HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1921-04-29, Page 8,l. TILE uuRoN F'. POS+.,�QR' side' ospittd, Lewis' Gurwitz, 1330 • - Higtb vee, driving OM ear, pals in- jured about tie ,head and body, but R•I DISTC'I' I11A1TERS Hospital to -day. Ms. iElzabeth G will recover', it was said at Latest e s•C. Murphy, wife of Lawrence Murphy, received a probables fracture of the shoulder and miner injuries. Shu. will reetsver. Miss Sylvia R. Bei man, 305 19th Ave., was cut and and bruised. Alias Anna Hurwitz, 308 19th Ave.,was cut above the left eye and un the body. MISS Genevieve Hurwitz, 305 19th Ave., suffered cuts and bruises. The four women were suffering from ehock and unable to talk of the accident, but it -t a ll Papers Clyde are -Well selected in a full range of 41eslgel9 and colors that conform with . %odd= decoration of rho hume. Because we buy in large quantities direct from manufacturers, our cus- tomers derive the benefitof GOOD GOODS • AT REASONABLE PRICES Satisfaction in Decorating Guaranteed Graves' Horse 'archased,- Mr. Dom- inick Reynolds, of this town, has pur- chased the well laze/an Clydesdale stallion, Col. Graham, from hair. T. J. Berry, of H,ensall, and will use him in this district this summer. This horse has proven himself one of the best sires ever imported or bred ill thic county and will prove a boon to the horse breeders of the district and a money maker for his new I was %aid at Virginia Masai ' Hospi owner.it they were in 00 danger. Mrs, Mur- phy has nut been told of her bus- t). T. R. Time Changes.. -Two im- hand's death. Mrs. Ted Smith, of portant changes have Innen made in the G. 1'. R. time table on this line . which will go into effect on May 1st. WALL PAPER STORE The morn}tif train east will be five minutes earlier, arriving here at 6,46 Wia4ow Shades, Curtain Rods, Paints and will go through to Toronto with- out chance, arriving there at 10.16 a.m. Tlw night train will leave To- ronto at 6.10 • p.m. and go through to Goderich without ..hinge, arriving in Seaforth at 9.45 p.m. 'slid Savings Compltrny•efnce196 and Choi Wall Paper a direatoa1.: of the{ Canada f rust Com= {usuy. He has alio, taken au active When Yea °pzyper your ,t>rome, see Interest in politics.., Mr,. Cowan lea that the' niitalls are covered by .being.eongt+atulated on 'his re-election 'bright, cheerful WALL PAPER, as a Bencher." the ht'nd'wbich brings joy to Your Local Briefs. --Rev. S. A. Carriere, Imine. When your. friends, visit ( of Grand Bend, was chosen moderator you, don't' let the occasion be of the Presbyterian Synod of London scarred ky dull rooms. , and Hamilton at the opening session Mato The Home Walls Smile" of the Synod in Chatham on Monday. -A public meeting of the pupils and ii ex-pupila of the Seaforth Collegiate -IInatitute, who are interested in the Scholarship a n d War Memorial Honolulu, visiting her mother, rs. Murphy, was thrown from the ma- chine but escaped with slight bruises. The Hurwitz sisters are nieces of l.uw•is I.. Hurwitz and sisters of Abe Hurwitz, associate editors of thshock, Star. Mrs. Smith, prostrated byh unable to tell hew the accident oc- curred. The party was returning to Seattle when Hurwitz apparently lost control of the car, which zig-zagging slung the read an en over Thompson's1 IW1111111610r awnowiesailleneseinillkosogninsiwomir.. J BOOKSTORE - . SEAFORTH i Funds, will be herd in the . Carnegie • !Library Hall, on Tuesday evening next, May 3rd, at 8 o'clock. A large attendance is earnestly requested.- Kitc Kitchen Needs i Messrs Garnet Chuvpman, Harvey Burrows, Russel and Harveyy Bristow, t of the Ontario Dental College, To- , mato, are home for the holidays.-, Mrs. George Murdie has returned to her home on Goderich street after ' spending the winter with frienda in ' I Mitchell. -•Mrs, J. C. Greig, treasurer of the Moron Preabyterial, is in Peter- boro this week attending the annual meeting of the Provincial Society of the W. M. S. of the Presbyterian This Store offers a wide range in "Kitchen Needs," Old English Granitewaire is becoming a popu- lar line with every householder. We not only want to sell you goods bat we wagt to satisfy you in your own estimation. BEA 1. ANll SAVE d th turned ,church. -Messrs. Janes Gillespie and sive ceremony took place at the Bank 1111 e„t idea %hat ca BEATTIE . McKay, of Toronto, is visiting at the said. "Mrs. Murphy, .,f le num•m•e, of which r- - Ni„ Bernla❑ and Miss'Hurwitz. were Mnllun is manager, on Friday :+fter- --at-- Bank 'Tablet l'nheiled.