (lardisty
A scrlirr wits held in ten• 11Ilion
clei:,•1, at three p.m. en Tuesday are.
as many as knew of the service at
lir nded su that the church was tilled
Jeer. M r. 3)urdeek assisted the paster
to take the service and the nude
ni art ett. rendered "1' cussing th,
Car." The body has beton taken 1.
Seaferth, Ont., for a cousin lives n
It1u • • ieid
eel and the interment lee t N'111 to ,
dare in i:iters
1 u tcmvtcr � where
I A, r
Stet':u'tney's parents are �bur'ied The
1, ra i'i,•sbyteri+un minister will con-
duct the 5,•2-v tete Supporting 11r
\lct'-.,riney the f„IltiWing ritiz.•ns
ed pa!! hearers: Messrs. A. Jahn
tore Mayor Whyte, lit, Mills, Alex.
Nooe, (', Wood and A..1. 1lcArther.
Ort i!.1. raakel lay a levet5' spray ,
Celia lithe., heliotrope and ferns tit
v.ith mauve tulle, from the Women's
le-titete, end also 0 b,snliful wreak:
2'r pink and !while cern/Won.- and
. ens rr,m 'Webb and Wensley'. 'fie
'ieei.:, including ellen, 11'01111.11 :an 1
en. :Ire wring t., 1'nron'u f,,.
Iresh floral tribute's to ;.reonapa::y th,•
,'l1' 'iwir late frietel In his lo,t
r••- 11.•1' elm,.With "13„1' Me; pt.s- •
i 2 lien hr, heart fr i1 Hardisty. F:ve r
eleiging, ever chee'r'ful he wen tl
carts ..f all. The little children lov-
1 nim and trusted him to drive them
ereund on heir
t tl dray. The trades-
men close, during Turin r h'
t c funeral and
g l
many e Wet eye testified to a sense
of personal loss. Muth sympathy
w:n' shown to George during his bee-
tle.: s-i:kness, and all feel despl
edit: him in this his hour of heav
Geed Appointment. -Mr. W. E. M.
Aitken, M.A., 1Terento), Ph, D. (Har-
v:'dl, .sometime 'rheyer Fellow of
the American School if Research in
Ie ruoJem, has just been appointed
to the staff of History in the Technical
Seedel at Toronto. This is the larg-
est and best technical school in
America, and has an attendance of
well over 10,000 students, The initial
salary is :(;'2.400, Dr. Aitken was re
cently minister of St. Andrew's
church, Kippen.
School Report. ---The standing of
the pupils in School Section No. 2
1'uekersnith, is recorded as follows:
!'lass V. -•John Sinclair. Class IV. --
fetal' 1175 -- Emerson Kyle 10611,
Lance Norris 1045, Rose MacLean,
1010, Willie Pell 1008, Mary Mc-
Donald 885, Fern MacLean 883. Class
III Sr., Total I100. -Margaret Elgic
1054, Clarence Maclean 1016, Harry
Caldwell 1)129, Mona MacGregor 059,
Tena M'Naughton 037, Robert :M,ac-
;regor 892, Grace Cooper 747, Class
II Jr.. Total 800 --Ami. Aikenhead
;24, Class II Total 800, -Annie Mc-
Naughton 717, Etta Bell 687, Marg-
aret McDonald 682, Duncan Cooper
542, Dorothy MaeLenn 523, ,Janet
nig, (glass I. -Beatrice Cooper,
tewart ('udinore. Primer. - Jack
duper, Charlie Cudmore, Verna Mac-
;regor.• Those having perfect at-
cndance for the month were: Rose
laeLean, Lance Norris, Willie Bell,
:merson Kyle, Tena McNaughton,
Iota MacGregor, Harry Caldwell,
'larenre MacLean, Annie McNaugh-
en, Margaret McDonald, Etta Bell,
)uncap Cooper. The hest spellers in
he monthly spelling tests were: Sr.
V. --Rose MacLean; Sr. III, -Harry
II Sr II. -Etta B to
t Bell.
empe•titions. as announced last
tenth, c'loeed on April 2nd. In the
ell's Dress rnmpetit.ien there were
fur entries. The work was -all well
nil neatly done. The judge, Mrs.
ugh MacGregor, gayer her decisions
s follows: First, Annie Aikenhead;
(Tom', Margaret Elgie; third,'Mona
acGre,;or; fourth, Grace Cooper. In
hr Bird 1 -louse competition for the
nye, there were some extremely well -
tanned exhibits. The judge, Mr. T.
Forsyth, had little trouble in
warding Emerson Kyle first place
mong the competitors; Lance Norris
as second, Harry Caldwell third,
chert MacGregor fourth, and,Willie
ell fifth. Willie Bell's model was
o late in entering ti place itslrpaker
nong the prize captors, bdk: had
e model been entered a day ser so
rlier it would have, undou edly,
en much nearer the fore n it
pears in the official list.-- ikliam
rong, Teacher,
Nates. -Mr, J, Detweiler, formerly
our village, but now of Kitehener,
writing to friends here, reports
at allthings
are v flat at i
Y a that
y, as the big boor' seems to have
ilen out of all,1igr}m�s of busined r A
tuber of the faetories are *tied,
File others are running onlq'?,"part
me, and a great many men a'i�- . ont
employment.• Mr. Detweilerelsays
at ever e amt going of to the 1
g city all
e money has been going out„ and
ne coming in, so he has decided to
into business again and last week
ed a coal puniness and is now
it ii
ehas� n
ma f'
i1 wish' • him every suet :e: in
enterprise: Mr. n er
The Expdsitou'a Weekly •1'”, ,t
n news •keeps him in h
witty the I doih'ga in his fo ei er
Npitti,�gtfd.;surronnding dietriet,
and Mrs, Robert Brownlee and t •fitly
left,on Thursday, evening last for heir
AP1r-ii 1,0thk :wl4ciA Was ,,ver ,l largely
Attended, . the remains tieing laid to,
much '"'gyp Oregon, :°`They 2avilt'Igi tar' sietetn; Who lying in Tion
among the friends. and 'don and together with her husbafld
neighbors there, who have known Abe jwe a at ,jxer. fo 111 .days
80 long and especially wit they b ` an' ' doTlfg" 1l icy i'd� ly dd'ul to
missed 1branches inb a teles of church, allu h d 1
re i
Vher -
$ e Suffering Ptui
e,rl h was eery
g h
Sund '
school work,in soli
Y ooch both great. The ren'o&lne ipere ,brought to
took a very active part, but they take the bonne here on Saturday 'evening
with them the best wishes of the last' and the£ fupp,eral was , held on the
community for every auecess in their following !itonday to, the Hetisail
now home. Mrs. Brownlee was ac- Union Cemetery and was one of the
rumpanied by her niece, Miss Emily largest, if not the very largest, ever
lvison, who for two years has filled held from our village, as the deeeaa-
a responsible position in Mr. Brydone's ed was a favorite with all and had
It:w oMon in Clinton. Miss Ivison is proved herself to be such a fine noble
a clever young lady and will do well young woman, in the way of nursing
wherever she groes. -The weatherman her late father through a long and
is receiving a large share of corn- very distressing illness and very
plaints these days owing to the cold shortly after that nursed her late
backward seeding weather. The mother through an equally severe ill -
wt -iter, however, well remembers that Hess. Very ahortly after the death
on the 3rd'ybf May, 1875, he went to of her two parents she received word
a funeral ih a cutter, and the salve of the death of her eldest brother,
year very few farmers were through who was in the States and she at
seeding by the 34th of May. All once made arrangements for the re -
/hinge •considered, perhaps we are mains to be brought' home here for
better dealt with than we deserve,- interment so'•that she' indeed had a
A number from this vicinity attended most sad and trying 1 experienee un -
the funeral of the late George Hunt der all of which she so bravely and
io liensall on Saturday and also on uncomplainingly kept, , up and when
Sunday the funeral of the late John happily married ,a;little over a year
Js,rrott, of F:xct,r. Mr. Jarrett was ago to Mr. Buchanan and going into
a resident of this vicinity in years a beautiful horse, every one wished
gone by and was very highly esteem; I her a long and happy It e. Her pass-
ed. --Mrs, W. H. Johnston, of Exeter, , nag away so soon mode, indeed, her
was visitinng.� among her many Kippen ' death a very sad one, not only to her
friends durj,g the week, who are al- bereaved husband and relatives bat
ways pleased to see her. --We are to the whole community. The floral
sorry to note that Mrs, A. McGregor, tributes were very many and beauti-
highly esteemed old lady, is nut fol and among 'them numbered a
enjoying the health that her many very fine one from. the choir of
friends would wish fur. Mrs. Mc- Cannel Presbyterian church of which
Gregor's sickness is from the effects choir the deceased had been a valued
rnem 'r
be for many years. Mrs. Knapp
and Mrs. Colbert, sisters of the de-
ceased, together with their husbands,
attended the funeral, also Mr, Wm,
Fulton, of Detroit, dee only brother.