-An impres. Ir. the ditch. "1 have not the ahg it- • used the accident," CLEANING- Mr, sinful 5 BROS t' t M J G I d TIME Howard Kerr, of Toronto University, 1 are home for the holidays. --Mr. Hugh noon at 4.30, wi1=1) the handsaw. bronze meulul'ial tablet donated by the directors of the banl..bearing the names of the lot -al staff who enlisted Try US for Wallpaper' Win- from Seaforth for military duty ddur- Mr. F sitting in the back seat. We were talking and eating candy and the lir'1 intimation 1 had that anything Wits wrong was when the car turned i ever. We were not driving faster Than 21 miles an hour at tory time.".I ing the war, was unveiled. • Air. Murphy, u former resident of dew Shades, Curtain Rods Dolnistcad presided. Mr. G. Wil- Air. is survived by another resident of and Poles, Paints :11111 Vat- liams, manager of the Goderich t Denver, Mrs. John A. Uevan th, of Den- brandn of the Bank of (l01nolert•e, was tet, and one son, Dex•s e, Murphy, nlallCB. present. The tablet was unveiled by a mail carrier. Ile uporuted a grhy- Mrs. F. Hulmstead, president of tla• , ,y, oil the L. le Aerate address. Red (Cross Society. The names tt1H)0 tic rn t t• coming to Seattle he three far the tablet are Gunner J. McMillan, 20 year~ secretary of .the Was Second Lieut. 1.. B. Siften, Guiltier [Nivel Cemetery Association . t1 in Den - J. StcvensiM, M.M., and Ser•f.;t. 'W. tt i „ Leslie Watson. _ SCOTT'S WALL PAPER STORE Phone 62. JOHN HOOPER. ' Epwurlh League. - The :uutual For sale. one nearly new Ue Laud creta') meeting of the Epworth league was .a .ere No. 1) Apply to The 011',.''' held on 'Tuesday everting, ('apt. Ed- wards presiding. A report was given by, each officer of the year's work in his or her particular department, and all reports showed a very satisfactory W. H. ELLIOTT year's work. The following were the Phone 89. officers elected for the costing year: Honorary President, Rev.Capt. Ed - When Your Guests wards; President, RossSavauge; 1st Vice President, Arnold R esteutt; 2nd ,. • Bextrict Su gather 'round the festive board, don't tee President, Miss t , Pace ' est M1 s tlllC 'rd Viee P resid • 3 bya • iced t let the occasion be the 4th Vice President, Oliver Elltot , covered rash -see that the walls are Secretary, Miss Grftt+ Dennison; covered with bright cheerful WALL PAPER the kind which brings added joy the festivities. Corresponding Secretary, Miss Sara- hel Daley; Treasurer, Mrs. Alex. Mc - Gavin; Missionary Treasurer. Miss Waunkel; pianist, Miss Ruby Bristow; to assistant pianist, Miss Gladys Mc- Phee. We have the Papers and will be Annual Meeting. -'Thi annual meet - gland to show them to yon. ing of the teachers and officers of the See them To -day. . ; Methodist Sunday School was held in the Sunday school room on Wed- HOOPF.R & ELLIOTT nesday evening April 27th. Tho meeting opened with Capt. Edwards Painters" and Decorators I in the chair. The report of the MAIN STREET - - SEAFORTH Philathea Ladies' Class was read, al- so report of the year's work by the "Make the Home Walls Smile" superintendent, and the treasurer's report. All reports gave a very fine showing for the work of the past year. the treasurer's report showing a substantial increase in finances. F'ollow'ing were the officers elected for the coming year: Superintendent, Mr. F. S. Savauge; assistants, Mr. Porteous and Mr. Hartry; Secretary, Frank Cudmore; assistant, Arnold Westcott; Treasurer, Ross Savauge; Missionary Treasurer, Farl Webster; Paper Steward, Mr. W. .1. Williams; cradle roll superintendent, Mrs. Wil- liams; cradle roll secretary. Miss Daley; flower committee, Miss Mel- ville and Miss Beatrice Seip; pianist, Miss Ruby Bristow; assistant. Miss May McClinchey. The entire staff of teachers was re-elected. J '. QALY Jeweler a n d Optician. Issuer Marriage Licenses SEAFORTH - ONT. EST B ONTARIO'S WESTERN COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Stratford, Ontario Our winter term commences Tuesday, Jan. 4th, and students may register in our Commer- cial, Shorthand or Telegraphy Departments at any time. Our courses are thorough and prac- tical, and we assist graduates to positions. Get our free catalogue. D. A. MCLACIILAN Princi pal. Our Phonographs and Pianos win the hearts of the people. If your home lacks either, or both, don't al- low it to exist any longer. Keep the right spirit in your home with,, good music. And don't forget I can sup- ply you with the goods. I will save you from $15.00 to $50 on Phonographs of moat any make, and $60 to $150 on Pianos, and you can't afford to buy till you dee me all li.;.pomparethem with others. Take Out all .I :have all my goods at faxen miles West of See- fir' d lea east. of • Clinton. $: =GOAL Phone 8-410 THIS WEEK: Mlwttlgg Machine, drop load, Esib prlca' $110.04. "The Fair." home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I.James McKay, in F1gmondville.- Phone 128. ' Special services will be held iu the __ ,,4 --._.__-.__- Salvation Army Hall en Saturday evening and Sunday, Which will be June 14--'('litvton at Seaforth. ,I conducted by Major and Mrs. Byers, lune 14-----KItthern at Dublin. of Stratford Mr. George Stewart June 17-Tuckerantith at Clinton. left on Friday for, London, where he June 17-Einhurn at Seaforth. I.has taken a position with the G.T.R. Referees. I -Miss Ethel Grieve, of Toronto, is Win, Carter, La,ndesbo,.°• visiting at the home of her father, Birt Potter, Clinton, Dr. Grieve, Goderich street. -Mr. and J. A. Sutter, Clinton. M;s. Williams, of Goderich, were the C. P. Sills, Seaforth. guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Mullen 1. 13.'Miutt:ud, Brucefield. on Friday last. -The annual Grey, Alex. Darling, Dublin, hound excursion from Goderich to William Stapleton, Dublin. Detroit will be held this year from ' Goderich on Tuesday, June.l4th, and returning will leave Detroit on Fri-; Elected Law Bencher,- The Sarnia day, June 17th. -Mr. and Mrs. Blan- I Observer of April 2lst, gives an ac - chard and Miss Wightman, who have ' uinr.-. roruar,a cemrnr.-p rarlo,.d or rrtaent m count of a distinctive honor conferrty I been visiting friends in the east for d t,.," ,,.,,.k. K,11dlr 1„auk v„ur want ,a upon Jahn Cowan, of that city, some months, returned to their home C1.0. A Sins, Hardware Merchant. by the Law Society of Upper Can- in Nelson, B. C., on Tuesday.-Mrs.l „ 'Saturday night; then con I 1. din Mi. C"w''l is an old McKillop J M.gest returned to her home on shoe...on,itad p.m. to the aeoo50 buy and a brother of Mr. James Saturday from the London hospital, n , use Strand at h„..iiia of Mot y Pickford is Suds, and go Cowan, of this town. The Observer where she underwent tin operation.- .,,I,,,K. 27135x1 •ass: "John Cowan, K.C. of Sarnia, DiedIn Toronto. --The Globe of Friday last contained the following notice of the death of Mr. Chapman, father of Mr. William Chapman, of Seaforth, which occurred on April 20th; "By the death of William Chapman at his home, 765 Ossington avenue yesterday, in his ninety-sixth year, one of the pioneers of the city has passed away. The late Mr. Chapman was born at Wadebridge, Cornwall, England, a son of Wil- liam Chapman, one of the petty •of- ficers on Nelson's "Victory," at the battle of Trafalgar. After the action deceased's father was decorated for bravery. The late Mr, Chapman carie to Canada sixty-five years ago, settling first at Hamilton. where he was gardener to the late Hon. Isaac Buchanan. Afterwards he took the post of head gardener to Sir Casimir Growski. For more than twenty years after leaving the latter poet Mr. Chapman was employed by the city, having charge of the parks at St. Alban's and Kendall Squares. Sur- viving are two daughters and one son. William E. Chapman, of Seaforth, is the surviving son, and Mrs. E. Dod- son, of Cleveland, Ohio, and Miss M. E. Chapman, the daughters. Mrs. Chapman predeceased her husband by several years. Hrdrmed mr. A carla,ua of nme ill• The