The infant son will be, cared for by
Mr. Buchuna's mother and sister here,
Bias.- -On Sunday evening last a
large nuneber of + the Oddfellows of
Hensall Lodge attended anniversary
'divine service at, Exeter and Bruce-
tield, the service at Exeter being held
in the Main Street Methodist church,
and in Hrucefield in the Union Pres-
byterian chur'c'h. -Mr. Robert J. Pat-
erson is preparing to erect tt tine
verandah :wound his dwelling, taking
down the one he had and making the
nt w' one much larger and better. -
M r N.11,,, 1'eck also intends adding
a rime verandah to his neat dwelling
while Mr. John Keys has a very fine
one under , construction, so that all
three e e .
t latlhnr'
s will be
much beauti-
f, at ti
fied h
these improvements. rovcm,n
Y ts. Ile
Je e
ms Bell 11 is spending
a few
weeks herr with his mother and rela-
tives. --Mr, John McKenzie has sold
one. of his vacant lots to Mr. George
Broe•k.--Mrs. Robert Y. McLaren re.
ceived word this week of the second
stroke sustained by her father, Mr.
Malcolm McEwere-Miss Dora Sher-
ritt is xt present engaged as trained
nurse !car Cromarty. -Mrs, George
McIntyre, of Detroit, returned with
her mother, Mrs. Tas. Sparks, who
was visiting here during the winter
months.-- Mr, Thomas Sharp has sold
his fine dwelling on King Street on
the west side of the village to Mr.
U, W. Foss—Mr, T. W. Parlmer,
whir has carried on business for near-
ly a life time in Hensall as grocer
with restaurant and ice cream parlor
and who has done a fine business, has
soki out tb`a Mr. 'ponaldson, :of Tees -
water, who is to take possession about
the middle of this month. Flensall
will lose a good business mart in the
line of trade carried• on by Mr.
Parlmer as he always kept a good
up -t:, -date stock. ---Mr, Rands :Anil sis-
ter have moved into Mrs. Bullards
dwelling on King street --At the large
fire of Mr. T. Murdock's livery prem-
ises, together with adjoining shops
ecimpied by Mr. Geo. Brock and Mr,
(,lin S. Hudson, many of our citizens
did splendid work on the hand pump
which is a great strain wh n con-
tinued long and we feel that many a
man who deserves special mention is
rot just known to your correspondent.
---Mr. F. G. Carr, who has been run-
ning els courier on R. R. No. 2, has
gone to Landon, -Mr, T. Murdock had
ct,rried on a large livery business
from the very starting of Hernial'
more than 40 years ago, and bad one
of the largest outfits to be found in
any village and was very enterpris-
ing and popular and very mach regret
is generally felt for his loss by fere.
The many friends of all these busi-
ness men will be glad to see them
soon re-established in business here,
-William Hunt and Mr's. Johnston,
of St. Louis, and Harry B. Hunt, of
Alberta, were here last week attend-
ing the funeral of their brother. --
Mrs. James F. Sparks, who has been
visiting her daughter, Mrs. McIntyre,
for a few months, has returned for
the summer months. -Mrs, M. ,E.