Tuekersmith football club are ces ,'le%7117, napex sack. Eaa;er m=t 'who was yesterday re-elected a bench- giving a public dance in the 'Egmond- h,rndle than atone lune c ro C Get your ordrin cr of the Law Society of Upper an- villi public school on Tuesday evening n. -I>, t A sill Hardware Merchant. sea- I ada with a total of 807 votes, is the next. -Mr, Thomas McKenzie, of Gude- al ` rich, spent Sunday at the home of eMr. and Mrs. T. G. Scott. -Mrs. N. of Nicholson and son, Charles,Blyth, spent the week end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Storey. - Miss Julian Kinney, of Dublin, is visiting ; at the honkie of her sister, Mrs. C. Eckart.-We undertsand that Mr. W. Robinson has secured the services of Mr, Ross Still, a first-class barber from Howes' Barber Shop, Windsor. I -Miss Curtis, of Clinton, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hinch- ley this week.-Miiss Margaret Cleary I has returned from a visit with Tor- onto friends.-tMr. and Mrs. Henry Fowler, of London, were week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fowler, Huron Road. -Miss the• Jed t,5t'0einn of McKillop and half n has been'•k Bencher of the Law So - 3r0 Kate Cowan has returned to Toronto. mile emit. and 0111 mile south on side road -Mrs. T. G.Scott met with rather a between twit.. 13 and 10, 0.' Wednesday, April viety -since ,1911,. In addition to 27th, an it n w•himetree. Finder pleass leave carrying 05 an extensive private legal t serious accident at her home on Fri - word at Tne Expositor Office. 27s5xt practice in this city and district, Mr. day last when she fell down the cellar Cowan is 'also solicitor for 'the city steps, inflicting a nasty cut on her of Sarnia and Townships of Moore, arm, which required several stitches Dawn, Brooke, Warwick and Bos- to close -Dr. Margaret Calder, of anquet and the villages of Watford Wingh'am, was the guest of Mr. and and Wytoming. He has also been Mrs. James Cowan on Sunday. Mrs. president of the Industrial Mortgage J R. McNabb, of Dungannon, was vis- iting at the home of Mrs. John McNab this week.--tMr, and Mrs. Manns and son, of Hensel], were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart, on Sunday -Mrs. C. H. Broadfoot left this week for her home in Moose Jaw, -Miss Frances Givlin has accepted a position as teacher in Maidstone. -Mr: and Mrs, W. H. Willis, of Wingham, were week end guests at the home of Mrs. Robt. Willis, Goderich Street. The oil for the streets has arrived and will be put on shortly. This will be good news for many housewives, -Miss Greta Thompson spin with spent the weekend friends in Moncton. -Mr. and Mrs. Sample and two daughters, of De- troit, Mr. R. Webb, of Hamilton, and Mr. J. Thompson, of St. Marys, were here on Saturday attending the funeral of the late Mrs. W. P. Thompson. - Mr. and Mrs, R. C. Henderson, of St Marys, spent a few days this week at the home of Hr. and Mrs, R. H. Mode- land.-Mr. ode- land: Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Patton have returned to their home here after spending the winter with friends in Miehigaa.-Miss Jean Govenlock,_of Goderich, spent the Reek end at her PRINCESS hhe home here. -Mia. J. R. Archibald and Mrs. J. McNay, spent the week end with their mother in Hamilton -'Mr. Thomas Beattie, of McKillop, met with a serious accident while in town on Tuesday afternoon. He was driving down Main Street when his horse be- came frightened at a tractor and threw him out of the buggy. In the fall he sustained several fractured rubs. -Miss Frances Winter has returned from a visit with Toronto friends, - Mrs. Archibald, of Egmondville, had the misfortune to fall in her home one evening last week and fracture her hip. As she -is well up in years the accident is a serious one but many friends hope that she *ill make a good recovery. -Rev. George Telford, of Blyth, will conduct Y. P. S. anni- versary services in Egmondville church on the last Sunday in May. the king of the screen Lloyd ci Harold medians,but from all reports fluster Keaton the coming big orae Ser him in "The ti „w "n'at the Strand thin week 87a5a1 nnoos,.a 1 r ,Sale, Two houses in the village 1,228 heading the polls. Thirty-three "f E;."mrte It. in first clans repair, well situ- auni, :o+tl must be old uy owner has left I benchers were elected until 1926. Mr. town. Apply to William Hills. Dublin, or (`oWa'fl whn is the senior member of to •loth Rankin, Broker, 5caWrth. 