Pope, of London, is spending a fev�
days visiting friends in Hensall end
vicinity, -Next Sunday in the Meths
odist church Rev, G. M. Rivers will
take for his subject, morning, "The
Touchtsone of Fact," evening, "God
and Mother," A choir of mothers
will have charge of the musical ser-
vice in the evening. -The play en-
titled, "The Country School . Mum,"
given by a number of the young peo-
ple of the Methodist church, Chisel-
hurst, and which was 'given to a
crowded house Tuesday night at
Chiselhurat, will be given in the
town hall, Hensel!, Saturday evening,
May 7th, and as we understand this
is a splendid production and half of
the proceeds go towards the Mem-
orial Fund, it should draw a crowd-
ed house,-Ex_ete}• digtrict W. M. 3.
convention iii 'being ih4td at Crediton
on Wednesday, May 11. Quite a num-
I'It3nsall are'
+planning, to at-
tend.: ev, Mr. Car -slate, of Grand
Bend, ;'Will take chat e'faf the services I;
in Carmel church, next Sunday.
Special musIE'ibiil be rendered in the
evening by t choir'at the memorial
to isd It kl
e for the Mrs.
Wm. Bu has
c ane --The ladies of the
W. M. S, 'Cannel church entertained
the sister societies of -the .ether
churches in the , basement of the
church on Wednesday afternoon of
this week. k Ap splendid p In ; e
was give aqd,: jets
'shlwed`dtnd they a reported
tline—Ahniver , service
held in mel' F onlatty 15
witigFan Yie II�i`r .tic f
rendered b
• 711
of a b e arid
cold as
a she is nut • u
young as In docs run •
y b e b her trouble
g y,
is not so easily shaken off, but her
IiIlaly friends hope for an improve-
n,oet 5008-5)iss Jennie McLean has
returned from !t tw•u weeks' visit
with 'Toronto friends, and reports
newer having enjoyed a visit »o
much -Mother's Day will be observ-
ed in our vill:tgt• clmrches o❑ Sunday
next. These services are always look-
ed forward to with much interest and
profit, not only by the sons and
,ieughters, who are blessed with moth -
i re, but by "old and young alike so
That good serwicos told large attend-
:rturs are Looked for en Sunday. -Mr.
.loon McKay, of Saginaw, ,vas visit -
:,ie here Last week with his daughter,
k s brother' �t'1!II:un, and his slstars,
the Misses McKay and Mrs. Gordon
of our village. 715. Will. Anderson
was visiting with his old friends, Mr,
end J rs
M B.Phillips, S. in Exeter,
1 ,
this week.
M r+. George Hrook. hew placed the sale of
r lane dweliin• pr•,perey nn yu.'en Street
Ir. the hanela•.of she ,nulenit-ne,l, and i',w,va•
ran be gl. en u, nit purraaer. The
purchaser cats . •urs either two ur - four of
the fine tote whi,'h eon, p r,.e thin property.
Apply to G. J. 'util.-ran,d ',t 11,1:m11 P,mt
(Mee, 27ss-tf
Serious Fire, -- On 'Tuesday night
legit pur villagers were startled by the
alarm of "fire" and the ringing of
bells and the sounds of the siren
whistle and it was Aneln discovered
that the large livery premises of Mr.
T. Murdock were in flames. The fire
was first discovered corning from the
part of the premises tented to Mr,
George Brock for a blacksmith shop
and quickly- spread to the adjoining
shop of Mr. Colin Hudson, who car-
ries on sangg�carriages, implements,
etc., and tlhn leaped to the livery
rant of Mr:tMurdock'.s premises, As
those buildings, all owned by Mr.
Murdock, cover nearly if not quite
one' -half block on Wellington street
opposite the railway station, and .are
till large frame. structures, it can
readily be imagined the scat of flame;
caused and it looked at one tire, as if
it would be utterly impossible to cope
with the flumes or save the adjoin-
ing buildings and particularly so Mr
Murdoc•k's large brick two-story
dwelling. liut our hand engine bri-
gade did nehle work backed by our
citizens generally, who rushed with
rails of water and did splendid ser-
vice in protecting the roofs of the
nearest buildings and it almost seem-
ed a mirne'e„that the fine dwelling of
Mr, Murdock was saved, as it almost
adjoined the large livery barns, only
separated by a few feet, and too
much credit cannot be given to Mr.
Whitesides, Mtr, Bates, Mr. George
Brock, Mr. Pickett, Mr. A. McEwen,
Dave Cornett and others for the
heroic struggle they made against
the flames which almost engulped
thein in their brave fight. Mr. Owen
Geiger also worked hard and to good
advantage. Tile fire was first seen
about half -past ten o'clock and about
12 o'clock the fire was in complete
control and much credit is also due
to Mr. Edgar McQueen and Mr, W.
Vanhom for the manner in which
they rushed tanks of water to the
scene. The fire was so intense and
so large that the reflection was seen
for many utiles and' crowds rushed
to the village by auto from the whole
country side and neighboring towns
and villages end the crowd resembled
that of a large'fair. Fortunately Mr.
Murdock with -the help of the crowd
assembled, gdt all his horses out. and
the greater part of his rigs but still
lost a good deal in the way of his
large out2i), but his loss will be partly
covered by insurance. In the ease of
Mr, C,olins, 3: Hudson and Mr, Geo,
Brock, who rented from Mr. Mur-
dock, we regret to state that they had
no insurance, as the rate was very
high on such class of property and
very much sympathy is felt for them
as their loss will be quite large. Had
the wind, heed very high and from a
different direction front which it was.
it is hard to say where the fire would
have been checked and our villagers
as a whole have much r
to feel
thankful that*the fire did not' spread.
Death of 5yrs: Wan; 'Bbehanan,---
We regret very much this week to'
have to chronicle the' death of Mrs,
William Buchanan, Jr., nee Miss Ethel
Fulton, which occurred in the hospital
at London nd n o
toSaturdaymorning of
'last week, leaving an infant son of a
couple of weeks. Mrs. Buchanan had
not been in very good health for
some time previoas to going to the
hospital a couple of months ago, bat
looked so well 'that neither herself, or
friends could realize that AS tbas'itt
as poor health.as site really was, ;and
del'tpite the very beat'rmedical skill and
trained nursing :elle Continued to 1de.,
dline until she passed away on $s�
day last,,, Theq shock was !cry, dt
to her dewed husband•; ,welt §lit
ia-Lf 1_-�
4 Bars, 33 inches high, 9 stays 85e per rod
5 Bars, 40 inches high, 9 stays 95c per rod
6 Bars, 30 inches high, 9 stays 4654c per rod
6 Bars, 40 inches high, 9 stays 50c per rod
7 Bars, 40 inches high, 9 stays 66e per rod
7 Bars, 48 inches high, 9 stays 5840c per rod
8 Bars, 42 inches high, 9 stays 61%c per rod
8 Bars, 42 inches high, 12 stays 65%c per rod
8 Bars, 47 inches high, 12 stays 68e per rod
8 Bars, 47 inches high, 9 stays 62c per rod
9 Bart, 60 inches high, 9 stays 70c per rod
9 Bars, 50 inches high, 12 stays 75%fic per rod
9 Bars, 36 inches high, 12 stays 73c per rod
9 Bars, 48 inches high, 12 stays 75r%c per rod
10 Bars, 50 inches high, 12 stays 82c per rod
10 Bars, 48 inches high, 16 stays 92c per rod
These prices are 'for stock on hand only. We also have
Barbed Wire, Brace Wire, Coiled Wire. and Staples.
H. EDGE - - - - Seaforth
311M11170111----11=1110 MILEIMOIRCINICIMI-Et
Always Buy Your Shoes
For years your Father has been a steady pat-
ron of Scott's Shoe Store!
I have bought my Shoes there, I have bought
Shoes there for your Mother, Brothers and Sister*.
I have found that I get there the Best of Shoe sat-
isfaction in every way!