271.2-tt the legal firm of Cowan, Towers and Football Dance. A dance under the sus- I C Cowan, first studied law with John sins of the •i'urker.mith Football Club will be held in the Egmondville public school on Idington, K..(1, Stratford, now Mr. Tuesday evermore. Mar sed. dies pr orepro- Justice Idington of the Supreme tine Tickets. Gent ser. Ladiesle++ lr2 e85x' Court of Canada and was called to tide lunch. House for sate. One and halt awry, eight the bar in February, 1879. He pract- nom house a good repair; good cellar, iced in Watford from 1879 to 1883 and ement floor end cistern: hard and soft from that time in Sarnia in partner- inaneis house: Aeon. lighted; good Barden- shipwith Hon. Mr. Lister, 1883-1898. immediate Pa,aau,aion. Apply W kiln. Walt, Cole. 27954f He was'. heated a King's Counsellor Iron wtimetreen Lost.--netween Lot 0 on in 1898 the Earl of Aberdeen and have this honor County ofI. .uubt on to a s, C y conferred up, total of 1,630 , hue. A n ballots were cast and of this number F. W. Harcourt, of Toronto, received Killed in Motor Accident -We men- tioned briefly fast week the death of Mr. Lawrence Murphy, of ' Seattle. which occurred as the result of an auto accident in that city. The fol- lowing particulars are from the Seattle Post Intelligencer, of April 19th. Mr. Murphy was a former well known resident of Seaforth, leaving here •in 1888 for Denver, Colorado, where he resided until 1909, when he moved to Seattle, where he had since been conducting a - grocery business. The funeral was held on Friday of last week and was very largely at- tended, the floral tributes being ex- ceptionally beautiful and included many -unusual set designs. The Post says: "One man vias killed and five other persona were injured when their automdbile `went into the ditch and overturned frit, the Worth Trunk Higb- ee north of Washelli i30 Mock last evening. y, 78 years old, of tie, suffered in - S'ECIAL way-, two flat "Latona 0 from rooM1tic$ be died in a few minutes while being taken to TJa1se- Next week in First National Week at the Strand. Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday -- King Vidors, 'The Jaek Knife Man;" Thorn - day, Friday and Saturday- Marshall Neilan's "00 and Get 11." Ser them and you'll un- derstand why First National Attractions are n.ider"d the world's finest productions. Adult 2)0 Children 15, 871.5x1 Notice. -Mr. Herbert 13oich wishes to in• for the people of Seafurth and surround- ing l country that he Ls open to accept any k;nd of work in the cement line such as erecting foundations, laying floors or side- walk. First claw work guaranteed. Also cemint for sale at reavonahie prices. • Please leave orders at kis residence in Egmondville. H. Bosch. 2785x4 Junior and Intermediate W. F. A. - Representatives from Atwood, Ethel, Listowel and Brussels wibh teams entered in the same groups of the intermediate and junior series of the W. 16. A. met in Brussels on Monday and adopted the schedules for the season. Listowel Club delegates ar- ranged to stage all their junior games to -be played in Listowel first, with the intermediates billed to play their three games abroad first. While the juniors play three games on the road the intermediates will finish by stag- ing their homes games at home in June. The schedule: Junior Series.. May18-Ethel at Brussels. May 20 -Brussels at Atwood. May 26 --Atwood at Listowel. May 31-Fthel at Listowel. .Tune' 7 -Brussels. at Listowel. Jane 15 -Listowel at Brussels. June 20 -Brussels at Ethel. tune 21 -Listowel at Atwood. .lame 24 -Ethel at Atwood. .Tune 27 -Atwood at Brussels. June 30 -Listowel at EtheL Intermediates. May 16 -Brussels at Ethel. May 17 -Listowel fft Atwood. May 23- lAtwood at Brussels. May 27 -Listowel at Ethel. May 30 -Listowel at Brussels. June 1 -Ethel at Atwood. June 3 -Brussels at Listowel. June 6 -Ethel at