Scott's Shoes look well, wear well and are correct,
ly fitted to your Feet byeople that know how! Re-
member, My Boy, that later in life, wheneverY ou
want- Shoes oes f
or ,yourself or for anyone else always
go to
Hone of Good Shod ”
-Funks, SuitcasQs &C1
ub a
1 M,+: ,. ply,•• ,,{-. ' :, r
It 10.,,1, ••,42.-‘
F�1 f F'tip'l1 (1.;w
%t l; .144)a,ttf
rsat•74, 1� 1 : 4eI tr,
i iT,.1.Of
r t;T.I ,+ �^ 'pi erA, t 'it:u r, , rt:tir•r
lir '�.r.• ,
Ch I° .(I
Low Cut
�, Footwear
The Woman who w uld like a pair of Oxfords, Ties or Slippers
just a little newer in Style and just a little Better,. can find them
here. Our showing of Choice low-cut Footwear is well worth any
Woman's' while coming to see. Here are the popular one and two
eyelet Ties in Black Kid, Brown Kid ,and Patent Leathers --Choice
Oxfords In Black Kid, Brown Kid, Brown Calf -and Patent Leathers -
the New Slippers with cross straps and double ankle straps and the
serviceable Brown Brogue Oxfords with medium or low heels and
wing tips. We invite every Woman who is intertbted in Choice
Footwear to corse to see our display. Our prices are very Reasonable
Ladies' Fine Black Kid Oxfords with Cuban or low heels, flexible
soles, per pair $4.50 and $5.00
Ladies' Black Kid One -eyelet Ties with long vamps, plain toe and
Cuban keels, per pair $6.00 to 27.00
Ladies' Fine Brown one -eyelet Ties with plain toe, long vampe
and Cuban heels. Per pair $740
Ladies' Patent Leather one -eyelet Ties, a high grade quality with
plain toe, long vamps and Louis heels. Pr pair 57.50
Ladies' Black Kid Slippers, the new cross strap style with Cuban
heels, Per pair 55.00
Ladies' Black Kid Slippers with double ankle straps, long vamps
and Cuban or Lotiis heels, Per pair 57,50
Growing Girls' Brown Brogue Oxfords with wing tips and medium
or low heels. Per pair 55.00 and $6.00
Waragei G. M"....4704664
00 . ' ' OEs, •'..
ia-Lf 1_-�
4 Bars, 33 inches high, 9 stays 85e per rod
5 Bars, 40 inches high, 9 stays 95c per rod
6 Bars, 30 inches high, 9 stays 4654c per rod
6 Bars, 40 inches high, 9 stays 50c per rod
7 Bars, 40 inches high, 9 stays 66e per rod
7 Bars, 48 inches high, 9 stays 5840c per rod
8 Bars, 42 inches high, 9 stays 61%c per rod
8 Bars, 42 inches high, 12 stays 65%c per rod
8 Bars, 47 inches high, 12 stays 68e per rod
8 Bars, 47 inches high, 9 stays 62c per rod
9 Bart, 60 inches high, 9 stays 70c per rod
9 Bars, 50 inches high, 12 stays 75%fic per rod
9 Bars, 36 inches high, 12 stays 73c per rod
9 Bars, 48 inches high, 12 stays 75r%c per rod
10 Bars, 50 inches high, 12 stays 82c per rod
10 Bars, 48 inches high, 16 stays 92c per rod
These prices are 'for stock on hand only. We also have
Barbed Wire, Brace Wire, Coiled Wire. and Staples.
H. EDGE - - - - Seaforth
311M11170111----11=1110 MILEIMOIRCINICIMI-Et
Always Buy Your Shoes
For years your Father has been a steady pat-
ron of Scott's Shoe Store!
I have bought my Shoes there, I have bought
Shoes there for your Mother, Brothers and Sister*.
I have found that I get there the Best of Shoe sat-
isfaction in every way!
Scott's Shoes look well, wear well and are correct,
ly fitted to your Feet byeople that know how! Re-
member, My Boy, that later in life, wheneverY ou
want- Shoes oes f
or ,yourself or for anyone else always
go to
Hone of Good Shod ”
-Funks, SuitcasQs &C1
ub a
1 M,+: ,. ply,•• ,,{-. ' :, r
It 10.,,1, ••,42.-‘
F�1 f F'tip'l1 (1.;w
%t l; .144)a,ttf
rsat•74, 1� 1 : 4eI tr,
i iT,.1.Of
r t;T.I ,+ �^ 'pi erA, t 'it:u r, , rt:tir•r
lir '�.r.• ,