Brussels. June 10 -Atwood at Listowel. June 13 -Atwood at Ethel. June 16 -Brussels at Atwood. Tune 17 -Ethel at Listowel. -Group Four. -A meeting of the representatives of the W. F. A. Group Four, met in Seaforth on Monday evening, The group consists of Clin- ton, Tuekersmith, Dublin, Kinburn and Seaforth. Mr, Charles Sills, as convener, presided. The Schedule. May 17 -Clinton at Kinburn. May 17-Tuekersmith at Dublin. May 20-Truckersmith at Kinburn. May 20 -Dublin at Seaforth. May 24 ---Clinton at Dublin. May 24-Tuekersmith at Seforth. May 27 -Dublin at Xinbtynf May 27--Seaforth at Clinton. May 20-Seaforth at MAXIM. May 30 -Clinton at Tuckerimtith. June 8-Kinburn at Clinton. June 3 ----(Dublin at Tuckersmlth. June 7-Kinburn at Tuckersmith. Stine 7-Seaforth at Dublin, June 10 -Dublin at Clinton. June 10--Seaforth at' Tuckersmith. PRINCESS NOW PLAYING . CHARLES RAY in THE VILLAGE SLEUTH -A Paramount Picture - Under his humble farm hand's jack- et burned the soul of a 'great detec- tive. Sure as you're a foot high. A Picture with all the charm and heart appeal that have made Charles Ray's country boys so universally liked. And more laughs than the sleuth's dog had fleas. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday ALICE BRADY in A DARK LANTERN Strand - 'rhursday, Friday, Saturday MARY PICKFORD in SUDS From the Charles Frohman Produc- tion "121, O'ME THUMB" A production wonderfully appeal- ing, effective and triumphant in its lovable simplicity, in which Miss Pick - ford's brilliant achievement in char- acterization has proved to be an event in screen history. ALSO SHOWING "BUSTER KEATON" in . "THE SCARECROW" (2 ,reels) For a 'guaranteed care killer bring your 'grouch along and see the sad aced comedian Buster Keaton in SCARECROW" and you will go away with a laugh that lingers. Adults 25c ' 8.15 p.m. Children 15c 2 Shows Saturady Evening at 8 p.m. Saturday Schedule 8.00 p.m. --"KIDS" 9.15 p.m. -"THE SCARECROW" 9.46 P.-'4" - New Strand Designer and Woman's Magazine one whole year for - $L1O' with Quarterly $1.35. The Store to Put salla' Faith in. NQTTCE We " are agents for Designer Patterns with the Belrobe method of Dressmaking The Subject of Home, Furnishing Needs Im- mediate Consideration MANLEY Notes. -The race in the seeding contest between I('jr. John Murray, Mr. Henry Repien and Mr. Peter Eckart, was won by Mr. Repein. He has been noted for being hard to beat. -Mr. Happer has been drilling a well for Mr. W. Duffy and struck an abundance of water. CHISELHURST Notes. -The Select Club of the Sun- day School are putting on in the church Tuesday evening it 8 o'clock, the play entitled "The Young Coun- try School Ma'am." The froceed8 are to go toward the plana fund. This will be the trent of the season. --Miss Ethel Howe, orf Cromarty visited at Mrs. Raney's on Sunday. --Nile Misses Bell and Edna Brintnell visited with Viola and • Maude Miller on Monday. .11N• .•1x•4 4 ••1•' ♦••1e eta•••• .••••• .••••• 1l••••• ROOM RUGS. HEARTH MATS. GRASTEX RUGS AND MATS. LINOL- EUMS. FLOOR OILCLOTH. CURT- AINS. ' CRETONNES. 1 tl.' DRAPERIES, ETC. `' Housecleaning time demands new things for the home, and we are ready to assist persons interested by showing them a very large stock of attractive goods, such as they likely require. It is not too much to say that this year's stock is more interesting than the one of a year ago, inasmuch as it broadens in variety, has a wider scope of pricing, and a better range of colorings. Our stock of Curtain Materials is certainly out of the ordinary, and we offer many values that surprise. (The Home of Good Quality Goods) -----/"."4----/th-r ELECTRICITY will do the cooking far cheaper than any other fuel. Hydro didn't go up during or since the war and it is NOT going up now. The mord you use of the people's power the cheaper it gets. ' 0 0 0 Buy a Hughes Range A Model for Every Home PORTER IS PLENTIFUL Be prepared for the sizzling hot summer weather by installing a HUGHES. Information Free Reid Eros., Seaf oirth R -t 41 it �'i 0,01' ,,w) ,.. +!Wit•, 0'S 4113 ?'�f,',yi'.i i „t•:,ia,}Yd,• aat.ta.r � ., bt.afA''sitl.a;w,v it 4Jtiill l�y�t'fi4'3 � R i k�1, F''Fi • 11